xt7sxk84n75v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84n75v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-11-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 24, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 24, 1982 1982 1982-11-24 2020 true xt7sxk84n75v section xt7sxk84n75v l
8”,,“ y . Communolcolobrcflon
-.\ WC}??? OME Many lamilies entertain on Thanksgiv
’ 11!: ”to i'witing aunts uncles and obscure
WI “‘ E roos M to celebrate the holiday in a tro-
V59 70 tlitonol manner One Peru Ind family
HERE EE { i" \ has strayed trom the norm however
, 't‘ ' i. .‘ extending 'iopn arms to the l4 000 resr
CID-“ (/Z ’lniits it "o;- r.ty tr” a meal wi'h all the
E" ‘-. “H“E "iiiirr‘ "GS 89;: DOQP5
ickady’; ‘ '
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Vol. LXXXV, No. 76 Wednesday, November 24, I982 An Independenf 810d", HOWSPCPOI‘ University of Kentucky Lexington. Kentucky
' - . . IN 1.
, \\ fl“ “r" “24- -
. ‘~ ~ ‘ - ' UK to centralize
, v ,. V ,... , . I‘O rams
t. . , ~ ~ . , w at it p g
. I'M ' «- “
. . . . " a /‘ , . .
- / for vrsrtors futur t d t
are .. c/ _ _ , e s u on s
l 1 “r Mag .- \" prospectiy't students and new ti mod I dorm'tory rooms the finan
. .__ . 4.. .—_E—_—_ . - . . .- - s 1* e i .' . -
E .,. E 1,1” » » E ' By MICHELE ERB dents as well as their parents and mat aid office or to a college of in-
. a» .. EEEEEE- ,E .g " EE ‘\ A" ‘ 1. StaffWriter other visitors." Blanton said "The terest to a prospective student.
3;. » ,E . E E sE , 1 y E center will be to greet visitors to the Blanton said Students could apply
. . ,. a: .,.' ~ 3‘“ . -__._____.c,-_.~m- ——» campus andintroducethemtoit " for admissions at the center, possi-
‘. tan “ .5 . ‘ ; Frowning receptionists barking bly \‘iewkviderciEtaEEpes about the cam-
v . 5 . . . E pus or ta egUi e tours
é if V‘ ‘5 ., ' l ' V - EparlEung attendepEts and “mom “Hm" - The 18th floor of the Patterson Of-
. " " ' ' . (55y film“? he campus may be- fice Tower is being considered as
. : E coffal “gho t 993$ at («K4 if”; the site for the center. Blanton said.
:. .1] . pan :2 been unfolded that E iii/32% lither possibilities are the Mathews
, , . . wr improved e way the LniverSity W/ Building. the. Alumni House or the
. ' " 3:33;]; d :hleir $32121ng”; J5": g is a? Student (L‘enter Addition. “These are
EE . - ' . . - 3' F? j’ allideas Nothingisfor sure."
E? ,b E , , plaiEnwn. Vice chancellor of adminiS- :: J“ The second task force created.
- . . - rmn-G ll h . h .61" ii a? Training for Employees. is chaired
v 1:: . . . : .. _a a 9?. Vlce C ancellor for . Egg by Wally Skiba. director of person‘
' E E; _ g academic affairs presented the plan W E; n8] for the Lexmgton campus. The
.' - ' ' , ,m ' E' , .fi to ”SE“ 100 admlmstratiEve manage- . objectives of this task force are to
i t g rSlEn eSUPPOYEtE areasEfyov. 12 5119' 4, identify people who deal directly
.. . , 3,44. é apargfis gficlignlfghtsfiilh: hat: With the students by name. Blanton
., “:ng ‘ ' ' _ . . _ . _ said. and to train them to be knowl-
5... . ., .. - :- . . E .., .V : , {335'ch plant 33""5‘0"; hOUSllElgE and l " edgeable about information that stu-
_ ' I E 1 "0‘3 3‘ . 0 1C95~ Lmverstty 90' dents wantto know about
~ ' . . ' L “;'§;1..2.”" : " ‘ lice and Parking control. JACK BLANTON “The obiect is to put stress on em-
; 3 ' E- , li” DEE; At the meeting.E Gallaher named (her the next two months. this ployees to be nice to students." he
Mt . ~E E; v, ”4% l E” Blanton the coordinator 0f the pr0- task force will be considering such said
EEEEEEE . . - L. , a ,_. ‘ir- ”5;; JectE, announced three task forces. a things as the appropriateneSs of set- This group will be trying to find
E : . » t .. 5M " . - -~ chairman for each and requested a ting up the center. the location. the out exactly what students are asking
_ EE . . - " “if ' E E; M report from each be given to Blan» stair the costs and the exact funcr aboutand‘whomtheVre asking.
, : - . , it” . fit ton by Feb. 1. Members of the task tions ofthe facility ‘We want to know the people that
