xt7sqv3c305w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c305w/data/mets.xml United States. Department of the Army United States United States. Department of the Army 1986 recipes D 101.11:10-412/985 English For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws U.S. Military Recipe Collection Cooking for military personnel Armed Forces Recipe Service, Meat, Fish, and Poultry, 1986 text image 1 v. (various pagings), col. ill, 13 x 21 cm. Call Number: D 101.11:10-412/985 Armed Forces Recipe Service, Meat, Fish, and Poultry, 1986 1986 1986 2022 true xt7sqv3c305w section xt7sqv3c305w L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(1) No. Oven Cooking in Plastic Bags or Film, Guidelines for ........... L-G-4 MEAT Bacon Canadian Grilled ..................... L—2—3 Oven Fried L-2-1 Grilled ....................... L-2-2 Oven Fried Precooked Grilled Oven Fried Beef, Braising Steak, Swiss Chicken Fried Pepper ....................... Oriental .................... Smothered with Onions CH—4 Card No. Beef, Braising Steak, Swiss-Continued Smothered with Onions-Continued Steak Strips ............... L-15-1 Steak Ranchero L-173 Stroganoff ................... L-53 with Soup, Condensed, Cream of Mushroom ...... L—53—1 Swiss Steak with Brown Gravy ..................... L—16-1 with Mushroom Gravy ...... L—16-4 with Tomato Sauce with Sauce Mix, Tomato, Basic .................... L-16-2 with Soup, Condensed, Tomato .................. L-16-3 (OVER ) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(1) Beef, Chunks, Canned with Natural Juices Barbecued Beef Cubes L-18-1 Beef Pie with Biscuit Topping . . L-47 Beef and Tomato Gravy ........ L-48 Beef Stew Roast Beef Hash Beef, Corned Corned Beef Hash Frozen Corned Beef .......... Hash, Corned Beef, Canned New England Boiled Dinner Simmered with Apple Glaze ............ L-110 Beef, Diced (for Stewing) Barbecued Beef Cubes Beef Pot Pie with Biscuit Topping ....... with Pie Crust Topping ..... Beef Stew Braised Beef and Noodles Braised Beef Cubes ........... El Rancho Stew Hungarian Goulash .......... Syrian Beef Stew ............. Beef, Dried Creamed Chipped ............ Beef, Liver Braised with Onions .......... L-107 (CONTINUED) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 18(1) BARBECUED BEEF CUBES YIELD: 100 Portions (2 Pans) EACH PORTION: 3/4 Cup (7 Ounces) PAN SIZE: 18 by 24—inch Roasting Pan TEMPERATURE: 350°E Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Beef, diced, thawed 301b ..... . Dredge beef in mixture of flour, Flour, Wheat, salt, and pepper; shake off general purpose, excess. sifted Pepper, black ...... Shortening, melted . Brown beef in hot shortening or or salad oil salad oil. Onions, dry, . Add onions; continue to cook until chopped onions are tender. Drain or skim off excess fat. INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Chili powder ....... Hot sauce .......... Mustard flour ...... Sugar, brown ...... Tomato paste, canned Vinegar ........... Worcestershire sauce 1/2 cup . . . thsp . 5 tbsp . 1 cup . . . . 13/4 qt (Z—No. 21/2 cn) 11/2 cups . 1/4 cup . . 11/2 gal . .. . Place an equal amount of beef— onion mixture in each pan. Set aside for use in Step 6. . Combine chili powder, hot sauce, mustard flour, brown sugar, tomato paste, Vinegar, Worcester- shire sauce and water; stir to mix well. Bring to a boil; cook 5 min— utes. . Pour about 4 qt sauce over beef— onion mixture in each pan. Cover pans. . Bake 2 hours or until meat is tender NOTE: 1. In Step 1, 30 lb beef, pot roast, diced in l to 11/2 inch pieces may be used. Trim beef to remove excess fat and gristle. 2. In Step 3, 4 lb 7 oz dry onions AP. will yield 4 lb chopped onions. (CONTINUED) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 18(2) BARBECUED BEEF CUBES . In Step 3, 8 oz (22/3 cups) dehydrated onions may be used. See Recipe No. A—l 1. . In Step 5, 2—36 oz cn canned tomato juice concentrate may be used for tomato paste. . In Step 5, Barbecue Sauce Mix may be used for all ingredients. Prepare 21/4 gal sauce according to instructions on container. . In Step 5, 21/4 gal prepared barbecue sauce may be used for all ingredients. . Steps 1 through 8 may be prepared in steam-jacketed kettle or tilting fry pan. . Other sizes and types of pans may be used. See Recipe No. A—ZS. . Two—No. 10 scoops may be used. See Recipe No. A—4. VARIATION 1. BARBECUED BEEF CUBES (CANNED BEEF CHUNKS): Omit Step 1. Use 29 lb (16—29 oz cn) canned beef chunks with natural juices. Drain beet. Set aside for use in Step 5. Omit Step 2. In Step 3, use 8 oz (1 cup) melted shortening or salad oil; sauté onions until tender in steam- jacketed kettle or stock pot. Omit Step 4. In Step 5, combine ingredients with onions; reduce water to 51/2 qt. Blend 6 oz (.11/2 cups) sifted general purpose flour and 2 cups water to make a smooth paste. Stir slowly into onion mixture. Bring to a boil; cook 10 minutes or until thickened. Add beef chunks. Stir to mix well. Cook until beef is heated thoroughly, about 15 minutes. Omit Steps 6 and 7. CH—l STUFFED FLOUNDER CREOLE L. MEAT, FISH AND POULTRY No. 19(1) L. MEAT, FISH AND POULTRY No. 19(2) STUFFED FLOUNDER CREOLE YIELD: 100 Portions (4 Pans) EACH PORTION: 41/2 Ounces Fish with 1/4 Cup Dressing and 1/4 Cup Sauce PAN SIZE: 12 by 20 by 21/2-inch Steam Table Pan TEMPERATURE: 375°E Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Creole Sauce ...... 17 lb 12 oz Zgal . Prepare one recipe Creole Sauce (Recipe No. 0-5). Set aside for use in Step 8. Keep sauce hot. Celery, fresh, chopped Onions, dry, chopped Butter or margarine, melted llb ...... llb802. lZoz 3 cups .. 41/2 cups . 11/2 cups . . Saute celery and onions in butter or margarine until tender. INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Cracker crumbs . . . . 3 lb 8 oz . 53/4 qt . . . . . Combine cracker crumbs, pep- Pepper, black ...... 21/2 tsp . . . per, and thyme; add to vegeta— Thyme, ground ..... 2 tbsp bles. Add shrimp to vegetable- Shrimp, peeled and 2 qt ...... crumb mixture. deveined, cooked and chopped . Add water to vegetable-crumb— shrimp mixture; toss mixture but do not pack. Flounder fillets, . Separate fillets (about 43/4 oz thawed each). Place 1/4 cup (l-No. 16 Toothpicks ......... scoop) vegetable-crumb-shrimp mixture on each fillet; roll fillets using toothpicks to hold together. . Place 25 rolled fillets in each greased pan, in rows 3 by 8. (CONTINUED) L. MEAT, FISH AND POULTRY No. 19(3) STUFFED FLOUNDER CREOLE INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD . Bake 20 minutes. Remove from oven. . Cover fish in each pan with 4 1b 7 oz (2 qt) hot creole sauce. . Bake 5 to 10 minutes or until thor- oughly heated. NOTE: I. In Step 2, 11b 6 oz fresh celery AP. Will yield 1 lb chopped celery, and 1 lb 11 oz dry onions A.P. will yield 1 1b 8 oz chopped onions. 2. In Step 5, other fish fillets may be used. L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 20 BEEF AND CORN PIE YIELD: lOO Portions (3 Pans) EACH PORTION: 11/2 Cups PAN SIZE: 18 by 24—inch Roasting Pan TEMPERATURE: 350°F. Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Onions, dry, 3 lb ..... 2% qt . . . . Sauté onions and peppers in melted chopped shortening or salad oil until tender. Peppers, sweet, 2 lb ..... 11/2 qt . . . Set aside for use in Step 3. fresh, chopped Shortening, melted or salad oil Beet, ground, .. . . . Cook beef in its own fat until light thawed brown, stirring to break meat in small Salt .............. . . pieces. Drain or skim off excess fat. Pepper, black ..... 2 tbsp . . . . Add sautéed onions and peppers, Garlic, dehydrated 2% tbsp . salt, pepper, and garlic. Mix well. . Place an equal quantity of beef mixture in each pan. (OVER) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Corn, whole kernel, 12 lb 12 undrained 11/2 gal (2—No. lO cn) . Spread 2 qt corn with liquid on top of beef mixture in each pan. Potatoes, mashed . . 161/2 qt .. 7. 