xt7stq5rc270 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7stq5rc270/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-01-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1995 1995 1995-01-26 2020 true xt7stq5rc270 section xt7stq5rc270 W









WEAIHEB .\ Iov‘t/y .v‘111111y

(Inlay. I11gI1 Hear 4/); mortly


Center tomorro

I/e‘m too/QM 10:.“ 111111 )8
I'Iomly 111111I11‘1‘ozz‘. Iiigl1 111'111‘ 5(1.
MOZABT'S MAG": .l 11):..11‘13' open! ~“I he
.I logic 1371111” 11‘ playing .11 the Sing/entry

1.33 Imil Sunday. .8‘1o1fy.

)II‘QI' 1‘



‘ lin

fan/111131 26, I 995


o I/1v11ii. 7 [MI/.1 11 2
Z I I11111. 8 8111111 4
I 1111 ”cl 7 I Ii'i.]‘1II1.'I 6



Students unimpressed with busing

By Glenda N. Elhinglon

81.1.Il ll 3311.31

l)espite several changes implement
his to the campus lIII's sy stem.

t‘il lI\
several students
impri vveiiieiit.

still see i‘ooill

.\Iost say then pi‘niiai‘y complaint is

sc heduling, or lack thereof.

"I think the times

and which hits
you are supposed to ride need to lic-

uThe} supposedly .lclvled buses to
btit it seems I wait longer."

the route,
he said. ”’l‘h‘at shouldn‘t lie."

llolilel‘ said the litis drivers l
to take breaks and cat
ltiiicli at the same times. He
said sttideiits vvait uniiec‘essarily
for the breaks to end.

“You can't really blame the
situation on the drivers. It's the
lilL’lIL‘rrlllis vv ho make the



11 11v" unorga-
nized. 11nd fIJe
[1111‘ Ian no
Schedule and no

hard to c oi‘l‘cc‘t this situation.”
.3\s for schedules,

said there are none
posted because they no
longer evist.

"\\ hen vve did our
surveys last year. there
was .iii indication that
the students were more
satisfied with lust leav -
ing the buses rtiniiiiig

and they run ahead.

“l.3.ist year. near the Sttideiit (Ienter
.1 bus vvas parked .iiid the driver was
reading .i book. She was doing her iob.
but she \v as .iliead and she had to vvait
to catch tip.

“I think if we went back to sc‘lied
tiles.“ he said. “Students \viiulcl sec .I
decrease in the number of cycles, spend
more time on the btises .iiid spend

increased waiting times at the bus

better posted." physical therapy fresh schedules, or lack oftliem." she
man l)l‘.|n'.l l..ish saiil. said.

lalvvays get on the wrong lius‘" she l)oii .lilltil‘lltiill, t‘k’x park-

said. “I think the bus comes every half mg and transportation director,

hour. I come and sit for a while. lfIthe said the l.t‘.\’lil'.ln drivers are

lius) doesn‘t come. I vvalk." .illovved tvvo III minute breaks
Ron Holder. .1 biology senior. perdav .3itthcir inscrction

It s lvee i3i cpiite i vv hilc since
anyone has called .iiid c‘oni
plamed to tis about this being .i
prolileiii." he said. "\Ve have
had problems vvitli this in the
past. btit

agreed scheduling for the buses needs

It is unoiL'am/ed, .IIIIl the bus has
no schedule and no set inte‘"ivals. he
said. "'I hey shovv up vv heii they want to

show up.”

l.L‘.\'lii".In has worked very

v‘l’I 1111131“ 111/11
[/1111 \IJII'” ”[7 said.
when f/Jey He

T311111 11111111733 creates

"\\ hen



_* h.“ va_____ ._ _i

‘ rather than
posted schedules,” he

in cycles.

said scheduling
”[1. “ consuming problems.

have to stop when the traffic is light

stt 111s.


run on
the liliscs

Iran bus

(Zuri‘ently, there sliotild be no more
It) iiiiiitites bc-tvveen buses. he

".~\t the beginning of the seiiiestei'.
dtirinLI peak periods. vve vvet‘e av erag l

V ”For one thing. we ing abotit four minutes betvveen i

could not get as many buses." 'I‘hornton said. .

