xt7sxk84m68j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84m68j/data/mets.xml Florida Saint Augustine Cathedral (Fla.) 1941 Other creators: Florida Historical Records Survey; Florida. State Library Board; United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs. Reproduced from type-written copy. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number FW 4.14: F663c/4. books English Tallahassee, Fla. : State Library Board This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Florida Works Progress Administration Publications Translation and Transcription of Church Archives of Florida: Roman Catholic Records, St. Augustine Parish- White Baptisms, 1784-1792, prepared by the Historical records survey, Division of community service programs, Work projects administration text Translation and Transcription of Church Archives of Florida: Roman Catholic Records, St. Augustine Parish- White Baptisms, 1784-1792, prepared by the Historical records survey, Division of community service programs, Work projects administration 1941 1941 2015 true xt7sxk84m68j section xt7sxk84m68j r q ' l ~ 1 s r l ,l l
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l g WHITE BAPTISES 1784-].*792
·_ g· “ Preporej by l
I The Historical Records Survey
‘ Division of Cormunity Service Programs
York Projects Administration
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E The Historicel Records Survey Trogrem operetes es e series of
{ stete—wide projects in the severel Stetes in the Division of Conmunitv
{ Service Progrems of the Work Projects Administration. This nrosrem wes
i orgenized in Floride in l936 under the netionel direction of Dr. Luther
§ H. Evens. On Merch l, l940, Dr. Evens left to becone Director of the
Q Legislative Reference Section of the Librerv of Congress, end wes
§ succeeded by Sergent B. Child.
The Survey nrogrem includes en inventorv of stete, county, munici-
‘ pel, end church erchives, of Americen imprints, end of menuscript
Ei depositories end collections. In keeping with its object of making
i hitherto ineccessible source materiel eveileble to historiens end
geheelogists, the Survev in Tloride issues herewith en ebstrect of the
? Register of hkite Beptisms of the Perish of St. Ausustine of the
S Ronen Cetholic Church for the veurs l7S4—l79?. This volume wes nrepered
j under the supervision of Cordon C. Qeeves, formerlv Florids Church
·_ 4 _ Editor. It was reviewed in the Weshinston ofTice of the Survey bv .
" Doneld A. Thonpson, Assistent Archivist in chsrqe of Church Archives
We wish to express our apprecistior to the Most Reverend Iosenh
P. Hurlev, Bishop of St. Augustine, for his ermrovel of the putlioetion
of this volume. Acknowledgment is elso due the St. éupustine Historicel
Society end Institute of Science for its courtesies in providing
. supplies end desk space for our transistors end for furnistinp materials
for publication of the volume.
Iuhlicetions of the Floride Historical Records Survev ere issued
for free distribution to public end institutionel libreries. Requests
for information concerning the publicetions or work of the Survey in
Florida should be eddressed to the Stete Administretor, Work Projects
Adrinistretion, 49 “est Duvel Street, Jacksonville, Floride.
Dorothy Dodd
` Jacksonville, Fluride Project Technician
May I2, 1941 Florida Historical Records Survev
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3 Prefica ..................¤....... iii
~ Introduction ....................... vii
Q Paptisms ......................... 1
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. * The records of the Pirish of Qt. Augustine of the Roxen Cetholic
I — Church form the oldest extent series of records in the United Ftstes.
: ,, Continuous from 1594 to l7o$, they ere interrupted for the period dur-
‘; { ing which the English occupied Floride, es the Iwrish did not function
V Q officielly during those yeers. They resume, however, in 1784, when
‘ E Floride wes returned to Spnin. The records from thst vosr until the
{ it Thr Between the Stetes ore of perticulsr interest beceuse meny of the
, Li persons named therein ere represented in Florida today by their descend-
j, ents.
5 J2
i ? This volume presents e record of the 591 bsptisms performed in
P { thc Ferish of 9t. Aurustine between October 9, l7P4 end Julv 20, 1792.
' l The original register, which is kept with other erchives of the Yerjsh
gg in the Rectory edjoining the Cethedrel, is s book of 27l pages, l5?“ X
t 9 5/4 X 2" in size. The book epnfrently hes been rebound and beers the
l title, "Esptismr White, l784—1792, I." The first too neges cre loose
v l end in poor condition.
l il
I x Entries in the register are numbered end the orisinel numbering
E hes been preserved in this volume. Entries l to 227 ere set down in
l § Letin; but in Sentehber 1789, the Most Reverend Cvrilo de Eercelone, _
‘ €,’ Bishop of Tricely, while on his Hol? visitction in Qt. .1`‘·. uwustine,
, ordered ell entriec to be set down in Spenish. The edict of the Pishon,
` § es well es the form he prescribed for entries, h.s been trsnsleted end
g included in full.