f ,t ’ l forces wrllEbe decided by EBlanton (me possibility includes students come in contact with students by
.E 5'45 .E-E_ and the chairmen. Blanton Will work working at the center name and find out who are the
‘ . , . ... . . ii \ g 3?? ~ - .. . with the btudent Government Assn» 'Thi best greeters and hosts are friendlies and who are the unfriend-
E, ”v ‘7‘; r .. E x ’ : CiaEtionEand ask foEtE‘ sturElEeEnts to vol- students." Blanton said "They are lies." Blanton said “Part of em-
m " tap-m; E,‘ -. .-. ,7 . un eer oserve ont etas orces. 'l.( be.-t : t s- x -‘ ‘ "
“as E . ’1 .. ., . . a siour s rccrui er. loyccs Job riormance ratin will
”:53 t . I "' The first group, the Hospitality Refreshments may be provided lie-pend on its: they deal wit: stu-
, EE t W Task FOFCC. is led by Frank Harris. and inexpensive souvenirs made dents ‘
’ . 41E m 3623’ {1" E Student Center director. available The center could even be They wrll also be consrdering the
it”; .»:?{y a; E E ' E The objective of this task force is open on Saturdays From the center kinds of training that are needed,
EE ,. a ., gay EEEE , EEEEE “we EEE . L '. to create an hospitality center for students could escort “51mm 3., See VISITORs,poge:i
I :91??? will V " l" M“ a .4 V , .
17" ’32”? ' ’ Tm: :1. ,M 'f 1,}; _ '. . ' -- '
, at: a 9‘s __E:... ‘2 _ . _ City sets hearing on proposed changes
. z " ’ ,E 19‘“ We» 1‘; s I ' ' '
2 onto gr 4 m tu ents a ustln to no
ise or in
= “ a?" in , -._.,,.,E;:§.W . ‘ g
. 9w, . EE E .. y: HE
: a I ”not ' i ’ ' " . -
QM Ea; ”?‘M '3' E E EM». E .' . —_ E . EE‘ _
'- a?" o: . will?“ or By BECKY MCVEIGH “8‘1”“ M)“ “‘9." 1’9 keeping ll l” complain about at neighbor s noisy
E ‘32“ ””- . ,. r .é,’ 23‘ w , .. ., M” 7 V .1“ Reporter 9 a .m to ”up in because 0f the ”0‘59 airconditioner
EEE :Weg; EE:~E .' . . -.. a .. .‘= *3. ,. Ordinance .. The ordinance defines “noise" as
E ‘arw R E’: kw .. ' . -« ' ~ " :35 “we"- The ordinance £085 Into effect at 9 sound that endangers or injures the
W ,1”! $426; §’ " "or . w ' '5' 1 3 "‘35 in) pm ”m” 7 a m '7’” “'eekda.">- and 53m." 01‘ health of humans or ani-
13% “24¢%@ swfl' ' m”: ., ‘1“: 1&1” UK students are shutting windows. until 9 a m 0“ weekends. Wright mals, any sound that annoys or dis-
. . , . . ”E E. :‘M EEE E EEEiE, E. ’; «EE EE ICJ EE . EEE , jggés turning down stereos and becoming said. ”The ordinance involves all turhs a reasonable person of normal
. A. we“ , w ”1;,“ '2” more conscious of the noise they types 0‘ “0‘5" Bands are the numA SGHSIll‘v'llN and any sound that en-
was ., v. EEEEEEEEEE . '- , ,E. «mums L ’ i make in response to a noise ordi» her one target H dangers or injures personal or real
or? was.“ r .. ~- nance passed by the Urban County ”Flier "WE include item“- car property
E1. ”355%. jive“ M; W?” .1.” ve- Council. radios. large groups of people. cars People can call and complain
2.:‘3grii‘ Since July 1. when the ordinance and motorcycles without mufflers. about any noise. Wright said. and
took effectE there has been an aver- construction and barking dogs. he the police department Will dispatch'
age of 600 complaints. two citations 531d People ha"? .20“? so far 8> W See NOISE no es
ibyANMOOSL/iremesuu . ' 9
Hal ida leave and 10 arrests a month for Violating
y the ordinance. said Raymond ' . '
. . . . wright pone artla arts tralmn
EJamie \E/Vaford, accounting sophomore, waits for her ride home yesterday near the Kirwon-Blond- commander of the Bureau of Opera-
ing resrdence hall complex. Watord, who is from Louisville, acted like many students and left a tions.
day early to make her Thanksgiving holiday a little longer. Although the ordinance was not di» bemme one Is tort
rected at students. it has affected . are
m them. he said. especially offcampus -—————__._ ~ .
He msrsted that the administration has no students and fraternities SUCh as ‘Byl‘INlS‘.KADABA in the marhml ai‘ftsgflh'gup to lea?
Delta T Del ‘h. h .E E . bpectal P”0JGCLS EditOl‘ E0 protect erse . was WOf -
way of knowrng how much of that Will be d t' la” id‘bloc :1“ a resi mg toward her black belt when
. ossed olon t E _E E th en iEaEareaon u u n. venue, ~ .

