


Best Copy Available






Local Authors Win Praise




Director Frank Fowler Closes


son With Comedy

Clyde Crawley, Ivis Hovius,
II. J. Donovan, William
Townscnd Honored





MAY 9, 1930

of Central Kentucky Colleges to
Participate in Second Annual Play Day
Under Supervision of University W. A. A.


With Guignol Presentation TO FEATURE TALK


Club nnd University
Extension Department to
Sponsor Program





'Tabic d' Hote" Proves Inter- TO HEGIN ANNUAL MEET
esting Fare for Lexington
Round Table Discussion Will
Thcatre-Goer- s
Follow Talks by McVey
and Hathaway

Plan of Rafinesque Culminates
In Growth of Botanic Gardens


nnd extends from the Armory
Almost In the very shadows of through to Rose street. Not all oft
the athletic ramparts where thou- the plot has yet been developed to
sands of Dcrsons cheer the Wildcat '
o'clock Will Be Climaxed
teams in combat, and extending the section adlacent to the Presl
Like a cream pufl of the bakery
With Banquet
variety more puff than cream is
The third Annual Garden Day along the campus paths where hun-- 1 dent's home and the new library
Two students in the Arts and
"Table d'Hote," the current offer- program, sponsored by the Lexing- dreds of students dally pass as they building site maintaining the
hurry to and from classes, lies, for character of an arboretum where 100 DELEGATES ARE
Sciences College and two graduates
ing of the Guignol Players at the ton Garden Club and the University
University's little theater.
Extension Department, will be held the most part, unnoticed and un all of the more familiar varieties of Ii
of the University were elected
Written by Frank Fowler and on. the campus today starting at appreciated, the Kentucky Botanic native Kentucky trees are growing.
April 30 at a meeting of Phi Beta
The western end of the plot is the
Marian Callaway and enacted by 10:30 and continuing until 4:00 p. m. Garden. A miracle for Its naturalGymnasium,
AthKappa, honorary scholastic frata well chosen cast, the comedy Is
The day begins with an intensive ness, It is a haven for lovers of ' most interesting, and at the present,
letic Field and Four Tenernity, for initiation May 16. Clyde
probably the most entertaining fare course in Horticulture at the Ex- nature, a vcrtiable paradise for the best developed of the project.
D. Crawley, Lexington, and Ivls
xnis nas dcch convened iroo a rocs
nis Courts to Be Used
that has been presented by the periment Station.. A visit to the botanists.
Beullah Hovlous, Covington, were
In the center of the great cducca- - garden, whose paths and walks
Guignol, for which the authors Johnston solar laboratory grcen-houseH
selected for membership In the ortlonal plant where all of the modern along Its terraced slopes are most
The Women's Athletic Association
is in charge of Dean Andeserve praise.
ganization on the high standing
"Table d'Hote" Is a comedy of derson. This laboratory Is unique facilities function, and surrounded t enticing to visitors at the University, of the University is sponsoring its
which they have maintained during
manners of the English type trans- In that it is the only one of its kind by the hum and bustle of the At the very entrance, where a beau- - second annual play day tomorrow
four years at the University. Presiindustrial existence, the , tiful stone gateway has been con- - in which approximately 100
planted to American soil and while in the country. The party will then present-da- y
Is growing, a living tribute structed, stands a prize exhibit of gates from five colleges in Ken-t- o
dent H. L. Donovan, Eeastern State
much of the humor is forced and drive through the University farm
College, and William H. Townsend,
Lexington Garden Club and botanists. It Is a Royal Paulownla, tucky and the University of Cln-th- e
several of the characters are weak and vineyard, Mr. E. J. Kinney
Courtesy Lexington Leader the play is one which amuses an leading.
Lexington attorney and author of
cooperating University com-- 1 a native Japanese tree similar to the cinnati are expected to participate,
"Lincoln and His Wife's Home
Mrs. Edward Clark, president of i mlttce. A spot where the Blue catalpa, which Is now found grow- - The program will begin at 1 o'clock
Lowry capably audience with its utter bombast.
Miss Jean Bullitt
Town," were elected as alumnus and
Grass vegetation shares its rains ing along the Kentucky cliffs. Under nnd last all afternoon, climaxed at
Lowry, In the role of the Lexington Garden
Club, Willi
Jean Bullitt
performs the role of the young,
honorary members respectively.
