xt7sn00zsn7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sn00zsn7n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-01-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 2002 2002 2002-01-10 2020 true xt7sn00zsn7n section xt7sn00zsn7n THURSDAYKENTUCKY



“"VM' °' 2"”


L, - , yeasr ofindependence ‘

Cats drop to 0-2 in SEC

Bulldogged: Cats fall to Georgia at home
for first time since 1985, lose second straight

By Will Messer

Si‘oiiiSDAllY fDiiOR

Georgia rode the shoulders of its two biggest [logs to an 8881
\‘li‘ltil‘y against UK Wednesday in Rupp Arena

The loss dropped the No. 8 (‘ats (9-4. ()2 SEC) to 0-2 in the
Southeastern Conference for the first time since the 1978 79 season
when they lost games at Florida and to l,.ouisiana State at Rupp

“We fought pretty hard tonight but Georgia just had too many
3-point shooters for us." said UK coach Tubby Smith

The win was IiGA's first in Rupp Arena since 1985.

It was also coach Jim Harrick's first victory against [7K dur
ing his UGA tenure. and Smith‘s first loss to the Bulldogs since
leaving the program to take the UK coaching job in 1997.

The Bulldogs (132, 2—0 SEC) made ltrof-2:i (.341 percent) it
pointers and shot :ili-of-Sl (Mi percent) overall.

Wing players .iarvis Hayes and Ezra Williams led the barrage.

Hayes. a junior. netted a career-high It” points and Williams. a
sophomore. added 20.

“This is the way (Hayes and Williams) play every day." Har»
rick said. “These two guys really complement each other "

Despite UGA's shooting. a :i-piiiiiter' by UK sophomore guard
Gerald Fitch gave the (‘ats an 8280 advantage at the 2:47 mark.

The Cats held liGA on its next possession. but junior guard
Keith Bogans lost control of the hall as he drove into the lane.

The play led to a breakaway for llGA sophomore forward
Chris Daniels. who was fouled on a dunk attempt by [K junior
center Jules (“amara

After Bogans missed a It on the (‘ats‘ next possession. Hayes
scored to give UGA an 85-82 lead.

Point guard (‘liff Hawkins tried to answer for [’K. but the
sophomore‘s jump shot fell short and put back attempts by Bogans
and Hawkins were blocked.

Sophomore UGA guard Rashad Wright corralled the loose ball.
was fouled and made l»of~2 free-throws,

Again Hawkins took the big shot for [K on its next possession.
but with the same result.

Smith said that Hawkins would ideally penetrate arid then
look to pass before shooting.

“We talked about passing the ball. but he must not have been
able to find anybody open."

After Hawkins' miss. Wright was fouled and again made l-of-2
free~throws. giving UGA a 86-82 lead with 20 seconds remaining.

Hawkins followed a miss by senior forward Tayshaun Prince
with a layup that cut the lead to 86—84.

But junior UGA guard Tony (‘ole‘s two free-throws with 1.7
seconds left secured the victory and provided the final score.

UK is 0—3 this season in games decided by five points or less.
The Cats lost overtime games to Duke 95-92 and to Mississippi
State 7469.

“We‘re just not making plays.“ Smith said. “it goes back again
to our toughness and making some tough plays down the

No.8 Kentucky Wildcats — 84
Starters rm. FG-A FT-A 3PT-A m

Cliff Hawkins 37 i 9 K] 0 ii.
Gerald Fitch 28 5-10 1-
Keith Bogans 22 3’10 0.
iayshaun Prince 35 6—l2 2-
Jules Camera 24 78 Z

IE3 A To
2 2
3 .





Georgia Bulldogs — 88
Starters FG-A FT-A 3'T-A PTS IE3
Rashad Wright ” 2'4 30 6 ii
Ezra Williams » 0-0 6~l0 20 3
Jarvrs Hayes . ‘ J; 48 ii ‘
Chris Daniels - 35 0-0 ii

Steve lhomas " 7 ' "r or; ‘

Where's the money?: Governor will propose
his budget to General Assembly this month
Paul Patton‘s 2002 budget pro-

posal. the new bathrooms could
remain just a nice thought.