From AssocratedPress reports p 9 O ”‘0 or“ 5 ° 9 Pump bU' wig re not hanng ouwde bands ,Ww-~-_~ _ theGranEdmastEeramved f Em
acknowledged that the existing decent tax and we're also shutting our windows dShe joirEiE:d hfiugrogp tot tllirmed
also is applied at the refiner level and that lot “ 'd t '1‘ ‘ 11~ . d The .TbllOWlng is part ofa continu» a vance r S 5' u-t l -

t y a , prosi en om bca y sai . . . n
S udent exchange planned a“ of I, ,5 bemg passed on The fraternity was cited by police on {"3 “mes 0'.‘ 89"“‘11 harassment outEto [be a C(limh Shetl'iedsmd't I lived
Sept. 10. said Sean Scallv. mlitical ‘" the work for“ and 0" “New" 32. a e an rea I every
LEXINGTON —- The governments of ital science senior and Delta tycampuses. 'V‘ .
y , _ . member. .. n -
and Kentucky are working toward on ex waSte srte meets opposrtlon after neighbors complained about a She' ll ’th I cia :idarl‘aecrgimaghflhdafid
- . is a ‘ w m >
change program for college students. state party outstdethegroupshouse. selv cro 1:33 broilvna"h:1 C: wewerehis chicks."
Enei S - , FRANKFORT — A Minnesota board ch ~ It was “:13 lp‘m‘1 and we had ' p H. an
gy ecretory William B. Sturgill said . 005 turned off the stereo There freckles. She does not wear The Grandmaster often “he
yesterday. ing a hazardous waste disposal srte has met were about 100 to 150' people out- makeup. pantyhoseor l’ughheels. his students at odd hours of the

It arrangements can be made. the Unrver fierce local oppOSition members Ol o S'"‘" side." Sean Scally said. ”The." ‘9“ i ‘ 7 21118.“ 10 eigercfiieeandhfidg‘t “52:33

sity of Florence would send some of its stur lor board In Kentucky were YOId yesterday. lice) juSt came in and said. ‘Either SI3XIJI‘IJ relzitioihips with theawomen and

dents to this state and students from Ken- "In the Siting areas we are the most popr brig Up the party or we'llllérinfi ”he “I‘l‘ ‘gg‘ler'l‘ the me”

lucky universrties would study in Italy, ular peOple Since the plague “I'd TOW pa lye roaggnhorlnewndelhul' Ci‘ledtu: 1 k L l ‘ Although Moccia said she did

Stur I” said Johnson. 055istont to the chairman of the poop mg a e_ . . not submit to the Grandmaster

9 ~ an t W t M anyway. She is a sophomore in theater she found herself unable to leave

He made the “meme", 0, a news confer 95° 0 05 9 Googeme'" Boord “We went to court and pleaded at UK. hoping to work as a light the on “He never t me to

enre wrih Mossrmo Perotti. president of the The Minnesota board began looking m guilty." Tom Scally said. “We fig: technician — a non-traditional bendgr p. (but! I wasngraid to

Rome government's Fund for South Italy: 1980] has narrowed "5 I”? Of pos5ib|e S'les “red we'd take the “39 and run wt, for a woman. She describes leaV'ebecauseofthesecuritv.

Cultural exchanges were provrded for m o :zellveJ ohnd expects to pick one in June Eggffzizfiitcxt: {med $10 and {lgxlffgzlezgmfigff‘ a mix. “Meantime. I was a nervom
_ . 4. o nso t ld K t k ‘ t . ‘ . ‘ ' " ' "

rm rnorondum of understanding previously Hazard w” E o r e" ”L y 5 '" egm'ed The norse ordinance. however. Will In fact. there is little in 28-year- vied; lsheofsim' lEalmsosEteLiést

signed by both governments. 098 as e reatrnent and DISpOSOl "0t 5‘09 the parties. Wthh are held Old Nita Moccia's appearance :0 dbfoxpnew brlaTness'OUtw: that“:

the agreement calls for coopemhon m FOCllltY Sitirig Board. about once per week.he said . that associates her with the typ- how bad itwas ..

