xt7sqv3c2t41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c2t41/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-04-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 1984 1984 1984-04-04 2020 true xt7sqv3c2t41 section xt7sqv3c2t41  

Vol. LXXXVI. No. 144



Established l894

University of Kentucky Lexington Kentucky


Six students vie for
top SGA positions
in two-day election

lh N'l Iil’ll \\ll‘. \\ \I I \l'IR
\e‘.\s [Clitltrt'

\\hr-rr voter‘s go 'he Student
t.o\errrrncrrt \ssocmtron polls today
.rrrd [itllllll‘l‘im the} mil have more
'op candidates ro t'hlmse from than
'he\ have in previous \ear‘s
\ total or \r\ \lll'lt‘llls .ir'e runnrng

the run \rt-cpresidential post
\rt'e president and
president tittil
the Senate this



'l‘tlr‘ \t‘llllll
t\t‘( {J' \t‘
.u'r‘t- r'sidlrllslreil tr‘v


ltrrrrrtrrrg ior' serrror' .trrr: eterrrtm-
we: itr‘esrdem orr pr'esrderrtrai (.tndr
Lorri ltrsrc s ticker \farr

\ fristorj. and poirtrmr science se
Huh ill 1n
Urneriwrt tit \(l.\ to his ticket He
'ht- studen' st‘l‘vti‘t's

seini'rrt‘ .t

l ‘
ni't‘ ii!"

3.”! Yl'iffis f!‘.t' ‘,t‘ril\


scr'\ ed

trrt.'ri'.tl «Wilhttiittww .is
:~ tr ' Hitt‘i' ”I!

,: '.\ . , \ertnw'r-r's

rrirlcr‘stantirng rrr
.g“ wrrrc'nrrrg .rv

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Hon » t’\'}R'l'lt‘: ..

l.\:.ttll" l’ihiliirhc’ lll I

',;~ \rrlrfilrfzflift‘ 1031!

inmworss 1‘ pr't-srrtt-r.‘ o.

lii'trtlffir ans .rrrti torrzwr

2:1,; wir'wr: -..

‘\ blur li ‘.

gin-ks tr..-

"r‘s ’lt‘llt 0‘ Mal,



lthrrrk‘ it s His} to tiltrilhti" silt
derrts‘ Srrrrtlr tees 1 car.

'l‘hc candidates running tor
txio \lt‘t‘ pr‘esrderrtra.‘ spots
pr‘esrdentrrrt candidate hear. iir'rrrrrr;
.rr'e l£_\t‘rrl] \Ioorearrd \lj.r‘ai ollrns

\Ioor‘e. .t biologi rumor is inter
llr lllr‘ Uliit't' \r'trtlrl‘ \li’t'
president He is ctirrcrrtrt presrderr'
ot Kll‘\tfilll 'l‘om-r‘

\loor'es ttrUrlH'trmrll '.\r'l
or: 'he .\ttrdcr:'~ lmH-d plat
fwr'rr, rs the idea .,3 tr'eatzrrg it res:
rlt't'rt'i' hall senator l tee-l
l‘\ll't‘lllt'l:v kt‘m‘AIc-tigirtrar or ‘he
goings on it. the t‘t-slrlt'rtt'e :,.r..
the tines and
dents needs dllllt"lllit‘l'f.s

I? will help

t'arrnnus 'lr studerz'

Milli l

\& rtfr

i'sll‘tl «r:

the is


r'cgrnritrons wt

in lzrtiw ‘tro-

51'”. t‘l‘lllin‘l.


\l‘NIIt' lld\ tits! \‘wH‘nwi A. ’7

”l 'irt‘ ”It ht" \ tit .i'l' {Irr‘ \\ J‘s

1‘ 'lrw tit-m1 nus-r. .i!.n! I‘Vvuw

turrrzsror ~trr41‘. :. “
\r- "

film. .it‘.:‘

. L'.
“in”: \"
' . rt'



l Polling hours and locations for SGA elections

today and tomorrow


Anderson Hell
Ag-Science North
Classroom Building
Commerce Building
Law School

Med Center

M.l. King Library
Student Center


Cafeteria: flinch):

Catetories (dimer):



10 a.m.-2 p.m.

