xt7sj38khf37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38khf37/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-09-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1999 1999 1999-09-24 2020 true xt7sj38khf37 section xt7sj38khf37 p








An- "'1‘-



.._- . __._ .~.‘.e__..__ ._.-.~ . .

Why ask

Y2K is feared by
everyone from
fishermen to Port~a~
Pot sucker-outers.
computers are going
to explode. blinding
all small creatures
that live near ATM
machines. Here are
the problems that
are actually going to
cause problems when
the infamous day


Automatically flushing
toilets the world over
will all flush







3-“ Gator


" bites

's A look
be ahead to
~ Saturday‘s
big game] 3

Investigation yields two arrests

Intolerance on campus:
Attack could be
considered a hate crime

By Dave Gonnan


As the campus pays homage to
50 years of desegregation this
school year at UK. Lexington Police
are investigating a possible hate
crime committed against two Les
ington Community (‘ollego stii

On Wednesday, .lesse llavis
and TerAndre Graham filed a criiii
inal complaint against the as
sailants. which is the final stop
they can take before couit proceed

According to Lexington Police
Detective David Lyons. two arrests

have already been tiiade in coniiec
tioii w ith the group attack on llay is
and (irahaiii.

The attack happened a few
weeks ago on Aylesford Place, a
student neighborhood otily a few
blocks from I'K‘s campus. Accord
ing to a police report filed last
'l‘hursday night. Davis. who is
white. and liraham. who is black.
were attacked by a group of ten
whites when attempting to visit
one of Davis” female friends across

Graham said that one poison
was holding his legs down. while
the other was on top of him chokr
ing him and racial slurs were being
yelled at his face. (lraliam claims
that he was choked to the poitit
where he couldn't move or talk. let
alone iight back.

“i definitely thought i was go-
iiig to lose my life at one point lll
time." (it‘lliltllll said. "The whole
thing was going through my mind
that l was going to die across the

street from my friend's house on a
porch of soiiieotie i don't even
know "

firms and Graham both said
llie\ didn't want to tight and tried
to avoid confrontation, but were
outiiuiiibertkl. Davis said that even
before anything was said. he was
defending liiniselfagaitist five peo-

lid is suffered a broken hand
arid l broken bone under his nose
it ill ilioattacks. lletoowastliertL
czpit of of‘racial slurs. such as. “ii

in. v and “wanna be it

‘.\ll the time they were heat-
ll‘L' u- they were yelling out.
in .ilii-vhood~ and ‘white power'
aid slapping oacli other high
fixes." llavis said "It was like they
wore the lx'iu Klux Klan standing
out lll""" on the porch, only they
weren‘t dressed in white. it was in-
sane. I didn't know that much hate
st'll twisted "

l’olic: also say that the day af-
lcl‘ the lllt ident. when they tiiade

the police report. liay is sllll had i
footprint on his face from the butt
ing. Davis and (frahaiii had to
make the police report the lit \t day
lxxrause it is against [)llllt e policy to
take repoits from people under the
influence of alcohol. Lil't ot‘dttiJ lo
Lexington l’olice Sergant Mark

The police. however. did not
take on official report from the wit
iiesses. according to llavis and (irar

llziriiarii .iiid Detective llavid
Lyons sflltl they think that tfiis will
be labeled as .i hate crime and have
a list of suspects and witnesses.
'l'hey said they feel confident that
the attackers will be caught and
face the consequences

Barnard and Lyons stressed
that the entire case is still unfold
itig and that tho "racially motivat-
ed" pait of'tlie crime is not the ("will
plote story. They suspect a coni-
tiioii denominator between the at
tackers and the victims.

.\ siiiiilii illi’llli'lli happened
on this campus ill the
when 'l black female sttidei-i is
attacked by ‘1 group of llll‘l'i‘ inaiws
at knifepoiiii next to llai‘kei' llai" l'.
was reported as a l'Jtt'lItli‘» l'liill‘.‘il
ed attack

'l'iii ise .‘llllll 'lo‘l's were

lllack Student l'iiioii \ ice pre-
ideni .\leziiidi'o \‘towari romo in
hers the tin ident in two. but lei-ls
tiiore at case that the current inc:
dent is both: iiiyestigated

‘\\'et:.»»- a lllll'tllHl'lll wait until
more iiiior'in ittoii develops iit‘l'd'
we address tiixtiiiiig lx‘iglii now

spiiii,‘ ,?