several areas including agriculture, live: The KeMUCkV board Wh'd‘ W05 h0ld"‘9 "Who knows'.’ Scally said. ““9 icalEfemale. The other women however be-

stork and energy planning. ”5 second meeting ”‘OV take less time said may throw one for them ‘the neigh‘ .FJve years ago. however. MOC. lieved the sexual 'acts and‘ ha-
Chorrmon John M Berry Jr New Castle at bqrsl ' ‘ we have better relations (‘18 S appearance and life were rassment were part of the mar-
Eome and form E EE E E W h With the neighbors now. and we ye very different. She had long tial arts ocess shesaid

Reagan backs gas-tax hike Y 9' b 0 € MHO 0' 9 CW got it so they call us first We try to straight hair and a dark tan. She "That'prho . ' l tied to be
the experience they vc had and other states look out for them and do things for lived in Daytona. Fla. with five tontrollejl .. 31032:; 83d “A lot
have hodio cc 1 l » themlikerakel vet" . . ' - ‘. ‘ ' .

WASHINGTON _ President Rea an fallin pi a m. on .. . ea Es EE . E . , 1 women and threemen. all train oi them responded because u wa
g g The norse ordinance hasnt at mg to be professronal Pai Lung th . d ftheG ndm t --
m step whh congressional leaders m be", fected students too much except to Kung hi martial artists under 3.3!. 01 “I: t. ”(3' ‘m
homes said yesterday he wrll Press for o 5- m?“ people more conscious 0f the guidance Of a Grandmaster. a itated tllgaérafidmggtseroshgsdid
(on! per gallon increase in the federal goso- \ / belng aware 0f others and how much traditionalChinese teacher “Thev were learni ‘ behavior
I E nOise they're making." said Michael But that supposedlv devotional ' ng
l'“ '0’ '0 Pay for repairs to the nations ' . . . - ‘ patterns. .0“ the Grandmaster
l f ’ Palm, assmtant dean of students and period of training turned into a h' h" . . ‘t
iig iways and bridges and (oriiCidentolly. fraternity adviser. nightmare of sexual harassment does t 15- W 3 don t. 379 try 1 on
humus“ (l(}Ole|0bs WEATHER "During rush there were .i few and emotional turmoil. Moccia someofthestudents. . 'd sh
Some of the money also would go for warnings." he said. “There was 0““ said. "Sgt-lilie‘howger‘ bwande re.
mass transit citation. bUt 9V9" With them 1 film” "He would touch you. grab 5:“ {E II‘ 8 ancesil tspol‘r’;
t . E , know if anything much happened " your butt. touch your“ breasts " S ereo 3P?" as an on
l H. DH sideiit said raismg the gasoline Sorority membflg have \‘Iliiply hhe said about the t‘randmasler femlnlSl because She refused to
. ‘ ~ . c c y _ , . . . E .

lUx from 4 rents to 9 cents a gallon would rearranged the times when the} pt'r- "And all this time we had to bow pafT‘TC-rl‘patfihgbeirflldztjérreaded

(mi tlw (ii/p.090 morons: 530 a year locomlng Pflftlv sunny and cold ",qu form their singing and clapping rou to him. respect him, while he had too muili ~- Suhge said “iI) blew

But humponohon Department spokes with a high In the mid 303. tines said Margey McQuilkin. assis- aconstanterection .. things out. of proportion the irra-

. ,. ”in" '0'" Blank said late yesterday that the Clear and cold ronigm with a low In “3'“ dean 0‘ 5mm“ “m “’r""”-‘ 5h“ 53“ ”‘9 Grandmas“ ‘3 tional female -— the old labels

”ml WW0” endorsed b th a vrser the “ultimate” in teachers for the . ..

for (m outii hi 5 . i Y ellprESIdem '5 m. "PM" “u“ '0 low 20.. "Fifty to 60 ‘wumen' make a M martial arts "He‘s SUPWSM to andgh‘ghbsexism and sexual ha-

9 ‘9" 99' 90 0" 9050“”9 Sunny and continued cold tomorrow of noise at 6 in the morning in a resi beholy and spiritual " r' "merit he", not ke t behind

in. ”memo to be applied at ihe refinery mm... m... In m. low 40,, dential area." she said "The nelsh Moccia. who said she was 55:“, doors she said {3m}. were

_ level W . _ _ . burs say. “Uh. no. here the) come abused as a child. began training ' see Wilmer)”
—~w —-—-——— “—E* M __._________________________



