xt7sj38khc9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38khc9n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1986 1986 1986-09-24 2020 true xt7sj38khc9n section xt7sj38khc9n 3 .
Vol. XCI. No. 2] Established I894 Universuy of Kentucky. Lexmgton. Kentucky Independent since 1971 Wednesday, September 24, I986 , 3 V .

2 I B,‘ “R“H ””I'ITII The tire. \\Illt'll “11> reported at II.ittlt'\ \hootiiig than the If l>lllltl tlaiia-x spread tliioiipllioiit lIlt' apa:' .- .: "lt‘ z:.u\' i-\pei.\ u- '. I}, . ‘ ' . ' i . .ii- . I I ' ' ‘ ,1
ASM‘Iattl \t‘\\_\ l‘.tIlth‘ In it! ‘a in . \xax \pttllt‘tl h} Ken Iluq :Il;tipttl‘lltlt‘lll IIH‘III a; a' 'z- t‘lll \tliitloi K \i ~ 'i. I . ‘ . --' 3. .
and “Ill ltla\3.\‘ll.\\\ a t I\ student \kt)l’kltl}.’, on her prere "l in 50 glad the tire department Daniel Whitloek. a Lt" data pt‘m' Ilt'l imt .iIhtllI >.' Koo ' w- a ‘1 'r» 1 It‘l'n :i 'oii: an. I, w, " '3 : {
“’n'rlhllllhh’ “I‘llt‘l‘ qumtes tor her hunter's ot husiiie» not here became the flames iii-re (NMIIE, sophomore. and l‘i~ .Hlt‘ ‘ . ,t , 3 p. a 5,, 3 .;;.,,~- ,H . ' f '3

. “‘I'llllll‘ll'am’” spreading so last I thought the Dana the zipar‘iiieiitk Imam", \t‘lt ”WWW h" “”1 h" '1‘” I7” 'L' ' i i ,, m... 'r i i ._\»;i, 'i,,,' I ' .- - ' 7 _,
"rhi' ' 'i-i "tr. 'ltlx- . . .'. ' ~
,\ tire Illnkt- out “fin-rill“ ”mm tiaildiiig iiould he eiigiilted ii, IlilIl not at home iiheiitl‘ietirt-ot-tiii-im ‘ “‘ “" “" "I“ ‘ . -. g ‘1, .‘.., , t g 3 3, . ,
U HILL iii Slia'Aiii-i 'oiiii~ destroying a Hill; \illtl sm- \\a\ \‘ulSIlltlg mm“ HIPS, \llt'NIHI “mm,” \am he and ”3 M“. 3333. -\3 3 ”33,333”: ,33 ‘3 \p'rm-x" 3H ._ i; 1,': .i'i.' l'iir :a: tiad ’~. 3. .3 ' 3 3 3 33.3
mil“ ”W” ultill‘lmt‘m \U Ullt‘ Wis “hen sht’ looked out her kiteheii All] lliiq aim 'ln' Illt' am \o hot that r.(-i'_\tliiiig iii the apartiia-iit mt ;i.i: 'ii.- i,.-\ Mi.” 1-11,. l‘t‘lh“ no“; ' , V a, it"! Ill" 9”" ‘ldl'IV‘l ,' " .3 3’ -' 1,
”lllm"i do“ at almltt to to a in and NIH '.‘.ll‘iill)\\\ \t‘t'lltt‘tl to pop out a. the iiii.‘ a L’llllal‘ aiiiplitiei .i liwli Ilt' nil-1 t"\' o: 'iie molding mnraaim \, \trt HI \/I lam- ‘ i. v' ‘ ': .I 1'
. . 3 ‘3' I} ' “'3: I. . 3 ., "I .1. I
. q _ "' ‘ 3 ' ' I 3 ‘,' ‘ 5’ ,.
~ ~‘ v r . W pecna SCYVICC pl‘O ram he] S , , ._
'. o 3 ‘ . 9 ‘ , 3 _« t ’
3 . a, .-. \1‘ “I .i 3‘ ,v t .3. _
: 9-,3"E ‘ i » . ~- 2:» ,.=< - o ; -j ~' ', '
3 c 3..“ ,‘3 A?) \3 3, L 33‘ 3 3 33“”;
; . . ‘ . ,3 ' . “ - ,' .. ' . , o _" 3
it 1 L .
,. . . . . ,
' 3 \ Q _ 3 ' v 4v. ’ u f 3 '.‘ ' ..3' . ,_ .. 3“,
1 3 t ’. “; ' ‘ 1‘ 5.." ”.35" ‘3 3. . P." . 3‘ "lg.
i ‘.k i‘ ‘ 1 , l" *, ‘ ‘ ’ L H 33". I t " I a - . . _ ' g V“","‘, ’. ,- '
9 . 33.3%,“. . ~‘.~ 3.3., W - . ,_ , » UDIVCI'SIIy works at imprming aCuCSSIblIlI} to bttlldlllgx, ,» ,3
, 33 m «I 5.1 g .3 M 3.. . attempts to make Lampusl1lCI€SslnllnllstIlllu tor disabled -: -'
{VD , ' 33- - . _ . . . .'
3 3 ‘ t. 3“ , 0‘ . t 3 r -* :4 htlztor \ Hut: Wm it “w rth v‘ .- native iiiaiui’ L‘ aim toiitiia'iz To a ». ',- . ,, .' ' '- ::.aitiial :. -c' i ‘ - i:- W 3
' y... ‘7: ‘ ‘ 3 , f3 ‘3’ three part st"l('\ on r‘tiri¢14i;;i;ii Aliw-lt‘liiitt’ '_3. A_ _ >- , i_,__ ”.1113: I” ,‘3 ‘3‘ l " .3 33 3'
‘ ‘9 ‘ ' I '2‘; “f ‘ 5‘1‘d(’"t~‘ ”3 UK llto' wt“. tit pimp: in. La» .‘tt‘llN-ri h,' i t " ‘." ‘ - 9' ' '7 L‘
f . «g, ray , ' 3 , B_\ 'ml)|i.lo\i~.s ”w u int tiliwm at: innit \ ; . ,i .1 ,\ .u = ’ ‘ I‘Cl. "I
. 1 - ‘ v t . f ‘ ‘ ~ . \ . \
' . ~ ‘3... _ ' Stall “I‘llt’t‘ tt :2\ 4mm 'L". a; ‘l,.--, 1“ 3 v tr), ,, 3,3. , \, . uni. -. v .. ~ '
, ‘ ‘3 m ., .. Tim Bender Is a IUII'UIIIE‘ .tudeiit hd’llllt‘npl‘rt‘tl trio-3. fine {up i an at ' ; , H _ ,3 , _,..: a,” ‘. , ' . r
. ‘ §mw “1,3, lye.»- , from “QWHH‘V K.‘ 1” .ome “a” m -r.i, \uppwr‘ \rid t Ilt‘ll"’: t' .ike w , ~ : . i . i~ amt , ' 1:; 4 '.
