xt7sj38kh91v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38kh91v/data/mets.xml Vermont Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Community Service Programs. National Archives (U.S.) Vermont Historical Records Survey 1941 Emergency Conservation Work--Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 3v.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.17/no.44 books English Montpelier, Vt.: The Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Vermont Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Vermont -- Catalogs United States -- Politics and government -- Archives Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XVII, The Miscellaneous Agencies, No. 44, Vermont, 1941 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XVII, The Miscellaneous Agencies, No. 44, Vermont, 1941 1941 1941 2019 true xt7sj38kh91v section xt7sj38kh91v ,3'. . j g , I 3 fl erNNERSITY OF KENTUCKY V 3 ‘ -. v {'3 ‘ ‘3 ' "V" " u . ' ‘ ‘ ’ ’ HIIIIHHUIIINIIHIHIMlHlllHllUIHHIHWIlllelllHNlWHlll ‘ " i 3“ 3333333“ ‘3“ 3 33" f; ;-‘f‘ 3 DHES SBEHEHE 3 , , I, . - , 3 ‘3 ' ‘ x‘irww I 5 ' INVENTORY OF [‘3 ' 3 1 FEDERAL ARCHIVES 4 , ,4,” f I IN THE STATES E; “ " 1:5 2/ ‘ , {f , SERIES XVII '3 ,’ f ' y . IIISCELLIEJEOUS AGENCIES ; .4. NO. 44 i ‘ I VEPJEONT ‘ 3 ' Volume 2 I‘JATIOI'JAL ERCHIVES PROJECT , WORK PROJECTS ADI‘viINISTFE-‘ITION . _ ~éJ‘E’ERNWJEEVF PUBLECATfiOflé ‘ ' UNIVERSE??? (3F KENTUCKY ' HERMES: . .3 ’ _ 3 / :3 E . . e INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES , ‘ We i Prepared by i . J r I The Survey of Federal Archives L"L_rwwM/f ' Division of Community Servioe Programs Work Projects Administration ' The National Archives . - ’ Cooperating Sponsor 5 ! ’ 1 V SERIES XVII. MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES 1 ' NO. 44. VERMONT ‘ Volume 2 of 3 Volumes Montpelier, Vermont The Historical Records Survey \ V 1941 "4"“ PART 1 . T1113 ELERGE NCY C 01183 RVAT I ON WORK (Continued) ‘ 154 1115: AIME: lCYfiUiéfl/ANLEI: . mvflW“nu—w-(CdntinuedSiggmm ~“R .SEELDIETPICE. 0 my as: newsstands. FLOOD CCNTRLL PROJECTS IN VERhONT Following emergency legislation in the summer of 1955 for a system of public works and creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps to alleviate unemployment, construction of flood control works was authorized in the Winooski River Basin, Vermont, under the technical supervision of the Corps , of Engineers, U. S. Army, in cooperation vdth the State of Vermont. The Winooski River has its source in the northeastern part of Vermont, flowing westerly a distance of about 90 miles, and emptying into Lake ~ Champlain about 4 miles north of the city of Burlington, Vermont. The river and its seven tributaries have a combined drainage area of 1,080 square miles, about 12% of the total area of Vermont. Three of the largest cities in the State, Burlington, Barre, and Montpelier, are within the watershed. Actual construction ves performed by the Sixth District, CCC organized June 22, 1935 with headquarters at Montpelier, Vermont, while the engineer- ing and supervision were performed by the Corps of Engineers, United States Army. In View of the exacting type of work to be done, only world Vhr Veterans' CCC companies were assigned to the Montpelier—Barre area, so that the Sixth District was unique both in the magnitude of its task and in the personnel engaged. Twenty—nine companies, each with a strength of two hundred veterans, recruited from Maine to Virginia, were sent into the dis- trict, and commanded by officers of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, both regular and reserve. Initiation of the work received impetus from the devastating flood of November 1927, which swept over New England leaving destruction in its wake throughout the Winooski River Valley. The rains of November 5d and 4th exceeded all previous records for Vermont. In Montpelier and Waterbury the river rose to 10 and 11 feet above the street levels in those sections adjacent to the river. Property damage was estimated at $15,500,000 and 55 lives were lost in this area. Approximately 25 square miles of the Winooski Valley were flooded in the