IIII hold-n Andrew Own-CM John Grim» Steven W. Lowfllov Hal 3. x-«s- 3.0. v-nuoou Dun cum“
”h” "”“" N"“""°' A'tsfdi'o' Snooséonm SpettolptotDiNldI‘i‘ maintain" Giaphttsfditm
1."... Iii-In Mcnlu urban "In all” It" I. Wl‘onor Jr Mlckoy nucleon KI'hl. Mllllon Ion Von Nook this AID- ‘
V°"“q"‘°"‘ "“ ”Wholmm' A““'°""”“°"t" AwuamSponxhtnu \DPtiulPH-lPt'S Assistant thietthogrupha- i oi», fir-h t' .t t
Reagan plays f0 h' h t k 'th th MX *

President Reagan seems to have devel~ lain _ one of them has to dr0p his guns. and .' ' é
oped a taste for gambling. 4 damned if it‘ll be the Duke. Of course. if that ‘1 ’

FiI‘St he played a Shell gamer bUt gave it means getting shot. he‘s macho enough to
up when it became unfashionable. Now his take it. . y
favored game ‘5 bluff. 4 Unfortunately, the Hollywood ethos doesn‘t ;

Reagan 5 game. “”9““ ‘5 net the street- apply when nuclear arms are concerned. No a@ ’ / / ‘-
corner kind. Hes playing for much higher matter who shoots first. the result will be a . : .‘ 4;, t / / . .4:
stakes *4 a nuclear-weapons freeze. hell of a lot worse than a flesh wound. ‘ Q ‘3 t. l l

And as any good Kentucky horse trader ~ -4. ti ,
will tell you. that kind of game demands a o '1 l t / :4
high degree of finesse. But. rather than hold _ _ _ . t. (V ./// 4 .4.
his cards closely and rely on skill, Reagan Never has the Obligatory Thanksgiving 5‘ \‘ix .1 i ‘44 i/ 9
prefers to lay them on the table and demand message seemed more obligatory. Linem- ‘ (J71! 4/ or .
payment — deserved or not — with a loaded ployment 15 at a 00-year high- inflation C0n- ,, -. I (3 / “ll ; ‘
gun. tinues unabated. crime - particularly the ' ' 5/ w, t. y '

That‘s not good sportsmanship. or good di- sordid kind — is skyrocketing and the world . , ,I' it
plomacy. is tottering on the brink of all-out nuclear 1/ 2 $1

The president made his gaming (philosophy conflict. {l . t I. Q; 4 .
abundantly clear inta televised ad ress Mon- It seems we should be thankful only that (5‘ _ ' ‘ “,7
day night. expressing a willingness to bar- the holocaust hasn‘t come yet. g 1 m ,i t,
831" With the Sov1ets for “deep CUtS 1“ the But it is time again. for this one season. to 5%;
worlds arsenal 0f weapons and “a broad- discard our world-weariness and celebrate \ _, 1%
ranging exchange 01 basic data about 4011? the little victories that have brightened our 5 7 :3
nuclear forces — but. only after the United lives during the past year. @ 1L: _,__
States builds the MX'missde. 4 The work finished. the love passed. the A thfi g

H15 reasoning? WlthOUt a deadlier arsenal. time shared with friends — these. not guns )3 5%}: l
“they would know we were bluffing without and bombs and money. are the things of 2 ‘33:} a
a good hand because they know what cards which life is made. Whatever our troubles ll ;;'
we hold. Just as we know what is in their now. the memories of the past and the prom- l 5-
hand." ises of the future remain to 5 ur us on.

. . . P .
It‘s as if he thinks of himself as John Thetgreatest tragedy Wlll be when opti-
Wayne in a stand-off with a well-armed vil- mism lS allowedto die.
Ths II' bdbtl k tf th 0d 1'
3 ma I68 were a , U 00 OH or e l' er I98

Being that I'm always on the “Whatisyourname'f'dasked. me, than Jed Smock and Sister “L'h. look Eugene. have you been “Look. the ()rderlies have had But. how could this possibly be {4
lookout for good stories. yesterday 1 “Eugene. but that's not important. Cindy. Their intentions are to put having some personal problems lat- their hands masterly placed in full order'.’.lasked,
was coming out of the library when Listen. what I have to tell you may every student and every professor in ley. 1 mean. has your girlfriend action. These horrible terrorists “Don‘t you see. Scott? Those ()r- _

