Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5: Collection on Kentucky University


The Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5: Collection on Kentucky University (dated 1837-2006, undated; bulk 1857-1926, undated; 18.52 cubic feet; 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes) comprises teaching, student, financial, administrative, legal, and museum records along with printed publications, invitations, and reports of Kentucky University at Harrodsburg, Kentucky, and Kentucky University at Lexington, Kentucky, including the Agricultural and Mechanical College sited on the Woodlands and Ashland Estates.

Descriptive Summary

Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5: Collection on Kentucky University
1837-2006, undated (inclusive)
1857-1926, undated (bulk)
18.26 Cubic Feet
Education, Higher -- Kentucky -- Lexington
Education, Higher -- Employees
Education, Higher -- Administration
Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives -- United States
Universities and colleges -- Administration -- Kentucky.
Universities and colleges -- Finance.
College students -- Kentucky -- Lexington
Universities and colleges -- Kentucky -- Finance.
Universities and colleges -- Kentucky -- Employees
Universities and colleges -- Administration -- Kentucky.
Universities and colleges -- United States -- Religion
College students -- Societies and clubs.
Account books.
College registrars -- Kentucky
Kentucky University. Agricultural and Mechanical College
Kentucky University
Kentucky University. College of Arts
Collection is arranged by subject into seven series: Registrar, Treasury, Printed Materials, Student Organizations and Student Life, Administration, Museum, and List of Wrapped Volumes.
Finding Aid Author
Ruth E. Bryan, Sydney Sayre, Julia Williams, Nolia Williams, Crystal Heis
Preferred Citation
L2021ua019 : [identification of item], Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5: Collection on Kentucky University, 1837-2006, undated; bulk 1857-1926, undated, University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Kentucky University at Lexington, Kentucky (1865-1908), was founded by an act of the Kentucky Legislature on February 28, 1865, by consolidating Kentucky University at Harrodsburg, Kentucky (1858-1864) with Transylvania University (1798-1865) in Lexington. Both Transylvania and Kentucky Universities were Protestant-affiliated universities. Transylvania, in 1865, was administered by the Presbyterians and Kentucky University (Harrodsburg) was administered by the Disciples of Christ (or the Christian Church). Kentucky University had its roots in Bacon College (1837-1851), founded by three Disciples of Christ teachers in Georgetown, Kentucky, and moved to Harrodsburg in 1839 on the strength of $50,000 in pledges, most of which were never paid.
In 1855-1856, white lawyer and elite slave-owning landholder John Bryan Bowman (1824-1891)--an 1842 graduate of Bacon College and son of Mercer County lawyer and prosperous farmer John Bowman (one of the Bacon College founders)--raised $150,000 in pledges from Mercer County landowners to endow a new, comprehensive university for Kentucky that would be controlled by the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ. This would be done by amending the Bacon College charter. Bowman and his family had been Baptists but had become Disciples of Christ in 1839 when Bowman was 15.
On January 15, 1858, the Kentucky Legislature approved this amended charter and changed the name of Bacon College to Kentucky University. The legislative act provided for a Board of thirty Curators, of whom two-thirds should be members of the Christian Church in Kentucky, placing the new institution under the denomination's control. Bowman served as General Agent for the university. In 1864, fire destroyed Kentucky University's main building, closing the school. The Board of Curators appointed a committee including Bowman to look for a new location, not in Harrodsburg, with the proviso to repay the Bacon College and Mercer County donors on demand. Citizens of Harrodsburg and donors to Kentucky University at Harrodsburg, however, opposed the removal of the university.
During the 1864-1865 legislative session, Bowman met in Frankfort with the chairman of the Transylvania University Board of Trustees to work out a plan for the merger of the two schools. Transylvania University had its roots in a Seminary (1780-1798) originally chartered in the Virginia Legislature in 1780. After a name change to Transylvania Seminary in 1783 and a gift of a lot in Lexington, Kentucky, by the Transylvania Land Company in 1793, the Seminary and a rival Lexington institution, the Kentucky Academy (1796-1798) were consolidated under the name Transylvania University on December 22, 1798, by an act of the Kentucky General Assembly. In 1856, the university was reorganized by a Kentucky legislative act to establish a Board of Trustees and a State Normal School (a school for teachers). In addition, each county could send a student to the university free of tuition. On February 28, 1865, the Kentucky legislature established an act to consolidate Kentucky University and Transylvania University. The charter of the previous Kentucky University became the charter of the new Kentucky University. Bowman continued in his administrative role as Regent for Kentucky University and chair of the Executive Committee of the Board of Curators.
However, in 1865, Bowman also wanted to incorporate Kentucky's embryonic land-grant Agricultural and Mechanical College (A&M College) into his vision for a comprehensive university with many different professional colleges to serve the state of Kentucky. In 1863, two years into the four year American Civil War (1861-1865), the Kentucky Legislature voted to accept the terms of the July 2, 1862, federal Morrill Land-Grant Act, which allocated 30,000 acres of public land per member of Congress to each state still in the Union to fund the establishment of a "land-grant college" that would teach the "agricultural and mechanical arts" as well as scientific and classical studies and military tactics to "[white and male] members of the industrial classes." ("Morrill Land-Grant Acts," Wikipedia.) The states would sell their "land scrip" (the land was a substitute for legal tender) to private investors to obtain cash to fund their land-grant college. In all, the Morrill Act redistributed 11 million acres of Northwest Territory–established as federal or public land through the Northwest Ordinance of 1787–between the Appalachian Mountains, British North America (i.e. Canada), the Great Lakes, and the Ohio River. This land was ceded to the United States as part of the Treaty of Paris, 1783, which ended the American Revolutionary War. The Northwest Ordinance, however, dispossessed many Native American tribes of land west of the Ohio River that had been agreed upon as theirs at the Treaty of Fort Stanwix with the British Crown in 1768.
Each state that accepted the federal land scrip donation had to establish their land-grant college within five years, by July 1, 1867. Previously, Transylvania University had offered to house the A&M College, but the bills to accomplish this had not been approved. Bowman proposed to make the college one of the units of the new Kentucky University and committed to raising $100,000 to endow it. On February 22, 1865, six days before the act consolidating Kentucky and Transylvania Universities, the Kentucky Legislature founded A&M College as part of Kentucky University. The University's Board of Curators would receive the income from the sale of the land scrip and apply that income to operating A&M College. To address concerns about uniting the state college with a church-supported university, the legislature provided that the A&M college would have its own Board of Visitors appointed by the governor. The act also said that, in appointing employees, no partiality should be given to any section or religious denomination and nothing sectarian would be taught in the college. Finally, three students from each representative district would be entitled to attend A&M and classes in other Kentucky University colleges tuition-free except for law and medicine.