Ron Holder (bus) cycles on sclied _loc3 Moore, a former his student, i
“WIN" 3I3111ui tiles he said, adding, his been .i btis driver for Si v'e .ii’s. l‘oi

the pist five years he has driven l I L\

ind he currently drives the

.st BUSING 1111 Back Page 1


Policy may cause
oil-campus flight

By David Turner

8111'Ii1. 1I1

lhe number of students liquidating their L'K
liousmL1 contracts and moving off campus Ii is dour
lled m t3hiLc veais, a ic3ct nt housing studv sliovvs.

ls’esidei. ce ll ill \ssoci itioii oflici. ils sav the in. not
cause of this shift is the lack of :i _-I both visitation
policy .it his.

lv'l l,\ members are preparing to offer .i possible
solution to administrators.

Students le.3ivc (the campus) for a vaiicty of rea
said Deborah Il.i/:ird diiectoi of L K lv’esi
Iancc lilc \Iaiiv aie attempting ti csc a-pc restricv
tioiis. such as the visitation polit v to achieve .1 sense


ol iieeIlom. she said.

The housing study showed that I‘I‘i students
lirok'e their contracts with l K housing last semester,
tip from III; in 1””.

llovvch r that doesn‘t mean the administration is
vvilling to Ilitgcin l)I)liL'lc‘.\ Despite the number of
students le avinL1 I)ean oI Students l).iv‘icl Stockh. im

said thc visit itioii policy is good for students L1‘;3.riIlLs

“It is .i geneiallv .iccepted fact that students who
il\C oti campus tend to perform better academically.“
Stoc‘kliaiii said.

Rl l,\ president Brad l‘iggert said the number one
reason cited by students leaving the residence halls is
the restricted visitation policies.

.\Iost residence halls have strict midnight curfews
oii vveekdays and .? .i.m. restrictions on the weekends
for members of the opposite se \.

“lvvciity loin—hour visitation is something the
students h. i3vc asked foi. .-.iiid something we vvill try
and make happen. laggert said.

(:ontroversy over this policy has not been .i recent
Ilevclopiiie iit.

lvai3.e.irs.iL1oa Reseidencc lite committee began
coiiipiliiiLr information about universities vvith 34
lioui visitation policies for the purpose of creating .i
test program for IR, Ila/ward saicl.

llie suicide of former Residence I.ife Director
Bob (llay and the subsequent investigation into that
office for the misappropriation of funds eventually
forced the committee to break apart, lIa/xai‘d said.

3\ll of the information gathered by the committee
vvas turned over to RI I.-\, and since that time creating
.i .‘lhom visitation policy at UK has become the
organil. ition‘s top priority liggert said.

lhe student advocacv group has been working on
.i pl in for several months and hopes to have .i fiii~
ished proposal teach to present to administrators by
the middle of Iebrtiary l ggcrt said

Rll 3\ s proposal vvill call for .i pilot residence hall
next fall vvlieie the program can be monitored on .i
small scale. .\ special concern to organizers is securi—
t_\'. l‘iggcrt said.

There vvill need to be more efficient monitoring
procedures .iiid better resident adviser training.
l‘iggcrt said. Also, he said stricter “night desk" polii
cies vvill tieed to be implemented.



Cats cruise past Tennessee 39-50

H 1111.111 guard rally Dell goo up It» (I var (lg/111m Ii1.11111va3I v .81I :I [lumen
I1111R11111‘1I‘I RI1oIlva11111I1111111 v‘3‘u1vI111 I11LrI1 3911111I3i11111eii 111ImI1I1 of I Iv v I ”III/[1111111 Ill/I1. (.8II3v111131. page I)


JOSEPH REY AU 1m 1 . .3" 1.1."

[lie I 111i Itild “cl/c 111/1111 II [11111111.




Clinton rejects
making wage suggestion

ls'L'Vli/VI'I I“ \. l‘.i. llopm; '1
tiling \vitli Republicans l'iesivlei‘.t I .illltilll \vi'l
liol l oll pioposii rig .ispccilii llltll isi iii thI mini
mum until lic llisi Milli. vvitl.
(iIlIIL'TL'881I1l'.lIst'Illt' tal" ll rust. ~.lI\l

.ivoiil taii

tiits to

the \\l.it.-

vv .iL'c

ul ils inclination ls Iii L’Ii \vltli ._\ ci‘iits :ivi” l.v
years, but obviously he wants 1.. go 1viili some
thing that can be .llH1i' 8I3c retarv
Robert Reich said
He warned that it ls'I public ans settle ‘lii
significantly less than 8‘ and hour. "vve

c'Il.lc It'Il." i

.l I ilt'
.ii'c L'Illll‘.‘
to have a very serious deli IIt'.”