By Tracy Kershaw


Just the thought of 128
stalls in Rupp Arena's women's
restrooms pleases Laura Hay. a
nursing junior who like most
women knows the agony of long
bathroom lines.

“They need it badly." she
said. standing in the Lexington
Center food court before last
night‘s basketball game.

But with the state's final
payment for renovations to the
Lexington (‘enter from Gov.


More women‘s bathrooms
are among many planned reno-
vations dependent on the final
$1.3 million payment. said Bill
Owen. Lexington (‘enter (‘orp
chief executive officer.

Patton will present his bud-
get to the General Assembly on
Jan. 22. in light ofa 333% million
state revenue shortfall. Patton
spokesman Rusty Cheuvront
told the Lexington Herald-
Leader that the governor re-


UK's Chuck Hayes (44) and Erik Daniels combine to foul a Georgia
player on an attempted shot. See page six for more game coverage.

UK freshman
guard Rashaad
attempts to
drive on Geor-
gia junior
defender Mike
Patrick. Car-
ruth finished
6-of-IO from
the field with
15 points and
Carruth was
one of four
Cats to finish
in double fig-
ures. Jules
Camara led the
Cats with 16
points, senior
Prince added
15 and sopho-
more Gerald
Fitch finished
with 13 points.

NlCK rouzcu i
eworo so to»

gretted the decision. but the
revenue shortfall left him no

The Rupp renovations in
jeopardy include replacmg the
orange lowerarena seats with
blue ones. more bathrooms and
a new facade on the High Street

The planned entrance
would extend an enclosed lobby
to the edge of High Street

“We're thankful for the
commitment the General .-\s‘
sembly already made to our
project." he said. "but what
they've given us already is pret-
ty much gone.”

Renovations to Heritage
Hall such as building new con»
ference rooms city leaders hope

Will attract conventions to Lex»
ington and help the city‘s pron
omy. could also be postponed or
canceled without the money
Patton agreed to fund the
project in 2000. with $13 million
in 2001 and another $13 million
in 2002. The Lexington (‘enter
raised $20 million through bond

Bakery offers
freshly baked
goods. a deli
and more


http: www.kykernel.com

Bullets to become


in trial

Mystery: FBI tests link bullets from DiGiuro
to those found in home of Ragland's father

‘3‘ )l iA'Hi PREV,

LileNtYl‘UN Metallur
gir it‘sis on bullet fragments
will be allowed as evidence in
the trial of :i man accused of
killing a l'lx' football player. a
judge ruled Wednesday.

Fayette (‘ir'v‘uit Judge
Thomas t lark overruled a mo
tion seeking to exclude the test
results stating that Shane
Raglaiid‘s defense tearii had on
pie opportunity to either try to
stop the analysis or have their
own expert review the results
of the complex testing.

Raglaiid was charged w itl,
murder in July Juno. ilt"il iy six
years to the drix iffer' Trent
liiGiuro was shot

Lexington were
stuiriped until Raginnds former
girlfriend. .‘iiriiee lrioxd, rune
forward nezirly ‘wo igo
and told irivestigato; s i<.-’|;Zi.-!'ifl
had confessed to her

iiiiiii e-

l'olit'e stij. Raglar‘rd. whose
trial is srheduled to begin on
Jun. 22. believed liitiuiro w-is
responsible for getting him
blackballed from a fraternity

Bullet fr‘agiiients frorn
liiiiiuro were :irizrlv/ed by the
FHI's lab'ir’istor“. iii Washing
ton. lit . in lie“, The i oiitpiex
toinparatiae bullet lead aria];
sis used up most of the frag
merits. although some were re

Going for another

The UK Cheerleaders (above) at a
home game against Georgia
Wednesday leading the crowd in
the singing of "My Old Kentucky
Home." The squad (right) practic-
ing their championship routine at
half-time of the game. The squad
will compete in UCA's National
College Cheerleadfng Champi-
onship Saturday in Orlando.


turned to til“ Kentucky State
Police laboratory in Frankfort

Following Ragland's arrest.
police found unspent .‘JiJical
iber rounds at the home of
inglriiid's father. which were
sent to the PHI for analysis last

Kathleen lluridy. a forensic
physical scientist with the FBI.
tiisilflt'fi for the prosecution
Wednesday that both the 1996
and will metallurgical tests on
the bullets from DiGiuro “were
consisteiit‘ with those seized
from Raglaird's father's home.