a desperate looking fellow came sound incredible. but the people order. This group. Scott. is the ()r- dumped you or something?" have created so much red tape that derlies are so 51y that they pretend
rmhing toward me. must know what‘s happening [0 derlies!“he shouted “You don‘t believe me! How can it's impossible to get anything to create chaos. but you and I know *
—_ them. "The ()rderlies'?" l QUGStiOHE’tl. you "0‘ 599 what is happening? L00k done."Eugenesaid. better. Those dastardly ()rderlies 1:
' _4 "It‘s the Orderlies They‘re every» “Aren‘t theyanew wave band?" at this library: have you ever no- create order through chaos!" Eu»
" where? ” Eugene said. "Oh. no. they are part of an inter- ticed how everything is in a decimal h "You know. Eugene. you may gene said. “i.
5w" “L'h. yeah. right! Listen. Eugene. national terrorist organization that order."he said. aveapoint."lsaid. .. . . 4 4 “l
‘ WILHOIT 1 really have to go. Why don‘t you has been sent to college campuses “Even the campus police are try- ”Uh hUh‘ Scout 1 knew you “‘Ollld h Hmmtm. “filllllthhugene'hotu. may 44‘
write me at the Kernel." I said as I around the world, They want to put mg to put us in order. The police understand." Eugene said with a ave a 5.053 e] 3'0” “ a ‘thl‘e .;
I. tried to get away from this nut. everything in order. Oh God. it‘s have certain areas where you can grin on his face. meafew E3543.“ et me seew atl f
-———————— “Scott. you got to believe me? awful?" park and certain areas where you 4_ '4 l- h' 4 catngliguo. Isaid.v 4 ”"1
A horrid look in his face indicated Give me five minutes and I’ll ex- “Well. what have they done that is can't. Now you can't tell me they‘re Lee! J”? 1 4d ‘0 get some ‘h' Great. Hey. ”HZ” want ‘0 get ,
. . l t llt vo Pl ' f f ' ~ , '1" ‘ v formation for a friend of mine. It somethingtoeat? hugeneasked. i
that he had something important to P31“ 1 a 0 . U 9089. JUS “9 so bad. not trying to get me to be orderly. 4 4_ .. , 2'
say minutes. that's all that I. ask " “You mean you haven‘t seen it so he said witha smirk. seems that somehow her. recordsegiot Sure. [replied 4

“Hev are you the guy who report- “Well. come 0” Let 5 go down [0 far. Just look around you. Remem- “L'h. yeah right. look Eugene. it‘s misplaced dhqhbh‘h ditdn k gel.“ .3 As we walked into the deli. a big at
ed on the Srriallies a couple of weeks the deli and you can tell me all her all those long lines at the begin- getting late andlreally. . for a course 3 e a ta en. I d ‘ Sign over our heads read: "For i}
ago'.’”he said about” the > what d’d 3'9“ 493“ nmg of school for fee payments? Re- "But listen: the worst place where mitted, quick and orderly service for our *{4

”Uh _ .veah.that‘s me.Whv"" them. Oh yeah. the Orderlies. 1 member how someone got all the the tirderlies have taken their toll “Well. I said I would help her out. customers. we have installed a tickr ‘ 1

“Look p'al. something horrible is sale 4 students to line up in neat and or has got to be with the bureaucracy but wow. what a mistake that was! I et dispenser. Please take a number
brewing and you're the only person I As we sat and drank a cup 0f cof- derly lines‘.’ of this administration.“ Eugene thought I could just go to some little and wait to be called. "
know who‘ll believe me," he fee. h's temper became calm and be "And remember how someone got said “It's already probably too late. office somewhere on campus and Eugene smiled and grabbed a
shouted began ‘0 [Cllthls 5‘01} all the students toordgrh. put them» but you got to tell the people how get the whole thing straightened ticket

I could see that this guv was on Scott. it"s horrible. Where do I selves through the lines buying even the administration of this uni- out."Isaid.
the verge of exploding. soll invited even begin They are a group far books at the Student (‘enter Addi- "erS‘I-‘i he»? been taken over by the “"9 hours ‘and a pair 01 WOW 01" 5C0" Wilhott is 0 Journalism ("Id
him [0 jom me for coffee 1n the l]. “Pore 9“] than the bUdget cutters ln “on Oh God ”‘5 a“'fu]l" he contin. ()rderlies, feeti later. I Sllll hadn't gotten lhf‘ telecommunications sophomore and
brarv‘s delicatessen. frankfort; a group far more annoy- ued “What do you mean. Eugene?“ mess fixed a Kernelstaffwriter and columnist.
Reagan's contempt fOI' facts treated as a 'charming ldiOS no ' b d'

Edmund Muskie. the calm-voiced Among the 18 million US. voters he communes with you. thinks it out (‘ompare it with statements ex- Muskie's non-flamboyant conclusmn. are takinga step backward.“ :
Polish ‘ ankee from Maine. recalls who cast ballots on the freeze issue. as he talks and unhurriedly takes a pected from the White House “In Back in the 1950's. he recalls. there TRB is the pen name of Richard _
that Ronald Reagan isn‘t the first stipercentsupportedit. long drink of water sum." he says. "our current leaders was a proposal for a comprehensive Stmut. a Pulitzer PrlZe‘AWlnnlng re _ T
president irked by a nuclear freeze Ronald Reagan is beginning the Speaking in Montana. he weighed are giving up the opportunity to test ban. Think how different the porter who has been with the Wash 1
movement. second. and probably most impor- the nuclearfreezeidea freeze the development of new Sovi- present world would be if we had ington bureau of the Christian Sci

