xt7sqv3c2n71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c2n71/data/mets.xml Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1942 Prepared by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Technicial [sic] editor, William D. Cain; Other contributors include: McCain, William D.(William David), 1907-1993, Mississippi Department of Archives and History; 1 online resource (v, 102 pages); UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW_4_14_M69i_2 books English Jackson, Mississippi: Mississippi Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Mississippi Newspapers, 1805-1940: A Preliminary Checklist of Mississippi Newspaper Files Available in the Mississippi Department of Archives and History text Mississippi Newspapers, 1805-1940: A Preliminary Checklist of Mississippi Newspaper Files Available in the Mississippi Department of Archives and History 1942 1942 2015 true xt7sqv3c2n71 section xt7sqv3c2n71 WW mw:¤uggu@i@H@myH[y@ a¤a•@ = M LM; /2 i 2 5 t ‘ 1. S ~ f, . 1. [ X ` L ir J if. * V 1; ` · I I 9 ` \ V 1 . , L V » A Qi #? \‘ E 4 G Q · } . Q 4 x `A “ X ,', 5 3{ ` ` ‘$ ` il 1 \ il Q} F. R E ‘ I .;r J1 $. x . J 7 é _ A I (. 5 \ [ ¥ E . \ ·I Un \ ii ii rf _i i , J 4 I!} f ` é? S p 43 ` `l \ 5 A E ·2 K }} L X, K- A 4* Sn` l r ` E? E! lg X . \ JQ I $2 h * , ` *: '\· 5 Vx k x ' ` · 1 . i MISSISSIPPI NEWSPAPERS 1805-1940 A PRELIMINARY CHECKLIST OF MISSISSIPPI NERSPAPER FILES AVAILABLE IN THE EISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY Prepared by The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration Technicial Editor William D. McCain, Director Yississippi Department of Archives and History Jackson, Mississippi The Mississippi historical Records Survey February l942 HISTORICAL hLCCLD5 BUHVLY PROJLCTS Sargent B. Child, Director A Robert E. Strong, State Supervisor L REJLAMCH LMB LLCCVDS OLKVICL rkO&LLL¤ a V Harvey E. Bccknell, Director John C. L. Andresssew, Regional Supervisor lyrl T. Francis, State Chief DIJISIJI Ol COizUlIIY SLLVICL BkOGhhlS Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Leo G. Spofford, Regional Director Ethel Psvme, State Director . ,CZK BLCJBCTS LDlIiI¤ILATICI Kowcrd O. Huitcr, Commissioner C. D. Broun, Regional Director Q. howard Catlin, Stott Administrator SPOLQOH , Mississippi Dcportxcnt of Archives and History Jackson, lississippi FOREWORD The great mass of Mississippi newspapers which had been accumulated since 1902 in the Mississippi Department of Archives and History present- ed an appalling problem to the writer when he assumed responsibility early in 1958 for the preservation of these newspapers and for making them available to researchers. Some of the newspapers were bound in var- ious arrangements, some were being bou d by a`Works Progress Administra- tion project (1,1611 volumes were eventually bound), and some were accumu- lating in growing stacks in storerooms. The task of making all of these newspapers readily and efficiently available to researchers seemed to be almost hopeless. Eventually the writer decided to attempt to use`Works Progress Ad- ministration workers to begin an issue-by—issue checklist of the news- A » papers in the Department, This work was finally taken over by the His- torical Records Survey under the efficient direction of Mr. Robert E. Strong. The main purpose in compiling the checklist was to create a tool that would assist in making the newspapers available to interested researchers. Detailed information as to origins, successions, mergers, changes in title, editors, and publishers was left for the future. Persons who have never had occasion to use newspapers for research sometimes question the value of the efforts made by the Department in collecting and preserving newspapers. All questions concerning the val- ue of newspapers for research purposes are answered in the following statement, made in 1959 by Dr. Clarence S. Brigham, Director of the Amer- ican Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts: "The value of newspapers as sources of historical study is