\Iike \li( IIII‘
sion Hot to propose a spec’lliv llictc‘a‘v‘
nal .l vvealeniiigol (lliiitoii'sitsolve ’I1lllsi‘Ill1'

llvl Ilit‘ «It'll

Ilitl 1111' si;

l’l'ess \cci'c'tal'v


C.J.'s delense says ILA. had ‘olisession'

l.I).8 .\.\'(il‘,l.l3'8 (),_l, Simpson‘s III-tense
vovved yesterdav to prove him .iu “innocent man
vvt‘ongly accused" oftvvo murders .iiid promised .i
parade ofsuppoi‘tive vvitnesses vvho \\t‘lc' ignored
by over/ealous authorities.

I Inc shunned vvitiiess. vv .ilking tlii‘ougl: vi.tini
\lctilc l’rovvii Simpson's tieiL1lil1oihooil tlit illL‘llt
ot the slayings. savv loui men llceiiig the arm tvw
of them in ski h..its attoiiicy lohniiie ( ov In an I3
told intent itirois.

(iIK'lIl‘dIl. striking back after povverful pioset 1'3
tion statements about the trail iiflilooil that vvoultl
tie Simpson to the murders. accused the .ll‘Il.c!
attorney ‘s office of a "rush to iudgiiient. .iii olvsI-s
sioii to vvin .lI any cost and by any means netcs
sarv "

Some salmon in danger ol extinction
\\'\.8'lll.\'(.'l I 1\

\Iii‘tlivvc-st salmon \v ill bet 1 ili‘it’ c3\tilit‘t unless . ost
lv changes ire made in the ol the
region‘s l‘i'vIlII"1tltIIIIL il.iu.~. 1'Ii\t’lllillt‘iii lisli
experts said ve3.stLid iv.

lhc \atioiiil \Iai‘mi l’islieiit I 8i-rvi: e.
fedet‘il court or. ler to l‘I‘IItl prI tec'. 'he lish sud
iii .iiiev. Ilral'. ll.11lti”lt.ll3 3' 3

Several species ol l’aciliI


IIII lc‘i .I

1.1311: 1...lt..'..".i' .
in the ( olumlvia and SIIHILL' ii3‘vcis must lc di- ‘\|'lt ii
to flushing migrating salmon to sea.

Man's survial gives hope tor AIDS vaccine

BI )8“ IV I )nc iii. in s lll\ iiil ectioi‘. more
than .i dec‘ adc iL1o is giving scientists theii lir ' evi
clence ol the silcty of. in \ll)8 v.icci3nc that has
bcei3i considered too dangerous tor people

In .i kind oftiiiinteiided natuial experiment. the
man caught .i genetically vvcakL‘nc-Il form of tilt
.\ll).8 virus

It is virtually identical to the
ll8L‘Il in the evpeiiiiieiital vaccine. \v hic h vvorks vveil
on monkLvs

vaically people fall ill \vithin lli\L‘.II\tilc1~II
tr. icting Ill\. ’ut this man. novv 3H. .ippc .iis to lie
pe3rlcctly healthy at least I: vears alter getting

vveakcneIl virus

NAM Edropping

Critics hurt his ‘Achy Breaky Heart'
NICH' \‘( )Rls
country. a little bit rock ‘ii
”if“ his critics.
('_vriis lashed out .it thosc vv 11o lcliasliiill l.ls
cotititiv miisit ci‘3ILdeiiti ils and sav lze s tot. hallovv

llillv lv’ay (.vriis is a little bit
I roll .il.il 1 lot tlckc'il

to have .i lasting c‘33‘arcci.

”I sure don‘t have to delenIl
vvlio I .iiii liec mst- vvhat my music
has done and the doors that it's
opened has licen vei‘vbcnc lic‘ial to
all of country music (yrus s.i_vs
in the \pril issiic ol (Ii/111111133I.1.

“I .iiii vvhat I am." said (i.\l".l\.
vvhose biggest hit is " \L‘liy Breaky
Heart." "‘l‘he country radio listen
ers and the markets that have crown with leaps
and bounds really speak for vvliat Ill\ imis1c has
done for country iiitisic



(,'.1111,111/i3.l1111111 um 1.11.11 1v


HBSOilltillll illl‘ student ilfllllll‘ 00118 barely I‘GCGIVBS Senate approval

director of academic affairs, has
researched honor codes at other
universities and spoke on behalfof
the resolution.

“Right now, we have nothing
that puts the responsibility of
reportin r cheating on the stu—
dents," \ 'eitznian said. “Students
are lenient to re iort cheating with
the current policy because they
know that their charges will have
no validity unless they have .i fac=
tilty witness."