I 3 In the trensletion of entries, much of the repetitions ecclesiasti-
} cel phrcseolosv hrs been eliminzted rnd S shortened form hes been edopt—
, V ed which gives the essentiel ficts presented in the originel. The full
i V? texts of 10 entries, uith trsnsletions, however, cre to be found in the
I The originel spelling hes been preserved, elthoust often the seem
name epneers in sever <‘¤ 1 different forns, and frequentlv both Enclish
end Spsnish nemes ere misspelled. This is probably rttributeble to the
feet that the entries were reds by Irish priests, who resorted to
phonetic spelling of Spenish nsmes end of English neres previously
corrupted by the Spanish-speeking connunity. The full titles of the
priests who mode the entries are given the first tire then eoreer end
ere thcrerfter omitted. All civil and rilit rv titles nre given in full,
both in the originel lsnguoge rnd in tr nsletion. "bris underscored in
the entries are also underscored in the oripinsl.
The word vile, which eppeers frequently in the foret rt of the
register, indichteslthet e gift ‘cs .’.= wede to the cturch by the tfrents
or sponsors of the neophrte. In men? irstcnces the erect vhlue of the
gift in reeles is shown.
° Q number of bejtisns wes pyrforned by the "Trecbitir," Dr. Teter
Camps, with license, or permission, of the p—ri:h jrizst. 9ucn entries
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- 'Q MTM Zinc SiVH?d by the parish priest, th; Reverend Thomas Hsssctt. l U
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Q P?pbiUF¤ yerfcrxyd it horn or in thc Outlying districts cf the Q Q
Q }’TiSh wérn i¤c0mpl:tc, chi rrs iCSiEH"t2q ss bihtismc nom sclcmni cr i %
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, V i . r .- JH 4 . - L, -\¢, iiir, [J JD ig, .I'l LOD: -..:J:> V 5 ·
Q vcdp‘r¤hts, cr swcnscrs, wcr; then advised by thc priest tc bring the j ~
é chill tc the church ss soon as possible, “tc perform upon hih th@ i 5 Q
YA V n ‘ —,,. q " .,.- ., w vg _ · . A ‘l
i c>r»mciie. inc pi»,srs of our holy mother ChurcH,“ which, cf hcccssity, ‘ j
Q h¤d b*vh cnitt d. Ih.scmc instanccs 0 marginal nots sttssts that thiS Q
gs 1¤S@Pu¤ti0n w¤s lctcr ccmnlisd with. Q
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J. Page l Entry 1*
It . D . _ _ _
4 eerie del noeerio Sanchez, born October J, i7G4. Baptized October E,
;, l784. Deughter of Jobennes Senchez, Puerto Reel, Hiepenie, end Lerie
if Cestenede, cen Aguetin.
it ~_ M . . i. . . -,. . z. .
ag oyoneorsz nmenuel de Ainenze, nispenie, eno Mnilige de zieme, sen
g Agustin.
{ s
, Priest: Thomas Heesett, perrocbue, Jiceriue, et Judex Eccleeieeticus
j nujus Lccleeiee yorrocnielie Bti. Auqustini Floricee Orientelis Lperieh
§ priest, Vicar, eno Judge Eccleeieeticel of this parish Church of St.
Au;ustine, Lest Florida].
¥ r.
gi Page l entry L _
W _ _
, § ,~ Fetrus Joeennus Maetie born torn o 1734. Eeotized itorn 8 l734.
_ 1 y y r_ .. n r
N _ Bon of Petrus Meetre end Maria Andree, LiLnorce].
? suoneorec Jose hue Carrera; and Jo?e une Uerreree botb of Linorce.
` i 5
? _
5 Priest: Dr. Detrus Camps; ihomee Ieesett. ~
ri Page l Entry 5
Eernerdue Josephus Lueienus Segui, born November 2, l7E4. Eeytized
December 9, l794. Son of Eernerdue Serui end Agethe Villelonge.
I Sponsors: Lucienue Que end Hnrie Gracie Gue, both of Sen Agustin.
{ Priest: Dr. ?etrun Comps; Thones He eett.
’ Pete 2 intry 4
Johannes Josephus de Jesus Jones, born October i4, [torn]. ?eptized
December [torn], l7B4. Son of Ilomes [Jones] end_e1ne Jones.
