xt7stq5rbv8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7stq5rbv8r/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1942 Prepared by the North Caroliina Historical Records Survey, Service Division, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Service Division; 62 pages, 2 leaves, 28 cm; Reproduced from typewritten copy; No more published; Includes bibliographical references; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:N 81c/6/v.1 books English Raleigh: North Carolina Historical Record Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Guide to Vital Statistics Records in North Carolina, Volume I Public Vital Statistics text Guide to Vital Statistics Records in North Carolina, Volume I Public Vital Statistics 1942 1942 2015 true xt7stq5rbv8r section xt7stq5rbv8r · ' ` ‘ , A T ‘ I \\\\\\\I\ lWNl\ l\\\\\\Y0\\\\¤ J i iv 3 DHE5 *-\?l.E»\¤33 3. . _ . _ ‘ T GUIDE TO g Q * ‘ VITAL STATISTICS RECORDS g IN NORTH CMIOLIIIA i j VOLIHH I E \\%g ;\?g‘{ [W { PUBLIC VITAL STATISTICS _ g · A 2/ {A. {, 1;% . A Y£K`\i=€R5\ U .............. ‘ North Carolina Historical ‘ 3 Records Survey I I Service Division : Work Projects Admi11is·i:ra‘bior1 V L Raleigh, N. C• - _ , June 1942 ° I J , ; } * I A A 5 » K ‘ Q I? . I sums TO » VITAL STATISTICS RECORDS IN NORTH CAROLINA · »v I IN . Q4 {L ii vomvm 1 PUBLIC VITAL STATISTICS % I é Q 4 _ Prepared by T The North Carolina Historical Records Survey Service Division . , Work Projects Administration ` ik * >!= * * >$= * * I n I Raleigh, North Carolina _ The North Carolina Historical Records- Survey {J ,`—June l9¢l2 - O — · 3 I ¥ { % I i A E Historical Records Survey g a na _ j pros g Unit _ { took M. A. Rushton, Jr., Acting State Supervisor g Amor { to t Q of t { term A indi g WPA § unti E nati j elim Service Division 5 work §§ subs Florence Kerr, Assistant Com issioner ` was Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor j Noyt May E. Campbell, State Director iQ the p dirc TQ dirc i as a 3; Hisi Q Surw nw Qi accc WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION ii Pro; Lira appa CCrr< F. H. Dryden, Acting Commissioner 4 Roy Schrober, Regional Director Q C. C. McGinnis, State Administrator ’§ in Vg vim I a Q the sw FQ doa fg acc Sponsored by the North Carolina Historical Com ission rg Sur A ~l Rec R. D. W} Connor, Chairman { _»p _ C. C. Crittenden, Secretary iQ ·~·· y 1. h \ , V · PREFACE i The Historical Records Survey was created in the winter of 1935-36 as § a nation-wide Works Progress Administration project for the "discovery, Z preservation, and listing of basic materials for research in thc history of the i United Statos."l Under the direction of Dr. Luther H. Evans, the Survey under- E took an extensive program for the inventory of state and local archives, early { American imprints, church archives, and collections of manuscripts. Pursuant y to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act passed June 30, 1939, the existence g of the Survey as a single nation-wide project sponsored by·UPA itself was { terminated August 31, 1939; and the work of the Survey was continued within the Q individual states by locally sponsored projects operating within the national § RPA Historical Records Survey which continued under the direction of Dr. Evans § until his resignation and the subsequent appointment of Sargent B. Child as f national director on March 1, 1940. Mr. Child resigned Hay 1942. Duc to the E elimination of most of the work of the Historical Records Survey in favor of A work more closely related to the war effort, a formal national office was Q subsequently abandoned. ’j. §. E The North Carolina Project of the Federal Historical Records Survey E was established February l, 1936, with Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of the Q Ncrth Carolina Historical Commission, as state director. Until November 1936 E the Survey operated as an autonomous unit of the Federal Writers' Project, g directed in North Carolina by Edwin Bjorkmsn. Dr. Crittenden resigned as state i director June 30, 1937, and was succeeded by Dan Lacy, who had previously served g as assistant state director. The work nf the North Carolina unit of the ; Historical Records Survey was continued by the North Carolina Historical Records g Survey Project established September l, 1939, and sponsored by tho North Carolina § Historical Com ission. Mr. Lacy resigned as state supervisor April 2, 1940, to Y accept an appointment as assistant to the director of Historical Records Survey 5 Projects in'Washington, D. C., and was succeeded by Colbert F. Crutchfield. Q hr. Crutchfield resigned as state supervisor Deecmmer 8, 1941, to accept an