xt7sn00zsm6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sn00zsm6h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-10-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1992 1992 1992-10-09 2020 true xt7sn00zsm6h section xt7sn00zsm6h \



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Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCV No. 32

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971


Friday October9 .1992




By Joe Braun
Editorial Editor

[or [he eoiisceiitiie
year: a ticket swept the elccliori
tor tr‘esliiiiari senators.

l'hc ticket of l‘\‘:lll Reynolds.
Brian Shreriskcr. .laiie Ann liar-
diii and Wendy Dishong swept
this week‘s election to become
the new Strident (ioiernrnent
.\ssocratron Ircshiriaii senators


l‘he Iiiial Cletlltill totals. ari-
riotiiiced last night. were as lol-
[on s: Reynolds. 4M votes; Bar-
diri. 1M: \hieiisker. 153:
Dishong. Mo: Iiilie I\letealt.
2"“: Matt Bondy. 373‘. New
Schrcriier. 35*: Heidi Mueller.
205'. and Andy lrolley. ll”

Reynolds. an l'riglish history
and political science major. said
he was happy \\llll the results ot’
the election becaiisc o1 [he work
his ticket put into [he election.







Jane Ann







Social work freshman Brooke Chism. 18. of Eminence.
Ky.. casts her vote in SGA freshman elections yesterday.

Ticket again wins
freshman election

Freshman Election Winners

JEFF BURLEW "s9 '9» Sta"

“I‘m pleased by it.” he said
“I worked hard and tliiit indi-
cates the work I put into it "
ltlectiotis also f‘ti‘illtt‘ll iiev.
senators [or two tolleges the
new (‘ollegc oi \rtliiteeture
Senator is Brian l)t".llltj_‘. and
the new Lexington ( oiiiriiirrirty
(‘ollege Senator is It‘lltl \riiitli

lot the second year in a row
no one \oted [or a st riaioi iii the
(‘ollcge of l ibiaiy \eieriecs
'lhc ollicc \\lll retriaiii xaeaiit
until spring elections

lzlections Board ('hiiirriiari
Marshall llixsori said iliere \\ ere
no problems reported to hriri
about the elections. held
Wednesday and yesterday

He said about N00 students
voted in the two-day election

“lt was a little less than my
goal. btit it‘s still good." lli\-soii










TYRONE JOHNSTON “9 e :rm' :5


Rally important, November says

Protest bi‘ .'.\IIl(/(’III‘\
attempt to prevent
firtru'e budget cuts




By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer

lt students don‘t \\;ttit to see hill"
lines at Mid/Drop and larger ela s
iii the coming years. they should at
[end Wednesday‘s rally iii Ir.iiik
['ort. Ky.. to lobby against [‘i'ssllile
Iuttrie budget cuts. I'K \llltlelll
(ioycrririient .\ssiithlllitll l’iesideiit
l’cte chriiber said

“I think that they should 3'.» be
ettttse the budget cuts tlial |i;i\ e .il
ready been ser‘i‘ed liaie attttred
students" by eatisirig longer hires.
bigger classes and slmyci sentee s.

Nowrriber satd


lht rie\t set ol budget cuts it
be li:i\e them. \Hll haye a greater
ettect on students (lbyrously. we
don‘t want to lcel those ettects ..

.\'o\einber and the student body
presidents oi the other smell state
public iirii\ersities \oted at their
New 3‘ meeting to iiiaieli on the
steps ol the state capitol lIie presi
deiits are .irriiiiig to bring at least
31““ sltltlc‘llls ll‘ [ilitle'sl ittilliel
higher education \llt\

the rally is the student presi
dents" response to goxeriiriieiit \‘lll
eials' ieeerit :iririoiiiiteiiierit that
l-x'eiitueky still [aces a possible reit
tiiie shorttall llie last t\\o times the
goieriiriieiit had shortfalls. the
states public iirii\ersi[res receiieil
budget rediietioris including tyio
cuts to Hi totaling more than \‘(i

though (my lircretoii tones and

other leeisl itois h r\ t not iii ide .tl|\
determination on possible eiits _\e[.
Noyeiribei said a large strident ltllll'
out at the march eoiild iiitlrreiite de
eisioiis ottreials may hate to make