(Iurrently, the policy says that
if a faculty member accuses a stti

P1 ‘opoml Tr next step

is Senate Council
By Sara Spears

8131111113 Sniff II 1110‘
Just one vote can make the clif-

l.;l'st night's L‘K Student (Iov-
ernment .-\.ss‘oc3iation Senate meet!
ing proved this adage true. The
Senate passed a resolution last
night. by a vote of II)-‘), endors»
ing an ad hoc‘ committee of stu— dent ofcheating, the student goes
dents, faculty and adtiiinistrators‘ before a board of nine members
to research and create an honor ~ six faculty and three students.
code at ['K. This board decides their fate.

.3\v‘i \Vcitzman. S(i'.3\ executive \Veitznian said the impact of an



honor code at UK would be

“\Vheii students know that
other students are watching them,
this definitely serves as a deter—
rent," “'eitzman

College of Law
Senator Dan .3\lt—
man disagreed.

“I've been at
schools before
.who had honor

codes, and it really
ptit a damper on
our learning," .3\lt-
man said. “Students were afraid to
share notes. outlines, briefs and
those types of things because they
were afraid of liciiig caught."


Senator at Iairge
(Ihaney agreed with



Altman. adding that
even if students .ire
char red with cheat—
ing, but not convict
ed, it still leaves a
“dark spot" on their

“i know that tht‘
bar exam asks
whether or not you
have been charged
with an honor code
violation, not con-
victed, itist
charged," (Ilianey
said. “So even if you



Ive been at
.ubool: befiire
who bad honor
code; and It
really put a
damper on
learning. ”


Dan Altman
.s‘m immm



weren't convicted.

and it was all just a big mistake

it still looks bad ..
\Veitziiian evpressed
his concern.

.iil iitK'

should define cheating
point that if .i student
sees someone cheating
this would be a violation
honor code as



of the

though the resolution
was hindered somevvhat
by the slight margin dif-
ference in votes, there is
still enough streii rth iii

of an i
code for hitii to present the reso



llltion to the Senate

“.-\s far as submitting this to the
l'niversity Senate (:Illlnt‘ll, vv liicli
\votilcl evaluate the resolution. I
would have liked there to have
been more utiivcrsali/ed student
support." “'eit/nian said. “Ilav
ing more support vvould give more
credence to the proposition."

.3\lso last night. the Senate
defeated a bill that would have
allocated SUI-III to the intramural
basketball program to hire .i third
official for the remaining season
and playoffs.

lht Senate passed a hill allo~
eating SIJIIII to the Martin
Luther King _lr. (Zultural (Zenter
to bring Lisa _lones to speak.


saying the

make the

report It .

said that



 2 Ilium/.1», lat/nan .‘h l'l’” X l\t Hunt") lxu'no'


‘Totally' BXIJIOI‘BS l***Bll III! lives 0' gay COIIIIIGS

Ne" * Amkifilm veers away/frail]
plot par/.7, needs more direction

By Eli Humble

\: Jill ll/l.

‘l he .\ll).\ epidemic .iiid homo
sc\ua|ity are two prominent issues
that often spark extreme feelings

one way or the other, and “ l otally
l""ed l'p" meets the «hallengc
lit‘atl llll

liliis is the story ofsix college
age friends living in l os \ngeles
who happen to llt‘ lioiiiose\tial


ll hey lace ey'eryday' [H'tiltlt'lll‘s like
eyeryone else, (well, not exactly
like ctr/Ville elsel and go .llltilll
theirdaily routines.

lhe film is shot, it seems. with
a hand held camera. 'l'heic are
also tpiick insertions of seyeial our
stl't‘t‘l) quotes and graphits that
contriliute to the suluect matter.
\ll of these artsy lactois make it

SAB wants You.
your ideas and
your energy

Student Activities Board is taking
applications for both Family Weekend
and Homecoming committees. Pick up
applications in room 203 of the Student
(‘enter now. Call for more information




1NTER¥!E_ a E








part/1t; a personal ad in the
tiger: t urlo/ ‘ly'erm'lt ‘lass‘i'fii‘ds.

l1 « simple it t‘lu'up amt It '.s' Street!


l' - - rt.

\Vhilc the film has more than
its share of good social commen
tary .iiid cleyer lines of- dialogue,
it‘s really not much of a solid

lint niayhe that was the point.
'l‘he lit-ginning is so random and

www— .. _



‘7bmlly l""'ed

ll’rirren and
directed lfy Gregg
rimkI minded people knoyy also to descrihe the film as .1

Hide, and l)erit iust alistract that there's no storyline

may he getting involved to follow.