Sponsors: [torn] Guerrero end Jonenne [torn].
Priest: [torn].
` 4
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3 Page 2 Entry 5 l f
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lg Elinebct Cetkarlna Lucia Arnau, born [torn] 25, [torn]. BEQYIZGG _ Q
{Q December [torn]. Daughter cf [torn] Frenciscus Arnau and Elisabet t
F holla, [torn]. qt i
ii 1 Ii
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TQ bpcnsorsz LUGOVlCHG ncxent1nl ann CEYHBIIHB BOX€HtlHl. s q
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Mi Priest: Dr. Petrun C;npc; Thomas Hassett. W
*? . 3
7 I?/eye Z5 Entry 6 I {
in E 2
D Gntharina Clara Anna Dbxnni, born December 5, l784. Baptized December {
gg I4, lV@4. Dnuqhter 05 Jnsephus E0x&ni* and hnria Cost. R
x' Jpnnsorsz Jurannes Sevelli rnd Clare Amere. ‘ l
=l irlcutz Dr. Fetrus Cnmps; Thomas Hassett. t
* Q
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,4 mw ss Entry *7 , E}
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M; stcphnnus Johannes Lhenas Tr1ey, bcrn December zl, l784. Bept1zed V »
in December 22, l7B4. Son cf Gabriel Triay* and hergerite Sanz, both of Q
$· hinorcu. · Q
yl} i
¥l Sponsors: Johannes Triay and Maria Anna Sanz both of mincrca. *
’ Q
1 1
In lriest: Dr. Ietrus Cunps; Thcmss Hessatt. ;§
tj l
l785 `
.Page 5 Entry 8 l
Marin Constunciw Anna Triny, born January 3, l785. Eeptized Jenuery 9,
l785. Duuynter cf hath us £jiaj* and Anne lurie Friey, both of Mincrce. i
W t . r _ a
bpcnscrsz P~trus Trluy enn Ann: rr1uy. Ig
l‘ricst: Dru Y\»trus Camps; lhcmas hessett. E
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Page 4 entry 9
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5 Marie Antonia Anne Center born November 19 1784. Be tized Jenuerv 9
. {1 , 1 v » y
; Eh 1785. Deuzhter of Antonius Center end Getherine Bros.
t ,|1 ‘-· -
, il Sponsors: Augustinus Center end marie eros.
‘ }V Priest: Dr. Petrus Camps; Thomas Hessett.
J Q Page 4 Entry 1O
1 E
E Marie Agatha Anne A1zine, born Decerber EO, 1734. Eeptized Jenuery 12,
1 Q1 1785. Daughter of Fertnolomeus A1zine end Marie Alzine.
1 1
‘ 1 Sponsors: Jo?snnes Cerreres and Leris Cerreres, both of kinorce.
t Priest: Dr. Petrus Cemps; Thomes Hassett.
.· Page 5 Entry 11
1 · Catherine Antonie Ximenez born Jenuerv 10 17€5. Poptized Jenuorv 16
A ) •· 9 . » )
1 17§5. Deughter of Repnee1 iinenez end gsrie newitet, both of Linorce.
{ Sponsors: Petrus Selcedo end Antonis Selort. _
g Priest: Dr. Petrus Cents; Thomes Hassett.
! Pege 5 V Entry 12
h Benenictus Rocus Josephus Segui, born Jenuery 12, 1785. Zeptized
J January 16, 1785. Son of Johannes Segui ems Agethe Enrich.
, Sponsors: Rocus Leonerdy end Cerolinde Leonerdy.
1 Priest: Dr. Petrus Camps; T?omes Hassett.
1 Page 5 Entry 15
E Elisebet Lerie Anne Fechue born Jsnuerv E1 1*25. Fetti?ed Jenuery 95,
1 y t v r
, 1735. Daughter of Johznnes Tecfue and Aiethe Fiquero1e, tot? of miiorce.
1 Sponsors: Jobennes Ceveio and n·rie Drinerechi.
j .