"I think it's iriiporiaiii tor the
go\ei‘[ioi' to realt/e that students are
being atteeted by the budget tiirs "
.\'o\eriiber said “I don‘t tliiiik lie
hears [rotii students \erx Illlltli '

Ninetiiber told the other student
presidents he eoiild hllllg‘ up te ‘itii
1-K slttdt‘ttls ll‘ llie' tiill\ He said .i
it L'lsll.llli\Il iltl\e to It'tllill stiiihiit-
”\‘e‘t‘llls lit l‘e g'itllt}‘ \i‘l‘i He‘ll ‘
though he tliilir‘t kiioxi lit".‘. !il.lll\
litttl st_"lietl [Ifl

.\'o\eitibci said he has ap
proiielietl \aiioiis eaiiipiis orgarii/a
trons. including the lilaek \tiiderit
l'riiori. Residence Hall .\ssoeiatrori
and [is social ti. iteiiiities itid so
roiities iboiit going to the rally lle

s.lttl lie lltsliI Lillail 1.. lllllls til

lltllllsll.tli‘I~ .iisiii [Iii mirth lK
tattse lies ti.:ri' it: itel‘ ’Iiis
llliisll\ [or \lllilellls ‘

\tttileti‘is illlsllt‘tlli 'Ii iali‘i will
not be :‘i‘itii e itiise ‘ at s rat‘s titiiii
the l llt~»I~Ilk [xii \‘v .1; tar aid
he hopes ”leathers ..iiI 3‘ iii-iriih
on students .i. lllld eirss iwi the

etit \t“-e‘tlli‘el ‘.‘~Iil when the
latiiltjs \tiiate a; \‘i ..‘ir. t rife
ti .itheis [it i‘\ Illiilti“ tlt Iai‘ itioiit
the sitiiati ‘ll

\[iiiltiits t iii am 9-I' w it-
ltaiikloit Ill [liar itsiileiat ti ii
at the \t I \ itlllet, t‘o siiziti ll" et:
ier. irritil lllt'sila'. Iiiise- \\!ll t. t‘-e‘

the student (e'ltttt at I.‘ so rat
and mill airix. .it Keiitiitk. \iaii
l tit\_‘tstl's it l.asl .l halt lli‘lll "s
tore the .' pin iaIIs \t v \ iiili pit

Iv-t .ill \"I‘tllsi s ‘si itiiilsyr s [lil





A flight of cadets in UK 5 Air Force ROTC program prepares for a formal inspection yesterday on the lawn in front of the Ad
ministration Building Air Force ROTC prepares future officers for military service



.t[’ H “URI l W >




Democratic chairman assails Bush m


By Kelly Whittington
Contributing Writer


National l>eiiiocratie I‘artu [ hair
man Ron lir'oiyii [olil wind wt
[estrigtoii's black \I\ it lead is st .
tcrday that President tin-I: tia-
ecoiioriiie plan llllil on doiiii-at

"\\c liaie to be absolutely lelll
tied ol the last iletaile.” Iiioeai iiilit
the group of leaders. who had l’kell
united to attend a meeting iiiili iIit
party cliiet at I ‘rty llall

“liusli is clearly oiit oi ltlllt Ii .lliil
litoyiii said
.I plan

doesn't have a clue.”
“Now liiisli says he Iias

'\\lii‘rt has Ii. been [or [Iii list
tiaelie \eats‘

"It ltiisli tlotsiit Illltltl\l.ll|rl illi
piiililcrii. hoe. eaii Iii solie it

lilit‘AII said lltl‘sie'it‘l lliat lieiii-i
eiatii presidential candidate llill
I li‘iit‘ll tliits iiiieriiotiats
biit also an iiioder‘ates .llltl l)t,‘llltt
t‘lttls \yliti \‘tiled hit Ronald Reagan
and liiisli

See BROWN Back Page

Program aims to raise awareness about organ donations


By Mark Sonka
Senior Staff Writer

Mr 51. Kentuckians who renew
or obtain their driver‘s licenses now
liaye the opportunity to help those
in need.