“Nothing was wasted, and
there was no urineH-ssary dis-
posal of evidence.” said Assis»
tarit f‘orriiiioiiwealtb's AttornF‘V
Mike Malone

Prosecutors said that all of
Luiidy's lab notes on the case
were turned over for expert
analysis by the defense.

[it-tensi- ,rrttornevs argued
Wednesday that because the
ariaiysn used up most of the
material. which was tested
twice when the first time
should have been suffir rent.
they were not able to perform
their own testing,

‘The forrimonwealth had
an obligation to put the defense
on notice that destructive test-
ing Wis being done on evi
deuce.” said (ruthrie True one
of Raglaud‘s attorney s

sales for the construction

"()ur funding plan was like
a threelegged stool. with two
legs from the state and local
from bonds." Owen said “We
have two legs in plare. .md
we‘re hoping for a third "

Kathy DeBoer. (isstit‘lrlif‘
athletics director. said she did
not know how the situation
would work out “i know a;
much as you do." she said

MOTO rum

Several renovations to ltupp Arena are pending on the General Assemhfy's
decision to pass Gov. Paul Patton's budget.

Kentuck , Lexrn




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a book is
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Inside of a
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couple of snow

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Woman accused of cutting feeding tube

t‘ttl.l'.\lltl'S ()liio .r\ university professor
has beeli 1'li.ii'ged with assault for allegedly eut
ting the feeding tube of her llavyear old mother
and try 111:; to destroy the evidenee .\1111 .1\1'ker
111.111 ltrown. T131, had told others she had power of
attorney and the right to remove the tube. poliee
said l‘oliee said they had found no paperwork
eoiitiriiiing that she had that authority lleteetive
l).1ii.i l9arbaeliei‘ said .\t‘kt‘l‘ll‘i;ln Brown rut away
sever il inehes ot the tube when she visited her
mother. .\1111 on Her .lll .it :1 retirement renter.

Insurer to pay millions in race-bias suit
.\'l'l. \N'l‘.\ .\ Georgia insuranee eompany
will on more ilian Sift million to st‘lllt‘ a lawsuit
.1eeiis111g it of eharging blaeks higher premiums
for ileeades .1 soiiree «lose to the negotiations
said \\'ednesday Lite liisut‘anee (‘11 of (ieorgia
said only that it e\peet.s a settlement oftlie fedei‘
aI elass .lt‘lltlll suit “in the very near future ” The
ease stems from .1 Georgia investigation that
found that Life of Georgia had eharged blaeks up pereent more than whites for the same or
similar eoverage 111 the ltlfills. WIS and TM

Cars of the future on Bush's agenda

lili'l‘ltlll'l‘ The Bush administration
laiiirehed .1 partnership \\‘edliesday with domes
tie automakers to spur 'lll‘ growth of hydrogen
fuel eells for the next generation of ears and
li'lll‘lts. hoping to rediiee the eoiintry‘s depeii
tlenee on foreign 1in while rediieing tailpipe pol
hiiion The government hopes fuel eells will spur
industry efforts to develop motor vehicle power
systems that eventually \\ ill replaee the internal
rombiistion 1‘lltlltll‘

Expired visas send couple out of us.

liltlil‘KSVlllJi. llhio .-\ Polish couple who
oveistayed their visas by more than a deeade
will be deported. despite :1 plea from their dyear»
old .\tllt‘l'lt‘.’lll born son to President Bush. Syl»
westei‘ Rory l\.1. .H. will leave for Warsaw on Fri
day and will immediately tile papers to return to
this t‘leveland suburb. His 11 ife. .\lariola Psorivka.
JV». must then return to Poland and go through
the same pi'oeess. The couple arrived from
Poland in 19901111 tourist visas




