xt7sj38khd96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38khd96/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1995 1995 1995-03-10 2020 true xt7sj38khd96 section xt7sj38khd96  

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Some Wantmore representation in search

By Jenniler Smith

(jump/o I'Iillflll'

Several members of the Uni—
versity community do not think
there is sufficient campus repre-
sentation on the chancellor for the
Lexington (:ampus advisory
search coiiitiiittee.

After receiving several coni-
plaints from professors and
department heads, especially in
the (Iollege of Arts and Sciences,
the University's Senate (:ouncil
wrote a letter expressing its dissat~
isfaction with the committee’s

“\Ve wrote the letter because
we had gotten several various con:
cerns that the committee did not
have full professional, research—



her, he thinks more representa—
tion is necessary.

research faculty,"

still workable.
strong research people in the ulty

more research—ririented people are
necessary to

Since the chancellor makes
direct decisions concerning

type people on it," said Raymond research initiatives, the Senate
(on, Senate (Iouncil chairman (Iouncil thinks researchers should
and an advisory committee memv have a hand in the search process. at the

(on said, as a committee meni—

“I wish there were one or two
people of high—caliber
(iox said.

"But, I think the committee is
There are some

()tlier council members think

make a balanced

"It's important that the
research faculty on the Lexington
(Iampus have a voice,"
(Iouncil member Thomas (Earri—

.“There are
can accomplished,however

(.ouncil member Alike .\iet7.el
said the letter asked \Vethington
to appoint “a couple of more fac—

to the committee because it was
already too large.

"I responded to them by sayitig
‘\\'e already have a very good cial,

n .-lt/7Inta. .S'toriex,

page 9.


.'\lSt i,
said Senate

sever ral ways this


ton said.

committee, all w lio are interested
in advancing research
\Vethington said.

said he has received a
number of letters and
phone calls from other
organi7ations, colleges,
individuals atid groups



members have no spe—
individual interests in mind.

’2’ already
have a good
committee, all
who are inter-

an \ H c erred in

_ I 'l\' prev/den!
ct iitiniittee




cellor choices.


They just want to Iind
\Vcthington said it
is virtually impossible L'K.
to have all people Iully
represented on the
large it will not be able are Iair
to work effectively, lic
advancing ma '

will have
with .iiid
input on the top chan~


WEATHER Sunny today, high
5/)- 55, that tonight, [02."
around 3 5,- sunny and pleasant
tomorr on. lug/J in mid—60v.

SPORTS I/ie ll ildum :z‘i/l Iteqin t/Jeil

postxeaxmr run againxt .‘l/ll’lll'll tliiv afternoon


Marc/J 10, I995

o (.l.l\iI/lt.lv 5 I)I;tIvI//Ill 2

2 Ham. 6 Sporlv 3

l,I’iI\\T./rltl 5


l ie:.;wm/ 4


Ile told the Senate (.otllicll be
will develop a committee oftop
notch researchers to speak to the


candidates when come to

(ireg \\'atkins. A student reprc‘r
sentative on the council,
thinks \\'ethiugion's
about the si7.e oi the \Hlllllllllc‘t‘
but he irgiied that the
College oI Arts and
should have further representa

said lie
And iI the
gets too

L’l )Iil'l'l'nS


associated with research to “l“.verv‘ committee 7‘5-“6’1171'bdll/Jt’ To ease the minds tion because it is I‘K‘s biggest
. ,, ' v - - n - . ‘ ‘
the committee. member represents (J mver'xzty. oI those concerned. academic college.
\Vethington told the council be those interests (of V \Vethington said, “I recently spoke with Dr.
would not add any more members everyone), \\ ething— Charles Wethington some of the groups \\ ethingt. in, and he said he thinks

the committee is the right \l/L‘ to
pick a chancellor, and I trust that."
\\'atkins said.

the faculty 's concerns, tot L"

a chance to
“But I understand


llll exhibit

By Allison Marsh

(.‘ontrzltutmg ll run

The eyes of unnamed soldiers
stare from the faded gray images
gathered in an campus exhibit
honoring black American war vet-

Photographs of \Vorld \I'ar I‘s
highest ranking black army offi—
cer, Charles I). Young, and other
black soldiers frotn the Revolu-
tionary \\ ar to post- -Vietnam
mark the w ills of this exhibit.