Farraday, many times preside at the luncheon in Boyd and sunshine with shrubs and hardy its swaying purple blossoms is an 0:30 by the fifth annual W. A. A.
many times divorcee, in the latest Franclne
rustic bulletin wherein banquet at the Lafayette Hotel,
Miss Hall. President McVey and Miss evergreens from barren mountain-- 1 artistic,
Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest Guignol production, 'Table d' Hote," divorced,
are made to , The colleges which will be
Greek letter fraternity In existence, adding color and zest to the pre Lowry's character calls for expert Hathaway will give short talks fol- -, sides, where the rhododendrons and asknowledgements
grow side by side nnd various nurserymen
this and sented nre Georgetown College,
shading and interpretation as she lowed by a round table discussion
having been founded at William and sentation.
coquette nor a vamp. led by Mrs. F. A. Willis, of Paris, nod in neighborly fnshlon though nearby states who have generously Kentucky College for Women, Berea
Is neither
Mary College In 1776. Membership
transplanted from distant parts of contributed plants to the develop- - College. Eastern Kentucky State
However, she wrecks havoc with the Kentucky.
in the organization is achieved
Teachers' College, the University of
through outstanding work
affections of three men in the play
At 3:00 p. m. In the Guignol, the state, the Garden is just be- - ment of the garden.
and causes anguish from members Theater art center, Mrs. W. T. Laf- - ginning its beautiful and educa ' The rock garden takes up the Cincinnati and the University of
along scholastic lines. The memberTransylvania
of the feminine contingent.
ferty will Introduce Dean Stanley tlonal usefulness.
ship Is composed almost entirely of
whole of the hill-sidwhich has Kentucky.
Primarily "organized for the ad been specially treated with peat and Morehead State Normal School,
Virginia Boyd impresses one in Coulter of Purdue University, who
students and graduates of Arts and
nnd diffusion of i aluminum snlnhntn nrnvtrilnir thr Asburv Colleee and Western Ken- the chief comedy role. Miss Boyd is will present "Trees." Dean Coulter's , vancement
Sciences Colleges but anyone who
cast as the buxom aunt of Franclne talk Is considered a prose poem. knowledge and love of plants," the sou wjtn acid necessary for the tucky State Teachers1 College may
has attained the high standards of
comprises approximately growth of mountain plants. Rhodo- - he represented also,
Farraday and the most humorous Dean Coulter is thoroughly versed Garden
the fraternity Is eligible for membership. The organization now has R. O. T. C. to Receive Shield; lines of the play are written into In the knowledge of trees and park seven acres of ground between dendrons and azaleas thrive here in ' The first play day in the state was
White hall and the athletic field abundance while larchels, several sponsored by the athlete assocation
114 chapters throughout the nation.
Each Member Will Receive her script.
(Continued on Page Eight)
arborvitae, and last year, following the movement
From the Guignol Theater the i
The chapter at the. University was
, species of junipers,
Medal, According to Ofgroup will walk the University's, ptfi t
representatives of cedar
founded in 1926 and was the first
OTI I AAT other evergreens and shrubs lend and started bythe leading to provide a
an throughout
famous botanical gardens.
and only chapter in Kentucky. The
CLUB garden has been started by the Joint I I
VU.flV'l.UllU K)jn.M.JJMJ atm0sphere and aspect to their substitute for the varsity competi- Kentucky chapter was the hundredth
Officials of the R. O.
C. unit of
efforts of the Lexington Garden
that has been added since the the University receivedT.a telegram
C11ATrriTfl TI?ri'natural habitat. Flowering crabs, tion which women and most promote
have abandoned,
Club and the University Extension IN 1 1 I iNI .1 1
IVtl 1 cotoneasters, sedums, viburnumss
foundation of the fraternity and the
grow wlth reckless amandon healthful athletics for women and
Department and has been encourag-- 1
seventh in the South Atlantic states. May 6, stating that the University
among the rocks. It is as If a sec- - friendly Intercourse between the col- ed by the wide spread interest mani-- 1
The initiation ceremonies for the rifle team has won the South Secfested, and by contributions of both
newly elected members will be fol- tion of the Hearst Trophy match.
of Fin- - tlon of one of Kentucky's magnifl- - i leees of this and neighboring states.
