xt7sqv3c2q8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c2q8q/data/mets.xml Iowa Iowa Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1938 iv, 69 l.; 28 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.3/no.14 books English Des Moines, Iowa: Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Iowa Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of the Treasury -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- Iowa -- Catalogs Iowa history sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series III, Department of the Treasury. no. 14. Iowa text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series III, Department of the Treasury. no. 14. Iowa 1938 1938 2019 true xt7sqv3c2q8q section xt7sqv3c2q8q , ,, ' [,0 UNIVERSITYOFKENTUCKV ‘ C 2 ,"’V' ’1 fig, 7 ' l, w //,e 3 DHES HEE‘HHS K 7/- 9 "5 ' €3.31":EE‘l‘fi-‘Zr-Li . '* rar- 8v.- . ~- -~ nil-1m swim {35* I51)“ " fifiiiggii; - - 2- v.»._,.~, —,l.'. ...:'-_ N {a . .- " 1" EN THE, aIftIi’ia .,, .2 .s .- .-_ 1 ~; . 1r 9...; 3. ‘E is “.935. ii :3. i: 13...: 3. 1-3.3» tr, :5”: .;- a If 51% gr, ,, e. “a: V...“ 5 ~. .. ‘ ~ .5 V...” 9 ‘4“ if“, 2 ____ x---_. I 1 , ”if . .2. . » .- - , ‘ -: ~ .. W” ~ 1.5 2' “3“?!‘2‘3'1’5‘."'1 ->:’r.:.::1‘19:11:; WT") 17f“):» Lu '31)), fig.” 31:10 Anna-51>” ‘1 lb?“ \**f-,§V’§ , . » - . 1 , ’1 ‘ ’ , . . 1 A 1 9V Ivy/:31 . 1‘1 “1:111“: Raw 1; “_ 3 . , , . .' j: '1 . - 1 ‘ ‘ . 15):); 1);); g v - ' , 1 . , . ‘ 1111112" .21.: TV):- , ; ‘ 3.3m" . ' ("TL v a . ‘5» . ‘5 “it." ‘ 31“ ‘ . 1.1) ..1 T‘» .11, f ’ a: . . - 1.: : , 3M}; .. ' . . rg-E,‘ ,1 «5 "er. 11‘ ,’ 35. ' 1‘: I . . 1131‘ .. f- ' :33. . E , 1. .. . . it): , 1:3... ’ ‘5 11"?) ;. 1;; ' .1111 . I". .1111 .1112? 1.; we! .1; i“! E. s T“ 2 .. 1 rs a. li ‘ 1}"!‘15 .v. i'l'. . :~: 1‘91 9'..." E . y,“ _ '5’ 7:3 , “1'1!- .51 .‘Htré ‘. 5's :5 ‘ r rd. J). i ' ... > ,. :5.- i V ‘lxgit‘ ’. J. V (m . r'” 11‘. ' 3:1: i ‘.5_ _ 51-3 , ~E ' 1 l o w A 2. 1 E 1 c R A F T 1 1 l." a..." EPROJECT 1 . . 7" it ; 1 Des Memes, Iowa ‘ 3). i 1.16:1 .13 ’l 2 ; Works Progress “3.2.. . , E.“ 55' v Administratlon . i 1- ff" ' " ‘ ' =9 h ., . . 5 ' « .. - [£3,1- -. ' ».. ”74%)? .135. 4"7-1’} I. I; if" I” . I II~I;I:» 235.3,) “1": L‘s'a: 1;“:wyz, \; . . 1 »:‘ I .‘fi‘fi‘ I II a; 4.; 3 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ "~~ «, I f ,7 ' ; ; l‘I-I‘Iiz‘ I ‘15-. ' . >‘5I‘ ‘ ' " . ; I -’ . _' 47'1”,"1 . 5-1. I_ I'_ W'A~755,,III; NW" 7 , ‘ 5:1” ‘I’ I l , ‘ 'I ‘ " =57” “'- 95? LY .77 " ‘ >-- _ 23- J' - ’ . , ~ -'I I‘Az'gl’ 7.1; ; a. I r r 5 I, I H I 5:32: , ’ . _‘ ' ‘ ' ‘21-; -.‘7_”"I:<'::-. ..~~3.9:.-,~..I.I,«:~I_a~\4 , .I I I ' ‘ =1 . ,Iggl. _ ~ ' ' ‘ : * ' 1;; .‘ f"742'T1135_3:'I}I'.1;mt:.,,=:'19.», ., I. I, 5 ' ..7-5‘. L ’.~ I 5;,» I1: 1 I $236" , . - a: ‘ . :‘3‘ . 1 ' 5‘ '31 ‘ : "CE“! . a ., :1 III , ~ ff”: “ Iva: 6‘ a . _ ‘1 q . . I. , _ . ‘12:? i1“ 1:, LI :3: {‘4 '11: ,1 .z',’ ,; I,” . ~11" {I - m, .; {$1, . ' ‘ MC 3 ; 5‘. . . . J“) %‘. ' .-‘.. I' " ' "‘ ,2 ‘ ~I 5: . ‘ ‘ 1;; . I, "-33‘] 1‘12 I}‘Il 1351-. W1, I 1;.1' " 55‘. 1: E152", i“ ~’ '11:: .- . . :13; -_ 5' .~ . x321“: ' 11:" ' 51:35 ' ‘ 1522;" ' @125 "5“ ' E53?- “ "1'” “‘ Inf-I 2 . I: u x v ‘ 5’" ' “ a? 'A J -. I ! 5;: ‘~‘~':~'«: L; . :21 ,\ @5511, ' "' , g,“ ‘ aim 5 I I 1231! 1 I ' “ :15? .Hi $539; ' ‘95:} "F- 7313511 ‘ ‘3‘?“ 3 ' :526-{11‘ 2! f” ‘5‘ a ;‘ 11311»; ‘ 13,3; x ‘21:: I 1 '1'“? E ? $.35; 312-)" 1 “313“ I“. ' L‘ ‘37:“; E, F1535 7‘ 3‘ a: ' It; “I ' ' am ‘31: , ' - Iis‘él 5! E5. ~ «7331*- 71’5‘ ' I ~_139Itl ET 3, -‘ NEAR ii 615" __ _ gi‘IH .5322: . Y“ “I , 511532 k ‘ 11' ’52:? _ 15.3331. . . :-‘:~ 2.111 a; g: . g1} i1} ' V- : "L 71455.: I > , L t s!