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The animated
quartet Gorillaz,
whose "Clint

was nominated
for a Grammy last
week. Wlll launch
their first North
American tour
next month. The
nine-date trek
w1|l begin Feb. 23
in Toronto and
wrap up March 8
in Los Angeles.
according to their
Virgin Records
The tour will mix
music, animation
and technology.
according to the
label rep. In past
overseas, the
mu51cians behind
the Gorillaz -
including Blur
singer Damon
Albarn and
Handsome Boy
Modeling School
producer Dan
"The Automator"
Nakamura - have
performed behind
a screen display-
ing the cartoon
characters 2-D.
Murdoc. Noodle
and Russel. In
Gorillaz recorded
a track with DIZ
that is available
on their Web site
(see "Gorillaz's
'9ll‘ Collaboration
With 012 Available
Onllne"). The
group also spent
time in the studio
recently with
rapper Redman.
though details on
the collaboration
were not


'---Ivv an - sm w‘) b 1-"-. pump .. .mr tr impetus (mm ~rllkv~1 1)“ w pan-~11": m- ie“ .-A - '1- 1 nm 2mm “A 1’”.- s...si-n bu. ,..
-~«‘ Vlr‘4v 1 "11¢ , at." (L x< ‘i»>.» Hn>sr 1' m. . ., -u H '& u . .~



New guidelines set for pedophilia cases

VATICAN l‘l’l‘Y The Vatican has eome up
with new guidelines for the Roman Catholic
(‘liiireh to handle pedophilia aeeusations against
priests. ordering ehureh officials worldwide to
inform it swiftly of such eases and deelaring
them subjeet to seereey. Promoted by the Vati»
ean's (‘ongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
the rules were approved by Pope John Paul II.
who in the past has expressed solidarity with the
vietims of sexual abuse by elergy.

6 killed in attack on Israeli army post

JERUSALEM Two Islamie militants
armed with grenades and assault rifles stormed
an lsraeli army post near the (laza Strip early
\l‘ediiesday. killing four soldiers before being
shot dead 111 a gun battle. the Israeli military
sillll. It was the first deadly attaek on Israelis in
nearly a month and dealt a severe blow to [KS
It'llt‘t‘ etl‘orts. Earlier this week. :1 [KS mediator
had left the region.

Taliban officials surrender, freed

K:\Nl);\ll;\R. Afghanistan The Taliban
defense and justiee ministers atid several other
highranking leaders of the ousted ruling militia
surrendered to the new Afghan government but
were allowed to go free and will not be turned
over to the l'nited States. a Kandahar eoniman-
(101‘ said \‘l'ednesday. .Ialal Khan. a close assoei-
ate of Kandahar Gov. (inl Agha. told The Assoei-
ated Press the detecting Taliban had met officials
in the Kandahar government and received gener-
al amnesty after recognizing the nation's new in»
teriiii administration headed by Prime Minister
Hamid Karzai They have been allowed to go
bark to their homes and live with their families.
Khan said.

2 senior al-Oaida leaders in 0.5. hands

WASHINGTON l'S. military oftieials are
hoping that two senior al-Qaida fighters and
their eoinpiiters and eell phones will provide
valuable information in the fight against the ter
i'or network blamed for the attaeks on Sept. 11.
IVS. forties found the two men late Monday
among ill suspeeted al-(Qaida members captured
iii eastern Afghanistan near an extensive train
ing base. The huge Zawar Kill complex of eaves.
tunnels and buildings was used as a training
ramp and most recently as a place for fleeing al~
Qaida members to regroup. possibly preparing to
move from Afghanistan into Pakistan.

Compiled from wire reports

A) It can he!
y ahead in

B) It comes with full ve '
Excel, Outlook”

C) It’s a limited offer

D) All of the above



invite students
to fair tonight

Finding your niche on campus: Groups
seek new members for spring semester

By Paul Halter

Sim WRlliR

Students looking to beeoine more involved in eampus orga-
nizations will have an opportunity to find information tonight
at the Student Organizations Fair

Dave Newton. .1 history senior and or
ganizer of the fair. said there should be
about St) eainplis groups represented at

the fair.