9:30 a.m.-1:w p.m.
9 e.m.- 3 p.m

9 a.m. - 3 p.m
Noon » 2 p.m.

8:!) a.m.-12:1) p.m.
1&30 e.m.-8 p.m.
1&30 e.rn4 p.m.

10 a.m.-Noon

5 p.m.-7 p.m.

11 a.m.-1 p.m.

11 a.m.-1 p.m.
11:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m.
$15 p.m.-6:15 p.m.
4:15 p.m.6:15 p.m.
4:3 p.m.-Ozu p.m.
4:30 p.m.‘fio p.m.

Engineering majors
Agriculture majors
Full-time students
B&E students
Hedth students'
All students

LTI students
Full-time students
Full-time students
FulHimo students
Full-time students
Fill-time students
Fullm'me students
Fell-time students
FulHime students
Full-time students
Full-time students

Part-time main campus students must vote at
M.l. King Library

Validated LB. and activity card required to vote

‘ Albert-elm. mm,W,Nm-\dmv studentsontv




l‘uture Wildcat

\ r

1,? r" 1
.I ziigf:

Creason lecture it


s‘. j' ..


.l-Ii {Wu-w?

Kerr Lit PM



Price of winning

Myth exists that the more a top sports team reins, the more mom

lh | UN“ 'I‘lltl\ll’.\'1|\

lit-p rr’fcr

[K s dr‘ru- tor the .\'i‘.\.\ title
may rune tit/led first ueek'end. but
the basketball and football seasons
concluded urth better‘vthanaverage
seasons this _\ear‘

“ms for these top college sports.
houevcr. do not necessaril) mean
more contributions to l‘K. according
to Terry Moble}. director of the (it
free of Development

The office is responsible for solrcs
rtrng and processing contributions or
grits to l'K from the private sector.
\tthll includes indrvrduals. corpora
trons. toundatrons. associations and
other organizations

The football team's won-lost re-
cord deteriorated from a peak lot
in 1977 to a wrnless (Ho-t in 1982 In
contrast. public contributions steadi-
ly increased each year. tripling
from $3 1 million in 1977 to $9 3 mil-
hon in 1983

Although the football team went to
a bowl game in late 1983. Mobley
does not expect an abnormal in-
crease in contributions in 1984 be
cause of the Winning season

Mobley said athletic teams that
win make the potential contributor's
attitude more positive toward giving
money to the University. but so do
other events such as art exhibits.

guest lecturers and mum“: ri'tlt‘rt'ms

\thrch expose the lr;;\ct'srf'.
potent ml contributors

' It you can get people or; campus
tor .tll} itL‘llYll} .It‘dtlt‘lllti‘ or .rtlrrct
rc ' \loblei sard "it creates .l\\.ilt‘
ness and serves as .r reminder that
it is not cheap toeduc.rte

If the kc} “ord rs exposure, the
PRU. basketball game probalrl}
received much more exposure than
the Armand llarnmer .rr‘t exhrbrt
The dollars generated by each, firm
ever. cannot be counted separatcli
Mobley said lirkexirs‘e. the motives
behind each donor cannot be deter

“hat a successful athletic pro
gram does generate is demand for
tickets. according to Frank Ham.
assrstant athletic director (late rec
eipts. he said. account for most of
the funds for “('5 athletic program.
the state's only seltsupported pro-
gram Consequently no funds need
to be taken from academic pro-
grams to support athletic programs,
making the ['niversrty less depen-
dent on public contributions

Winning teams also create extra
revenue paid by TV networks to ('1':
for their game coverage and b)
post-season championships in which
successful teams play

Because at (K. ticket demand ex-
ceeds supply. sellouts make it possi-

.4thletic performance -. x.
:l lunmi contrihutrt m ..
in mil/[om








Footbdl goes «airless
















Independent u ,. «’vi‘1rs-3'Y” AL": A

(andidates for
~\&\ senator
meet in debate



Who reveals obsem :ti‘ions of Dmitri»;

Hall of Fame Bowl

Football goes to




79 80




ble to charge premrum prices 'or tfn- 'l'tllii'ldl‘
preferred seats in the form of a tin tin» ‘r‘rorrw\ {We .
nation ‘ from $25 to as much .is 821: \M m I‘m-u

per seat in addition to the rcguur' gram l--r k
season ticket cost The bigger starts .. .