‘ ‘5‘): 1-13, ~ ‘3; :-;.I 1:11.- 29:; Is; I .‘5! .' 5v”! 17' 5; “>11 ‘ 3‘1 ~’ I: 3 :35? "11;? $11,? V2211 "H ‘ ‘ I" ‘39?" - ~ ‘1': 5: 2.. ~ 5,314! 4‘ .5 x m is; I ‘- :16; 1’12? as: ‘ ' +1151? . 3,; (A; 2'; If? , $21,; 11.1.) ‘2 ‘ - ' '5‘” 2‘5 ‘ » 5113-6 184‘ u: I .5 LR #1571 "I: "12211 26:13?» III, . -.::I:~.~‘ 35%;; » "~“; 2 *513:; 13%;}; :3" J . TI," 3,33 » .3? x ' ' r 114.; ' «$1 ‘ ~‘ 411" ‘79. . ,2 3' win” “5' 1911;. 31: :.~ I I ‘ 33; aI ‘ I? ”if: IIfib 't‘ r - '3'» ' ‘53“, “9??? if? 3'3. v.1; 7‘3 '3‘???“ 59.: ' ~' .;:- :5”, 1.2:; - ”H "”V ‘" ”' . 5-5:: '1‘». I I I w; . a} . I; I_IIII III; I_ ”55,! 5:23?» - I‘ I131 % 1"?"2‘ - In W » . 2 -\:""§ ‘3‘“ 1 -- ..K‘wx u- 1.. . ; I "“‘ “U", Ira}. 11:09:, . . 2-3;. V. '4 . I v “I; 511-11”, . .I . ,2 I; :- I, \. .I .I . "4; , 53.3.4 I 3 . » ‘r'J ’-“'! - s 3% 1 ‘ g5" “(1&1 r W - n :3") I I ~ 5 2:3 21165.1 ~~ v I 'II7;'>s'~J-u':-.'-;;I~' 11;?5'“ . ' {Ifig‘xfi IIw' ” '1’"; "I '7” , INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES ' ' in § _ . , :1. 1’4“” . . ,7 : i Prepared by 3 ~, (in - / fl . 3’. The Survey of Federal Archives 1‘ '1 i‘ . j ' Division of Women’s and Professional Projects " ‘ ' _; .v v Works Progress Administration f ‘ ‘ iii 3 1 V g . The National Archives .~ : ‘ " . is V Cooperating Sponsor ‘ fl . ~ SERIES III. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1.; , NO. 14. IOWA I v V ' l to; ; l . . .3; 3’5 _ . , p g ADVERNMENI PUBLICATIONS . I V ' .4: ;qu_le_ —v v '7 j , 33‘s ‘ E m VIAA; -. i .. ‘JMVER85 FY Oi“ KENTUCKY ‘ 5 LIBRARIES ; i . Des Moines, Iowa . i '1 '11.“; The Historical Records Survey ' g . y 5 .5; 1938 } ~ l 1 Lil " » . .‘a‘1y5‘9‘vfi, 'r l: “1%“ grit: "’5 ‘ ' '* ‘ C; it 91.13;“: ‘3}; ,. ’5 x f _ _ _ 1 W gisij The Historical Records Survey a ’ 3‘ ,, ‘ Luther H. Evans, National Director ” ' g 0. C. Sutherland, State Director ”1,; t ,_ _ , 79ij ‘1 g, .. , 31;»? $3.4 .le . it" 5 a} ”9‘ m“ 1 . 3' . ' ’ , ’ It ‘ gift" it. . hr: _ it}, 9‘11 ., :1 ' Division of Women's anti Professional Projects Etc". ’ Kiri Ellen S. Woodward, Assistant Administrator L Jessie L. Hanthorn, State Director 7' if“ 1‘ . .3 t . ‘52? 3:1; {SJ-i=1 " 12-1; ‘5,“ ":3! 3Q .513 , j k9 WCBKS PRC‘GRESS AIMINISTFATICN g 7‘7 Harry L. Hopkinst Administrator . .. . I George J. Keller, State Administrator ‘ ‘ " * ' :21; j' i V: iii-t" I - iii?" 1 i I: ; 51$?” ; 1 5 ¢ i ,,.'- ‘ 1 ",1; ,. , . 1 z " a ’ ‘ "ho-"#1 a (H v 1 . gt”: ‘vnw gnu w.¢,» ~~ 1.,v- ,r.w,- :SVVIMiEVjVTgffi u}, Q,J.gg~.77 f;;g,{f.ph ggxgwfi » 3 ' . ~ , . 1.1 , “ » 3 1i. PREFACE _ ' The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products fiffi ' of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which Operated as a nation~ “53 ‘ wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to 'ftfi 3 June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the .31 f Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation—wide project of the .':n 1 Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of flafi 1: ' that Administration. :41 5’ The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I _{;1 f consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, 3&1 3 and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal “Vi archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information iffi ; secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series num~ . ffll . ber being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Depart— .fifi ; ment of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within ' :fifi i each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and Ltd ; records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers con— ’§$ 1 tain the inventory prOper, separate numbers being assigned to each state f3? 