()l'l'icrals tor the Kentucky (‘irciiit
(‘lerks Association yesterday ari-
trounced the inception of a new
statewide program. “’l‘rust for life."
that aims to increase ptrblic aware-
ness abotrt organ and tissue dona-

Money raised by the program
will be used to fund educational ini-
tiativcs and encourage Kentuckians
to sign their organ donor cards.
which are on the back of all state
driver‘s licenses


“We can‘t think ot‘ a greater thing
to give anyone than the gift or life."
said Tony Miller. .lcl‘lerson (‘oiiiity
circuit cottrt clerk. as he announced
the program at 17K llospital

l,l/ Reed. vice president of the
program‘s board of directors said
“'l’rust for Life" may help save

“Hopefully. by increasing awarc~
tress about the need for donations.
we cart eliminate the waiting list
and save people from dying." said
Reed. who also works for the Kerr-
[ucky ( )rgan I)onor Alt'ilratcs

Dr. Bruce l ticas a l'K transplant
surgeon said more than 200 Ken-
tuckians currently are on a national
organ waiting list. Nationwide. the
number stands at over 27.000


He also said that lt‘e to \t'\e|t
people die daily white :iaiiiii' [or

organ transplants

Including Miller. ll|\lt‘ :rre [rte
current circuit toiii't clerks on the
nine-ineriiber board: .loliii Keains
l'rom Harrison ('otrtity. loiiy \Vilil
er [tom .IeIt'erson ('oiiriiy. Vicki
Rice from Johnson ('oiriity and
Robert li‘ue lroiii I‘ayctte ( ‘oiirity

the remainder o1 [lie board con
sists of Reed. licart recipient latk
Wellinan. State Supreme (‘oirrt
(‘hict' lustiec Robert Stephens and
Dr Neal (iarrisori from the timer
sity til I oirisiillc.

l’K ttlltl l ' til-l \\lll .‘tllet‘ttale iltie
tors on the board each year

See ORGAN. Back Page



Staff reports


['K llosprtal aririoiiiited yes»
tcrday that ll has placed its ltrst
patient tor a heart lung [tillls
plaiit on a iiatroiial waiting list

Hi Michael \ekcla his heart.
lung. and heart/hing transplant
surgeon. pertor‘riied I'K’s first
heart transplant Iasi \lareli
Since that time. I” heart transr


UK Hospital preparing
for heart/lung transplant

plants and [our Iiiri-J transplants
liaye been per'toiriieil at I 'K Hos


Sckcla came to l 'K last l‘t‘httl'
ary l’reitoiisly. he was .lll assist
ant prolessor oI surgery at liar
lot/Methodist Hospital where he
also scricd as eoahretlot ot the
iiiirlti-orgaii transplant program
[or heart. lung and heart/lung




Title "I hrwpenriy Opera a iriis
norrier but worth the extra cunts
Revrew. Pain 4

n Hero shine won
at time the I‘T‘OVIC bi.-

.r ~- : azue for [his It
Hi 't' 1' . we. Vitae/1

fitter? t»? l"


L1.11,,logyeliit; rw‘ M the ice
‘iatu Jay i'ii‘iflliii .iI Ilii- L I‘thlgiol‘i

I...) (write-r Story ”it re."

[arty “tats golfers eri try to con

.m ' a of Victories. :ii lieiriw

‘1 - 1“ the. moment Story.
:1. ;.


'wot,’w~1'v' '» .~ lit ”it-"stu-
jtliiit’; ,""""i"' fl uttttllis
irtir‘k‘ mint? '206- 1‘1 mil tiriwtl
a tin; any arui‘ ' . :ti- make
-I i‘:'{ Nil.

(.1. Iti'iiti ' ua‘ ‘ <' iitism is

!l\)1\:kil\1 'Itt‘it” (i a 9 Opinion.