» ‘ ‘ 13"; (tn: . W _ ' t he Lx 31ml like .iii_\ other oliident oi tla- 'l'LtII\lIiI" .AIII. hoiia lllt Iii t'ul - :' . ‘ a 3 3 . 3
1'. f ‘l . a;& ‘5‘ . T .1 t - .. , "L. campu> lle ha> le.~L\. papers ‘ii hie ate a . ‘ t'.i\.t" I' ~ ; i'eaI ." ' '.~' ‘tt':"\ ‘ ' ,1 - V.
_ Xv ed‘, .3 ~ ‘3 4‘ ~ 1 I, .4- :1» write and dail) homework But 'l' iu-wtw i \t‘l". i. i . .3 . l' -3 - .' ‘1 .5. ,f ,33
, , Y,» ' ~ 94' by ,2 3 \s N f, ' .,.—h~“” alsoibaparaplegie ii}, in,” -3 \ Hafill.‘ 1,333,333 3, 3 ,33 3 4 3-41‘ ”333 - .i 3 »3 33
3 3 , , .. ._,‘ . 3‘63 C (‘8‘ t ‘v ”- ' 'I‘im tries not to let hh handicap «i- '.7 ~.. riiis l"'lL’littt‘. . '- ' ‘ ‘ - ‘ s ~» : “pa-U V ' 1‘ - * _, ‘i‘f
. , , 3 . * ‘3 ‘3 i _ 3 V V t .
3.1 t a r ; ,Ar ‘ ‘ ' 3 1’ 3-3 ‘7, ~3 ‘ $.53. " slop him dovm He 1_\ IltdjtJI‘HlL’, Ill v"‘.~tt't' ilia‘ :iariditgiiipr; z. .' -- , 3, . ‘ 3 .3» :3 . .
5.3., -l. 3,47 1 ». '*- i .3} ‘ w , N a . ~ real estate and hopes to enter hm. fl'l'1‘it‘ tair "t‘ii'lllt'tiI !' _.l\. w t" .' -' . t» - ‘o i . .7 -«_‘ - I,‘~
'1, 1.», ' t. ' " ‘t ,. 3 l,‘ ,w m ’ ' ness after eriduation TAMI-JIM hat r; ~ilf'|‘~ that h .i‘ialm to ‘iii- Eth‘i ,. '- 4 ' xv: Iiix‘.t' ' ‘p ' ' "
‘ ' l “3.3 a ‘ Q! t: L. ‘ on hl\ tir~t semester at I K lit' 1w 'l";» claw a--_'.i ”Mm; tiv ‘r» ;, ,, ’. ' _" 't I ‘ '~ . «I ‘3 ‘
J 3 I: :4;r«*" , '3 3 llt‘\(’\ it 1\ a hood M'lttwl :‘ R IN ,1‘ ;,. v' a: w.» (,3. 2w app“! \ \m‘ ‘-_ -.. l' 3 . ,, pm : ‘~ I 3: . ‘9 ., 3‘
. ' '3‘ t l 33 3 3. 3 .4? ‘ . lllt'tll ot thehaiidieappo-d 1n; .: ‘liir \mtgi‘ioiia. lti i,,;: ii i, ~, w v 43 . " 3 _ l 3 '-., K
d . - .3.» o \3 ’ , I iioiit hau- iiiaii) many “an \t v .ii .o,; llll‘ a, viz; ,xir. 'm E . _ , V , l“ ”3..” - . 3 >_' ;.
I . ’ I 1‘ " I! "‘V V‘ I'i‘ viil""' ll {‘i‘ " '-. " "i' , 4 ., . .,!. ‘ ,1 ’ . . A U
33“.; , k. 3 a“. 3‘ i: 3” It [1153 It 5H1 ‘3 33 3 33 33, 3 t .3' it, \ 3 .li “1.41339 3I.3, 3 3 ‘ 3 A ,. H, i 3. 3 .33 3
.3 t 33 t 3 . 1m: plan lieiiiai moi» i . or an, .Hlt‘ip- an , , ..i -, . - .viw -. : . ‘
t, . L _ ,i . "a at . 3 3 ._ . .
A . 3’3 3, . .Ly , ‘ ‘ ' with l\ the Hatldlt'apphl student 1-,ir it i‘. ‘Ili‘ill'lilx iz;l‘.t- , » , - , , . ‘11,: v‘ _ -- -' ' I 3_ .1
- V ’ " . ~\erut'i- l’rograiii ir. \liiiiaii liktt‘: ‘ l\ ‘ -. . , , , , " W ', '
3 ,_ M , » (,iiiz 3'.» 3: t i , f‘ -~ , ,
. J ' My " ' ll \ the heart «it the o‘ttot‘f I l\ i‘,,ikt'\ ._M . w 33. _3 ,\ . _ . V _ . 3 ‘it\ 3’ ‘ ‘. . .3, , ' ‘,
' W . .., \ri '_ . 1.,» 3 \ ‘1‘ ,[_,3_3; “: I ' V ‘. ‘I“’\ H“‘:‘ . ‘ _ ‘ . ’ » ,
I: . I ‘ I , ‘ 3 \ltll‘l‘i II utilt(I>IUt.ti;I. ,h ‘33“ 'l;.' \ 3! I333. 33 . , 33' ,3 ,3 3,313, 33,3 ._\ .0 3 . 33 3 3 .
g. 3 it I t'H'l' need \lllllt‘yllllih I tail l t‘, - "tv . v::i>"- ioi 1 ' "t , ~‘
l ‘ 3, imi. hire ltlltltl saa illt < V313,”: 3W 33333,”,3 3 3 i . , ._\ 333 i , _ _ 3
3', l . 3 , 3 ‘ .'ii'.\.'i\\heiptiil 3 3 _ 1 > - r ,_ 1 ' , 1 , 1:11. 3, 3,, . .