8. . Prepare 1 recipe for Mashed Potatoes (Recipe No. Q—57). Spread 51/2 qt mashed potatoes over beef mixture and corn in each pan. Bake 20 minutes or until potatoes are evenly browned. Cut 5 by 7. NOTE: 1. In Step 1, 3 lb 5 oz dry onions A.P. will yield 3 lb dry chopped onions and 2 lb 12 oz fresh sweet peppers A.P. will yield 2 lb chopped peppers. 2. In Step 1, 6 oz (2 cups) dehydrated onions and 5 oz (3% cups) dehydrated green peppers (See Recipe Card A—l l) or 2 lb (11/2 qt) frozen diced green peppers may be used. 3. Other sizes and types of pans may be used. See Recipe Card A—25. INDEX L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(2) Card No. Beef, Liver-Continued Breaded ..................... with Onion and Mushroom Gravy ................... Grilled ...................... Liver Fiesta Beef, Oven, Roast Beef, Brogul ................. Beef, Cordon Bleu ............ Roast Precooked Stuffed Beef Rolls Sukiyaki .................... Yakisoba (Beef and Spaghetti ) L—108 L-108—1 L-107-1 L—45-1 L-55 Beef Pattie Mix, Bulk or Ground Beef Beef Balls Stroganoff ......... Beef and Corn Pie Beef Porcupines .............. Chili Con Carne .............. with Sauce Mix, Tomato, Basic .................... Chili Conquistador ........... Chili Macaroni ............... with Sauce Mix, Tomato, Basic .................... Chuck Wagon Stew (Beans with Beef) ................. Card No. L-27 L-20 L-29 L-28 L-28-1 L-42 L-28—2 L-28-3 L-171 L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(2) Beef Pattie Mix, Bulk or Ground Beef-Continued Creamed Ground ............. L-30 Creole Macaroni L-64 Curried Meatballs ............ L-41-1 Enchiladas L—63 Frozen L-63-2 Fajitas ...................... L-43 Pita ....................... L-43—1 Grilled Hamburger Steak ..... L-17 8 Ground Beef Cordon Bleu L-182 Hamburger Stroganoff ........ L-53-2 Hamburger Yakisoba ......... L-62-1 Lasagna ..................... L-25 Frozen Lasagna ............ L—25-2 with Pizza Sauce, Canned . . . L—25-3 Card No. Beef Pattie Mix, Bulk or Ground Beef—Continued Lasagna—Continued with Sauce Mix, Tomato, Basic .................... L-25-1 Meat Loaf ................... L—35 Cajun ..................... L-35-4 with Soup, Condensed, - Tomato............v ...... L-35-2 Minced ...................... L-36 Mock Fillet Steak L-178-1 Salisbury Steak .............. L-37 Grilled .................... L—37-1 Spaghetti Sauce .............. L-38 with Sauce Mix, Tomato, Basic .................... L—38—1 (CONTINUED) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(3) Beef Pattie Mix, Bulk or Ground Beef—Continued Spaghetti with Meatballs ..... L-39 with Sauce Mix, Tomato, Basic .................... L-39-1 Stuffed Cabbage Rolls ........ L-24 with Soup, Condensed Tomato .................. L-24-1 Stuffed Green Peppers ........ L-40 Stuffed Green Peppers, Frozen Swedish Meatballs ........... Swedish Meatballs (Beef and Veal) ...................... L-41-1 Tacos L-34 Tamale Pie Tamale Pizza Texas Hash .................. Tostadas CH-4 Card No. Beef Patties, Dehydrated Baked Spanish Beef Patties . . . L-49-1 Beef Patties with Soy Protein or Beef Patties, Frozen Hamburger Parmesan ........ L—60 Beef, Pot Roast Pot Roast .................... L-10 Ginger .................... L-10—1 Yankee Roast Beef Hash Breakfast Portion Canned Sauerbraten Simmered Beef, Rib, Bone-in Roast ........ Beef, Ribeye R011, Boneless Roast Beef, Round, Bone-in Steamship ................... L-4-1 (OVER) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY N0. 0(3) Card No. Beef, Round, Boneless Chitterlings, Frozen Steamship ................... Deep-Fat Fried ............... L-90-1 Beef, Steak Precooked Grilled ...................... L—7 Simmered Teriyaki ..................... L-8 Precooked Beef, Steak, Dehydrated Frankfurters Chicken Fried L-12-1 Baked with Sauerkraut ....... L-113 Beef Stew (Canned) L-22-1 Cheese and Bacon L-115 Beef Tenderloin with Barbecue Sauce L-115-1 Steak L-7-1 Grilled Bratwurst Grilled ...................... L-88-3 Ham, Canned Burritos, frozen ................ L-34-1 Baked Chili Con Carne, Canned Baked Ham Steak ............ Chili and Macaroni ........... L-58 Baked Ham, Macaroni, and Chili Con Game with Beans . . . L—59 Tomatoes .................. L-72 Chili Con Carne with Beans Barbecued Ham Steak Dehydrated .................. L-59-1 Grilled Ham Steak Grilled Ham Slice (CONTINUED) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(4) Ham, Canned, Chunks Baked Ham, Macaroni and Tomatoes .............. Scalloped Ham and Macaroni . . Scalloped Ham and Noodles . . . Scalloped Ham and Potatoes ................... Ham, Cooked, Boneless Baked Barbecued Ham Steak Glazed Ham Loaf ............. Grilled Ham Steak Hamburgers without Gravy, Canned Baked Spanish Beef Patties . . . Hot Tamale Pie Italian Sausage (Hot or Sweet) CH-4 Knockwurst Baked with Sauerkraut ....... Simmered Lamb, Leg, Boneless Savory Roast Luncheon Meat, Canned Baked Macaroni and Tomatoes .................. Grilled Oven Cooked Manicotti, Frozen, without Sauce Beef (Cannelloni) ............ Cheese Pig’s Feet Simmered Polish Sausage Grilled Card No. L-113-1 L-72-1 L-76 L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(4) Pork and Beef Sausage, Cooked (Breakfast) Baked Links ................. Grilled Links Pork Butt, Bone-In Loaf Pork Chops, Boneless Baked Stuffed ................ Barbecued ................... Braised Breaded ..................... Creole Grilled Mexicana .................... Sweet and Sour with Apple Rings ............. with Mushroom Gravy ........ Pork Chops, Dehydrated Breaded ..................... L-91-1 L-84 L-83-1 L-85 L-86 L-83 L-85-1 L-87 L-7 9 L-84-1 L-85-2 L-86-1 Card No. Pork, Diced Adobo ....................... L-99 Chalupa .................... L-187 Chop Suey .................. L-80 Sweet and Sour Pork ......... L-82 Pork, Ham, Boneless, Fresh Roast Fresh ................. L-96 Pork, Hocks (Ham Hocks) Simmered ................... L—100 Pork, Loin, Boneless Barbecued .................. L-81-2 Roast ...................... L-81 Pork Sausage Baked Patties ............... L-89-1 Preformed ............... L-89—3 Grilled Patties .............. L—89 Preformed ............... L-89-2 (CONTINUED) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(5) Pork Spareribs Barbecued ................... Prepared Barbecue Sauce . . Braised and Sauerkraut ............ Cantonese ................... Sweet and Sour Pork Steaks, Breaded ........... Creole Schnitzel Pork Tenderloin Roast Rabbit, Ready-to-Cook Fried Marinated ................. Ravioli, Frozen without Sauce Card No. L-92 L-92-1 L-93 L—93—1 L-95 L-94 L-86-2 Card No. Ravioli, Beef, Canned in Tomato Sauce ................ L-185-2 Scrapple ....................... L-98 Tamales, Beef, Canned or Frozen with Chili Gravy ...... Veal, Ground Loaf Tamale Pie Veal, Roast, Boneless Roast with Herbs Veal Cubes Parmesan Veal, Steaks, Breaded Steaks Italian Style ................. J aegerschnitzel (Veal Steaks) with Mushroom Sauce Paprika ..................... L-57-1 L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(5) Other Pizza Cheese (Prepared, frozen) . . . Crust (Roll mix) ............ Fast Food .................. French Bread Frozen Crust (12 inch) Hamburger ................ Mushroom ................. Green Pepper and Onion . . Pepperoni ................. Green Pepper and Mushroom ............. Pork or Italian Sausage ..... Green Pepper and Onion Thick Crust ................ Spinach Lasagna ............. L—165 L-166-1 L-165-6 L-166-2 L-165—8 L-166 L-165-3 L—165-4 L-165-2 L-165-5 L-165-4 L-165-7 L-165-9 L-165-1 L-9 FISH Oysters, Guidelines For Using . . . Shellfish, Guidelines For Steaming .................... Shrimp, Guidelines For Using . . . Catfish, Whole Southern Fried ............... Crab Meat Crab Cakes .................. Deviled Crawfish (Lobster Tail) Boiled ....................... Fish Fillets or Steaks Baked ....................... Amandine ................. Cajun ..................... Herbed .................... Card No. L-G- 1 L-G-5 L-G-2 L-176-1 L-141 L-127—1 L-119 L—119-6 L-119-7 L-119-4 (CONTINUED) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(6) Fish Fillets or Steaks-Continued Baked-Continued Lemon Mustard Dill ............... Onion-Lemon Parmesan Spicy ...................... Trout with Garlic Butter .......... Baked Stuffed ................ Chipper Perch Creole ....................... Deep Fat Fried ............... Oven Fried Pan Fried Seafood Newberg ............. Southern Fried Catfish Stuffed Flounder Creole ....... Tempura Fried ............... CH-4 Card No. Fish Portions, Batter Dipped Baked ....................... L-124-1 Creole ....................... L-135-1 Fish and Chips ............... L-167-3 French Fried ................. L-167-1 Fish Portions or Sticks, Breaded Baked Portions Baked Sticks ................. Creole ....................... French Fried Portions French Fried Sticks Fish Squares, Dehydrated Oven Fried King Crab Legs Boiled ....................... Lobster, Fresh Boiled ....................... L-127 Lobster, Frozen Boiled ....................... L-127-2 (OVER) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(6) Oysters Fried Breaded, Frozen ............ Salmon, Canned Cakes ....................... L-128 Loaf L—129 Salad L—132-1 Scalloped and Peas ........... L-130 Scallops Baked ....................... Creole ....................... Fried Shrimp Chop Suey ................... Creole ....................... Curry ....................... French Fried ................. Breaded, frozen ............ L-180 L-135 L-80-1 L—136 L-138 L—137 L-137- Card No. Shrimp--Continued Jambalaya .................... Salad Scampi ...................... Tempura Fried ............... Trout, Whole Baked ....................... Tuna, Canned Baked and Noodles ........... with Soup, Condensed, Cream of Mushroom ........ Chopstick Salad Macaroni .................. Scalloped and Peas ........... L-189 L—139 L—183 L—137-1 L-179 L-133 L—133-1 L-131 L-132 L-186 L-130-1 (CONTINUED) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(7) POULTRY Poultry, Guidelines for Using . . . . Chicken A la King .................... with Soup, Condensed, Cream of Chicken Adobo ....................... Baked ....................... Herbed .................... Mexican ................... Baked and Gravy ............. with Mushroom Gravy ...... with Soup, Condensed, Cream of Mushrooom Baked and Rice Baked Golden with Soup, Condensed, Cream of Chicken ................... CH-4 L-G-3 L-147 L-143 L—143-2 L-143-1 L-149 L-149—1 Card No. Chicken—~Continued Barbecued ................... L-146 Prepared Barbecue Sauce . . L-146-1 Cacciatore ................... L-148 with Sauce Mix, Tomato, Basic ..................... L-148—1 Chinese Five Spice ............ L-190 Chow Mein ................... L-160 Country Style ................ L-153 Creole ....................... L-154 Fried ........................ L-155 Newport Fried ............... L-159 Oven Fried .................. L-156 Hot and Spicy ............ L-156-2 Pineapple ................... L-157 Salad ....................... L—151 Savory Baked ............... L-158 (OVER) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(7) Chicken-—Continued Sesame ..................... Southern Fried .............. Sweet and Sour .............. Szechwan ................... Teriyaki .................... Vega ....................... Chicken, Breaded, Precooked for Deep Fat Fryer Fried Chicken ............... Chicken, Breaded, Precooked for Oven Fried Chicken ............... Chicken, Canned, Boned A la King ................... Baked and Noodles .......... Baked and Rice .............. Chow Mein .................. Enchiladas .................. L-74 L—155-1 L—79-1 L—188 L—192 L-145 L-155-2 L-156—1 L-147-1 L—144-1 L-175-1 L-160-1 L-3 Card No. Chicken, Canned, Boned-Continued Pot Pie ..................... L-150-1 Salad ...................... L-151-1 Tetrazzini .................. L-152 with Soup, Condensed Cream of Chicken ........ Chicken, Dehydrated, Diced Baked and Noodles .......... Baked and Rice ............. Pot Pie ..................... Tetrazzini .................. Chicken, Fillet, Breaded (3 oz) Deep Fat Fried ............. Oven Fried ................. Chicken, Fillet, Breaded (5 oz) Deep Fat Fried ............. L—193-3 Oven Fried ................. L-193-2 (CONTINUED) L—152-2 L-144-2 L-175-2 L—150-2 L-152-1 L—193-1 L-193 L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 0(8) Card No. Chicken, Fillet, Nuggets Deep Fat Fried ................ L—193-5 Oven Fried .................... L—193-4 Duck, Ready-to—Cook Hawaiian Baked ............... L-164-1 Honey Glazed ..... _ ............. L—164-3 Roast ......................... L-164 with Apple Jelly Glaze ....... L—164—2 Rock Cornish Hen Herbed ....................... Honey Glazed ................. with Syrup Glaze .............. Turkey, Boneless, Frozen, Raw A la King ..................... Baked and Noodles ............ Chow Mein .................. Curry ........................ L-142-2 L—142 L—142-1 L-147-3 L-144-4 L-160-3 L-4411 CH—4 Card No. Turkey, Boneless, Frozen, Raw—-Continued Cutlet ......................... L-177-1 Nuggets ....................... L-163 with Barbecue Sauce ......... L-162-1 Pot Pie ....................... L—150-4 Roast ........................ L-162 Salad. . .' ..................... L-151-2 Turkey, Canned, Boned Baked and Noodles ........... Turkey, Ready-to-Cook A la King ................... Baked and Noodles ........... Chow Mein .................. Pot Pie ...................... Roast ....................... L-144-3 L-147-4 L-144 L-160—2 L-150 L-161 L. MEAT, FISH AND POULTRY No. OVEN FRIED BACON SLICES (Precooked Bacon) YIELD: 100 Portions (4 Pans) EACH PORTION: 3 Slices PAN SIZE: 18 by 26—inch Sheet Pan TEMPERATURE: 375°E Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Bacon, precooked, 4 lb 8 oz . l—No. 10 . Open cans at both ends; push out canned cn bacon. . Remove parchment paper; sepa- rate slices. . Arrange slices in 3 rows across pan with fat edges slightly over- lapping lean edges. . Bake 6 to 8 minutes until bacon is crisp. DO NOT TURN; DO NOT OVERCOOK AS BACON IS FULLY COOKED. . Drain on absorbent paper. (OVER) NOTE: In Step 1, bacon will be easier to remove it unopened cans are placed in hot water for a few minutes. VARIATION l. GRILLED BACON (PRECOOKED): Follow Steps 1 and 2. Omit Step 3. In Step 4, place bacon on a 350°E griddle. Cook 5 minutes, turning once after 3 minutes until crisp but not brittle. Follow Step 5. L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 2 OVEN FRIED BACON YIELD: 100 Portions (5 Pans) EACH PORTION: 2 Slices PAN SIZE: 18 by 26-inch Sheet Pan TEMPERATURE: 375°E Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Bacon, sliced, raw, 121b ..... . Arrange slices in rows (approx- thawed imately 2 1b 8 oz per pan) across pan with fat edges slightly over— lapping lean edges. . Bake, Without turning, 20 to 25 minutes until bacon is crisp. DO NOT OVERCOOK. Drain or skim off excess fat as needed. . Drain thoroughly on absorbent papen NOTE: 1. In Step 1, 12 lb slab bacon may be used. Slice bacon 18 to 20 slices per pound. 2. In Step 1, 18 1b bacon, sliced, may be used. EACH PORTION: 3 slices. CH-l (OVER) VARIATIONS l. OVEN FRIED CANADIAN BACON: In Step I, use 12 lb 8 oz Canadian style bacon. Slice into 1 02 slices (200 slices). Place slices in a single layer on sheet pans. In Step 2, bake 8 to 10 minutes or until bacon sizzles. Follow Step 3. . GRILLED BACON: In Step 1, place slices on 350017 griddle; grill approximately 5 minutes, turning once after 3 minutes, until crisp but not brittle. Remove excess fat as it accumulates on griddle. Omit Step 2. Follow Step 3. . GRILLED CANADIAN BACON: In Step 1, use 12 1b 8 02 Canadian bacon. Slice into 1 oz slices (200 slices). Grill on lightly greased 35001:: griddle about 1 minute on each side. Omit Step 2. Follow Step 3. ORIENTAL SPARERIBS L. MEAT, FISH AND POULTRY No. 3 YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: 2-4 Ribs (8 Ounces) plus % Cup (51/2 Ounces) Sauce INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Pork, spareribs, thawed Water, cold ........ to cover (about 6 gal) . Cut ribs into serving size por- . Cover with water; bring to boil; tions, 10 to 12 ounces. Place in steam-jacketed kettle or stock pot. reduce heat; simmer 45 minutes. Drain. Soy sauce .......... Vinegar ........... Pepper, black ...... Garlic, dehydrated . Ginger, ground . . . . 41/2qt 3qt ...... 11/2qt .5tbsp 51/3 tbsp . . 3 tbsp . . . . Combine water, soy sauce, vin- egar, pepper, garlic and ginger. . Pour over ribs. Simmer 10 to 15 minutes. Stir frequently to ensure ribs are covered with sauce. CH-l (OVER) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS l MEASURES METHOD . Remove ribs; keep warm. Set aside for use in Step 8. Starch, corn ........ Sugar granulated . 31/4 cups . 1/2 cup . . . 2 cups . . . Combine cornstarch and sugar. Mix thoroughly. Stir in water. . Stir slowly into soy sauce—vinegar mixture. Cook at low heat 5 to 10 minutes or until thickened. Onions, dry, sliced . Peppers, sweet, fresh, sliced 3gal 41/8gal.. th ...... . Add peppers and onions to thick- ened sauce. Bring to a boil; cook about 5 minutes, stirring con- stantly. Add water. Mix thor— oughly. Add cooked ribs; Cook 15 minutes at medium heat or until onions are transparent. NOTE: 1. In Step 8, 13 lb 5 oz dry onions A.P. will yield 12 lb sliced onions. 2. In Step 8, 14 1b 10 oz fresh sweet peppers A.P. will yield 12 lb sliced peppers. L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 4 ROAST RIB OF BEEF YIELD: 100 Portions (2 to 3 Pans) EACH PORTION: 8 Ounces PAN SIZE: 18 by 24—inch Roasting Pan TEMPERATURE: BOO‘E Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Beef, rib, thawed 75 lb ..... . Rub each roast With mixture of Salt . . . salt and pepper. Pepper, black ...... . . . . Place roasts in roasting pan. DO NOT ADD WATER. DO NOT COVER. Insert meat thermometer in center of roasts; do not touch bone. . Roast 3 to 4 hours or until roast reaches desired degree of done— ness. . Let roast stand about 20 minutes before slicing. (OV E ET. ‘1 .In Step 1,1“ocks may be used . Remove roost s Irr. n1 0 7en when rneot “oer rnoW eter 1eg‘1 medium; and 170"?” we], I.done " . Internal temperature WiII rise about 10E after standing 20 minutes, before sI1€1ngp ~ no 1 W I“(D';' 7: I 11' 1 T— W 1” ' 1 1‘ l : ", . I , v P I VARIATIONS . STEAMSI—IIP ROUND OE BEEF (BEEF, ROUND, BQNE— IN“: In Step I, use 75 Ib bone in rounds. Follow Step 2. In Step 3, most about 8 hours. E0] .0w Step EACH "‘)1111CN E 01111171.: ~3. (1 "GTE; 50 lb bone in rounds may be used. EACH PORTION: 4 ounces) , STEAMSHIP ROUND OE BEEF IEEEE ROUND, BI, NELESSI: In Step I, use 85 IE IrmneIess mun Is. Follow Step 2. In Step 3, roost about 8 hours. FoIIow Step 4. EACH PORTION: 6 ounces. (NOTE: 40 lb boneless rounds may be used. EACH PORTION: 4 ounces) .. ROAST RIB OE BEEEIBE.1E B ‘NELESS, EIBE EYE {OLI ): In Siep I, use B5I abonei- s riboye ro I.Is Follow Step2 InSt e113, 1oostdbout to Ibrmrs EoI I1'ivEtCW-I E’IC ’7 TIC IN: E 0111.1ces. (NOTE: 40 1b boneless ribeye roII may be used. EACH. PORTION: 4 ounces.) ROAST BEEF L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 5 YIELD: 100 Portions (3 to 4 Pans) EACH PORTION: 2 Slices (41/2 Ounces) PAN SIZE: 18 by 24—inch Roasting Pan TEMPERATURE: 325°Fl Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Beef, oven roast, 40 lb . Rub roasts with mixture of salt and thawed pepper. Salt .............. . Place tat side up in pans, without Pepper, black ..... . . . crowding. . Insert meat thermometer into center of thickest part of main muscle. DO NOT ADD WATER. DO NOT COVER. . Roast 2 to 3 hours, depending on size of roasts (see Note 3), to desired degree of doneness. . Let stand 20 minutes before slicing. (OVER) NOTE: 1. Arrange roasts in pans by size. Select one roast in each pan to estimate cooking time. In Step 4, allow about 20 minutes per pound for medium and about 18 minutes per pound tor rare. . If roasts are frozen, cooking time will be increased by 1 hour or more. . Remove roasts from oven when meat thermometer registers 140°F. — rare; 160°F. — medium; and 170°F. —— well done. Internal temperature will rise about 10°F. during 20 