..,. “A
.tif‘m'lw ~

0&th e r .ri't:


mh .l'wl

srii‘l‘<'l' 1‘?"

in! rhi-

-. r1*.:’f‘.’/’..’(r'c'(/ it) Nit ( ’



l\\l H“

l k

m norm-t . .



lii‘ k
risen and

chance tor

gran. .e : . ' \.. , <. “CNS".
.« :r' II rhundc'stt‘rr'ts
to upper

be \lt‘llkh and mot


n l ‘i A .
t ‘ _\_ r.» .\ . ... ,W it‘ld
lln‘ ilrtit“

r i'ror: 'v "r \ .> .t

‘ l ‘ \crr chance 0' show

r\is’s 'i' iirt‘t 2‘. 2i " ‘ . . L. w t‘tc “Pix" 10‘
r . r
.i‘._\ lt'~~ Lt'Li'HI-n ’

t\ “iter‘ rls Haw. ‘\ .-~..





2 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Wednesday, April 4, 1984



hi ~Ht i \\ llliI\i \~ ,; ' .(‘ ii iii‘iiiitiiii- philaii
\‘.1 ' i\‘ ‘i,’ ' i 'c . i\ Afm'kfi l‘.i\l \\lli
mil 1 l\l' \ lll \lllill h‘ ‘ i ,x _' ' 'la\i liiii'".i'1p.ilr‘i‘i
\ A, ,. - ' , t. iix'a’ i.\llt‘I: illil'u'!~
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RE[)I (‘it‘i1\t "i ii. 1‘ i
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BERAL ND ' I. ’i i"‘ '\i \ii’ iii 'Y'mipx
CONSERVATIVE \ , ., , x . . .w H ,'
VIEWS \ ii
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i" l
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mester 1984

are available
deadline is 12 pm. Tuesday April lOth. To be eligible the
applicant must be enrolled in the College of Business and
have been accepted into the Upper Diwsion for Fall ser

F armHouse to give award honoring greek philanthropy work

done h) grin-k organizations “as ”10
hallmn a thiiii. \\ht‘l‘t' grvelcs sent up
hi-lnnii hallmn~ rixiuosling ilona
limb ll‘tllll \«hiinivwr iiiunil thi-m
"l‘hat “as original. ' Ellvgmd saiil
Elli-gixiil strisscil that Farm
House is not t‘llglhlt‘ to ('lllllpt‘lt' llll'
thi- auaril that it is sponsoring he
came the purposi- is to encourage
other (ll'L‘Jlil/dlllllb Each gi‘wk Hl'
~uanizatiiin is required to llll out an
application about its actiVitw> iii lllt‘
past war and also include pictures

and letters lll i‘tx-iininivnilation tiii‘
illt‘ll' philanthi'iiu} project "Kinil iii
in .i \i‘raphixik tiii‘ni " \illll Elle

.lLiilgi-s thi~ war are three men;
lbt‘t\ iii lllt‘ lt‘\lllL‘lHll i‘iilllllllllllh. .i

