xt7stq5rc43r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7stq5rc43r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-09-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 11, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 11, 2008 2008 2008-09-11 2020 true xt7stq5rc43r section xt7stq5rc43r Ea;

a I

Convention conjures up paranormal,

horror in Lexington See POP page 3






SG approves budget with $47,000 decrease

By Kelli Long

Student Government unani—
mously assed its 200809 budget
Wednes ay night with an overall
decrease of over $47,000.

While the change is significantly
less than the $130.0“) decrease from
the year before. 50 wasn‘t hit too hard.
said 50 President Tyler Montell.

Student groups apply to SC for
funding throughout the school year.
which is why Montell said they in-
creased the amount of funding for stu-
dent organizations by $30100. Montell
said he knew that while 50 was adjust-
ing to the budget cut. more organiza-
tions would probably be reaching out
for funding this year.

“(The state cuts) didn‘t affect us
directly. but it affected the places
students usually go to for money.“
Montell said.

This year. 50 allocated for
$1 l4,750 to various campus services.
about $3301) less than in 2(l)7-08.

Organizations like the Violence
Intervention and Prevention Center
and DanceBlue received funding.
Montell said the decisions were
made based on who he felt needed
the money most.

“We gave DanceBlue $7500 so
that they don‘t have to pay for silly
things out of the donations that they
raise." Montell said.

A new item to receive 50 mon—
ey is the Innovation Incentive Proj-
ect. a campus service that received

$3.000. That money is reserved to
buy iPods so organizations can pur—
chase them and give them away as
incentives to come to meetings that
meet a set criterion and are deemed
"diverse.“ Montell said.

"There are a lot of cultural and
diversity events on campus and a lot
of students don‘t go or feel they are
supposed to go. “ Montell said. “We
want them to go and maybe acci—
dentally learn something."

Many groups. like the Interfratemi-
ty Council. did not automatically re-
06ch money as a line item in this budg-
et. Montell said this was an attempt to
give the Senate more power over
whether the group is granted funding.
since those groups will have to request
the money from the Appropriations and

Revenue Committee.

"This is one of the things we
wanted to transfer to the Senate."
Montell said.

Each year. 80 receives funds
from three sources to make up their
budget. The university and student
fees contribute. and 50 has a self-
generated fund.

80 acquired revenue in addition
to the student fees money from Uni-
versity Directories. which ap—
proached SG and asked them to de-
sign and distribute planners specifi—
cally for UK. The planners took all
the university calendars. like those
for football and the academic calen-
dar. and put them into one item.
while University Directories sold
the advertisements featured in the

planner. 80 gave out 10.000 plan-
ners and the total revenue from
them was $9500.

Salaries for SO officials had
some changes from last year. The
Senate president will receive an ad-
ditional $ l .000. raising her salary to
$4.000 a year. The salaries for chair»
men of SO committees. however.
were cut completely.

A new piece of legislation. the
Senate Accountability Act. was also
passed at the meeting. This act.
written by the Senate as a whole.
holds the senators responsible for
their attendance at meetings and cer~
tain events that 80 funds.

The Senate also approved nom—
inations to the executive staff and
the Senate.


1 percent


By Jill Lester

Efforts to increase minority enroll“
merit are paying off. according to UK
diversity officials after the release of
enrollment figures for the new school

For the 2008-09 academic year.
the number of first—year black students
reached 34l out of 4.044 total first-
year freshmen. according to the figures
released earlier this week. That is up
from 258 the year before.

Black undergraduate enrollment as
a percentage of student population
grew as well. from 7.6 percent to 8.6
percent. ,

The change has been due in part to
providing more resources for minority
recruiting. especially in the last few
years. said Buzz Bumam. director of
recruitment for diversity initiatives.

“It‘s not by accident. It's by de»
sign." Burnam said. "It‘s been one of
the focal points in our office. to make
sure we attract everyone especially
diversity students."