5 in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama f§$ ; is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. .Yfm E For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of ism E . related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive _.fifi E. dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was 3LL$ { secured), general description of informational content, description of the 11% f system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and pur- 'T§%, ‘ pose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, ,ffi1 ‘ etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition “fi;% 3 of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or 1“fifif other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 588A g on Which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and ‘flifi1 .v from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in ,~E§i l The National Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda §:m§ 1; sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication “YE? Q1 of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." ‘§§$ ES In Iowa the work of the Survey was under the direction of Mr. Francis ' ‘gfifi ii E. Fitzgerald, regional director for Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska, with Mr. 5km? 3; E. H. Seibel as state supervisor in Iowa, from its inception until Decem— flgfifi {g her 6, 1936. From that time until June 30, 1937 Professor James L. Sellers {egg . directed the project and Mr. Seibel served as state Supervisor until August, Jig; . 1936 at which time he was succeeded by Mr. E. J. Kelly. From May 1, 1957 V§%1 1:3 until June 30, 1937 Mr. Claude H. Brown acted as state supervisor of the ~jjj a project. This inventory of the records of the Department of the Treasury .jfifiE 3 in Iowa was prepared in the Omaha, Nebraska office of the Survey under the ,yfiy ' direction of Mr. James B. Ritchie, Project Clerk, and.was edited before '3 fgt; . final typing by Dr. Erik Achorn of the Washington office. It is reproduced fffifi in mimeographed form through the facilities of the historical Records .Egfii , Survey. 'jfifii 33K . Lincoln, Nebraska Joseph c. Knibbs, State Supervisor 1:?1231 -. August 25, 1938 Survey of Federal Archives in Nebraska Iiéfifi » @9521 : . > . 317"” ,l I ‘ .v . , 1 ~ , 5 v - 3 » . r, .1 , ' "gt-v..- > ~- :1 , 3,1553,“ .1, - ‘ 1f»- ,h :5 {Wiv‘fifis ' €39 :3 _ CONTENTS fig Page figi ,5 ACCOUNTS AND DESPOITS, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER ‘ aft ~ * Des Moines, 1 ‘2 State Accounts OffiCe (Not surveyed). . . . . . . . . . . l ,3; 1: State Disbursing Office - c o c n n o o t o a a n t o o a l V ‘33:? ;: COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, OFFICE OF THE ”EU Des Moines, Office of National Bank: Examiner . . . . . . . . 4- j \ I ii i; CUSTOMS, BUREAU OR ;Efi{ If: , H {:32 l; Des Moines, Office of Collector. . . . . . , , , , , , _ , , 5 ,igfii ,1 Dubuque, Office of Deputy Collector. . . . . . . . . t . . . 20 _ ‘ Ca Pnblic Health Service Marine Hospital Records. . . . . . . . 23 .Jnii 1' ‘3‘ 4: INTERNAL REVENUE, BUREAU OF ' I??? f 'f ‘ _ ,2!le . ' Cedar Rapids, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of ”is; '3 Deputy Collector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 rffiég ' Council Bluffs, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of ‘3: ‘1'? Deputy Collector. U D , U Q C O C I I C D . C I Q C I C I 25 C Rig: (- Des Moines, 4%; ;j Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of Collector. . . . 