xt7sxk84k633 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84k633/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19461224 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 24, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 24, 1946 1946 2013 true xt7sxk84k633 section xt7sxk84k633 - ' s . The ECentucky Kernel UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VOLUME XXXVII r I Remember Mama' Cast Is Announced 1 . - init June Christy (above) Stan Kenton (left) . Guignol Opens Saturday Night Dance Is Sell'Out Kenton Band Plays1 After Ball Game Board, have been on sale since Wednesday of last week, and the supply available for the general public was exhausted on Tuesday. Unless some fraternities return a portion of the tickets allotted thpm by Mrs. Dorothy Evans, social director, there will be no ticket hales at the door tomorrow night, Sixteen he announced yesterday. hundred tickets for the dance were placed on sale at two dollars each. e Portmann Secretary-Manage- Suing Re-elect- With ed r 1. asjUl k- er ! s UK Rifle Club Plans Reorganization shonlder-jto-should- ments in er His climb to fame was slowly but surely being achieved when, late in 1945, he introduced a new type Want to practice your knowledge of orchestra arrangements described of Spanish on a real Spaniard? by him as "progressive jazz." It Here's your chance. is this new styling that has brought Angel Pelayo, Nunez De Balboa 71, the Kenton band to the notice of Madrid, Spain, would like to correthe nation's music critics. Kenton spond with a UK student. He has attributes his success of lait year spent six months in the United to this new styling. at States and is a former The Kenton aggregation is sched- University of Manila. student whothe Angel, is uled to arrive in Lexington just be- 24 4s employed by the Trans-Worl- d fore the dance tomorrow night and Air Lines. will leave after the dance for its His friend. is now engagement in Louisville Sunday attending UK.Peter B. Block, met He and Angel in night. Spain a few years ago. If there's Decorations anything else you'd like to know Decorations for the event will about Angel you can get the inforinclude a revolving crystal ball, reflecting colored lights, in the center mation from Peter whose box number is 5533. of the ballroom. Cheesecloth susP. S. If you're a little uncertain pended from the ceiling will hold your Engcolored balloons to be released dur- about Angel Spanish, write in too. lish. understands that, ing the dance. Dance committee chairman Ellen ODK Initiates Eugene List, Young Concert Pianist Special Ceremony Planned By Group concert Eugene List, pianist, has accepted an honorary ;"sj membership in Nu Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, national senior men's leadership honorary. Mr. List will be formally initiated into the organization, Monday afternoon at the First Presbyterian Church on Mill street. List, who is scheduled to give a concert in Lexington next Tuesday nit lit. is probably best known as the "Potsdam Pianist." In July, 1945, summoned to appear at a state dinner of the Big Three, Sergeant List broke diplomatic ice with a program ranging from the Tchaikovsky Concerto to the Missouri Waltz. He won standing toasts from Stalin, warm congratulations from Churchill and the lasting friendship of Harry S. Truman. Since his release from the army a year ago. List has played numerous concerts, and made one motion Last May he was Invited to play at the Prague International Festival celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Czech Philharmonic. Following that he visited many of the cities of Fieldhouse Bids Taken Work To Begin In Early Summer separate stage settings SGA Begins Plans For Senior Ball Power to contract with a name band for the University Senior Prom to be given in May, was given to the Student Government social committee, with Lee Trabue as chairman, by the assembly at its Monday meeting. Howard C. Bowles, Veterans club president and Howard Stephenson, SGA president, both UK delegates to th National Student Conference in reported to Chicago, December the assembly on the conference. Virgil Pryor, SGA rpresentative and the third UK delegate to the conference, will make his report to the assembly at its next meeting. 