It is part of a humanities series
to educate the public about the
significant contributions blacks
have made to medicine, science.
arts and history.

Doris Y. “ilkinson, professor
of sociology and director of
African-American Studies,
brought the exhibit to the Univer-

“The primary focus is to
inform and educate the public
about the significant contributions
of A.fric in~7 \mericans to the histo—
ry and culture of this country",
\\ ilkinson said.

The exhibit is an otitirrow th of
an African— \merican Physician s
I.xhibit “ilkinson developed in
1988-89 that was displayed across
the country, including Harvard
University's medical library.

\Vhen researching physicians,
the presence ofblacks in the mili—

tary sparked interest for U K s new
exhibit VI ilkinson said

“In the display, the faces of
numerous unknown but coura—
geous men and women who gave
their lives Ior democracy conIront
us, she said. “T hey Iought .ind
died for freedom in a nation that
denied rights and privile res."

Berryman Foster, who served
in \Vorld \\'ar II and is a Lexing—
ton resident, aided VVilkinson in
her research. \Vhile compiling the
exhibit, “ilkinson consulted Fos—
ter about his experience as a stew—

“I learned how to cook and run
a diner for officers and clean up
their quarters. I was inst like a but—
ler," he said.

The exhibit is located in the
Peal Gallery in Margaret I. King
library—North and the main
lobby of King I.ibrary»South.





.MMES CRISP Knvir/ ruff

BUCK SOLDIERS are honored in

an exhibit at 7V]. King Library.





Photos by JOSEPH REY AU low-77.1.7“;

BABNBUBNER .Serondiyear landscape arr/.iiterrm'e .vrudentr I‘l’l't'll‘t’ a t‘I‘III/lllt' of fl’t'H' trail rerently in tlie I'LS. ( [nod Barn.

They IOVB ‘LA.’

Students have good

time in Good Barn
By Jennifer Smith

(fan/put lid/tor

Landscape architecture students are
not raised in a barn, but they spend a
majority oftheir college careers in one.

The students spend anywhere from
20 to 100 hours a week on South (3am-
pus at the Ii. S Good Barn participating
in a rigorously competitive program.

Michael Hasenmyer, a Iourth- -year
student, said landscape architecture
means many sleepless nights and bad

“You don't really know why you get
into it." he said.

“I still don't know. There are days
and weekends I don't leave (the barn). I
don‘t eat or sleep or think about any-
thing except the project I'm working

Although Hasenmyer sometimes
questions his choice of majors, there
are a lot of other students who want to
get involved in the program.

The landscape architecture depart—
ment, affectionately known as “LA."
to its students, is a selective program. It
only takes 25 students a year.

About 200 students apply each year
and are interviewed and about .50 or ()0
take the aptitude test to get into the

First—year students Iill their basic
requirements. Second-year students
spend about 20 hours a week in the
barn and learn basic principles of
design and spatial element design.

IIasenmyer said “life ends" in the
third year when students can spend
from 40 to 80 hours a week in the barn.
In their third year, students take classes
in constniction, design and plant iden-
tiIication, and they start analyzing and
inventorying sites.

Fourth-year students begin basic
projects combining what they've
learned, and they spend about 100
hours working on them in the studio.
Fifth-years wrap up the things they
have learned and spend up to an entire
semester working on a single project.

Many of those projects are imple-
mented in the community.

Ilasenmyer said the work pays off,




IIAItlI I“ “0““ .Ilit‘lzael Haven/nyer, a

fourth-year student, work on a pro/err.


He and three other Iourth- -year stu-
dents presented a project yesterday to
the Housing Development Committee
for a low-income retirement communi—

The group designed an entrance
driveway, residential garden, private
residential area, surrounding lands and
a park that sits on the corner.

Sam (Iraper, president of the UK

chapter of the American Society of

Landscape Architecture, said there are
many misconceptions about landscape

He said the first thing people ask
him when they find out he is in land-
scape architecture is how to Iix the
dying pansies in their backyards.

The second thing people tell him is,
“Oh, really, I have a brother who is an
architect. "

He could probably tell you how to
help the dying pansies but he said that
is not all he does.

And, he said, there is a big differ—
ence between landscape architects and
other architects.

“Architecture is the design of a
structure inside, the building and
stuff," (Iraper said. “I A. deals with
everything outside ofthat."

