Minutes 2£.the University Faculty, April Q! 1252

The UniVersity Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, Monday,
April 8, 1957, at 4:00 p.m. President Dickey presided. Members absent were
N. B. Allison. C. A. Anderson, Brinkley Barnett”, L, L. Boyarsky, We M. Carter,
Arthur L. Cooke, F. G. Coolsen, H. A. Ellis, 0. W. Gard, W. P. Garrigus, J. Eo
Hernandez', W. H. Jansen, J° L. Leggett, C. T. Lesshafft, I. L. Martin, Roy
Moreland, 0. Leonard Press’, Dwight M. Seath, Hill Shine, E. P. Slone. D. V.
Terrell and Frank J. Welch.

The minutes of March 11, 1957 were read and approvedo

Dean Wall presented a recommendation from the College of Agriculture audible
Economics that Farm Engineering 108, Rural Housing9 be dropped. This was appnwed
by the Facultye

In the absence of Dean Terrell Professor Grouse presented a request from the
College of Engineering that trips for groups of Engineering students be apprOVed
as follows:

5 seniors and one faculty member in Electrical Engineering to attend
a meeting of the Student Branches of the Southern District of the American

Institute of Electrical Engineers, April 355

that 45 senior Civil Engineers and one faculty member make an ins
specticn of civil engineering projects in the Cincinnati area on April 12
and 139

that 3 seniors and 2 faculty members in Mechanical Engineering attend
the Student Conference of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
Region VI, Southern Tier, Northwestern UniVersity, Evanstong Illinois,
May 294 inclusive

that 10 students and two faculty members attend the 1957 Student
Conference of the Institution of Aeronautical Sciences in Atlanta, Georgia,
April 17520 inclusive.

The UniVersity Faculty approved these requestSo

Dean Ginger presented for the College of Education requests for approval of
new courses and changes in courses, These were approved by the University Famfltp

1. New Courses

Edo 150 The Role 2: the Teacher and the Principal in
Guidance (3) I, II, S Adams
A first course for nonaspecialists, basic
principles and practical approaches to guidance for
prospective teachers and principals in service.

Ede 159a,b.c Student Teaching in Special Education (3 ea)
I, II° S Reed and Staff
Supervised practice teaching in the use of Special
techniques used in working with individuals with
exceptional education problems; speech handicapped9
physically handicapped, visually retarded, hearing dis»
ability, mentally retarded, and the gifted;

'Absence explained

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