Mostly t Ioiidy today high be
tween (so and 65 Partly cloudy
iOI'iIQl‘li, low between 45 and 50.
Partly i ieudy tomorrow. high be
tween 9‘» and 70








By Brant Welch
Senior Staff Writer


Defense will be the tiaine ot the
game when the l'ls' hoekey team
faces l)el’aul at lexiiigton lee (‘en-
ter Saturday night at l lfitl

The Blue Demons may haye IL“
yenge on their minds at'ter l'ls' de-
feated them ltH iii the seini-l'inals
of the Ameriean (‘ollegtate lloekey
Association l)l\l.\lt)ll ll tounitunent
last season.

With the loss ot' senior brothers
(‘had and Jet't Cooper. who were
both effective one-on-one scorers.
the (‘ool (‘ats will have to t'oetis
more on detense to stop the Blue

"We won't be as slashy with the
loss or players like (‘had aitd Jett',"

2 - Kontucky Kernel. Friday. October 9, 1992

said senior detensemtut atid elub
"You‘ll see

president Kris Koezut
more ot a

Cool Cats return to face revenge-minded DePaul

l‘TL‘slllllCll Keyin l-raser and Dave

Mitchell. along with returning start~

er (‘had Ro»


team eltott.
We'll haye
to work to~
gethet to be
L'llL'\[l\C H

l llslfiL‘ttl'
head eoaeh
(arl Mont-
gomery. who
had prey i< :, A
ously seryed KOCAN
as all assislattt
with the (‘ool (Kits. said, tltougli the
team only has tour detenseinen. the
goalies should bring stability

"We l1a\e tinproyed our goalie
situation by ltltl pereent since last
year." Montgomery said.


' senak. will
be making
sure nothing
gets inside
the (‘ool ('ats

winger Jason
said he lhiiiks
. the new goal-

a major role
tltis season

"We have three strong goalies
this year." Smithwiek said. “We
won‘t have as intuty high-seoring
gtunes as last season. so it is impor-
taitt iliat they do well. l‘hey‘ll hate

UK lacrosse holds 8-team tournament


By Jordan Klevenow
Contributing Writer


Alter plaeing fourth in the lo-
team Wright Patterson Air l5oree
Base 'lounitunent last weekend. the
UK laerosse elub is confident head-
ing into its own eight-tezun tourna-
ment tomorrow arid Sunday.

The tournament is one of the bet-
tei lacrosse gatherings III the tall.
said elub treasurer .‘stexe Ranlt. l‘he
eight-tetun field is eoinposed ot
Vanderbilt. llunts\ille. Akron. l'en—
nessee. Indiana. Wright Patterson
Air l'oree Base and liasteni Ken-
tueky'. as well as l 'K.

John Ny'land. who was the trainer
for Virginia's [086 l-‘inal Four la»
erosse team betore entering gradu-
ate sehool at l'K. has arranged an-
other rarity tor Midwest lacrosse.
He has gathered a stat‘t'ot‘ seven oth-
er trainers ~~ one for each ot‘ the
visiting teams ._ for this weekend‘s
tournament. It's an attribute that no
other lacrosse toumament in this
area offers. Ratil‘t said.

All ot' this weekend's action will
be at the (‘lub Sports Field ot‘t'
Alumni Drive. The games begin at
ltlz3ll each morning, atid two gtunes
will be going on at a time. 'l he tour—
nament is the tinal one l‘ls’ will
compete iii this tall.


JEFF BURLEW Ke" e i'a“

Freshman Eric Word, an 18-year-old political science major
from Columbus, Ohio, tlings a lacrosse ball across the field.


“Ow. “its my .m- 1"‘RPS'2.'Z""


lstiess an;


- Lexmgton, at Fayette Moll, 272-8334




Our deliCious new Romon-style pOSlitS seem tOi
expressive \Vllh their bond 'l
(ind unlimited garlic brerir
everyone's mOuth very busy.

nuke ever yone very
90! was that's because our generous portions
laizil or hearty soups tend to keep


Now Ti IN 'NO\.' 22 W W




to rise to the troitt "

|)el’aul will brtitg lo skaters tor
the grune. eompared to l’K‘s lo-
lltttll roster

“lhat ttiay be a little intimidating
tor ottr younger players sinee they
will haye its outnumbered." Smith-
w iek said

Iloweyer. Sinithwiek said the
new players will hate to be ready
tor l)el’aul. as well as their tirst
game at l'K.