Burnam said when he started
working at UK 23 years ago. minority
recruitment was considered a part of
multicultural affairs and not recruit-
ment. Now. home visits and special
events at UK are standard practice for
recruiting minority students. he said.

Coming to UK and talking to stu—
dents of similar backgrounds makes
high school students feel more com-
fortable. Bumam said.

“It gives students a sense of home.
No one wants to be the Lone Ranger."
Burnam said.

UK reported preliminary figures
for overall retention rates for freshmen
as 81 percent. However. UK hasn‘t
broken down retention by ethnicity or
gender. said UK spokeswoman Kathy

“They're still juggling people leav-
ing or dropping to part-time. so we'll

See Enrollment on page 8

Ali Cicerchi


Closing time,

Some students will have to


Sept. 14. the library will close at 2
am. Sunday through Thursday. It
will close at 8 pm. on Friday and

Saturday. Carol Dicdrich. dean of


start working on their homework
earlier this school year. Due to
state budget cuts. the W. T. Young
Library will no longer be open 34
hours a day. five days a week as it
has been in the past.

Currently. the library closes at
midnight Sunday through Thurs—
day and Friday and Saturday at 8

When regular fall hours begin

UK Libraries. said I‘K looked at
the traffic in the library during the
early moming and decided which
hours should be cut.

“We looked seriously at
hours." Dicdrich said. “And from
2 am. to 7 am. thci‘c's not a lot
of traffic

The library took about a 4
percent budget cut. which

See Library on page 10


hope you've finished reading


ABOVE: Giovanna Cenini, a doctoral candidate studying neurosmence, left, and Emilio Romano, a post doctoral astronomy study, search for information ;ll the
WT Young Library on Wednesday Both Conan and Romano were not affected by the early closrng time of the library BELOW: First year dental student Roland.
Wright, left, and advertising and journalism junior Noha El Maraghi, center, study in the WT Young Library on Wednesday When Wright discovered the lihui'.
now closes early, she was incredibly mad. “lt‘s inconvenient,“ she said lhave to come here immediately Since my classes end at live'

State budget cuts force
library to revise nightly hours


UK College Dems, Reps to expose

Artist takes lint out of the
dryer and onto the canvas

students to campaign issues

By Ashley Hockney

As elections draw near. stu-
dents can tum on the television
and watch any number of cani-
paign ads advising them how to
vote in November. But Thursday
night. twu groups want to pull
students away from the mudslingA
ing. and toward some “civilized"

UK College Democrats and
(‘ollegc Republicans. along with
the Student Activities Board. will
host a “Red vs. Blue" debate
Thursday at 7 pm. in the Wor-
shani Theater. The event will be
a discussion of the issues of the
upcoming elections. Admission is

A mtxlerator will start the de-
bate with questions about topics
previously discussed by the three
hosting groups. Members of the
(‘ollege Democrats and the Col-
lege Republicans will then debate

in response to the questions.

“There will be a focus on
everything from energy depend—
ence to voting rights to immigra»
tion — on both a national and lo-
cal level -— and higher educa-
tion." said Joe (iallenstein. presi-
dent of the UK College Democ-

Other issues will involve the
war. oil crisis and minimal dis—
cussion of the actual candidates.

The main focus of this debate
is to show the ideology of each
individual party. said Jacob Sims.
president of UK College Republi—

“If you don‘t know where you
stand. it's a great way to get accli-
mated [to the issuesl." said
Robert Kahne. a member of UK
College Democrats.

The debate will end with a
question and answer session. ale
lowing students to ask questions
about the topics they are most in-



tercsted in. (iallensteiri said they
wanted this “town-hall style" so
students could ask the questions
they really care about.

“We want to foster youth iii-
volvcment. which we can do \\ ith
the town hall fonnat." (lallenstcin
said. "We‘ll have a great crowd
asking great questions and we‘ll
infomi the electoral as best we

The presidents of both organi-
zations agreed student involve‘
ment is a common goal.