‘ *1 _ Priest: Dr. Petrus Cgrps; fnzmes Pessett
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1Q Johann; Cnthmyin: Fiaunre, born J nutry 28, 1785. brptized J€¤u*Ty 1 1
E .— rr. ~ 5 . —— ~ _ 7 ·,, , . ,,1 ng
Q xv, riwo. L~ugnt©r 01 ;ert¤o10¤»us blguvrv und foowxnq Aromu. V! 1
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gy oyonzors: HHVUHLUE L ntar anu Cwtnnr1n* LCznt9ri]. s V
FQ ‘ E1"
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11 1flc3tZ Ur. rxtruw Czmms; 1oomas r wsxtt. 1
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f F=ye C Entry 15 Q
‘ 1 1
1* Gu11»1;us J0u,phus Antonius Tvi=y, corn F=bruvry 5, 1785. Eaptizod 1 1
1» F¤bru·ry C, 1785. Nzturgl con of Joxsnnss Tviay and Johanna Aimsnez, 3 1
5; both of Minorc~. f 1
Q J,omnorw: J0~;yhun O’TT3VHS ¤nd Johanna Andrea.
1 1
· » · r w- ¤ Nv . I : ,1 1
1, lvm .*1: urn 1»;twua Lnmqmo; 1n0mvs hos satt. A j
Z} 1¤;"¢»J Entry 16 '· `·’
Q · I
fg L·r1¤nr hnnw Anton1o don v uturz 1r1yy wt Fonz, born Eobvuory b, 1765. 1
M .. . W . V. 1 , , ¤ . 7 1
qy w~pt1zMd y»bwu;ry U, 17ni, Daugotor O1 Josnnncs 1r1my Gt ronz and 1
11 Antonia Tufowi, Linorca. `
*· 1
1} q,0nnors: 11cn¤·1 71111 ann Annu »or¤~z. 1
PJ 2
;1 1¤1~¤1: h1u~¤~1 0'x 111U, V1QCF1U?y at Juc>x LCC1PT1iG11CUS RUF111HTlUS 1
{ ¤ujus Mcc1.»i~~ p yPvcU1 11i ati. Amgustini, Eloyidvc ori ntwlis, nec
§ Q 5 11wnuv nt val 0 1101tur dc 1¢ tropé yV1c#r and ;ssist,nt Judge
1.1 1 - 4 7. . · ~ · - - ». T , . ri. . T 1
· ¤vc1·v1wr1;w 1 01 LJJU TWT1LU c1urch O1 st. nurustzne, Last ;1or1da, .
·ud Q5 p1 1u~oV 1h` tv~o,1. `
1 nxt 7 ontry 17 V
Lv nuimcn ;~1.» Juli no Q *or no, born Jgnuwry is, 1735. Boptized i
F,nwu:ry V, 1 wh. o:utU1»r oi Go cvlo L NOT no, Contemcr ut vulgo 1
J1c·111u· ;p1mf<¤, J1L`1lC ~ sixd t;tJm1 1g;M11to1· ©1‘ tin s qj_;y], 1gupi\g1, 1
g;;_1_i111e_ 1; 1/1 jw, r.1».·1a111.x, no 1·1·;.nc1:¤c;r ;1~1 Co1rr·`1, Iaveana`, Insulo 1
Cube. 1
q,wn or: ;~r1; A1 1e mono pcion ¤yo&t¤>ui, Kqvanm. 1
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, f Pege 7 Entry l5
M herie Ross Martine Arnendez born Februar 6 1785. Bewtized Februerv
iu ’ , J" `
. w l3, l785. Deughter of Josephus Arnendez end Marie Air, both of minorce.
e y
ig % sponsors: Leurentius Cepelle enc Martine Arnendez.
,j ` vi.
I x Priest: Thomas ressett.
1 ifi
} 5 Page 8 Entry l9
3 Q Johenne Ignetie Fernandez, born February l, l7B5. Begtized February
‘ 9 i4, l785¤ Neturel deuihter of Antonius Fernandez, Eevene, end Rose
~ Cermone, Jen Agustin.
{ Sponsor: Antonia Rodriguez.
E Priest: Thomas hessett.
‘._ E _ -
4 Page 8 Entry ZC
Q Catherine Mergerite Anne Lebrumets, born Perch l5, l $5. Eettized Merch
5 27, l785. Daughter or Anmstetius en} Erencieoe Lebrurete.
E Sponsors: Johennes Cerreres and Lerqzrite Vilielorge.
q yriest: nicneel-O'¤eilly.
' Peee 9 Entrv kl
‘ Frenciscus de Pauls de le incernecion Ite, born Agril 3, 1785. Beptized
l Anril l0 l785. Son of Tnhennes de Ita end Sebestiene Contreres Anello.
; r 2
i Sponsor: Emanuel Lopez et Tuello.
Q Priest: Tnomes Hassett.
Q Page 9 Entry B;
, Ro ue Donineo Juen de le C0nce*cicn ieensrdv born A¢ril l7 l7@5.