‘ with’l'ommy, Simply put. “'l‘otally l‘ucked
\ downfall comes in l'p" is exactly that. 'l'hat‘s a good

the form of the stiltiect phrase to use t oncerning narrow 7

matter. ,\lost open minded people‘s \‘ieyys ofg.iys, hut

how wrong it is to treat yy hole. lt syyery es off-the road too
gays dillcrently liecause often and ne\ er really linds its desv
of their sexual [)releru titration.



SAB bringing African celebration

By Carrie Morrison
.‘lrh l'a/llul‘

African culture has had on American society as \\ ell as
cultures around the world.
The lead singer of funk/folk/rap group Arrested

it‘s no accident that the Student Actiyi ge-.-__-.~.-.._k.__._ < l)e\elopment, Speech, will appear as execr

ties Board is liringing “Fusion," a llitlltlr
media performance highlighting Alrican
culture, to campus duringr Black History


“'l'he (SAB) multicultural committee
felt that many students are unaware ol-the
strong influence that African culture has
had on American society." committee to

chairwoman Alahsa \‘os‘sugh said.

“ ‘l‘iusion‘ provides an entertaining way
to educate students on the richness and

energy ofthe African culture."

“Fusion" will he performed in Alemo l
rial Hall on l-‘eh. 3]. in the slit)“, a per
forming arts group comliines traditional L
dancers. African drummers and a storyteller with cut

uti\e producer.

'lcrrie Ayam. also of Arrested l)eyelop
. ment. created, choreographed .iiid tlii‘ec't'
ed “Fusion."

ll‘ie storyteller, known as Professor
Atu. also is a drummer who has performed
with Duke I’llington and Ray (iharles.

“Fusion" has played to sold-out audi-
ences and rave reviews at several other
uniyersities, including (ieorgia, l’ennsy'l-
y'ania and Dartmouth.

'l he ()(l—minute program includes sey»
eral traditional Alrican dances. Among
them are the Kplonga of\\'estern Africa.
- the "cake walk" and “circle" dances.
'l‘ickets are now on sale in the \tudent (Ienter


‘l’ua'imr‘ :rill lic
perfumed at a
p.m. on Felt. 2/
at .A’Iemnrml
l lull. 'l'lt‘lt‘etr, (m
mle in the

Student Center
Ticket Office, [ll‘t‘
S 9 for rrudemi'.



tingiedge multimedia equipment to aid in the group‘s 'l‘icket ()lfice for for “l‘iusion.”


Student admission is ‘53; admission for the general

'l'hat mission is to tell the story of the impact pulilic is 5;. All seats are reserved,






Kentucky vs. Arkansas
1995 Blood Drive

January 27 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Memorial Coliseum with WVLK / K93

January 28 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Central Kentucky Blood Center with MIX 94.5
330 Waller Ave., Lexington