catastrophe. Three earthen retention dams were constructed, one at East Barre, one at wrightsville, and another at waterbury. Construction work ves commenced on the East Barre dam in July 1955, soon after the establishment of the CCC camp close to the dam site. The dam is 1,200 feet long with a spill— Way 100 feet wide. Work was completed November 15, 1955. Operations were 2 commenced on the wrightsville Dam in August 1953. In clearing the site, houses had to be removed, new roads built, old roads relocated, a stream diverted, trees felled, and rock excavated. The dam extends across the 1 Valley 1500 feet, and 90 feet above the old bed of the river. Maximum yidth at the base is 750 feet. This dam was completed on October 29, ’ 935. The Naterbury Dam is much‘larger than the other two structures. Work was started in April 1935 with a small force. As the East Barre and wrights~ ’ ville dams neared completion some of the men were transferred to the water- Civilian ConserVation Corps, Waterbury 155 bury project, bringinf the total ccnplement to about 2,5OC men. The entankm ment is over 2,000 feet long and 153 feet high, havinf a maximum base ridth of nearly 1,000 feet. The spillway section has an overall lcnfth of 25L feet, and consists of a concrete overflow section and twin rower—driven tainter gates, each 20 feet wide and 26% feet hijh. Power shovels, drag lines, trucks, tractors, and airucompressors used on the work were operated by veteran 000 personnel. The dam res completed and officially turned over to the State of Vermont at dedication ceremonies on October 19th, 1958. The construction of a new concrete dam at hontpelier and removal of the old timber dam "ere completed on October 16th, 1994, while channel work was finally completed in the spring of 1958. The first severe test and demonstration of the value of these flood con« trol works occured in March 1956 then the East Barre and Prifihtsville Dams had just been completed. The severe winter of 1955—36 produced a heavy deposit of snow, which, followed by unseasonably warm sprinfi weather, pro— duced the greatest flow in the Winooski River and its tributaries since 1927, and without these flood control works would have produced flood stages and devastation comparable With those of 1927. The reservoirs, however, functioned as planned with satisfactory results. Again in Septenber 1958 when a hurricane and heavy rains lashed the New England area, the'Winoosti River at haterbury rose to vithin 5 inches of the height attained in 1956 with but slight resultant damage. The savings thus effected and the security afforded to the inhabitants of the valley against loss of life more than repays the cost of construc— tion of these dams and their appurtenances. The veterans' contingent of the Civilian Conservation Corrs played a major roll in all this work. Except for the operation of certain machines, it performed all of the work. ' TELLY CCC SIXTH DISTRICT HZiDQUAPTSES CANP CHARLES E, SVITH, STATIOE 11064, TATELDULY DAM PROJECT 4 mi. NE. of waterbury Camp Charles M. Smith was the headquarters of the CCC Sixth District at the time of the survey in 1956-37, and had custody of all district records sur— veyed. All records were filed in accordance with the War Deoartment Corres- readsagsjiils- ”MM-” ..-_-__.--.-.. Headquarters units were not organized. Administration Building 1078. CIRCULAES AKD SPECIAL ORDERS, Jan. 1, 1933 to date. Instructions ; relating to office overhead, inspection of buildings, daily routine, trans— fers, discharges, pneumonia prophylaxis, special duty, appointments, prop- ? erty accounting, supplies, improvements, examination of bonds, and lost ' time accidents. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 1 folders, 4 ft. 4 in., in 2 drawers of wooden filing cases and in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (290, 291, 249) 1079. GENERAL FILE, Apr. 1, 1935 to date. Records of 000 enrollees and civilian employees, purchases, and expenditures; also pay rolls, ' progress reports, employment applications, and general correspondence. Civilian Conservation Corps, waterburv 136 Filed alphabetically and chronologically. (Older records, occasionally; current records, daily, official.) 