In addition to saving pansies, they
must have advanced knowledge of
fields like natural, social and behavioral

They often have to play mediator
between different groups, such as set'

tlingr disputes between engineers,
architects, businessmen and enviroir

Second-year student (Shad IIunt
said although landscape architects sug—
gest and implement changes they try to
be considerate of the environment.

I hat s why we analyze :Hitl suivey
sight to make sure we re doing what” s
best for everyone involv"ed, Hunt said.
“\Ve try to enhance a sight instead of
destroying it

IIaseninyer said liiidsc. .ipe architece
ture provides him with a nice itiix
between the artistic side and the calcu-
lated, organized side of things and

“I don't think landscape architecture
is ill cre ativity. Ilasenmyer said. It‘s
all sensitivity to the people of th it
community, to the land and to all of
the other factors that get involved in a

(iraper said landscape architecture
and the students that do it cannot be
summed up in a few simple words.

“\Ve know the ins and outs of every
person in here,” (iraper said.

“Spending 40 or ()(I or 100 hours
makes you realize how much you like
and enjoy what you are doing. There‘s
a certain passion and insanity that is
involved in this."



Bil‘fll 0' a Illl'll

VThe ES. Good Barn. named after
Edwin S. Good, chairman at an animal
industries group. originally was a dairy
barn with cows on the lirst floor and a
haylott on the second floor. Now. it serves
as a studio Ior about 65 aspiring land-
scape architects.

V“Rumor has it that once upon a time the
hayloit caught on fire and that same alter-
noon they were still milking cows on the
bottom floor because (of) the concrete
ceiling that separates the two floors." said
Horst Schach, chairman and launder oi
the landscape architecture program.





Tax out plan is
unveiled by Republicans

\VASIIING'I'UN , Ilouse Republicans pre—
sented their longrprtilillst‘tl tax cut for families.
businesses and investors yesterday, declaring that it
would ease financial burdens on Americans and
help companies create more jobs. But it faces politi—
cal ditiiiculties ahead.

I’ortraying the measure as a boon to ordinary
.~\meric.ins, llouse \Vays and Means (joinmittee
(lhairiiian Iiill Archer. ReTcxas. unveiled the pack—
age in .i speech to the conservative Family Research
(Iouiicil in .i Ilouse office crammed with couples
.ind small children.

The pep rilly itiiiosphere liti\\CVtr, did little to
tloak the Iatt that its introduction Iormallv ignites
what will be one of(ongtess Iiei- cst and least. [)Tl
dictable battles this year: an (Iililt to \l.I\IT taxes
even as law makers try to erase the mammoth bud-
get (Itllcli 'l be me isurc would cost SIN) billion
over Iive years though its lll- -ye. ir prict tag is liktly
to balloon to ibout S7 (II (I billion.

Will the Air return to Bulls?
l)l‘.l‘Rl‘ll‘l D lll \Iicbael iortlan e.stringed

Irom the sport he adopted iii. iv be returning to the
game he once ruled. lordan practiced ..igiin with the
(. liic ago Bulls yesterday the third striight div he
appeared .it te mi headqu irters. Iueling speculation
tli. it he ll trade in his baseball spikes tor .i new pair
oI Airlordans.

“As far as Michael and all the speculation in has-
ketball, we just have to hang tight here .iiid wait to
see what goes on." Chicago Bulls coach I’hil lack-
still said.

After the Bulls' two—hour practice. the iZ—year—
old lordan drove off in his Range Rover without
comment. And spokesmen for the Bulls, the (Iliica-
go \Vhite Sox and‘lordan's agent said no announce—
ment was It)l‘thUHTIIIIgJIICh‘St)I‘I said the distraction
tnade it tough for the Bulls to remain foctised, but
might help energize a lethargic team.