28-3- 0. y fcugene List i i cause of the fine example he has set among rising, young musicians, and for the remarkable success he has achieved in such a short time," stated Professor R. D. Mclntyre, national treasurer of ODK. Mr. List is the first person, not a Kentuckian, to oe accepted Into membership of Nu Circle. So great is the demand for the young musician, who will appear here under the auspices of the Central Kentucky Community Concert Association, that he Ls solidly booked for concerts into the middle of next year. Kentuckian Snapshots Snapshots for the miscellaneous picture section of the 1947 Kentuckian are now being accepted and should be mailed or brought immediately to the yearbook office in the basement of McVey hall According to an announcmcnt by Tommy Gish, Kentuckian editor. An annual feature of the Kentuckian, snapshots should be confined to campus scenes and personalities. All independent and Greek-lettor ganizations are invited to contribute their pictures, Gish said, adding that the Kentuckian will not be responsible for the return of prints and re serves the right to select those which are to be used. All snapshots must be confined to a size not exceeding two by four inches, Gish said. er dream, The University's post-wthe Memorial auditorium- - fieldhouse moved one step nearer reality with the recent announcement that bids for construction of the coliseum are now being taken by the state division of purchases Frankfort. E. B. Farris. University chief engi neer, revealed that contractors have until Thursday, February 6, to submit lump sum bids on the contem plated construction to Jorin W. Croley, division of purchases and public properties director, Frank fort. On that date, the sealed bids Aimo Kiviniemi 111, will be opened and examind The contract calling for excavation, Unable To Sing construction of concrete founda ' Because of illness, Aimo Kiviniemi, tions, and the fabrication and erection of structural steel work, prob- tenor on the University music faculably will be let sometime before ty, will be unable to present a scheMarch 1, Farris estimated. A special duled recital this Sunday on the notice to bidders advised them that Sunday Afternoon Musicale series, it is not Intended to require the con- Dr. Alexander A. Capurse, head of tractor to move any force or equip- the music department, announced ment onto the building site prior yesterday. to April 1. Originally scheduled as the first Since orders for structural steel program of the winter quarter serare from six to eight months behind ies, the recital was to have featured in delivery, work on the Euclid ave- the UK voice instructor in a connue site probably will not begin be- cert consisting chiefly of the "Lie-de- r" fore late spring or early summer at with selections from Schuthe earliest, Farris said. mann's "Dichterliebe". Originally designed to cost approxCancellation of the Sunday proimately $1,100,000, the structure now gram, however, is only temporary. probably will cost much more due Dr. Capurso explained. The recital to the high cost of building materials wil be presented at a later date. and labor at the present time, he Next number on the series will be coliseum has been underway for a program by the University chap added. ters of Phi Beta and Phi Mu Alpha, Discussion on the erection of the professional music and dramatics several years and has been classed fraternities, scheduled for February as one of the most needed projects 2 in Memorial Hall. of the University and community. Six other Sunday afternoon Musi-calOfficials point out that in addition are planned during the current y quarter. Dr. Capurso said. University to affording a 12,000 seating capac-ablwould take care of both public Women's Glee club, February 9; ity for basketball games which prob- Tivis Wicker, baritone, February 16; and students, the interior can be University Men's Glee Club, Febby means of slidinr ruary 23; Paul Makovsky, violinist, panels to conform to any size of March 2: Ford Montgomery and auditorium lor a variety of com- Robert Morgan, March munity projects. Long, soprano, 9; and Carolyn March 16. ar long-plann- Dr. Clark Is Selected Most Distinguished 99 Aits And Sciences Faculty Names Man Of The Year Sigma Pi Sigma; Physics Society Is Reactivated After four years of inactivity during the war, Pigma Pi Sigma, Physics Honor 8ociety, has been' reacti vated this quarter on the university campus. Dr. Louis A. Pardue presided at the initiation of new members into Lambda Chapter, January 20 at 4:00 Music Recital Is Cancelled Officers for the current year elected at a reorganization meeting following the initiation are Joseph T. Meers, president; Fred Watson, vice president; Donne F. OTJonnell, secretary; Clifton Bayse, treasurer; H. J. Macke, cabinet member; and Dr. Clyde B. Crawley, faculty adviser. Received into membership in the Lambda Chapter for Sigma PI Sigma were Clifton A. Bayse, Floyd M. Car-et- r. Dr. Clyde B. Crawley. Marvin S. Cohen, Wendell C. Demarcus, William B. Fowler, John R. Howard, Jess B. Huff, Dr. Karl O. Lange, Joseph