10 X 15 folders, 10 ft. 10 in., in 5 dravers of steel filing cases and in drawer of wooden filinj case. lst floor and SL. ro m. (1791, 1542) 1080. VCUCH LS, UEDIT, June 1, 1933 « Dec. 51, 1955. Listing voucher number, date received, names of consignor and consignee, location, contract number, shipping roint, articles received, number of packages, quantity, stock number, and unit and total costs. Filed chronologically. (Parely, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 2 ft., in pasteboard box. lst floor. (288) 1081. INVTFTOPY ADJUSEFEIT SALTS ACCOUHT, JUEZ l, 1953 w Dec. 31, 1955. Record listinf name of sales officer, price list, current and fast month, articles and units, quantity, price chanve, debits, and credits. Filed chronologically. (Varcly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 53*in., in paste— board box. lst floor. (283) 1082. RIPCRT 0F SALTS, June 1, 193? « Dec. 31, 1935. Cash or charge sale, late, station, nane and rank of individual aning report, branch, sale slir nunhem, value of supjlies, overhead, and totals. Filed chronn olOQiCally. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 7%-in., in 2 pastehoard , boxes. 1st floor. (284, 286) 1085. LEAVE CARDS, June 1, 1955 — Aug. 27, 1956. Showing name of en- rollee, designation, type of work, date arrointed, arrlication number, and yearly total of time spent on leave. Arranged alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 4 x 9i cards, 1% in., in steel desk. Engineer‘s Room. (1799). 1084. PURCHASE HCTICE IITMS, June 1, 1955 — Dec. 31, 1955; June 1, 1036 to date. Requisitions, invoices, and data relating to the purchase of cereal, yeast, and mapleine. Filed chronolofiically. (Older records, rarely; current records, frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders and en- velopes, 5 ft. 9 in., in 2 pasteboard boxes, in drawer of steel filing case, and in draver of wooden filing case. lst floor. (282, 281, 227, 232) ' 1085. KEEOEANDUfi PLCEIPT BCvK, June 1, 1953 to date. Listing date, receipt nutter, and kind and number of articles received or issued. Arranged alphabetically. (Older records, rarely; current records, frequent— ly, official.) 4 x 9 loose—leaf books, 4 ft., in drawer of steel filing I case on desk. lst flour. (265, 264) ' 1086. VOUCHERS, DEBIT AfiD CliDIT, June 1, 1955 to date. Shiphin‘ tickets, bills of ladinf, inventory and inspection and receiving reports, ,' statements of charges, and inventory adjustment records. Filed chronolog- ‘ ically and numerically. (Older records, rarely; current records, frequent— ly, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 10 ft. 6 in., in drater of rooden filing case and in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (247, 260) 1087. CORLLSICHDENCL, June 1, 1935 to date. dith Corps Area Read— quarters, relating to all tynes of equipment and supplies; with various firms and individuals, regarding bids and contracts for beef, fish, and / dairy products; also communications pertaining to pay roll cancelations, withdrawal of deposits, allotments, and expenditures. Filed alphabetically and numerically. 9 x 14 book index, 2% in. (Older records, rarely; K s ‘ V” v ' ’ Civilian Conservation Corps, Iaterburv 137 current records, frequently, official.) 9 X 12 and 10 X 15 folders, 11 ft. 6 in., in Wooden box, in 5 drawers of wooden filing cases, and in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor and Chief Clerk‘s Cffice. (278, 1605, 289, 219, 235} 1088. GEtlT‘JRLL CcfjInSIi'CLIEJLI‘ICn, June 1, 1923 to date, Fran; COI‘PS AFC-i3. Healquartsrs and CEO Director’s office, washinrton, relatin; to funds, allotments, civilian gorsonnel, printing, transportation requests, shinring tickets, construction, water supply, table allorance, transror» tation, and electricity. Filed chronologically. 9 X 14 book index, 2t-in. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 8 ft., in 5 drawers of steel filing cases. lst floor. (237, 25?) 