:iiaii; aim ill i‘lllllt‘llll'illllll‘i l> niiidi'i‘ii
aiiil thi- lll>iilllixll i'iinnix-tiiins in llllt‘m
'l‘lii-si' ai'i- not i-iiti-i‘tainnivnt lllll‘i\
Kl'al/ \illll
\ .tlllt‘ :i: Ihi' liiUiii‘u'al wnw

lliili'Ii'l Allii lia> lN'i't: il>>ili‘lali‘il \\



tati- \il‘A't' {“7” Pan '.\l'lll(’ll >(‘\t’l‘ttl [lllllillix'illllfi Mir: la maxing tlii- llt‘\\\l't‘t‘l\ '.\t' hair 'hv liliilliv' 'iv
winter on I'd" l'Iiii'iipvan lllfillllW and <31" haw-pin: .iu-r twain: 'hv \t't‘ll(’\ and \l‘(‘ 'h-- itllit‘l' \lllt‘ 'i- \ili‘l
iii-iiiiaii i‘i-latiiiii~ l'ii : .ihzi‘i: m-n- niaili- ziitlr thw li‘t‘llfixx u: 'iii
Him-n at‘i pl‘intili‘il ll} ’lli‘. ~ iii l x \i \ IMi-al l‘iil'A 'lli'x Ylii‘ \iii'h 'Aiit'wf "r lii'
"ll.i.’ ‘irzx'l'ii'ii :z‘i liiitttmli‘r: lia~ .t :v'i ' iwiiiim'i i \'\lln'lkt‘l‘»t".\ll.t' was going”: a' 'h‘i' .i
'4‘ill'\'.l|ll ~t 'llt‘\I‘ Maris llt' \ai‘.‘ l r 'H'lir'l l'i muwi‘m-ls lll‘l'St‘ll'. \ti'ii'i} 'tii- \i ‘ ”ii»
\ii'li'i ..' \l'aflih 71in l'llilll'\ Iiw Hi l" Vr' "' ',' H- ;i ~i' ~ 'Yi.:' M' Fir \ili‘ll l' s i lit" 1 ll‘
;\ “‘l" :hi» arithn-s illlll l.\ min ii .‘i: I ii us it i. 'i» ft iiii-wii'
I~ lv i'. \ai-f "'it'l'. il'lll'll‘ .iill ill in
k: n: \i i ‘tiii (.iw’iiii llillbi‘ litimirw : ti l ix. i "‘ 1"" T-NINHMI 'ii xii-xi “iii 311:;
puplziiim' .\;tl‘. i: ptwiiiiixai Ziit' a ii-i' iii ”fin-a” 'iv i‘v l" in” kulmrlli I”. fwum A l .
um; il¢i;}_i("jt my a.» Wig . "N. ‘T , .TL.!\l‘. \lilil.ilt‘.\ \ll F‘illi't‘m Vanni: !,.i‘.1‘ii" r'w';
aim”? ~,\. ii! \t"»( '. "'l'ii\ iX-l lli l r 't‘. " l.v Hill FL I”. m "film . .
”Hal” i" l‘\ iifi‘ .\li\.'2»\1:_l-t _:' l"~.l.‘ui . ‘7 ii! ’i :.t‘.‘\
,.,,_ i. 'w :ii‘i-xi-tti-ii 351'”. l‘» . 1 tr, ' ”hi \',.i.i:'
‘A: ,.>‘ 1 ~’\t': 'r s -'i '--. .x. i. ' I'i \13?‘.l\~'|l! \‘fi'v

Organization protests political killings in Guatemala

i’ \\l\lll i \llllll


Candidate for US. Senate discusses campaign and



s .i l i' l‘
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:v.fvlwa:> .ii.i1 iii '* "l awn-a.»
ll» ria' viii." ria‘ ll 'ii hi Hm

B & E College
The Business Student Council ~ 1

Elections Board
is now acepting applications for:

‘| President
in the Deans Offic


ht lecture on W

\iiii lllt‘ illldl_\\l\ iii flt‘\l\lt‘t'i\


lacult} ailiisrr and Scott Yiicuni.
\‘ii'opri-snli-nt iii Farnilliiuw and
coordinator in the .mai'il

’l‘hi- iuilges “I” look pl‘llllul‘ll) at
the irri'i-ntagv iii iiii-nilx-rs partici
pating n: i-ach gin-k ai'tiiit}.
\‘ix'uni saiil

tutu-s do nothing hut get drunk
but that's not the case “t‘ really do
participati- a lot in community pro
_l(’('ls and activities." hunhar said