:‘u-yer f;.

its limit" through the cour'
process fi- said
:\‘t;:o . 'li it"“ll action is takin:

[llll('t'_ He. is Jillil l il'.ili.illt liiili'l it‘ll
safe trvn: to go their
eyel‘ula‘. liyes

“It's Hist r hanged tiiy poi‘spi-t-
tiye oii tiii‘igsf llavis said. ‘l'\e
been sl.:\ in: by Inaselfa lot lately."

back lit

simultaneously and
cause water pressure
fluctuations that will
cause all toilets to
explode. Anyone that
has the misfortune to
be using one will
require anal
surgery. Because of a
lack of facilities, the
streets in major
metropolitan areas
will be a breeding
ground for
commutable diseases
as the streets fill
with recycled beer
and champagne.

A huge epidemic of
mono will spread as
every person in Time
Square will
effectively kiss every
other person there.
causing a lull in
production in the city
of New York when 80
percent of the
workforce calls in
sick for two months

Dick Clark will be in
suspended animation
due to the short
circuits that will
occur in the
computer that holds
his skin tightly
across his face. Will
that man ever age or

ATM machines will eat
your card but give
you $500 worth of

The Internet will become
almost worthless
since only the porno
sites could afford the
updates to prevent
their servers from

Bookstores will go
bankrupt because all
merchandise will
have been about Y2K
problems, none of
which will be sold
after January 1.

Compiled by Samantha
Essid/Ron Norton




7.8 5.1

Partly cloudy today



News“ tips?

Call: 257-l9i5 or write:



Culture celebrated



Mark Owens gets down on the guitar.

As Chandra dances, so do the frills on her
traditional Latin dress.

through dance

By Kim Chopra

From time to time peo-
ple forget about other cul—
tures that brighten up our
campus. On Wednesday
night. some young talent
twirled across the stage in
bright greens. purples. reds
and yellows in the Old Stu.
dent Center Theatre. The
Latin American Studies Pro
gram sponsored the lively
Spanish festival featuring
flamenco dance.

The dance trio titled
“Flamenco Por Flamencos"
consists of three ladies, An-
drea del Carmen. Carolina
del Carmen and Chandra.
Chandra, who has studied
flamenco dance for six
years. said. "The dance is
very interesting but that
lenging at the same time.“

The sisters. Andrea and
Carolina. have been study
ing flamenco dancing since
they were little girls. This
traditional dance reflects
stories of the Catholic i'eli
gion or the family. The origi
nal dance of this southern
Spanish-style dancing
comes froin the North lndi-
an dance technique called

Accompanying the
dancers were guitar players
Robert Elliot and Mark
()wens. Stuart Waldner
played a Spanish instru-
tnent. the caia. The rectan»
gular wooden hollow box is
played like a hand-drum.
The flamenco guitar was
used originally as an instru-
ment of accompanimeiit. To-
day solo flamenco guitar has
develoixxl as a separate art.

Flatiienco dance is by
nature oriental. so if dif‘

f‘ers fundamentally from
other well-established Hu-
ropoan dance forms. (‘om-
plex rhythmic patterns
are created by a sophisti



. vMW-b«vx.fiW‘N"-a~ ., mes






some SGA

By Jason Johnson

CON'R BlflNt’f wk‘ 'l"

The Student (ioveriiinent .\\~~iit'l.illl‘l‘. Senate
approved several t‘Xt'i'lllth’ :imioiiitiiionts oyer the
past two Wednesdays,

All but one of SGA l’i'esideiii .liiiiniy 'lleiiii's
appointments were approu-d. but some senators
questioned the lack t)lt‘\l)t'l‘lwl‘i1”‘ of th~ “\"i'lill‘yv
members. all of w iioiii are new to soy.