“This debate is for the std
dents." Sims said. “We've heard
these topics over and over. but we
want students to listen and decide
which side they can relate to

Political debates often C(mjler
images of bickering and fast-
paced crossfire. but this debate is
about civil discussion. Sims said.

“We actually sit down and ex-

See Rod v. Blue on page 10


By Katie Saltz

Most people find dryer lint in their
pockets and throw it to the ground.
Darryl Davis takes dryer lint and sticks
it on a canvas. Not many people would
sCC their laundry leftovers as a potcn~
tial artistic medium. but Dayis is shaiv
ing his unique art fomi with students at

Davis is an artist who works with
mixed mediums and focuses on black
history. In the early 90s he began in-
corporating dryer lint into his art. His
work has been displayed around [K in
the past. and now one particular piece
is returning for a nine—day display in
the WT. Young Library.

The piece is titled “9/11." and is
made from different mediums. includ—
ing dryer lint. Davis said he was actu
ally inspired to make the piece after
being on UK‘s campus right after the
terrorist attacks on Sept ll. 2001.

“People were distant and fright-
ened." he said. “They forgot the spirit
of who they are."

As an artist and a fomier member

of the [CS Nmy. l).i\ is tlct‘itlctt hc had
to do something. so he created a pictc
of art mcant to syiiiboli/c patriotism

"l’coplc needed an uplili of their
spirit." he said “ l hcy '\c got to h.i\c
more faith in our country."

After ‘I ll. Dzit'is said people were
scared about what might happen Ilt‘\l
He said he uses an as .i \\.i) to corincct
with people

“.-\it reaches out. It enhances the
mind." Dtiyis said. "We learn c\cry
day from an. all foniis of .m "

. Arturo Saiidoyal. a I'K .iit profes-
sor familiar \\ ith Davrs‘ work. said the
unusual use of dryer lint could sL‘f‘L‘ a
usual and a symbolic purpose. ,

“As an artist he sees it can add tex—
ture and dimension to a flat plain."
Sandoval said “It‘s also to help him
get across the idea about materiality in
the content of his work.

Davis has had work displayed all
over Kentucky. but UK has a personal
connection to his art. Davis‘ son is a
student at the university. and his moth-
er. Jean Whitney. also worked

See Lint Art on page 0

m 2574915; Wu: 257-2872


 flog“ Thursday, September

ll ruoa




























Il“:|“5l‘r'|1.'~ i i ‘

t.’ H .lw ll’irtlI



By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating 70 Is the easrest
day 0 the most challenging,

Aries (March 21-April19) ~
Today is a 7 Your lnends can
assrst you in achievmg :r goal that's
a bit out of reach Ask for Ideas and
suggestions and maybe a boost
Take all the help you can get

Taurus (April 20-May 20) , .
Today !8 a 7 m» Find ways to keep
your money safer therefore mak
mg your future more secure Ask a
well-oft, trustworthy person to
help With Investment plans.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) ~
Today Is an 8 Good news‘
Something you hoped would
happen does Your enthuSIasm's
renewed Action you took matte
a big difference Congratulations

huntitisi U .' ‘ir

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Today is a 6 ~~~ Ali, where to get
the money? You're on a fixed
Income. No, wait, You’re not! You
can earn more
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) _, Today
Is a 7 ! Follow a person who
shares your mum tor the future.
Make sure you know who that lS,
however Don’t fall for a scam
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Today Is a 7 , Your work is
Interesting, but perfection Is hard
to achieve Don't worry, specriics
are not necessary for this prot-
ect You can be an abstractionist
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) _
Today Is an 8 A meaningful
conversation leads to a brilliant
msrght Suddenly, you compre-
hend at a whole new level
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 1
Today is a 7 W Develop more of
your talents and Increase your
Income A homevhased business
begun now should do very well,
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
, Today Is a 7 ..._ Among all your


other responsibilities here comes‘
a new project You get to learnl
how to run the appliance camera i
or whatever you just bought Bet-l
ter clean your reading glasses 3
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)i
— Today is an 8 ~ Put your plan.
into action and increase your rev—l
enue. This is something you’ve)
been thinking about for a long timef
Sign the paper and shake handsi
now, its a great time to launch

