xt7sqv3c0k7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c0k7w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1937 May 1937 "Condensed from Manuals, supplements, letters, and instructions." "This manual is for use in connection with "Manual of the Survey of Historical Records", supplements nos. 4 and 5, ... and letters of instruction from Washington..." books Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Kentucky Historical Records Survey--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Office manual preparation of inventories text Office manual preparation of inventories 1937 1937 May 1937 2012 true xt7sqv3c0k7w section xt7sqv3c0k7w `T ” °” I KVM "‘”“"`“I“I"IIIII‘II**"I VT I I I `W `
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Prop-»rod by
- Stsmiso Office, Historicixl Records Survey ji,
Louisvillo, Komzucky R.
Many 1957 _
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. {jg?. » j , _ Y ` _ j kg 352.0769 H6290
_ ‘ I Historical Records Survey. Ke
. T " ~ . 5 Office manual preparation of
. _ V _ `» JS451.K4303401937
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This manual is for usc in connoction with
°` L{`..’.'
SUl"PLEIijNTS Nos. 4 and 5, in your hsnds, »
and lsttcrs of instruction from Washington,
on iiiis in this office. ’
‘ It is to bo used with roforonco to propsring t__?3;¤-
draft invontorios of county sirchivos. O1
I si 2, I
This manual is intondod for offico usc, only, V
ind is not to bo distributod to Fiold Workors. O Ls
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- olg2'lOd » ‘ M / ·’ . ’ his ,
_ Wnltor M. Hoofolman V Y
Litrxto Diroctor _
Historical Rocords Survoy _
I~/hy 5, 1957 2‘!.I’.A. Project 9905 _
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'£.iL%T..¥¤ O;~‘ CYJIEEIITS III 1 YH
Pcuct A; Part B; Part C
'*% [1 ' {*1 "'·`|f\ P ‘ [‘ [|('t '\’ "v ' f»"7'r'f'|' l' ‘
l’1;R; lx, \,O=,!·,_LY 1;.,}) Ii.; i{;.COR,D cla.; IV 1
historical Sketch; Govcrn;1c11·l;:2.l
Organization and Rccord System;
Tiousing, Care and Acccssibility .é fg.
of Accords; List of Abbreviations.
PART 3, COFEFBY C;-‘;_·`ICT}S fil) TQQYYIR R.¤oTCOR.¥)S V 25
Ffnuwbor of entry; title; Goto; quantity
of rccord; muabcring :121:*. labelling; do-
scription of contents; principle of Q
:zr1·cmgc1·1cnt of rccorcl; indoxing contained 2;
· ·. . . . . . ·-
in rccorug cncrcctcr of vrriting; condition
of rcccrd; avcrcggc nuwbcr of pages; sizog .
location of rccord; separate index. ?1;" rj1
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. . . via?
‘rcp¤rLxt10n of coxmty inventory; prcprxra- ,_
tion of city inventory; 1>1·c#.>c·.x·¤.ti0n 0i` no ,
i‘5.n:1l indox; first draft of inventory; . .’_.
. . , ,_ . . · ;‘_*’·c‘ ‘
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I The ;.0].].O'\’Ij.Ll,Q i11i‘o1n.m.’.:ion should uppeszr on the title page
in the sequence shown: "ITTVTZTOIIY TC TQ) COUEIKCY !;RCZ"I`\/TIS
OF fi TLETUCKY, Frepured by, Elistoricel Records Survey, Division of `»·.r0;‘1G1'J.'S
und Jrofossionel Brcjects, Viori-:s Progress 11di;1inistrc.tion, EIO. (insert
no. and name of county in cups), Louisville, 1·Centuc‘:y, YTistor'i*cITl
Records 3urvey, (insert ncnth md yeur)". Counties should be zzrrengcd ,
in e.lphn`oeties.l order end nulxfoered consecutively. Records found for I
counties no longer in existence shoulc`, be included us well us those for
counties still functioning. (Sup. 4, fart. 8), (Sup. 5, Art. 5)
If This should come after the title page ZJIIC shoz¤l<’ contain the
` following: 3,;
G? {If ` j.