“llopet’ully. they W1“ hay'e a posi-
tiy e response. But ll will be a shock
er for them. I know I was nervous
when l was a l'reshtnzur. It will be a
good lezu‘tiing esperienee tor them."

(‘oaeh Montgomery has stressed
to tlte younger players the iinpor»
tanee ot‘ remaining ealin.

"l haye told them they tieed to try
to block out being nervous." Mont—


goinery said. ”they need to be low
key It won‘t take them long to ad.

Seyeral members ot the hoekey
ieaitt said they expect a big erowd
Saturday tiiglit. lhe (‘ool (‘ats ina-
bility to reaeh an agreement with
the tee eenter management almost
toreed the team to etuteel its home
sehedule. But another etunpus or-
gani/ation. the Wesley l‘oundation.
stepped t'orward to sponsor the eltib
aitd negotiations restiined

llte llth-liotir negotiations ended
Monday night. when the tlttee par-
ties ,. the Wesley l‘oundatiott. the
tee eenter and the hockey eliib
signed a one-year contract. allowing
the (‘ool (‘ats to salyage 1‘ home

"l predict Ll big game and hope to
see lots ol people." Sittttliwtek saitl.

UK Cool Cats Hockey
Schedule 1992-93


Oct. 10 DEPAUL

Oct 16 Bowling Green


Oct 23 TB A

Oct. 24 T.B.A.

Oct 31 Fort Bragg
Nov, 1 Fort Bragg
Nov. 6 Tennessee



Nov 21 Georgia Tech
H: We games I" capital letters at

textngtun lee Center



BVL HENSLEV/ Ke'ne G'ar' «



By Mark Teague
Contributing Writer


It took the lady Kats golt teatn
seyen years to do it, but in “its".
the team won Us home tourna-
ment tor the first time.

t‘otintiiig that WM title. l'ls'
ltas eaptured eight ot the past
nine 1 ady Kats lny‘itational lour—
ntunent titles at Spring lake

l.Kll was
no (“ll-CT-
ent l'K
won with
ease. as it
North (‘ar-
olitia by ll) “
strokes and NAVA
Wake l‘orest by 28.

Brit this year. l'K eoaeh Bettie
l.ou livims has inereased the
tournament t‘ield lrom eight to Is‘
and that field Includes some
tough competition. including No.
-l (iklahonia State and No ltl
North (‘arolina

North (‘arolina may eause l'ls'
the most eoneern. lhe l ady lai
lleels already haye beaten l'ls'
onee this year at their home tour-
nament. the l ady 'lar lleel (‘las-
sit North (‘arolina has won the
l.l\'l l' twtee. last year it tittislied
seeottd aitd had three players tin<
isli m the top [1).

“They‘re good. and they‘re
strong beeause they hate top
players. and this season they beat
its on their home eoutse." l.\ans
said. "We know w e time top



Krogsrud, Nava lead Lady Kats’ fight
for ninth LKIT title in last 10 seasons

competition. but we know were
playing at home » aitd that will
help its a great deal beeause this is
a big eyent tor our tetun. and they
like playing lll t'ront ot the home
erowd "

l-otir ol' the top seyen ttoit-l'K
iiid:'.itlual players return. tiielttd-
iiig Wake l-oi'est‘s Stephanie
Neill. who tired a 7l in eaelt ot
the final two rounds last year to
em'n medalist honors. .\lst\ iettirn—
mg is North
Kim Byhain.
a runner~np
l\\tl \Clll\
ago '

"lllls is
the toughest
lteld \ye'ye
eyei‘ had."
. , l‘\tlll\ said,
" I “l ast year.
KROGSRUD we tried an

lioldittg the tournament on Mon-
day and 'l uesday. playing ‘so holes
the t'irst day and Its’ the nest. and a
lot of teams tlltllkl eoine beeatise
ot the tonnat.