1089. MESS DICTTZR AHD ABSTRACT OF PUhCHAdfi, June 1, 1933 to date. Form 80, to district sales office, listing company number, location, date, delivery slip notices, item and quantity, name of contractor, totals, pur- chases from company fund, date and from when purchased, amount, and totals. Filed and arranged chronologically and numerically. (Older records, rarely; current records, frequently, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 15 x 13 bundles, and 14 x 16 loose~1eaf books, 1 ft. 8; in., in 2 rasteboard boxes and on desk. lst floor. (279, 230, 229) 1090. INVENTORY OF QUARTLRMASTLR SUPILILS, June 1, 1953 to date. WD QNC Form 592, listing location, account of sales officer, articles and quantity in warehouse and salesroom, totals, price,and value. Filed chronologically. (Older records, rarely; current records, frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in pasteboard box and in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (285, 226) '1091. REQUISITICHS, ZXPOEDABLU, June 1, 1955 to date. ND QMC Form , 400, to New York Engineer‘s Office, listing serial number, date, name of receiving officer, signature of aprroval, articles and amounts shipped, and amounts on hand, due, consumed, and required. (Copies.) Also per~ tinent correspondence. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of wooden filing cases and in wooden cupboard. lst floor and NE.room. (267, 1798) . 1092. TALLY SHEETS, June 1, 1953 to date. WD 03C Form 489, incoming, ‘ listing date, sheet number, total quantity, number of each article, and signature of camp quartermaster. WD QMC Form 490, outgoing, from district quartermaster, showing station and warehouse numbers, date loaded, type . of conveyance, material, and type of containers. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 and 9 x 12 folders, 12 ft., in drawer of wooden filing case and in drawer of steel filing case° lst floor. (251, 259) 1093. INVITATION BID AND ACCEPTANCE, June 1, 1953 to date. Standard , Form 5%, relating to labor, cost, transportation, and material required ? for repairing shoes. Filed chronologically. (Dead file, occasionally; active file, frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 7 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing cases. lst floor. (276, 277) 1094. CUFRENT INSTRUCTIONS, June 1, 1955 to date. Femorandums, circu~ lars, specifications, and instructions from war Department, Corps Area Head- quarters, and District Headquarters. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, Civilian Conservation Corps, Waterbury 158 official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing cxse. lst floor. (254) 1095. LLDGLRS, June 1, 1953 to date. Showing date, requisition number or name of firm, debit, credit, and totals. Entered alphabeticallv, (Fre- quently, official.) 8 X 14 vols., 4 in., in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (254) 1096. PLRSONNLL FILE, June 1, 1955 to date. VB Form P130, aprlication for 000 membership; LCF Form 1, record of reception; UD AGO Form 22, fingerprint record; ECF Form 3, locator card; 000 Form 1, individual record; and 000 Form 1A, record of physical examination; also orders re— lating to transfers, change of allotment, assignments, demotions, and promotions. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (241) 1097. VOUCHERS, SALVAGE, June 1, 1933 to date. Letters of transfer, salvage receipts, and inventory and inspection reports. Filed chronologi— cally. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (262) 1098. KATICM RETURN SLIIS, June 1, 1955 to date. WD QED Form 460, ' I listing camp and company numbers, location, date, and number of rations due and rscuired. Filed chronolojically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, G in., in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (228) 1099. SALES BOOKS, June 1, 1953 to date. Record of cash purchases, listing quantity, article, a“cunt, 9rd achnovlsdfmert of receipt. Entered chronologically. (Freouent1”, oificinl.) G x C vols., 10 ft., in closet. 1st floor. (258) . 1100. SALES BCLKS, UKPZLJALLC, June 1, 1953 to dat . Record of cash purchases, listing quantity, article, amount, and acknc*led“flent of receipt. Lntered chronolofiicallv. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 6 vols., 1 ft. 10 in., in closet. lst floor. (245) 1101. CCNSTRUCTICI FILE, June 1, 1953 to date. Tally sheets, shipping I tickets, listing of union emrloyees, men on relief roll, changes in civilian personnel, historical records, lumber lists, and data of compen- sation cases. Filed alphabetically and chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders,'2 ft. 8 in., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. lst floor. (255, 236) , 1102. BILLS 0F LADING, June 1, 1953 to date. Listing names of con— Signor, consignee, and transportation company, shinring point and desti— nation, number of and marking on packages, description and weights of . articles, cost of shipment, contract and rurchase order numbers, and date. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 8% in., , in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (245) 1105. CASE BIOTTER, CLASS B, June 1, 1933 to date. Dated record of » agent officer's account showing source of receipts, adcounts disbursed, debits, credits, paid vouchers, and balance. Entered chronolo:ically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 18 vols., 2 in., in safe. lst floor. (294) Civilian Conservation Corps, Waterbury 139 1104. VOUCHER REGISTER, June 1, 1955 to date. Listing account, date, numbers of vouchers, debits, and credits. Filed chronologically. (Storage records, rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 4 in., in paste— board box. lst floor. (287) 1105. PURCHASE ORDERS, June 26, 1935 to date. WD QMC Form 508, list; ing name and address of consignee, contract, purchase order, requisition, authority, and serial numbers, discounts, deliveries, quantity, article, . unit, and price. (Copies.) Arranged and filed chronologically. (Older records, rarely; current records, daily, official.) 9 X 12 00vch. (18) and folders. 4 ft. 7% in., in wooden cupboard, in pasteboard box, in drawer of wooden filing case, and in 2 drawers of steel filing cases. Engineer‘s Room and lst floor. (1802, 280, 297, 225, 270) 1106. RECEIVING REPORTS, June 26, 1953 to date. WD QMC Form 431, listing voucher number, stock record account, names of consignor and consignee, location, destination, car, seal, contract, and bill of lading numbers, nunber of packages, stock numbers of articles, unit, - and cost. (Copies.) Arranged chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 covers, 2 ft., in cupboard. NE. room. (1789) 1107. MEMORANDUM RECEIPTS, June 27, 1933 to date. Debit receipts listing kind and number of articles, to whom issued, date, and signature of recipient. Credit receipts show kind and number of articles received, stock numbers and date. Arranged chronologically.r (Occasionally, official.) 4%-x 9 loose-leaf books (2), 2% in., in wooden cupboard. Engineer's Room. (1800) 1108. RECORD OF ACCOUNTABLE PROPERTY, June 27, 1935 to date. List- 'ing date, voucher number, articles received and issued, balance, descrip- V tion, unit cost, maximum, minimum, and stock number. Arranged alphabeti- cally. ,(Occasionally, official.) 4i x 9%‘100se-leaf books (3), 7 in., in wooden cupboard. lst floor. (1804) 1109. BLUEPRINTS, June 28 - Dec. 9, 1935. Pertaining to construction work at Camp Elmore, chiefly superi.tendent's and foreman's quarters, barracks, field saws, and incinerator. Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, l in., in drawer of wooden filing case. NE. room. (1758) 1110. CUSTOHERS' LEDGER, June 30, 1955 to date. Dated records show- ing purchase order and voucher numbers and date and amount paid. Entered alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 18 vols., 3 in., in drawer of steel filing case. 1st floor. (272) 1111. MEMORANDUR RECEIPTS, CONSOLIDATED, July 1, 1935 to date. WD QMC Form 487, shovdng date, receipt number, and kind and number of articles issued or returned for credit. Filed and arranged chronologically. ' (Inactive file, occasionally; current file, frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders and envelopes and 9 x 14% sheets, 5 ft. 1% in., in drawer of wooden filing case, in wooden cupboard, and in desk drawer. lst floor and Engineer‘s Room. (257, 1801, 258) ’ 1112. STOCK RECORD, July 1, 1935 to date. Showng date received, voucher number, number received and issued, balance, name of article, unit, and unit cost. Arranged alphabetically. (Dead file, rarely; Civilian Conservation Corps, Raterbury 140 . current file, frequently, official.) 