E _. Y .7 .. >
{ Eeptized April i7,i7Bo. Som or Rogue Leoneruy, Itelie, en} hiethe Coll.
, · eponsorsz oominicus eodriquez eee Johann; Jesu;.
Priest: Dr. Petrus Cerysg liones lessett.
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Knee 9 Entry 25 4 E
Ani~l¤ nvnuwla Caterina Ansulra Maria de lm Merced Beruerda J¤s@f& LuiS6 ]
Awltrun Riva Riambnu, born April 22, l785. .Buptized April BO, l755. {
D¤u~Utvr 0V ihenuel Riambaq Alfnres ut vul:0 diciiur dnl R®;imi¤nt0 5
l 9 _____________ - ____ ____, .,_......... Q
lrwortal ¤¤l Rey [inwiqn of the Iwmortal Regiment Of the Kin? , and ~{ g
Cwnhurinu Puljol y Izgulwrdo. i Q
i ;5:
upon ora: Lnanuel Pastor y P®ir¤1, Qispenia, and Anqala muah da la Q
knque. q
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*wmjFqvLqn J»;¤ynuw ie Lu Qncurmgclow Comag, born May 14, l7B5. B@p£1Z@d , g
rmwy ML, LVwp. 30, ui irvncigcus Antonius Camas, Lisgania, and Lucia
1{i>Irw=¤s ,nlnm¤, bgvn pay AO, lV¤u. DEQCIZQG June 5, l7E5. Son of -
;v¤nu·l ;~L tu, Jgu A witin, and ravi: Lwc¤cr2, Linovca. i
3;»n¤nv;: hw nw~l d~ Al¤anw;, ficyaniu, and Lucia Perez, San Agustin. %
Yriwstz Dr. i~rrun C;m,4; TMOm¤; rpssetc. i
‘ I
· J
i P
, I
• I
I ‘ *7
I ? ·
I V" {yr` "'
, 1¤o5 (L/—¢1)
i .
’ A Page ll Entry 37 _
I Cstsrinr marzsrita Dominica Eosi born June 2 1785. Baptized Juno 5
; i. 7 9 - D-
g 1785. Dsughtsr of Josephus Rosi and Frsnciscs Sanz.
J _
Ir >
i ; Sponsors: Dominicus Lurbios and korgorit; Hosi. ’
I jI o . o , . , · -
* I yrisst: br. Pstrus Camps; [homes hassstt..
I I ` ` ' '
I I Page 12 Entry 2%
I J Johsnno Francisco Anno Sssui, oorn Juno 18, 1785. Esttizsd Juns 19,
I 1735. Dsuyhtsr of Diiqcus Ssgui ono Johsnns Cistsl.
· A M · N W . W
; Sponsors: rstrus rox: ana sranciscs xoxo.
Priest: Thomas ha sctt. `
. I Page 12 intry L9
1 I
” '·° Johanna Moris Conosgcion Eéy rss, born Jzno ?B, 1?B5. Eaycizsd Juno
— 25, 1735. Natural osnghtsr of Jobsnnos Baotistu Pryerss and £1isubsth
I Riduvots. ` '
I Sponsors: Domiwicus ds Leon and mario do 1os Loloros Lspinoso.·
I . .. , , ._ t
{ Priest: uicmssl Q'Rsi11y.
I [Mar51n;1 nots:] "5ns was lssitimitso by subssduont m;rriaqs og too
§ poronts. O'Rsi11y."
Page 13 Entry EO
I Stophsnus Josephus hrxvu, born July 5, 17€5. Bsgtizsé July 19, 17So.
I Son of Brsnoiscus Arnuu 2nd Clsrs Potros.
I _
I Sponsor: Josephus rsrxgnqsz.
I Priest: Dr. Pstrus C·n;s; Tkomas Lqssstt.
1 > jo}’I`tl`§/ gbl
I msrgoritz rerigna Cqrrsrws, torn ju;ust 52, ; rz. 5`griz»o Au·ust x7,
` I 1785. Dnushtsr of Jo canes C~rr%·ts Inu ;>rii grigy.
Sponsors: Josephus Zstinstg ;n5 hari jigirste.
I Frisst: Mich;o1 O'R*i11y.