"This is a tremendous iippiirtunit)
tor fraternities and soriiritii-s to 1“
tone recognition and also to we
him well their individual chapters
haw partic‘ipatwl It's also interest
Iiig it) evaluate the things they hau-
(lllllt‘ and him the) can iniprinv in
the tuturv." Yix'uni sciiil

This .war's anaril \iill ll' pl'i‘
smiled at the annual grwk haninii-i
on .\pril T Elli'goiiil \.llll llt‘ hiiixm
all the organizations ill‘t’ looking iiii


.\L'i~iii'iliiig to \ix'iini. H .ipplii'a
tiiins now turned in lllh )t'ill‘ “l
“as i‘iuill} disappointed to wi- thi-
lim tin'ninn ill applications lil llkt‘
in \t‘(' niiiri- applications in the hi


i'uninninit) \t'l‘Hi‘i' 1\ \t‘l‘_\ ini
piii‘taiit iii .\lplia \i [Mia and ll\


also a \t‘l'_\ important part iii the “gird tii ll and "i-i'i-i‘uiiiix that t'll
lil't‘t‘l-L\_\\lt'lii .\l\lt‘l’\;tlll lt’l‘t‘d hail (lilalll) \mrk “l‘ll tiiiil
\ iii! (ll proph- think that ti‘ati‘n iiutiinSatiiriLn
}.:ll’-lllnlt.lll11\i'll[.\ «mail tw 'ii. lllll\l interesting 'ii \lllilt'll'~ lit‘ll‘ liii


l":' l‘l".\\l't‘t'l\ \ii'iii‘ilirig tn Ki'at/ lllt‘ li-i-liii‘i- \illblllll appeal 'i- \?.i


and 'hm tivi'» I! :~ an important pi-riuii ii: llliNlt'l!‘ lizx'UH I'
in: an! iii.~' aimn' tiiii‘niaiii, .iiitni'tiiiialiw. ' illl‘t'lt‘ll
‘ti’. 'ifl‘ 71:”: ll)‘:‘. 'r‘l‘ .\tiii]¢~.\iii-id


















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t'lii i' ii' i v 'f ,, \'illlt‘!‘i' lll (ii-wk \it \"lt’\ \m-ixiiu innina'
'xi' \~~ \ i'iivi in lllll'l‘t‘ lt‘t‘illllllllt‘ li'aiti \lllnulh ll-iai:



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film and get a

i a l
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e Filing

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08lock and White Color Printing

Drop the him all Oll“"

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Help pay fr)! in"

SR 'ionus, Mr is! timii
‘i ' in" With this ari'

9 plasma alliance

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‘Fliiniis otter expires

FOR A l‘l_'.‘_"_:_. ,


«wile you help ‘Mw- lives

Russian Night
Vocals by:
Kiya Heartwood









___.-' .. TH, KEN'U(KY K'RNF" N‘s!" N-r'h. D54: r ‘45.:


Hisel’s ‘Houseboat Series’ continues. at .<\rtsPlace (.‘aHm a







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L: ,rw'm' VIA|r\!|;h12_\\1u£ K - 1w ‘ - ,'., w '. tut" me . - -
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Marsha Norman discusses her care-w %


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Andrew Oppmonn ' i \

tt‘. ‘i' v“ x"

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Llnl 5. Kodak

t-evcme Ed '0


Jam: A. $00"
Edi'ol tat Editor

Stephanie Wollnov
News '13 'v









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Reasons for voting
are more numerous \ \
than many realize - Wt


my. 9 A o
ARE MAtsiNt VlUv.H 5Y0

Today tstlietirst day oi the rest ot your education, 30 PM c'UTTlNC? YOUR SALARV lN HALF I 1/

Tomorrow. how ev er is the last day to vote in the ong- '
oing Student Government \ssoc‘ltilloll elections, \ou may
select your choices to!‘ not only president. senior vice pres—
ident and executive vice president. but also for the numer-




ous senators at large and college senators
In short. it is your only chance to do something about
the makeup ot your student gov ernment