In 1956. candidate Adlai Stevenson tant, phase of his incumbency. When Was it Just a slogan“ "From my ct nuclear warheads . . . They are adopted It: And consider two de one? Monitor Sim-g 19” 5mm has 4 -
said. "I believe we should give the president utters one of his fa- experience as secretary of state." failing to capitalize on the substan- cades henceifwefailagain been writing the TRB column in Thy '
prompt and earnest consideration to mous gaffes. the press. the radio he notes. “the Soviet military plan- tial concessions made by the Soviets A journey of a thousand miles. he NewRepublinOr over 35 years
stopping further tests of the hydro- and televiston don‘t play it up as ners don‘t know the full range and todaieinthenegotiations.” says qu1etly. begins with the first . l
gen bomb “ This outraged V'ice theydid extent of LS monitoring capabili- There is an arresting touch in step But today "We m this country ”Kiln-Id \ewspaprl'mndualq- .
President Richard Nixon. who called Political sctentisi James David ties " How much can they see” ‘ - t
it "catastrophic nonsense" and ac- Barber puts it bluntly' "Ronald “(me l' S Trident submarine _, ._
cused Stevenson of walking into a Reagan is the first modern president alone carries enough nuclear war- 7” . . 4
seommunistmousetrapg- whose contempt for the facts is heads to dcstory 192 Soviet cities" :3“ s-
—— treated as a charming idiosyncra- Soviet subs have equivalent power: .35... .,-- ‘ ‘I if“

sy " Well. well. it is not what he This reciprocity. he says. satisfies ’ , I . .. ~;;.‘ ,4 Q, ‘.
says but what he is trying to say the requirement of Mutual Assured I K. t __ / \ . ‘ 444
thatcounts Destruction. - ‘5‘ t" / .
TRB has a hunch that the greatest He denies Weinberger's scare talk [Elm \- qf, A , . >44;
problem Ronald Reagan faces is the that RusSIa is ahead of the l' S - ‘ i / // I
proposed deployment of medium- Didn‘t (yen David Jones give “the l / T i ,. t
__________._____— range missiles in Europe about this clearest testimony on this pomt in E45] , ll I. ... .

. . ., - . time a year from now. It may fit“ 1980‘? ‘I would not swap our present —_ t 4 '
en'ézitsetgfeglthghgegeégftgs[2:41:38th cide Reagan's placein history military capability with that of the t 5 (3%" '
a am This time Ronald Reagan dis- Deployment has been agreed Soviet L'nion. m" would I want I” b9 . .- hit. r’\ vi, . .‘i
mgissed the freeze m words remi» upon, Russia has its missiles aimed trade the broader problems each t cf t.‘ '- u: :‘
niscentof N'ixon's at Western Europe If the United countryfaces ‘ " v __ ‘w 4‘34 ti

It is ht-‘said “inspired by not tht States and the Soy’iets can't nego- After a while he gives his verdict 4 {V ,7 , l‘ DITOR ~ it :3
sincere honest people who wan‘ tiate an understanding at the Gene- "Isupport theidca of a freeze r {,4 4 v 414 R 4. A—\~ .

ace but bv some who want thi va conference table or elsewhere. He adds calmly. “The current ~' ' O, \I. .Ii/t, it 4;;— . 13f;
weakening of. America and so a“ the weapons Willbeinstalled group in charge of the government ml] , C ’5 r 3; ‘ *
manipulating manv honest and 5m But anti-nuclear feeling is rising gives more evidence of wanting to ‘ .l' _4 / / 9 - ’ 9,4 ‘
cere le” ' It is illustrated again in the L'S take apart the pieces of an arms l r" l is" @ fie

Mm: now a practicmg lawvei mid-term election. Defense Secre» control regime that several adminis» ,_ - .4 .. 4 wt—
and elder statesman has been out tary Caspar Weinberger is sounding tratJions before them labored to put , - _4 _______ , 4") , ' l

. - . . ‘ . alarms in every speech We are inpacc 4d .A,.~.= ’ \ - .1 /

Willing speeches 0‘ his 0““ m the planning to spend some $247 billion And he concludes without visible ll ‘ ‘ l m .5)

The freeze idea he told the l'ni- fordefenseinthenext fiscal year emotion ”The easy course is to '. I (‘5
versitv of Montana. recentlv [lI‘O- [5 there any touch of guidance or demagoguc the other side til the - I ~ "
duced"‘the largest political rallv ln ban"! In what former Secretary 0‘ “sue ‘