The third step in the establishment of Kentucky University in 1865 was the legislative act, also on February 28, 1865, directing the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to sell Kentucky's 330,000 acres of land scrip. The Legislature also loaned the Treasurer of Kentucky University $20,000 (never repaid) to allow the A&M College to open in the fall of 1866. At a June 4, 1866, meeting at Ashland, a group of interested men (the governor, the A&M College Board of Visitors, the Sinking Fund Commissioners, the Board of Directors of State Agricultural Society, and the Kentucky University Executive Committee of the Board of Curators) decided to sell all the land scrip immediately, even though there was a glut of public land on the market because of the Morrill Act, the military bounty system, and the Homestead Act. Madison C. Johnson, the agent, sold all the scrip at 50 cents per acre between June 1866 and January 1867 for a permanent endowment of $164,960 with an annual income of $9900. No specific land areas were directly allocated to the state. The acres purchased by the 2062 surrendered land scrip warrants (inventors turned in warrants certifying their land scrip purchase to land agents in exchange for the actual land) were located in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. In addition to the annual income from the land scrip, A&M College also had income from student fees and farm and shop revenue. However, Bowman had expected to obtain $1.00 per acre or more for an income of $20,000. And, yet, Kentucky University's obligation to the state to furnish land, buildings, and faculty for–and free tuition for 300 students at–the A&M College was not reduced.
The Civil War ended in April 1865 (although fighting continued until early June). By May of that year, Bowman had raised $112,000 in pledges from at least 155 prosperous white men in Lexington and Fayette County for the buildings, farm, and equipment for A&M College. Sixty-five of those donated $1000 each ($65,000 in total) and another 90 donated $500 each ($45,000 in total). Two months after the December 1865 ratification of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution abolishing slavery, by February 15, 1866, Bowman had agreed on the terms of the sale of the Ashland and Woodlands estates in Lexington on the Richmond Road, a campus of 433 acres. Costs were $85,000 and $5,000 tuition stock for Ashland and $40,000 for Woodlands, for a total expense of $125,000 in cash and $5,000 in stock. Bowman purchased Woodlands with his own money, then turned the property over to Kentucky University Kentucky in June 1869 when the university could repay him. Bowman set up a Real Estate and Building Fund for the Kentucky University at Lexington and continued to solicit subscriptions in ongoing support of the new institution, particularly Woodlands. Between 1867 and 1868 Bowman raised $45,000 (payable in three annual installments) from people from Bourbon County and other counties. In addition, Bowman refused a salary. The Curators offered him the free use of Ashland as his residence. Other buildings were similarly offered to presiding officers and professors with families. The former Transylvania campus comprised 20 acres including Morrison College and a dormitory built in 1839. Bowman made the final payment on the Woodlands mortgage between 1867 and 1868 and the final payment on Ashland in 1870-1871.
On October 2, 1865, classes held in Morrison College began for 223 students at the new Kentucky University's College of Arts (presiding officer Robert Graham); 37 students at the College of the Bible (presiding officer John W. McGarvey); 13 students in the College of Law; and the preparatory academy. The College of the Bible was formed from what had been the Department of Hebrew Literature at both Bacon College and the University of Kentucky at Harrodsburg. The College of Arts, the College of Law, and the preparatory academy had been part of Transylvania University. One year later, in October 1866, A&M College opened on the former Ashland and Woodlands estates with presiding officer, John Augustus Williams; former Transylvania University professors Robert Peter and James K. Patterson; new professor Alexander Winchell; and tutor W.E. Arnold. A total of 190 students attended the university in the 1866-1867 school year. It was difficult to find instructors in agriculture and mechanics and no one in the United States had a definite plan for the organization of the Morrill agricultural colleges, as these fields were new to American education. Peter, a soil chemist, was an exception. Bowan visited some of the other land-grant schools in operation, read available material, and studied appropriate federal and state laws. From 1874 to 1877, Bowman was active on the federal level on behalf of land-grant colleges, including as a member of the Conference of Presidents and Other Delegates of State Universities and Colleges. The curriculum would need to impart practical business education, study, farm labor (at first required for all students), and military drill with a course of classical studies accompanied by strict discipline. The original plan was for A&M College to have eleven schools: Philosophy, English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Chemistry and Experimental Philosophy; Natural History; History; Commercial and Business School. These were operating in 1866. The other schools planned were for Modern Languages; Civil Engineering and Mining; and Fine Arts. In 1868, Williams stepped down as presiding officer. Joseph Desha Pickett served for a few months, then James K. Patterson (1833-1922) was appointed into the position. Patterson served as presiding officer of A&M College through 1878, then continued as the first President of the independent A&M College from 1878 to 1910.
Kentucky University enrollment peaked at 295 students during the 1869-1870 school year and then began declining to a low of 94 in 1875 and 110 in 1876. In addition, only 12 degrees had actually been granted by the university. Reasons for the decline included the rise of other colleges in the Mississippi Valley, the closure of various colleges in the university, various financial crises, and the lack of state financial support, but a significant problem facing the university was the presence of a secular college (A&M) within a religious university and the increasingly wide and bitter schism among individual university faculty and Curators about how Biblically-centered university instruction should be. As early as 1867, only two years after the founding of the institution, the Kentucky Legislature appointed a committee to investigate whether A&M College was being run along sectarian lines against the regulations of the statute. The committee found there was no cause for complaint. Then, four years later, in 1871, Bowman and Kentucky University professor J.D. Pickett both left the larger congregation of the Main Street Christian Church and founded the Second Christian Church (also called Broadway Christian Church) in a building that Main Street had purchased as an extension of its congregation. Main Street Church Elders, and particularly John W. MacGarvey (presiding officer of the College of the Bible), Moses E. Lard, and L.B. Wilkes, all also connected with Kentucky University, were the most violently opposed to the new church. As all were faculty at the university, this caused schisms and problems with the Board of Curators. In particular, Bowman's opponents levied charges of financial mismanagement, especially in holding the Woodlands title. This started a movement to remove Bowman as Regent. However, in 1872, the Board of Curators passed a resolution in support of Bowman, and another Kentucky Legislative investigating committee found that there had been no violation of the contract between the university and the state.
However, tempers of individual university professors and curators remained inflamed and individuals on both sides–including MacGarvey, Robert Peter, and E.B. Smith–wrote accusatory articles in the "Apostolic Times", the local Christian Church newspaper and in other pamphlets and broadsides. In response, on July 13, 1873, the Board of Curators passed a peace and harmony resolution. MacGarvey and Smith continued to publish angry notices, and the Executive Committee of the Board asked both to resign. Smith complied, but MacGarvey refused and was then suspended from the presidency of the College of the Bible. This action only infuriated MacGarvey and his supporters, as Bowman was chair of the Executive Committee. Many sent petitions for MacGarvey's reinstatement to the full Board. The Board set up a special committee to examine and report on the petitions opposing McGarvey's dismissal. In the meantime, the Board upheld the Executive Committee's decision. The special committee could not agree and, in September 1873, returned a majority and a minority report to the Board. Following this, Bowman offered to resign from his posts as Regent and Treasurer of the university, but the Board unanimously insisted he continue.