T. Meers, Donne F. OTJonnell, John R. Sewell and Fred D. Watson. Dr. Ellis Hartford, head of the campus Faculty club spoke on "Religion and Education" at a luncheon meetuw . of the Canterbury club Thursday at the Colonial Bowling Lanes. Thirty-fiv- e members and their guests were present. The Rev. Daniel Davis introduced th speaker. ,s jTr-- Kampus Kernels WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP. Sunday night at Maxwell Street Presbyterian church. Supper, 6:30; .. Evensong, 7:00; Forum, 7:30. The Rev. Leslie Smith of Central Christian church will speak on "Courtship and Marriage." WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP . . midwinter retreat for old and new members today at 4:00. DUTCH LUNCH CLUB . . . Friday noon, room 205. Student Union. "Scotty" Cowan will be the guest speaker. . FRESHMAN CLUB . . . Tuesday, 7:15 p.m., room 208, Student Union. Upperclass Y . . . Tuesday, 7:15 p. m., Y Lounge, Student Union. Y. W. CABINET . . . Tuesday, 8:15 p.m., room 122, Student Union. KEYS . . . meets 5 p. m. Thursday in room 204, SUB. COMKEYS CONSTITUTION MITTEE . . . meets Monday at 4 p.m. in Dr. White's office. will meet in the PHALANX Bowl on Tuesday at noon. meeting will be held HILLEL at 6 p.m., Sunday at the Ashland avenue temple. KENTUCKY ENGINEERING . . . staff will meet at 5 pjn., Tuesday, room 206 Engineering quadrangle. at WESLEY FOUNDATION 6 p.m., Thursday, SUB. Program will be given by the MYF of the Epworth ! Farm, Home Meet Convenes Tuesday In UK Ag College The 35th Kentucky Farm and Home Convention will convene on the University campus Tuesday morning at 9:30 in the Agricultural Station for its annual that will continue through next Friday afternoon. Important features of the amiual convention that attracts farm and home leaders from all over the state will be exhibits and demonstrations in the Agricultural building of the latest electrical and gas equipment and water systems fo rfarm homes. buildings and material display, farm machinery, labor-savidevices, an exhibit of DDT and corn borer conn trol, and the new machine for housing tobacco will be shown for the first time. Miss Davenport T Speak An extended list of subjects cov- erin many phases of agricultural and homemaking life will be discus four-da- y meeting two-ma- sed. Miss Iris Davenport, women's editor of the "Southern Agriculturist" and formerly clothing specialist in the extension division of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, will deliver an address in Memorial hall Wednesday morning ta 10 en titled, "Aloft with the Homemakers." Other prominent speakers of the four-da- y meet will include C. W. Bailey, Clarksville, Tennessee, president of the American Bankers' As sociation; Dean W. I. Myers of the New York State College of Agricul-Powel- l, Chicago fashion authority; ture at Cornell University; Mrs. Vee Mrs. Viola Armstrong of the Indi ana Farm Bureau Cooperative As soclatlon; Miss Beth Peterson of the church. DuPont Company; and President UNIVERSITY CAMERA CEUB . . . Herman L. Donovan and Dean Monday in the Thomas P. Cooper of will mCet at 5 pm., the University. SUB. EPISCOPAL HOLY COMMUNION at 7:30 a.m., Wednesday, SUB chftpcl. A sweater swing will be held WESLEY FOUNDATION next Thursday, January 30, from invites all Methodist students to a 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. in the Student program given by the MYF of Ep Union Ballroom, according to Dot worth Church atfl:00 pjn., Thursday Evans, social director. in the SUB. All sweater swings are arranged AMERICAN VETERANS COM by the House Committee. Mary Lou MITTEE . . . will meet at 7:30 p.m. witherspoon is chairman. Monday in the Fayette County Court house. Scott Bowman of the Veterans Administration will be the ! ! speaker. DISCIPLE STUDENT FELLOWSHIP . . . will have a lecture and supper meeting at 6 p.m., Sunday All students interested in school at Central Christian church. spirit have seats reserved for them COM- in the student cheering section to SGA "SUGGESTIONS" MITTEE . . . will meet at 5 p.m., be marked off for the Monday, in room 206 of the SUB. game Saturday night. PHI ETA SIGMA . . . meets TuesThe only requirements are: day at 5 p.m. in room 128. SUB. 1. The ability to yell, and AMATEUR RADIO CLUB . . . will 2. an interest in doing so. meet at 4 p.m., Tuesday, in room Everyone who has ticket No. 21 building. Classes and who wants to show his support 232, Engineering up. for the team should come to the for amateur licenses will be drawn north-ea- st door of the gymnasium, LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS . ask for a ticket In the student cheer4 p. m. Monday, SUB. ing section and yell! . . meeting ADD ? .... .... Special Cheering Section Xavler-Ken-tuc- l .."