4 X 9 loose—leaf books, 4 ft. C in., in draver of steel filing case and in safe. lst floor. (250, 252) 1115. 121021 OF TRANSPORTATION LEQUESTS AND BILLS CF LADIUG, Julv 1, 1955 to date. WU QLC Form 200, shovin: amounts on hand and issued during month, balance from last report, and total number received, issued, can- celed, and transferred. Filed chronclclically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 envelopes, 2 ft., on shelf. 1st floor. (298) 1114. AD?INISTHATION FILE, July 10, 1953 to date. Correspondence , with Corts Area Headquarters fertainin: to business methods, military procedure and organization, recruiting, employment, movements, and trans— fers. Filed numerically. 9 x 14 book index, 2% in. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 5 ft. 4 in., in 5 drawers of wooden filing cases. 1st floor. (1598, 253) 1115. CORIESIONDENCE, FINANCE AND GENERAL FILE, July 10, 1935 to date. From Corps Area Headquarters relating to religious offenders, safety program, accident reports, deaths, taxes, tariffs, social affairs, reim— bursements, budgets and allotments, property accountability, and state— ments of charges. Filed numerically. 9 X 14 book index, 2? in. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 ft. 4 in., in 2 drawers of wooden filing cases. Chief Clerk's Office. (1605, 253) 1116. CORRESPONDENCE, SUPILIES,,EQUIPYENT, AND SEFVICE FILL, July 10, 1955 to date. bith Corps Area Headquarters relating to procurement ' purchases, systems of suprly and distribution, l*uilding materials, machines, equipment, and hardvare. Filed numerically. 9 X 14 book index, 2%-in. (Frequently, official.) 10 X 15 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in 2 drawers cf wooden filing cases. Chief Clerk’s Office. (1604, 235) 1117. CORRESPONDENCE, BUILDINGS AND PLAYGROUNDS, ELDICAL HYGIEHE, AND SAFITATION, July 10, 1955 to date. Correspondence vith Corps Area Head— quarters pertaining to projects, rlans and syecifications, construction and installation, sanitary inspections, disease Prevention, and treatment of sick and wounded. Filed numerically. 9 x 14 book index, 2% in. ' (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of wooden filing cases. Chief Clerk's Office. (1308, 253) 1118. REQUISITIONS 0F SIOREKLELER, July 14, 1935 to date. Showing to whom issued, source of supply, quantity, unit, tvne of article, price, and date received. Arran ed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) ' “ 14%2x.6 slips, 5 in., in cupboard and in steel desk drawer. Engineer's Room. (1788) ‘ .1119. -AGENT OFFICER'S ACCOUNT, July 19, 1933 — Far. 1, 1954; Dec. 15, ’ “ 1934 — July 51, 1935. “D Finance Department Form 45, date and certified account of funds intrusted to agent officer; WD Finance Department Form ">. 45—A, agent officer's receipt for funds from finance officer; WE Office .Chief of Finance Form 45-B, for return of funds and statement of balance; 3 ’ and WD Office Chief of Finance Form 45-C, acknowledgment of return of .’ funds and statement of balance. Filed and arranged chronologically and ’ numerically. (Never.) 9 x 12 folders and slips, 3/4 in., in wooden box and on floor. NE. room. (1757, 1761) - 1120. BILLS, Sept. 15, 1955 to date. From civilian firms for suprlies, ‘ Civilian Conservation Corps, waterbury 141 services, and equipment. (Copies.) Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi— cial.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 ft. 1 in., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. . Engineer's Poem. (1805) 1121. AUDIT REPORTS OF POST EXCHANGE AND GAZETTE, Oct. 1, 1955 - Mar. 51, 1956. Record of sales, accounts receiVable, balance sheets, merchan— dise accountability, and statements. Filed chronologically. (Rarely, 1 official.) 9 x 12 folders, 5 in., in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (295) . 