often overlooked by libraries. Since they are difficult to acquire and since they take up considerable shelf room, they are frequently rejected in favor of source material not nearly so useful in research. I doubt whether any contemporary expression of printed opinion and fact, both for national and local history, measures up to the news- paper. No history of a town or city can be written with- · out recourse to its newspapers. In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries even the advertisements have unique value in social and economic study. ln the wider fields of history, whether state or national, the whole trend of events is reported at regular intervals, in the printing of documents and letters, in the arguments of partisan communications, and in editorial opinion. The newspaper is omnivorous. Not only political history, but · religious, educational, and social history, find place in its pages. Literature, especially essays and poetry, A was constantly supplied to its readers. lf all the print- od sources of history for a certain century or decade had to be destroyed save one, that which could be chosen with the greatest value to posterity would be a file of an im- portant newspaper." The great bulk of the collection of newspapers in the Department obviously presents a problem of space, for state departments seldom have - l n l - / V ` ~ . h Y ‘ Y J I ' ‘ A ` ` \ I r k I ' X , . i • . ».* • , _- . .. - 1; - adequate room in which to perform the duties with which they are charged by law. Efforts have been made to get an appropriation for the purchase of equipment for microphotography. lf sufficient equipment is ever ae- quired, recent newspapers will be photographed on film and then will be — destroyed. The film will have a longer life than the newspaper and can be reproduced, the expense of binding the newspapers will be eliminated, and there will be an estimated ninety-eight percent saving of space. A recapitulation of the work done in producing this checklist shows that the Department has on file more than six hundred thousand Mississippi newspapers. This number is increased daily, for the Department undertakes to preserve forypublic use all newspapers that Mississippi editors will send to it. Continuous efforts are made to acquire back files of Mississ- ipps newspapers from newspaper offices, retired editors, book dealers, s and other sources. The Department is new on the mailing list of approxi- mately ninety weekly and fifteen daily newspapers in Lississippi. The ed- itors of these newspapers are requested to continue the Department on their mailing lists and other editors are urgently requested to place the Depart- ment on their mailing lists. This is excell nt insurance that a file of a n:wspaper will be preserved in case the newspaper office is destroyed by fire, flood, tornado, or other disaster. The writer wishes to express sincere appreciation to the officials of the Works Progress Administration and its successor, the York Projects Ad- ministration, for their kind and thoughtful co-operation in this work. Par- ticularly does he appreciate the interest and the work of hr. Robert E. Strong and Mr. Nash K, Burger, of the Historical Records Survey, and of the numerous workers of thit organization who toiled many weeks over the hun- dreds of thousands of newspapers. VILLIAM D. MCCAIN Departmxmt of Archives and History Jackson, Mississippi February 25, l942 . . Z , E . ' , 1 . . 