- - . VyX i ' ' jLmmmmmm Dr. Thomas Clark Graduating Seniors File For Degrees Honors Gillis The University library is featuring an exhibit commemoratiini the 80th birthday of Prof. Ezra Gillis. educator, administrator and philosopher. Prof. Gillis has been connected with the University for forty years, first as an instructor in the normal department and then as assistant professor of education. He was registrar from 1910 until 19?7. when he became director of the Bureau of Source Materials in Higher Seniors who entered the University for the Winter Quarter and who expect to complete their requirements for graduation at the close of the Winter, Spring or Summer quarters, and wht have not at a previous time made application for decrees, are requested to do so next Friday, January 31. This applies also to Graduate Students who expect to complete well-kno- their requirements for graduate er degrees. All applications should be filed in room 16 of the Administration building. 1919-192- 0. ar "Son Of Fury" Shown At Union Candidates for the bachelor's degree will be charged a graduation fee of $9.00. This will co-- er the rental of cap and gown, diploma fee. the Kentuckian and Senior dues. Candidates for advanced degrees will be charged a fee of $15.00 which will cover the above with the exception of the Kentuckian and in addition the cost of the hood to be presented the candidate. Graduation fees are payable not later than the fourth day preceding the commencement. Dr. Thomas D. Clark, an authority on American and Southern history and head of the University Department of History. Thursday wa named "Distinguished Professor of the Year" by faculty members of the College of Arts and Sciences. Inaugurated two years ago as recognition of "outstanding accomplishment" in a chc en field, tie selection is made annually by secret ballot of the college f.uul'y from candidates holding the tiiie of assistant professor or above. Previous recipient; were Grant C. Knight, professor of En;.:h. and Dr. Amry chosen for 1944-4Vandenbosch, head of the of Political Science. choen for 1945-4- 6. Established In '44 According to a resolution adopted by the arts and sciences facul'y at the time of the establishment of the honor in 1944. "election to this lectureship shall constitute a recognition of outstanding accomplishment in the candidate's field, and tin further recognition of this fact. the candidate shall be relieved of one quarter's teaching duties ti permit him to do further creative and scholarly work. The election carries the additional stipulation that "as a result of his selection, the candidate, in conferproence with the distinguished fessorship committee, will select a suitable date for the delivery of th" annual ana and sciences lecture.'" The professor to be honored is generally chosen during the f.iil quarter, and usually takes leave during the winter quarter to prepare lecture traditionally delivers .n the spring. It w?s explained, however, that unavoidable delays caused postponement of t.ie election until the current quarter and Dr. Clark nd the committee yesterday had not decided when the lecture would be presented, nor had Dr. Clark deckled . yesterday when he wou d take his leave. 5. Depu-K-men- ..." 'e The Coirnit 1946-4- 7 . Profes- sorship committee consisted of Mrs. Alberta Wilson Server, associate languages, professor of romance chairman; Robert G. Lunde. assistant professor of history: Dr J. R. Meadow, assistant professor o, chemistry, and Dr. Ralph H. Weaver, professor of bacteriology. Dr. Clark waa graduated from the University of Mississippi in 19.1 Maurice F. Seay with an A3, degree and holds an Dean of the University M A. degree from the University of and Registrar Kentucky. He received a Ph.D. degree from Duke uruversitj in 1932. He is native of Louisville. Before coming to th University. , usuuuu . he taught at Western State TeachBlame wiineim ociuck. professor in the Department of Ro- ers College. Memphis. Tenn., and mance Languages, has returned to the University of Tennessee, lb: the University this quarter to as- also instructed at the University of sume his former teaching duties fol- Rochester in 1934 and 1936. lowing a leave of absence that InJoined Staff in 31 cluded a trip to France and other T Coming to the University of countries In fcorope. in 1931 as an instructor in history. Dr. Clark continued in that, Mr. Schick, whose field of concenIS1) when he was adtration Is In phonetics as well as in capacity m-teighteenth century literature, is vanced to an assistant prolcssor-shi- p. He became ;:i associate holding classes this