‘ 2- I 3 ‘ lips : tutti! up fi. "‘-t r ' | ,3, 3, _‘ ,
~ _~ r' , , 3 , Meet: 5’ ~ , Randall lt‘nodm. a Nttdtttttwlt' ti 3, ,w in z » ii \\:iii \I’I’Il) . ~ ' "g .. V .
'. ll“ nfiél I ”3‘ i V> V 3 ‘1 3 . . . . . , 33 3 3 ',-"‘
a1' _ 3, v_ x ' -. ,. - , ' V ‘ 3 - . ‘ ' . 3 -
v. .3 3 »~ rm; .4 »1"W'r ~ ~
-+ 3 , . srae l Jets cm a istinian - . 1- ~
’3 3 3v ,3 3 ‘3 3‘ It: * ‘ . ' _3 . ,3 3 3
2:! "3.53 ‘ 3 33“ 5%? 3. , .3 .5 ' -— ‘ _ 3",“ 33 . . _ , , v ,
3.“?m.‘ WA” ,3, 3‘ 3 , . ‘ 3 , 33
1;. 1 tr“;- " N 7 “‘“fi' i I '» , . ’ " ’
5 . 35%;}? .43. 3-3;,”1921" N x ' ' 1 ' ‘3 V.
*' fiflr -‘ . » v ' , . , . . . t ' A f
g ‘ 3* k 2% - . It\I‘\ItUIk\\>.\\II 4.." i r aiii'rw - v' ' -' " pit ' , -»' ‘1
,, ,fi, a . - -. 4 , . ~ . ' ' .
" 3‘“ \wtunatetll’t‘t‘v ti ' i,.twi. ‘ w: w “ , . ‘ , ' .i t- 'a K 'v‘- ,', .' ‘- ‘ .
‘ it" . , 33 __ .3 . . , ~ , ~ ' " - - ~
, ‘3’)”; , _ lttllltl'T la-haiioii l>t‘at‘l 'vN l‘i ‘i' . " i\\.v I c.1711 lit ~ ‘. ~ ‘ - ' ' i ' ~ if a next ‘ '. ‘ ', '3 '. '3‘
* 5.3“ . diaehoriiln-vl T’Jtlt‘\ltl‘.tdtl L‘tlt‘t '.. _'i : ~ - v, 3 I‘ll“ i' -i ' l \ \up 3 ~' " ' . a
Ono-I— Ke'noISta“ hawx 2:: ’lie lllll\ rmt ot Heat.‘ 2w , i ‘; -\-- -, ‘.i' l ‘ , , \ V .‘ t‘llilvplfl‘lt .' V 3, I .‘ " I I.
‘ ' ) [t‘t‘itin \etttttg at lean! tout 'i' he '~ ,, ,o::.:~ : l-aur‘ ,' it”, ' ‘, ' i = i 34: "ii woiid 3; 3' .. _ -' 3' '-
_ Rdllltd 0U! ahla/iapolicexaid liii\t‘\ ta. . 'lllt,,\ wt llrm v ' w 4: w 5-; 3,
The raid t'LtIllt‘ one da} at’o I «in: w; w. w i' a v. " a: v ‘i' L“ z " ~\ ,: ,- i' . ' 3 '3 ,7 -
1”“ A”“5"O"9 '9” 0 b'OIOQY IUWOl and the ram yesterday afternoon on their way to rael mum-d It‘tmtix along thi- 'n 1- ' {m- ;_,,: H ' _._ ; . ;. can 1 l 3 .3- _ 3' ~ ":
- DOUQ Parrish o biology senior, walk through the University Bookstore mth Letiaiioii iii at‘. appai‘t'ir’ - " l‘li. ‘itia \l i. - » ‘ ' ' -. “ w ‘ all . .3 '. -‘ 3
in}: to Shiite _‘»l~i\leiii L’Ut't'lm , " lltllt'\':,'ll.il:\ m l‘ , .-; i - I. ~ : at n: I: 'Ilt' '3‘ ' '3 7‘. ,4 W "'3 ‘ C113 ‘”
t‘t‘ttst‘ Iht‘tt‘ Lillztt‘lb lIl \Htt’I l"" l'l,lll't' \dat 't\i '1. v" .i V ‘v . - L ,"' l\ Ifiih m: 4 f , i I .4 .
. tlIl‘lIl, Ilt‘ilr ISY‘tlt‘l Tht‘ INII Ii \ ' in “MAP “drawn; $1: 1 l ‘ _ I,“ '3“ ' \ .itiuxj Rx “p”: .., ; 33-3 , . -: .5 '3 -
. . - ‘.' 4 .,-..~ ' '
Road race tzoii ‘t\,l_\ quiet 3\'e\te: da} l'rrvu: t"\.\t' \ot »' " 'v -. '. x in ltv , , .. ~, , ,3 .3
I .\3\riait l’remdent Hate' \\\.. s (-If'fl'iifix l"""‘:“"< \ ,vw ,, 3 ~ 3 33 _ 3: ,3 (141,32 , 3,3 3_ 33 . 3. , .- , 3
. / quoted a. threatening a . ' 8. I_-ll'\ \H‘I’t".\l'lll!ilt‘-I " W - 7- ' ~ '~ ; ',,' ; .' '.'_ ‘1,
t 9 retaliatioii' it l.\rael ltl\.i<1"\ i» l'lin- part} l\ .ill'w! ,~ '3: l‘. ' \ .3 ' ~v \j' t : a tux: ’ '3 w ‘ ‘5' ' IT a
() ene ' him, 1.. L‘lt’!l'.litt _!“'t.l\ ‘ w ‘ ~ ' ' , i“\7'l ' I. , “ i3, “
// / ”NH“ \ahl mm“ <’lHtt emt of Beirut. .lIlt‘l ~t: w. I,lt'k\ '.\ith oiw \“tlllITlt'I't’itti : . ' ' I 3, , .,3 3' \., . l“ 3‘ , - 'v - ’ 3' ‘.'