26 gtgg Alcohol Tax Unit, Office of Investigator in Charge. .' . . 56 \ng Income Tax Unit, Office of Revenue Agent in Charge. . . . 58 if“ (in: Dubuque , ' “’45: ¥ Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of Deputy Collector 59 $3 ' Alcohol Tax Unit, Office of Investigator in Charge. . . . 59 ‘ 1:32: ‘ Mason City, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of ‘1'; Deputy Collector. . .> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 l % ff; ‘ Ottumwa, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of 3% Deputy 001190130 I‘. c o n I l O a 0 I c I o p I c p " n I I 6]- >J§§V lg . . Iifiéffii ' , ;. ' ~ . 29,5421} -- rhiéieli ;|.,:.-:,,.. ~ , c kaQ .lllh,lllll-.. ”at.” ,.w ll.,l.m -_,l ..’l,--.l.-_ ”.m-,. --.... “a w‘hfiE‘WVefi-“é a: Vfifiixfi’f‘ekfluu'fl‘r ,“f‘ ,.,, *. q”, éife’a,‘ I; ,‘ ‘. ‘_ ,‘c ' ,‘Wv: :5; , l:{whit—l,,-.V»\£‘k;«\y_, , ; rvce,,‘vc‘ ”‘6\W'M”Mj19""‘3w’“m‘:3:5f§‘ ‘ - . 3‘ 4! ‘ ’ :' ‘ - -f§§ ‘, :fiu \ ‘ '1 s . 172$! , (bontents continued) '5yg , 4;: , ~ AER ; Page 55 . . “r 4. ‘ . Sioux City, .%33 } Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of Deputy _§fi . Collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 ‘ ‘fli? . Alcohol Tax Unit, Office of Investigator in Charge . . . . 63 lgfifl xfit ‘ , 3px;}! r . . . .‘J Vq'a‘; 3 Waterloo, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of Ffifi ii , , p’H’ § Deputy Collector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 fiéfi b ' L$t , an: fifi$ NARCOTICS, BUREAU OF 3%? 3.33% I‘. , urn-£5. . , . , {SQ‘EE'H Des Moines, Office of Narcotic Agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Afifi 'wwu a ' PROCUREMENT DI VI SION , ».i%;55§§ g , ,u 4" ' If; '1 z . 5&3?” ; Des M01nes, ‘lgfi . , Architectural Engineering Division, Office of Construc— -5§§f '2 tion Engineer. g l o o o I I I a t c U I o I o u I I 0 I 65 ”if; g Office Of Custodian o I I I n I a I l c I I I I I I I q I I 65 Ta} 5 State Procurement Office. . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . 66 .fifigi I ,‘ £325 L M - _ufl§ ‘3 “i ;: 13fiéii '- ': £19121” fl ' @fifié . -twé 1 _:;.;. EAS‘t’IEQ ’ 2:152 ij’g L5 4:: f5 w! 5 *§2¢ fi -. 3} ii 1 »: 12:36" “I: C: ‘ ' ‘i ;1 -nfiggl - :5 H H ~i”i g _§”fl ” _ l,fi§fiv i', V I”: ‘ ‘ $13} {’43 ' 1i ’33"? . ‘%°fl . . 15,; if" . 1 U? . i“. “i 4 .- » 1% '1“; 2 ; i‘fifi .fi‘. £13.? 1%: ,2; . L ' ' nigh-3’1 ‘ ' ‘ : J'f-‘I'JEuxfl , “mi“, ‘ :1 , -, 1,, 51,4. hwvfis‘r gatinniffi as: m: - . . , .~,, in} Na}.‘t‘i‘f".“_ifr'w3§5’v wry-g . g 4355:;,,.»_-sgg.;n.§y¢;gugy.‘;;”singer; 3p. :4.» A, i, . .,, so .. .._ ,. ‘ 53.1””'”'.‘ ’ "W 4" . ’ ’ " ” "U M" ” """ 3 ' 3.32'24'**”,E4"§434" my!» its?” _ w ‘ : v 1' e f 1 " '~ " g; ._ 7"2-“443‘19yg-y-v;'->I;:‘f~“srs*:-If1:.;-I.'=’I~‘::-2S‘Wstm "MS I ' 4"? ‘ it" 5' _ 15.1]? . F 4.54:1 4!; 4 J64“: . ‘;,'%5,'51 T 43:: -. wig. % . ' Hf“, v ‘ 41.," fill“ . .. ' . 5:??? : v32 . 2154‘! I) V '23" I ' 925.211 :4 ' ‘ 253:4 ii i 42. ' 4F: I ~ 2:3, ~33. . , x ~. . n! :3 £511.33. - ”s33.“ ‘ 1 "fit .‘ z; . 'F’, 2 ,. )xi' "I ,~ skim . , l . z‘f $3.2?! :‘ . is? t E? % ...,. . . ’. . : “4-4.. :1 OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND DEPOSITS :1 M w. I' 1. 4 1.“???ka ' ‘t‘: '1 i ‘ , #25114. a: 14 ~:. 0‘. v » :l 321:2“ 4' .62.": . .4 ' 5W“: :2 ‘. 51 , :. use; i .r‘;'1:-‘ - 32w: . 