As before, these actions only increased the ire of MacGarvey's supporters. Also, the financial state of the university was precarious, and the Board began to see Bowman as the culprit. As part of the economic Panic of 1873 in the United States and Europe, the university lost funds it had invested in the Short Line Railroad and the Commercial Bank of Kentucky. Professors were being paid in promissory notes, earlier contributors were withdrawing their support, the number of students was decreasing, and even persuasive Bowman was not able to raise new subscriptions. In 1874, by his request, the board appointed D.S. Goodloe as Treasurer, replacing Bowman in that role. That same year, B.L. Swopes prepared an audit. In late 1873 and January 1874, individuals and Christian Churches in Kentucky sent petitions to the Kentucky Legislature to separate A&M College and Kentucky University. At the same legislative session, Bowman lobbied for a change to the university charter to reduce the two-thirds majority of Christian Church members on the Board of Curators to one-half. Although the proposed bill to separate the two institutions was defeated by a slim margin, the change to the charter was also not supported. Bowman's actions made him even more enemies on the Board and among the university's Christian Church supporters. Later that year, the Board passed a series of resolutions expressing their belief that the Christian Churches in Kentucky had control of the university and disclaiming any move to secularize it.
In the midst of Kentucky University's financial difficulties, in June 1875, following the March death of College of the Bible president Robert Milligan, the Board voted to start an endowment campaign for the College. In addition, they offered the Kentucky Christian Education Society the opportunity to nominate two professors for the College if the Society paid their salaries. John MacGarvey and Robert Graham were selected and student enrollment in the College went up. In 1876, the Board began selling sections of Ashland and Woodlands to pay off the university's growing debts. Also in that year, the Board disapproved some of the Executive Committee's decisions in support of Bowman's actions to secure funds, such as selling the 1874 hemp crop, renting out the farm, and the investment contract with the Short Line Railroad. The Board also demanded that Bowman turn over his former Treasurer's documents to the Executive Committee. Bowman responded that the Executive Committee was already in possession of them.
In April 1877, the Executive Committee suspended Bowman as Regent, but in June of that year, the full Board voted to repudiate the committee's action and reinstate him. Accountant B.L. Swopes was retained to conduct another audit. The financial situation of the university was still precarious. Without the support of the Christian Church (which by this point did not support Bowman), there would not be enough money for A&M College. Bowman was reluctant to turn over the Treasurer's accounts to Goodloe and the Board at its next session had to issue him specific orders to do so. A new effort was made to remove him. Concurrently, in the summer of 1877, the Kentucky Christian Education Society raised enough funds for a separate and independent College of the Bible, and the A&M College Board of Visitors found that the Kentucky University Board of Curators had moved courses formerly taught in the College of Arts into A&M College. This used up so much money in A&M's state fund that there was not enough left to provide instruction in the agricultural and mechanical arts. Thus, in the Visitors' view, the connection between the A&M College and the university was no longer advantageous to the state.
In January 1878, the Kentucky Legislature established a special investigating committee to hold hearings on the condition of Kentucky University. Bowman made a secret proposal to the committee to change the university charter to remove all church control of the Board. The proposal was leaked to MacGarvey, who publicized it in the "Apostolic Times". This was the final blow for the combination of secular A&M College and church-run university. On March 13, 1878, the Legislature passed an act repealing the act approved on February 22, 1865, and establishing the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky as an independent and state institution. A month earlier, February 1878, the new, independent College of the Bible had been chartered and the College of the Bible within Kentucky University had ceased to function. Robert Graham was the first president of this independent college. From 1878 to 1895, when it moved into its own building, the school shared Morrison Hall with the College of Arts. After John W. MacGarvey's death in 1911, from 1912-1938, the school shared facilities and presidents with the former Kentucky University/Transylvania University. The college moved to a new campus in 1950 and became Lexington Theological Seminary in 1965. Thus, in March 1878 with the removal of A&M College and the College of the Bible, what remained of Kentucky University was the College of Arts, a small law department, and an informal relationship begun in 1877 with the independent downtown Lexington Commercial College to train students as secretaries and bookkeepers.
The Kentucky University Board of Curators agreed to operate A&M College at Ashland and Woodlands for the next two years while the college looked for a permanent location, as the university, not the College, owned those properties. In June 1878, they also abolished the office of Regent–effectively firing Bowman–and established a new office of the President, electing Henry H. White (1821-1903) to the post. White had been a student and mathematics instructor at Bacon College and Kentucky University and presiding officer of the College of Arts (1868-1878). In 1880, White resigned from the presidency to return to teaching but became university treasurer until 1901. From 1878-1879, a gradual transfer of university financial holdings held by Bowman to others took place, mostly through court cases, including a case 1879-1880 between Bowman and the University. In November 1878, the Fayette County Court ordered the university to sell Ashland and Woodlands estates to satisfy creditors, although A&M College continued to rent the land and buildings and hold classes there until early 1882. In 1879, the Board asked Bowman to vacate Ashland and to turn over all financial documents. He remained a member of the Board of Curators, but stopped attending meetings, and on July 25, 1879, his board seat was declared vacant. Bowman had married Mary Dorcas Williams (1826-1916) in 1846. Between 1880 and 1887, they moved westward, living in New Mexico and Colorado Territory because of poor health. During this time, Bowman became interested in irrigation and also spent time in Washington, DC, lobbying for Congressional appropriation for an irrigation project. He died in 1891 in Harrodsburg, Kentucky, at the home of his brother-in-law John Augustus Williams.
Between 1879-1880, the City of Lexington and the Fayette County Court donated a 52-acre city park and $50,000 in city and county bonds for building construction to A&M College to keep it in Lexington, over a vigorous competition from Bowling Green, Kentucky. Supplementary legislative acts in January and February 1880 authorized the city and county court to make the donations each had promised and to levy taxes for the bond payments. Two more legislative acts in March and April 1880 incorporated the College and organized a Board of Trustees and their roles and responsibilities (replacing the Board of Visitors). Otherwise, most of the original charter remained intact. Another legislative act at the end of April 1880 authorized a special property tax (half a cent on each 100 dollars of taxable property in the state) to endow the school. On February 15, 1882, after three new buildings had been built and Patterson had taken out a personal loan for $35,000 to finish them, A&M College faculty and students (often also called "State College") moved into its new campus. Those students now included white women, who were allowed to matriculate starting in 1880. The College grew substantially in faculty, students, departments, and courses over the next twenty-six years. The Kentucky Experiment Station was established in 1885, two years before the federal Hatch Act of 1897 allocated federal funds to land-grant colleges for experiment stations. On March 18, 1908, a legislative act changed the name of A&M College to "State University, Lexington, Kentucky" and established new departments and responsibilities for the new university. Two days later, on March 20, 1908, another legislative act changed the name of Kentucky University to "Transylvania University" to avoid confusion between the two universities in Lexington. In 1916, the Kentucky Legislature changed the name of State University to "University of Kentucky," which is this institution's current name.