Newton hopes the event will be bene
fieial to students as well as student orgaiii
zations. "It‘s to help student organizations
out in finding new members and to help
students find groups that they are inter-
ested in." he said.

The Student Aetivities Board and otli
er groups have held events like the Stil-
(lent Center Spectacular in the fall where
organizations set 11p tables. but these
events do not usually oeeur 111 the spring

If you go

The Student
Fair is tonight
from 7-9 pm.
in the Student
There will be
free food.

semester. Newton said.

"A lot of freshmen
don't join student orga
nizations iii their first
semester. they are more
eoneerned with surv1v
111g their first year." he
said. ”The spring se»
inester is at least as
good a time as any to
get itivolved "

Many groups have
eoine together to piit
the fair together by
helping put up fliers.

prepare the room for the fair and organize
dili‘erent imports of the fair.

And Newton has hopes that the fair
will be beeome an annual event.

“It is a ehanee for students to involve
themselves in an estrariirrieular aetivity
at UK. Being part of a student organiza
tioii ran be a lot of fun and ran also be a
great outlet to meet other students."

In faet. he said joining a student orga
iiization eoiild be life altering.

"Their best experienees at UK and fondest memories (‘()lll(l
eome from joining one." he said.

' and POWEFPoint’


part of a

can be a
lot of fun
and can
also be a

outlet to




~ Dave Newton,
history senior and
organizer of the
Organizations Fair


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Stacie N

A i
sit witl
round t
on asst
ting the
years a
two hll‘
over th

little fr
The ba
smell 1
and a














 Stacie Meihaus
Scene Editor
Phone: 257-i9l5 | E-mail: hernelartdyahootom




Nearly 50 years later,
agee's Bakery still tries



Hand me a muffin: Freshly baked goods and quaint atmosphere
part of the sweetness you'll find at this bakery, coffee shop and deli

Stacie Meihaus
stint (DIIOR

A group of schoolchildren
sit with their mother at a big
round table. Illlllil‘lllllt! liIliilillV
on assorted goodies while get»
ting their homework done Two
elderly women remark to the
cashier that they were there .30
years ago. around the time the
bakery opened. They ask for
brownies. The door opens and
two businessmen begin to mull
over the decision of whieh iresh
sandwich they want for dinner

Two hours before elosing.
Magee‘s Bakery has quieted a
little from the bustle of the day
The bakery has the refreshing
smell of freshly baked goods
and a casual. homer .itnios

Located near different ele
mentary schools as well as
downtown. part of the bakery's
success has been in its lot‘ale.

The other \llt‘t“‘\\ lies in its ar
ray of lood t‘litill‘t’s

"The biggest appeal is prob
ably that it's the only bakerv in
Lesington where "\"'i'_\'llilil‘,! is
matte from serriti‘h.” said Adam
(ioltls‘tein general manager

(‘ioldstein has worked at
Magee's sint‘e he was Itiw'ears
old. He said he enjoys seeing
the tlit‘terent (‘lISllliilt‘i‘s as well
as the hakery's atmosphere

"it's kind of riuiiint it
seems like you area part oi the
community when we go
there." said lieth llarper, a still
ology tumor

The bakers :irrix'e trom
Monday through Saturdax' ‘11 i
am. to bake for the 7 am open
ing. On Sundays. the baking
erew gets to sleep in tor a little
while, because the store doesn't
open until 8 am,

"We don't run a third s
bakery," said tioldstein "The
first things put out in the morn


Graduate School Dissertations



lame Barry W Boariiman
hogan: [comm
Dissertation l'rtie Linotncai lrulysas of the Relabonsllri
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iiig eome out ot‘ the oven :it it
a m Everything that is left over
is donated at the end of the