“This is the first time 1 car li‘llli'llllli‘t‘ the si-r;
ate not approving an i‘Xe-t'llliyi :ioiiiinatiozi. sod
.loe Schiller. who served llli‘ st i.\ for four years

The Senate blocked .ipiiro\ ii of \.ii'ti l’ itU
pro-medicine sophomore. .is th- lli-‘A i nan‘iw is.-
of the Elections Board of Stun-m ;sioii "fiat loo-~-
SGA without an l‘ilt't‘llillls l ll.i'l',>t*l'\i-li ius'.
weeks before freshman olet tic-its ill‘. tlcioln :' e and

Senator Keisha (‘arter cited l‘atol s Il‘e‘\.lo'f'l
once. "I couldn't vote for soiiiobody whw lias inn \
perienco iii running an SGA ciec'alii,‘ >i‘e soi
Glenn said he would lll"lll.‘tlli\ leciye :s up 7 . on
committee itself to i‘ll‘t t a i‘liairpiwscn ;,, to»: ,~ 13'

.lulia Sander was apprtwod .is "\t't‘llilh' ii'i-i
tor of academic affairs for Sti.\ Sander an o
noniics of medicine senior. plans to play an :ictix-u
role in increasing the student input in the sei‘ot tion
process of teaching assistants. a

"I really want to find out more about bow tie
'l‘A selection process works because iiiost studei is
don't know." Sander also added she'd like to sow
SGA piit out the “Advocate" again “it's tangible
evidence of something SGA does for the students “

The Senate accepted two other e\» l illl\t‘ ap
pointments from President .linanu (denii during 1
full Senate meeting Kevin Roganboldt. .i lieaLtli
science management senior and former l\’i'.\l\lt'llt‘i‘
llall Association president. was named i‘ilxt‘t utoo
Director of Student Ser\ ices .\ member of Hit Sig
ma l’t national honor fraternity iiit‘llil referred to
him as “capable. confident and di‘iyeii " lx’egui
lioldt says he plaiis to draw from his o\perieiices iii
RHA to find ways to improve current soy services
like the ftitoring program and legal ser\ ices "A lot
of students came up to me when l was :in resident
adviser. asking where they could find legal sery ice
for a number of reasons." said Rogaiiholdt "St; \


(‘lllf‘d flllllW‘lTk l(‘('hlll(lllt‘- For the“ who "us,“ an UK prtivides‘ these services but not enough students
$33,? tgili'i‘glw‘shflfl"f1; performance. Flamenco For . know]: ‘ 0 .1, l ' , _ W ‘1 | l' , xi \ .t . ‘ ,
boots with dozens of nails "m” will be Mm". i t ”t“ ~' if if .“fi [fillid ff 1 mt“ I“. int. (i illiii.‘
.- W . x ‘ r . 0d.2lt8p.m.ltfln l itigiiiuiin;~ st nl‘tlil. ‘l t it niwposi it no out

(ll 1“ it into th‘ 501‘ 5 and I m , i tlll\t‘ Assistant. lies a liaid woikoi with lllt iedi
heels. Lu W” "of V "m' ”on. i hle resources. He really evplores the options before
_ , The women wear 19m“, M.“ "II! Wm m“ o, i acting." (llenn said of(lrlet Although (llenii and
costumes. . often ., l,‘ it‘ll “lo“ “I“ W” m l ()rlet are still discussing what the demands of the
"Ml-11‘ fl ”Ix and lndqml “V.” W” "m“ i new position are going to be. ()rlet plans to help
then elegant aim and t . . . ‘ , _ ~
hand movements for 4 lighten the load on the other t‘\t‘( utiyo meinbei .s
hours. For m mum on L ‘l in kind oflike a gopher. ()rlot said Aiokingly. llis