During the 30 years between 1878 and 1908, Kentucky University also grew and changed. In 1889, white women students were allowed to attend all classes except in the College of the Bible (which admitted them in 1904). In 1894, a gymnasium was constructed, and, in 1895, a separate building for the College of the Bible was built next to Morrison Hall. From 1898 to 1908, Kentucky University agreed to provide the university name and the university president's signature on the diplomas for an independently chartered and operated "Medical Department/Medical College of Kentucky University," managed and funded by two different groups of physicians in Louisville. In 1899, Kentucky University celebrated the centennial of the creation of Transylvania University. In 1903, Kentucky University assumed full control of Hamilton College (1903-1932) and restructured it as a junior college for women, granting two-year degrees. This school had its roots in Hocker Female College (1869-1877) which became Hamilton Female College (1877-1903). After Transylvania University closed Hamilton College in 1932, the building was used as a dormitory for women students. In 1908, a science building funded by a 1905 donation of $25,000 from Andrew Carnegie and matching funds from B.A. Thomas of Shelbyville, Kentucky, opened. The College/Department of Law operated spasmodically from 1869 to 1895, then opened again from 1905 to 1912. The preparatory academy began to phase out in 1902 and closed in 1915. In 1908, the same year of the return to the name Transylvania University, the Board of Curators voted to amend the university's charter to eliminate the provision that two-thirds of the Curators be members of the Christian Church in Kentucky.
List of Kentucky University at Lexington Regents/Presidents in chronological order: John Bryan Bowman (Regent, 1865-1878); Henry H. White (1878-1880): Charles Louis Loos (1880-1897); Reuben Lindsay Cave (1897-1900); Alexander Milligan, acting (1900-1901); Burris A. Jenkins (1901-1906); Thomas Benton McCartney, Jr., acting (1906-1908).
--Historical Note by Ruth E. Bryan, University Archivist, University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center, 11/4/2024.
Sources Alexander, Robert (2017). The Northwest Ordinance: Constitutional Politics and the Theft of Native Land. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc.
Email from George Shaner, NARA to Ruth Bryan, University of Kentucky University Archivist, 8/7/2019, regarding A&M College land warrants.
Hopkins, James F. (1951). The University of Kentucky: Origins and Early Years. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press.
"John Bryan Bowman." Wikipedia. Accessed 9/17/2024.
Kiesel, Linda Raney. "Kentucky's Land-Grant Legacy: An Analysis of the Administration of John Bryan Bowman and James Kennedy Patterson, 1865-1890." University of Kentucky Theses, 2003.
"Land-Grant." Wikipedia. Accessed 9/15/2024.
Lee, Robert Lee and Tristan Ahtone. "Land Grab Universities." High Country News, 10/19/2020 Accessed 9/15/2024.
Lee, Robert et al. "Land-grab Universities: A High Country News Investigation." Accessed 9/15/2024.
"Lexington Theological Seminary." Wikipedia. Accessed 9/15/2024.
"Morrill Land-Grant Acts." Wikipedia. Accessed 9/15/2024.
"Panic of 1873." Wikipedia. Accessed 9/15/2024. "Northwest Ordinance." Wikipedia. Accessed 9/15/2024.
Pyles, Henry Milton. The Life and Work of John Bryan Bowman. University of Kentucky Theses, 1944.
"Scrip." Wikipedia. Accessed 9/15/2024.
"Special Collections & Archives: Transy History: Our Name." Transylvania University Library. Accessed 9/15/2024.
Slater, Clarence P. (1940). History of the Land Grant Endowment Fund of the University of Illinois. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois.
Williams, Roger L. (1991). The Origins of Federal Support for Higher Education: George W. Atherton and the Land-Grant College Movement. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
L2021ua019 : Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5: Collection on Kentucky University, 1837-2006, undated (bulk dates 1857-1926, undated), University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center.
Scope and Content
The Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5: Collection on Kentucky University (dated 1837-2006, undated; bulk 1857-1926, undated; 18.52 cubic feet; 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes) comprises teaching, student, financial, administrative, legal, and museum records along with printed publications, invitations, and reports of Kentucky University at Harrodsburg, Kentucky, and Kentucky University at Lexington, Kentucky, including the Agricultural and Mechanical College sited on the Woodlands and Ashland Estates. There is also financial and student information for Bacon College (1837-1850, Volume V5.10 in the Treasury Series and box 5.17 in the Registrar Series). The teaching and student records include student matriculation lists; student applications for admission and graduation; class and session grades; faculty and College of Liberal Arts class and semester reports; lists of alumni from 1861 to 1957; and student literary society constitutions and bylaws, event programs, membership lists, minutes of meetings, and newspaper clippings. The financial records include general ledgers and supporting documents; student financial accounts; Treasurer's reports and Treasurer bonds; property, stock, and investment and donations and fundraising documents; and two sets of audit reports and statements (1874 and 1877) created by the Kentucky University Treasurer, Registrar, Regent, members of the Board of Curators Executive Committee and auditor B.L. Swopes.
The administrative and legal records include Board of Curators, Board of Curators Executive Committee, and Board of Trustees meeting minutes; faculty meeting minutes; property leases and deeds; petitions, judgements, and court orders relating to John B. Bowman, Kentucky University, and the Agricultural and Mechanical College; petitions from community members to administrators in favor of or against university actions, including the move of the university from Harrodsburg to Lexington; William T. Withers correspondence with John B. Bowman (1871-1879); and history pamphlets and handwritten history notes. The museum records include collection item records and information for the Kentucky University Museum of Natural History that was created and managed by the Agricultural and Mechanical College at the Ashland Estate. The printed publications, invitations and reports include the annual catalog and announcements; commencement, Founder's Day, and other event programs; university charters, laws, statutes, rules, and regulations; student literary society magazines; newspaper clippings about the university; and regent, treasurer, and Agricultural and Mechanical College reports.
As the bound volumes were numbered in the order in which they were received, there is also a numerically organized list of all the bound volumes in the collection. The title and dates of each volume are given, along with the name of the series and subseries in the collection to which the volume belongs. In addition, throughout the collection, there are library/reference correspondence and subject files compiled by librarians. These are indicated by the prefixes "Subject file:" or "Secondary correspondence:."
This collection is not complete and is made up of documents and bound volumes acquired by the Tranyslvania University Library over time and from multiple, mainly unknown, sources. The Library gathered them together into Record Group 5 of the Transylvania University Archives. Many Kentucky University records were lost in the 1969 fire that gutted the Morrison College building/Old Morrison which housed the university's administrative offices. The collection is on loan to the University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center for archival processing and digitization.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with Transylvania University. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Registrar Series, 1859-1957, undated