to Direct Men on plants and money. Nurserymen in Decrcased Allowance Cmmnr cent mountain riages naa oeen t
bcuuiui piuu iur a piay aay
lowed by the annual banquet at the
tiiivicu uuprvi.
trnnsninntpn bodily to its campus is to play with the colleges instead
Varied Musical Program ' Kentucky and elsewhere have been
Palm Room of the Phoenix hotel. It was also announced that the rifle
!of against them, and for this the
Session by Legislature 1S home.
very generous, and already the
Prof. W. E. Dodd of the University team received second position in
for Regular Vesper Service planting is well worth studying.
Through clusters of more familiar ! participants will be divided into six
Cause of Drop
of Chicago, will deliver an address competition with all rifle teams Inat Memorial Hall
flowers, iris and narcissi, and in the groups, which will compete in base-cois planned to Include eventually our
on "History and Patriotism," Prof. cluding' those schools not having an
refreshing shade of the Ken- - i ball, cage ball, archery, horse-sho- e
native trees, shrubs and wildflowers,
Due to the decreased allowance of
Dodd is one of the most celebrated R. O. T. C. unit. North Dakota
The Men's Glee club and the male
pitching and individual challenges,
(Continued on Page Eight)
well as
Introduced species. financial support for the regular
authorities of the present day on
' featurinc tennis.
quartet of the University will pre- as Presidentvarious Mrs, McVey have summer school by the state legisla t
southern history and his work has Agricultural College received first sent' a varied program of vocal
The- - - women s gymnasium
invited all of. tho,,fepresentatives to
received national recognition from "prize.
.Eelectlons.lnMemorial Hall Sunday a" '400 o,clockr,tea,atv Maxwell Place tion
afternoon at1 4 o'clock for the week- The complete pays program Is as IrinofpH hv ennrh Onmnirp for thp ' JU1 1 U II 1 JLiJullkJ. ITlxlllZi , tennis courts have been res
will be highly beneficial and versity ranks highest in
the South ly vesper servce. The two organizaA certain number of
past two summers, and which has j
it is expected that he will speak to Section the University will be given tions will be under the direction of follows:
rPD 1 given for winning eachpoints wnl be
event and at
proved to be of much valuable as- a large audience. The public is in- a shield and each member of the R. E. Jarman, of the music depart1 HJiN
1 1 the end of the day individual prizes
10:30-12:0- 0
Experlrrfent Station
vited to attend the banquet. Reser- team will get a medal. The Uni- ment, and this program will mark
will be awarded the members of the
vations can be secured from Prof. versity rifle team has enjoyed a most their first appearance at a vesper building, Intensive Course In Horti- throughout the state, will be diswinning: team. The program follows:
N. R. Elliott, A. J. Olney, continued this year.
Jo Lee Davis.
successful season and has lost only service. The singers will be assist- culture:
Manufacturing Centers o f 1:00 Registration and assembly,
Although the summer coaching
Officers for the coming year were 1 or 2 telegraphic matched during ed on the piano and the organ by Mrs. Taylor. Miss Didlake, W. A.
North and East Visited as women's gymnasium.
Price and W. D. Valleau.
school has been held only twice in
elected at the meeting. They are: the year. Captain H. W. Schmidt Max Kerr and Mrs. R. E. Jarman 12:00-12:1:45 Group picture.
Visit to greenhouses of the past, it has proved to be very
Practical Side of Engineer
Dr. G. and Sergeant Bryant of the military respctively. The program follows:
Pres. T. T. Jones, Vice-Pre- s.
competition in
Johnston Solar Laboratory, College popular with the various coaches
K. Brady, Treas. Mary LeGrand department coached the team.
ing Is Studied by 63 Seniors cage balli Intergroup archery, horse
University of Kentucky
of Engineering, Dean Anderson, throughout the state and has been
Didlake, Sec. W. R. Allen. Retiring
Vesper Program
Members of the rifle team are:
shoe pitching and individual chal- presiding.
well attended each time. It is the
officers are: Pres. W. S. Webb, Vice-Pre- s. Lewis S. Payton, Lynch, Ky.; Will-la- m
With Commencement Day almost lenges (featuring tennis), women's
Memorial Auditorium
12:30-1:0- 0
Drive through Uni plan of Coach Gamage and athletfc
Mary Louis Marvin, Sec. W.
sixty-thre- e
Eades, Lexington; Austin M.
Sunday, May 11, 1930
gym and athletic field and tennis
versity farm, vineyards, orchards director "Daddy" Boles to reestablish at hand, approximately
