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Lexingtan, Kentucky M
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
' Vol. 16 No. 12
with Ann Hampton (allaway
As we come to the close Of The fourteenth annual World
Holiday traditions; tree trim- 2001, GLSO would like to thank all AIDS Day will be observed around
ming, carolling, gatherings of who have generously donated the world and in Lexington on
friends and family, and for the last money and time to GLSO and our December first. World AIDS Day
eleven years, the Lexington Men's community projects. We have had aims to increase awareness of
Chorus winter concert. This year a dramatic increase in financial HIV/AIDS both globally and in the
the chorus is giving the community contributions and volunteer hours US. This year's theme is “I Care .
a fabulous present in the form of WhiCh has resulted in a banner . Do You? Youth and AIDS in the
Ann Hampton Callaway. Ms. year for our community. Zist Century."
Callaway will join LMC and an 11 The new Pride Center Opened There will be several local
piece orchestra on the stage of the in June after months 0f work by events: in observance of World
historic Lexington Opera House at numerous individuals who planned AIDS Day. AIDS Volunteers, Inc.
3 pm December 15th for a night of the space, constructed walls, drove (AVOL) will have a walking contin-
sheer entertainment. nails, painted and helped decorate gent in the Lexington Christmas
. The chorus will sing all your The Center has become a focal Parade on Dec. 1. AVOL encour-
favorites, including "Carol of the point for activity. Since opening 23 ages any interested community
Bells," Winter Wonderland," and different community QTOUPS have members to join our contingent
"Merry Christmas Baby." Ann will used the space and the number of The Episcopal Diocese of
. join LMC for five numbers includ- meetings has increased dramati- Lexington AIDS Ministry and AVOL
ing, "Have Yourself a Merry Little callyto over 25 per month. will be sponsoring “A Service in
Christmas," "Parade of the Wooden Managing the Center has Remembrance and Hope” at 5:30
Soldiers," and "God Bless My Family." become an enormous task and pm at Christ Church Cathedral 166
Ms Hallawa , sin er/son - GLSO has hired Ginger Moore as Market St. .
writer and Tony Azivard ngominategd part-time office manager. Most Of ...contmued on page 2
actress, is perhaps best known for her time at the Center is still on a
her song "The Nanny named Fran," volunteer basis; we have written Sponsor of the Month
and for her composition "I've another Gill grant request to enable
Dreamed of You;" written for US to increase her hours. _ I
Barbra Streisand to sing to James Volunteers help keep the Center Lextngton
Brolin at their wedding. Ann will open including Saturday hours.
performasolo set that will include The decision to maintain daily Men’s ChOles _
"White Christmas" and a Christmas office hours "continued on page 2
improv WhiCh ....Continued on page 2 PM W M #496 3