' WEI \ (I —‘E "4-7- ‘I th'it he ‘ in it 3 to )ltl I! u l\ "v vei'tt-d 'o (‘x iriix iiii‘ iiiii- imp "3 ““ V . 3- g; ,1 313' . a; ,3
iiiiioiiiiiiioioii. (51. ll 1“ 3:3,) '7 t p. i i . 3 . .3 3 i , 3 , , . i ., , a, w; _,,.,,.,, 3, .3, i3. _.
St'itt\\‘ritc-i '- './‘Ao toth Israeli air raid in [alluwoz r \ night. ilelaiwl .t‘_l.i'flt.". ,3 ~ . 3 , , 3 , , n t ' - A ,: i -. ,_ . .- ;
' ‘ mitt; can" ‘ / ’ ‘3 _ 3 w u .vk'w - man i.. 3. 3,3 33‘ 3
i 1 O "n // ' “ I 3“” “’ " z ' i ‘ . \' ' i. in l’hi - 1‘ .' 'u ;
' Delta Itella lli'lta ‘.\llI raise t‘unds J x l k l l5l’étt’l \ iiiilitar} k'OIIlllailli‘, .:V In l‘an iz-iisioi. It’\\t‘llt'tl \mto it t i' ~ . _- ' x -.»i~- .. ll" .i'aii‘. iii i
ior t'lllltll‘t‘l‘i slt‘tt‘kt'll \ch mnu'r { I i. . . Do (EU! ' ,\\l\ 5211(Iilll planes retiiri w: “iii lxttlt'l lit'lhltillI. I'HI-‘It‘t two! i \ . , 'r i 2 i, -. it} , ' ' ' f .‘ .3, .9";
'4'.” . h -‘ 4 ‘ ' ' ‘ f
I m“ MUM“) ““0” ”W ”mm” mud" / LNQELM u 3 ~ 112-7“: Ltd and reported hitlmfl. hamxx ire-t I"! 'vw‘li air: (.ittk Itil',1'!lttIT‘.tI . .a . _ In I.H‘t'l} ' , ' 7' . 3.
ll>ttltnual ”'HunlortheKids" race I , A" attat'kx on I\rael h}' ”10 \hli ““ttw‘i I'll‘l’lt‘i! ‘th'l‘t‘ \lvtM-U WM“? l " 9 _: ' ‘ .w ‘» 1,:-, But 3 ' , ' "-.. V
The e\ent diret'tl} lienetils ehil \ ’/ (7” / / -- . ' ‘ -‘ ,3 W
dren \HIh t'aiit'er ' >aid SUMH‘. i ’4' / \ ,’ 3 3 . _ '. " -.
Hrid es. Tri Ih'lta \ \t't‘\l(‘(’ iro eet> ’ i ‘ I" v" i 71‘ 0.: \fi/hax ' ' _. ,- -‘ ‘ ,' - 'l
T I q / , 4 ‘ ' . i
(‘hi‘llI'WOIth‘tIl \ // mummu . , , HAW mm: Ivar! \ WWI“) 3. 3 3 . 3 .3
She said all prot'eeils t'roii‘. the _, o ”I " " "”“H‘ 1“'I“'“‘”‘ .‘"‘“'“L‘: - i ,3 1 -
race \Mll go to the Meltimell t‘anvei‘ t0 flle for Dec de ree itrti M'uf I\ "\a! \ll" oiia ’l‘ north . .- L' ' t
Nehmrk for ”“1de \ mm.” re li‘oad. l'tltlllt'l\ tiill tollim another I‘ttltllttlllil'} to pai'tit'ipa’r trt'aiiw it 0 v“, luau ll It omit ix Mrta ‘ ' ' ‘. V ‘ 3‘.
t search ,wvtlt'xt‘ hack. t'lnxfilllL‘ t'oopei aral >..«liaii!x vii-ii? \l.iIIltt'> ,\.iltl {‘I‘.\t‘l.l.i..t-‘ .ix “Huh: [\mp » i * t - .3 g
The .ll mile I‘llll, \\Ill('h l~ \poii H"|‘“"“3”“{‘II"ghj‘"‘.\ ‘ enter 33 3 53h" ““1“, h"; “”1“ “”']."lw_i ““1““ Slali [plun’l‘ 1‘ im.) H“. 3 .h. “m”. kuflr arid ‘~ iii - tel» ,‘ .ii and 3 ' .3 '3 3
“mid 3,} White “Human, preamp”. [Ham «idt It 5. a mtmIXI ot In 51 -oo to tie _tt tioiwll tamer Net i wit \ltltIt'Illx itiil tr lKWItt‘iYH-it ., carom: \. ~13“ ,3, , L‘ml‘m aid tor , 3,
V - - -' i l ~ ‘ . _ v " ‘ I . * \ i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ‘ I I ‘
“1“ Wm” noon Sunda't ‘1. mp l m (:ILL \I\lt1ll\\\‘l[t'tllktttli l‘ht “\HM pm: lka mm M WW” [I LIN years Tomorrow I\ the last dax' {or fill uni-matt- ill llt‘tt‘t her prmided Th” L“""‘|“‘ » - ' ,' ' : ‘ .‘
,. , . .~ ".\ ‘.' '1 i .s 2', _.ii ~ , .
{”5”} "”nl‘ NW" «|‘ “’5‘ ”‘3'” tll t 3" t “”3 3' l_' _ 3‘ (3 H Y ‘1” m dentatuiiletorIXX'eiiiherdegrees 'Ilt"~ i-oii'iziiii- 'o t» iitilllt'lnlt'ulh 3 3 » , - 3
Shiwli Sportsl enter lii idea-s \aid l'Mt “3"“3‘ ~3 ‘3I3K ”P3; Ii‘d’m‘I“ “ ”l \\itli an S3 t‘ttlt‘m' It‘l' partiCipants Seniors must go through their a“, ‘1](‘Q‘\\[Ullh|~ i- ,.\»,.. . . , -
She said that the worse \‘.tll run hi: 5;“! -‘ "‘3“? ”K ”‘3‘”‘13 “:“f'll‘ ”l3 reeeiu- a ‘ Run loi the Kids" T (It‘mlk' dean‘s office to fill out an ap- 'NS'DE '13:.‘1: :
from Complex to t niwrsit) l)ri\e. If rom ““ 1 “’mr‘ .‘ ‘m‘ ”I” shlt‘l. \\llt(‘lt \iill he ill\ll'll\UI(‘d dur. plication for a degree card The 5(‘Ill1ll\ ulin tlll\\ TIN .lllltlltdl'til} i . '
and “I“ cross t‘oopt-i Univ, (onlln ”l‘.‘ ”” “Impu‘ mg late i‘eghti'ation. lroiii to a in to dean _\ office wtll then determine deadline lot a llt‘t‘t‘tltll'l degree 3 3
. » . , I A .