Free t-shirt 9 Food by Cajun Kitchen

Register for Cajun Kitchen Party Pak
UK poster/schedule to first 50 people

For more information, call 276-2534








 Amixitl, Aimi/ ll'ii/ din [III/mm .‘h /"’I‘ 3



M—.-...__—-__.-.——- m. _























"l" ' “W" l CHABTto er‘s
ricitns EilirEiiirEiuAiiliM v
\ mil/Hr ci‘cllfa‘ iH‘t' relied/(led ill ‘
I . ., l .. ‘ ‘ ff '1 l’ -
t lx’H/i/i . flt'llil {/in rpm/g. lit/(err i/rc 11m." on l ‘ The T09 20 3 ”ms for ")9 “Gk J” WRFL FM 88 1 as
; . l determined by airplay
L “(A [H 1", llt‘l. [ll/[IAN I ”HI/t h‘ i 1. Ha" Hour '0 GO IN}! I l'iI‘Qt'f ff't' (.I'I/t/
I .. ,. .‘
FOOT-STUMPIN 1 [me (ii/l Il‘l/l lie [/1 mn— i 2- Swans I“ ("‘W . ”""'1/"/‘”'”
l .
V , .. .. _ ., _ i 3. Portishead [MM/Hi
cert fell. 3-}. l/cf'crt are .833. ill ill/(1.334. W. i
no K EIGN i 4. Stolen Moments in»! Hit ; (.tm/
CR 8 -- ~ l .
H" [AW/H ”MI“ ”’1” l 5. Sumpano / , l H m [It Irwin
Lexington prune/nick an .lIi/rc/a i. 'lii‘lt'i'rr are I 5- Silver Jews ”TN/”i ” 1“”
. .—
.. . .. y , “ 7. Gastr Del SOl Um I In iii/r
l .54] for upper/cl'c/imi/ 5.86 forluzz'er level. i . _ I .
THRILL 0" ICE l 8. Brand Nubian /. war/awe I‘v Ixcnil'mg
' ' , ‘. V .' ..
(.iIII/pfii/[i 5/)le frilllga l 9_ Pest 5000 [M r l I)
clunz/piwl fie/ire dune/iv m .llili'. inc/riding l 10- 3'35' 0" Country Style RUN/"w- ‘il'ili'i/I'I-“w‘
’ i l
‘ . , , .. c t _ l 11. Kustomized Vii/Idol ”Ii-t 1m ”In!
l Minty lye/Vigil”. lit’r’ci'rrilrc .54!) ill/(1:335. _ \\__/ l _ I ‘
i 12. Lots ,s‘lii / o.
.00....C..............UC...................C...........I...‘.......COOUCOOCCO....................................... ‘ 13.Griners I‘lvirllylrflr [AI/V/(Ili'ldt’fl/V‘i
l 14. Various artists Itti/ // it at [more
l 15. Paris (Hut/fir Imus/s
l - i
l 16. Kickstand m lit/id
i 17. Skinned Teen Am a/ ’
l . V
y 18. Grid lm/zo
| 19. Nine Pound Hammer Ill/yin ,1 Jim I- [mi
l 20. Palace Songs ll'if’t'
l ....'0'.UI..........C.....I....I....
' ‘ FILM l '
l \ \
t zps
l v
l New movres playing this weekend
l Before Sunrise Ethan Hawke stars in this story at two
l people who fall in love overnight while
y in Vienna R
5 The New Age Peter Sellers stars in this parody ol
l yuppie soma! climbing P.
Totally F" 'clted Three gay couples explore their dil-
Up terences and problems R
. - e m eta a e 13 a we ~——
‘ - WHAT'S ' ‘ ' 9 '
v' ' ' tb M rt’ ‘7' M W” 54?” i
. -, ., , 201 02a 3 e agtc ~ .
, . . - y F , T o By John Abbott i
. ute. mug fl dntzcast . . t
i . AfleS (March ll ~ April W) Your roommate i
l u tb l b 1. will get a hold of a had piece of fish and fall (les~ l
i JO 7 ”8),, e 0 61 a 66 e 1 a es perzitely ill. puking all over the place and moan~ l
ing a whole lot, This would he an excellent time l
love beauty and the pure Wit/h
3 3
.3 Taurus (April 3“ - May Ill) You will grow a ;
ed, 1. ‘ sixth finger on each hand. enabling you to
hecome the most original guitarist in the world, i
Hey. even Ilendris only used l1\'C fingers. l
Gemini (May 21 — june 30) Your enemies will i
l fall at your feet and beg you for forrriyenes‘s. ?
. c . T." ’
“How" could we haye done yoti wrong. oh w'ori— i
derf‘ul and talented one?” they will say. Accept ‘
B C _ M _ their apologies, lint give them a good kick in the 3
y ame omson head anyway. ’l'hey deserve it. 4’
.ll'ti /i/I!W . . . l
l } Cancer (lune ll . .luly .73) You will meet a
ic oit icsiia tunes _.\ silent wonderful individual who is playful, obedient, a
”‘"”"'m ”1in ”W” the . great kisser and who doesn’t carry unpleasant