It seems that less then
bother to vote ti:
is securely tourided at

U percent ot students usually
Nix elections. a tradition of apathy that
most institutions of higher educa-

tion While [K may continue with the status quo. there are
a tew reasons to vote that should be considered
Something that not all students notice is _iust how impor-

tant their vote :s


It is: percent ot the student body voted
:tidtyzt‘ua; ballot would be much more out-
liiit ‘vvfti suct: a small group oi active voters.

single votes artc. s:i:a.i t=iivcks ot votes can make the differ»

ence tr. the caiitpaLgi:
Bt‘c‘d'u‘se Mik s
bod} i .1 i“ d} .‘

WWI?» Tc fit

taintiiiiiiiiuntcatton vvith the student
such an

issue. a rise in the

amount oi voting iiutila would put pressure on those elect-
ed to keep iii touci: “13!: a greater number ot their constitu-


1! they know we tart and are watching —» and we have

the statistics tc prove

the entire student body might

benefit tron: better representation
The vote also ‘.v;li prov :de an opportunity for students to
voice opinions oi: the ioot patrol issue and participate in a

survey trying to determine

who l'K students would select

as l S president i: the elections were today
Take time today or tomorrow to exercise your right and

Power to \‘ott The In“


Get out and vote

i‘tt‘ui'. .ii'a‘, ‘ t"
Tutsi its

pro-s i.-~

t‘l'Y'a". t‘i'li‘
c'tiiit).se ’..e
it‘flfts ail?

govern... .'

t i.

car: "
‘k‘ttiei' 'l".'\“‘"
and 3 ..

‘p'tb part~t.ti,r i
- tic .T \Ti K; i..' Ta."-
L,e\ii.gtor, ieitiiizta "
tends must .i'» at l. I
l .irge eatr, a:
your privilege ATP: _
elm "it’a. tit‘ wuss a" r.


that i. s

eo-c‘iot, fun! I wastes - "


.‘.'.v' '

Atlt'tt's 'i'ir .
'iiz‘ia‘ic's Int
lt'L'iiii T‘l‘lTT‘ilf‘d'.’i'
poet: the \niera i: pit
“.oi‘“ than toil.

i r" '

."ff\' result“: .
v‘ 'i’it‘.’ \ltitismml \
.i’attcsori wit. :,i,: ‘

i' -ia:r\ \Uiii ro-ie
’irtiiet‘. u'i'ittaifo- .
giaspir‘ig eioiugi. iiaega'w .
'hei part. s

iiiiitrot i.iig‘

’itit} A.

an! ”vulgar

l'arietyi' of interests

liu ing in. .iar» i~ a l H s'.irien‘
'ieei 'i.y pr 4. my» work
.vttt, Tin. rt‘vti'ietitn'rg .i'otii (ant
and Jun Pushiiger These three stu-
dents represen' a wide yar.ety ’tl
studeh‘ interests in greek iite dor
mitory residence honoraries and
various other student organizations
They have been members and lot
towers as well as holding leadership
positions This experience accom
panted by the concern for a better
student Government Asstx‘iation
makes the FF?UdPhb9FEr‘hlil Put-
singer ticket the best choice in the
upcoming student election

l would encourage all students to
vote on April 4 and 5 It is our l ni
verSity and our duty to elect the
best student representatives possi-
ble I feel the best represenatives


tire iit your $1M vv ill be decided

‘Low ’ comedy remains all-time favorite

"No phone. no fights no moto'i ury
.\'ot a Single licviirv
Lihc Robinson Ciih rust re

1: s p'imiti'ce us run Lit

There is something touching about
watching the tirst episode oi iiilli
gan's Island There is something
ironic in the tact that l d never M‘t‘!‘
it betore There is soiiiettittig coiiius
ing in just how :uiiiiy if w as