y appointment as state supervisor of Research and Records Programs in North 1 Carolina, and was succeeded by the present acting state supervisor. Q The Guide to Vital Statistics Records in North Carolina is being issued H in two soparatorwthdugh complomentary;*volumesT—`ffiftwihmniddill include public ’i vital statistics records in custody of state, county, and municipal agencies; ,; the other, vital statistics records in various church archives. The present yi guide, Volume I, Public Vital Statistics, lists records pertaining to births, * deaths, marriages, and divorces held by various public dopositorios in the state, · The guide was prepared under the supervision of H. A. Rushton, Jr., in Q accordance with instructions from the“Uashington office of the Historical Records ;y survey. Field work was done by employees of the North Carolina Histcrical Records Survey Project in the one hundred counties in the State with the R l. Works Progress Administration, Operating Procedure Ne. W-2, Revised Juiy 2, iss?. <2 2 is generous eo-operation of various county and State officials. The guide was gi road for the sponsor by Dr. C. C, Crittenden of the North Caroline Historical i Commission. - i The Survey gratefully acknowledges the ce—opcrution and support of §¢ Mrs. May E. Campbell, State Director of the Service Division, and members of go her stuff, and of Dr. R. T. Stimpson, Director of the Bureau of Vital Statistics T 5. of the North Caroline State Board of Health. K §. M. A. Rushton, Jr. g Acting State Supervisor Q North Carolina Historical Records Survey Q June 1942 E f ` S ; 5 N ` E é Q » i 2 i cc Q g iv 1 i TABLE OF CONTENTS _ 1 U Page 1 Birth and Death Records, Introduction • . . . . 1 r Birth Records . . . . . . . . .‘. . . . . . . . 6 A Death Records . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . 17 * Marriage Records, Introduction . . . . . . . . 27 Marriage Records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Divorce Records, Introduction . . . . . . . . . 50 i Divorce Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 i List of Publications. . . . . . . . , . . . . . 65 Z t ABBREVIATIONS, SYMBOLS, AND EXPLANATORY NOTES alph. . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alphabetically T arr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arranged c. . . . . . . . . . . ..... i . . . . . . . . . . chapter E chron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q . . . . . . . . chronologically f. b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . file box (es) f. d. . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . file drawer (s) ibid.p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the same place no. ...........................number s. . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . section (s) v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . volume (s) -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . current or to date t Exact titles are given for all records. i Explanatory or supplied titles of records are enclosed in brackets. The location of the records is given in the introduction to each p type of record; if the location varies from that given in the intro- duction, a note is made of that fact. Q ‘ INTRODUCTION E Vital statistics records have for a number of years become increas- f ingly important as source materials for genealogists and statisticians. } As such records constitute legal proof of nativity and social relation- l ships, the present war has created an abnormal public demand for such Q proof, and attest to the recognition of the value of these records. y Proof of citizenship and date of birth is today required of draftees 3 and applicants in certain branches of the armed forces, and of employees l in our war industries. As a consequence, in the first three weeks sub- * sequent to the declaration of war by the United States, state bureaus A of vital statistics reported a fourfold increase in public demand for birth certificates, which increase was in addition to an equivalent increase which had followed the adoption of the draft by the Federal Government. The adoption of legislation granting allowances to families of draftees will in all probability create a similar increase in the demand for facts of marriages and divorces. The legal importance of marriage and divorce records was early S recognized in North Carolina, and provision was made for their recording and preservation by public agencies. The legal significance of birth S and death records was not recognized, however, until many years later. S The problem of handling such an increase over normal demands for U vital statistics records is complicated for State and county officials who keep such records by the fact that no complete records of births and deaths exist in the State prior to 1913, and because a great number of the people have difficulty in producing satisfactory proof of their births. Machinery has accordingly been set up in the State by which residents may file delayed birth certificates upon presentation of S two or more pieces of evidence, which records must be at least five years old. Volume II of this series, which will be published in the X near future, gives vital statistics records kept by North Carolina church- y es, and affords a guide to much material of this nature. 