1 ’ · — PRERACE Val . This preliminary checklist of Mississippi newspapers published from 1805 to 1940 and available in the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, lists these newspapers by title and shows the date of issue of · each newspaper. More detailed information concerning successions and mergers, changes in title, and names of editors and publishers, is included in the Union List of Newspapers Available in Libraries, Courthouses, Private Collections and Offices of.Publishers in Mississippiiubeingnprepared by the Mississippi Eistorical Records Survey._— . t In all 661 titles and some 600,000 issues are cataloged. The titles are arranged in formalized entry form alphabetically by place of publica- tion with the entries numbered from l to 661. Uhder each place of publica- tion the newspaper titles are listed alphabetically by the name of the news- ~ paper, followed by the frequency of publication, In the body of the entry § the available issues of each newspaper are shown in a condensed style to , give the maximum of information in the minimum space. In explanation of this compact arrangement, entry 454, Weekly Courier apd Journal (Natchez), shows in the first two lines of the body of the entry that there are on file in the Department the weekly issues of this ‘ newspaper published in 1837 on January 6, 15, and 27; from February 10 through April 21; from May 5 through June 2; from June 16 through August 4; from August 25 through September 8; from Sept mber 22 through October 13; on October 27; from November 17 through December 1; on December 15; and from December 29 through February 16, 1858. The remainder of the entry indicates the presence of scattered issues of this newspaper until September 27, 1848. The Title Index provides a complete alphabetical list of titles and the Chronological Index shows by entry number, the newspapers on file for each decade. A partial listing of Mississippi newspapers in the Mississippi Depart- ment of Archives and History was made in 1939 by WPA workers assigned to a project sponsored by the Department. In February 1941 the Mississippi His- torical Records Survey undertook the work under the supervision of Nash K. Burger, Project Technician, and completed it by December. Every effort was made to attain the highest degree of accuracy, each step being checked and rechecked several times. Mrs. Josephine E. Jones was in charge of and re- sponsible for listing, editing, and checking all data by an editorial unit _ which included: hrs. Carrie Lutrick, Mrs. Malvina Horton, Mrs. Grace McNeil, and Maurice Price. Miss Elmise Pant typed the draft copy and Miss Effie C. Lucas cut the stencils for the completed checklist, — iv ~ 3 » The Survey acknowledges with sincere appreciation the help and assistance given by Dr. William D. McCain, Director of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, as technical editor and as Official Sponsor*s representative, and by WPA administrative officials of the State and Regional WPA offices. 1 A list of publications issued by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey appears on page 102. Robert E. Strong State Supervisor _ ‘ Mississippi Historical Records Survey 9 Bridges Building ‘ Jackson, Mississippi February 1942 ‘ t R -nv-• ABBREVIATIONS AFD SYMBOLS · Ja January F February Mr March Ap April Ty itry Je June Jl July Ag August S September O October N November D December 7 information questionable — from the former and including I the latter {Ii ` = AB " A H A ` 153 ,2-1 5i A 4-· AA · 17 C A 1 M1 A F 12 M IE ’`-. ‘ I? ‘ EE r Ja M3 2,E A ·? 11 E-ig ll l T Ii A D 3 A 6 1 ` J 2 2 A J i 4’ J ‘7 (1-5) MISSISSIPPI DEPARTHETT OF A1C*IVES RWD xrswcmt ‘ *EWSPAPER CHECKLIST A3§®EEF 1. Abqgqggg Examiner Weekly · V Jl 19-5 37,,1385; O 11, 25-N 8; 22, 29; D 13, Ja 5,.1884; Ap 5, 17, Hy Bl, _ · A 1885; Je ll, lB; J1 23, 30; Ag 20—O—l; 22; N 5-19; D 3, 10, 16, 17-5 16, }§Q§; 2&~My 20,1887; Je 3-My 4, IBBB; 18-0 5; N 2-F 1, 1889; l5—Mr 1; 15-Ag 2_ S 19, J l890;O 24; K 7-21; D 12,.26-Ja 9, 1891; 23-F 13; 27-Mr 20; 21; Ap 3-K* .·‘. 