”lot the lust little e\et. this
year we will be playing on all
three weekend day s. and that‘s the
reason we haye sueli a strong

last year, l'K‘s lisa \Veiss-
mueller linishetl third. three
stokes belnnd Neill She led the
tournament gotng into the tmal
lew holes and, it not tor ati uti-
tiinely shot on hole 1‘ m the titial
round. she might haye held on to

In l‘K‘s last tournament. senior
l)olores Naya was the low seorer.
so she \\lll be lit the No l slttl lllls
week. Senior l aurie (ioodlett tin—



ished second and will play No.
2. l-reshmaii Kirsten Krogsrtid.
sophomore l‘raeey' llolines aitd
\\'eissiitiiellei' will be lllllllg‘ slots
three. tour and tire. respectively.
Also eompeting from [K will be
lraeey Hughes and Jill Smiley.
who will eotnpete unattached

Ntoa would like to tinisli hei
last lls'll strong btit teels added
piesstire playing at home

"You wouldn‘t belie-ye the
pressure playing number one
when eyei‘yone expects you to
do well." she said “ l'hete‘s al-
ways pressure lll tournaments.
biti it‘s woise when you‘re playr
mg at home in troiit ot' the home

lhe lady Kats golt team is oil
to art impressiye start this sea-
son. t'inis'hing lllll‘tl in lhe l ady
l'tu’ lleel (‘lassie atid winning
the Memphis \Votnen‘s liitereol»
legtate a week and a halt ago

At the midpoint ot the tall sea-
son. Krogsrud tinds herselt with
the low ayerage on the team at
76.7. She is tollowed by Nara
t773i. Weissintiellei (“7 7i atid
(ioodlett (78.5! Holmes is a\ei'»
aging Kill strokes per round

BeeaUse ot the team‘s balanee.
liy‘aiis has no idea on who will
lead her teatn lattt‘ll day the
players will rotate their playing
positions. depending on L'lllTL'lll

“there‘s no star on the team.
Imd that‘s what makes us so
good.” l‘.\';tlls said “It‘s a teaiti




October 14,1592
8:00 P.M.

ic ets on sa e at the tu .
Ticket 'Office and all Ticketmaster

outlets or char-grzby phone at
- I


ent enter Brought to you by:



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samutuv ~. s

Kentucky Kernel. Friday. October 9. 1992



By Mark Teague
Contributing Writer


“Smack." "boom" and "crack"
me all sounds that two objects make
.ls they collide. Senior lgiurie (iood-
letl‘ s dri\ er‘s connecting with a golt
ball is no ditterent,

(ioodlett lilts the longest of any
lady Kats goltci. typically hitting
:(wbyanl lL't,‘
sllols tltiwtl lllC
middle ot the

think I liil like
a guy some-
times." (iood-
lctt said “My
\ll'ctlglll ls deli-
imtcly the
length ot my
\ht‘l I do LIKL‘
a strong swing
.it It ”

l‘l'L‘sllllldll Kirsten Krogsrud has
been a lady Kat tor |ust a lew
mouths and already is impressed
with the distance arid accuracy of

"I auric's strong. She‘s a power-
tiiI lotig ball hitter." Krogsrud said.
"She hits huge."

I'K coach Bettie Lou livans said
(ioodlett probably is her most un-
prov ed player coming into the year.
liver the summer. (ioodletl played
.iiid won the \Voliien‘s Kentucky
\tatc \iiiateilrt ipen. luvans said she
thinks the win gaye (ioodlett more


I ast year, (ioodlctl liliished third

‘ s ' L k t ‘
Spring Lake Pr'"9 a 900“" erlub

offers easy,
trying holes

By Mark Teague
Contributing Writer



I 1in Weissmueller said she
thinks she will have all advantage in
the lady Kat Invitational 'l‘ourna»
merit this weekend because she‘ll
be playing on the course she prac—
tices on.

llie idllll’ytlfll. par-73 course at
Spring lake (‘ountry' (‘lub has been
the home ot the UK women‘s golt
learn and the I Kl'l' tor years.