3:; st»: $4 and: 5 I $5553“ 3* .. Eli-23% -. . ‘1 -,~;;:;Iid I ass-(E . « v...» ': .fieflfig _ It . I ring-u: 1 3. . :22‘3 . 1: 4’3‘ * '1' :1??? i. ‘. . .ru. 1. 's: 4.2“? E . > r $5 '1 . 43:51, 1. , p...“ , .325 E 23%; I 1 g 4‘ 1534* 3 ‘5 ' “ £9414! 5;»?! ‘ ii :2:2% "17:3” u . 535“. . l: "v, ‘ . ~ ’1': ~ ‘ 455% ' E I 4% {A}: ‘z I" 3% _ ans; 3 4 sis 3 g' s Iv ‘ >313: 9% We 1.111 3.5:? vs- 4%“ ‘63 O p" .4‘,‘ :4? #17393 4 £54.} $3} 3.2? . ‘jc. 337355.523. » . 235,? “13;, Is" 315'. I»: a.“ it; ~ u. , «3M > ,3 is. 4.31,}- ,v;'.', 31% i it? 5.13:, , :2 'ih‘gs .".< ‘ (EAL; .. .24 . 2,313.5, .1 ‘r {‘53. . . 9.; 143 £34} . .i.‘ '1 ‘ ; - undid . 323 3.; 143‘s" a: 263135": 4 ’V’fiz‘ ‘4 f; 31% V ‘» “'1‘.” I.- ‘ » s a 1 . rsgéi'igrvs I‘ assassifié 77x15? ‘ ‘ . “)2‘4'24411 .. '2-1,’ 1'32: “45"“:"22- .‘1 /.‘I’3g:_+é;55;_,, '0. .. ., , - . . .. :"ugivzniiw’t‘ '_ = HI smfififi’fifitfim East: -=. -: _ , » . 355"?" Ewe“ W“ tar *'" V.“ 7f“ *7 ff‘“”””””i; 5:. 9:3 _ , , , p v o I . - _ 1 .1 - .. ~ , %;.;;a; I ' * ' 1 Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Des Moines 2 7. APPROPRIATION SYMBOLS FOR WPA, July 1, 19:35 to date. Form A—6, 1 covering all payrolls, encumbrances, and requisitions for purchases. § '2 Arranged numerically. (Daily, official.) 9:} x 11% folders, 15 ft., "Ii in 8 steel filing case drawers. R. 500. (1320) ‘ 2% 1 8. TABULATING MACHINE CARDS, RETIRED, July 15, 19:35 to date. Limi— i ‘ tation balances, payroll routing cards, appropriation allocations, daily 3 ; summary cards, ten-day allotments, and balance forward cards. Arranged , Es : by subject. (Daily, official.) 4 x 8%; cards, 88 ft. 4 in., in 45 steel 3 filing case drawers. R. 500. (1321) ' ii i: s 9. PUBLIC VOUCHERS, July 1, 1935 to date, Form 1034-41., for services 323% ‘ other than personal. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9:;- x 11% 5.. 3 - folders, 16 ft., in 8 steel filing case drawers. R. 500, vault. (1.31.3) . 10. CHECK COPIES, July 1935 to date. Triplicate copy of all checks § ‘7‘}, issued. Arranged numerically. (Daily, official.) 8,]; x 1633'- loose leaf 5%?) books, 34 ft., on shelves in steel vault. E. room, 7th floor. (1300) ii I :. “x?" M ,§ 11. SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENTS, July 1935. List of vouchers paid. if? it Arranged numerically and chronologically. (Semi—weekly, official.) 8%; x 1‘ is: 11 loose leaf books, 12 ft., in 6 filing case drawers in vault. E. room, {as}! :33; 7th floor. (1302) g: ' 12. ACCOUNT CURRENT, July 1935 to date. Record of all payments and ii " receipts. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 11 x 16 loose 3" ‘ leaf books, 1 in., kept on shelf in vault. E. room, 7th floor. (1303) 3%! it 3; if“ I. 13. BANK STATEMENTS, July 1935 to date. From the Federal Reserve . g Bank, showing the debits and credits of accounts. Filed chronologically. .1; ;_ (Daily, official.) 813- x 16;}; loose leaf books, 1 ft., on open shelf in 11 . vault. E. room, 7th floor. (1305) 3‘: '3, 14. MISCELLANEOUS VOUCHERS, RETIRED, July 1, 19:55 to date. Daily . - "g summary of vouchers, encumbrances, trust funds, journal vouchers, encum— ' brance vouchers, and daily summary of allotments. Filed alphabetically. Kai? :- (Daily, official.) ll-i; x 1'7 loose leaf books (8), 3 ft. 3 in., on open i : wooden shelf. R. 500, vault. (1194) i 1? 15. MISCELLANEOUS VOUCHERS, July 1, 1935 to date. Daily summary of “i1 if vouchers, encumbrances, trust funds, journal vouchers, encumbrance vouchers: H, 1‘; daily summary of allotments: daily report of allotment balances for June 5 1935; and old allotments of WPA projects. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, 1‘ official.) 11% x 17 loose leaf books (13), 5 ft. 4 in., on open wooden tugi , shelf. R. 500', vault. (1195') *1: :2; .1 ' 16. ABSTRACT OF ALLO'I‘MENT LEDGER SEEEIS FOR WORK PROJECTS, July 1, " '3' ' 1935 to date. WPA abstract of allotment ledger sheets, one folder for " each official project. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 11-;- x I 16;; folders. 18 ft., in 9 wooden boxes. R. 500. (1196) a i 1 . ’ v. A , U1 , \w ' r . ~ L aft-a1 i.‘~s‘r"d“m’ ‘ ‘ _ ”.23”, is WWW W1"”*”“” ‘1 . '”* 1i , ’1‘! .4 R 59,54: .2 i3 . .. . ,1 .» ., >1» 1 _ . x . .1 ' .1, ,. . . , y :7 .1 i ,x :1 \I , Z -,' ., - .x-;' ,..\ go: .- "1 tjnlgrgfi‘a ,- ' , , ‘ 21 ,1; , 1 if, 1 13 Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Des Moines 3 ,1§1 -: 1 ‘35; I: : #9111 17. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, July 1, 1935 to date. Forms Ar4 and D—53, gfififi for expenses, purchases, and travel, with payroll routing slips, giving 1f§§1 amount liquidated. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 4 x 9% ”(#31 1 folders, 33 ft, 10 in., in 28 wooden filing case drawers. R. 500, vault. ‘fiffi ; (1197) :31 5 18. TABULATING MACHINE CARDS OF WPA RECORDS, July 15, 1935 to date. *4 ” Of paid encumbrances and vouchers, unliquidated encumbrances still out— ipfifi 1 standing, permanent file for authorization, allotments. authorization Egg 1 *ledger file, resettlement loans, official projects, descriptions, Presi— :fifih dent's letter file, objective class summaries, telegraphic reports, type .fgfl ‘ of work summaries and daily allotment balances. Arranged by subject. ;§§Q 1% (Daily, official.) 4% x 8% cards, 112 ft. 1 in., in 80 steel filing case _{;§1 '3 drawers. R. 500. (734) ~;§€ ~25 ' “‘5 ; $11 ' 1723:??? 19. , BULLETINS, July 1935 to date. Also pamphlets, issued for instruc— g1 tion. Arranged numerically and Subjectively. (Daily, official.) 8;; x '1 :1" $1 11 folders and loose leaf books, 3 ft. 2 in., in metal filing case draWer. pufifif 1?; E. room, 7th floor. (1301) 1 13 . lfit' ‘11, ' f‘fi' 'in 5 1 . .21 1 ’ 5 1 , £1231 1‘11 :1 ' 11. 11' I5 51%? ,1: 1 5:5 ‘ 1 135531115 :71 .1 1”, 5 .521 :1 1: '-35T§ ~ '3311 : . y;:3:“1‘1“ 1.1 ‘ 311 3: 1 95:»; 111:5 ‘5 15555 1 _ {.111 31’ ‘ V ‘1' 51 >1 , ,1s31 ’35 , 513313.35 :5 ‘ i 23 1 ‘ l‘5-1f1j1 11 2,; . , ‘ ._, ,1 5'1," 3:2):._’7__'-L'_£':_i* (51‘351WQ'1555, um , - v- 1 . -, . _, if -:_,..,,;-.,1:;:.§3911j<' ‘1‘ .imawiéi 311‘ awfmvs 1 : 1. . 1 ~ «Elisa L- ‘vffffffb‘; ,. J3,- -J.‘ ». _ mg: F my ’9 may; ,9; Etna, v, 3.1.3:», -, m»... .- 1., "“* '1“ __",.’"“'“’ g "1 “ "’ ” ,. ' ' ‘ " ’ " ' "WW" ' "W" 1...... V T" M T V V ‘7 I 7 a? . 9 . . - ,. .. ' .- ; J»; «@9.%“'% ‘qu $9.2 :{f‘T-al " *‘ HUT“ PETEE‘VfFi‘Tl‘TT‘T' .: ’{Tt*Lj",€T.-'*3"r"‘1: {TIT "6.195371 ‘ .‘JTFfst’i-JéF?’?Z~‘??L®ib«3’fii‘éi‘fié‘fifiiwfit'L‘Eiifi'9‘735‘ifi-fi’i 11* '3’?'.3£‘f1w'5~§§‘55§§5£t mfgmggfm; :» , ,_ ,, .m . ,' . f ,- .J I 9 J, . _ . , ”.7 . ,. , . J. . [I . . . .J» my. ;:J,J ».; . ,v. .;; .,-I . . . » ,: ‘ .T .1 :J .K,_.,v _.,.,g.,iv»y9‘l../ .-J.._~f:J:._., adult” x~ba.g$.g‘.:i"s:~ NV." ,1} H i . ' ' ‘ ~ ‘ ' - ' L - »' ‘ . ' " . ' - "£25.51. T ~. 5"1’”3"1"T'-"\..‘-i )’ H»; , ' 'H'A 3' . l x i: ' , , .5 33.‘ ‘J‘ J1: ,9:- , ‘1 “ £5 5 ‘ . ’H‘ib 5%.. i, - * 1-»: , 'r" . ‘ . .19 :5‘ r ' 't' :- ‘ \ ’ 3 iii: . 39): 1‘er. 1 3" 3,9... : - m: ”A? ,‘ sJ WT . :1? 2‘. i. ' (,4. . :J; 2 . 4” u ,, _ “'4‘“??? ) Q . 17.1.29“ . 9' ‘ . if?!" 2.9 .»; 7» J 19.8,. J . ., it} 3;; .1. . . J L< .