} "‘“H'” ""5”“ ’\ l2“ emotional haggage from previous relationships.
" “’“I‘ ”‘~ ii” ""1”“ “l“w'ly Unfortunately. it is a penguin. You can't date ;
thwart the \Iill‘l and tl'llt' footing penguins. Sorry. I
of the lir iss. \wcct' teitipered \ ' ‘
strings fly all oi er the orchestra pit Leo (luly 23 - Aug. 23) You will see a penny
-“ ll]? “‘“lf-l.‘ hm“ If." 1" “it‘ll on the ground and, as you stoop to pick it up,
”l’~ I‘W‘HM ”‘9‘ ‘UWCUl “ h-‘I duck a stray hullet from the gun of a rampaging I
”WI“ ‘5 " ”mm" that “I?" ll” .lntl‘nlflil‘tltlll sniper who is blowing away all the i
heart, “'HIHL‘ ”“ “m‘ 'll'l‘fs’» 'm” 3 precious human life he can find. I guess pennies 1
world of crystal tastlcs and «lt‘HiF really are good luck.
ed princes.
“l l“';\1".‘~'“ H‘mi " l‘f’m Virgo (Aug. 3‘ — Sept. 1.3) Step onto a railroad
L l‘ 1‘ performing ”S "”l." . track and stand in front of a speeding train. lf
"l“"'-1 "l‘ Ill" “l“ml W” l” ll” . (1"(“1 really loves you, then the train will strike
()iis \_ Singletaryt.enter ltir'tlit‘ i you harmlessly. Good luck. Atheists. don‘t try '
i\its tti‘llltil iow .it 5 pin. and Sun JOSEPH REY AU AM I i this at home.
t.|\ at _ pan. .
i lickets still ate . .ivailalile for CHARM“) BELLS I'll/H" eel/tumors are out Inn/er 11 i'fic/l Iri' I’ll/iiIc’c/Iu ’ Libra (Sept. 3; _ Oct. 22‘) A highly [”13an
mt iI pei h;—;:”Hn\sv\]ln theI Single l Il/mm (net-11c. intuit/[rum far/cit) inn/1m ”mg/i lie/Ii. I live. dull person will (an riiadly in [NW with you
:‘12‘ ‘2‘ :1’ 11:? “ '13:]; (lnil'i‘ lélllxmn strength and authority without heing shrill i and “t3” f“”““"”£~' 3"” around constantly. l
\.,t. Ct... if '51) IN” , .9 ‘. ‘ ' v . .' . -. V s,-y
'lilic' H Wm,“ :men mm of [ht “I” lr “(I luray, a yocal performance senior. has eiiioycd l Don ‘ worry “hm” letting {in “UP down “’3‘."
“U, m litilstt'r “(TIC “ n l “I m rht \n In” win” (“I much piililicity for his recent acctiiiiplisliinents. ln 3 (ital) «I_hl1<)fgmll and ‘3}; Lu“ ”‘6 j‘l‘m'“ V’”
I ‘ ‘ l i ' ‘LV " i. ‘ ' " ' \irn ciiilicl', he won an audition for the .\lcti‘tiptilitan l l disgusting trcak‘ (it I WI“ fill”)! .wm m the face
\lllL‘lllLl perhaps the most lit'allllllll music ever to he » l 3 within ' ' ot run ”
~ g, , _ opera. set for .'\pt‘ll. i .‘ 5 fs ~ l
transctilicd iiialscs the show .i gicat success. . . . . . . . i l
(.N mtmlw“ ”“1 “Had“ wrec 1h" the ticlsct luray also has sung In a Honda production of _ 3 7 _ i
V. . i .,_ i ‘ . . Q. ,. .‘ . s _ '. ".V. r
)V- _ ,- . 1,, . l _ .. "."ll _\1 r. . l‘il lit/ct s (,ariiien. His performance as l ammo is l SCOI’DIO (UN. -3 ‘\”.“ - ll “ h‘lL cleaning.
ll,“ " ””1”“ (ll' ‘ ”' I is W "‘m‘ ‘L ‘ "F" ”u another feather in im cap l tip your room. you will discmer scrolls contain»
bestowson .ui iciitc a age . . . ' -» - -- l ' '. s. V ' ‘ ' . . ’ ‘ - s
‘1 ), H h t: r \ 11;: |\ iii . [my I' I K I he “W”. has 1}“. Winn“. "my hraiado m cam off l ing an early draft of the Bilile. lurns outlcsus
t". ) ' " Ht s. , t‘ - ,. . . . V - -,,, l . _ V ' t " - ‘t
l ”kl .. NHL :th V ‘ ‘ :~ ‘ ”u ”r “1 lainino s young pride. lle liumliles himself into .i JOSEPH R” ‘U N .. it had a shitty girlfricnd named }\ltlt who nailed
ii 's. ‘)". ‘ l -_ - ~ . . , V l ,V.‘ ‘. . ) . -- . V‘
“VH1 (\i'iH lil\ t \ ”K . l l l . l f. »—¥ --~~~-»A~————— pining liner in his anthems IBUE'HEABIED TENOR (ili'Q //H'ili‘ il\ Ill/NIH i. ii ‘ i met) (icittilt “n [\H) leg\_lt.slist.tught h‘r “uh
' .u ‘ ‘ - t! ' il . ' ‘ , . . l ‘. . r ' , .