-7 ‘
r A *
ii E ¤
n =
z‘ rv vw (*2-36) I {
E i U.) ·-» , _
t · 1
. Pino lb · Entry 52 { ,
, I
, Eranciscua Lidovicus Sobdstinn Jodnsds, born August 25, J735. Baptized g
h Auquot 28, l7B5, Son of Johannes Joonsds and Hagdclsna Morin, both of A 5
i” ihinorcu. ' Q
a a
. I dE
f. Qionsorsz Jsbwstian Coin and gorgorita Coil. 2
l' Triwstz Dr. Fstruh C myc; Thomas Hassett,. { §
{ d V- W ?
r:;s 14 mntry so l Q
‘ 3
‘ M , , _ i , . ,_ . 1
]_ nngdol no nariona Annu rvnz, born Aunurt x7, 1785. Baptized psptsmbsr I
,’ V, LVBS. Druyhtor of Ani»nius Ponz rnd Ayztkz Ponz.. .
it qyonsors: m;rcu¤ gvdr~u rnd Lqrienz nndrpw. `
{ Priest: MlCH¤%l O'nwiiiy. ,
JY · Jiu LD Entry E4 . ;
an _ 2 · `
M siins Josephus Estevonopli, born 3~ptenb¢r B, IVQS. Baptized isptsmber _
H ii, 17dL. Jon of Nicolaus Lstsvuuopli and Joh;nn* Marin, both of ,
§ Juinorcd. i
,· gwonsorsz Joswphus Eordo ind Lnjdwlcna nxrin. _ ‘ 1
{ W ' "\ _\‘ VY
,, lriemt: Dv. iwtrus Lwmps; idomzs nnssstt. l
` :
H '
d 3
.; Y·~» i5 Entry B5 Q
€ 1
g·ri~na Lur~¤rit¤ Antonio Villvlongz, born Soptembwr E6, 1785. Baptized
J~pt¤mb~r 29, LVBS. Dnur%t¢r of Johannes Villalonga and Mariana Cordona. I
Jyonsor: L rgwrit; Viilu;on;¤, ¥
‘ Pri st: Lichw l 0'R¤illy. I
}’<.·_l‘f* 15 f{I1‘CI‘y JC V
Ans Ln Johnnnu Antsnin Lnir w, twin, bwrn Octob r E, IVE5. Evptizsd i
Ocrob r E, 1755. Dnu¤Mt»r of I umis Agdrzw and L rouritv Frstos. i `
6,m>nso1w:: DSYUlliCLL? J·i_l» ·`nd .T0‘v¤nrri C:i¤· rio. _ i
Priest: Dr. P zrug C nps; iuomns E ssvtt. I
{ A` l
O ivss (L7-4l)
i =
{ L Page l5 Entry b7
, }*
§ Francisco Clare Annu Andrew, twin, born October 2, l785. Baptized
A Eg October 5, l7&5. Dsughter of Thomas Andrew Cnd Mergarite Pretos.
W '
A I . .
1 { sponsors: Frrnciscus Armen and Clare srneu. ,
n ,
' Li - . F .w -.
I Q Priest: Dr. lotrus Camps; riomes sossett. _
s l
I { Page lo gntry B8
{ :14
i 3 Ireress Antonia Ann: E laii, born October l5, l785. Baptized Octoter
, 20, IVBE. `Deughter of Eerdigendus Fcleni eco Qrrgerite Vcllori.
l 3 Syossors: Joseohus Ion; and Antoni: Venz. -
Priest: Dr. Petrus Camps; Thomas Hassett.
i Page l6 Entry 39
U l
2 ·» Ann; Corolinds Antonio Kosios, born October sl, l755. Baptized October
, oO, l735. Daughter of Fstras Eosies and Larie Qrtoeis.
2 Sgonsorsz Rogue Leomirdy, Italie, ;ni Czrolixie Lsonsrdy, San Agustin.
{ Priest: Dr..Petrus Cents; [loins ,¤ssott.
g ,
{ Page l7 Entry 40*
1 Margarita Clarke, Anglican, born February E6, l77l. Ewotized November
Q 4, 1785. Deughter of Ehomas Clerks, English, end honors Cuarings, Irish.
I Sponsors: None.
l Priest: Ihomss Esssett.
i "7 77 "` ‘ ~ *>¥<
§ ;sge lr entry el
. i
Q 7 ' 1 I el`l- - nel c . . L, l. ermwfosr · I /1;. ber=t” ol Qiofem`; ·*t· ,
f Jitor Cl rye, An_ i er, ooro Drc lO, l7"’ _ izsc K ’ r 4,
§ l785. Son of Thomas Clerks, gnglish, and honors Curqinqs, Iris?.
§ I Sponsors: Nome.