Magee‘s is «i continuation of
a bakery. eotl‘ee shop and deli
Along with the baked goods
Magee‘s also otters sandwiches.
salads. soups and tltllt‘l’it'

"i go there a lot for lllllt‘ll
after classes.“ said llarper "It's
really good and \‘t'i‘V eoiive-
iiient "

i‘iiagee's is highlighted with
irtwork. mostlx done bx iti".il
artists it at iiuired a horse stat
tie that looks as though it was
painted in the \‘t'lll of Pieasso
The baek wall is a huge mural
that shows patrons what goes
on iii the kitchen

Maggie's donates money to
mam .irt organizations over
the (’tilli‘V' otthe war int-hiding
the (itllltl Fair and the Wood
land Art Fair

"We're really big li‘. eon
ti'iliutiiig bail»: into the arts pro



. against that ;
Eliza Langdon (above). a cashier at
Magee's Bakery, cuts up pecan
brownies for packaging. Fresh
sourdough bread (left) is made
daily at the battery. which is

located on East Main Street.

grain." said (ioltlstein.

Along with its Wltlt‘ array
of art. Magee's has a wide vari
ety of customers,

"We have everything from
our daily customers to our
roiindtahle l ustomers. grab and
go tustomers and students on
their way to and from school.”
Goldsteiii said

Along with their (its
tomers. the bot items l'liilligt‘
from day to day Right now
their it'ed heart shaped Valen
tine cookies are a featured

.‘dagtes has too mam‘
items to sample in one trip. but
(loldstein hopes that the vari
eti; brings people back

"They have great donuts
They have great t'éikt'. but their
donuts are so i‘lt'h they'll eross
your eves "

Baked goods

Magee's Battery is on 726 E.
Main St. Hours are Monday through
Friday from 7 am. to 7 pm, Satur-
day from 7 am. to 4 pm. and on
Sunday from 8 am. to 1 pm.





It you are interested in being a tutor,
come to our Tutor Orientation
Tuesday, Jan 15 at 6 pm.
in the Center for Academic and
Tutorial Services (CATS) classroom in
Memorial Coliseum.

Contact Christine or Stephanie at
257-1897 with questions.




ELM—a , ‘7






Ymmtioee for The..13aw_..§r. PM!



University Heights Church of Christ
lot and .it ii3( oliiiiilui -\\r l'L‘lllllil ilit
\X" l toting is proud to prtstiit
‘ EVIdcnccs For Faith Studies“
January 13—16, 2002
Sp cakcr

iltllilllillii'il iiil il\-t lltll slloritli
(tillegt‘ .llilll ll: i Ili‘ .ii.rlior til (/’f/-|:’/i/’// won/w. Hi.»
lllt")1('lt/{/’t' [ill/HQ. ill-’l wt .' Lil tillerr \Hirks. llt liiis iir‘t’ii
leading ltitlis of ih: liiiili l ind»
iiiisi )tl Tallls.

it» fit“ ilit’ \lli Ll

l L'llt‘ll lt‘iikiiis it ill»:

.tlllliisi {littliilll't lair lllt‘

’l he studies will include a
l’owcrpoint presentation and the topics are:
Sunday at 9:45 am
ll hel l‘lllsilttll tis iii x‘\pologisr
Sunday at lllz/fi am
He; liiipix' lliiill‘
Sunday at (>100 pm
Bible? llw lilt‘iitt,‘ ti‘oiii :\rth.icolog\'i
Monday at 1,30 pm
l'iOIil :\iit it‘nr .\laiiiistriprs to Modern \t'i‘sioiis
lilim \Xflt' l itit illt' liilalt‘i
’lticsday at ":50 pm
tridt'iitt' l‘roiii l‘lllilllt'ti l’i‘oi llt't\'
Wednesday" :50 pm
liiiii l l.t \Xt)? ltl \ ( till.