Flamenco is lust one M Ml” Month, f mam focus will be addressing specific platform is
”f ”w ways the Latin please ”It!“ the lath l sites set forth by the liW-Ztklo MA and finding
American Studies pro» Am 8M0: Program It i W8.“ {Ur SGA l0 Willi/c “8 limb-
gram will celebrate His. 157-4344, I "The three of them should work really well to
panic Heritage Month. i gether. They each bring unique qualities to the
The celebration of the her- i table." (llenn said. Glenn is looking forward to get
itago month will run until i ting down to business “It should be a great year for
Oct, 13 and will contain 3 SGA. I can't wait to sit down with Whitney and
various Hispanic films i everylmdy else to start planning for the upcoming
and music. i year “



 ‘2 “3'9":SFUFP‘FER. M991 KiumtvfiitT " __ * t



The Low-down

Rescuers battle clock in Taiwan


Dragging defendant sentenced to die

BRYAN. Texas A white supremacist was
sentenced yesterday to tiie by lethal injection for
dragging a black man to his death on a rural
road. Lawrence Russell Brewer is the second
man to be sentenced to the death penalty for the


Workshop bridges
cultural barriers

31 Brian Yong

student adviser. and her assis-

> 'l‘AlPlll. ’l‘aiwan As cries for help increas- 282:1: fay“ igzech‘aliiaii‘ii i‘dliiiigdiiidggi(dtlypiiliiipqt'ifizliczihrii CONIRIBUIING Wain tant. Karen Slaymaker. Will be
ingly turned to ominous silence. rescue teams Sh i the ' dragged for three miles along a bumpy country in charge ofall the events. The
battled the clock yesterday to save nearly 2.000 e 5 road northeast of Jasper ’I‘exas. . _ ' UK Student Government Asso-
trapped and missing victims of Taiwan‘s devas- “"955 “"1“" ' Bt’Sldfi‘S CIIJOXIHE tht‘ beau- eiation Will sponsor the event.
tating earthquake. More than 60 hours after the IV known as 0' 0f Natural Bridge. parthl- Unfortunately, space is

earthquake struck. at least 2.103 people were
known dead. 7.81m injured and 1,844 still unac-
countetl for the vast majority of whom were
believed hurled under rubble and landslides, the

Courteney Cox.
The "Friends"
star. who wed
actor David

Moynihan endorses Bradley

NEW YORK ~ Sen. Daniel Patrick Moyni-

pants of this weekend's cross-
cultural workshop will have
the opportunity to savor dif-
ferent cultures front around

limited Students had to apply
for spots on the workshop to
ensure tiiversity of nationali
ties anti backgrounds among

Disaster Management (‘enter said. Local m‘WSpa' Arguette on han yesterday endorsed Bill Bradley for the Be the world. participants.
pers said several hundred thousand DGOPIC‘ were June 12, has mocratic presidential nomination. He said the “i think Natural Bridge is Some students com-

lionieless but this could not be officially con-

pulled a Farrah
and officially
changed her

former New Jersey senator‘s only opponent, Vice
President Al Gore. “can‘t be elected." Bradley
said his campaign is “up against an establish-
ment." but he noted that Moynihan‘s endorse-

otie ofthe most cultural places
in the U.S. and it will give the
international students a
chance to see anti witness a

plained the deadline was too

“The organizers should
have extended the application

StOCk prices dive on interest rate fears name to mentwas important “I think WON" Will take ”9: specific American culture.“ deadline because students are
C rt C “09‘ MOthhah‘ {1 New York Democrat “h" 1-“ said Paco Picon. a foreign lan— basically unable to plan their
, . . . . ou enev ox retlI‘mg from the bt‘liaie. Elnti iii‘éidlt‘)’ have been gua 10 and internutiontll 9(‘0. ‘ hedulpg ‘0 f r ' d t "

NEW YORK Viorrieti about higher inter- Arguette. friends for more than two decades. i“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 5C " b a in a yance.