1. o·l;o.tc¤···zont of purposes of Qiurvey.
2. J. short history of its activities in county.
L3. Lfogzzcs of supervisor a:.nC. workers.
‘ 4. Aclcnowledgnents of cssistcnce f‘ro;<1 county officials.
5. ` embers of the :r.G.·»risery cem...ittec, other groups end in~·
` rl iv i C.u:1l s .
(5. ozuct date of opening :-uid closi.-mg of project in county.
I 7. Jrief description carefully describing services rendered
county of§‘icio,ls other than listing their records, such
es: urro.n;;e1~¤.ent of records, discovery of lost items, “
proper shelving of records. E} `·r.
L). Unc credit to Federal `1.`riters' Project for ussistence in zvo
"$¤trvey, various phases of this assistance described. fully.
_ T?. ¢.·i;,ne.tures of Qtzite Director und '.e.tion;·.1 iiupervisor.
IO. If preface ronuiros more than one page, ouch page should
be muubered with s null Ro nun muieruls. (Dug. 4, .·`. rt. 7), ·f.
(Sup. 5, 41rt. 5)
III C·;2L;.TEj·;TS; This will be g_>reno.rod after re '.C`·.ZI`IC).Gl" of volume I
U- MIM been given its final fern and j>s,ginstion. The p
table of contents begins with page l and gives ull titles of 1*Citli‘.ll'!.C).]l[; I is A
sections of volume with their beginning pages. (Sup. 4, Art. 8), (Let. ”
ll/I4/36), (sup. s, Art. s) EY
1. The tzible of contents should be divided us follows: T
w ` I
A., PART A, County and Its Record System. Sections of r
Part A need not be numbered. ‘° C?
B. PART B, County Offices und Their Records. Sections of
Port B should be given d Roman numeral.
e C. PART C, 1Mi1nicipul inventories. ($up. 5, fart. 6), (Let- I
4/22/57) 2
2. Subject headings should form u solid paragraph indented ond ‘
without individuul p·.=.go references under each section. (Let. l
1/ze/sv), (sup. s, Art. 6) ·
IV PART A: This section shull bo entitled "(insert name of county) County
und Its Record System", It shall be divided into 4. sections: I
..1- ` _
HRS-4 j, *
5. ..,. 4% _. » · ..
,,:§;§' .s;t — . » .l i i _,_ __ . __ _ ~ j _ 4 , » , , y ,__, . »i, - o , _ u _»
ow· 2 ij,f ,_ _ I, ~_,.,gg;~_aj; i‘&5 gig? »Vl,_ ‘’‘`’ ’* .y•\}_ ·4.· fig -` Av4_ f;.§}Q"
» s—; A.. ; _ 4 __ ._ Y j , 334 ‘§
H fi
IV, ].""' IV, •.) n
IV (Continued) `jifé A»-·
’r£i¤# ~`.
i. HISTORICAL simon Sheen; be not more than 2 or s pages in
length for average county and should contain: »%§§§€
a • of county.
B. Name of county. };§¥§
C. Boundary lines; original, changes and present. {QED?
( D. Early settlement. fiiii
E. Creation of its first government, including date. $;§;?
(sup. 4, sm. io), (Les. 4/22/57)
F. Erection of its first courthouse. eil;}
G. First office holders. }@?igy
H. Other important facts in county's history. (Sup. 4, ;§fQ?
.`..rt. io)
Z, _.