23; Je 5, 12, B6; JL 2%; Ag 7, 14; S ll—25;·O 16-SO; N 13,-20; D ll. Ja 23, 1892; Mr 4—Ap 1; 32; My 6—27{ Je 17; J1 29; Ag 5,‘l9; O`14; D 9, 23. Ja 20, 18QQ; F l0, · < 17; NI 5, 17, 3%; Ap 7, 21-My 26; Je 9~Jl 7; 21; Ag 4, 5, 18; S lJR§?TO lZ—J& ‘ - f. 5, 1894; 1Q—F 23; Hr 9-Ag 24; O 12, 19; N 2-D 21. Ja 4, 1895; 5{ 18, 25{ F 22} ‘ Mr 8, 22; Ap 5—Uy 2%; Je 7-5 17; O 4—18; N 15, 22; D 6-20. Ja l0, IQQQ; 34, 3l; F 21, 28; Hr 20; Ap 3-17; My l, 15; Ja 12, 19; Jl 7-Ag 7; 21-S l1;_P5—O BO; N * 13-D ll. Ja 1, 1897; 15, 22; hr 12; Ag 15; S 5, 17-0 15; N 5, 19—D 10; 3l—F 19, 1898; Hr &, 1}; Ap 1-15; My 7, 21, B8; Jl 2, 16-N 25; D 9»Ja 6, 1899; 27—Mr 10; 24; Ap 7, 3l—My Bé; Je C~J1 14; 28; Ap 4, 18; S 1, 22-0 l3;_27; E 3, 24-D 29, F 2-Ap 15, l900; 27—Ag_lO; 24-Ja 18, 1901; F l—Ap 12; 26-Ny QQ; Je 7, 14, 28-Jl · 12; 26-Ag 9; 25-O ll; 25-E 9; 22; D 6, 20, Ja 5-Mr 14, 1902; 2B—D_l2; 13, 19-Mr. 25, l?O4; Ap 8, 22—Jl B1, 1905; 26, 38-0 BO; F 3-Ja 10, 1908; 2&—Ny 8; 23-D 18, Ja 1-0 15, 1909; 29-Mr 25, 1910; Ap Q-? ll, Ja 6-5 29, IETTT O 20-Ap 19, 1912; My 3—l7; Je 21, 28; Jl 13-27, Ja 3, Qggé; 5, 9, 10-F 14; 20,-2l—O B; 17-D 12; 26. Ja ggggw 1, Egg; 15, 29-D 10; 34-LIy 12, 1<216. s *2, 191*2. ily 1, 1925. Ja 2, 19126-xv-:1~ 4, wav; 8, 1.1-N sa, 1040- ‘ ` ' Q. Aberdeen Wecklv Weekly ` ·` . · A _ _' 1-ly $0-0 17;‘T<2@éT 13l—F“G, 1202.; 20-Ja es, 1904; mz, 26-Ap 8; away gw; Je ~ 10-0 7; 21, 38; H 1l-D 2; iET»S l—D 15.1905; 29-0 5, 1906; 26-D 21- Ja 18-Tr ` • l,_}QQf; lE—3Q; Ap 12-Jl 5; 26; Ag 9—2B; 29, 30-5 20; O 4—Je 4, 1909; 13-Jl 29, 19lGE Ag 12-3 Q; 25-O 1%; 28; N ll. Mr lO, 1Ql6; 24; Ap 14, 31; J1 7~Bl• Ja I2, 1917; F 16-Ap 20; Ag 10, 17; S 14, 21; O 5; D 7, 2l• Ja 1l—F 3, 1918; 22- Hr 8; 22, 29; Ap 19, 26; My 10, 17, 51-Ja 14; 28; J1 12-Ag 2; BO; O 4, ll; N 8- D EO. Ja 3, 1919-Ja Q, lQ§Q{ 33éNr·36; Ap 9—J1'l6; Ag 6, l3; S 3; O 15; N 5—D " 31. S l~D 15, 1932; 29rMr,9, l925{’23—JI 6;'20—D 28- Ja ll¤Mr 14, 192%; 28—Je 6; 30-8 19; O §i§§ 1, 1925; 15-D 11; Ja 1-5 3, 1926; 17-0 8; 22gAp 39, 1927; My 13-Ag 26; S Q-? 10, 1928; 2%—J1 QQ; Ag;3—F 22, 1929; Mr 8—O 18; Nnl, 8, 32-D l3· Ja 3~Ny 2, 1930; 16~J} 4; 18-Ag lj O 10; N 7, 2l-D 5; 19. Ja,2—l6, 1931; F 6, 20-Hr BO; K5m§:17; My 1-15; 29-5 ll; 25~O BO; N 20—D 4; 18, 25.-Ja 8, 1953; 29; F 12; Nr 4—l8; Ap 8, @2; Ny 13; Je 10-0 13. · V 1 _ ` 3. Aberdeen Whig Weekly ' 4 U · _ ~ __ . V . I Ag 17, 1859; S 7—Q 5; 23, _·’ " — · ; I ' j W. 4. Aberdeen Whig and Forth Mississippi Advocate weekly ' Ja 19, 1859; F 2-Mr 2; T€i$O; Ap 3C—J@ 25; J1 9-Ag 10. 5. Uississippi Advertiser weekly _ _ · ‘ » Mr 5, 1842; l2; Ap 2, BO; Wy 7,~2l$Ja éf 18, 25; J1 9, 16, 30;.Ag 6,*20—S_l7; O ` l—32; N 5-26; D 17, Ja 7, 1843; F 4, 18; Nr &, ll, 25-Vy 20; Je 10; Jl l~l5; 29-5 9; 23-O 7; 28; N é; D-T€:30, F 3—?é, 18%%; Vy 4, 18; Jc 8, 22, 29; J1 15- , Ag 3; N 25; D 7-F 1, 1845; 22-Nr 22; Ap 5, 19-My 3; 17, 30; Ja 7; Jl 5, 1Q—Ag JV, ’ . , .. 2 -. M » . < MUAH Ncwspmgor Checklist (5-13) E WMDAH Aazzzzymyzsx (continued) ‘ .*1515*1* Tississippi Advo:tisor_(c0nt1nn0d)j ( 1. _ _ 1 I ` ‘ ;;,S_15-27; J -U‘ ; 22-D 13;.31-Jn 21, l9é6; Mr 1-Ap 22; Hy 6-20; Je 2;-J1 A ‘ ' 15; 29-Ag 12;,26-S 16; 30; 0 11, 2E; N 25-Ja 6, 1847; 20, 27; F 17; Nr 17; Ap 14. . ¥§li 1 6. Honroo Democrat Weck1y , A -_ 1. _ i 193] A My B-29, 1B50;_J0 12-J1 3; 17-Ag 21; S é-0 23; N 6-D 11., Ja 7, 1C51; 5, 1%, 15- · J1 16; Ag 6-27; S 2%-0 29. Ja 21-F Q, 1252; 12, 25; Nr 10-Ap 7; 21, 28;—¥y 12. lw ‘ _ 19; Jo 9-J1 7; Ag 4-S·1;_1·5; O 6-N 10; D 1-21. . - _ BAM H 7.: Our Hor1t5go l _ ,.,'4 - ‘ nl; Sco entry 501. - , . AP - ` ‘ ` ' ‘ 191’ ` _ .6. ·Tri-Weekly Examingr Tr;-wéckly LV _' 26; _Ap 6, 1991; 11, 15-22; 27-My 6; 11, 13, 16, 20. J1 13-05, 1953; 7, 2-26; 31;N ‘ 30* 2, 7, 12-23; 2S-D 21; 2F-Ja 9, 1254; 11, 25-F 1;_6-11; 15-22; 29-Mr 25; Ap 2-21. Ap 20, 1C05; 21; Ny 6, 18, 22; 25, 29; Ja 15, 13; J1 17-Ag B; 7-S 23; 25-0 7; 16, v m 19, 23, 26, 59-N 16; 23, 25, 30-D 11; 19-23. DA* 9._ Wcckly Gonscrvotiig Weekly v4 A ' 1 Ja 21-F 1, 1551. Jc 9, 1655. J ......1... 4....-—- r JO, 10. weakly Independant Wookly D 21, 1Z50. Ja 11-5 6, 1051; 20-D 20. Ju 3-31,V1Q52; F 1%-S 18; 0 2-E 27; D 11, ’ J 10. Jp 0-Ap 9, 1§53;`23-S 17; 0 1, 15-29; 12-D 10. _. . GSI ACKERLQJT V, 1 I V I ; I f 1 _ A gg; ' 11. Chbctli Plmindoalur Wpckly ' ` _ r V P 20. Jo 21, 1C01._ Jc 13-J] 25,L1902; Ag_22;_0 17, 24. Ja 7-F 4, 1915; Hr 19-Jl 23; · 7 _ Ag 6-0 9; 22-D 21. F 11-Mr 10,r1916; 21-S 15; 29; 0 20-H_3; 17-D 22. 'J& 4, 3 B; 1917; 5-D 21. Ju 11-Ap 5, 191C;A19-D 20. JQ 11, 1921; 29-Ap 5; 22-S 2; 16-D 23. , A Ju"6,`1922; 20-Je 0; 23-B 10; 21-D 22.