Time and space
come tull circle

\t‘t‘ll. {ti hay t‘

tturs is the Gilligan Generation a
wealth of individuals who share that
one common evperience villi,
gan atter school Gilligan ii: the
background during Monopoly. more
and more Gilligan until some shows
were painfully tamiliar and others

Why did we do it‘

Certainly. some or its did not
Some didn‘t because ttie:r parents
had "higher evpectations or were
too broke tor a T\' There are no
doubt some elitists out there with
seltlimagc problems who ielt .t was
below them They had to listen tron


James A.

the other room while pretending to
read .latiics Joyce

iltliei's stittered the sibling squab-
til tic o.er the choice ot programs
guarantee you two or
I'm; devotees would
never yield to .i "Gilligan‘s Island
tat. \iiit tragically. a "Gilligan‘s
Island iar, would be lowering tits
seli respect to debate channels with
a younger sibling screaming tor
soiiiettiiiig educational like "Sesame
street l-Ispecially since he knows
\lotii isi1t going to vote his way in
the long run

lV-ir these reasons a few people
have lived their sheltered lives with
out evei encountering the immortal
tliiligan the courageous Skipper
and a cast of contrasts that would
thibht'Khiiv proud

Like the taiiatical popularity ot
the Three stooges. tiilligan eitibo

itf‘ii I


”hrt‘c Vii'

simplest. it
kind ot

fit|'\\ til'

dies the purest or
your mind works that way
comedy I! is known as
"broad ‘ comedy in
Shakespearean vvorks
ably because
pelled to call slapstik iess i-voiveii
than the bards iiiore \v‘piii\'ivii'(‘ti

But as {he} say
other name wtil st..l keep .i y-s
t'oiiipany oi. long pas' .ts titrw

The htiltiil‘.
thest'iiit Heck

t‘t‘tcrct‘ite to
l'hss is priit

scholars coiii

i'ii'attiil. t‘\ aitv
t .

Y r

itiie is tha ,ieopa-

liikc tta' s'iitt

I! l.\ lii lite Manges
they y
Theirs is the comedy o: wittois they
are the attiiiess buttoohs
bacl‘cs to totirt
i001) Th8} (‘lliiiiitly 'liiis‘
ot tiuiiiar. existeiiii» 'iiat .vtt
most ridiculous

didrt 'tv to be .i:‘.e.ir~ctiial

testers ata: 'owi


And they play it riie ii‘lf

lake the gin uiid‘tiig tiiitiaii
by classic playwrights and slaps';ck
nonsense that charitiwi \tiivtiia ;!
\atidevtlle. comedy tor .'.s
own sake

stood the tt‘sl tit 'ltt‘a' \’


'ihls ;>

'Hll‘ is tiiffi'ii'v 'YliiT this

Gilligan follows the same style.
complete with cartoontsh mUSlC and
an insistent laugh track When the
skipper swats Gilligan with his hat
it is a moment many of us cherished
ii otir torniulativc years It brings
tiaik more than memories it
brings a smile

Ht course. now that we know Just
whet, Gilligan will drop the radio
transmitter accidentally extinguish
the signal tire or Just plaiti say
something stupid. the edge has been
taken ott the reruns

ltut then suddenly there is Mr
Howell trying to two-putt witti a
bamboo putter while the protessot'
itiiplores htiii to beware the head
hunters .»\ scene comes on that we
don t reti.ember and before the ta
iitiliarity returns. we ('lljit} our
low Hill‘it‘d} as it we'd seen it tot

'lieiii'st 'itiic

»\iid it no one is watching. we car
.1\ en tower ourselves to laugh

It fit- r‘ii iwiito' Jiitiics A htii' s

”tout: ' ii'ts 'iinio' and ti Kl"".b



are i'ini Freuden-
= air and Lm Pusttnger


Michelle Knapke
El tine economics seniOi

ti 'nique opportunity"

' la suite: ts tiave a unique oppore
at .t, ‘i.;.~ week we can elect a stu-
dent body pre5ident that can bring a
,, : - student govern
?.".',‘, ;.arry Bisigisthat candidate
‘is .. . student member ot the
".t it Higher Education. I was
aptir iai net: by Larry Bisig. who
punter-tied over the possible
ger it! the L'K-L'L dental
several months ago the
. rizeiribers debated the possi
’iesides myselt and the
t' The Kemp; Larry Bisig
. ,i , t'lv’ student to attend
'2.eet.:.g “here were our L'K
stator} government officials during
.; e f ‘ti. most critical meetings. of
'li'r. ’n:s year”

it.» It."