2 The present guide, covering public vital statistics records, is j designed to assist persons in procuring documentary evidence concerning Q births, deaths, marriages, and divorces. It is based on data secured { in the fall of 1940, except as noted, when the Survey made an inventory E of public vital statistics records in the State at the request of the IQ National Defense Com ission and the United States Bureau of the Census. i The primary arrangement of this guide is by type of record, and § the secondary arrangement is by governmental unit. As the laws affect- #3 ing the keeping of birth and death records are so closely related, these j records are discussed together, but are listed separately. The keeping i of marriage and divorce records are discussed and listed separately. j The record entries show inclusive dates, nature of the record, number Q of volumes or other containers, method of arrangement, indexing, and é the cost of certified copies. é i § BIRTH AND DEATH RECORDS Et The maintaining and preserving of a permanent record of births and if deaths is in North Carolina a function of both the county Registers of 5 Deeds and the North Carolina Board of Health. The act of 1715 laid upon § the Register the duty of maintaining a register of births and deaths, Y until parish clerks had been appointed to take over this duty.l Private A burials were prohibited in l7l5 under the provision: "Whereas the bury- $ ing of servants probably may cause a scandal in the government. It is { hereby provided by the Lords Proprietors by and with the advice and con- Q sent of the General Assembly that there shall be set aside by each planta- g tion a burial ground and that before each burial threc of four neighbors i shall be called in to view the corpse and if it appears to them that il such person died of violence then they shall notify the coroner. No person dying shall be buried contrary to these provisions and any person s occasioning the same shall forfeit and pay 1OL one third to the informer A and one third to the Lords Proprietors and one third to the poor."2 i The registration of births and deaths was, however, apparently never w seriously undertaken. Governor Tryon in 1767 stated that at that time Y no such record was being kept in any county in the colony,5 and only Z fragmentary records from Perquimans and Pasquotank counties remain to X indicate that this registration was ever undertaken. when county govern- i ment was reorganized under the Constitution of 1776, the general failure 2 of the Registers to keep vital statistics was recognized. The act of R 1777 relating to the office of Register provided no other duty than the recording of property conveyances,4 and the fee bill of 1778 omitted fees for the registration of births and deaths.5 The county superintendents of health were required in 1879 to make monthly returns of vital statistics to tho State Board of Hcalth.6 In § 1881 this method of collecting vital statistics was supplemented by an- ? other measure. Thereafter, persons listing property for taxation were 5 required to make out and deliver to the township assessor a statement y showing the number of births and deaths within his family during the § preceding year.? Each assessor forwarded the filled-in forms to the Q Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of his county, who in turn g forwarded them to thc Secretary of State. After making a record of the Q information, the Secretary of State forwarded the forms to tho secretary i of the State Board of Health.8 This law, too, was ineffeotive.9 I T ..-.a..l... y E l. Walter Clark, ed., State Re- 5. _Ibid., 207. l s.<22;.@.=2 ai lusts ,........¤¤r¤1i¤e· 6- lasts si; ..N¤.¤·.*>.h. §.a.<1l%1>s» 187*% y XXIII, 49-52; hereafter cited c. 117, s. 8; Public Laws, g as State Records; William L. 1885, c. 257, s. 5. lg Saunders, The Colonial Records 7. Ibid., 1881, c. 75, s. 1. Q of North Carglina, VII,—487; * 8. `Ibid., s. 2. é `hereafter cited as Colonial 9. North Carolina Board of § Records. Hea1th,_Biennial_Rep2£t, l 2. laws of 1718, c. 47. . 