"You have the advantage against
other teams because you know
where to hit the ball and you know
what the greens are like because we
practice here all year long." Weiss-
mueller said. “I‘ve been playing
here tor four years. so I know the
course pretty well."

Sometimes. no riiatter how well
she knows the course. some of the
holes still manage to beat her.
\V’eissmueller led the l.Kl'l alter
the first two rounds last year. hilt
Spring | ake's l7th hole ended her
title run

"I was standing over the water on
the par-1. I had hoped to get it over
the water. but I guess I chose the
wrong club." Weissrnueller said. "I
was .so pumped up. but I miss-hit
the ball. hit a golt‘ cart path, and the
ball went out of bounds for a two-
stroke penalty.

“I just felt my‘ heart sink down in

Pitino makes
two basketball


Staff reports


Ihe I'K basketball season is
hearing. and [K coach Rick I’itino
made two announcements yester~

l ii'sl. l’K will begin l'all practice
with its traditional Big Blue Mail»
iicss activities Saturday. (let. ‘I at
l l: Iii pm in Memorial (‘oliseum

'I'hc ot'ticial name. “Big B()()
Madness A Monster Bash" takes
on a Halloween theme this year.
I)ooi's will open at 11 pm. Admis»
sion is tree and on a first-come.
tirst-servcd basis.

I’itmo also announced that I'K
will play its lirst intrasquad scrim-
mage ot' the season Saturday. Nov
7 at 7:30 pm. in Memorial (‘oli-
seurn. All proceeds from the game
will benefit the Urban league of
lexington and liayette (‘ountyx

All tickets for the scrimmage are
$5 and will go oli sale Monday.




Blues, Booze and Cues


’v t" ‘
$1.00 Draft w/student I.D.
Lower Level Civic Center





on the tezun with 70.4 stroke-per-
round average in her first year with
the Lady Kats. As a t'reshmtui from
Anderson (‘ounty’ High School Ill
l.awi'enceburg. Ky'.. .she didn't see
much action because ot~ her lack of
experience turd eventually she was
redslurted as a sophomore.

In high school. she played mainly
iii Kentucky. She said she liked
playing in the state so much that.
when it came time to choose a col-
lege. she selected l‘ls' because ll
was close to home.

“I‘m a hornebody'." ( ioodlelt said
"I love playing in Kentucky. I want-
ed to be a part of this program be-
cause there is such traditioii and
prestige of" being a I'K athlete "

lf\ans said she thinks that (Rood
lett is so improved now that she can
play with the nation‘s best

"Now she can play with anyone."
livans said. “It just took her a while
because other lack ol'playilig expe-
rience "

Alter two tournaments this sea-
sori. she is iii fourth place on the
team with a 78.5 average (ioodlctt
said she is satisfied with her results
so far because her goal is not to
dominate. btit rather to help her
team by playing her best

"It‘ you play well. go tor it llut it
you‘re struggling. iust try to get Ill
and help the team lliat is my goal.
to help the team win ”


new. s“ ,__‘ sten-r; 3,. , .g;,,,.,,in<3




‘a. r‘


Senior Laurie Goodlett can hit

a golf ball 260 yards off a tee.

Her drives are the longest of the any of the Lady Kats golfers.




my stomach and tell awful. I still

think about that shot. arid it's one of

the worst feelings I‘ve ey er had "

Many ot. the Lady Kats have their

own favorite holes and holes they
hate at Spring Lake. l'l'csllllltlll Kir-
sten Krogsrud said she thinks the
sixth and seventh are easy parai bird-
ie holes. while the small green on 13
gives her trouble.