umg behind LOHIHMHWJIUI Nadl "We are trying to get people from 11.4» a m on the day ot the race. whether studenb haw fulfilled grad mlhl \uiit until the ~priiig \t‘ttln'Jt‘t' VHOWII Ml'flllm" ’- I0“ ~
um lpon rt‘élt'hltlu late. (‘reek the t'iinerSit} and the surrounding Bridges sattl uation roquwpmvmS toapph loi-giaiiu..-iiiii est efforg ,5 a lot 0} guitar
. . . . . and little eIse. For a review - '
Ilealtll sellllllar t‘. dlscuSS Tlllr‘l W ‘)rld Slt‘latlon seeoivnsuous.Pago2.
"to Wlldcun wIII mxt lac. , - »
I u. . . _ —_————______________—__———— . . . . I l . <
I‘.‘ "kl” I'I‘.\\Ht the Third \torld I’uhlir I'olii-\ lizi lIiL .i;'li oiil :i..ri ht..l"‘ prohlems. . c.n0:n°h of” Sooh. r ' . .
t‘ontrihiitiiig Writer )Ilt‘ullttfb ' ' .. ~ , - - 4 - - - \im... \, H, mm 3,- “mid mm on t e tur . m -
l People in Haiti are not lll\[ dcahmy \HIlt ‘ . “
~ ~ l!\'{ll_‘llt\',t\ -,‘\¢- P0994,
i..m.ii.» .t.iiii..iii.iii.mi \ullt‘t'. lack lhe ma wml'u" ‘J"““ ""‘*"l‘ ordmarv health Prohlcmx. Ihcv arc laced “1th WW wt M huw ‘tw Ihrouuh v
ot t'qlllliltll‘t‘l the list is endless and ”H‘dlt‘tll Care in h‘iigidor look . ‘ . _, ' ‘hi ~i-iiiiiiaiw people eieiuihere. not .
. -— ‘ ‘ . v \ - 5.3.9... 3;
toi lhiid \\oi i.: t‘t‘llllll‘n‘5 Health plai'e on Sept li Hiie ot the guest ll \ lllg [0 \Id} JIM L . 1W; H, 1m. ”Mm“ “cm “I” start [0 “Am M:
i'al‘t' pl‘iiltlt‘ll.\ Ill \ti iia .\.~ia and spt‘akerx. lti Itirhard \lit'r. \iIHI “am- \ iltoe. tiii-ir~i\t.iiid and poSsihl} get in. 7“»? -
[Mm \n pm... 3,,“ ,mkmmn m that people doiit iiiitlt~i‘.-t.iii(l the I, , 3 3' ll 3 mum either tIll‘t‘t'Il}' or ”mu-«(1y
“Hm I” 3“ pluhhlan 1h,- [him “orld l\ experi "UT“ "I“ ll 'l‘hiril \\orld healthprohlemx 1 d II b u '
H “mm“ _ I" N‘mltlttt' \t‘xsltllls “III u>uall_\ con. 0 0y w' 39 par y 3:0”. ‘
1” ,m‘nw \mjlmm "m“ a\\aie pt "I" l _ l t '3 3 , _ _ 3 \w ot guest speakt-ix panel dis wuth highs In the mid 30..
the 1hlm.\\HH1 Mllm'mn: the ‘ k t ““h‘ mlH ‘Ilk‘dl-n d'l3«lp;)i(-(M had \Hilt'l‘ \Hlll‘tt‘\ and lark ot iiiitr: \Iarie \ittoe \wrkt‘ll \Um I'l‘lllt‘Vt t‘ll\\lltl1\ and\lidehrewntations Tonight WI" be partly flow
\‘ledit'al (enter and the (ollege ot 1“” ”I ‘N “I‘ll” ”5“““95 are ”l tionall) \aliieiltood \llt‘t \aid Hope o\er in Haiti lhirinu the II 3' 1 l 3 tl _ 3 With lows in the OPP“ 60!
\Illt‘tI Health I'li)l('\\|i)|]\ “.n p”. the lhird \\oi‘ltl i'oiiiitriex Meir 3“,,” MM mi hop“ m.” through health \eiiiinarx. \IIIII‘ MM m. ’I'H“ Wills! “‘3’” g; TENN“ l‘ T _" ‘ ‘
i ‘ I I \' - V i \ I ‘ ‘ \ -.. ‘t r T I 37‘
Wm I‘ll“ “"‘*"‘-" “VIM“ addru “'d thew M‘lttltli‘lt\ peoplr \ .i‘t\.ll‘l‘ltt‘\\ mints to ram' peopie \ ('Utlt‘lt)ll.\'l(‘.\.\ ‘ ‘3 ‘\“3 l ‘ F l 3" I ‘ l l”. omorrow wu 030 95""
sungthuxt'hl‘alllttutrt'pl‘ohlt'tth F(u d r H n rm ” h lth about these prtthlt‘ltlx ml} lit» ”l to the problems Third \\orld mini 7"”; ‘l "' ”“ t'lQ ‘ -" Elk: I ‘3'”3“, cloudy With high! oxpocbt
,‘ a o tt't‘\ o . ea It‘ll a rare In iiiia .tllti .tTl t _» . .
3 creased tries face in the mid to u r 00!.
The \t‘tttltltll\ are titled ' Health problems lust llkt’ an) other coun Health t‘dtt‘ tIl Haiti and the i .tt‘ih pp.