1958-40, p. 7; hereafter Q 3. 4Cel6nial Records, VII, 487. cited as Biennial Report. 4. §J6é>€éfg_'5_g_’si.;_11 s',-—_-XXIV, 15. '”""'"` ' " ii - 2 - g In 1883 under the leadership of Dr. J.'W. Jones, a member of the yi State Board of Health, a meeting of county superintendents of health was Q held in Raleigh, one of the main purposes of which was to urge enactment Q of vital statistics 1egislation.lO Nothing further seems to have been { done until 1909, at which time an act was passed requiring the registra- Q tion of all deaths occurring in towns of 1,000 population or over. The $ aldermen or town commissioners of all such towns were required to desi- 2 gnate local registrars whose duty it was to issue death certificates in j each case within 3 days after the death er before the removal of the f bedy.l1 The local registrar was required to record all death certificates 'E and, on the fifth day of each calendar month, to forward copies of the { certificates for the previous month to the State Health Officer, who was E constituted State Registrar of Vital Statistics and was required to main- ii tain in his office a bureau of vital statistics to preserve, file, and Y index such records.12 In 1911 the law relative to death certificates was IQ made applicable to towns of 500 or more inhabitants.l5 2 As all attempts at listing vital statistics through co~operation with ? local officials had proved ineffective, the General Assembly of 1913 made * the registration of births and deaths a responsibility of the North Caro- f lina Board of Health. Under the 1913 Model Vital Statistics Law, the j board is required to prepare the forms and instructions for preserving I such records; to set up a central bureau of vital statistics at Raleigh _ for compiling and preserving the records; and tc obtain uniform enforce- 5 _, ment of such registration throughout the State.l4 Each municipality and Q each township is constituted a registration district, although the g State board may combine registration districts when it sees fit.15 Local registrars, appointed by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners Y for the townships and by the mayors for the municipalities, but respon- ;» sible to the Eorth.Caro1ina Board of Lcakth, were charged with the se- ; curing of birth and death certificates. E The birth of every child in the State must be registered with the ; local registrar within 5 days afterthc event. The filing of the required Q certificate must be by the attending physician or midwife; if there was 1 no attendant, the birth must be reported by the father or mother, by a é householder, or owner of the premises where the birth occurred, or by ;— the manager of the institution in which the birth occurred, to the local ·r registrar who must then prepare the certificate.l6 The contents of the il·‘ birth certificate are outlined by the 1aw,17 and include the signature x of the attending physician or midwife or of one of the parents, giving ,» the place and date of birth, the full name, sex, and race of the child, Q a statement as to his legitimacy, the name, residence, race, education, g age, birthplace, and occupation of the father and of the mother, the z? { ~··—······· Q 10. Biennial Report, 1938-40, 14. Ibid., 1913, c. 109, ss. 1, 2. pq 8g ].•5• Ibj.-qa, S• Cc 9, l ll. Public Laws, 1909, c. 722, -sj"3. 2 s. 1:* 16. Ibid., 1913, c. 109, s. 13; E 12. Ibid., s. 3. 13HE, c. 85, s. 1. 5 13. ;§Eid., 1911, c. 180, s. 1. 17. Albid., 1913, c. 109, s. 14. I ·t gi { number of children born to the mother and the number living, and a state- Q ment as to whether the birth was single or plural. The name of the child ; is often omitted as no name may have been selected at the time the birth { certificate was issued. When a certificate of birth for a living child ‘ is filed with the given name omitted, the registrar must supply the par- f ents with a special blank for the supplemental report of the name.l8 f Whenever the court changes the name of a child, it must notify the State 1 Registrar of Vital Statistics and request the filing of a certificate L showing the new name.l9 ‘ T Due to the fact that birth registrations are imcomplete prior to ’ 1915, and in a few instances after that date, machinery has been set up i to register delayed birth certificates, probably the most noted of which ` is the one filed August 18, 1957, for Virginia Dare, born August 18, R 1587. Persons born in North Carolina before October 1, 1915, and those ~ born since that date but who had no certificate recorded at the time of Y birth, may file a delayed