I Priest: Tbomss Fessett `
E * For the {ull text of this entrv ere Ap smcix.
{ . a . 1
, ** In the same form is entry 45.
1 ‘_
Y -
lO ` , {
imc (48-45) I
kt qc 18 Entry 42* I I
. ' I
- 1 . . -- . _ si LI
, Gworqius Clorkc, Anglican, born Octobcr 12, 1774. captizcd mcvcmoer 4, I n
. 1785. Son of f“omrs Clarke, En?1ish, anu Lonora C; mings, Irish. II Q
I .. 1 I I
, Qponsors: none. { I
I ,I
= Pricct: Thomas Lassett. f I
1 I II
_ Iwww 19 Entry 45 I
I ” r I I
Pctrus Dominicus Jecobus Coll, born November 12, 1785. Baptized- - I Q
I Mov nb~r EO, 17¤5. Son of Swboctian Coll and Mcrgcritz Villa. i g
I I I .
U Sponsors: Dnrixicnc Irrticoli and knrinne Quevcdo, hinorca. » W
I Lri~xt: Dhomrn Hwmr tt. 3
I` I
_ _ I
W 17Bb ` . I
I_ I
A ` I
IZ 1 . I . ·
II Irre lv rntry 44 ,
v I
I Riwnundus Jonrnnns ho? rius Ville, born Dec nb r B9, 1785. Baptizcd I
,< J numry l, 17©6. Son of ¤lb»rtus Ville and Antoni: Villc. I
I 1 I
v Jyonsorsz Jor¤nno5 Powe and Martina Arn¤ndoz4 I
i 1 I
I lri~stI Mich il O'R¤i11y. ‘ · (Vale 8 rrs.) 3
I ‘ · I
Pwnc MO Entry 45 4 I
U~t:rinv qi1v.;tr» Columba nrnnndcz, born D2camb2r 51, 1785.I Bagtized
J·nuary 17, LTBG. L ught F of Lrrtinus Arnnndez vnd Dorotna Gomillo,
both or ninorcu. I
. I
Jionmorcz Jognybun Eonz vnd M1rg¤rito Pcnz. I
I1‘i·1>:;t:` I‘h·>m;:s I,-;`;S!?¤3ILI]. (Vglg 5 ;·I=S_) x
>v~ » ""`“? . ., 1 . , I I
In Une rgmo {syn wr ~ntry 40, ior 1 yall transcripcion of which, sec I
· I
11111111. IW¥OIWiZ 1 *1LVLU? i.o;si1iu inc° 1a1r;1ni·2 (51:1. y
Enicuuz nic*w11 u·Rci11;. (Vale 8 rrz.) 1
Pdgc L1 Autry 54 A 1
mwwiu D>1ov»v uu1i1Lmn Curtjnu, morn Fcbruury 10, 1756. Baptized Fcb- 3
runry 13, 17~J. D;u¤M1 r of r;u1us Cortina, giuiv, com of Jzcobus 1
[u¤p1;~ ,·.. 1 »uq nr ncicco Di z, ;nd of Jolanrc zsculnnc, Fivcnu, daughter Y
of Ju~uuiu 1m 0u1>¤t} ·uu Dhiiipw Llunvs. 1
.3;·on.1oi~: 11.l`i*i‘.LLa?1 Je .é11.¤;wx1;··2, C‘;ivr;w Leon, Sevilla. 1 I
Jri»nt: Lhwwwn iw w~tt. _ (vglg 8 PTS_) — A ,
{ For 1h~ ru11 tort of tbi# entry, @~0 grysuiix. , 1
. 1
5 Q ivee (is-se)
4 w
1 I
,( € Page 25 Entry 55
y ( Gulielmus del Rosario Espinosa, born February 10, 1786. .Eap+ized
( Q February 18, 1786. Son of Frtrus Lspinosa de los Monteros, Exe. Maria
( (1 cel Principe, Cuba, and Maria de le Caridad Suarez, Havana, daughter of
} Ei Josephus Nicolas [Suarez] cnd Jocepba Guarnar. .
( ( Bronsors: Eernardus de la madrid and Paula Fastora Chacon both of
( A, __’ ' . L . ’
j ( Havana. .
( gi Priest: Michael O'Reilly. (Vale 8 rrs.)