A. A concise essay on present system of county government, §§Qg§,
indicating nmne of county seat in first paragraph. (Sup. Qfsdg
4, .1.-t. io), (sup. s, nre. 7) .,,_
B. Provisions of state constitution and laws relating to ‘—i”Q§
counties generally and county under consideration, in `_§§$“
particular, should be summarized and quoted briefly .Qp1;;
with exact citations in paronth sis or footnotes. (Sup. X*·,@
_ 4, nm. 11), (mu. 11/14/56), (sup. 5, ;.rJ¤. 7)
C. Changes in governmental organization explained. mi?££
D. Chart of county givernment bas ·..· d on electorate in shidii
diagrammatic form. (Sup. 4, Art. ll), (Let. l/26/57),
(Sup. 5, nrt. S) §i$“§
E. Functions and inter-relations of various agencies. *ijf Y
F- Consideration of combination, separation, duplication ,.TQ-
and overlapping of records should be given. V.y_f§
G. Uniformity of record books. Qaida,
H. Systems of indexing. gt Q
I. Looso~leaf vs. bound records. §i -
J. Quality of paper and ink. ;{_’.
K. Binding and rebinding practices. ig? L;
L. Repair of records preserved. gl *y
M. Types of records destroyed. g .
N. Legislation or local regulation for preserving or §. _,/
destroying records. %%;'-s
O. Recommendations for needed changes in records system @ y
Stated in clear, concise and dignified manner such as: 3; g,
(1) More or fewer sets of records? (2) Should any changes QS I
be made in use of bound blank volumes for keeping records ti (
or in use of loose—leaf record books, files, bundles, ip.--i
Scrap-books, etc.? (5) What improvements should be made iV,
in indexing of records? (4) Should changes be made in use g°· Aj
of paper, ink, typewriter ribbons and other material in Q ,
making of records? (5) Should changes be made in system § s
ef binding or filing records in preparation for retire- Y _
ment from curr nt use? (Sup. 4, nrt. ll) i} _
information necessary f r this section can be obtained fram ‘ '-f. j
*2 HRS—5 t'
~ s f
?*;...1 ~ .s rs 4 as , » . , . 4 ,. » R » . ~ » s
W - -‘—i . s »~. .,*L§*=1e#4 ·%·A *&(*&.*;,;”.i . JQ ,¥f; .’;d;_-;_ F
hl-, X., · xr p , .7 V —v legit ,:;U_j_ A ._ » V1, ri,`_;” , __ , ’ . ` .T_4i§_ V,
,· _ ·AV` ._ , v;_ -A_ ‘_·‘_ p.
1 5- . in
1v, 5--v, 7 .
lV,5 (Continued) ' ;{§?j§
the 1OHR forms. It should contain 2 brief statement on ade- Qp§%§
quacy of: §§§@g
A. Housing.
B. Shelving. i_· }§?E§
C. General care of the records. (Sup. 4, Art. 12), (Lot. §E§,YH
ll/14/56), (Let. 1/26/57)
D. Measures of protection from.varieus hagards. iiixgs
E. Accessibility ef records. ;?l;§j
F. Accommodations for public in use of records. §f§§§}
G. Obligation of seriously well considered, specific recom- ,}§g?§
mendations for improvements in housing, care and accessi~ Q;¥§§,
bility of records such as: (1) Are new shelves required ?ffice. i _ Qt
5. Each court shiuli be given a subject heading and its rocrrds s_-`vf
listed thereunder. (Sup. 4, nrt. 14), (Let. 1/25/57), (Let. §~' ‘e
4/2 2,//57) fo
6. Brief, detailed statement ·.*,· f legal status and functions if { '
the office ar sublivisi n ‘.·¤ thereaf sh¢uld immediately precede 3
the list nf its rec rds. This statement shau1“ be covered E. '
by ~ne paragraph. (Sup. 4, nrt. 14), (Let. ll/14/56), (Let. i
7. Any reference in the csnstitutian and laws tt the ab1igati· s·- :.i
8. Obselete wffices. A short Sl31‘.`b·L}1,`d.¢}l`l3 sh·ul“. be giver; showing
by ll\"}li»1'.l succeedei. Entries sheul-1`. be E.l’7.*i—.· under the succee {ing
effice. (wc. i/fs/sv), (sup. 5, iff. sa)
9. Res.s~;>1is fer significrmt gwps in the r~>crrn`.s, such as fire in
the ceurtheuse, sh ¢..: ul?. be given. Ststemezitz csncerzzihg the
iffice sheul1‘l7'1.g current rec c‘.· r=.`.s. (Let. ;_:§*_¥?5;J.z
1/216/Ls v ) tg
’ ; *"~?$¤;,
VI PAIQT C: Municipwl invent cries. The rec tris ef ecmch city ir tvm sheuli.
be listei uxicler Part "C" with C. seperate i*i‘.e;; f r each city _’V_
cr t lvm. ,
l. Nuzrmbexl th; ezztry i1v1e···te·`. 5 spaces, f`r~llr.vv.reC. by pe1·i4z~.`. ..:1**.
twe sgmccs . `l
z` 2-1-J-Qt
Jl. Full title ef recerf`. in c·*.g_.;s, f»`l].3`l.‘!¤J&`. by spice @.:1* e.ssig11-·
e` title er by csrmiie., space 71111. —”.e.tr.. If ·1 see 21 ‘. lime is
;i,.:eC.e;`. te shew title, ¤.‘.e.tc· ·‘;:·10. qutett ity, begiiz. th. line 2 [L,.
Iirectly uziier first letter title. (Sup. Q, Art. 20), .;
(Eu}?. 5, Art. 29) Q
B. Ve.ri:J.tie11 ef title: ,>
5.. Leczttien — this sh: ul?. i:;m;<‘.i·¤.tely f llew the given I-nfl;
° title i11pc.re2:1th».2sis ein`. in cfzys. (Let. ll/li/36)
_ b. E:1u;.1ere.ti’21 >f virieus titles ~ ell titles sf recerf`.
sheulf be e;1ui11ere.tel if they ire s·· iispcxrcxte that
iC.e11tifice.tic»:1 w::·ul»1”. be elifficult. Each ve.rieti.;··12
. sheult`. be sepcxrfxtec`. by zz ef §‘..lfL axial space. (Let. .
11/1/I/ssl e ,
c. Where title rrf series varies, the current title .f_<
sheul¤.‘. be used. (Sup. 5, ltrt. li) J
C. L»ssig11e<.`. title: Where title fur ishe}. is tree vague rr mis- (Y
l· ..*.5.:1g _, 7*.11 ·‘·ssig:·.c3. title ;,1.—.y be r,.‘.;‘.en`. i1u;ie·`.intely f ll M
ing th.: title given in p;u·e;s1·t}··esi.s ·:11P. s;.mll case. Where li
1*:1 title is furnished, e;; nssigzier`. title 1.1:*.y be given but 5g * ’
O1`.C].Of3¤·` in prxretzthesis ··—_?1<”. iz; caps. (Sup. 4., Art. 20), ·F
(su,). 5, .1ft. 14) —-
D. Jtbbrevisxtirms ryceurri2~.,_; ir. titles. These shrull be s;>c;¤lle< 2_,. *
rut, iw §r‘.1·~i::‘:.thesis, i.u.1e`.i.etely i‘¤ll’vwi:;g "tblDI'CVZlf‘.`{3:.L..=2“.S · _ '
if rmt serif--.>xpl:;r.:»t ry. (Sup. 5, fmt. li) ‘ z
B. Date: Y
Jl. Ozzly s hyphqzr, xzrithtut s,:e.ee sheull sepzxrmte
cpeziiinag e.2·za‘ clxxii ¢.Te.t·;.. if peri" shvulf`. f lliwr. (Su;). `
4, xfs. 21), (ele;. s, Im. is) {
B. Dates in; Si`..L¤· century. Clisirig ·`.e.te ;1".y be ii;·.`.ierxt<;·`. by
lust tw. Iigits >rec-.·`. s_,~ c`. by :3 hyphei., except where beggiii- Q
21i1;_j Cste is ~;><:;~.i:2g year pf eeigtury. In the letter cause ·
..4- O,
lil{S—7 ; . _
SIW; ’ J
,, - _ , ° K. ·_ __ gn - . _ _ __ . _,- _ »» , . .A.. .. .»
, .- 5 * g; _ »»t_ 5 ` » S V; j A _ ` .v , ’
,v»` . ,_ .k}v _. ‘‘t e . I L·. i »
si b. ’<° — “'· - ‘~° {rv {ns ‘ ., . rp- · ,. , _ ·*’ ~_; ' *·’&~ `j. §· ‘;__ __'·*·_ : . 7,., *-. x_ , * :;AsH“ {3 1%* ; _·4_; J.~· ~ H bgk lil $1,7 M';.
I mfr
5 ,e=;~e—4
VII (Civntinued) ;V-·..
the clesixg Gate is {given in full. (Sup. 4, Art. 21),
(sup. 5, 4.rc. is)
C. Dates in ·lif‘f'ere1‘;t centuries: The clesirng late shrrul`. be it
given in full precede?. by :1 hyphen.
D. Current ·;l:‘·.tes: Indicate by twe hypl;·;>;·1s *1:.0 periycl
i`·:l1·>wi1;g_; the begizming date, except wh·;:1·e l€)?>i5 —r 1956
is the actual be;_ji;mi:.1g; er enclizzg; date. (Sup. Q, ..1·t. 21),
(1,5*5. 11//1/;/,/56), (Sup. 5, Art. 16)
Rec..rd Gh{1.ZV.;{•C¥S <”.uri1;g year. If ch:;·.;;ge =eeurs ;=.U1’lf rr ·n1rs·
if year, the ninth, C.c—.y mir". yeczr ef ch;`;;ye shxull be shi-m.
(Sup. 5, .'-rt. ·
F. I·:1issi2i;;, ree .·)» r=‘.s: when gaps teeur in rec.~r;`s, {Yates zinxy be
br.·3<·:>;i ~.`.‘»w¤. lit inclusive drxtes ef the recerls which are JT?}
wt 1"1issi=.),, as 1835-Q6, 1872-95, 1912--. This i1tf.:..rz.1e.tie:;
b<..l·t2;;s ii: irzlezited e;»e:1;it,;_j line f:;»llewi..,_· title. (Su];.
4, Art. 21), (sup. 5, srt. 2s) ,·,_ li
G. LV inte: if 11·¤..`.e.te is f.;w111··I after careful check, the ,3
letters "i;.r·ls: Dates sheult`. e;.v¤2r ..1;.tir-.2 series nf s.
recqr`, i:;elu·‘.i:;,,j prier er subsequent recr=rr`.s, with :1 sub-
Tivi referexcn. te each li·e1*.’GjV 31 it Gl `f' ®Zl'bI`}*~ (SU]- D.
5, lm. 21) »,,_ _ I
é. iyantity ri" ree iris: Ihuzber si` velusxes, file b aces, buxilles,
2"Ҥ'.lL`. mia". ~ne sgicice.
Wiz‘r twsn voluzeies, er ether c-:n·-
twiner, zz lubellinij need be given.
B. `¥.hr»rc> rec Vr`. consists cf three er mare vV;»lLu:;es, vther
e 11t;·.i*iers, ;.r b th, ant`. le.bellin;_g is simple, it sh ul*` `
lbe shewn f·ll·;>ws: (1-G, ..-2) ctfter the qumxtity of I
each type cz ·;it1;iner. {_;
C. ‘{H·1ere labelling; ian c,;_;jple>; but there is nly one qutntity 11
(KS v;ls.), it sh sul I be ::hr=¤.·m in .re;;th..-sis is in the it
eise of sixjle libellingj in "ln" ebve.