AquariusUan. 20- Feb. 18)—l
Today IS a 7 — With a little helpi
from your friends, you can dol
great things. They re waiting for;
your plan and, most Importantlyl
your leadership. Motivate theml
They can do great things, too. i
Pisces (Feb. til-March 20) #2
Today is a 7 — You've got plentyl
to think about You have plans to
make. You're going to turn a tan—E
tasy mto solid fact Not every—%

body can do this, but you can. l



Today’ 5
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i'l'le Dis

He scored a Golden (ilobc
earlier this year for playing a
sex-obsessed writer on Show-
time‘s (‘aiitomicatrort No“
David Duchm try is facing the
same problem offscrccn. “l
have voluntarily entered a facil-
Ity for the treatment of sex ad—
diction." the stzu‘. 4X. man‘ied to
actress Tea Leoni. 42. for ll
years and a dad of two. admit—
ted -August 28. “i ask for re-
spect and priVacy for my wife
and children as we deal with
this situation as a —famiiy."
While the news surprised some
- “i'd heard stories. but he
was just so great." a source on -
Duchovny's last film. the disap
pointing X-Files: 1 Want to Be-
iieve tells Us —- others weren't
shocked. He‘s a guy who
loves women. says an insider.

“He always noticed an attrac-
tive lady."

indeed. Duchovny. dad to
daughter Madelaine. 9. and son
Kyd. 6. has been dogged by
sex-addict -rumors for years.
even -addressing them in a
1997 Playgirl —inter\'iew. Call-
ing the problem a legitimate
concem for a lot of people. he
said “I‘m not a sex addict."
Still in a more recent interview.
he said he understood infidelity.
adding. “This is no shock for
Tea. She knows my thoughts."

A source close to the cou—
ple — who once admitted to
nearly fainting during a romp in
a sauna — says they have a
healthy sex life. "They're al-
ways making sexual comments
to each other and being very
the pair. who wed after dating
just four months. Yet Lconi was

says the source of

_-_ your daily dose of entertainment. pop culture and fun



admits to his

absent as »Ducho\'ny promoted
his movie this summer.

Multiple sources tell Us
Duchovny. who also starred as
a sex addict in the movie Trust
the Man and appeared in the
erotic scrics Red Shoe Diaries.
has a history of indiscretions.
Recently. says a set source. be
coziod up to an extra on the set
of (‘adifomication “They hit it
off. met for coffee, it was all
platonic at first." says the
source. "They ended up making
out. She later heard this wasn‘t
the first time he‘d taken special
interest in an extra." According
to another insider. Duchovny
told another fling mamage
could be hard: “He blamed
himself. When he was away
from Tea. he would get needy
for affection The appeal went
both ways. "There's always
been a rumor he’s generously
endowed." one insider tells Us.
“Women want to find out for

And what of Leoni? When
asked. in 1998. about her new
hubby‘s reputation. she em—
braced the drama. saying the
sex-addict rumors were “very
exciting. And then I found it
wasn‘t true." Since the bomb-
shcli revelation. she's been
keeping a low profile. canceling
an appearance at the Toronto
international Film Festival to
promote her comedy Ghost
Town (out September 19).

Is Jessica having
Justin' 3 baby?

Despite biog talk that Jes-

sica Biel. 26. might be expect— .

ing with Justin Timberlake.