) (,1 P“ H “ “m“ m ”t '\ 1‘ ls I k “"F.‘ H to l’aiiima. played li\ Remta \VHIHQ prime. tingx «if “MU/HQ /'1\ lat/i [on ‘ .l“h" the B“in“! and tutued h” into J m“"
lrince laiiiino, who is .isLed ll\ the Queen of the R “a ' ‘ i
. Fulfill (”illtxun h“ daluglpti ”Hum": :aippm inn.“ Rrissei“s \otce has .i lonks e\pl.iiiied that “ l he Magic l‘llllt' is wilt" of i Sagittarius (.\o\', 33- — Dec. 2 l) \ou will he
1" l" ”" “l"'.‘~’““’« -' "ll MIN 1H for t 1L client, in rt-markalile quality; it is the few .\lo/.irt operas where the toiiiposei t rt-ated } {"580ch hy .1“ {"h'hm‘mN’V ‘l‘mt ”‘3‘ mm“
. “(\T‘m 1'l l . | f H ll l _ l } Wm" matching H“. mm” the characters. Hm“. .\lo/art greats. ”1.11 h .. [he i you to perform lit/arre dance routines in puhlic
I I) canw lii IL. Inc Llas .i En mat y ”F m t' \‘ ‘t l. t 1“ cence of her character. .\larriage of l7igari i." are liaseil on play s. l ’ without clothes. 1 he good news is that the spirit
' P"”_““ “l“ }‘ "1’ ”‘F‘ ill] 1‘" li‘l‘""fc- l-m‘m" lmll‘ l’ainina I" n” ”PM” One Hr yunyg Lhyiicngpc “ as “making elm» ”his l l is a very good dancer. and you will make lots of
ill'llillnllil“ 1” 1‘" ’i‘” "1" mt“ I’V‘l SJr‘i‘lr” [BOXING iiigenue. howmer. .\s the operal was understood in the l.ll)lL'. fantasy setting." 1 l money.
, S _ 1‘ m”? “”7 _””_l.\ “ml“,- ’1" l W” parted "‘ ”bend story progresses. knowlcduc he said. ”Some of the cliaratters w eren't as fleshed l ‘
i “”‘NW ”"ll‘m‘ l“””“"_'”‘“ l “l"‘f-"‘”" i” learnthe V of e\il iii the world weighs out as in other .\lo/.irt operas " l l Capricorn (Dec. 32 ~_lan. l0) You will acci—
“)‘_‘ ‘lt'l't'fi “l lll‘ “ "11“}; Ml“-"‘"" tl‘W‘ th" I" Sh't‘lll .. ‘ ‘ ht'.]\\' on her heart. Rosser‘s .-\notlicr hurdle was singing in linglisli. w hit It was i l dentally slash your wrists with a butter knife and
‘ lainin‘a from the eiil of her mother and to purify the [lie .lIilgrr flute lliL‘l/H soprano has the “Th not m the (”1.11mi hint-mp l lose seien pints of lilood. 'l‘hc transfusion saves
' .- . . , ). ' , . '. ,' . ._ .. .. i . .. . ,. ' - ,
louts htarts. l inally, lamino and lamina arc rip/ionig rower ”Him. to carry 0” the P-"h‘" it “I” “mm.” m (iernian. “NH [HUM km”. the you hut V,“ were. unfortunately, given the
. r?“””“" “h“. ””“F ”‘"U“‘1L"“t“”‘l“‘¥‘“ml “5“"3‘" "’1‘" WK)" ’” “a and realizations. yocal coach. said. “It is hard to make the int llilt'lllr lilood of a nerd. Your coolness goes way down.
' “““V . ”’7‘15’441’0’“, - “The order of the lltll' gihle to the audience."
J . l INN“ "mim'mfs'99""r‘.\'l"“l.\i t” “m.“‘y “ml ("fl-’"i‘l’lglt'f'W \erse centered around man. The cast and crew possess e\tr.iordinary talent. Aquarius Gan, If) - Feb. 18) You will discover
1 fireg l uray, who plays lamiuo. .-\ east of this coils (writer. Student The idea I\ that men lead hut the curtain must le W” for H“. true \L”. of the that you were sired illegitiinately. but your real
I lllt‘l‘t‘tltltcs alongonce in a lilueiiioon. _ ‘ rli‘l‘t‘frdn’fii‘l. frail “nun-”f said Rnsgyr‘ opera. \Volf'gang \tiiadeus .\lo/art. father is a very, very rich politician eager to
l he cast and etisemlilc of .1 he Magic l‘lute go doctoral candidate iii \‘ocal “l think .\lo/art is a wonderful opera composer." avoid possible scandal. Bilk him.
lieyondvputtmg the necessary life into .\lo/.art s char, performance. “But in the Altlt‘lc'stin said. “.\lo/.irt ls wonderful music for young
5 acters. l heir singing is .i compliment that Mozart end, I’Jinina w ants to guide (’l