certificate. They are required to fill out an Q application, which may be secured from the North Carolina Board of Health 1 or the Register of Deeds of the county of birth and filed with the latter f office. For persons under 4 years of age, births may be registered by asking the attending physician or midwife to fill in and sign the regular R birth certificate. For persons from 4 to ll years of age, an application “ for delayed birth certificates must be filed, submitting one supporting 1 record as proof of birthdate, birthplace, and parents’ ages, such as r attendant's record, family Bible record, baptismal record, baby record, T or sworn statement of parent. For persons 12 years of age and over or born prior to October 1, 1915, an application for delayed birth registra- i tion must be filed, submitting the following supporting records: two * records giving birthdate, birthplace, and parentage, if one or both { records were made before the age of 4; or three records giving birthdate, Q birthplace, and parentage, if the records were made at or after the age I of 4. All records submitted as proof of birth, with the exception of j the affidavit of personal knowledge, must be at least 5 years old. Types Q of records from which proofs may be selected include attending physician's g office record; family Bible record or other family record; baptismal, Q cradle roll, or other church record; affidavit of personal knowledge, or % sworn statement of parent; insurance policy; school record; military ser- § vice record; hospital nursery, or clinic record; marriage license, proof § of applicant's age on birth certificate of his or her child; record from Q Federal, State, or local census; printed notice of birth in newspaper; pi birthday books; greetings or souvenirs; employment record; voting regis- lg tration card; fraternal order entrance papers; and any other trustworthy Q evidence made 5 or more years ago. The proof is submitted and a 50¢ { registration fee is paid to the Register of Deeds of the county of birth. § The Register of Deeds files one certificate in his office and sends one i `to the State Board of Health for recording. A certified copy may be E obtained from either office. An extra fee of 50g is made by the State Q Board of Health for a certified copy. The county fee may vary, but in 18- gublic gggs, 1915. c- 199. 19. Ibida, ieee, e. 245, S. 1, pF S- I5• · sub s. 6. i ·· 4 · I most counties it is 50¢ for each copy furnished. · Stillbirths were originally registered as a birth and a death,2O but } since 1955 a separate form has been used for stillbirths and separate S I°8COI°dS BIG p No burial may take place until a burial permit is issued by the local , registrar of the district in which the death occurred, who issues the permit only upon the receipt of a properly executed death certificate. T A death certificate is composed of two parts, that containing the personal particulars and the medical certificate which gives the cause of death. The undertaker is directed to obtain the personal and statisticial parti- ‘ culars over the signature and address of his informant and to present the certifi•ate to the attending physician who shall complete the medical _ certificate. The u dertaker, after following the above course and enter- ing the date and place of burial, files the completed certificate with the local registrar and receives in exchange for it a burial permit. y The contents of the death certificates are outlined in the law relative to vital statistics, and include the name, sex, race, age, occupation, birthplace, and educational attainments of the decedent, the cause of ‘ death, and the place and date of buria1.22 Deaths without medical attend- _ ance must be recordedzg and undertakers must see that certificates are properly filed before they may dispose of the body¤24 These certificates e· are filed as prepared with the State Registrar in the North Carolina Board 1 of Health. Certified copies of all certificates from each county are deposited an ually with the Registers of Deeds by the State Registrar. When the State Board of Health inaugurated its program of registering l births and deaths in 1915, the Register of Deeds was given the duty of keeping a duplicate record for each county, to be furnished by the State i Board of Health and of preparing and supplementing annually an index - thcreto.25 The series is practically always to be found complete from ` 1915 or 1914, well preserved, and adequately indexed. i Officials of institutions must keep vital statistics records of their Q inmates.z6 i Any organization or person in possession of a record of births and 1 deaths which may be of value in establishing the genealogy of any resident E. of the State, may file such record or a certified copy with the State Q Regiggrar. The State Registrar may furnish transcripts for a fee of so¢. ‘ g § ............. Q. Q 20. Public Laws, 1915, c. 109, 25. Ibid., 1915, c. 109, s. 8. S0 G5 24• ii-B`jTd`•, S• 9• .Q 21. Ibid., 1955, c. 9, s. 2. 