minute standing period. VARIATION l. ROAST BEEF (OVEN—COOKED): Omit all ingredients. Use 28 lb 4 ounce oven—cooked roast beef. EACH PORTION: 41/2 Ounces. SUKIYAKI L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 6(1) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 6(2) SUKIYAKI YIELD: lOO Portions (4 Pans) EACH PORTION: 1 Cup PAN SIZE: 18 by 24—inch Roasting Pan INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Beef, oven roast, 25 lb . . . . . Slice beef into 1/3—inch thick slices. partially thawed Cut slices into strips 2 inches long and 1/2—inch wide. Salad oil or . Place meat strips in roasting pan; shortening, cook at medium heat, in hot salad oil melted or shortening until pink color is gone. Push meat to one side. Onions, dry, . Add onions and celery. Cook 3 sliced thinly, minutes, turning constantly. Push to lengthwise one side with the meat. Celery, fresh, cut diagonally 1/8 inch thick (OVER) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Peppers, sweet, 3 lb ..... 3 qt ..... 4. Add peppers and green onions. Cook fresh, julienne 1 minute, turning constantly. Onions, green, with 21/2 gal . . tops, cut in 11/2 inch lengths Soy sauce ........ 1 qt ..... . Combine soy sauce, salt, sugar, Salt .............. 3 tbsp . . . pepper, bean sprouts, and mush- Sugar, granulated . 1 cup . . . . rooms. Add to meat and vegetables; Pepper, black ..... 1 tbsp . . . combine well. Heat to a simmer. Bean sprouts, 41/2 qt 6. Serve immediately. canned, drained (11/3—No. 10 cn) Mushrooms, 2 cups canned, sliced, (1— drained jumbo cn) (CONTINUED) L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 6(3) SUKIYAKI Prepare recipe in 4 batches: 25 portions each. . In Step 3, 5 1b 8 oz dry onions AP. will yield 5 lb thinly sliced onions and 10 lb 15 oz fresh celery A.P. will yield 8 lb celery cut 1/8—inch thick. . In Step 3, 10 oz (31/3 cups) dehydrated onions may be used. See Recipe Card A—l l. . In Step 4, 3 lb 11 oz fresh sweet peppers A.P. will yield 3 lb peppers julienne and 6 lb fresh green onions A.P. will yield 5 lb green onions with tops. . In Step 4, 8 oz (11/2 qt) dehydrated green peppers (See Recipe Card A—l l) or 3 lb frozen diced green peppers may be used. . In Step 5, 9—No. 303 on canned bean sprouts may be used. . In Step 5, 2—82 on canned mushrooms may be used. . When preparing for more than 100 portions: Place salad oil in steam—jacketed kettle; add beef and brown well. Add 2 qt chicken or beef stock, and required amounts of onions and celery. Mix together well; cook 4 minutes. Add peppers, green onions, salt, pepper, sugar, bean sprouts, soy sauce, and mushrooms. Mix together thoroughly; simmer 3 minutes. L. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY No. 7(1) GRILLED STEAK YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: 1 Steak STEAK TYPE WEIGHT MEASURE GRILL TEMPERATURE TIME FOR EACH SIDE Beef, top sirloin 47 lb ...... 100 steaks 375°E ............. Rare ......... 8 min. butt, boneless, Medium ..... 71/2 min. tempered Well done . . . . 91/2 min. Beet, ribeye roll, 100 steaks Rare ......... 31/2 min. boneless, Medium ..... 4 min. tempered Well done . . . . 5 min. Beef, strip loin, 100 steaks Rare ......... 5 min. boneless, Medium 6 min. tempered Well done . . . . 7 min. Method: Preheat grill; lightly grease With shortening. Grill steaks to desired degree of doneness (see above). See Recipe No. A—Z for tempering guidelines. . When grilling tempered steaks, use only half of grill space to permit heat recovery. ., A broiler may be used instead of a grill. Follow manufacturers’ directions for cooking. . Do not hold steaks in ovens, warming cabinets, or on grills after cooking. This will cause steaks to dry out and be tough. . Only approximate times are given. Slight variations in thickness and grill. temperature variations affect timing. VARIATIONS l. GRILLED STEAK (OVEN METHOD): Use 1 lb (2 cups) salad oil or melted shortening. Brush both sides of tempered steaks with oil. Arrange in rows 3 by 5 on rack (191/4 by 131/4 by 13/8 inche