Scope and Contents

The Registrar Series, 1859 to 1957 and undated, primarily comprises Kentucky University records at both Harrodsburg and Lexington, Kentucky, relating to student registration, teaching, and alumni information. Materials include student matriculation lists; student applications for admission and graduation; class and session grades; faculty and College of Liberal Arts class and semester reports; and lists of alumni from 1861 to 1957. The majority of the records in this Series are from the College of Liberal Arts and the Normal College. However, there is a list of degrees conferred by Bacon College (1841-1850) in box 5.17. Series is arranged into four subseries and thereunder chronologically.

Student Academic Records, 1859-1952, undated

Kentucky University College of Arts student register containing names, date of birth, addresses, field of study, vouchers, 1859-1899

  • Volume V5.1
To top

"Book of Records" listing matriculates by term and their grades in each college, 1859-1862

  • Volume V5.2
To top

"Matriculation Volume" listing names of students who signed the Kentucky University pledge each year, 1859-1896

  • Volume V5.3
To top

"Matriculation Volume" listing names of students who signed the Kentucky University pledge each year, pp. 1-46, 1896-1904

  • Volume V5.4
Scope and Contents

Volume V5.4 also includes minutes of faculty meetings for the College of Liberal Arts, fall 1906-spring 1922, pp. 48-239.

To top

"Book of Degrees" for the Commercial College, Bible College, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Laws listing student names, hometown, dates of graduation, and degree awarded, 1861-1905

  • Volume V5.5
To top

Kentucky University Lexington registrar, matriculation book, College of Liberal Arts, 1869-1874

  • Box 5.1, folder 1
To top

Kentucky University Lexington Registrar, matriculation book, College of Arts registrar, 1871-1872

  • Box 5.1, folder 2
To top

Kentucky University Lexington registrar, matriculation book, College of Liberal Arts, 1897-1903

  • Box 5.1, folder 3
To top

Kentucky University Lexington registrar, matriculation book, College of Liberal Arts, 1904-1909

  • Box 5.1, folder 4
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, A, 1889-1918

  • Box 5.1, folder 5
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, B, 1897-1934

  • Box 5.1, folder 6
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, C, 1897-1934

  • Box 5.1, folder 7
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applicatons and session grades, D, 1897-1944

  • Box 5.2, folder 1
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, E, 1897-1932

  • Box 5.2, folder 2
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, F, 1897-1952

  • Box 5.2, folder 3
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, G, 1893-1942

  • Box 5.2, folder 4
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, H, 1897-1944

  • Box 5.2, folder 5
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, I-J, 1897-1926

  • Box 5.2, folder 6
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, K, 1897-1920

  • Box 5.2, folder 7
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, L, 1897-1924

  • Box 5.2, folder 8
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student admission and session grades, M, 1888-1934

  • Box 5.3, folder 1
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, N-O, 1897-1926

  • Box 5.3, folder 2
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, P, 1897-1929

  • Box 5.3, folder 3
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, R, 1886-1919

  • Box 5.3, folder 4
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, S, 1897-1921

  • Box 5.3, folder 5
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, T, 1897-1923

  • Box 5.3, folder 6
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, V, 1897-1913

  • Box 5.3, folder 7
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, W, 1897-1924

  • Box 5.4, folder 1
To top

College of Liberal Arts and Normal College, student applications and session grades, Y-Z, 1897-1913

  • Box 5.4, folder 2
To top

Kentucky University Lexington registrar, register of faculty and students, 1860-1861

  • Box 5.4, folder 3
To top

Kentucky University Lexington registrar, student information book, 1874-1880

  • Box 5.4, folder 4
To top

Handwritten summaries of all matriculated students for the College of Liberal Arts, with courses, hometown, and attendance date (2 folders), 1893-1914

  • Box 5.4, folder 5-6
To top

Kentucky University Medical Department, Louisville, Ky., student transcripts, K, 1901-1903

  • Box 5.4, folder 7
To top

List of graduates of the Commercial College, 1894 January-February

  • Box 5.4, folder 8
To top

Y.S. Foulds Commercial College diploma (photocopy), 1890 May 9

  • Box 5.36, folder 8
To top

Subject file: Donation information, Y.S. Foulds diploma, undated

  • Box 5.4, folder 9
To top

Transylvania College and College of the Bible, student transcripts and alumni information, H-R, 1919-1927

  • Box 5.4, folder 10
To top

Alumni Records, 1861-1957, undated

A: alumni record, 1870-1957

  • Box 5.5, folder 1
To top

Ba-bm: alumni record (2 folders), 1872-1957

  • Box 5.5, folder 2-3
To top

Bm-bz: alumni record (2 folders), 1899-1951

  • Box 5.5, folder 4-5
To top

Ca-co: alumni record (2 folders), 1892-1955

  • Box 5.5, folder 6-7
To top

Co: alumni record (2 folders), 1865-1909

  • Box 5.5, folder 8-9
To top

D and e: alumni record (2 folders), 1864-1956

  • Box 5.6, folder 1-2
To top

F: alumni record (2 folders), 1868-1957

  • Box 5.6, folder 3-4
To top

G: alumni record (2 folders), 1869-1955

  • Box 5.6, folder 5-6
To top

Ha-hi: alumni record (2 folders), 1897-1950

  • Box 5.6, folder 7
  • Box 5.7, folder 1
To top

Hi-hu: alumni record (2 folders), 1899-1951

  • Box 5.7, folder 2-3
To top

I, j, k: alumni record (2 folders), 1873-1956

  • Box 5.7, folder 4-5
To top

L: alumni record, 1869-1951

  • Box 5.7, folder 6
To top

Ma: alumni record (2 folders), 1867-1951

  • Box 5.7, folder 7
  • Box 5.8, folder 1
To top

Mc-mu: alumni record (2 folders), 1874-1957

  • Box 5.8, folder 2-3
To top

N, o, p, q: alumni record (2 folders), 1893-1956

  • Box 5.8, folder 4-5
To top

R: alumni record (2 folders), 1868-1955

  • Box 5.8, folder 6-7
To top

Sa-sm: alumni record (2 folders), 1868-1950

  • Box 5.8, folder 8
  • Box 5.9, folder 1
To top

Sm: alumni record (2 folders), 1896-1949

  • Box 5.9, folder 2-3
To top

T, u, v: alumni record (2 folders), 1876-1957

  • Box 5.9, folder 4-5
To top

Wa: alumni record (2 folders), 1896-1957

  • Box 5.9, folder 6-7
To top

Wi: alumni record, 1868-1950

  • Box 5.10, folder 1
To top

Wi: alumni record, 1868-1952

  • Box 5.10, folder 2
To top

X, y, z: alumni record, 1872-1956

  • Box 5.10, folder 3
To top

Typed list of alumni names by class, reverse chronological order (2 folders), 1861-1940