American hlSlOf‘V’ ~- and. on Election State Muskte has been saymg Muskie repeated llls t‘illnl VIt‘VtS 44 4

Day “the largest referendum on 'd around the country" ”9 l5 rangy~ the next day at lllllltnS “PSIQV'UH -' ‘ __. r————————_—‘ WWW

single issue in the historv of the re- stands 6 {90L ‘3 mCh95~ and inspires Lniversity 1h" qutct “’m‘ '5 a (C

public when majorities in eight confidence When he addresses audi» hlrange (”threetnmgthf :hrllltvrlt‘s M “.905 M Sle A REPRESENTWVE Fm THE NRA IS HERE AMT THAT

~ ’ . ences. he doesn‘t flash or coruscate. ear 0"” 9 ii 0 9t WWW HSU'W

:gtnegaapproved nuclear freeze ref dancy GUN _ CONTROL. EDITDWM . 44,

DRABBLE 6’ by Kevin Fogan
. . . V

0A0, mien PATRicK itsioo EARN To Pmmct l‘) A start “MEN'S VlNNER MOM} tuiNK |T6 REAL cow ootsiot 60 i 1 MW ~foo 90M 6M t VioNt

(AM we so SW A meal. some ot MAiuRm hows 1 WW 5m AND 1 mm mm t max i m0 eat wARN too onto m,

904 A (90mg To utwt To tumn “omega GONNA BE REAV‘l? wot mom 5.” mm 9056\5L‘l etcomino show? lost oatssw mo Emma SRMKS ooii

CMRiétMAs 10 6E. .~__ Tum i - ,, sworn. [ ttm 4 00m blllll A CONTAblOU‘a out now, so to fiLROOL ,. .. .4,

TREE7 _ a; VMiENij‘,t4 4 at} . J ’ 109M / mum at sot/ti, NNU 100M ij / _ "
73 < '3) j) T 5 f l l “ , «we-l more) me which hat.) Jét
‘ 5 “LN-v 1 , l , (a, . 3’. ~~ iv '6 i‘
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{’0 [/— Q JV” l/ ' ' ’2 {title ‘ #—N .t oh // ‘ . if”;

‘ 4 i I?) l k] 4 ‘— 4 ' c r; \7 "t ‘ till ‘ , -._44 § (”fl . 4 ‘.

\ l . / \ A. I \' l

 THE KENTUCKY KENNEL, 47m” Novombor24, 1m - 3
'10 t 9 Ft 1 I 'esrests
0 Id ttltdl t n ktbeh ed' ' ' ' ' '
Contmuedlrom pogel “ o no oerae a oescen men. some ow as o arass is a th A d t
. . - . , .,cowboymentalities.“shesaid. myth. WI nnle' Irec or sa 3
apparent when the group 88V? per MOCUd s experiences haye . . , _ , . .
formances too changed her attitude toward men beXlst attitudes. Morela said. stem “Look at the origins of fashion and
“In men‘ with power it happens a she said ' from two dark traditions in society beauty. Men created them Men ByJOHN GRIFFIN Unfortunately. the costs of engaging
lot especially in the martial arts." I u" makes me learv not trusting 7 a view of women as sexual ob- bound lwomen‘st feet. men cor- Arts Editor the Tony-Winning musical were so
Moccia said. “Men having physical of course .. she said .‘lMen who vio: lects and violence against them. setted them. men put them in high enormous that top ticket prices
V r mac can make women ‘ . . V. . t re These stereotypes are carried on heels. . V . WW _____ __.. A g ”,7 W" soared to $35 and every perfor-
ggpizdsup e y $303333: s bodies and righ S a at school and at home. she said. Their intention. Mocma said. is to mance must be sold out for them to
—- Moccia's ordeal ended in 1977 n 51.“; lifter-ted her choice of And until preconceptions about keep women immobile and men One of Lexington's largest cultural break even.
when she eamed her black belt. friends. Moccia said she is a sepa- women are dispelled. Moccia said. dominant. activities. the Broadway Nights se- "lThe producerSi are after a 60/40
after a threedav trial 0f "constant ratist ‘ limiting her friends to sexual harassment and sexism will Two ways women can combat ries. is 'in financial danger because split (on the box office mtakest. and
humiliation and dehumanization." women “who are supportive nur- continue. these stereotypes. She said. are 10 ofsoaring production costs they‘re not after the ‘40.' I assure
she said. turing l l The first step toward an equal 50- learn to defend themselves both ver- "Broadway 5.1ng a large part of you." he said.

' ciety is selfdefense. she said. “Our bally and phySIcally, _ V our community‘s cultural life. is in In order to break even. the group
culture is violent. and the violence is She also said the