quarter In French on Page Two and Spanish. ' Henry Clay Students Laud UK Troupers' December Program in joining the troupers to contact eithe rMiss Wakefield i nthe Women's gym or himself in the Men's Monday through Friday nights from 5 until 6 o'clock. In the Women's gym. Dancers and singers and singers practice on Thursday nights from 5 until 7. "It is a student activity," Johnson said, "And we invite everyone pos sessing talent of any type to join us and help put on a show that will be voted the best in Kentucky." i t .. ' ts, " ' S; Library Exhibit Education. Prof. Gillis served as secretary-treasurof the American Association of Collegiate Registrars from 1914 to 1919 and as president in In addition he has been active in the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and has served as specialist on the land grant college survey. President H. L. Donovan said in a birthday letter to the professor: "The registrars of fcae colleges and universities of America have on many occasions given you full credit for the establishment of this position, which was really unknown until you demonstrated how to serve the American college through the office of Registrar. This attainment is sufficient to give you a place edition among the great in education of our The UK Troupers post-wwas recently given a boost when the nation." students at Henry Clay high school voted its show, presented in a chalel program late in December, "the best program of the year." The Troupers, well known before Continuing the series of Monday the war halted their activities, have recently been reorganized under the night movies, "Son of Fury," stardirection of Miss Joyce Wakefeild ring Tyrone Power and Gene Tier- and Bernard "Skeetes" Johnson of ney, will be shown from 6:15 to 8:15 the physical education department. p.m, Monday, January 27 in the Johnson said the Troupers have Student Union ballroom social dithree additional high school pro- rector Dot Evans announced. Over 180 students attended last grams scheduled and are planning a big show for the latter part ofMareh Monday's film. "Jane Eyre," Mrs. to be presented In 'Alumni gym. A Evans said. The admission price is ten cents. definite date has not been chosen as delivery has been slow on costumes Sponsoring the series is the Activities committee, of which Marjean and equipment. However, the show will Include Wenstrup is chairman. tumbling acts, singing and dancing acts and also a novelty act or two. Johnson added that they were al ways on the lookout for talent of all types, and urged anyone interested I" I p.m es Dr. Hartford Speaks To Canterbury Club Union Sweater Swing pic-lur- e. Europe, playing for G.I. audiences. List, whose wife is Carroll Glenn, a concert violinist, was born in Phila delphia. He spent his childhood hi California, but returned to Philadel- nhia at the aee of 13, where he won a scholarship at the fnuaaeipnia Conservatory. Following the initiation a banquet will be given in his honor. "ODK has asked Eugene List to become an honorary member, be- - 19 . Correspondents" Requested 1940. 24 necessitating 34 changes, the play is said to be one of the most elaborate ever attempted by the Euclid avenue little theater. "I Remember Mama," a sentimental comedy, was adapted by John van Druten from "Mama's Bank Account," by Kathryn Forbes. The New York production starred Oscar Homolka and Mady Christians and received outstanding reviews. Ralph Carter has been named assistant director, with Nell Morris as prompter and Lee Overstreet as call girl. The cast is listed as follows: Charlotte Corn, Aunt Sigrid; Lyle Brook Watson, Jessie; Ely Deaton, scrub woman; Joan Rehm, Katrin; Louise Swinford, Christine; Allene Harrod, Madeline: Joyce Rudolph, Dorothy; Uncle Chris; James Sherburne, Claude Trapp, Mr. Thorkelson; Bill Harbaugh, Dr. Johnson; Gordon Brown, Nels; Denvil Maggard. soda clerk. .; . .. . ... i u.. i. .... .j to... music magazine -- Metronome" KentUCKy JrTeSS "The Band of the year" for 1946, Victor R. Portmann, assistant pro-in- g lias Just completed a record-breaengagement at New York's fessor of journalism, was of the Kentucky Paramount theatre, and the Uni- - i secretary-managin nnr-- of the band first Press A.ssociation at the annual convention held in Louisville last engagements on a nation-wid- e week. Louis-Cit- y. swing which will include Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, Denver, and rille, Kansas assistant professor of Journalism; Los Angeles. vocal- R. W. Wild, head of the department June Christy, ist, is featured with the Kenton of public relations; and Kenneth unit along with "The Pastels." a Kuhn, public relations nem-- editor, quintet recently