E. Adams.
R. Allen, Treas. J.
Henderson, Ashland: Cecil Smith,
4:00 p. m.
E. J. Kinney, this part of the summer term as seniors of the College of Engineering courts.
and gardens, Mrs.
Canada; and Clarence M. Christie, Organ:
are visiting manufacturing centers
soon as the university nnanciai of the north and east May 7 to 17 Hotel. W. A. A. banquet, Lafayette
Prize Song" from
1:00-3:0- 0
Boyd Hall, luncheon.
Wagner courtesy of Mrs. Edna Giles. (50c means will present It is the plan of for the purpose of ndditionnlly ac- William R. Hearst, who is sopnsor
(Continued on Page Eight)
Die Meistersinger
Just at
pracof the intercollegiate matches, sent
"Prayer from Der Frelchutz
per plate.)
Mrs. Edward Clark,
leave off the qunintlng themselves with the
von Weber President Lexington Garden Club, Coach Gamage to or assisting in tical side of engineering. The party
a telegram to the R. O. T. C. dematter of coaching
partment and also to President Mc-V"Last Rose of Summer from presiding.
any of the summer schools that nre accompanied by Deans F. Paul
congratulating them upon the
Martha (Improvisation) . . . Flotow The Botanic Garden and Kentucky giving coaching courses throughout Anderson and W. E. Freeman and
UniProfs. D. V. Terrell, L. S. O'Bannon,
excellent marksmanship of the
Mrs. R. E. Jarman
(Continued on Page Eight)
the country nnd rest up for a real and J. B. Decker left Lexington
versity team.
Glee Club:
campaign and the task of bringing Wednesday.
According to Captain Schmid the
"Sun and Moon" (Russian)
The following places have been
the Wildcats throughout the next
Arriving, Thursday, in Detroit,
designated by the Men's Student rifle team is entered in the National
season undefeated.
match which was
in the two specially provided sleepCul
"Nocturne" (Russian)
Council where the election of mem- Intercollegiate
ing cars, the party visited the Ford-so- n,
"The Summer Day" (Surblan Folk
John C. Benson, Lexington, Elibers of the 1930-3- 1 Council will take held in April and in which their
the River Rouge and the Dear zabeth Cramer,
place at 4:00 p. m. today. The average was much higher than in
Louisville, and
born plants of the Ford Motor Co. Max Nahm received Sullivan MedalUniversity of Kentucky
"names of those elected will be turn- the Hearst Match.
At Dearborn the Ford Airport was lions at the May Day assembly
Medals will be awarded to memMen's Glee Club
ed over to the Dean of Men imalso inspected.
bers of the rifle team at the regi
Mr. R. E. Jarman, Director
meeting in Memorial hall at 10
Today, the group Will Visit the o'clock Insfc Fririnv mnrninrr l.nxu- nnmmprco: Juniors. Room 306 mental parade Monday afternoon
Seniors who have not received
Mr. Max Kerr at the piano
301 and a medal will be given to the Male Quartette:
The golden voiced and virtuous their copies of the Kentucklan from Yellow Coach and Manufacturing rpnrp Rhrnnshlrp.
White Hall; Sophomores, Room
Nevln lady who called several of the con- the book store are urged to do so Company and the General Motors' Sarah Elvove, Paris, and Richard
"Venetian Love Song"
White Hall; Freshmen, Room 303 most improved" rifle shot of the
Schubert fectioneries adjacent to the campus immediately, according to an an- Proving Grounds, and, tonight, will , Brewer. Austin, Texas, received the
White Hall.
nouncement received at the Kernel be guests at the Detroit Alumni sigma Delta Chi keys for outstand-banqu- et
"Deep River"
Education: Juniors, Room 205
last week and threatened police office this week. There are many
at the
Mr. Lawrence Alexander
llnE work ln journalism, which were
Education Building; Sophomores,
Interference if gambling on their copies of the annual yet not called
Saturday, the engineers will ob presented by Prof. Grehan.
Mr. Raymond Mayes
Room 106
serve the Detroit and Windsor Tunpremises was not prohibited Is be- for, Editor Couch said yesterday.
Mr. Hayes Calahan
Freshmen, Room 105 Education
Mortor Board, honorary senior
All seniors who have paid their nel now under construction. Later women's fratrenlty, presented silver
Mr. Hugh Adcock
lieved to be one of the less lovely
Drug loving cups to Misses Isabel Isgrig,
graduation fee of $12 have paid for they will visit the Parke-Dav- is
Max' Kerr at the piano
inhabitants of Pat Hall. The calls
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary Jour- Baritone Solo:
their Kentucklan, the announcement company and the Fisher Building. Paris, and Mildred Eileen Neal,
Drawing Room, Mechanical Hall;