~ ‘ we; 1”,; 239.1 {1' ‘l 1'. “'1‘?ka we, .Ti : ’ if ., l', 29°13: I .1511.- :1 .2 19-14: 9' 79 2.333? -'-<' ,1 , it,“ w , J .J.....§ J .4. ’2' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY . "is. 39 J, W » 4"“: !' “ t —————-—-———_____.._.__..____.____________ u; . 1,9- i. H.331 21 111.} ".‘ . . . é. . J .y . ,. 3‘11 . 1,82'" gab g‘ {.9 s. ._ . , a, . '9; - 9i :3 1:23. I: {:3 . I: " 9 :33? $33: #5. f ”[71:53; I _-._x. '1‘: I «y, .l' ‘ " 9.‘ 9i 8% .5; . .J. , _. 1,, 31"“. {I} 1.; . ‘1‘ it»; = 9:91,»: :1. , ,5:t;2>.- 1i. ‘1 «:99: g. 51F: ' at “ w j} “25’. ~33; “I 7,259.1}: sf , rig-.1 s ,: A? .‘f'w’ .9 ,3 n 1,381 ,. 331' - ,J! 1; :9 A : I": 3 & ;T'11‘ “ 9&1; “ :25": 1 '1‘ f9 . n. ”1:,“ ’9; £333; 13:; "'3‘: t-f ‘ If? . 5 :5“: :‘s‘ ., ,1. Hr 9,. .1 ‘3 :2, .' )1 ’ 39f»; ’ <2 9 5’th 3* I ' "3.G'w~‘§;-'-} 9 9 . T ’3; fix. 3 - 1‘71‘3 iii *2? .9 s 4;, J9 g: ’53 f ate-b: it, ." a C‘"; 1‘ 3T3 ' "33“" “3313' ‘ a; .‘3, 1T1 in} .1; 4-: t 99,9, .9 9 his €2.21» 4 'T {52% :5 u 41:31} .2733. T, 131;! y . " - 111,591: ~ 1» 39,. 41.1, A “91 .9 . a (4)1219?" . .11 _ ,»: at: g; 1?: $3161} ,, , 'u'.;:. , ape; . ~' i V at}: ’55"; ‘3“ . J9. £19? ’9‘. ,l'u' w. ant-um» Us I. .f, . 191,1: '59 x .w W}: Jr; ,4 L31 1- ‘l'f ifiizfi‘. 7". a 1’; :12, g _ i 9 23,335.99} T ‘erglis'llf 3'"! J— - ' V . ‘IT‘TZM 81:5, )1“. 2 .‘ . . ‘3 9'19 11-59: . ‘ : {,9 ‘ . r . - J -J IWEY’I";,'|‘§:M.:I . , . 199131;“3-{g-‘8n 3...: 173'} . . _ , , ,V J J 1:, ,.;.J...¢,;Z;.;u;- ' , . > :r "5:5'7‘9a‘;‘;vw:‘i¥.‘fi.e $.91 -_: . .’ . . - ,- >~‘."’<~.'~"’ ‘ ‘~'ua»:\'.'~‘~--i?"v."".‘5"? 31“? . . , a 5" 4.31 A; 9"? Exam: '. 94.9%) "Lie-.3.) 721;! "“ ,r . . . . T 9 . Tit-um} ‘5": .fiai:::';lnfln§ " g » ‘ , hERv . . 35‘ a 4 a” , ,.§§f ’ an“ ':7 ‘ ' 5 A OEEICE OE THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY .35 5 5 A Efifi {5. A)? i '35 » “a” M . '98? [)5- DES MOINES », 3:53. —__-‘ g 5 E I OFFICE OF NATIONAL BATIK EXAMINER {.5 g . United States Court House 101 E. Walnut St, .*§§ . i This office was established in 1929. Quarters were secured in the 3%? g present location. There has been no administrative change. The juris— 'ififi '§ diction of this Office coVers the State of Iowa only. Copies of ex: éfifi 3} amination reports are sent to the National Bank Examiner for the seventh -fi§@ if Federal Reserve District, Chicago, Illinois, and to Washington, D. 0., Efi5$ (j semi—yearly. Copies are filed. Egg A 35555 i; 20. CORRESPONDENCE, 1930 to date. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 sheets, §§%5 f 2 ft. 3 in., in wooden filing case drawer. R. 309. (1190) ’ ”$53 1 111:: it]. * Tfitd 21. REPORTS, 1935 to date. On examinations Of national banks, with 3 d supporting information, such as adding machine lists, proof of accounts figfif ,{ and ledger accounts, arranged by name of bank; part of the papers which 3555 3 support the examiner's report are filed in a separate system and reported ffifif in serial number 239. (Weekly, official.) 6 x 10 envelopes, 9;; x 14%;; [i folders, 2 ft. 3 in., in 3 wooden filing case drawers. R. 309. (238) -fifi¥f ‘75 .- if“). 9 [ 22. REPORT, LOANS, 1935 to date. On loans made by banks. (Weekly, 3: E official.) 6 x 10 bundles, 3 ft. 5 in., in 4 wooden filing case drawers. 4555 R. 309. (237, 239) . f; 23. RECORD OF CLOSED BANKS, 1930 to date. Name, city, address of bank, gfitfl g state in which bank is located, date it closed, reason for closing, and 'Efid5 . g amount of money on hand when bank was closed. (Rarely, Official.) 9% x fififiF g' 14% folders, 3 fto 2 in., in wooden filing case drawer. R. 309. (1191) ,égfif A? ‘RTRE )fi . 