”Ilie green is lllllil to lill on I‘
l‘cttilise llic llorit pail it the giet it Is
really narrow and liiost people tend
to tillller‘~t'liib llielr approach shot.‘
said Stuart lielieler. who has been
the coiiise prolessional at Spring
lake since I‘M-1 “It you miss the
green to the tight. it‘s an almost
blind shot uphill. and. since the
green isn't very wide. you don't



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haw lllllt Ii ro-in: i.. |.lllii llit' liall ”
lit lit Ills it‘d" l.i\ori!y Iiol. 1 III.
pat \_ Iti' \alil bolt the will].
Ilsa \\ eissliilii Ilcl's lliiils Ilt‘l 1‘l. at
t'sl ~llttt‘\\ I‘ll lll.il lllilt' I‘.\ti mulls
\\clssnilitl|tr shot .i hole It]
one on the \pllnj' lalsc (oiilltlj.
( lllli is .l piiyalc tllll‘» and has been
open sIIILL I‘M" It is

\andtrs\ the Road ol! I’alis l’ikc


lt\\.tlt'll I‘ll



Volleyball team to face

tandem of ACC squads

and t ’c‘likl llllliks
.1.Is.‘|| \ll


to: rural:

By Ty Halpin
Contributing Writer

«ll ”IL M l\i'li

the learn s In sl '.ini.'




North t‘atollna sends two ot its ”Id-H .t'llllo! I \:
best volleyball tcallls to I esiiigtoii "\M' i‘li'ml ‘H in st it- it. u .is
this weekend lotake on I 'Is' l.ll .l~~ pl.i.in-- Ii.llii .m.t ‘|.l.lll'
Adm“ (\inunucs In] l'k as Ilkllstil Illli ll 'llwttl ilk 'Ii.ili It H
lhike arid North t‘arolma unallc slit \th
Memoiial (‘oliseuln llie \\i|dt.its Ullkt ls lttl I‘. \i;:. ‘v . :Iio.
play host to .tii l l
lhike to» ' tool . .ni
night at \ltii llill.‘l
7' it) alld wlso It.
I'Nt' Satur- y Ii-ti ntlll
day night at : out. t-t
['K (13- ‘ Illik. s
4) beat len- mail.
llk'\\k'C i-ll It lltltals
on Wellnes- \li s a
(hi) I” .I y “t‘i‘ti st‘ilii
match the f’ I‘ll-J \h.




\\ ildcats

Iitl» ]\l.l'.


dominated at tat!

witli great detcnse need in mutant ha' I». It‘ll-i
l'ls' has been on a roll lately still

winning Ill ot the last l.‘_ ‘.\lllt'l \lllioti-'li this I» I win

includes ‘ oi \‘ at home met this without. iii.il.li t! tan inn-.2

. lite loin nariienl s. It \lii»ti~
"\\t‘ '.‘»|i| lit toiizpetln‘ xxilli
[K \Ullk‘}l‘il“ k‘i\“\‘h KJIIH lit Illt'lll iii \tt \\lli- “III lll.llt ‘iI I
Hoci is happy with tlit' play ol li.i llit \t \ \- .aiil wlw will In; -'
Ill" Initl. ilt‘lllt. ' | It'llott salil
itslll“.'\\ Ilia!
iii Is .I It‘ll"?! learn

weekends play. l’ls' tl;i\t‘ls t~
I kinda and then \tibuiri

learn and said she is impresstll
with the rapid unpioyemenl slit _\
seen Ms‘li‘tly \i‘lit Alix has [\|.l'\.'il
IX'HCI i‘l ltllt‘. “lllt‘ll \IL‘III\ ll"lll
an increasing lilltlelsl.ililliii_-.' ot Ii. I

i’tliittl Milli silt


"Ill-ck l!t L

.1 wild learn on.

play .tll .l'."‘l.'\-I\_' tltltns. .lllil .l

role on the team. licltoei “ta ‘-i‘lllt wit it toils; rxatzz tilt. in

"\lt‘lody has lx'tonit moi Hiii... '~ “I \".|\ilt|i and tilt.
tolliloltalilc playing Ill Illl-t. plan .i wiltiptillrxt stfitlllllt
L‘.tlllt'\ She is itlx Militia. ttlrl Ilit. turn. ...a .il‘i a: It
liii pleased with her play slit mu i. lullti I‘li'b. il Itultoti
\illil \.ll|!