  • Box 5.10, folder 4-5
To top

Transylvania College graduates by class year (2 folders), 1920-1957

  • Box 5.10, folder 6-7
To top

Lexington, Ky., alumni names and addresses, undated

  • Box 5.10, folder 8
To top

"Register" or possibly guest list, of alumni names and addresses handwritten by the individuals, undated

  • Box 5.10, folder 9
Scope and Contents

Includes people with addresses in Kentucky, in states other than Kentucky, and in countries other than the United States, including Japan and the Congo, Africa. A few indicate their Kentucky University class year.

To top

Individual Faculty Grade Reports, 1867-1919

Science grade book of A. Fairhurst, including inventory of chemistry equipment, inventory of acids, and "list of objects in Kentucky Unversity Museum July 1883" (fragile), 1881-1883

  • Box 5.11, folder 1
To top

Science grade book of A. Fairhurst, 1884-1887

  • Box 5.11, folder 2
To top

Science grade book of A. Fairhurst, 1887-1889

  • Box 5.11, folder 3
To top

Science grade book of A. Fairhurst, 1889-1891

  • Box 5.11, folder 4
To top

Science grade book of A. Fairhurst, 1891-1893

  • Box 5.11, folder 5
To top

Science grade book of A. Fairhurst, 1893-1896

  • Box 5.11, folder 6
To top

Science grade book of A. Fairhurst, 1896-1908

  • Box 5.11, folder 7
To top

Chemistry grade book of A. Fairhurst, 1908-1913

  • Box 5.11, folder 8
To top

Grade book of S.M. Jefferson, logic, philosphy, ethics, 1913-1914

  • Box 5.12, folder 1
To top

School of Latin grade books of A.R. Mulligan (4 books), 1870-1911

  • Box 5.12, folder 2
To top

History grade books of Irene Myers (7 books), 1904-1919

  • Box 5.12, folder 3
To top

French and German class records, Charles B. Newcomer (3 books), 1889-1910

  • Box 5.12, folder 4
To top

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, standing of students of Kentucky University in courses of history, James K. Patterson, 1879 February 6

  • Box 5.12, folder 5
To top

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, standing of College of Arts students in Junior Civil History, 2nd semester, James K. Patterson, 1879 June 26

  • Box 5.12, folder 6
To top

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, standing of students of Kentucky University in Departments of civil history and metaphysics, James K. Patterson, 1880 February 14

  • Box 5.12, folder 7
To top

Agricultural and Mechanical College, report of the standing of students of College of Arts and Sciences in class of physics, Robert Peter, 1879

  • Box 5.12, folder 8
To top

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, report of the standing of students of the College of Arts and Sciences in classes of physics, Robert Peter, 1880 January 26

  • Box 5.12, folder 9
To top

School of Mathematics grade book, H. H. White (2 books), 1867-1876

  • Box 5.12, folder 10
To top

School of Mathematics grade book, H. H. White (2 books), 1876-1886

  • Box 5.12, folder 11
To top

School of Mathematics, H. H. White, 1886-1891

  • Box 5.12, folder 12
To top

School of Mathematics, H. H. White (fragile), 1881-1893

  • Box 5.12, folder 13
To top

College Reports, 1860-1915

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1860

  • Box 5.13, folder 1
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1861

  • Box 5.13, folder 2
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1862

  • Box 5.13, folder 3
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1863

  • Box 5.13, folder 4
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1864

  • Box 5.13, folder 5
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1865

  • Box 5.13, folder 6
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1866

  • Box 5.13, folder 7
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1867

  • Box 5.13, folder 8
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1868

  • Box 5.13, folder 9
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1869

  • Box 5.13, folder 10
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1870

  • Box 5.13, folder 11
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1871

  • Box 5.13, folder 12
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1872

  • Box 5.13, folder 13
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1873

  • Box 5.13, folder 14
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1874

  • Box 5.13, folder 15
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1875

  • Box 5.13, folder 16
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1876

  • Box 5.13, folder 17
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1877

  • Box 5.13, folder 18
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1878

  • Box 5.13, folder 19
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1879

  • Box 5.13, folder 20
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1880

  • Box 5.13, folder 21
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1881

  • Box 5.13, folder 22
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1882

  • Box 5.13, folder 23
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1883

  • Box 5.13, folder 24
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1884

  • Box 5.13, folder 25
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1885

  • Box 5.13, folder 26
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1886

  • Box 5.13, folder 27
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1887

  • Box 5.13, folder 28
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1888

  • Box 5.13, folder 29
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1889

  • Box 5.13, folder 30
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1890

  • Box 5.13, folder 31
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1891

  • Box 5.13, folder 32
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1892

  • Box 5.13, folder 33
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1893

  • Box 5.13, folder 34
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1894

  • Box 5.13, folder 35
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1895

  • Box 5.13, folder 36
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1896

  • Box 5.13, folder 37
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1897

  • Box 5.13, folder 38
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1898

  • Box 5.13, folder 39
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1899

  • Box 5.13, folder 40
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1900

  • Box 5.17, folder 1
To top

College of Liberal Arts end of term class and school reports, 1901

  • Box 5.17, folder 2
To top

List of "Degrees conferred by Bacon College and Kentucky University, Bacon College, 1841-1850 inclusive, Kentucky University, 1861-1897, inclusive", 1897?

  • Box 5.17, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Found laid in front of page 2 in volume V5.5 ("Book of Degrees" listing student names, hometown, dates of graduation, and degree awarded).