24. REPORTS, 1935 to date. On examinations of banks under the Federal ”fiéfi ;g Reserve System. (Originals sent to Washington). Filed alphabetically. gfiyg 3i (Weekly, official.) 9% x 14% folders, 1 ft. 9 in., in wooden filing case V%§%% drawer. R. 309. (1192) 3‘ F Assdd 25. REPORT FILE FOUNDATION, 1936 to date. Adding machine lists, proof 5% E of accounts, and ledgers, containing the basic information upon which seri~ ljffig 15 al report 1192 is made. (Rarely, official.) 5 x 11 envelopes, 1 ft. 8 in., ffiqgfi fi in wooden filing case.drawer. R. 309. (236) 5}j%§ 5 A ‘ -3 ER 5 ' 5 "I ' 51*}[5‘3-55; " 2~A£c2§fmc i. .~.;f . . 7, _ 55 ::- 2'. mm. .. . . , _1 7,... 1-3.“:- ,-1.,,- W...-2‘m- “my, , n. .. ,.. . ..,,,, ,1 ..; .,,._ .. . . . . .,. . - , ,- . ,. Vi,i"‘%@$f%’¥3‘$kfinrn11%;. ‘ 'M " "11?. - .1" '41 A afiis‘dfifigfiqfi 1‘.‘ «.1, x-'»I.. -:~'~T‘xs2.~::'1¥1"flr~.1 _,1,J"} 14?? +89} 5T»? ' "1‘5; mar zm- 1 . '— . . .. m, .. . '1: a“ + - ~. , :11 ,- .1 . w. 2—H” rm..- ...,. um... Ff 1 1 w. 11%; ’11” .1, - 1' *W*~‘ ".‘RFF , 11 lme' f 1 ~ 1 1. - . 1 . , 1. 11.3.: ‘1 1.1 - 1 .‘ ' , ‘ 1 1 - 1 ,‘g 1: ' ‘ ~ . ' 1:." ‘ - 1, ,L a. .. .‘ l-‘ '1 ."1 '.1 “ 312;" .1 115F311.".1‘;~'x-‘ '. -- 1." 11.5; 31' . ), , .1 1,- '1" . ’ ' . ’ 1 '1 1 ' 1 - . 1' ‘ - 1 ' -. 1 1 ' ' 1, '1 5 , ~ - , ,1 1 .« 1uni-r11".11";1:.":w%rj? , . . ,. , 11117-21141, 1 . {...»1~~.-. V - . :-“ ”12",3' 3 - J!» :31: F :1 1:" 1r 1. . 51.1. 1" , L - 7,211}: I 1 315-;31, 3’“, ' $13.31.». 1 «“13? 1‘, 1 1 - “47‘1”, " I 1 '1',.An1 I .1 9 3,1. ' 4’51? ‘31: "'i“ . ' 1'" ”13.3 ' ‘. ‘1 ..;l1 _1 .. $5.,» .‘. ' “W ‘1 ‘3 iyi‘ ':"~ , *- '.;-'» 1 . 11 I 1 . 1.311311. 1 £1 ; '1“. 1:; Vin 2;,” ”.1! 1 , 1 ‘1-'.:;=.'1 112‘} , 3. 3:13 1.1 .1~'"'1<.‘31 1. ' 1‘1"?” ’ 1 .1 1:, 1‘1‘1 My.) .11 1.: ,1”... 1 '3' .1;st1 "31. 11‘ ,» ,, .1: ‘ ”E .1213 F (1.1.; 1 1, . 1.31:»..11 ' ‘3 11 1, 1 :1 5.3“ r 1. *3 \ 54:; f1" 1 71.11111. . f;,1 r. I , 1.5 . _ _:,,_11;~ V? .. 1 :1. . ..: .1 » . 1 1+ .1. M: ‘.:.:c. -. é“ 1; 11.21111: :5 g; 1.. ..; ,1. ‘1 , ._..,., ”.151 1‘ ,+' 1111121 1.1. BUREAU OF CUSTOMS .1; 1.1. 3 _.____._._.______ ‘31s“ ‘1 1 011.33 -.;: ,3 55 1 1%,; .ii. .21“ ' :11". ' ‘, .5; 1-" 1:511:13 i- . . 1:. 1:. 13%. V? . 5‘33 1:51.? e1.mv;1,§1 2"" ' 3 11. 411? .:-.‘= 11:1; .3711? ' 33: 371'“??? “‘1' 931133.11; 1 1: L-- 1; ”‘7‘. » 4.1131311 11:2 1‘ ‘4‘: 4311:!1} 1‘ ,5. 11 J1 .t L ‘13.": .1 12‘ "-2.1. ,".'1 3!; 9‘75} [‘5 :' .H‘. (1171. “15' @511. ”1;? {M 21331;??? x ‘14; 72.11%? 1:11. - 1 fir.“ ”f :1 .41" - - ":1“ :. .1 11"»? - .‘ :1” $55: 13 11M -.:<.-'1'~-‘" .311," 1:11? . . ‘5'1 1."! ‘7‘. $315 [11:53 . "3!” V1, .-,w -1* 7-1 151:. 1 :1:- ‘ ' i1? 1 511 .,1_ 49111151‘.‘ ‘ 1;: 6+3. '13 2. 32$ 1 2'23" 3" "31. "‘2 ”El; . :11 fig; 3.1.3?" ‘ 1'» ' :L‘”1“1i- .11.? i 15.. ‘35 11:51? In $1 1;"; "H1 f1? 2:1 1.13": W 1': 3.1, ‘41: ,.1, m. ”33‘ ”1151’ «112’. N, a! .5» 1 ,. «fl. -1 1‘ ,«1 - _ . 1 , .5‘1‘ WW1‘3I3'3 } 35.; j ‘1 11." 1* MK: 31 g 7“?" 3'11? 1?: X ‘5‘. :1“ II I1?» . 1f}; 1;}, :1. 1 . . 1‘- "5': ‘. .1,:1_:1.;,. 11.3 .11.». 1:11! 1.1. .3 111.1111; a “'5'; V5?" 1', i .1211. ‘» '.1"‘L. 3' 3' 1 .r. - 1‘: 11.11111 2, .';1~;.§;1»"1- 3 “y, ‘ .111 7.1.3}. 21.1- *1 .s1 {;.»;1:, 1 "'3' 141 ' .1; . n”, i‘ , ‘ “9,13% 1.11 ,2 235"”1 1 a! V . . .“‘$.1P...1,_' 1 1,; ‘ i311 . ' " ‘2". I: 1‘ 1’ 11“. . 11-2" .1, .." 'n‘ - . .1 "J. '1 ‘ I it}, ' .“1 {1’- . 3 " . 1.1., 1 »‘ ‘t'i- ; .1'4 V 1 ' . , 33:. I" 1, j , 1‘1 L w ‘ '1. 1 . . . ,1. -._‘- fir» . 1 1, 1.14 51,91;- . 3 ...,,-.§;tr.1‘;.»;g.=‘.1-1 .i 1 ,1 :1 ' 1..11.1:,:.:~11.-1:M:-‘ w“ :3 "-~71"*'.;~; $1.12} ":13." , ,. ‘ . ,.: :‘D,B$".