POIH'} Health and Medical (lire in tr). but it also has to contend “1th Another \t‘lnlllal gum! \peaker ’I’enple iii Haiti are not um deal heat»

 9 \ ‘ ‘ . I
1 . . .' l '
‘ :9. . 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wemesdoy, September 24, 19“
. . _________—___________________—___.M _’ -.,...__.._._____.______________________—————————
9: : -..,,_ "MM“--- ”s __.-__, lrlk loose
I I : Arts Editor ‘
: ‘: :3 ‘ Wes Miller '
I M . l : \ Assistant Arts Editor 9
\ := ' '1
I \ » . . . . . - - ' ~ 6 \Vss .. ». t
_ _ 9 ... . .. . 9:9,... _.,.,._;;§»:::-~;§;tj:\:;g:_:<:>‘“\\\*\sxv:5&9h99.§.. 9. l

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.33 [A -:_‘9 9 1 . ’ ‘ . ’ . :9 : 1mm 9 n; :9 1 sin ' B
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.‘3 :‘ Hx “1 \l 1 1 \111 l I It ——""“‘——_‘— heav} metal. Is forced to sing, “\ou Top to sound except to! on [ht N9 99 i: :59 I 9 M U
1' ‘. '2‘ 4: “i- ‘1“ \I .1 I \- '5 I ‘ >nlll€ 1n m) face. when 1 turn or Instrumental tmt'ks In \\hlt'll Jens g9: , 9 9 :9 9: .. si
{- "1‘ W : I MUS'C REV'EW round 'You stlek a knife In m_\ synths and ke)lw.ll‘ll> (Nubllfill ”10 .... 9,: 9 _ 9 :: ,.;.:.~ .9f' / t k u:
33"". 14.1.51, 11.1... \ . \1 . .- . -. 1 _ hack You think vou‘re clewr. you perfect mood tol‘ \lnlnlsteen s hnl . . : . 9: "‘ 9 el

5 t1 -: .5: 9 9. 1“ , , x . -... .. ._ . - » fl 9 :- . 9 9 . 9 . ‘ ‘k 9 , : 9 ”.7 9: * , :
‘3“ " “ - . . know vou re Insane \oux hts art lIantguIt.11 “or _ 9 9 9 . a.
.- . “in.” .H ..« 9 : : . . 9:999 :

4' 1-2.3?“ 713.3.“ '1 t .1. onstn‘ .Ind has: guuars. not white theyare black of 11101.- 111111tst th.1n inost ot ttht , : fl 0'
“”«‘.\(t 1-.-. \ ~ :2. -1 . - -l.l.?".\'t‘t'li .llN‘ produced Ttllug}. ghastly. Insufferable DIurI‘hetIc music are the Lilltlllll: ”:11: n)“: >1. 1 , ’94 9

‘.‘"\-5~‘:597.j:;7,) ”.9, “.9 -. <9, .. _ - .. .. .. uvm...~'e«.t the music .llld wrote the For th1s very reason. the most “int-h t'llllldlll .1 ~0111.: l.\ ”'99: 9 : 9. 9 9,. . u
..'.'..\~2:~:‘.‘.:'..‘-‘1L" ,, ‘ '.. - _ _ . . .~ ' want: mntl successful tracks on the album are ol l)1/..1rre .n-knnnlt‘dllt’mmh' “ “ll; ,7 I 3“» 2- 5' . .. 1a . tl
f9'.»'_.9_1_’"9§:3:'.9-* . .9 .9 . . _ .\.. one out .11 tnut‘ Is better than the two Instrumental pieces. ”Cry Mulnhh't‘“ ”LEM“ ““3: dull-“11:311.! I 3. '- K ' 9 ,4: 3:5" k
: 3.7-.9'59'11'9 3; ,9 ‘ K. . : . . . 5 , ,, .. ,.. ... H- m .. and ”Trllo V Su1te 1) .3 “ ents as H 1‘ .ouwt‘u illlt .11 ~ 9 9. a, .. r :9 9
"q 9.19%" ‘ f. .. .13: .- 1 . g .9 n. huh. 1ml ltlk‘l 111.11 this Is hard Tlfese stand 851;, showcasesp of \‘on 800th (‘11- hm“ “1 “h“m “WM ‘6" I” ~ :‘ m. I S
(1.33; .3191“; u , ._ . a n " .1'1'i..1.. ht‘lml content 15 {\lalmsteen's multI-uilented gultar probnhl) t'l'il\\l: out 111 then‘ gl‘tn'f‘h . . _ 9 :99 _. i 3” , ,9 u
.'\3:'.,- . 9 \. _. , K m . ' ..\...1. ._ :1“: .11 prnnnr} Interest work. blending stylistic acoustics and strangle \ I11:\\'Ie It ”1“) : Ml“; ‘.9 _ -‘ . _ ’ 5‘
3,}... "8:71: 4:93“ 5; . .‘ x . s \.v I i '1 \ 1.:1'1- " PM”) \1095 not sound with blaZIng metal I'Ilts that then‘ \\Ul‘l\'> llutl lll>pll‘t‘n ~~nt I . ‘99 : 9 . 9 , S]
A‘L‘Pk‘lfii'l _ ‘9 . . 9 . 9 .9 , 9 ..j v. \ ‘.1 All .l\t‘rs_{1’1lltllllg. thun- 3131"]5teen's quCknt’SS rennnds one dull (Ulltllblllillh 9 ~ : 9
1-313, 1; 9 . . - . . -. . .11. ' .mrnnu Inusn-al backdrop oI EddIe Van Halen. although . :1: I ~. 9 : ’ - . {I
.":'-;.“~I-‘vi%,-’3_§1‘.5,", :3 : ~ ' :‘1' 1' - . - \l.lllll,~lt‘t’ll throws us Mulmsteen has not yet developed ll MnlmslN‘H lll\"ll“‘l “”“TM {‘5 9 / .. 9 u
5:3:"43'n9-f'358 - » . _ 1- .1: x ' . ’i‘w‘“ wt m1! .Ind tort‘bOdmg Eddie's controland smoothness mth .1 better hacking g1 onp .11111 t: \ .9 9 S
"I‘UDI‘ s: - h r . . ' . . ' "1. v.1. tn‘eu Lb he can think The RISmg Force. Mulmsteen's the songm'ltnig chores to mote 11nd , s:
3:25 :I,i:.:;i9'*‘;:;‘99 9" ' 9 . 9 9 .1. -. w 1' : '31:. results are embarrass- backmg band. 15 also to blame for med hands. the result nould pleuie :9: e'
’,'i." . - ,_ _ ~ “an! I‘m-IW‘I‘ ht’my metal the album's enigmatIC sound And- mm “W allt'ltllltl(llt> till met 1:“: 99999999999999 1 1:,
y“ 1"“.z ‘.\ “-13: . .. . ~ ' - g I m l.1.n' tor Instance \‘(K‘dl ers Johansson thumps .Idequatel} on uorld l mu then. he ml. nun: III N: .~ 9: 9 9
.‘ ‘19:.9992199995. . ax. ' « - :‘ ‘ V \Ll‘h Hum M10 sounds like a the drums. but lacks any flash or In» content unh in: row .l.\ .1 s 11.11111.1 ._( C.’ .