`_JnN5-Ap 6, 1923; 20; My 1-3 21., Ja 4, J 1921; 9} 11-Ap 15; Hy 2-D 26. Jn 8, 1925; 15,_16-Ag 21; S 1-9.25. J&_B2—NT 26, { Nr 1926; Ap 9-Hy 21; Jo 1-10; J1 2-30; Ag 3, 6-27; S 10-0 22; H 5-D_21. Ja 7-D 16, } 31 1927. Ju 6-Mr 23, 162C; Ab 6; J0 6-D 21. Jn 11-25, 1929; F 6-Ap 5; Ty 3-17; 31- » Je 21; J1 5-Ag 30; S 13-D 13. Ja 3, 1230-S 16, 1932; 30-D 23. Ja 6-D 22, 1933. Q l Ju 5-S 21, 1931; 0 5-3 21. Ja 4-D 20, 1935. Ju 3-Mr 27, 19§6;'Ap`10-J1 21; Ag = . ` w 7, le, 22-0 30; U 13, 39; D 1-Ju 15, 1937; 29-Ap'23; Ny 7-J1 16; 30-N 12; 26-9 . L 17; 31. Ju 7, 1939; 21-F 18;.Ur w, 11, 25; Ap 9-Mr 1, 1910; 2, 8-N;29. . . ‘ · - ` 1 . B1`: AMORY l . . 1 . » 13. Aggrx Advertiser Weekly U l _' _ A _ § 1 D 3, 1936-Ap 3,‘1957; 22-J1 14, 1937; 29-S C; 22-N 26, 1940. . Y g 13._ QB; Heritage _ ' ` ' D I ` ` f gi Sco entry 30},* ‘ N · · * · ‘= g" · o L - 5 - MDAH Newspaper Checklist (l4_2O)4- T -_1sH11xmm; " ' i} . _,' . __ __- - V 11. ,60uthcrn Advocate Weekly ` A U _ " °‘ » Y 4_ _ Mr 16-0 11, 1915; 29-D 16. _J& 27-D 21, 1916. F 1-D 27, 1917. Ja 10-Ap 25, 1910;~Ny 16, 23; Jc_6-J1 18; Ag I-S 12;.26-0 17. N 11-D 23, 1920. Jn 6-F 3, 1921; 17-Ap 11; 26; Ny 12, 19; Je 2, 9. _ ` · · ‘ BALDWYN, - J ,1 ‘ ‘ _ 4 " . 15. Bn1dw§n1Hcdc6J0urh&1 -W0ck1y ) l ‘ ‘ Y Ap 16-Je 25, 1915; J1 9-30; Ag 13-S 17. Jc,2-Ag_1, 1916;,16-S 29; 0 13-Ja 5, 1917; 19-Mr 2; 15-Ap 26; Ky 10, 21-Ag 1; 7, 10-31; S 21-Jd 11, 1918; F 0-Ap 12; 26-My 31; Jc 11, 21; J1 12-Ag 16. H 19, 1936; 26; D 10-Ja 11, 1937; 29-6 2; 16, { 30-N 11; 25-9 23. Ja 6, 1939-D 21, 1939. Ja 4-Ag 6, 1940; 22-N 28. 16, _ 1 U· BATESVILLE 16. Pznolinm Weekly ' ' I 7 J1 25-N 12, 1906; 26-D 10; 21. Jn 7-29, 1904; F 11-Mr 24; Ap 7-My 12; 26-D 22. Ja 5-F 2, 1905. J1 11, 1919. L1. = -17. Wcck1y Pnnoliun Weekly U 1 J0 19-J1 10, 1902; S 11-25; 0 9-D.25.‘ Jn 6-J1 16, 1903. F 9-Mr 23, 1905; lp 6-D 21. Ju 1, 1206; 11, 25-J1 5; 19-D 20. Ju 3-Ag 6, 1907; 22-D 19. Ja 2-Mr 19, 1Z06; Ap C—Jc 11; 25-S 5; 17-D 21. Ja 7-My 27, 129S; Je 10—J1 15; 29-Ag 19; S 2-0 7; 21-D 23. Ja 6-Fr 10, 1910; 2&—Jc 30; J1 21-0 13; 27-N 10. Ja 5- D 7. 1911; 31. J9 9-¥y 16, 1912; 30-9 19. Ja 2-23, 1913; F 6, 13, 27; Nr 6, 20-Ap 17; by 1—J1 $1; Ag 11-0 23; N 6. F" 5, 19. Eg; Springs Ncws_ Weekly 3 MT 25-9 23, 1915. Ja 6-JG 1, 1916; 15, 22; J1 6-D7; 21. Ja 1-Jc 7, 1917; 21; ° J1 5, 19-0 1; 25; N 1. `" 31- 3 ~ _ 19. Jasper Oounty·Ncws Wcgkly .. _ . — J V 1 N 26, 1936-T 11, 1§?7; 25-f217] 1939; Mr 3-Hy 4, 1939; 16-Ja 18, 1910; F 1-N 26 BAY S9. L091S“ ` A _ Jl ~ _ ` 1 ." · . L U 20. nSealConst EEEB Weekly, , Z; ·_ _ '_ J" · ·} 5 13, 1902; 27-N 15; 29—D_20._ Ja 3-0 3,,1903; 31-N 21; D-5-19. TJ? 9-25, 1904; ‘ F 6. 20-Je 25; J1_9-23;;25{ 30-Ag 13; 27;¢5 3, 17-N 26; D 10, 17. JU 7-29, 1QQi F 13-N é; 19; D 2-23. Jd 6-Ny 19, 1906; Je 2-0 27; N'10—D 22. ·Ja 5-Ag 21, 1997; S 7-0 12; 26-N 30; D, Uid¤tc6 1699D, 12,,11, 29-S 26, 1909; 0 10-D 19. » Ju 2, 1909; 9, 9-D 25. Jn 15-My 14, 1910; 26-N 12. Ju 7-21, 1911; F·4, 18-Ap 6; 22-Ag 5; 19-D 23. Ja 13-F 17, 1912; Hr 2-9 26; U 9-D 21. Jn 6-Ap 26, 1913: . - - 4 - · ., -. e MDAH Newspaper Checklist ` " (20-21)' `0 A `3YA§ MDAH BAY ST LOUIS (continued) ‘ _ BELZC §gg_Qggg;qEobo (continued) _ _ -py 17- S_27; 0 11-25; H 9-D 20. Ja 3, 191&;`10, 2;:Mr 26; Ap-11-My 23; Je 6-Ag D 16 29; S 12-0 2Q; N lé, 26, 30; D“5, 19,-26T*—F 6-27, 1915; Mr 13, 20; Ap 10-21; f ` ’ A My 15, 29-Ag 21; S 4-D 16. Ja 15-F 12, 1916; 26;_Mr 19-S 2; 16, 23; 0 1Q-D 23. 7 ·:1 Ju 3, 1917; 30-Ap 7; 21-My 5; 19-S 29. 35-12, 1912; 26-Mr 16; 31-EF 1; 25; JG __{“ SBB; ‘ 1, 22-KE—1i; S 7-0 12; 26-D 7. Ja 12-F 1, 1919; 22-Mr 29; Ap 12-My 19; 11, 17, A 1E, 23-Ag 16; 30-D 20. Ja 3. 1920; 17-Mr 13T*EW; My 1—J1 17; Ag 7, 11; S 1, 11, 25; 0 16, 30-D 25. Ja 8-Mr 26, 1921; Ap 9-My 21; Je 4-12; J1 2-D 1; 10-2%. Jo · I BENm( 26-F 13, 1922; Hr 11; Ap 1-22; My 6-Jo 10; 24; J1 3-Ag 19; S 2-23; 0 7-21; N 11- " 3 23. Jz—13:F 2L, 1923; Nr 10-Ap 21;·Hy 5, 12, 26; Jo 2, 16-9 22, Ju 5-19f 1921; F 16-Ap 12; 26;*Ey 10, 24-Ag 30; S 15, 20; 0 4-H 1; 29-Ap 1, 1925; 19-Ny` Ja 2 9; Jo 13, 27-J1 16; Ag 1, 16-S 12; 0»3-24; N 7, 21-D 18, 1926; 23, 25-F 19, 1927; A S 20 A Mr 5-U 11; 25-D 16; 30-Ju 27,·1922; F 10-Je,1;_15qD 26. Ja 11-S 20, 1929; 0 16- A 20; 0 21, 1930; N 7-D 5; 19-Mr 27,—1931; Ap 10-D 25. Ja 9-S 16, 1932; 30-F 16, 193é; ~ I J9 1 Hr 2-F§_23; Je 15-D 14; 22-Ag 2TjT335; 16-Ag 7, 1936; 21-O 23; H 6-0 11, 1930; 1 29-Jo 9, 19SG; 23-Ju 12, 1940; F 2, 9, 23—J1 5; 19:Kg 23; S 6, 13, 27-H 15. ° BILO BEAUREGARD n · · _ _ ` _ ' . 