Cocaine may have IBII Tl] [BWIS' death

.\'I“.\\' Y( )RK W Cocaine may have contributed
to the death of basketball star Reggie l.ewis. but
people around him ignored that possibility to pro-
tect reputations and financial interests. The \Vall
Street _lournal reported yesterday. The newspaper
said while adeIinite connection cannot be shown
many doctors suspect the Imston ( eltics c iptam
died in luly I‘l‘h Iroiii i lit an d. imaged by cot .i.inc

“\\ hit is undeni.-:iblc ot .iine was a tentr..il
explosive issue tor the dof‘tors the Lewis Iamilv.
tlie ( .eltic's ind the pathologists who conductttl liis
.\ovember 10W autopsy - in issue that became
untouchable because Mr. Lewis was a bisketball
superstar, thc newspapei said. I he Boston (.eltics
threatened to tile a SIM) million lawsuit against the
reporter, the \Vall Street .lournal atid its parent
company. Dow _lones .ind (.o. Inc. NBA deputy
commissioner Russ (iranik said the journal‘s story
“is based entirely on speculation .iiid has no real
factual basis."


"Tank heaven: “8 ITIITTI'T let it he

ALBANY. XX. “Scrambled eggs,
baby how I love your legs. "

(iood you tried again, Paul.

I‘ormer Be itlc I’aul .\Ic( artney
said in an interview released yester—
day that was the original first line of
i song he wrote II) years ago

But be scrapped it in favor of
“\ esterday, all my troubles seemed
so far away."

“Yesterday." which has been
played on the radio more than 6
million times since 1965 , more than any other in
history remains .\Ic( artney 5 favorite.

“I like I,Iere T here and Everywhere, too, and
‘lley .lude, Fool on the Ilill and ‘I.ct it Be.‘ But
‘Yesterclay" is such an obvious favorite because it's
the biggest song ever."

Compiled from 11‘"? repent,

oh my




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.lpplieatiens for Student Speaker

111 the

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mum to lhc 11111'l1l:"







.1111l l’errr," wherein .\Icl.ennan, genius when I heard “Don't You

.OtviifiivtrootiiifiyfifitvttvfiVivfivvtfirtivv~tivtifitfivq ”1“.L_.»[.,Hp1\1 l.1\\\cr.1111l“1111L1'11I1111k|ik1~an I'Miurwnnhfl

: . \l’ ’ 111111.111 ”W 1’1"“. ”l "’.“ ”' ‘ "IN" " ’l“ .l “W” ‘l‘"'""[ FOLK CHABMEB (1mm.lIrla'mnm recently2‘1'11‘111'1'11 ‘I[111:1'1'111'1’1Ik1'rStan'u

: ' H" "‘m H l ’“i‘” ‘l "’ huh I!” l 1"”‘l 1"“ “‘ ’1'”: " " "L {11111 111/111m air/.1 whirl» marl-1' r111'.'l11.1'r7'1zli1m Imriz'e‘x thin/111111 pro/1'11.

: it? kls'ldraMCuS ”1"” "1' \“H. l “M1111. 11s1'1l 111 \l1.l1'1111.111s s111'1' 1111-l111l1cs arc '

t l" \ 111.11 11; 1h1- (111 l§1,-t\\1-1'11s..111111 1.11'111'1l l11' 1lt'llt.tlt‘ acoustic and . ‘ ‘ ‘ . u ‘ _

. 13h 3.111" 1.1111 mum 1|...1. 1.111.!1'1s1.11-.' 1'l111111- mmm like (..1111e l'isher and Bruno (.ry for Me .\(1.\l()re because
‘1'1‘11111 1111 11:1.11l11-1s‘ l1.-s111‘1.111. .....,,....1 11.11]. .\ 11.1., “1”?)me l\|l’l1\'u 111\\l1cn lllm \lct 111111'1gc11111sco11ld 1111l\e inelike a
11111.! 1 51111.1.11- .1111,1l1111_.1 “.1 111.111: 11.1 .., 11tl111 ”NI.“ 8. 1111' takts the distraught phone c‘ountn song,r so much.

Idon I think its my secret that
l clonsider country music more
painful than having my head
repeatedly slammed into a con—
crete wall.

The song’s mournfiil slide gui—
tar and the estranged-lovers story—
line are straight out of Nashville,
but l think the song is 111agnili-

calls 111 two friends ol his \1 ho :‘ue
e .11'pe1"ientin:_r r11111 antic turbulence
and gin-s them advice. A few 1111111
utcs later, l'1l go with the whimsi-
1al ";\H llcr Songs."

’I hen [‘11 pick the al1nost«rock—
111g “l’ut You Down," then “Don’t
You (Iry l'or .\1e .\'o More,” then
the title track. then

I decided that .\1cl,.enn'an was 'a

math Md \11111 and 1111.1 lllll
"’ .11ll 11111l11.111ll l1.11k1n_1,{\'ocals.

,\h.1lln,11 11l 1:1eatall1uruis
thit \1111 111111ll111 s.1_\ “hich 1s


11.111 t1\11r.t1 l111111s1-1o11 ketp
\'1111‘\'1'\\111‘k1'd hard

1'.1l111111111( 11111111111vl H11I""'\1/r11l/11'1
1111‘1'11111’l’1.\\. \1111‘1] lilo
l‘hal's what 1”“).

1pr111111.l1111:; .1 pulse 1111 the charts.



I ’~4 la” 3E] ill-{Wu “i 11111111 run It“ “_‘\" "’1” 11123:: illiliilillizlil'm‘. I
g 4"" l'l'l'l H} M11113“... Iinl I1111‘1 11ml 111
Catch all the SEC. lourn Action on Our 15 ft. Mdescreen!



1111‘ 11111111112
:[I‘lll’lt‘ 1 ’11l11‘l.


The nation 5 best selling albums according to next week’s
Billboard magazine.

LEI-ace Springsteen Gmn- 12.Mary J. Bite: My Life







l’lus 111-v1 s1u1h'




111111111'11111i1i1-s,1'1111li11111111! 11111-1115 (Columbia) (Uptown)
, 11111111111111. $ 1 OFF 2.1111121111111111 (Motown) 13.111111111111111 Smash (Epi-
._ l 1 . '. ‘1'1111'11 ll.'1\'t'll11'11's111'1‘l 3.3”“! Brooks 77.1? Hm taph)
S ,- D - ‘l : and l”"“1lfif“ :111111‘1l1'1l (Liberty) 14.310“ JOlIII and "III Rice
« ‘ ‘ “My“... “...... Any 1311111111 crow 711.11.11.11 "rhe 1.11111 King’ Soundtrack
51:1 . .-\ .Vl‘q/Jf (”mic (flu!) (A81M) (Disney)
“lollil'it'' .1.. Footlong R5.sre;zn Day Doom (E1.5).Pearl Jam Vita/ogy
‘ 111 1 . (eprise pic
»"I",';\’"fi”{” 1"1‘11‘.‘ ’1 ‘j Silb SandWlCh (1111111111: 8. the 1111111111111 16. 11.1 1111111 Sufi» + Sound
" ’ ’ "‘l ‘ 111111111 All”) (,“'1111/.1'11Rmr llcw (Atlantic) (Profile)


l7.Melissa Etheritloe Yes I
Am (Island)

7.111: (X'nzzyieafiwool (LaFace)
11.11111 Eagles Hell Freezes Over

i050¢ OFF



, , (Geffen) 18.Mallonna Bedtime Stories
((106) 57141005 91111.- remain); Copper (Maverick-Sire)
' ' An 6" (Radioactive) l9 .lllirvana M'lV
: S b S yd h 111.11anilalen Balance (Warner Urgéuggcd in New York
5 u an W1 Bros.) (D )
' 1 ~11. 11 ~ 11 '11 ......» 111.11.. ARMY NURSE CORPS- s 111111 c... , 11.11111 Cranberries No M1111 20.llarious Artists ‘Boys on
'1 . 1.11. . p, , ,, WWW,- BE ALL YOU CAN BE. ; ""‘ 5 1 r11.-lr;1g1111(lsland) the Side’ Soundtrack (Arista)




(’6 / 1"” st 5/7011 Strait
,7/‘1'. - .5171th 7/1/6’1‘
5121‘. — CdtzZZI/zzmpw












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All looking to send UK home early

By Jason Dattilo

III/INN! ‘7'“"7‘ [CI/mu

From here IIII out there will he
IIII IIIIIII- second chances for the
PK lI IsketlI-all team.

It's tournament time. and that
m2 IIis no more midnight pr.II«
tiIes .IIIII tIIII- a dIIs as punish~
inent Ior poor play In March, the
IIInIshment for cold shooting and

.I I dI Iense I.s elimination.