1122. TIME CARDS, Oct. 1, 1955 ~ Oct. 15, 1956. Shovdng name of employee, card number, address, designation, dates of period, camp name, date, not time, amount paid, and name of person to be notified in case of emergency. Arranged chronologically and alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 5% x 8 cards, 65 ft. 6 in., in 5 wooden boxes, on floor, and in closet. lst floor. (255, 259, 246) 1125. FILE OF NEAREST RELATIVES, Oct. 1, 1955 to date. Pertaining to all skilled and unskilled laborers and enrollees, showing name and address of relative, date member enrolled, trade, rate, and date dis- charred. Arranfed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 ft. 6 in., in 4 pasteboard boxes. lst floor. (255) 1124. REPORTS, Oct. 10, 1955 to date. On accidents, medical expense vouchers, safety programs, ratings, attendance, and construction materials. (Copies.) Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 8%~in., in drawer of wooden filing case. Engineer’s Room. (1787) ' . 1125. PAY ROLLS, CONSTLUCTIOF, Oct. 21, 1955 — Apr. 20, 1954; Apr. 2, 1955 - Oct. 15, 1956. Standard Form lOl5d, listing department, divi- sion, location, name of disbursing officer, date of period covered, name, -grade, salary rate, gross amount earned, deductions, signature of payee, and remarks. Filed numerically. (Older records, rarely; current records, occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 envelopes and folders, 2 ft. 4 in., on . wooden shelf and in draver of steel filing case. lst floor. (256, 240) 1126. CHECL BOOK, HEADQUARTERS FUND, Dec. 20, 1955 - Oct. 51, 1955. Stubs showing balance and deposits; canceled checks showing date, number, name of payee, and amount; also monthly bank statements. Arranged chronn ologically. (Rarely, official.) 2 5/4 x 7 and 9%'x 15 books, 2 in., in 2 drawers of wooden filing cases. NE. room. (1756, 1759) 1127. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, Jan. 1, 1954 - Apr. 1, 1955. Memorandum receipts on supplies, tools, and equipment from other projects; also ' vouchers for engineering equipment. Filed chronologically. (Occasion- ally, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. lst floor. (1795) 1128. CCUNCIL BOOK, Jan. 2, 1954 - Oct. 51, 1955. VD QMC Form 15, record of purchases made from company fund, listing date, article purchased, price, and disposition; quartermaster account with company fund listing , date, voucher number, balance from previous month, ration savings, re— ceipts, expenditures, and totals. Entered chronologically. (Rarely, pfficial.) 5%-x 8%-vols., 1%-in., in drawer of filing case. NE. room. 1758 I ' . j ' * Civilian Conservation Corps, waterbury 142 ' 1129.IHLEAYES, Feb. 12, 1934 to date. Requests filed by personnel of - engineering division, certificates of unavoidable leave and requests showing period of time, enrollee's discharge reason, and type of dis- * charge. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x 15 a vfolders, 9 in., in drawer of_rmoden filing case and in cupboard. 5' Engineer's Room. (1785) _- ‘ ' ‘1 1130. TALLY SHEETS, INCOMING, Ear. 1, 1934 — July 1, 1936. WD QMC Form 489, listing date, sheet number, total quantity, number of each - V article, and signature of camp quartermaster. Filed chronologically., V , (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12,folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in 2 drawers of ’ wooden filing cases. lst floor. (265, 266) ' 1131. VETERANS’ RECORDS, Apr. 24, 1934 - July 21, 1936. Listing . name, date and place of birth, dates of enlistment and discharge, perti- nent data cencerning pension or compensation, amount, marital record, dependants, date enrolled, legation, and rate of pay. (Copie§.) Filed , alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 3 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. Engineer's Room. (1783) 1132. RECEIPT FOR REGISTERED ARTICLE, Nov. 15, 1934 - July 13, 1935. Form 3806, showing fee paid, receipt number, class, postage paid, declared value, surcharge, and senders name and address. Filed chrono- logically. (Never.) 