1 _1 See 21. Boiurogord and Wesson Times Weekly A ‘ ' Mr 19, 1271; S 3. _*— - · _ _ . _ A U‘ . A " ji_‘ I . D 2E BELEN A ` ·» ` ;· r · _ ;l I · » .1 ·. A BLU} #2. Qpitmun Quill Weekly i · · . . My so-1;; ITTLEWE 15Y·T19; o rs, 21-:1 io. Ja. .2, moz; Q; my iway 22;' Jo 5-J1 zi; Ag 11-D 10. ~__* __** ' '“" My J1, 1 _ A 21-] BELMONT ‘ 23. Belmont Tri—Coun€y News Weekly < · » _ Y _ A BOO 0 22-D 2L, 1936. 35-7-S 2, 1937T`16-D 23. Ju 6-D 22, 1930.,pJa 5-S 7, 1939; 13,_ 1·&-D :21. J€>TT1I.~.g 22, imo; `§`3-71;:28. ""‘ "" ‘ ;· — » _ `" · · 1 Ap . - _ `” W A 10, BELZOHI v - J1 21; 21. Belzoni Banner Weekly Je F 27-Ap 117-1919; 25-Ag 15; 29-J1 9, 1920; Ag 6, 13, 27; S 10-24; 0 7, 21-N 1; Ap 16-Ap lm, 19E1T_28-N 17; D 1-Ja 26, 1922; F 9-Ag 24; S 7-Ja 25, 1923; F 8-My 1, Ja ; 1924; 15,_22; Je 12, 26; J1 3, 17-0:30; N 20-Ja 22, 1925; F 5,.12, 26-Jo 11, 15,, 16, 22, 25-Jl 16; 30-N 26.~ Jn 7-Hr 4, 1926; 19-Je 21; J1 6, 22-D 30. Ja 13-Nr p 24, 1927; Ap 7-hy 5; Jo 2-D 32. Ju 3—19T31928; F 9; Hf 6; Ap-5-My 3; 17-S 6;·_ - A Mr 20-2-27T AJR 10-Je 6, 1929; 20-Ag 22;·S 5-0 3; 17-H 26; D,12-F 29, 1930;:M; 6-Ari p 0 Z 10; 21; if 15-Jo 12; 26iAE 21;-S 4,~11, 25-O 23; N 6-D 11; 25-Ap 9;`19§1; 23-Jlbs p 23; A; 6-0 1; 15-N 12; 26-D 10; 2%-Je 2, 1932; 16, 30; J1 22-0,27; H;10-D 295 ' - BRE D 10, 1936-Ja 21, 1937; F 4-6 16; 30-Ja 6, 1932; 12, 13-Mr 10; 31-N 10; 21;“D 1S 15-Ja 5, 1939; 19-E;—30; Ap 13, 20; Ny 11, 12;-Je 15-Ag 10; S 7, 21-0 26; H 9-Jn ‘ 4, 1910; 16-F 29; Nr 21; Ap é-J1 25; Ag 22-H 21. MY _"`_ 2 MY ‘ _ 21; A ” 5 " 1 J A MDAH Newspaper Checklist 4 (35-53) U BELZON1_(eontinued) · P 25. Belzoni Journal Weekly _ ° I D 16, 1910; 30-Mr 17, 1911; 31-J1 7. ° y 1:} 26. Our Heritage · ··1`- See entry 304. . I 1, U i if Bmawvon N 27. Yazoo Banner Meek1y° - Q7_ Ja 27-F 1838; Hr 10; J1 14; 0 13; N 3, 17; D 15, 29. Ja 19-F 2, 1839; Mr 2- %-’ S 20; 0.1-D 13. Ja 3, 1840; 10, 21-F 28; Mr 13-Ap 17; My 1-Ag 21; S 18-O 30; N ;éT_ 20; D 4, 11, 25. Ja 8, 1841; 22; F 26; Mr 12-Je 5. 0 15, 1842; D 10. S 2, 18g? -E’ A Je 1, 1844. BILOXI · . A 28. Daily Herald V _ _A See entry 89. Publis ed at Gulfport with Biloxi news coverage. 29. Biloxi Review Weekly . D 23, 1899. ` · BLUE MOUNTAIN .1 91i l 30. New Standard Weekly l A' My 22, 1902; Je 5-26; J1 10-N 13; D 4-18. 'Ja 1-F 12, 1903; 26-My 28; Je 11, 18; J1 2-16; 30-Ag 20; S 3-D 17; 31-Ja 14, 1904; 28; F 11, 18;_Mr 3, 10, 24-Ap 7; T 21-My 5; 19, 26; Je 9-N 17; D 1-22. Q . BOONEVILLE A . 13,_ V ` 31. Bonneville Banner Weekly Ap 1, 1915; 22-Ny 20; J1 15-26; S 9-N; 25-D 23. Ja 14-F 4, 1916; 18, 25; Mr V 10, 24; Ap 7-21; Ny 5-Jl 28; S 1, 8, 22; 0 20-D 22. Ja 5, 1917; 19-Mr 16; Ap 6- J1 27; Ag 10-0 26; N 1, 2, 9, 23-D 7. Ja 11, 1918; 25-Mr 29; Ap 12-My 24; Je_7— 21; J1 5-Ag 2; 16-0 18; N 1, 22-D 20. F 14, 1919; 21; Mr 7, 28; Ap 4, 18-My 30; Je 13, 27; Jl 11; Ag 22, 29; S 19, 26; 0 10, 17, 31-D 19. Ja 16-Mr 5, 1920; 19- 2 Ap 16; 30-J1 9; Ag 6; S 10, 24; 0 8, 29; N'12—S 2, 1921; 16-N 25; D 9-D 22, 1922. l• Ja 5-Mr 9, 1923; 23-D 21. F 1-Mr 28, 1924; Ap—18-S 12. '_ 15I . Nr 32. Dponeville Independent Weekly *_ i Mr 9. 1934-Ja 4, 1935; 10, 11-Ap 12; 26-D 27. N 27, 1938. Je 15, 1939. Mr 21- -A14 0 31, 1940. J1 n l BRAYDON 1S ‘ —Ja 33. Brandon News Weekly My 29-Ag 21, 1902; S 4-0 2; 16-D 11; 25. Ja 8-22, 1903; F 19-Ja 28, 1904; F ll- My 19; Je 2, 9, 23; J1 7, 21-Ag 4; 18, 25; S 8, 22-D 22. Ja 5-19, 1905; F 2-D 21. · A VDAH Fewspeper Checklist l (55-40) g MBAH y BRANDON (continued) A. BRQQK} Brandon News (continued) _; y _ A 1. _ , 1 Jn 5, 1905; 1-My 3; S 27-D 20. Jn_10-F 23, 1907; Nr 11-25; Ap 11-0 21; N 7-D p My 251 19. Je 2-D 10, 1905; 15, 17, 21. Je 7-N 11. 1999; D 2. 16- Ja 6*39. 19102 3 1 F 5. 10. 21-if 10. Je 5-S 11. 