X-Files star enters rehab to
address extramarital excess

27. her rep tells Us. "The re-
ports are false." But that does—
n't mean things are slowing
down for the couple of more
titan a year and a half. who at—
tended the August 33 Palm
Springs. Califomia. screening
of her drama Hole In the Paper
Sky. (The next night. they
double-dated with newlyweds
Ellen -DeGencres and Portia
de Rossi at the Radiohead
concert in LA.) “1 think he ti—
naiiy met somebody he wants
to spend the rest of his life
with." Timberlakc‘s friend
Joey Fatone tells Us. A Biel
source confirms she has
moved into his $8 million

is Michelle iust having a

Seven months after Heath
Ledger's death. Michelle
Williams. 28, has found love
again with director Spike
Jonzc. 38. “it was a big deal
for her to call him her
boyfriend." a source close to
the couple tells Us. And an
even bigger test for the pair —
who had a romantic meal Au-
gust 16 at The Farm on Adder—
ley near her Brooklyn home
and. earlier in the month. had
an after—dinner makeout ses-
sion at Little Dom‘s restaurant
in LA. — was introducing
Jonzc to her 2—year—old. Matil—
da. “Michelle told herself she
wouldn‘t make a man a part of
her life unless he was very im-




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Who’ 5 A

TO 0. m. Wednesday, Sept. 17,
WT Young Library

Are bloggers Journalists?
Who should be protected under
the proposed federal shield law

for reporters?

Judy Clobes

chairman, Scripps Howard
Foundation Trust Board





Tom Eblen
loxing ton Heroldieoder

Jon Fleischoker
Dina/hole 8. Shoh/

Jone Kirtley

Si/ho (,‘onter tor the
Study of Media Ethics
and Law, School of
Journalism and Mass
University of Minnesota

William Nichols
Managing Editor







Sponsored by The Scripps Howard First Amendment Center



The State of the
First Amendment

6 pm. Tuesday, Sept. 16
WT. Young Librory Auditorium

Jone Kirtley

....-..dir:ector, Silho Center for ,
theStudy of Media
Ethics and Law, School of
Journalism and Mass

University of Minn


Sponsored by The Scripps Howard

I First Amendment Center





If people call me a lesbian because I
have short hair, and I wear jeans instead of
dresses, then by all means, run with it. I
think it’s hilarious.’

Whitney Waters —— Rumer Willis on being heterosexual

Features Editor

Phone 257 l915
wwatersiQkykernel corn

Scarefest to engrave Lexington

By Kelly Wiley


With shoWs like "(iliost
Hunters." and movies like
“Saw," the demand for
horror and paranormal
events are everywhere.
That is where ’atti Starr
and .lel‘l‘ Waldridge came
up with the idea for

(‘o-creator Starr believes
that today what you see on
the big screen is either go-
ing to make you smile in
enjoyment or pull the cov—
ers over your eyes.

"It I had seen some of
the special effects that they

have today as a child it
would have damaged me
riieiitally." Starr said.

Starr thought of
Scaret‘es‘t one day alter she
saw the huge success ot‘
(.‘oriiic—coii. a comic book
convention held in San
Diego. She ligured why
not put together a conven—
tion that big, but instead of
focusing on comic book
characters. locus on char-
acters l‘rom movies and TV
shows that have learlul.
chilling and paranormal

See Scarefest on page 4

All" GAR/A i ‘1‘1 ‘

cin GOP c impaig‘n

in \oir pl our: songs tli ti ha\ .r ier.
populist pro 1 il iot trieiss 1g
:iri \ilio iiorrl l tirid no n; no

COntl()\ esr sy follows musr

ing songs ssithoiit artist’s consent. llic
first report ot this happening came
when .lohn Mellencanip spoke out ear

Music can help to e\press enro-
tions. siiriiriiari/e a mood and pump up
a crowd, l’olrtit'ians are not blrtid to

‘i‘llilt it its a

. 1


col uninist

this fact and lia\'e used popular music
during earripargiis tor sears. Xian}
times. artists has e been angered \ilieri
their songs are rised \i'ithoiit permis-
srori. This ~\ear"s presidential campaign
has not been without its share ot lllltsie
eal eontrmcrss tlioirgli the contro-
\L’r\lt‘s il1l\L' been .i i‘ll title shied.
Reeentli. l haie seen man} ace
counts ot the Republrean earnpargn Us

I) this year about John .\lc(‘arn's rise
ot man) ot his liit songs while on the
campaign trail. Nlellericariip. \shose po
litical \ lens are tar troni coriserialoe,
is as adariiaritly against his songs being
tised. Bob Merits. Mellencamp’s puhlr~
eis't. told The Associated Press. “You

know, heres a git) running around s1t}'

ing. ‘l’in a true coriseriatrie." Well. it
sori‘re such a true eoirseri'atrte. \ihs

:wir thaiaeterr/ui illllr as |e.t o? \r‘l.