.v -.t or to



Larry s

.; art: his

positive lead»
ideas tor im-
that will attect our eye
«as a: l'lv’ \‘ote tor the
prover, leadership ablllr
litmg Alan HoltAngie


.lack Dulworth
Finance Junior

.\ eed for integrity

:i .«rtiiig this letter in order to
'7 y experiences as a student
thereby expressing support
'tie first leadership which SGA
iesery es during the following year

lt. my capacity as a member of
student and faculty senates and the
traversiiy senate (bunch. I real-
ixed an overwhelming need for in-
tegrity and committment of student
.eaders towards the student body
and the 'i niversity as a whole The
role oi student leadership is well de~
tined e enhancing the quality of
student the while supporting the
growth of the L‘niversny too'

l have worked with Tim Freden~
berg. John Cam and Jim Pustinger
during the past one year They have
exhibited tremendous growth as
people and leaders during their
years in SGA. and are now ready to
assume prime leadership posnions
within the orgamzation Each of
these candidates has worked very
hard to promote the prinCiples out-
lined above The accomplishments
of NM during 1983-84 are evident.
both at student and L'mverSity lev-

SM is not perfect. neither will it



ever be. in the true tradition ot pro
gress and excellence It is an etivi
ronment where students grow. make
mistakes and learn a multitude ot
good ideas are transtormed into
reality through the effort ot NH.
membership It is only approprtati
that students who have a demoii
strated commitment to the process
be given an opportunity to provide
leadership to the students at l'K

[)eepak litiaw ai;
Graduate school senator

‘Padding ' SGA pockets

This year. the lKStiA has sui
ceeded in pulling the wool over the
students eyes concerning a tuition
raise designed to increase the Ni.
dent Government budget This llltsiii
iom plot has not gone unnoticed by
everyone. however .lett Rice
Jim Davis. candidates tor senator at
large are vehemently against any
type of tuniiin raise instituted by
SGA without letting the students
have their say on the iiiattei
through a reterendum

Though the proposed .iicrease wa~
supposedly limited to 8: per student
this still amounts to an increase ot
SLIUMKJ to $40.00“ tor the l'K.\'(}.-\
budget Even it such a budget were
Justified. surely the students these
people were elected to represent de
serve to have their voice heard
through a reterendum There is sttii
ply no excuse for the current .s‘tit
administration policy of padding
their own pockets at the expense ot
the student body

Let your voice be heard on came
pus‘ Vote for Jett Rice and Jun
Davis on April «l and :‘i It s your


Louis Klein
Accounting freshman

Lack of communication

Being a Junior at the L'niversity l
have had the opportunity to experi
ence many aspects of student lite
Some I enjoyed. others l did not

Among the problems I have no-
ticed. one of the main ones is the
lack of communication between stu
dents and their Student Government
Association Few students know or
even care that such an organization
eXIsts Even fewer vote in student
government elections a recent poll
found that 8 percent do l

The present admtmstration of
SGA contends that the explanation
for this trend is student apathy
They blame the studens for not car-
ing enough to vote They say that
it‘s the students fault that changes
for the better do not come about

I have hail the opportunity to
meet and get to know three people
who do not share this View They
say that i' is not the students tault
they are unaware ot government
They say that it is the responsibility
of government to establish lines ot
ciitiiiiitiittcation with the students it
is elected to represent

hovernitient should give the .stu
the opportunity to express
their opinions in their own student
Senate Students should feel vvelr
ionic to walk into the SGA ottice
and teel that their problems and
concerns will be addressed Those
people are Larry Bistg. Alan Holt
and Angie S