to the collegate gathering places read. Several of the present graduArriving at Niagara Falls, Sunday, Catlettsburg, freshman sudents, for
"Prologue" from Pagllaccl
Sophomores, Dicker Hall; Fresh- nalistic women's fraternity, held its
Leoncavallo were similar In many respects to ating class did not know of this, the party will spend a leisurely day having made perfect grades the
men, Memorial Hall.
initiation at 5:30 o'clock, May 6, in
obof sight seeing.
Mr. Raymond Mayes
Law: Juniors and Sophomores, a private room of the Lafayette
first semester at the University.
those which have been received by and as a consequence failed to
Monday, the Niagara Falls Power
Mrs. R. E. Jarman at the piano many of the men students summontain their copy of the book.
Law Building.
The assembly closed with the
The books will be distributed at company, the United States Light pledging of 12 Junior women by
Agriculture: Juniors and Sopho- hotel. Misses Mary Virginia Haley, Organ:
ing them to student council meet- the Campus Book Store each after- and Heat corporation and the Alu"High Flies the Crane"
mores, see notice on bulletin board Ellen Minnlhan, Dorothy Carr, and
Mortar Board. Those pledged were:
minum company of America's plants Misses Mary Virginia Hailey, Cinarr. Klelmmichel ings. It is believed that a circle of noon from 1:30 to 4:30.
Agricultural Building.
Edna Smith were inlatles with Miss
will be Inspected.
"In a Norwegian Village... Clokey misguided humorists has but re
Arts and Sciences: Juniors, Room Virginia Schafer, who was the
cinnati; Mae Bryant Hunt, LouisTuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs- ville; Louisa Bickel, Huntington, W.
Lieurance cently discovered the possibilities of PHI DELTA PHI GIVES
Building, Fresh"Indian Legend"
4, Administration
the telephone.
DINNER AT LAFAYETTE day will be spent ln and around Vn.; Frances L. Holliday, Jackson;
Mrs. R. E. Jarman
men, Room 203, Administration honorary sophomore member chosOne of the most recent calls from
Buffalo Inspecting the Industries Virginia Ellis, Wllllamstown; Kath-ern- e
en this year.
Glee Club:
phone ring was reKreisler the
Phi Delta Phi, honorary law there and, Thursday evening, the
"The Old Refrain"
The Junior class from the AgriPhelps, Cloverport; and Lillian
After the initiation an informal
presi- fraternity,
entertained the senior party will be guests at the Buffalo Combs, Buena Matins, Margaret
"Euridlce" from Orpheus... Gluck ceived by the Pi Kappa Alpha
culture and Arts and Science col- banquet was given in the Red room.
dent. The caller stated that he members with a dinner Tuesday Alumni Club banquet.
"From the Realm of Souls Departleges will be unrepresented on the Those attending were: the active
Cundlff, Nancy Scrugham, Imogene
Friday, in New York City, the Taylor, and Mary Louise McDowell,
Gluck was a freshman and that thus far night In the colonial room of the
ed" from Orpheus
council for next year. From the chapter, new initiates, Miss Margue
arr. Buck no fraternity had sought to add his Lafayette hotel. Red roses and red engineers will take a steamer trip all of Lexington.
"Annie Laurie"
six nominees elected by the fresh- rite McLaughlin, Miss Helen King,
brilliant personality to its membertapers were used to carry out the around Manhattan Island, and, that
University of Kentucky Men's
sophomore representatives, and Mrs. Martha Purcell, of Padu-ca- h,
men and
A parade through the city was
ship. He said that since he could color scheme. The dinner was pre- evening, will be entertained at the led by the May Queen, Miss Hazel
Glee Club
Ky., as guest.
two will be chosen by the present
evidently do no better he would ac- ceded by the Initiation
of Mr. New York Alumni Culb dinner Baucom, accompanied by her maid
council to represent the sophomore
cept a Pi Kap bid and that he would Charles Summers.
class. The election will be In charge
of honor, Miss Kathleen Fitch, and
have his trunk sent around at once
of present members of the council.
followed by floats of various types
if the president was willing. The
and fashions. The prize for the
conversation continued for more
most beautiful float went to Alpha
Y. W.
Y. M.
than half an hour ending when
XI Delta, while Sigma Beta XI recentral cut the conversation because
ceived the award for the most
were using obscene
will pull out of the Union station, both parties
comical. More than 2000 persons
The geology department has de- at 7 o'clock Saturday morning, al- - language.
llQS SWeDt the
manag- - witnessed the coronation ceremonies
Frances Holliday.
, Herald:
If In truth the lady was some