( II IIh Rick Pitino s ( ats III Ike
therI pIIstsI-Ison IlelIIIt tIIdaI III
the Southeastern (. IInIerenIe

loIII'nainent against Auhurn at
Ile' pin. III Atlanta's (Ieorgia

And eI en though the \Vilrlcats
still ll.t\'t‘ the NCAA 'l‘ourIIaIIII-nt
to look forward to, an early exit
roIII the SIX I 'l‘ourney \IoIIld end
the (:ats' three—year reign as
I"IIIIpII us ofthe event.

I'ls. the No. 1 seed in the
SFC‘s Eastern Division and the
odds on fanrite to Iourpeat
alrI .irly spanked Auhurn ()8 (I4 III
l.I \ington, hut the ligeis, the
No. I seed from the conference's
“I stIrn l)iIision “did not plIII
III to potential III th “at IIrst meet~
In}r " inIl l’itmo \\ hose squad
comIs into toIlaI s game IIithI a
3 .7 4 Inerall reIIIrIl.

“lhat night we had eye rIthiIIII
m. ing Ior us“ and theI had IerI lit—
tle going Ior them," l’itino said.
don‘t think our tans saw the true
Auhurn. But we don't expect that
to happen again."

Auhurn, hou VVVVVV __”*__.__1,,_ I muI II III-tier III
ever. is no "K V8. Alllllll‘ll lan-
II lt)\“l‘. ‘ I ..
“Elm ‘ [h I l l Iozlay. 3:1), .It/Inna l 1"” """r' :
. (C C k L“ )k ' ltllllk' L'tllll
cle III Lexington, P l 8 UK (22-4) lIIss III \lissis
I‘lget‘ coach (:llll Grglhaybllglk'anus. IPIESI Sign ‘ll’l‘l gnu II“-
l‘.lll\ lids» L‘llgh GJett Sheppard 8f; .‘2 (.ats [)lIIILLIl
neered victories CAnItreRIddiclI '30 42 ed to tattle oII
III'er I‘IIlIlerenL‘e FROdIle RDUOCS 137 37 three I'IInsI-I II
Iowers Alissis‘si ) )l FWalletMcCatty 99 35 t ' S “(i l' .I I
Lt'lt . .1 l Fl Illl' ROSDWDSZMaflt Pope, 78.AIIIIIHI~“W.IIIIII “L ,1. U f‘
f .‘ t t'.‘.‘ "r“ "‘ 6904180Prickett,68.ArittIIIrIyEII;is {.7 ‘1‘ “m“ “H’
lhe l 'gg” “I“: Chris Harrison32.SI.IIttPaIIIiett..“/‘ Ills “k“ "l
plaIeIl lop 3‘ CamernnMills. 1 4,Allt3nEItMII1". 1 l, -\l.IlI.IIII.I. \ .ll]
memhers Alahama derlIilt .llltl
and Arkansas Auburn (15-11) Georgia.
I‘lIIsc‘, losingr IXV Probable Starters: Pts: Heb: W" 'l“""
inst two points III GLanceWeems 138 44 III-re not lllst
lIoth games. 5 Effigl'ekNO'W [1316‘ 4? \Hlll‘ or down
.. “I. L‘.a tire .' III . ., .
l\\e rI ”(Illl‘; Hams Davr‘ 10,) 5/. “ms. tIlIIIIIIiiIs
to IaIe to rise am May Donald 9: J, \iould pIolIa
IlaI mIIIlI hettel‘ Reserves: W83 Flanigari 8.7 IrIIIIIWIIIIarIs III_\' III- the
Iecause certainly 86 Leroy Davrs 41‘ JIITIII"\'II' .I. 't . “um -‘i'l”"'l""
Auhurn has Sanl'e‘d 20 Am”: 33‘” H ”r' HM “’4” ate \\ .II to
IIIIproI'eIl and will 3 (l('\( iIlIe them
play much hetter," w JPUWM I: \tter all
I’itino said. gs _._. 1,, -1 \\ llt'l‘. the (Iais‘


But l’itino said
the \Vildeats, who received a Iirst
round IIIe haIe an ad\ ant; IIIe
ainnst Auhurn hec ause they haIe
.III IIItra III) to pre are

“Mr some preliminary prepI
ration the L K coach said the
'l‘igers are likely to employ any
nIImhI-I“ oI' freak defenses
including .I lonAand-one or a tri-
angle-and~two ~~ in an CIIIII'I to
slow the esplosiye I'K offense.