To top

College of Liberal Arts, reports of student grades of each school, 1895-1896, 1914-1915

  • Box 5.14
To top

College of Liberal Arts, faculty reports of student grades for each school, 1901-1902, 1907-1908

  • Box 5.15
To top

Prepatory School (Academy), reports of student grades, 1902-1914

  • Box 5.16
To top

Treasury Series, 1837-1971, undated

Scope and Contents

The Treasury Series, dated from 1837 to 1971 and undated, primarily comprises general ledgers and supporting documents; student financial accounts; Treasurer's reports and Treasurer bonds; property, stock, and investment and donations and fundraising documents; and two sets of audit reports and statements (1874 and 1877) created by the Kentucky University Treasurer, Registrar, Regent, members of the Board of Curators Executive Committee and auditor B.L. Swopes. The series also includes Samuel Hatch's Treasurer's book and "student session lists" for Bacon College (1837-1839, Volume V5.10). The general ledgers and supporting documents, the audit reports, the Treasurer's reports, and the student financial accounts document both the accounting procedures used by the university as well as the day-to-day and yearly activities, income, and expenses, and employees of the university, especially from 1857 to 1882. The university's account procedures changed over time, but generally included day books (daily logs of transactions in chronological order), journals (chronological recording of credits and debits in matched pairs), and general ledgers (records of the journal entries posted to the correct account and showing starting and ending account balances). The audit statements and reports also include annual balance sheets (a "statement of financial position" for a specific point in time summarizing assets, liabilities, and equity) for 1855 to 1877 June.

The invoices, receipts and vouchers (an accounting document that represents an organization's intent to pay an external entity) included in the general ledger supporting documents are not complete. They date from 1871 to 1879. However, these supporting documents do include names of the companies with which the University was doing business and their goods and services. The salary and wage vouchers, checks, and receipts also include the names of faculty, staff, farm workers (both adults and university students) and other laborers. Those names that are clearly female and/or those after which the term "(colored)" was included on the salary and wage document are listed in the description for each folder of supporting documents.

Fundraising documents include promissory notes recording pledges of financial support for Kentucky University from individual donors (1864-1907). Other Kentucky University supporters purchased tuition stock certificates instead (1860-1893), which allowed a student or students of their choice to attend the university with their tuition already paid. The majority of the bonds included in the series are from Kentucky University treasurers (1870-1901), who in a "surety bond" agree to be liable up to a certain monetary amount for paying any damages caused by their failure to meet their obligations. However, there are also a few stock certificates and bonds purchased by Kentucky University in banks, companies, and Fayette county (1859-1885). The property records include Ashland and Woodlands estates and Ashland house lease agreements and lists of property (1871-1876), as well as Ashland estate sale accounts and receipt (1878).

The Treasury Series is arranged into nine subseries by subject and thereunder in chronological order. For printed and published Treasurer's reports, see the Printed Materials Series.

Sources: 1. "The Difference between Daybooks, Journals, Ledgers, and Other Record-Keeping Documents," BooksTime, 2. "Surety," Wikipedia,

Audit and Legal 1874, 1874 June-October

Bills receivable working notes for 1860-1872, and accompanying envelope, 1874 June 1

  • Box 5.17, folder 4
To top

Cash, surplus cash, cash deficiencies, and fund and account balances by B.L. Swopes, 1874 June 1

  • Box 5.36, folder 12
To top

Statement of Settlement of Treasurer and Trial Balance of the Treasurer's Books, 1874 July 1

  • Box 5.36, folder 13
To top

Salaries and indebtedness to professors, 1874 June 1-1874 July 17

  • Box 5.36, folder 14
To top

Lists and receipts regarding books, notes, papers, stocks, bonds, and securities in J.B. Bowman's possession, their transfer to the Executive Committee, and the Committee's statement of indebtedness to Bowman, 1874 June 1-October 14

  • Box 5.17, folder 5
Scope and Contents

Includes a list of "Books, notes and papers belonging to Kentucky University in posession of John B. Bowman and not accounted for by receipts of attorneys or otherwise" (1874 June 1); report from Committee charged with examining the books, accounts, bond notes, and securities (1874 June 8); and "receipt of the following bonds, stocks, notes, and securities" from J.B. Bowman to the Executive Committee, along with the Committee's statement of KU indebtedness to Bowman (1874 Aug.-Oct.).

To top

Notary public protest on behalf of Thompson & Boyd regarding an unpaid promisory note of J.B. Bowman's, 1874 July 1

  • Box 5.17, folder 6
To top

Receipts and expenditures from July-June 1874, 1874 August1

  • Box 5.36, folder 15
To top

Audit and Legal 1877, 1877 May-June

Audit of books by accountant B.L. Swopes, 1857- May 31, 1877, 1877 May 31

  • Box 5.17, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Addressed to Andrew Steele and E.T. Warner.

To top

Audit appendices B-C, 1877

  • Box 5.36, folder 16
Scope and Contents

B. Endowment Fund; C. Apparatus Fund

To top

Audit appendices D-G, 1877

  • Box 5.36, folder 17
Scope and Contents

D. List of Investments and Changes; E. .Farm; F. Real Estate and Building Fund; G. Errors and Omissions; I. Memorandum of Missing Vouchers; H. Memorandum of Interest paid and charged from July 1869 to 1874

To top

Balance Sheet for June 30, 1865, supplement to page 12 of audit, 1877

  • Box 5.36, folder 18
To top

Working notes on audit, 1877

  • Box 5.17, folder 8
  • Box 5.36, folder 19
To top

Cash book, 1857 May-1877 June, 1877 June

  • Volume V5.6
To top

General Ledger for funds and accounts, 1857 May-1877 June, 1877 June

  • Volume V5.7
Scope and Contents

Volume V5.7 includes the following accounts and years: Endowment fund, Stock account, Tuition acount, apparatus fund, scholarship fund, interest and general expenses account, beneficiary account, real estate and building fund, Janitors fund account, maticulation account, Mercer County refunding account, Agriculture and Mechanical College, Real estate interest account, Building and Machinery, State Scholars account, Commercial College account, Endowment account, Mechanical department, Bills payable, General expenses, Bills recieveable, Law College; 1857 (pp. 1-11), 1858 (pp. 12), 1858-9 (pp. 13-17), 1859-60 (pp. 18-24), 1860-61 (pp. 25-28), 1861-62 (pp. 29-30), 1862-63(pp. 31-32), 1863-64 (pp. 33-35), 1864-65 (pp. 36-38), 1865-66 (pp. 39-46), 1866-67 (pp. 47-52), 1867-68 (pp. 53-57), 1868-69 (pp. 58-64), 1869-70 (pp. 65-70), 1870-71 (pp. 71-74), 1871-72 (pp. 75-77), 1872-73 (pp. 78-80), 1873-74 (pp. 81-86), 1874-75 (pp. 87-89), 1875-76 (pp. 90-92), 1876-77 (pp. 93-97), 1877 (pp. 98-100).