[ii the past month. \lassee rot l..:s
\an llalen and Heart il,:\t‘ sp. le:.
about the (ittl’is irsage ol liter! trrrze
l‘otrtidrng Heart members srsre'rs
e\ dllii.\llll\\!i\it‘l."»1‘t\‘ili‘llliii'i
the plasnrg «it their sorr.‘ "Hana. ‘

> Walters

Poetry slam aims to channel ’the news inside'

By Megan Hun

feattrre'SEiEvk’ernel rjorn

Samantha 'l'homhtll \s'rll agree
that PUL‘II‘} is a form ot sell es
pression. She is. lioucrer. more
interested in "how poetry llliflcs
from that realm to becoming '1
form of coriiiiiuriicalion lr'orn
one soul to another."

(‘ommunrealion \H” be rm
portant \shen Thornhill. a pub
lished poet and noielist. rtrdges
how well \sottten poets can com
munr-cate and interact \\ tth air an
dience during the (i_\ps) Slam. an

l‘he (iipsi Slain is one ot' the
tree e\ents this \seekend spitlli
sored b) the 30th annual Keri-
tueks' Women \\ rrters Conference.
uhrcli brings uorneri uriters to
ls'entrieks to piiritrpaie lllt. \Cllls.
\iorkshops and ltettirts Since its
beginning in 3005. the (iypsy
Slam has become nationall} rec
ognr/ed as a shoii case {or \somen
poets. and “time” tra\el from
across the eotrntr} to participate in
the slarii tor a pri/e of $500.

This year the opening act Will
be Rakadu (ispss Dance. tiorn
Mecca ‘itiidio and l i\e (ialler) in

rnrerophorie session. .r poetr)
reading b_\ 'l’liornhrll and .i poetr)
slain competition iudged b_\
Thomhill and people t‘roni the au-

“.-\udience members are hand-
picked to sei‘Ve as rudges_ so it be—
comes a very thT‘nCYth‘ event."
said Julie Wrinn. K\V\\'( ‘ director.
in a press release tor the e\ent.

'l’hornliill is also looking tor
\sard to the atriiospher'e the airdi
erice cati britig to the eotiipetrtron

"I expect it to be lire. loud.
\rrlncrablc. supportne .iiid rust
brimming \srth estrogen energy“

('irrreritli eight pot is .ric
scheduled to eompcte in the 'hree
elrriiiriatrori r'orrrid e\erit horrihrli
Will be rudgirig the poets on on»
riiaior conditions emotional eon
neetion and the unit that \‘verti ill
to \srrtrng a. poerri

“i tend to like lk‘tliblllldtkt‘s
that are simple. tau . toritrderit and
controlled." she said “l-i'eri more
important than the peitoi‘riiarne. i
look to the actual skirting tight
language. \ r\ rd rrriager). and ernor
tronall) connected \ii‘itriig ”

l‘he (ops) Slam “out be rust

annual poem slam competition.

