LNHVERSHY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40506-0032 UNIVERSITY SENATE COUNCIL ‘0 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 17 April 1992 (Revised) T0: Members, University Senate The University Senate will meet in called, special session on Monday, AgrfifiiZfl;¥l§92§ at 3:00 P.M. in room 115 of the Nursing Building (CON/HSLC). AGENDA: 1. Resolutions. 2. mmhflsammmm&mmm. a. Waiver request for ten day circulation requirement for several items on the agenda. b. Remarks on faculty governance —- examples from Senate Committees. Report From the Chancellor of the Lexington Campus on: a) Admission statistics, last couple of years and projections for next few years. b) Retention. c) scholarship information and trends. Action Items a. Action on the report of the ad hoc Committee on the Status of Minoritories (circulated under date of 31 March 1992). Action on proposed Honor Code for College of Medicine. (circulated under date of 17 April 1992). Action on proposed Honor Code for College of Law —— code very similar to that of Medicine Proposed change in University Senate Rules, Section I, (Ex Officio, Voting Membership). To remove the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs of the Lexington Campus and substitute the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. (The post of Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs of the Lexington Campus no longer exists.) Proposed addition of Vice Chancellor for Minority Affairs as an ex—officio, non-voting member of the University Senate. Randall Dahl Secretary, University Senate AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY