xt7sqv3c2n5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c2n5v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19110202 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 20, February 2, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 20, February 2, 1911 1911 2015 true xt7sqv3c2n5v section xt7sqv3c2n5v  
;   Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., FEBRUARY 2, 1911 No/`Zl
>;;  _  I
succeed J. B. Bennett as Congress- when they threw eleven of these? It force- No one that heard him can
`     man from the Ninth Congressional was more of a contest of overcoming deny that he has unusual talent and
, _ _ _ _.  .   District, is a self-made man. For a Wesleyan’s fouls than anything else power on the stage for the audience
  /z*·’   ·;', ‘ e_V`   Z A-»· . number of years, Mr, Fields was s, At the end of the flrst period the Was deply moved while he spoke and
-    ~'   _   commercial traveler. His territory score stood 17-11 in Wesleyan’s favor acted Hugos’ lines-
iv I     .. -     was Eastern Kentucky, and it is said but our men came back strong in the The other speakers were Mr. R. D.
  , _¢-··~;,   that when he became a candidate for last half and ran the score up to 20-17 Bowden- Se¤¤ to take rerrruertep, temperature, up- WOMEN and MISSES
' _ nm C1n8s"nnt°8· midity, barometric readings, etc., at
ICE CREAM PARLOR Both of these young people will be various points ln stx large mmap Fulll Line Now on Display
· T , T missed in college circles, as they have Boslooo this, he has to moko orogrooo
‘ I?} D Lb§CH STAND n Brent many {minus nmnng the °tu‘ reports on all kinds of construction    
Smth Lum and “ m°l°w S"°°t° dent b°uY· d work and keep tab on coal and water • j
  Tun Hlunnn exten n tn nun Y°un$ consum tion in the ower lants. ·
Jl Jl FITZGERALD couple the heartiest congratulations W_ WI? Sllolby__Lo$t lllo soollloo oo @111 su·°°t' Eau
nnu n°P°n tnnt umu urn wm un u engineer with the Smugler Union ,_.._.._..;,_______. A
PLUMBING lone and havn! ¤¤¤· Mine at Cripple Creek, cone., to take
Btegm and Water Heating -—————•-••—-·—··-· up special studies at Columbia Uni-    
269 W_ Short, _ _ Loxl_oglo¤_ KL WNING NOTES- versity, N. Y. City, where he now ls. S
······ N. R. Denham—Engineer for the
  Mr. C. K. Bain left last Sunday for Great Northern Coal cempepy tp   M   
KINKEAD GOAL COMPANY Earlington, Ky., to visit the St. Ber- Utah B l
  and   I13I°d mlD€B lll order to Obtain BOIIIO Wallace Ngwbgrggr..Engln6Br and
¤¤mDl6¤ of wil d¤¤t· This i¤ to b6 Superintendent of the Phenix·Jelllco _ ‘
N0- 157 N. B!`00·dW8·]· used in his Thesis work which is Cggl Cgmpguy at Altamgptl Kmlttlcky Our S€l'l1l'Al‘ll1\.I8l Cut
RAILROAD YARD-C. S. Freight De- ‘"I`h€ EXDl0¤ibiUtY Qt CM] D¤¤t of Page Blakemore—Divlslon Engineer price Sale is now going
pot_ S_ Broadway ood Chmty Sto tho K6¤¤1¢kY Ml¤€¤· with the Ducktown Sulphur, Copper _ _
-_-....__ & Iron Company, Ltd., Isabella, Ten- OI1 lI'l FLlI°l1lShlI`lg Goods
Bert Paynter and George Hendrick- nessee.
    son returned last week after a vlslt ........•...—.-- and HatS°
to the Asher Coal Company at Plne- DR. SNOW LEAVES FOR NEW
|0HANGE’8 CANDY KITCHEN ville, Kentucky. They were obtaining vonx Asour wool.; or GRADDY8 BRADLEY l
data for their Thesis, Developing C08.1 FEBRUARY. In ·m . _
Loxiogég Snlltho Ullllnr gglwcky p,ol,6t·ty_ This work is being done —·   Y ,
' for the above-named coal company. To Attend Meeting of Rellgloue Ed-
  Paynter and Hendrickson both have ucatlon Aseoclatlon. JUST RECElvEDl  
, , secured positions wlth this company --—-
Gflfflth m CfQ\N¢ and will probably go there to work Dr. L. F. Snow of the Educational pshipment Og
upon graduation. departments expects to leave for New ,
Evo thin Todo Good lo _____ York about the middle of February to WHITMAN S
ry R After March lst 1911 Prof. R. D. attend a meeting of the Rell ious Edu- ·
Qulckle will no longer pe seen around cation Association to be held ln that rh; Befst cihmiolatgs and
P R I N T l N G the Mmm; Department. It ls with city on the mn, 17th epa 18th ofthe °° °°u°°° Ma °‘
. . great sorrow that we announce his same month. This cordial invitation
140 South Lxmesmmi leavetaking for he has won a place comes from the committee of Arr      
Fayette phone 5;;-;,;; ln the hearts of all his students that rangements for the Conference on the Pharmacists
can not be forgottéu VGPY Boon. Prof. Moral Phases of Public Education and N W Cor Mom ood Limb
loxiooloo _ _ Kentucky Quickie leaves us to accept a job as in the discussion of which he has ‘ ' Boob P_homo_12o i
‘ ’ Fuel Agent for the Q. & C. railroad, been asked to take part. We are in- ' · g
· l
* I
-’ A

 . E T H E I D E A
·   deed glad to know that our Univer-
— A Penny Saved sity will be honored with a represent- ,_;,
l ative in that august body and es-
" [3 a Penny Mad; peciaily are we interested ln the fact ·
p that he comes from the educational A
I We can mtv: you many pnmiu department- b
. - Dr. Snow expects to be absent a out s
i I; by uumg you two weeks, and before his return is   \§\ _ ,
I   planning to attend a meeting of the       The World°s Standard. TOTIC
  TIZE PZITIIEII Dfug N. E. A., to be held at Mohne, Ala- lyzdndgllhé. clear, mellow and very pow-
»" , bama, on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of   • ¢|'f¤I· AI3$0I¤teIY Perreetfrl
l   C0, j` the same month. In the meantime,   ’ · a   scale- Finest w¤rkm¤¤¤h¤p·
f however, he has made ample provi- I nt   O   Prrccs rrem $I$ UPWar‘-I• 4)
  3;,;; gf sion for the spare moments of his '   l•$`7` Send for Illustrated Cate'  
_ students. We wish him a pleasant > ` _—/gf/¢> IQE te the makers- /; I!
_     and a most profltable trip, t `“_   For sale bygnxaggggiusie dealers. //
We are glad to announce that the ’   / _
   S department of education is becoming  __ tl / - 0N   Y  hi
.;   more adaptable to the needs of its   , (95)   /”  //,7;  _A
g_     students. Through the kindness of     ’   `    <§-Q
V. A7. COST the high school superintendent of this /   ·   \<‘»>-r      Z • ,*
-· city, arrangements have been made     \;•£[@]  Ilan
j —t whereby the present senior class may I  `   ‘‘`` 1..3 ’ zigqntxlgtgyii  4;;  J
q visit the school at will to study the ` "     `   I' ` I
I The BCI! Hot C}10C0]df¢ in various modes and methods of teach-
‘ ing. The senior class is indeed grate-
“` the City ful to the authorities of the nigh MAKERS OF LYON AND HEALY PIANO
-—- school for this favor, and will gladly  
nvnll fhr—m<1nlvn¤' nf this nppnrtun- ····*—"";"*—‘-"‘-"······‘*—··;’
’ D C lty of becoming acquainted with the COHSGQUGHCG. The men educated Ill
    0s work ,for all hope soon to be engag· ¤1i11I¤g COUFBGB RP8 €¥18¤·8€d Q¤It6  
od in the teaching profession, commonly 8.8 foremen, mine inspect-
Phon¢154 Your N¢ar•·.¢:’Drug Stor: There now is enrolled the largest ors, draughtsmen, surveyors, metal- wuts y°ur picmm °i°°° y°° mn
graduating class in the history or the lurgists. miueralcgists. geologists. h°m°'S° d°°° y°‘"`
  department. If these can be located manufacturers, assayers. managers,  E 
P E E R L E S S in various high schools of the State, etc., etc. Men trained along these lines ___
it will mean a revolution in the num- 10 alnupuadxa am JO aglgqo gum hm CALL AT
ber of State University students. For many millions of dollars yearly and y ·
L A U N D R Y each will enter his or her work with have the oversight of thousands of   S  
n a heart running over for the future human beings, or they may be em-
BEST BY TEST success of his alma mater and will ployed in humbler work about the aha let him help You make mather
, uo everything possible to induce stu- mines, and smelting works. It might haPPY aad aIS° help Y°a ta 'Ih
l W' C' WH‘SON’ AGI" dents to patronlze State. We feel that be said here that the largest salaried Yahr
now is the beginning of a new era, man in the world, John H. Hammond,    
& and that soon the buildings and is a Mining Engineer. And there are wnn nom, of thug;}
    c0° grounds will have to be made more many other men of today that are UP   DATE  
¤¢¢¤1'D¤¤‘¤·¢€d spacious to met the growing demand doing things worthy of notice that ° °
of the students. are Mining Engineers. Special mtu t° °tu'i°m°'
OPPORTUNITIES OF A MINING mining flelds are just beginning to  
l mcucement Invitations and Pr°_ ENGINEER- be worked, the opportunities of a OVER 66 YEAR?
¤ —···· miner are unlimited. In conclusion txI°e”IeNc‘
grams better than others. When 0¤6 BGGS the I¤1¤1€¤¤0 9·m0\1¤t it might be said that so great are the
of iron used in the form of all kinds opportunities gf n Mining Eu inggr
of machinery and structures, the dif- that it in beyond my pgwgr $0 px.
` Ne- 152 West Maia Street ferent uses to which Cu., Lu., Silver plain it to yen lu thg amount of
  *··¤*¤=*~·· Kr ?§’§‘2,‘.1‘.¥$2?c§“,£2°§zZI}.§'Z$;‘§€“..2§ “"°°° °".........°“°" “’ “‘°‘ T ··¤· ~· ····
  and commercial value, also the I'IIPPOOI°IONIE· Anmnaunmne·“°"$:;v;3?,E¢;€•dr¤m<=> for this }iZl?J‘lI?{éti§{·T5iili'5‘&!&l‘.T}‘ii¥•7Bl;ii¤•E`%W'$l'€Ll§’t'2
their meh to produce an that. Nath- week r·’·~‘<>d t¤ be ¤ wvrthv succrs- '“i¤§t'.§3F: 21227} ?ii?!J3{»f°ii$$.§"2‘E:%??$l%..
    ing can hardly be seen in use today SOI. to las: wé€k·s show and three bp; speclalnattcawlihout charse,lut.h•
Th _ _ but what some part of it came from °·‘“II°"°*`S M°hdaY Paid ample tribute    
y \‘ l 0 v‘ F , .
é n Ya;  ltr;] L¢>¤¤2¤¤¤ th? around. ;" “‘ I"' ms hy "f” I g ““`°° °· 3tl‘.lil$l1‘lI'€‘ZIZ}‘ll€?$l’2l3L’ {$3*3}%: Ii·2$‘fi`?2F•?l.
. . n View Ot these facts we nntnpnny OUP TG llI`llS OH OV€l‘) thing on the ytnr. four moutl.l|,|l. Bodbyullnewsdenlers.
. B- FOTSCH· Pr0PrI€r0I' turn our heads to those places from achadhla 'I`h9 hIII is 0Z~‘<‘¤€d bY Scott   & c0.38m'°°d*°"   
  whence it (j3,[{]@_ \Vo seo many people and CI9·rk€. 3 DI€8·SI!l§ Slllglllg and B"¤°hOm°°'625F8t"W°°mum°"‘D' ‘
,·’   ~ I all busy and as everything must be dah(‘Ihé§ d€VI&tI0¤·
—   " I   governed we need someone to super- The Sketch or HGFYY Morse and
222 West Main intend these undertakings. It is here COrhI’ahY· thr°a P€°I‘I°· ahd a DI0<`€ or   .· —" \
KODAK FINISHING that the fully equipped Mining En- FODG. 1‘Mh€*r two pieces, called "Uncle ( ' \
AND pH()*_[·()g_ gineer comes to the foreground and Seth ahh lhs H00d0°·" IS €¥U`*‘m€I3' ` iq- \
. BO “·O find hun (1 pa tain Of indugtr I8UgI`I8bIC. ThE! 8.Cl.lOIl (‘OI`lt(·‘l`S D.l‘0lllld Z . JI
  and a great factor lla the welfare o)f tha two DI€’<‘€S of ¤‘0D<‘. Whivh MVS    _____
tnn n-p,·]n_ _ been purlolned from a hangn1an's ,   _ _ .·
  & CO' Thy Oppgptunitigg for the Nuuing noose because a certain eminently re-        
HOME-MADE CANDY Engineer are so many and varied that ImhI¤‘ ·Z", .s'-slhrme · ·
F, 1,, MARX, Asst. Bugnezs   l.lll1ll3L§.%A\illn·3l§bT Asst. Adv. Mgr.   &     C0. 9 _
TIIICO. SLMJE, Advertising Mamugcr. W. A. 1.L*111'laY. Asst. Sub. Mgr, Im,m.pO,m,.d `
V. L. D0\\’XlNG, Subscription Mgr.   J. KOHN, Asst. Sub. Mgr, F) F? I NI TI N G ` U
—-This issue of The Idea. was pre- The next issue of The Idea will be RUSH WORK A gpm •A•.·rv D E I —
pared by the following members of prepared by the following members of Bon-. .=...¤~.;t» _
The Idea Staff: The Idea Suffi 124.128 N, L|Mr;sTONE . . l.l·Y\ll· is mg #· ¤¤=¤g¤¤i¤€· which it MCS *¤ creat Reductions in all Departments ,
indrtd in a stage of advancement and make 0**9 Of the bcst law 3¤¤r¤¤l¤ .
progress. The people of Kentucky are in the Country-    Q
awakening to the realization of the tl All these Skit; are ·enc0g11raging iiu • • T H E   L  
. · , is one uemse ves, u were ns a eeper s g- U lg
f,‘;°{h;“i§O;‘f ,,‘,§‘§§ge§§f”w?d°;;Z.ak€ in. nitlc sncs 8.U3Cll€d .0 thém than their ¤¤V€¥‘$itY up 
stitutionsin me scum. It is the mis- Sh<>-‘i¤g i¤¤ivid¤¤¤ w‘¤z¤‘¢S¤ in the g
Sm of a stm unlmsuy, more par- ;¤ffi¤‘€¤t cillsfesé U¤¤¢¤>:¤g] ithall Qf 7HE cmuscs MA~·s smns 1
. _ · s t e spiri 0 a vancemen a as ~
ggglilglcglggnthog xigthotgfrlhtg   imbued not only the whole Institution,   Chu- I-- $tr•°•· '98 - - - M•¤•¤¢r V  
in which it is located and by which but all K€muckY· This is indeed 8*  K:
it is largely supported and that is the day of vmmise for the educatomal OHCTS free tuition in an depart-   i 
chief end of our State lniversiiy. future °f the Stat€’ in which the mgntg ggcgpt; Law to ,qraduut,es of Il 
Amwg we number i¤ the g¤‘ad¤a'¢· Sm U“‘”°"““’ "‘“’“ “° ""°‘“‘""“* Kentuckv High Schools who are DRINK ‘ 
ing glass every year are students a part prgpgrgd to enter tht? F1‘CSllH'1&D · 
from all parts of the State and from Class. ‘l
other States as well, who go out from Rach county in the State is en-    
here and put in practice the principles     tidcd to Send FREE Of tuition, d lu
learned while in school and thus, by ;.. maU.iCu]atiOn, laboratory and oth.     » q
Cvilmvi with other D€0Dl€» \1¤€0¤· CROSS COUNTRY CLUB TO BE er fees, one or more appointees. L 
sciously extend the influence of their gR(;AN|gEp_ Necessary expenses moderate. I ( 
alma mater for good. This influence ._.. For full information Nmardinq   l  A.
is being Strongly felt and each year Coach lddings Issues can For canal- · f     i l 
the Freshman class shows a decided date; appom/mCS’ courses 0 Stu y’ COS l 
increase in students from localities .... of b0ard’ 8m" apply to     f h G · A A ‘
only poorly represented before. In order to stimulate interest in H' S' BARKER’ a Or t 8. enume 1  2
Tlw founding of l-h€ COUHIY High long distance running as well as to PRESIDENT'   " 
Schools 01>€¤S UD il great Gm in Gd- seek out and improve material for Lexlngtom :Ky'  Q
ucational interests and in the develop- the longer distance runs on the reg-       l  
ment of the University. A much ular track program, the Athletic Com- L ll
larger attendance is naturally to be mitee and myself have decided to in- If You \vmlt Under Fayette National Bank ‘
expected and also a higher standard stitute the custom of having a cross   8    
of preparation for entrance, which will country run which shall become an ` 1tQ ll1llO · · · — · A t·
permit of better progress on the part annual affair. Suitable prizes will be Pnl, d A   . Fmest Hi? Fultmi mg bhavmg  
0f the student here. given to winners of the first four \Vhl(·fh C‘”"P"lS Attpnttlon ar or mt C ity  
All the colleges and various de- places in the race this year which will , , . , , , · -· 
1>&r‘tmentS are being filled with great- be held in the first part or Mm-.¢h_ “7c hmm whew you um gd It    {
er I1l1llll)(‘I`S of serious, earnest work- Should Sumcicm interest bg taken  
ers and consequently a general for- in the event, arrangements will be THF       ·A
xvzml tenclency follows. The courses made for the holding of an inter-class J {
Of Study ure rstrcsnger, broader and run, each class to be represented by   t & R• h C   A
more liberal than ever before and the four contestants, the class whose       0' Everything fj;-St-C]nSg to cnt.
}(,'5`l?2§if(lt`lE§l'il'Z?}111‘5?..‘i§’(f??.YZ`(7‘t0§"§§~‘Z,'i$ §‘i?,I‘°"ih;"”}`$i1."`SM.?$“dJ£IZ‘$.d“lT` ¤l**¤*N•*¤l¤   ”"‘*‘ “"“"“"é   f‘.“’
ciencv in all llnes of studs} vtllnnir For- tlls event it   s becjc Style at H ‘mOmcm S mmm. 11}*3
Eaeh college of the Ilniserslty is · · I { lu 4 An l only first-class Lunch Clmuter m ‘
' U suggested that the prize be a banner _ ` r_ the South end of the (my. Open
bl`anClllng Out into DGW f`l€ldS and 0]* ghléld bggrlng   namés Qf thQ 1)0 (hilly 'lll&lll\1l1ll     night _
adding to its influence and import- contestants of the winning class V " .
ance. At present the college or Law wmch Sha]; bg hung in a Suitable W. S.  
has On mot W9 D¤`0D0SlU0¤ of Publish- place either ln the gymnasium 01* oth-     C0!'DQ1‘ Mill and Bolivar
‘  J

· T H E I D E A 5
  C ·———
gz ;.;¥!§§?;  
b I-  
I _ _"*  .    A SUMMER 1-wII_IgH·r_ On down the snow blown forest hill
l r       When crept. the light of day · .
r L   ~      S<>f¤>* W me ·*¤-tht E *¤“*¤g· U %l.§)lZ'L$LlQlrf§tar YS? 
    I     On Kentucky’s silent hills mg l IS Way'
 :+.35. Z;i;1:it 'i;i;i;·5:?2E1 `1;.i;?:?tZZ§1-.¢:T:Q1i1*;¥;¤  ‘ » ·Q:Qt;tT&,Q‘?S,
    , IIIg_I  ·-_».   Ig    Hear the thrushes sweetly calling _ U _ _
    {    ¥%i° ‘¥-T'  And the murmuring of the rllls. Then _SmV€ fottlst mmst an odds'
 _2{2gEgE;l£3;   ;3E¢23E¤E’ ,;{QlQl[l·}1`.QE¥»§{l    ___._'  TllO oft defeat befall
     if .l”V“.‘ °,2?l;’?T€°_'.".“?E  .   · .
   ==;;@z@2;g    ga?.;g;;;&e;¢;g;g;;;;;gg=‘    Day is dying midst the singing And dark the day and rough the Way'
 _;;g;;.;;.;g_  sag:. ·;;~ ,  gt gg=;s;gg;;g.;;g    Yet one may conquer all.
‘     -·     Ol ““ ‘"‘“‘°’“ s‘v°"’* °“" Clear w c s
        OU the ¤ll€¤l €V€¤l¤€; Gif- .
     ··   ·;i;‘; 4   THE "E"""-’°K'AN· ( S¤<¤ _ sruoswr GOVERNMENT AT ··PATT FLAGS.
q? YOll’ll Always   HCIC tl1C The revengeful wind loud walled, HALL"
II Fast fell the constant snow ———· PILLOW COVERS.
if PI°0pCl° The dim sunlight soon turned to night Rule N0. 1. NGVQF l‘€ll1l‘¤ kl bm`- '
Without one pale star’s glow. rowed article if you can avoid doing POSTERS, ETC.
I {I D A I S0.
II     The shivering bird its song had ceased Rule N0. 2. Never buy anything ————
l I All sounds of life were still which you can Dvssibly b¢F¤‘0W 0f __
Yi For All 0((A$i()n$ I SMG but the breath whose touch was transfer. \\t1]] Ill"-nys III, glad to SBB I
" - death Ru‘e No. 3. Ncvcr turn your lights YOU-
il Of thc wind upon the hill. out before twelve o'clock. I
I Rule No. 4. Never begin a feast be-
  Can courage conquer pain fore clcven, p. rn. l
a, `i And wear a victor’s palm Rule Yo.   Never fail to take your I
l 'I`ho' wild thc tide which it must ride shoes off your fcct and wear them on I I I
, Into the peaceful calm? you when you come down the stairs & COMPANY
at midniuht. I _ I
Firm courage battlrd flcrce and wild llulc Yo. 6. Never learn to wink; I H(>ll"*'A`$»**"l`$
Like cornered beasts at bay, its bad euoueh to let the lights do I to l- l·- ll<‘\\'i1lll‘St.)
For cvcrywhcrc fcll grim despair that. ,
  & C0. Likc vulturcs on their prey. llule Yo, 7. Never lot tho alarm l WEST MAIN STREET
clock disturb your slumbcrs: sleep on!
1"°`""°""°" Eternal seemed the wintry night Rule No. 8. Never stop dancing un- ’ A
ll 9   Where death was wont to rove, til you arc especially requested.  
      S   Despite the snow and north wind'! Rule No. 9. Never hang a picture '
I blqq from the molding. lf a tack ls handy.  
  The pilgrim eeaseless strove. Rule No. 10. Never Set UD when —--——————e——~—-— —~-————-
l- J

 6 T I1 E I D E A ·
show of all farm products. The coun· large crops ln the early nineties whlch,
try ls dlvlded into several zones: owing to the lack at that time of cold W   
M   d t Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern storage facilities and other means • j
re U