formed by Ken- in addition to Mr. Portmann, atton after his extensive search for tended the convention. new vocal talent. Miss Christy Joined the orchestra in 1945, and was selected in another music poll last year as "The Most Popular Female Singer." Other members of the Kenton A meeting of students interested band include drummer Shelly in reorganizing the UK Rifle club formerly with the Les will be held at 7 p. m. Tuesday in Manne, Brown orchestra. Pete Rugull, ar- room 206 of Buell armory, according ranger for the band who holds a to Lt. Col. John L. Carter, of the PhX). in music, and former UK military department. student Ray Wetzel, first trumpeter Lt. Col. Carter said that plans from Parkersburg. West Virginia. i for the season, including " Progressive Jaxz" Styling matches, trips', and the Kenton himself is 35 vears old ROTC and varsity rifle teams, will and plays the piano. His past, be discussed. He urged that all in musical experience included piano terested students attend. playing and arranging for other organizations before he organized his own band for regular engagevM-sit- 4 Casting has been completed for the Guignol production of "I ReBroadway member Mama." long-ru- n hit, to open February 24. Wood is in charge of all arrangements. chairmen are: decorations, Gloria Manter; publicity, Emily Asbury; and chap- erones, Ridgely Park. Chaperones are listed at: Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Donovan, Dean and Mrs. Leo Chamberlain, Dean and Mrs. T. T. Jonas. Dean Sarah B. Holmes, Miss Jane Haselden. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Snow, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Bigge, Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Sanders, Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Eeay, Miss Mai ga ret Storey, Mr. and Mrs. John Kulper. Mrs. Mildred Turner, Mrs. Gertrude Harvard, r. and Mrs. Frank Peterson, Miss Irma Poole. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shaver, Mrs. Gertrude Zemp. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hall, and all housemothers. Stan Kenton and his "Band of the Year" will entertain a campus dance tomorrow night from 8 til 12 in the Union's Bluegrass room. Ticket for the dance, another in the annual cycle of name band entertainment provided by the dance committee of the Student Union Nation-Wid- February NUMBER 13 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 Z246 Prof. Schick Returns Ken-tr.ck- I il fa- - Martha Yates Edits Freshman Handbook Martha Yates, journalism junior and editor of Chi Delta Phi "Vague, will be editor of an tion freshman handbook to be pub lished for the next fall quarter. Miss Yates was chosen by a stu dent editorial board representing the the Student Union Board, YWCA, YMCA, the deans of men and wo men and the Student Government inter-organiz- a- Association assembly. The booklet to be used in Fresh man Week, is to be a combination of several booklets which were formerly published by separate groups. Thirteen Ag Students Achieve 3. Standings Thirteen students In the Colege of Agriculture and Home Economics made all A's last quarter, according to a report from the office of the are: Pauline dean. These G. Hill. Robert C. Buckner, Fred Chumbler, Jr., David L. Cleveland, Richard Crafton. George W. Frease, Saul D. Gains. Jeptha Jett, James D. Kemp, Roy N. Van Arsdall, James T. Walker, Eugene R. Weakley, and Jay Young, Jr. 1 U ! II rum Ihn Six finalists chosen last Thursday night in the Ketuckian beauty contest are pictured above. nw from left group the queen was chosen to be presented at the Kentuckian dance. Shown m are Opal Pearl Hall. Femirsbuig ; Grace HufUker, Louisville; and Mrtb"i Sto Crosby. Paduuh; second 'row, Amy Price, Ashland; Evelyn twins. Milton; and Angela Meisch. Blair, Sandford. The other five finalists will serve as attendants to the queen. rtt . * v Ml IUMI Friday, January 24, 1947 Page Two THE KENTUCKY KERNEL mxwspafix: cp orr jlal PUBUBHzr wet! T rmusj teb school TIA4 EXCEPT HOLIDAYS OR EXAMINATION PERIOD tt ikuc bUn Fort Offlo t Lerinfton. Kentockw, M ander Ui Act of Mrcb 1, M Mono eiMt in. MKKBEH Crataek? IntreoUefiu Pkm Aaomtlca Kentucky PrfrJtt Association rom MftTIONM. MMIMNTIO AOVKt TISIPMI "nTTT Pat Burnett ToM rCAN Frlwrh k Nichou Jack Sorrfiie Bxtf Mfi ton n. y. emu mu ui uuiu lu hucaa UB0CRI7TION RATES Quarter 11 M On Tew JM On Tom Fnr.AR Wife. Editor Managing Editor News Editor Assistant Neil's Editor Assistant Managing Editor Sports Fditor Cvwy Gomam ",AW KationalAdverttsingSericerlcc o UNrvrRsnr of kzntuckt - r f""re Ct Bttn, Mflag iiso Advertising Manager eoJumiit mrt to to MMMmtf th, eptettwt ol tht writer thrmttlvi, . o