“\\'e'll he ready for just alIIItIt
anything." l’itino said.

But L'ls' also has been playing



romp oyer ISI' on \IIIIIII l).iI Is
thrown Into the llll\. tlII- .l\<‘l.l:‘(‘
iII.ItI1iiI of \ILIHII tor I’IIIIII I‘s
stI .III Is I IIlIoppIIIII I! I pomi.
\\ith thI (.ais on It Ioll and
almost assured of .1 \(Id seed on
Selection .‘IIIIIIlaI'. l’ItiiIII said he
\I'Ill lie Iising the SIC ‘llIlllllJ
IIIeiIt .Is for the
and .Is .I linal tuneup IIIIIII the l I_-_I
Int how much Illlpl'tnt‘lllt‘lli
can II team “lilt‘ll hit II) thII-I-
pointers and racked up I.“

.l \lIII\\'L.|sI“ IIHI,



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\I IIIh .t‘lIl Into the l‘lllll l'oui'

ls ‘IHlll" \I l"\ \Itll

think our IIIIIIIse ll

ght now
Is. IId “l

It s :fiilll‘,‘ tII IiIt."

ats don't scare Auburn, Norris

By Brett Dawson
XIIIII'fI‘ lir/itrn‘

A I l..-\N'l‘.-\
\iIiIts I'lx'.

'l he man they call .\Iooehie is
hungry for a shot at the third—
raiIkI-d \Vildeats.

Forget that the (Iats are the
I'aI orites in this weekend‘s South—
eastern (Zonference 'I‘oIIrnament.
Forget that ITK pelted Norris‘
Auhurn Tigers 98464 in Rupp
Arena on Ian. 4.

Forget it all. Norris wants UK.

And, lIy virtue of his team's 8]—
66 win over South Carolina yes—
tei“.lay in the SFC 'l‘ournainent’s
Iirst round, Norris has his shot ~—
a shot at knocking offthe team he
“zllth‘tl to play for.

"I IIIII'III's wanted to go to Ken—
tIIIky". Norris said IesterIlaI, aIter
scoiing 18 (points in AuhurnI s “in
«III r the (Iainecocks‘. “It was a

hit Norris' suspect grades as II
freshman at ()Ilessa ,ltiiiior (iol‘
lege sI' ll'L‘tl L'K away. Norris
signed with Auhurn. And thotigli
he harl-ors no ill will toward Rick
l’itino and his (Iats, Norris still is

“T his is a great chance, not for

~~ .\lartyn Norris

me, Inn for the whole team," Nor-
ris said. “This is a great chance to
”(T another shot .It Kentucky."

Still I m an hup with I Is might
seem like a le—ss than uelcotne
reward fora l'lzlrtlt‘l‘AfUUgltt‘tllfln~
[hCIS‘CUT‘C4WIllltl-lfitllCfllC win over
the (iamecocks

At I .II p III. today. less than -4
hours IItI: r the final horn \ester—
day. the I IgIrs (lo-1 1, 7-9 Sl,(,)
get the pleasure of facing one of
the nation‘s hottest teams ~ » a
team that hasn't lost in the SIX:
’l‘ournainent under its current
head coach. The Tigers don’t
seem to mind.

“( )ur team really has no fear of
anyone they play," said Auhurn
coach (.‘liff lillis, whose team
swept Mississippi State this season
and came within three points of
doing the same to Arkansas. “This
team is not going to fear Ken-
tuck)“. "

It s not goinIr to hIIe an easI
time with the ( .Its either. South
(.arolina coach Ialdie logler
knows that for a fact.

The perfect recipe for Auhurn

Fogler knows.

“(Iertainly Kentucky will press
them and try to wear them down,"






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I‘ogler said. ’l‘lIII'll h. l\( to heat
the piess Ind stop thI threIs

“ l.otsol lIIIk.

'l‘hat wouldn‘t hurt \IIII ll(‘l
ther would (illl‘ls l).l‘»l~ ll.l\llI‘.‘
another effort like he had against
South (:arolina IestI-iday 'l he
Auhurn forward. It iIIIIIIIr Iollege
transfer, had I .ir'eei highs III points
(31)“aittll‘eliIiIInIlsHI’, ll IIt'tliIIsI-
coining lie/“re r/II' I‘d/f.)