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Top-10 albums of the

~ 1, Stereolab, ”Chemical
I Chords"
1 2. RATATAT, "LP3"
r 3 Daedalus, "Love to Make
i Music to"
i 4. Beck, ”Modern Guilt”
’ 5. Teenagers Responsible,
“The Teenagers Responsible
! are Bart Simpson, Who the
i Hell Are You?"
i 6. Wolf Parade, "At Mount
1 Zoomer"
7. Calexico, "Carried to Dust"
i 8. Dr. Dog, "Fate"
9. Sic Alps, "A Long Way
Around to a Shortcut"
10. Matmos. "Supreme


w, r§§1£¥1_

wu wednesday

Pity Compote Wiri Prr/rs ~

"bands & DJs

‘. .7 F1 (lay and Swiiiiftily‘ 511:1 did


[1 RV 60' ’07


w w w. i. @‘IW‘FJR 1’53 A R . (»~ (.) M



 PAGE4 | Thursday Septemberi l 2008


THURSDAY, Sept. 11
Arnett Hollow. 10 pm, Al's Bar. Tickets

cost 83.

For the week of

SEPT. 11 — SEPT. 17

The Lions Rampant, Madras Lounge,

Wonky Tank. 8 pm, Mad Hatter,

Covington, Ky.
Tickets cost $5.

Swear Jar, Cookie Jervis, Mona

Medusa. 8 pm, Mad Hatter,

Covington, Ky.
Tickets cost $5.

Dan Hicks 8i The Hot Lick. Doors open
at 7 pm, show starts at 8 pm, The

Sunday, Sept. 14

The Gaslight Anthem / American Steel,
Polar Bear Club, Lost Hands Found
Fingers, Alone At 3 AM. 7 pm. Mad

Southgate House, Newport, Ky.

Tickets cost $17 in advance, $20 at the


Friday, Sept. 12

Dragons in Athens 8 p. m., Mad Hatter,

Covington, Ky.
Tckets cost $5.

Big Fresh, Attempt (Trevor Tremaine).

9:30 pm, Al’s Bar.
Tickets cost $3.

Saturday, Sept. 13

Lowry, The Rainjunkies, Lotus Blake. 8

pm, Al's Bar.
Tickets cost $5.

Knife The Symphony, Duppy A Jamba,

Hatter, Covington, Ky. Tickets cost $10 in
advance, $12 at the door.

Monday, Sept. 15

All The day Holiday Tour w/ My Epic,
So Long Forgotten, We Became The
Sun. 7 pm, Mad Hatter, Covington, Ky.

Tickets cost $5.

0.A.R., Matt Wertz. 7:30 pm, Ryman
Auditorium, Nashville, Tenn.

Tickets cost $31.

Wednesday, Sept. 17
Oh God The Terrort, Cutest Before The
Kill, Scarangella. 7 p.m., Mad Hatter,

Covington, Ky.

Tickets cost $5.

Modern Motion. 8 pm, Al's Bar.




Continued from page 3

in support of McCain run-
ning mate Sarah Palin whose
high school nickname was
Barracuda. The band re-
sponded with a statement
saying. “The Republican
campaign did not ask for
pennission to use the song.
nor would they have been
granted that pemiission. We

have asked the Republican
campaign publicly not to use
otir music. We hope our
wishes will be honored."

On Aug. 29. John Mc-
Cain entered his rally in
Ohio to the tune of Van
Halen‘s "Right Now." Van
Halen did not approve the
use. but not because of polit-
ical differences. VH manage-
ment responded by stating.
"Pennission was not sought
or granted nor would it have
been given. They're not po-

litical. they're just rock and
roll." Personally. if] was go-
ing to choose a song from
Van Halen's catalog to play
as campaign music. I would
choose one from the real Van
Halen. meaning with David
Lee Roth singing. not Sarn-
my Hagar. Though I suppose
”Running with the Devil"
would not have been as ap—

Nick Walter‘s i.\' an
English .vr’mor. Ii—mru'l

ji'ururexfll ky‘ki’rnc/ .mm



Continued from pa—ge 3

an environment for poets to
be heard and compete. but a
place for people to get in
touch with the arts.