sot HcMfil relloet th opinion, ol Tht Kerntl. Letters To The Editor Editor. Kentucky Kernel: The article on the present basket-bfl- ll seating plan appearing in last week's Kernel hit the nail on the head when it stated that the "early birds at the Kentucky basketball Fames definitely haven't been getting the worm." The seating plan Is superior to that of last year as it eliminates confusion and leaves no spots of seats scattered here ancHhere throughout the cymnasium. " The trouble lies not in the plan itself but in the way In which it is not followed correctly by the men who Land out the seating stubs at the men on the one side of the east gate started handing out stubs for section three on the left. The men handing out stubs to the students coining through the other side of the gate did not hand out stubs for section three on the right but instead began doling out seats for section four. The result was that the fans coming In at 7:30 p.m. found themselves sitting up In the rafters while, much to their chagrin, the students arriving fifteen and twenty minutes later sat in the much to be desired seats down in section three on the right, the section where the earlier arrivals should have been sitting all along. The athletics department is to be congratulated on the seating plan which they have gone to so much effort to arrange. Careful planning, however, must be executed correctly if perfection is to be achieved. Sincerely, .Jack Sorrelle pates. leadership of Coach Paul Bryant, the most promisiong coach in America today. This past year saw the University of Kentucky winning more football games than any Kentucky team in over thirty years. Tills year will also find the student body peeing and dancing to a "name" band a? Stan Kenton plays at the Student Union on Saturday night, January 25. I have seen Stan twice within the last week as he is playing here at the Capital Theatre in Washington. He has a wonderful swing band with five trumpets and five trombones. In the latest Down Beat poll he finished second only to Duke Ellington in swing. Metronome named him the band of 1946. So you see what a real privilege is in store for the student body the night of January 25. Stan's No. J trumpet man, Ray Wetzel, was a student at the University of Kentucky in 1941 and 1942. I know by the time this letter is published all the 1600 tickets will be gone. However, if a few are remaining now. I hope all students immediately ograb them up as you are getting $10.00 worth of. entertainment out of the $2.00 you will be paying for the privilege of listening to Stan Kenton. I know you "wolves" wouldn't miss seeing June Christy for the world. Sincerely, Dewitt O. Burke Washington, D. C. Class of June 1945 The seating plan shown here in this column explains the system clearly. The first students arriving at the gym sit in section one, the next arrivals sit in the two sections marked two, the next in the two sections marked three, the next to last in the. three sections marked lour and the last arrivals are seat- Editor. Kentucky Kernel: ed in the two sections desiated as For many years before I entered five. the University of Kentucky, there ore two things that filled up the This is all well end good but it doesnt work out this way One of Kernel. One was the perennial the best examples of this is that hope for a good football team to basketball of the manner in which the stu- natch our wonderful dents were seated on the east sWe team, and the other hope was a of the gym at the lr.s; student "name" band to visit our campus. pame. At 7:80 p.m. the choice rne Kentucky is one its way to that and two sections were filled and the great football team under the great Editor, Kentucky Kernel: what's wrong? Is some that never earned a letter L. :;rij-'l-"::- J 11 . ... ' I I . ... . . . 'a,. . ! cry-ba- Reprinted from the February ; T f Ik- - ' Wright or Wrong Last summer I WTote a column fcbout a little boy who never grew up. It was an allegory ajid I thought it was one of the best columns I had written. Despite the advice of ulder, wiser heads I would like to write another allegory. I hope more jieople read this one than read the last one. It starts the same way: Once there was a little girl who never quite grew up. When she was very young she wore pU ta ils and was very much a tom-boHie tom-bo- y days were the best of her life and t he older she got the more she realized it. Froom grade-schoand puppy love she went to high school und the "romances" that go along with high school. She wes a cheer"popular" leader and an She used to he in bed at night and think what a popular girl was and go to sleep with a hmile on her face. When she got to college