est rates anti the strength ofthe dollar. investors


nomics sophomore.
The workshop consists of

said Angeline Soon. an inte-






Ifeel Sililtl lheavilyl teisterdafy (“lid stock; lilgippetd cultural gameg where [)‘iI‘thl iiifiifgeibiibitegm communica.
. s iar) y. . t t it- c ose 0 ma 111’ on a ree. - ( , ~~ » t f ~ - , .
llke I the i’)ow Jones industrial avgrage was tiown ACtOI' George c. 560“ dead at 7' pants w1ll learn and apprecr Once the. workshop is
died and 20.3.48 at 10318.39. That brought the Dow‘s de- ate the value of teamwork. it over. the partiCipants .w111 be
went to cline over the past three sessions to 505.31 points. L08 ANGELES (hump (j_ Scott. whose will also feature dialogue ses- encouraged to put their new-
. . The Nasdaq composite index fell 107.66 to commanding. gravelvoiced demeanor brought sions. where partICipants Will founti knowledge into prac.
hlllbllly 2530.50. suffering one of its‘worst declines in his- me to Gen. George S Patton mm earned hiin an exchange indiVidual and/or tice. particularly among fel-
heaven ” W‘Ni Th0 (’th‘t‘mt‘ly 10W .Ub- lObleSS rate. has fOS' Oscar he refused to accept. has died. He was 71. culturalperspectives. . low students who did not par~
' It‘i‘t‘d fears that <‘<”hl)2111105 Wlll have to increase Scott died Wednesday. Pat Mahoney. Wife of “This workshop w1ll pro- t1c1pate.
“'11::08‘ This (‘Ullltl Pt‘I‘SUildt’ the Federal RCSOY‘VC Scott's publicist, Jim Mahoney. said yesterday. vitie an opportunity to learn. “Why get discouraged 7 ~
—DOI.I.Y to raise interest rates For all his success iii motion pictures. Scott tiis- understand anti appreciate about not being able to travel I.
dained mov1emaking. saying it was tedious anti various types of cultural dif— around the world when so g
PARTON, he ditl it only for the money. “i have to work in ferenccs." said Adrian liim. much of the world is right g
who, with President vetoes GOP's $7923 tax cut the theater t0 stay 521110." he SilKl- graduate assistant for the ()f- here on campus?“ said i
Conway iiCC ((iflntlernaFtiiolnalAiit‘airs. Michelle Klassen, a nursing =
Twitt and WASHINGTON President Clinton vetoed , . . . ““0 V“ 0 "‘03- ”mg" 59””
Johngy the Republicans‘ 879‘: billion tax cut bill yester- £23260“, Earthllnk: MlndSprIng to merge
Bond was day as "too big. too bloated apparently doom- 3'" C ' , . ... .. ”a... M - -
. ' the chances for any MVt't‘Dlht-I tax F€(lUCt10h thlS ' oshy '5 NEW YORK Eartliliink Network ltic. anti 1151013115
lnducmd year. With (‘ongress struggling to adjourn by 2“" with the MindSpring Enterprises lnc.. two fast-growing ‘* ““"ws .
into the Oct, 39. it appeared highly unlikely that Republi- world s providers of dial-up access to the lnternet. are .. ~ We WI" be
Country cans would accept Clinton's suggestion to send largest check- merging in a $1.4 billion stock swap to create a ' .
Music Hall Of liitii a smaller tax i)lii.‘lln the $300 billion range ers tourna- tough new rival to America 0,”in Inc. The enti~ i runn'nq a
Fame at last that ilt’ illiii [)l‘t)[)()5(’ti. ( ili:l1()l‘i said the (IOP mea» merit" to bene- {y Created by yesterday‘s ii‘éinS’dCIlOn Would have . .
. , Slll‘t‘ W0Ull>ilWCr1ltt W115 0” 8 1111551011 t0 StUdy the vantage in the National League East. now lead ROb Quail, E M
planet's weather anti look for signs of water. Ap- the gec()nd.pla('Q Mmg by four games with only ., A u
lllil‘t‘htlil It ”PW t0“ 010$“ t0 the Martian atmos- nine to play. Cincinnati trails the Mets by only 257-1915 “’9‘
pliere and broke apart or burnetl up. the space two gannlg in the NI, wild-card race. VlS(
agency said hm
7 vV _ 7 _ ,7 7, _ .4*.7s__‘ - _.__A. ..,., . . 7*.w...__v__k,v‘w_._,fiw__a_s 1 firs