(.aii l ’lrtist .\l\'


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s'w :ss (,5

.isll’ ‘lllr \\"li\li’t‘ iii

llllatl'lllili'ltil. pituist' tail its it

liriili‘ll H

lor iiior:

{flildll "’ iiil tlilii. Hi






ihc ()t‘ticc otthc l’roxost sccks nominations tor the Jim 2002 Outstanding leaching

Awards. ‘lhc Awards arc dcsigncd to rccogiii/c lIltlH iduzils whose performance iii the

classroom or laborator} has hccn coiisistciitl} outstanding

ttull-timci ltlc‘tlll} and teaching assistants on the l uington ( ampus arc chgiblc
.\\\ards will hc gixcn iii thrcc c‘.thg0I‘lC\

All tortured and non



Award tor ’l‘cnurcd Faculty

Award for Teaching .\ssistants

ll\\(t i'c‘ClPlL‘lllsl

Award tor Non-tenured Faculty - $3.500

ttwo rccipicntsi

tthrcc rccipicntsi






thc ()t‘t'icc ot‘ l 'ndcrgradtmtc lzdiication.
for receipt ot‘ the t‘oriiial recommendation from the chair is Februar) IS. 2002.

\oininations ot‘ no more than one t}pcd page should he tomardcd to the appropriate
department chair with a rcqucst that a formal recommendation be prepared and sent to
II" l-unkhouscr Budding 005-1 The dcadhnc

l~or additional information. contact l’hilipp lsr.iciiicr. Associate Prt\\t\st for
l'ndcrgraduatc l dtication. I;






Tuition Prwam

- Are you an out of state student?
0 Are you a full-time undergraduate?

0 Did either of your parents
graduate from UK?

Starting fall 2002 UK Wlll otter in-state tumon
rates to eligible children of UK graduates. To
find out more. contact us at (859) 257-3256.

Applications are available in
Room 100 Funkhouser Budding.
the UK ViSitor Center. or on our web Site at:

Fall 2002 Deadline: February 15. 2002







 LEFT OF CENTER 1.3Kittt‘t't.:i litre.“ 5! A S"
. I ‘ Clay McDaniel, dialogue editor Stacie Meihaus, scene editor -,-_ '