9 x 12 folders, 1/8 in., in wooden box. NE. room. , (17eo)- , » . ' 1133. CONTRACT FILE, Dec. 5, 1934 to date. Contracts for the purchase ~0f supplies, equipment, and tools. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) ’ ‘10 x_15 folders, 10 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. Engineer’s Room. ' (1784) » 1134. MEMORANDUM, Jan. 1, 1935 to date. Pertaining to lost time, - _ accident summary, passes, overstaying leave, monthly reports, safety = rules, violationS, veteran enrollments, and changes in property payment of deposits on reenrollment. _Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, . official.) 9 x 12 folders, 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (292) 1135. DAILY RECORD OF DISBUESEMENTS, Jan. 1, 1935 to date. Listing date, voucher paid, name of payee, rank, company number, type of dis— charge and date, when last paid, remarks, subsistence and deposits due member, totals, and balance paid member. Entered chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 18 vols., 5 in., in safe. lst floor. (295) , ‘ 1136. PAY ROLL RECEIPTS, Feb. 1, 1935 to date. Showing name of ~ : enrollee, amount of pay, check number, period covered, and signature k of enrollee, Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x I 15 folders, lé-in., in drawer of wooden filing case. Engineer's Room. (1790) ' . ; i. 1137. TALLY SHEETS, OUTGOING, Apr._28 — Dec. 30, 1935. WD QNC Form 49°,«from district quartermaster, showing station and warehouse numbers, , date loaded, type of conveyance, material, and type of containers. Filed V -fohgonologica11y. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, e in., in drawer . ' Offlwooden filing. case. NE. room. (1759) p Civilian Conservation Corps, Haterbury 143 1138, RLCCLD OF RENTED EQUIPMENT, Nay 1, 1935 to date. Showing 7 amount of gas issued per day and hours vmrked, type of equipment, make, serial number, name of owner, contract number, date, and totals. A . Arranged chronologically. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 9 x 15 loose— leaf books (5), 7 in., in vooden cupboard and in steel desk dravmr. lst floor. (1806) 1159, TEST REPORTS, lay 22, 1935 to date. Sent to New York office, relating to tests made of earth fill at various points of dam and cement used in concrete. (Copies.) Filed chronologically. (Occasion— ally, official.) 10 x 15 folders, l in., in drawer of wooden filing case. lst floor. (1786) 1140, LAIIINC REGISTER, June 11, 1955 to date. Record showing date, source, name of recipient, and subject matter of letters sent and received. Entered chronologically. (Older records, rarely; current ' records, daily, official.) 8 x 13 vols., 2 ft. 3/4 in., on wooden shelf and on clerk’s desk. 1st floor. (1597, 1600) 1141. SUNNARIES OF OPERATION AND STOCK ISSUE, June 27, 1935 to date. Summary of operation showing date, number of shifts, men in crew, holidays, lost time, working time and distribution, and totals. Stock issues showing requisition number, amounts of fuel, lubricants, parts, and supplies used, and totals. (Copies.) Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 envelopes, 1 ft. 7%-in., in wooden . cupboard. lst floor. (1805) 1142. METEOROLOGICAL REPORTS, July 1, 1935 to date. Form 307, monthly report from district engineer to New York office, showing daily maximum, minimum, and average temperatures, precipitation, and character of day. Entered and arranged chronologically. (Daily, official.) 4 x 9 vols. and 8 x 10 sheets, 6% in., in wooden book file and in cupboard. Survey . Room. (1797) ' 1143. CERTIFICATES 0F EXPEEDABILITY RECEIPTS, July 1, 1935 to date. Listing name of firm from whom.ice vas purchased, location, date, and amount. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 envelopes, 6 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. 1st floor. (261) 1144. CORRESPONDENCE, CIVIL SERVICE, Aug. 30, 1935 to date. Per— taining to placements on civil service jobs, appointments, physical ‘ examinations, and rate of pay. 9 x 14 book index, 2% in. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x 15 folders, I in., in 2 drawers of wooden filinj cases. ' . lst floor. (1792, 235) -‘ ‘ 1145. STANDARD GOVERNME