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Women vs. Tennessee
at 7pm

° Student organization
with the most in
attendance receive
free T—shirtsll



- Drawing for 2 guest
tickets to Florida

football game on
Sept. 25th

Sunday, September 26th













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Women vs. Georgia l _


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at 3 pm 2
Nestea Cool Day- —
at ‘ b )tth. kc cha'nq, d . . P
W U ( “hm :ivcgw‘afl‘p‘ an Friday, October 8th 8:00pm. Memorial Hall __

515 General public 51 3.50 UK/LCC Faculty $10.00 L'K/LCC Students with iD
N K TANK for Tickets & Information CALL: 257-1le

Du www.uhtcdu/siudcniccnlcr/SAH next -—8
'k stage —I
‘ ‘ ' . _ _. i t ’ ‘—








. .rv'.







Adam Spaw
Sportsdaiiy Editor
Phone: 257-l9l5 | Email: trueblueadam®yahoo.com





School is now in session

Spurrier, Mumme educate the pass-ignorant
in the ways of the aerial attack

There was a time, not too long ago. when
there was only one

visor-tossing offensive geniUs in this neck
of the woods.

He swooped in from the land of the Car—
olinas, invaded a Swamp and turned the
nation's most tradition-rich conference
upside down with a brand of football neV»
er seen in these parts.

The results were immediate and undeni-
able. as a conference crown came in just
his second year in the league. leaving the
rest of the Southeastern Conference a little mystified. not to men-
tion miffed. at the brash. arrogant pigskin Einstein.

Steve Spurrier changed SEC football. When he arrived on the
scene at Florida. a solid program. but not one with perennial na-
tional title aspirations. things were different. Gone was the power
running game. in was the all-out aerial attack. Spurrier figured it
wouldn‘t be the Sunshine State unless footballs were actually fly-
ing through the sunshine above Gainesville.

Now. nearly 10 years after the famous head visor hit the con-
ference. his influence is undeniable. Passing yards per game have
risen 51.6 yards across the league. while the traditional ground at-
tack has fallen off considerably. 38.4 yards to be exact.

But the Spurrier effect has been more than just numbers. He
brought a fresh face to SEC football. challenging the old theories of
football from legends like Bear Bryant. Johnny Majors. Vince Doo-
ley and others. He was going to air it out and you were going to
watch as his team posted ridiculous offensive statistics on you.
Since his inception into the conference coaching fraternity.
Spurrier has won five conference titles and finished in the nation-
al Top to seven times. something the Gators had only accom-
plished three times in their history.

Spurrier was considered a national genius. He was the offen-
sive mind. He was the Socrates of offensive philosophy. He could
dissect a defense with the click of a VCR's rewind button. then de-
stroy it come Saturday. He was it and he knew it.

Then along came a new breed of offensive minds, a little-
known guru from the Lavell Edwards school of passing fancy. Toil—
ing in the realm of lower division college football. he had quietly
become to that level what Spurrier was to Division I — an offen-
sive mind not to be messed with.

By the time Hal Mumme took over UK‘s program. the school
had suffered through the low-excitement days of Bill Curry's
ground-oriented offense. Mumme‘s Air Raid style. like Spurrier‘s.
posted immediate effects. Playing with essentially the same talent
level, Mumme's offense averaged over 230 yards more per game in
his first two seasons than Curry's last three. Points? Oh yeah.
Mumme‘s squads scored 19.3 a contest. compared to Curry's 15.5
total a game.

To say Spurrier became threatened was an understatement.
Mumme was stealing his thunder. stealing the limelight he had
worked so hard to receive and enjoy. Plus. Mumme was another
visorwearing offensive prodigy and people were talking about

Spurrier's response? Drop 55 and 51 points on Mumme in the
first two headto-head matchups.




Matt May



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7:30 p.m. $3


Florida DB Doug Johnson will lead Steve Spurrier's high-octane offense
against Hal Mumme and the Cats.