DV. Tiiier. lmbelliziy is 0*:1,210;: but ther. is re than wne M J
qus.nt1Et,,·· ef e nteiner, fl1llT"I'Q1C`.'t3l`.]1 en qw-.e.nt.$,ty sl; ul`. be ` ·
Ljiven t lgpther labelling; sh mn in s.>_·i1·:t¢; L~~.re._j1·:*.g_>h °3
in jL>·xrenth.::sis, with first line inllsnte tw. :1, faces bey #110. ·
initifxl lett >r rf title 1:1.7. re1»;:xining‘ -~nes even with the E?
initial letter 17 title. It
E. TV%re‘*.}:=`¤v.q1 of lrpbellingi sh) ulc`. snly be shew:]. in inC.~>nte~`V ‘ V I
gy rtin. (Su;. —;, .Lr·¥;. 22), (Let. ll//lr;/56), (Suy. 5, `
Arts. 27,28) . '
6· "‘¤* ¤;2i’¤_<2;‘22_=
J. This sh-sul?. be e myletl: b.;·,·.i.n at yxriin, usiiwi 1
<: neise, t·Vlr ·rr;_’·hic style i` —‘.;;se1‘i‘_‘.»ti.
B. —.`D1iT2Il reer;1. is V’_ivi<‘.e;`. by s¤1bjec·t he:.=.`i·; s, ».J;1n;‘~e1·e.- . J
tin; if the iuzj r lz·V:·i.·Ii;ig;s sh ul`. be gjiven. ‘ I
~5- mas-s {
?? WP; r ’ i
A -— . ,.V _ _ · · ...~ _ . V. __ - __ ` I r· I . · , V ,__ . V -_ V , , _, .. . __ ` f ’
q > . A-_‘2 5 -. ~ AV,V `
- 1 ‘= , » --5‘· — “ * , ,_A, ._‘,
j4i;__yg’· e ,<»»~¤ *’ ~i1;·+:1t#—;¤?¢ le»¥#;;rs”~.#-Z ** ` ~ f EV?. ~» . .. -· ;se—.*§—,. .... §,,»$1 ,§Q.;}£,-EYE _`,__ §»iJ
, lnsg A
VII, G, C--·VlKI,l.5,j.. . a ‘_
VII (Continued) i%A?§£
C. It shoull be iniicatel whether the record describe? can— Ailyrx
tains all or a part ef the infcruativn shown ~n printed *gy§§
ferns. §°Q§§
D. Nano of county should not be repeated. frQ§§
H. Description should shew clearly whether series cinsists Ey%§é
sf documents themselves er a rectrd of J cuuents. §Af}§
F. Discontinued record: The year and month the series is ei,,j
discontinued should fellow description of record in paren— §;f§€j
‘ thesis. (sup. 4, mcs. 25,24), (Lee. 11/14/56), (su;). 5,
Arts. 25,50,51) ,A,f§
7. Principle of_arrangement of record should never be overlooked s}“€Qe
and should state whether chron. by , alph. by____J or §?Q§§
numerically by , (Sup. 5, Art. B5), (Sup. 4, nrt. 25) $i‘*y$
8. Indexin§_contained in record: This follows arrangement. §*;y~;
L. State how indexed, whether by name of party, place er §§_`€
subject. If more than one category, indicate the manner ¢2£;;$
in which each is indexed. (Su,. 5, Art. 50) Ef;#€
B. In the absence of an index, the words "No index" should s ,D.'¤ {Qi
be shown in the first draft. (Sup. 5, nrt. 57) §QrQf€
C. The term "seyarate index" should not be used to indicate ELF? niic
a seyarate in`ex entry. If a separate index covers more §***¢~ 'iii
than one record, a cross reference constituting Q seyarate E E
yaragraph should be made after the main part of the less gifs;
inqertant entry and the separate index entry listed unler ysfft
the more important record entry. See "l4" this Sect