25. C._§., s. 7109; Epblic § 22. Egigelidated Statutes, laws, 1915, c. 109. § . Q , 9 { hcroafier cited 26. lbid., s. 16. i as G. S•l Public Laws, 1915, 27. Ibid., s. 17. Q e. 109, es. 5, 7} 1915, c. Sa lj l - i The State Registrar or the county Register of Deeds may furnish to i applicants copies of certificates upon payment of a small fee. Copies r Y duly certified are_p£§Ea facie evidence in the State courts. ` T The State Records of births and deaths, given at the beginning of each list and held by the North Carolina Board of Health in Raleigh, in- clude certificates for the entire State. These records are duplicated in the various counties. v E Unless otherwise indicated, all birth and death records are in the office of the Register of Deeds, located in the courthouse in the county seat given after the name of each county. %¤ · if an 6 •¤• ( ` 4 BIRTH RECORDS §i STATE RECORDS. North Carolina Board of Health, Division of Vital Statis- _ j tics, Raleigh. T Oct. Births [Certificates]. 4,568 v. Arr. by year and month, _ Q 1915--. thereunder by county and township, and thereunder g chron.; indexed a1ph.,in 55 v. and 225 f. b. Includes f birth certificates for all counties in the state, _ § Alamance through Yancey in alphabetical order. In . { North Carolina Board of Health. (Certified copy, sop.) { 1915--. [Birth Certificates Prior to October 1915.] 16 v. Arr. i chron. by filing date; indexed alph. Delayed birth g certificates. Includes birth certificates for all 1 counties in the State, Alamance through Yancey in t alphabetical order. In North Carolina Board of Health. Q (Certified copy, 50¢.) ( ALAMANCE COUNTY. County seat, Graham. € 1915--• Vital Statistics--Births. 27 v. Arr. by year, township, 3 _ _ and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- 7 fied copy, sop.) ( ALEXANDER COUNTY. County seat, Taylorsville. -% 1915--. Vital Statistics--Births. 25 v. Arr. by year, township, 4 and chron.; permaflex index. (Certified copy, 50¢.) ( ABLEGHANY COUNTY. County seat, Sparta. ,‘ 1914--. Vital Statistics--Births. 23 v. Arr. by year, township, fi and chron. 1956 survey. (Certified copy, 50¢.) E ANSON COUNTY. County seat, Wadesboro. `E 1914--. Vital Statistics--Births. 26 v. Arr. by year, township, { and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- g fied copy, so¢.) § ASHE COUNTY. County seat, Jefferson. Q 1913--. Vital Statistics--Births. 25 v. Arr. by year, township, § and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- g fied copy, 50¢.) · I% AVERY COUNTY. County seat, Newland. éy 1915--. Births. 17 v. Arr. by year, township, and chron.; in- % dexed alph. within each year. (Certified copy, 50%.) It BEAUFORT COUNTY. County scat, Washington. `Q 1914--. Vital Statistics--Births. 24 v. Arr. by year, township, é and chron.; indexed alph. 1 separate V., 1916, for T Chocowinity township. (Certified copy, 50¢.) g BERTIE COUNTY. County seat Windsor. Ii 1914--. Vital Statistics--Births. 26 v. Arr. by year, township, § and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- Q fied copy, 50¢.) [gg ` I T? jg, 1 •• 7 ·*• Q ‘ (Birth Records) r { BIADEN COUNTY. County seat, Elizabethtown. TQ 1914--. Vital Statistics--Births. 26 v. and 1 f. b. for 1931. §· Arr. by year, township, and chron.; indexed alph. §* within each year. (Certified copy, 50¢.) E BRUNSWICK COUNTY. County seat, Southport. “§ 1915--. Vital Statistics--Births. 26 v. Arr. by year, tow ship, 11 and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- E fied copy, 50¢.) Q BUNCOMBE COUNTY. County seat, Asheville. ‘p 1887-1915. Birth Registration. 4 v. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Q Local register of births for Asheville only; not i official State birth certificates. Q 1913--. Vital Statistics-—Births. 32 v. Arr. by year, township, Q and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- ; fied copy, 50¢.) { BURKE COUNTY. County seat, Mcrganton. j 1913--. Vital Statistics--Births. 27 v. Arr. by year, township, i° and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- 7 fied copy, 50¢.) ‘ Q CABARRUS COUNTY. County seat, Concord. r 1914--. Vital Statistics--Births. 21 v. Arr. by year, township, f and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- ji fied copy, 50¢.) ( CANDMELL COUNTY. County seat, Lenoir. Q 1915--. Vital Statistics-—Births. 