"You consult (‘NN to
hear what is going on in the
external world. the world
around us. You go to poetry
slams to tune in to the news

inside." Thomhill said. "On a
really good night. the audi—
ence‘s rowdiness should mir—
ror that of fans of a football

Wrinn also encourages
people to come to the Gypsy

Slam to see a different side of


"l would urge everyone
seeking an unusual nightlife
experience in Lexington to
consider coming out for this

great live competition." she

The Gypsy Slam is
Thursday at 6 pm. down-
town in Victorian Square
Shoppes. Sign—ups for open—
mic performances are on a
first—come. first—serve basis.
For more information. visit
the KWWC Web site


Advertise your Resturont or Business
in the upcoming special oddition

“Oll I'Ile IIIJ”

Space the Set )l 95 maitllldl deadline Sept 96



You are welcome to the services of the
University Heights Church of Christ

443 Columbia Avenue
Lexington. Kentucky 40508-3443
Visit us on the web: wwwuht>ightschiirchtom

_ Sunday Services
Bible Study ......................................... 3: 45 a. m.

Morning Worship ........................... l0145 am.
Evening Worship .............................. 6:00 pm.

Bible Study ........................... .y ........... 7:30 p. m.

Monthly Singing
First Friday of every month. ..



7:30 pm.





Student Center Ballrooms

All Majors Welcomed
Check—in with Wildcat Student to Card

need more info? visit uky.edu/CareerCenter

Gatt n

imivuil" at



from page 3


“.-. O .

The event lasts three days in downtown Lex»
ington. and Stan said they have pulled out all the
stops. There Will be at least 20 stars from horror
movies and patnuiomial TV shows.

Starr is in charge of the parmtonntd part of the
event while Waldndgc. L‘tHZI‘CalOT. and event man-
ager. is in charge ol the horror aspect.

Starr has arranged for a demonologist.
psychic. hypnotherapist and a crypto ltmlti—
gist. vvho happens to he the world‘s leading
Bigfoot expert. to attend the event. Waldridge
brought in stars front movies like “House of
ltXXl Corpses." "The Devil's Rejects." “(‘an—
dyman" and “Friday the 13th."

This is not your average convention where
everyone packs into the one big room for
hours on end. Start said. The cyctit \yill bc .1
community based experience,

“We wanted to cover all the different catc»
goncs." Stan' said. “We have put the scare in
Scarefest ”

Included in this all-out bash Will be an op—
portunity for people to get a sneak peek pref
\icyy tour through the Nightmare Haunted
House. located at 12] i Manchester St. in Lexv
ington. which doesn‘t open until October.

The Kentucky Theater is also scheduled to
participate The thcatcr mil play old horn ir movies
all weekend to get people in the spirit. lhc con—
vention center will show independent honor films
throughout the weekend.

There Will be real blood too. On Saturday. a
blood drive with the Kcntticky Blood ( enter Will
take donations at thc eycnt. Minors Will get a tire
t-shtn. and makcaip zutists from (‘HS's “( Sf" Wlll

demonstrate how the blixxlx‘overed television
characters are made to look real.

Starr said the most exciting part may be the
chance to hang out With the stars of horror movies.

“You will have the opportunity to see
some of the stars that have been in eight or
nine horror .shiMs." Starr said. “When I was
younger watching these horror movies I ncycr
thought i would be meeting the people that
scared the crap out ol me."

The event is also a great networking op—
portunity for people wanting to break into the
film industry. Waldridge said.

“lt's for young film makers." Waldridgc
said. "If they want to get their names out there
they can bring their films or scripts and giye
them to some of the people there."

Young people will enioy the eyent. espci
ctally those u ho started watching these types
of l]1t)\'lt.‘s when they were young. said
Waldi‘idgc. who saw his tiist horror film yyhcti
he was sis.

"My dad sniicls me in to scc
can Werewolf ln Londonf
see it as long as l didn't tell my mom."
Waldridgc said "My dad kept telling me it
\yasn't real so I didn‘t have any nightmares.
but I did look at bubble iackcts dillcrctttly."

The c\ cnt. held at the l evington (‘cntcix
lasts Friday through Sunday. A golden ticket.
which includ