I i
( ig Page 25 Entry 56
` Antouius Lathias Lorenzo, born January 15, 1786. Baptized February 18,
, 1786. bon of Jogannes Lorenzo, Ciudadella, kinorce, son of Johannes
Q t[Lorenzo] and Maria Anna Quintana,.and of Maria Vila, Ciudadella,
6 Miuorca, daughter of Franciscus.LVile] and Maria Ferrer.
._ §
3 , Sponsors: Mathias ?ons aud Maria Vila. ‘
6 Eriest: ·Michael O'heilly. A (Vale 8 rrs.)
( Page 36 ‘ iutry Q7
I _ Francisca Lergarita Eortegas, born February 17, 178C. Bagtized February
‘j 19, 1786. Daushter of Lazarus Lortegas, St. Thiligi, Linorce, son of
( Ignatius Llortegas] anu Anna nouriguez, and of Caterina Llabres, Ciuda-
. _ . , - 1 f' ., . », . ··—,
della, Miiorca, oaugrter of Jacozus LLiabres] enc Caterina oabbes.
1 Sponsors: Frenciscus Prats and Lorgerita Prats, both of Layo, Finorca.
Priest: Michael O'Keilly. (Vale 8 rrs.)
E , `
( Page 26 Entry 53
( michael Frenciscus Josephus Tesco, lorn narch 5, 1766. hartized Larch 5,
g 1786. Son of Petrus Pasco, Jaca, Coreige,.son of Franciscus [Pasco] and
, Magdalena Calasat, ani of Erancisquina,?onsell, daurhter of Lichael
[Ponsell], Minorca, and:2ularie Olives, linorca. - `
( _ · V
1 Sponsors: Erunciscus Eousan, Majorca, and Qaria istuzoli, Linorca.
n . L
' Priest: Thomas Lessett. » (Y le) ·
. P
* l
14 · • »
‘ woe (59-62) ,
Page 27 Entry 59 A
I yi
E Paula Victoria del Rosario de Almanze, born Merch 2, 1786. Baptized i Q
1 H rch 9, 1756, Daughter of Emanuel de Almonze, Gibra1e0n,_SeVi1lg, ’ (
Lisponie, eon of Franciscue Antonius [Almanze] and Francieca Ramona | g
# . a , . . . ·
’ Bravo, and of Lucia Perez, aan Agustin, daughter of Bartolomeus [ferezl 5
and Beatrix de la Rosa. r ° 1
n ( ig
Sponsors: Larianus de Almanza y Bravo, Cadiz, and Caterina de los " , Q
( hijueloe, Ban Aguetin. ' j Q
, Priest: Thomas Hassett. ‘ (Vale 8 FFS-) i (
`· 1 xi
$1 ` (
~ Page 27 Entry OO l 4
Johannes Antonio; Joseohua Carrerae born Merch 7 1786. Baptized March
L 9 1
{ li, 1766. ion of Josephus Carreras,.Layo, Linorca, son of Johannes (
(Uarreras] and Maria lriey, and of Johanna Andrew, Layo, Minorca, daughter Q
1 or Johannes [Andrew] and Angela Cautes. §
1; qtoneorsz Antoniue Andrew and Agatha Andrew, both of kinorca. °» (_-
(, Priest: michael O'Reilly ‘ (Vale 8 rrs.) ;
V 1 , A 1
. Page 28 nntry ol (
1 r
(fl F~hnciecus Dominicue Ponz, born hsrch 10, 1786. Baptized March 12, 1786. , (
rwv Jin of Lntheu; Tonz, Layo, Linorca, son of Frenciscus [Ponz] and Agatha VE
lg? xueet, and of Johanna Vile, Ciudadelle, Minorca, daughter of Petrus A ( (
.,, [Vile]-and Antonia Biol. (
5 i §
joonaorszi Dominion: Rodrigues, Canariag, and Carolinda leonardy, San 1
Aruutin. i {
. · 5
` I
Yriest: michael O'Hei1ly. (Vale) ?
Pepe xB intry C2 A Q
hichaelm Margarita Anno hir, born march 22, 1756. Baptized Merch 24, ( {
ITQG. Daughter of Antoniue hir, Layo, hinorca, son of·Antonius [Mir] ‘
and Caterina Riudeneta, and of horia Anna janz, dauohter of Stephanus 3
( —. R . » i a, . A . . »». Z
Loenz] and Michaela Arnandez, ot. Enilipi, Linorca. {
Sponsors: Gabriel lriey, Qiodadela, ninorca, and Largarita Triey, (
st. rhilipi, hinorcn. (
` r
Priest: Thomas hussett. (Vale 6 rrs.) I
- ° · . is
(Y was (si;-@6)
»v . T .l
" Page 49 sntry oo