.13“); , ._ . . , M In '»\t‘t"? lmn \lznden's Bruce ventn'eness Jens Johunsson's key ~t.1r 111 .In othermse dull. .Int 9:
1‘ 5:1," 1 , : ~ ~ -. w ~ n... 1 mar} Puckett-gone» hoards lend the songs an unneeded gloom} nIght sit} YNGWIE MALMSTEEN'S 'TRILOGY' (1
.I‘ {111.2152-73": 1 ‘
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17".? : . "1 ‘55:; cc
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.‘f' (1;.- t§7‘}fi’. 4 ' , . .. an otMrvollgloos rolls. e t o 0 st
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Lil’s)“: 'g'zso . 9 I) ' I: 9.49 ' l ‘ Christ I shroud. :
it". ‘19§19«' - . ‘11:. 9 ‘9 7 : _ Don-“tors say It‘s. medieval :
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1‘5: with} ' ’9"
. MOVIE: "The Sllenf Wl‘lness
.9.: s: 1.99, 3.935;“: 9
law“ Date: Thursday 8. Friday, Sept. 25 8. 26 9
s. ,.. ...=a’w;: ,
.*‘.’,;‘=."~.'1i-.g Tune: 7 p.m. I
'3 I .. ‘ 3.1 A. f“
‘-';.;'§7"'\’::; Place: Student Center Room 230 9
”I 3-95.19, "‘ TE»?- Sponsorea by Maronatha Campus Ministries :
aw: gnu?
". t "'3' 1 I "l.;_-:1.‘. ",
:9) 9".‘31:~:.949, .-:
. ' d' ‘d l h l d m 1 th
.1.)._.9 9 ‘3 919 -
All Interested In IVI 00 s 5 co co e o e
‘4? ".""’1-.‘a.‘.-.;ri! a‘. ' ~ - . 0 9
r A Uanue DInIng Experlence T C k G If C l l
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2-,. Inte rv I ews. -
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 . 2 2 ,
KENTUCKYKERNEL, wmv, Sept-moan, 1986 .3 ' -
Space center to be establ' hed “" ' '
.11 in mm f Sh ttlet d I 1
By JOAN MOWER The center Wlll prOVide a handson Also attending was (‘harles ltcs . 2 , '.
Assomated Press learning environment for students ink, 33, the brother of astronaut .lu ' 2 '
,, and will operate educational pro- dith Resnik . . - f ‘ ,
WASHINGTON —- The families of grams in the sciences, perhaps m , 2 , -
the Challenger astronauts used a COHIUMUO" thh the Smithsonian to Mrs Scobee said Jane Smith. the 1 - ' “ ’ z '
stxth2-2grz2ide2 classroom yesterday" It) stitution‘s Air and Space Museum ryl McNaii“. and Lorna (mi/.uka the [‘7 .’ ’
unveiap ans fora natioflal space sc2i- widows 0,“ mm. ”mgr ,mmmdub 22 “2 2 . . ,- ..2
ence chation center at W I serve "We felt a livtng tribute .5 more could not make the event at Stevens ‘f 21. ,, “’ ,,-, 2 '2 2.
as a liVing tribute to their loved l . 1. . . 1l“- 1. ," I. ,
, appropriate than a memorial (ll xcauu ()l dllllllt \t lttlU L5 2, 22' , 22 2 2 2
ones. _, , . . 2_ I .2 2, “1,.
brick and mortar. said June Sco- 2 , - 2.
“Obviously, we all wish that bee, 44. the WldOW of Challenger HUI they Platlttt‘tl I“ attend} 1‘“ ' ”1.22“: , 2‘ ,' .,“,
things had gone differently, That's commander Dick Scobee. She noted t't‘ptten at Met“ President t't‘t’t‘ts’t' __ 3, -’,,. 1",
the way It went. and now the chal- that the Challenger carried the first “USh S hUlLst‘ later. and to sort e on 2“ .2 1221‘, 2! 2.2. 1' .12. 2, 2 2', r2?-
lenge is to make the best of it." said teacher in space, Mrs McAuliffe, the board ot the t halleiiger 2l10uiida 2, '“,2 1 2 .- 1 1 z. , 2:121,
Steven McAuliffe, the widower of who had planned to give lessons. b) “”“~ '1‘ “‘"ll’mm tit"’ltP2 tt’tmt‘d '2'} 3 ' \ 2‘ :11“ ,“ 1.. 2 2,”. “2 12 2
teacher ('hrista McAuliffe, one of telt‘\'i>t0n. from the spacecraft I" the families, she ””4, l‘hc tounda in?! I ,,‘-21 g 22-,
seven astronauts killed when the classes around the country. “"n 5 dim 11‘ 1“ WN‘ 51 ”“1119“ It” / 2 ‘ t _1 212
space shuttle blew up Jan. 28. the“ startup of the space science 22.2.22 2! .1 2 I :2 2 2’2.-2.'2-’2-
m or , 1 . i “1.9“! -'
McAuliffe, a 38-yearold lawyer “I: d 12"Tm\l;u 83:220'122‘2? tlhl- 2. 122. g 2 ‘22- -'.,‘_,.“
from Concord NH, and other as» “ ( “Mm" ‘ r“ e 5“ ‘ None of the relatives would com I; , 1 I (a Q I - “,1" 1- ~',' ,. ‘
2 . 2 2 _ , cent” will allow a voungster to act , , , , , 22- ,,.2 . 2 ,- ”2,22 2., _2 ,. 2 _2.222
tronaut relatncs 590k? [0 about 30 .. t Ik- , e. n astron“ t . ment on eithei .tll .tt.iiiiiiistr.itivt ,,-2 . 2 2, -2‘ 2,2,2- 52,224.? ,. 22
Stevens Elementarv School children. It” I t 1‘0“ ar a ‘ au ' claim that Mrs smith. the widow of «- 1 ,L ..‘M- * m ' . ,,- . "T t ‘ 3,"- 31.3315 ‘23.