1911. Ap e, 1915-'F io, 101e; 2»»m~ so; Ap 15-1%* A . _ 11; Jo 3-A; 5; 17-D 11. Ja 4-Ag 25, 1917; S 5-0 25; I F, 15, 29-9 27. Ja 17- 1 Ag B5 Je 27, 1912; Jl 11-Ag 1; 15-0 5; 17-Ja 2, 1919; 23-Je 26; J1 10-Ag 39; S ll-? ; Ap 26 — 25. Je QQYJ1 15, 1920; S 9; 0 11, 21; N 1-Ja 27, 1921; F 10-F 9, 1923; RZ-? 1 50; 3 11-D 20, 1933. Ju 3-Jl 17, 192o; 51-0 50. Je 3-F 25, 1925; HP 12-Ap 9; A ze-1: 1, 122:1; 1511ay -10.27; - F gg, . ‘ A Je 11 , Semi—week1y 1 23. Mr Z-.? 1G· · ` l888· , u xv s • D ‘ = 27· J Weekly ; S 1, 1;; 17; :2 1-ze. Jo 1e, 19:2e—r 11. 1929; 2%-My 16; 50—J1 4; Ae 22-P 13- - 1. 15 Jn 2-Yr 23, 1930; Je 12-3 25. Ja 5-My 7, 1951; 2l-N 12; 25—J& 29, 1932: F 19; ? Mr 5-Ny 12. Ap 9, 1955; N 19—D 5; 10. 15. 17. 33. 29· NF 35. 19$7• D $» 1Q§§, Y , N 9, 1959; 25-U 25. 19iQ. _ A N 11, , · , , 0 5; 51. Brendon Reputlicun Weekly ` 26; A Je 10, 1B75. Jn 1, 1F77. A 13; Q __—* —‘~~_ ‘ A Ap 5; B5. Brendon Republican and Eastern Advocnto Wcckly Jn 8, Je 21, 1957; Ag 11, 15; S 5, 15; 0 15-N 3; 3 22. 29. Je 19. 1€$3; F 6. 11. BZ, 14-M; Mr 1;-Je 20; Jl 1-A5 15; S 5, 12. ( Je 5 S 7-Z 55. Church News Monthly · J&—0, 1990; D.» Jo, 1910; U,_D. F, 1911; Mr, Hy, Je, S, N. Ja, 1912; Hr-Ny. Jn.-J1, 1912; 5,11, :2. Jn, 1919; Mr. 1*-.1;, 1920; J1. 11-Je, 1921; S—S. 1932: » my 9 H-A;. 1925; 0-J1, 192%; 0-3. _ . Mr L Pub11c:.—.tion eleven times rrecrrly (one summer iS·sv.c omittod) hi Ja, 1925; Hr-Fy, 1935; J1—N. Ju-S. 1927; 7. D. F, 1928; Ap. NY. J1-?. 1931- g F 25 Q 17. • • · \ Pub11cnt1on ten 51mOS yearly _, .; S 50 · Jn, 1952-0, 1931. Je,_1955-Je,»l9$5; 0, N. Jn-Mr, 1939; Hy-D, 1940. - 15, P1·eviouo1;· ]_3u`Ol1a:h@d at Laxurel, *··`_g;|_‘·i7liz=-,3*;, Ygzgg City, A I . — -· . i my 2 .rg , 57. Disseminutor Weekly ; · y F 2, 1515; 15; Nr 1-29; Ap 12-My 10; 2%-Je 1;; 25-Jl 12; 25; Ag E, 22-N 1; l Send " 153 Z 6—¥?·U· J9 3. 1916; 17. 2*., . , J1 2 - 4 ` 11-] , - 5*. Qisseminotor and Rmilro d Journal Weekly _ _ 1 , F 21-Mr 7, 1215; 21-Ap 11; Ny 2, 15, A , A Q Je E 59. yississipai Veteran Monthly { 1907 Je, 1C5 . j 17, _See else entry 29E. . i 19U ] O 7, .‘; _ _ 10. Qurcl Les eager Nonthlyi: __ e 192 . 0, 1925. gp, 1925; S,¥?. Ju—Mr, 1927; Je, S-J1, 1927; S-Mr, 1929. Ja, 1950; } F• . `J? 1 Z ‘1 MDAH Newspaper Checklist (41-48) BROOKHAVEN 4 _ _U . , 41. 2EookhayEE_A§X§£pis5r Ncckly - _ _J My 25, 1861; 0 26. ' ` `MY` 42. Fgpokhuvon DpmocrAt Ncokly ' · A _` ` L3` Ag 25-S 8,_1883; 22-0 6; 20; N 10-D 1; 22. Ja 19, 1§i4; F 2, 23; Mr 1, 15, 29- j· _ Ap 26;_My 10-24; Je 7, 14; J1 26; Ag 16; N 8, 22; D 6, 13. A Qi 43.4 Bfookhuvcn Loader Weekly · . A · A F 22, 1C83T_Mr 8-Ap 12?—My*3-Ag 23; S 20-N 1. F-21, 1884. .Ny 14, 1885; S 3. U Ja 14, 1o86;'Mr 4; Jc 10-24; J1 8-22; Ag_5, 12;“S 2, 23;·0·14, 21; N 4-18; D 9- 23. Ju 13, 1887; F 3, 10; Mr 3, 17, 31; Je 9; J1 28; 0 27; N 10, 24; D 1. F 2, 1888; 16; FE 1, 8; Ap 5; My 31; J1 5, 12. F 7, 1889; 14; My 2, 9, 23, 30; Jcl ~ 27; J1 4. 18; Ag 1, 22; S 12-0 3; 17-N 7. F 20, 1890; Ap 10,_17;_Jc 5;:Ag 14; S 4, 11; D 11. Ja 1, 1891; 8; F_19-Mr 5; 19-Ap 16; My 7, 28-Jc ll; 25; J1 2; J · Ag 13, 20; S 10; 0 22-N 12; D 17. A ’ 18; 4 V · , _ _ _ ‘ 1999 44. Erookhdvon Lc&écr Mcohly · -- · A N 11, 1875; 18; D 23Q_ F 10, 1876 ; Mr 2; Ap 13; My 18; Jc·1; Jl 20-Ag 17; S 21~` 0 5; 19; N 2, 16, 30, Ju 25, 1877; F 8; Mr 8, 29; Ap 5, 19; My 10-31; J1 5, 12, 26; Ag 9, 23; S 13; 0 4; N 29. Ja 3, 1878; 9, 24; F 28; Mr 14; Ap 11, 18; Jo 6, 13; J1 4-25; Ag 8; S 12~26; 0 17; N 14, 28; D 12. Ja 2, 1879; 16-30; Mr 13, 20; Ap 3; Jc 5, 19; J1 17, 31~Ag 14; 28; S 11, 18; 0 2, 9; N 6, 13, 27-D 11; 25. gr Ja 8, 1880; Jo 17-S 30; 0 14; 21; N 25; D 2, 23. Ja 13-F 24, 1881; Mr 31; Ap ~°· 14-My 5; 19-Jo 2; 16, 30-J1 14; 28; Ag 18-S 15; 0 6, 20, 27; N 10- 24; D 8-22. Ja 5-19, 1882; F 2, 16; Mr 2, 23-Ap 20; My 4, 11; Jo 1, 8, 29-J1 13; Ag 3-24; S 7-21; 0 5-A 9; D 21. J&“18, 1883; F 8. " · · Y* 45. Broohhavcp Ngyi Wcokly * . E; Mr 9, 1887; Ap 6; My 4; Ag 10, 17; 0 19; N 2-23; D 7, 21, 28. F 1, 1888; 22; Mr 14, 28; Ap 11, 25; My 23, 30; J1 18; D 5. Ja 9, 1889; F 6. A 46. Brcokhmvoq_Rudiator Wockly f• A F 26, 1885; Ap 30; My 21~J1 2; 16, 23; Ag 6, 20-S 10; 24; 0 1, 15-29; N 19; D _ 17. Ju 14, 1886; 27-F 25; Mr 18; Ap 8, 22; My 13-27; J1 8, 15, 29; Ag 5, 26; S 30-0 21; D 2, 9, 23. Ju 6, 1887; Mr 10, 31; Ap 28; Jo 2, 16; Jl 7, 14; S 1, 47. Lcadcr Weekly ’ My 21-Jo 18, 1902; J1 2, 9; Ag 27-0 1; 15-J1 22, 1903; Scmi-wcckly , _ J1 25-S 5; 12-23; 30-D 23. Ja 21-F 3, 1904; 10-My 11; 18-S 10; 17-Ja 4, 1905; 11-18; 25-MI 22; Ap 1-N 18. A I '· ' .' 