But Mumme is here to stay and Spurrier knows it. The two
have combined to lead their respective offenses to break well over
50 school and SEC records. They have both placed offenses at the
top of the nation's standings and have both landed themselves in
New Year's Day bowl games within two years. Career records?
Spurrier 113-312 (.781). Mumme 77-38-1 (.663).

The two are interlocked now and each battle. including tomor»
row‘s. will be perhaps the most intellectual and educational offenr
sive explosion you can ever witness.

If not. at least you‘ll see some good visor tossing. now won't

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\\cl| (lllill\\

\I .l.i;:ciiiicislt:i‘ \llii|\
.51itliiiiit'slit' liilt'lit'is .ill \\\‘(‘l\
the Jack on Friday


Monday - Saturday
Bear and Wall Specials
Golden Didias


Qraek Party with music by WEJ‘J‘E;

‘dmission until 10:00 pm lexington‘s ;.
' et (behind Dickey Hall) Newest Fri-level
” Dance a Night





















The Lexington Art League

Fourth Friday

the alternative happy hour

September 24, 1999
6:00 - 9:00 pm
@ the Lexington Art League
209 Castlewood Dr.

$5 cover, free to LAL members

Featuring: Limestone,
Kentucky Hemp, and Bud on
f . tap. Select wines from the
R l l) A \ Liquor Barn served.
..___---_-_--_-_--_.. Free food and Pepsi products

:31 m m Milli 0n exhibit: The 1999

R " ll



' I

. III: m , . Reverse Rattle

E ”mm,“ Art League 5 Live rum by Spire CSange
209 Castlewood Dr. or more in 0. ca

l I

t______2_52'_722_4__-___.' 254-7024




214 l. Maul ~ 23! -6997 - Mn! mm 54.50 - am» A MMIIIO “.75
FREE PARKING MON?! 1 8‘ Y5U~ ALL U" City mu Ann" Cune- host to Poi.“ Dept

Starts Today!
Our First Run Hits-

‘ ll. ‘

Fri- '
Sat- ' ‘-
Sun- ‘ "

A powerful, original work!”

Roger Eben. SISKEL 6 EBERT

"'~ i. vi ai.
g")I‘II ml I ”In


wznfalls ida

A different Ailld qflooe slurp.

Stir ol Echoes (R)

11177,? 91351 t; flog/5Q (.‘IASSICS"
Fri- 9:45 12:00
Sal- 9:45 12:00
Sun- 9:45
Fri- 7:00
Fri— 5:00
Sat- 1:00 3:20 5:20 7:40
Sun- 1:00 3:20 5:30 7:40

Just 5 Minutes from Campus!


Down in the Delta (PG-13)
The Winslow Boy (G)




the Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.

Postings In the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and
UK Departments. Information can be submitted in Rm. 203. Student Center or
by completing a request form on line at mmszyyyguky.edujStudentCenter.

Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information is to
appear in the calendar. For more Information call 257—8867


‘mbassador Thomas Niles. President 01 US Council for International Business. 7.30pm
oung Library Auditorium