clared its annual field day and holi- mnct Imfnrn fhi Klin
Just north of the Agricultural buildold
There comes a time ln tho life of ing editor of the Kernel, will be ing on the University campus.
who are cobwebs from the sky and probably
mem- day for those students
Approximately forty-fiv- e
fortunate enough to have geology before some of me naiuransis person proprietors of the various every Individual and some organiza- - state editor; while Edwards Temp-tiobers of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.
when they break loose from Un will be telegraph editor,
fully aware of the fact shops believe that she has not rewill leave today for Camp Daniel on their schedule cards and follow- have become
Kernel reporters, who have been
viof. Mipv nrA bound somewhere. peated her ca'ls either because she the decorous monotony of actual
Boone on the Kentucky river, where ing a nine year tocustom, will take
Natural bridge, If the full quota of students make sobered up or was removed to the life and treat themselves to an orgy assigned their beats will be assisted
the annual retreat of these organi- these students
a lit suDjeci homo for the care of the feeble of careless recklessness and un- - by the representatives of the other
zations of the University will be where they will spend the entire that train, It will be
qualified liberty.
The Lexington College papers. Alpha Delta Sigma,
entire University holiday, minded.
be alheld. Margaret Lewis of the Y. W. day. The botany classes willgeology for an from the dally number of
fraternity, The Concert Band of the UniHerald prepares to indulge itself in University advertising
accompany the
C. A., and Bart Peak of the Y. M. lowed to
such pleasures when it turns the will assist the regular Herald stall. versity gave its third Twilight Contrip. Transylvania absences and tardles in first hour
C. A., are to supervise the retreat classes on the
,managment of the paper over to The students of the other colleges are cert on Thursday evening ln the
declasses. We hope that none of the
which will terminate Sunday after- students have also expressed a
the Journalistic students of the col- - engaged in soliciting advertisements Memorial Amphitheater under the
sire to take advantage of this 'back students will become fatigued from
whose parents,
All students
for this Issue of the Herald.
direction of Prof. Elmer Sulzer. The
leges of central Kentucky May 13.
to nature' trip and are to climb running after the train when it
The purpose of the camp retreat aboard the special train Saturday leaves Lexington in the morning, either father, mother or both,
When it is over tho Herald will program consisted of a variety of
Wilbur Frye, editor of the Ken- attended the University are reIs to discuss the Y. M. and Y. W. C.
resume its dally activities of edit-- i ballads and marches, as well as a
tucky Kernel, will be editor-ln-chle- f;
none of these students will
quested to call the office of the
A. programs of the past year and to morning at the break of dawn with and that
Fred Dial, editor of the Eastern Ing a decent paper ln a respectable serels of World War reminiscences.
Natural bridge, for that Is
outline programs for the coming the rest of the nature lovers, of be left at
manner. The students will return Professor Sulzer will officiate as a
one Is Dean of Men Immediately. This
year. It is estimated that twenty which there are approximately 100. a very ponely place, when No one
information is wanted for the rruKrcss, managing icutiitio wmrtc, to their class rooms, delighted with Judge In the state high school
editor; Vernon
will be
alone so far from home.
A special train is chartered for
University records.
five members of the Y. W. C. A. ami
sports editor of the Kernel, the experience like a child with a band contest to be held May 17 at
the human
twenty members of the Y. M. C. A the trip. This Natural bridge, or seems to be sure when
will occupy the same position on the new toy.
(Continued on Page Eight)
should t be said University Special
will be in attendance.

Members on Historic


V. E. Dodd to











Council Selects
Places in Which
To Hold Election

Student Awards
Are Features of
Annual May Day

Gaming Charges

Believed To

Be Seniors, Get Your

A Practical Joke


Theta Sigma Phi

Initiates Journalists

Members to Leave
For Annual Retreat

Naturalists to Take Break o'Dawn
University Special for Field Trip

Herald Editors to Become Reckless
As Students Will Edit Annual Issue

Sulzer to Judge Band
Contest at Charleston