26 v. Arr. by year, township, Q and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- I fied copy, 50¢| to World War Veterans, free.) T CAMDEN COUNTY. County seat, Camden. (Q 1915--. Vital Statistics-—Births. 7 v. Arr. by year, township, j and chron.; indexed alph. in front of each v. Q (Certified copy, 50%.) K CARTERET COUNTY. County seat, Beaufort. 1 fi 1915--. Vital Statistics--Births. 22 v. Arr. by year, township, g and chron.; indexed alph. (Certified cop], seg.) A E CASWELL COUNTY. County seat, Yanceyville. vi 1913--. Vital Statistics--Births. ll v. Arr. by year, township, `§ and chron.; indexed alph.‘ (Certified copy, 25¢.) Q CATKWBA COUNTY. County seat, Newton. { 1915--. Vital Statistics--Births. 26 v. Arr. by year, township, ;@ and chron.; indexed alph. in front of each v. (Certi- § fied copy, 50¢.) Q. w 0 $ 2 V (Birth Records) Er CHATEAM COUNTY. County scat, Pittsboro. Q; 1915--. Vital Statistics-—Births. 22 v. Arr. by year, township, @» and chron.; indexed alph. in front of each v. (Certi- Q fied copy, eoc.) w» g CHEROKEE COUNTY. County seat, Murphy. T 1914--. Vital Statistics--Births. 25 v. Arr. by year, township, QV and chron.; indexed alph. (Certified copy, 50¢; to E `world War Veterans, free.) ‘§ CHOWAN COUNTY. County seat, Edenton. yl 1915--. Vital Statistics-—Births. 25 v. Arr. by year, township, { and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- t fied copy, 50¢.) @“ CLAY COUNTY. County seat, Hayesville. { 1915--. Vital Statistics--Births. 4 v. Arr. by year, township, Q and chron. 1956 survey. (Certified copy, 50¢.) { CIEVELAND COUNTY. County seat, Shelby. jr 1915--. Vital Statistics--Births. 24 v. Arr. by year, township, ( and chron.; indexed alph. in each v. (Certified copy, 1 so¢.) it COLUMBUS COUNTY. County seat, Whiteville. Q 1915--• Vital Statistics--Births. 25 v. Arr. by year, township, Q and chron.; indexed alph. in each v. (Certified { copy, $1.00.) @ CRAVEN COUNTY. County seat, New Bern. { 1914--. Vital Statistics-—Births. 9 V. Arr. by year, township, y and chron.; indexed alph. in each v. 1956 survey. E (Certified copy, 50¢.) if CUMBERLAND COUNTY. County seat, Fayetteville. yi 1915--. Vital Statistics--Births. 27 v. Arr. by year, township, .y and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Corti- Q fied copy, 50¢.) T? eg CURRITUCK COUNTY. County seat, Currituck. A §_ 1914--. Vital Statistics--Births. 10 v. Arr. by year, township, {§ and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- °§ fied copy, sor.) g DARE COUNTY. County seat, Nanteo. ?§ 1915--. Record of Births. 152 v. Separate v. for each township % and each year; arr. chron; indexed alph. within each 1% A year. (Certified copy, so¢.) § DAVIDSON COUNTY. County seat, Lexington. %— 1914--. Birth Certificates. 22 v. Arr. by year, township, and Q chron.; indexed alph. 1956 survey. (Certified copy, sor.) _ 9 _ gy ~ . (Birth Records) ‘I gi DAVIE COUNTY. County seat, Mocksville. §e 1913--. Vital Statist cs--Births. 25 vt Arr. by year, township, it and chron. (Certified copy, soy.) é` DUPLIN COUNTY. County seat, Kenansville. it 1913--. Vital Statistics--Births. 26 v. Arr. by year, township, Q1 and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- §- fied copy, sop.) it DURHAM COUNTY. Cou ty seat, Durham. iii 1909--. Vital Statistics-~Births. 110 v. Records before 1913 are § for city of Durham only, and are not official State § vital statistics records. 1936 survey. (Certified § copy, 50¢.) In office of Superintendent of health. § . 1922-33. Record of Births. 39 v. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. in Q each v. 1936 survey. i ,1 EDGECOMBE COUNTY. County seat, Tarbor0• QQ 1914--. Vital Statistics--Births. 26 v. Arr. by year, township, Q and chron.; indexed alph. 1936 survey. (Certified gp copy, sos.) ‘l, FORSYTH COUNTY. County seat, Winston-Salem. § 1918-37. Record of Births. 16 f. b. Arr. chron. Records are for ¥ city of Winston-Salem only and are not official State { vital statistics records. In office of City Health g_ officer. gl 1913--. Vital Statistics--Births. 62 v. Arr. by year, township, Q and chron.; indexed alph. within each year. (Certi- § ificd copy, sos.) ( FRANKLIN COUNTY. County seat, Louisburg. @ 1913--. Vital Statistics--Births. 25 v. Arr. by year, township, §( and chron.; indexed alph. 1936 survey. (Certified Q ¤¤py. 50%-) §» GASTON COUNTY. County seat, Gastonia. . yi 1914--. Vital Statistics--Births. 22 v. Arr. by year, township, jh and chron.; indexed alph. in each v. (Certified copy, 1(2 I iQ 1928-36. Vital Statistics. 1 f. b. Arr. alph.` 1936 survey. In y office of Superintendent of Health. gpl GATES COUNTY. County seat, G