Samieh Shalash, asst. dialogue editor Amanda Hardaway, cartoonist
Josh Sullivan, asst. dialogue editor Jennifer Kasten, at-large member P01
Ashley York, editor in chief Wes Blevins, at-large member gym
, - .. . . 859396".
5 ,....._.. ~ '0 ~ .. $3500.35
power wii
NWKQM“ itwm out 0 0 condition.
. . .
Pillaged and MP u I n Ic e s 32i-4554.
banished \. \SND’ E Til 1 237.5“?
l WE FOCKE S. ' 333mm
14,—...“ coveredp
i try to take one day at “ l-lE USEVTO 333::
a time but BE “NLRS‘ and dinint
yesterday was a bit .- . O 2%2Wal'l
frustrating. I was “yer my
done with classes $6.000 0i
tor the day and 53:63:
header to th: I In the wee hours of Dec. 4. 2001. the dedicated UK students £23?4'9'2i.'
b°° '5 ore w ere willing to wait five hours for tickets to the UK/U of L game W51
“5 swittly raped were brought to a roar. btlt not your typical basketball roar. It 5350 oat
0V the ”0°“ was more like a low growl becattse the dean of students staff EUYPUI
mOHODOIYt ““0996 announced at 2:15 am. that they were down to 15 tickets for 32%;?
or my dignity. and the matchup betWeell the Cats andcm’
pillaged of my and Cards. '.
money. i drained my I can't say I'm a diellard sports intatesl
PLUS account and fall. bttt I grew tip with a strong re- WRITE
5h” needed to pay spect for my school's teaill. and ill a 3:9”: ‘2’;
cash out of my moment of need. I would probably do mm
lust abottt anything to help motivate endorsed
wallet. I then S t
the crowd anti encourage attendance. ”999‘ “
returned home with So far this year I have h'll‘t‘IV‘ “92'
av Tie“ heldtlow to FEDERAL NRFbEVSECUR‘N EEPLACEMENTS missed a hollle game. and I had every in piasil.
nestsltstjgtofit: 2°” intention of going. btlt I. like the hull 4492. 7.
dreds left behind. had to go home “9“ FIIOIO
had been ban'Shed iN OUR OPINION without a ticket for the Dec. 29m iw 333%?an
‘0 ”‘9 "9m“ game itl lily band. From personal atld coumumttecotullflfl CANON A
regions 0* . friend research. there's more to the macro")
the paper. : x ti: story than meets the eye. ?gg':|'c°’
. "it When the crowd finally entered Memorial Coliseum. they optic“
Perhaps the most announced the official attendance was around 3.500 and ex- ownersi
ghastly thing of the ' E_mail plained the “rules" of the lottery. They would call the first few 33%???
day was the . . groups up separately. atld when the lilies got long. they would ”mi 9“;
purchase of my go throughaild call out each of the remaining numbers so lion.'SIO-j
statics book. It's w Send us your letters iiiih‘l‘iilcki‘tfit til the stands Would know where they fell in £55118
t h th'clt and comments by ‘ ‘ ’- y. . ,
lattf‘tlhafalnaldd cosf e-mail. Hey. we love the By 13:13. five hours after students started pouring in. they 3333“:
5102 mi If the book net and we know you do were almost dry. They announced there were 15 tickets re- ‘
’ ' . - , . . , . .. . , . .t , , . . . . .. , . too. So send your mailling and had already called the group that would be split:
were bound With . Willitl‘gtiyttl nmc ilts tat ely hesitate to pass in w laws. they mouqhtsm mm. would get mkm. mm,rs mum 1W, our The crowd had Ffit
gold Ov’ perhaps {it t‘ genel ally Itlzllht‘ t0 lept‘ttl bad Ollefi- . . . .. dialogue®kykernelcom a reason to complain. even more than they'd realize at ’
”33° "59'”0 m“ let. the Lexnlgtoil-Itayette llrbatl (otltliy (Ullllt‘li satisfied that time. . _ . £212th
2:23; 2: (13:93:: d dance club owners and students Tuesday night when they re- t \Im lititttlttlgiitlt'lte: atrd :11 feiv fri‘eli‘tidz inittittrltli‘iztlreittl:Crtnadgfclftlllls tainlodg
, .. , v ,~ . , , , _, -. . , ()1 le cs ‘ec or .a“; vy: sssz '. o - ”WU“-
ms exormant \Cl sedan atllol dot ISItlllVllldl mandated establishments that Length & mm AMSJOMSW regarding mp 1mm“. naturmfthe nigh“ [m
price. serve liquor at any point ot the day close by 1:30 am. Thls new St Ie events. My tonntntttttx. Billy ct-ttttitot. saifl. “I talked with tiger-g
time stands in stark contrast to the current closmg time V Johnson and he said he went over to the dean of students‘ range, :
What exactly Is it that (if .1 a_m_ s‘taff when tkhey determined attencllancr He tried to encfcgurage fights;
- . - - - - t.lem to ma ’e an aunt uncemeni tlat t lere was all tnsu icient
“’9 are ”I'm ”“7 The law was flawed. said the council. lil that it would have Lettermthew't” . , . , .’. . . . .- . , . . , qtnia.$4
The materials? The . are to address tltktt supply. bttt the y it fustd. claiming that students would 5858
writing, The affected not only dance clubs. btlt bowling alleys atld theaters previously printed leave without buyiilg any tickets." Wm
knowledge? Ihe (18 well. SO. the ordinance was ropegllml editorials and columns. ~What you just heard about sounds like an act of greed.‘The View. 53
royalties? 0r IS it Although the law will not go into effect. the Urban County Thefshouldbe 3”“ mad“ “ {“““‘1l“dt€”l“”‘ ‘” ”’IW‘ 1” “P““unce the Slma‘ 37%}:
a ,1 ~. ‘ -11 I k. y f .. .. , ..- x ' ‘- .1, . 1, , . ‘ approxmtately 250 turn to the crowd. and some unfortunate souls. only waiting 9“ a”
some enormous (ountt 1s stl op lng OI a way to wt lit a stint at aw. minus wordsiong h”.