Itlmate Frisbee Club Practice. 6-8pm. Band Field

~ ports
ae-Boxing. 3:30pm. Baptist Student Union

'obert C. May Photography Endowment Series Presents Arthur tress. 4pm. Worsham


acuity Plano Recltai: Alan Hersh. Bpm. Singietary Recital Hall

. pecial Events
offeehouse. 8pm. Baptist Student Union

- ports
K Women's Soccer vs. iennessee. 7pm


K Football vs. Florida. 1 :30pm. Commonwealth Stadium







’i. J li‘itm





as Life Tutoring: Eng lOl . 6:30-9. Holmes Study Lounge and Commons 306
. ' ["71 i :S Ih.5-7 .HI (l
M TUTORING SCHEDULE Sponsored By :2..:2.22.23...°.:".f.-...::‘..:a:;.are"
' Lif ttrl :Hit 108/109.6—9 (C 30885Hlt 104105.25 1
UK & LCC STUDENTS FALL 1999 SGA ginmgnsuliang s ory pma ommnns s ory pma
es LIIe tutoring: Chemistry. S—Bpm. Boyd Study Lounge
~ unday Morning Worship. ltam. Christian Student Fellowship (502 Columbia Ave i
xhlbit: ON THE DRINK. the Mlilenium Nears. UK Art Museum. 12—5pm
azz Faculty Recital- Osiaigorllyiotmi.:pméSlnglsetarytflc-(iaal not: II it
7:00-10:00 P\I . _ . 7:00-10:00 p“ 1:105:10 7:003:00 P“ enior Percussion Recital a p . c 5. pm. n9 9 ary ec a a
CHEMISTRY ( ommons ‘iIiXii (i‘lfl‘u'gfllfimm liaggin (‘oinpiitcr l .ilV I i ‘ \lliilt‘lll t cntcr ilaggln l oungc _ pom. 'e‘
R‘“ km in R‘“ k” m K"“" It Men's Soccer vs. Cincinnati. 3pm a h;
(r00 III-00 K Women's Soccer vs. Georgia. inm .& f”
BIOLOGY 2:00-4:00::::gym l oungc (”mn‘mm Ballroom u .c .. .
' 1:00-5:00 7:003:00 P‘I 7:10-9:10 PM
PHY S'CS Holmes Hall Holmes Hail ( ominons 7"“ \
Brandon Brandon Brandon
3:00-5:00 too-5:00 :. __ :. I ("14:00 2:00-4:00
MATH li‘ student ('entcr Bin/er Study [mingc l Is 31:11:! 20cm... lItillYlt" \iii.l\ | niingc Mia/er Study 1 oungc
('omhil (umhi/ \ Inh ( .wibi/ \ inh
moo—tom PM
Haggint omputcr I ah
\ inh
. . 1:30-5:30 oziiiuzoo him-"’00 ”9““
SPANISH/ Blalcrzfiifiumw ll‘ Student (‘cntcr Mia/er Stud» l niiiigc l l ‘ \'*I""'"l|( enter Illa/er T231): ““"l"
' . iiir.
FRENCH 1““ “SPAlt‘lIS‘ll‘UM \ I'm «\rmsii (m \' “SPANISH UNI \
if you have any questions call 257-3191
‘ t . ’ I t


to» ;,§‘.e /;l li‘ti‘Nl

lack good


Teachers are getting
more computers in
their classrooms, but
they have to wade
through stacks of CD-
ROMS and computer
diskettes that do not
meet their students'
needs, a report said

While government
officials declare
school technology a
national mission and
pledge to connect
every classroom to
the Internet, they are
not investing enough
time and money in
software, the report
"Technology Counts," a
survey of the
nation's teachers and
state education
technology policies,
appeared in the
newspaper Education
Week. "Politicians
wire the classrooms
and think they are
done.” publisher
Virginia Edwards
said. "But that’s not
the case at all.

Teachers reported that

the available learning
software material
does not match state
or school district
standardized tests,
cannot run on
computers, consumes
too much instruction
time and can cost too

Overall, 71 percent of

the nation's 86,000
schools can reach the
internet from at least
one classroom. On
average, the report
said, nearly six
students - there are
53.2 million
nationwide - match
up for every one
computer," which
includes older models
without extras such

as sound cards and

Other findings in the

-30 percent of schools
have a full-time
coordinator, while 27
percent add this
responsibility to a
current employee's

-42 states require that
teacher preparation
programs include
technology, but just
four regmre
technology in teacher

--23 states have group-
purchasmg plans for
schools to buy
classroom software,
which can cost $600
to Si,000 per title.

Compiled from Wire

{“6' . 1-5 ’33:“???

Readers are
encouraged to submit
letters to the editor and
guest opinions to the
Dialogue page.
Address comments to:

"Letters to the


Kentucky Kernel

Editorial Editor

35 Enoch J. Grehan

Journalism Budding

University of


Lexmgton, Ky.


Send electronic mail to

Letters should be
approximately 250
words; guest opinions
should be no longer than
850 words.

All material should be
type-written and double-

include y0ur name
and major classification
(for publication). as well