48. Lincoln County Times Wookly - l » , A Jo 5-D 11, 1902; 25-Ap 28, 1954; My 19; Jc 2-16; 30-J1 28; Ag 11-S 8; 22-N 21, 1907; D 5-Jc 9, 1910; 30-N 10. Ag 1, 1912-My 8, 1913; 22; Jo 12-D 11. Ja 15-D 17. 1914. J& 21-My 13, 1915; 27-Ag 19; S 2-Ap‘20,·1916; My 4-18; Jo 1-D 26, . A 1918. Ja 30, 1919-Ja 1, 1920; 15-My 13; 27-Jo 10;:Jl 1; Ag 5, 12, 26; S 9,.16;. 0 7, 21-N 4. Mr 16-D 14, 1922. Jo 4, 1923-N 12, 1925; 26-D 10. Ju 7-J1 22. 1926; Ag 5-D 9. Ja 13-Ap 14, 1927; 28-3 15; 29. Ja 12-F 2, 1928; 16-Mr 1; 530; . "°°- _-_" - 8 - .. MDAH Newspaper Checklist (48—53) A 1U BROOKHAVEN (continued) Q Q 2 Lincoln County Times (continued) . E M 7, 8-F 28, 1929; Mr 14-Ap 25; My 9-Ag 1; 22; s(5-o 10; 24-N 7; 21-Ap 23, 1931; E L My 7-D 24. Ja 7, 1932; 21-S 15; 29-D 8; 14, 15-0 19, 1933; N 2-Je 14, 1934; 28; 5 l A J1 19-F 7, 1935; 21-D 26. Ja 9-Ag 6, 1936; 20-0 8; 22-N 28, 1940. i O A _. · “ 2 49. Semi-Week].y· Leader ‘ Semi-we'ek1y` A ° A - A N 22-D 20, 1905; 27-My’2, 1906; 9, 12, 19-J1 11; 18-D 22; 29-Ja 12, 1907; 19-F f S 27; Mr 6-S 4; 11-D 18; 28—My_20, 1908; 27; Je 3-J1 29; Ag 5, 12, 19-D 23; 30-F ‘ M 13, 1909; 20-S 4; 11-29; 0 6, 9, 23-D 22; 29-N 12, 1910. Je 18-28, 1911; F 4-18; V 25-Ap 15; 29-Je 14; 21-J1 29; Ag 5-26;“S 2-30; 0 2, 4-D 6; 13-20. Ja 3, 1912; Q W ··13-24; 31; F 7-24.1 Ja 1-F 12, 1913; 19-Ap 19; 26-My 28; Je 4-0 11; 18, 22._ Ja Q I , . 3-Ag 15, 1914; 26; S 2-D 23. 'F 13,11915; 24, 27; Mr 20; My 1-D 22; 29-My 27, L E 1916. Mr 22-My 7, 1919; 14-28; Jej4-11;.18-J1 19; 26-N 22; D 3-24. Ja 3, 1920; r C 7, 14-J1 14; 31; Ag 4, 11-25; S 4, 8,j15, 22;'N 10-D 1; 8-22; 29-0 5, 1921; 12-N f 23; 30-D 21; 31-My 13; 1922; 20-S"9; 16-D 23; 30-Jl 21, 1923; 28-0 20; 27-D 22; j 29-Je 12, 1924; 19-D 24; 31. Ja 14-Ap 25, 1925; M 2-S 9; 16-30; 0 7-D 23; 30- ' L Ja 20, 1926; 27-Ap 14; 21-My 5; 12-Je 2; 9-N 3; 10-D 1; 8-22; 29-F 23, 1927; Mr A, 1 2-Ap 30; My 7-J1 23; 30-D 21; 28, 31._ Ja 7-N 7, 1928; 17-28; D 5-22. Ja 2-19, 1929; 26-Ag 24; 31-S 18; 25-0 12; 19-D_25. QJa 1, 1930; 4, 11-F 19; 26-0 1; 8-22; V N 5, 8, 19-D 24; 31-0 31, 1931; N 7-21; 28-D 23; 30. Ja 6-S 14, 1932; 21-D 14; T 21, 24, 31-S 30, 1933; 0‘7-14; 21-28. Mr`7, 1939; S 5. _ cmiorm our ‘ ` ’ _; _ U T , 50. Monitor Hera1d‘ Weekly ' .1 . V . · Ja 7-Je 24, 1937; J1 8-S 30; 0 2, 7, 14, 28-D 23. Je 6-F 24, 1938; Mr 10-My 12; 26-J1 28; Ag 11-D 22. Ja 5-F 23, 1939; Mr 9-Ap 20; My 4-S 7; 21-0 12; 26-D 21. Ja 4-F 1, 1940; 15-S 12; 26;V0 10,_24-N 28. · o.¤.N·1*oN H _ , _ _ 1 1 Z51, ` Canton Herald _ 1fée1dyV""w__,'i •'__‘ ` ` h ` A i 1; Ap 21, 1837; J1·28; Ag 11-S_8; 29;j0 6,`20-D 22; ' ’ j Deny Ii D 23-3].; Weekly -_ · l { " I l Ja 5, 1838; 24, 31; F 21-Mr 7; 21-Ap 11; My 2, 9, 23-J1 11; Ag 8-29; S 26-O “ 31; N 14-Ja 2, 1839. V _ V , _ _ ~o . A A 152. Canton Times Weekly ' N V 1 i My 30-Ag 29, 1902; S 12, 19; 0 10-31; N 14, 21; D 12, 19., Ja 16-Mr 6, 1903; 7: ‘ 20-D 18. Ja 2-15, 1904; F 26. _,: _ , _ _ V E 1 53.V Indegendent Democrat,. Neeltly ‘ ‘. Q A » O 1, 1842; 15, 22; N 5-Ja 14.—1843;'28;_F 11-Mr 11; 25-Je 17; J1 1, 15-29; _ j Ag 12-N 18; D·2, 16-Ja 6, 1844; 20-F 24; Mr 9-Ap 27; My 25; Je 8, 29; Jl 6. i 20, 27;·Ag 7-21; N 13-D 11. . * _ ’ " - } ;§ - 9 - i MDAH Newspaper Checklist (5%_5g) A CANTON (continued) 1 54. Eadisopiggpnty Herald Weekly - U { - ` E Mr 19-D 3, 1915; 17, 31. Ja 14-F 11, 1916; 25-My 5; 19; Je 2-H 10; 24-Hr 9, = 1917; 23-0 12; 26-N 9; 30-D 21. Ja 4-F 8, 1918, Ap 18, 1919; My 9-J1 4; 25-Ag ; . 15; S 5-N 7; 28-D 19. Ja 2-16, 1920; F 6-27; Mr 19; Ap 2-Je 25; J1 16; Ag 13; A 0 8, 29-N 19; D 3, 10, 31-Ag 5, 1921; 26-D 16; 30-J1 6, 1923; 20-Ag 5; 17-S 7; __;_» 21-N 7, 1924;21-N 27,N1925. Ja 1-F 26, 1926;