, , and will probablv have a flight deck , , . , , , .» 5. 111;, _ _ - —1 ,, ~ , -. l ,.,1.,' 2 .1 .. , .-
some of whom watched the shuttle to p“, t h r husband‘s love of tl Nlithael .l Siiiitti has tiled against ”-21,” 2, ‘ — .1.. 2 ,1 ‘- ,, 2-,,
explode on the teleVision screen ear- ( (C e ’ I the government. or a lawsuit that 2 -- ' 11%;,1/ . . :1 2.2 .2 .'“2.12.1‘2,-2‘21,“
her this year ing Mrs .\lc.\'aii“. widow oi Ronald Mt“ ‘ gs” J. 2 1 2_,:2~,,.2'.\“v.222,1 _2;.'2.22-,2
\aii“. has instituted auaiiist .\Iortoi“. ' ‘ 2 tb 2 '2 ‘12:}73,‘ 1.5,";
The appearance at the inner cit}. Marcia Jarvis. 41. of llermosa 'l‘hiokol. the iiiaiitil.tt-tiii“t-i“ ol the 22" A" , - \ ‘ - . ,t’ - 2.'2 of}; gift
school marked the first time rela- Beach. (‘alif. the widow of PaHoad booster rocket that failed ,. 1“ u 2 ’ i 1 . ; 22,41,312.
tives of {our (‘hallenger astronauts specialist Gregory Jarvis. said the r... \g 541. 1,2 .a1'1 ~ .2 2 2.2.5222 22:.il:f221'22:2j2
had come together publicly since education center would properly The astronaut l‘t‘l.iIi\I‘.\ said thev ,“ “ ,‘ ' 22 ‘1‘.“ 22 2 _,2‘2 ,1 f .,2 i 1.1..
PreSidcnt Reagan attended a memo- honor her husband and reflect the wanted to focus on ttu- foundation ,,,.- 1 . 1,22 -3 2.41141.» ' [Hf-1.}? 2'-.,v.'2:'“,-:,§,1'
rial service in Houston three days ideals of a man who was "always and their efforts to sm'tll't‘ private " . ‘ 2. ' ,2. .‘2‘-”12-,_12i,212;»22',2:-vi"2-,2-c'
after the disaster questing for knowledge ' .iiidgoveriimeiit doiiatmiis " ‘2 ‘ 22f," 1.. _,‘-,_,~“,",.2 2122,“.‘22. ..2.‘
‘ ..;.__ ,,., 2221212111,,” - I 2.'21, 'Q_,.\ ’21 3.~--,_21..
o o o o o o 9“ ’11,? i .‘ ,':‘,..". 211‘,
Of fiCial says military ignored Signs . :1: t
. ‘. .‘11“7-_'.s I.
. 1 . I ”r.1_~.'.'.“'1'2..6 ,;.“
I ’ l ' 1 3 t11{§='5,_’_-12§5§:'flf,
B) Tl.“ .>\lll-.R\ sure lxoch s allegations would be re we had serious shoi tt ovniius partic I 'Willw’i‘f' I“ L 32:" 1'- " 1 3‘12".
ASsOCiated Press viewed by the Defense Department ularlv in lll.lll;tdlllL‘ it.H-il::t-i.ce rt ,,.,,-‘,-‘ ’3‘ p.13 1 “;‘1‘_1"“,1’-f‘
and the Joint (‘hiefs ol Stall. but latedtothetei“i“orist tbsett ' h "as ’ .t‘,2“.21:1‘..‘,_2‘.,}.‘: -‘“
WASHINGTHN I' S mIIItur) said the former official seemed pri- Q 22 2',,1_'*iz"v";"i , 2:2 ' 21’ .‘-..2-_,‘1'.{}'.‘,.
commanders ignored warnings marilv interested iii “influencing .-\ t'iv“t11mziii tutti: '.\e:t t...” later 1 ~11» _~_&222.,;2....,, I" ,' "5.13.3351
which could have spared the Ii\cs ol legislationon(‘apitol llill ' in the Stlllllltt‘l‘ or 110'. '11 I’ve‘zt‘tlt tuba?“ 03",“
man} of the 241 killed in the 1981’. at ”Noel Kochs ad\ocac_v tor the 1.x rote Koch “who lY .t shim-rt ”it‘ll 1“ ‘1‘."1‘1-"‘ '1:
tack on Marine headquarters in Bet Spa-ml Operations Forces is well IlQ'I'K m that tit-.1 .4. -,.t “.m-z: se : ,,‘ " 22"" “,221y. “1,221,151,21-
rut, the Pentagon s lormt‘t‘ top Cttutt- known." said Sims“ "I suspect what i’iotisl} bccauv- tllt '1 .ifl. \ t-i“t- 1’ i" ' .. ‘I .‘-‘ t Eff:- 1’;
ter-terrorism official has charged ever he has written is aimed at gain ated outside the tor-1. . trim of 2 ' . v1. f", a ":7 .1'
Instead ”I PUB/mt; attention 1” tht“ mg support for legislation " toiiiiiiaiid *1" . , 2 2222,2111» 222,;- ,, ,2 . .5.-2i,,_\2212,2
warnings of a five-trember Special Koch wrote that he had never be 2. " 1 \‘
Forces team which l‘t‘Ctntllllt‘ntlt‘tl tore spoken about about the Beirut ten weeks .tttei "ll “ .1 1 1“,,1 . 2H2. 21'1223, , _' ‘.
ways to make the Marines“ safer. bombing “Ix‘cau.sc it could (ml), l’eiitagoit t'llltlltttvittli i“ ' l'I/t‘tl “' 2, 1’ . 1‘23: 22'1"1‘1-;2»,’.' ,2 ,
"the report “1152 S"W