To top

Balance sheets for funds, accounts, and donors/subscribers for 1855-1877 June, 1877 June

  • Volume V5.8
Scope and Contents

Volume V5.8 includes the following funds and/or accounts:Endowment fund (pp. 1), Apparatus fund (pp. 5), General Collecting Agent (pp. 7), Stock Account (pp. 10-22), Investment Account (pp. 26), Tuition Fund account (pp. 30), Janitor's fund account (pp. 35), Matriculation fund (pp. 38), Scholarship account (pp. 40), State Scholars (pp. 42), Beneficiary account (pp. 45), Interest and General expense account (pp. 50-52), Mercer country refunding account (pp. 57), Real Estate + Building fund (pp. 60), Real Estate "Ashland" (pp. 62), Real Estate "Woodlands" (pp. 63), Real Estate Interest account (pp. 64), Building and Material (pp. 65), A and M College (pp. 66-68), Horticulture Dept. (pp. 70), Commercial College (pp. 71), Mechanical Dept. (pp. 72), Law College (pp. 73), Bills Payable (pp. 74-75), Bills Receivable (pp. 80), Farmers and Traders Bank (pp. 81), Joseph B. Myers (pp. 100), G. A. Sayre Co. (pp. 100), W. C. Piper (pp. 101), S. G. Goode (pp. 102), George Phillips (pp. 103), H. H. White (pp. 104-105), William Rowden (pp. 106), Eyre Asken (pp. 107), R. Richardson (pp. 108), Robert Graham (pp. 112-113), Frank C. Wood (pp. 114), Stephen E. Jones (pp. 114), Wm. A. Markwell (pp. 115), Samuel Porter (pp. 115), Alex R. Milligan (pp. 118-119), John Augustus Williams (pp. 120), J. K. Patterson (pp. 121-122), G. W. Ranck (pp. 122), Robert Peter (pp. 123), J. W. McGarvey (pp. 124), J. D. Pickett (pp. 125-126), W. E. Arnold (pp. 126), C. S. Bell (pp. 127), M. G. Thompson (pp. 127), Alexander Winchell (pp. 128), John H. Crutcher (pp. 129), D. H. Butt (pp. 130), Wm. M. Bobbit (pp. 131), J. B. Huston (pp 132), M. C. Johnson (pp. 133), J. J. Miller (pp. 134), W. I. Moore (pp. 135), A. E. Dolbear (pp. 136), George Thompson (pp. 136), John A. Dean (pp. 139), H. J. Clarke (pp. 138), W. G. Strange (pp. 139), John A. Dean (pp. 139), E. D. Luxton (pp. 140-141), D. H. Herron (pp. 142), D. Calder (pp. 143), F. M. Helveti (pp. 144), J. G. White (pp. 145), Edward E. Smith (pp. 146), John Shackleford (pp. 147), Josheph Walter (pp. 148), H. P. Perrin (pp. 149), Eugene Walter (pp. 150), S. M. Swigert (pp. 151), W. B. Smith (pp. 152), W. H. Marquam (pp. 153), Andrew Arvidson (pp. 154), Peter Ryan (pp. 155), A. R. Crandall (pp. 155), I. W. Comer (pp. 156), J. R. Wilgus (pp. 156), D. S. Goodloe (pp. 157), H. W. Everest (pp. 158), Gano Kennedy (pp. 159), F. M. Helveti (pp. 160), Thomas Egan (pp. 161), Suspense Acct. (pp. 236-239); Investors Names (pp. 341-626).

To top

Balance sheets for each year, 1859-1877, 1877 June

  • Volume V5.9
Scope and Contents

"Folio numbers"refer to page numbers in volume V5.8, "Balance sheets for funds, accounts, and donors/subscribers"

To top

Bank Accounts, 1878-1892

Account book with Fayette National Bank, 1878-1881

  • Box 5.18, folder 1
To top

Account book with First National Bank (2 books), 1881-1887

  • Box 5.18, folder 2
To top

Account book with First National Bank, 1888-1894

  • Box 5.18, folder 3
To top

First National Bank Lexington, Kentucky passbook and check for Kentucky University reading room account, 1892

  • Box 5.18, folder 4
To top

General Ledger and Supporting Documents, 1857-1926, undated

Journal, 1874 June 1-1926 June 30

  • Volume V5.11
Scope and Contents

Lists monthly debits and credits for Kentucky University (1874 June 1-1909 May 1) and Transylvania University (1909 June 1-1926 June 30) by fund or account.

To top

General ledger, 1857-1865

  • Volume V5.12
Scope and Contents

Volume V5.12 includes the following funds and/or accounts: Endowment Fund (1857-1873, pp. 1-6); Real Estate Building Fund (1865-1873, pp. 25-27); Apparatus Fund (1857-1859, pp. 50); Library Apparatus Fund (1860-1873, pp. 51-52); Bills Receivable (1866-1874 pp. 60-61); Agricultural College (1866-1873, pp. 70-72); Interest Fund (1857-1867 pp. 100-103); General Expenses (1868-1873, pp. 104-105); Stock Fund (1857-1874, pp. 125-139); Tuition Fund (1857-1874, pp. 150-153); Janitors Fund (1857-1867, pp. 200-201); Janitors Fees Fund (1869-1874, pp. 202) Scholarship Fund (1857-1866, pp. 263-265); Faculty Salary and Donor Funds (1855-1877, pp. 314-503); Commercial College (1869-1874, pp. 64-65); Matriculation Fund (1859-1864, pp. 225-226); Mechanical Fund (1869-1874, pp. 228-229); General Fund (1864-1865, pp. 275); Beneficiary Fund (1858-1865, pp. 300-301)

To top

General Ledger, 1857-1874

  • Volume V5.13
Scope and Contents

Volume V5.13 includes the following funds and/or accounts: Endowment Fund (1857-1874, pp. 1-33); Investment Fund (1859-1872, pp. 40-42); Real Estate and Building Fund (1865-1874, pp. 50-72); Bills Receivable (1866-1874 pp. 75-77); Apparatus Fund (1857-1873, pp. 100-105); Aguricultural College (1866-1874, pp. 150-196); Bills Payable (1869-1874, pp. 199); Interest Fund (1857-1868, pp. 200-241); General Expenses (1868-1874, pp. 242-267); Tuition Fund (1857-1859, pp. 300-301); Commercial College (1869-1874, pp. 328-331); Law College (1870-1873, pp. 332); Mechanical Department (1869-1872, pp. 340-353); Tuition, Stock, and Scholarships (1857-1873, pp. 400-544); A&M College, Mechanical Department Fund (1865-1871, pp. 750-755); Medical Department Fund (1868, pp. 758); Apparatus and Library Fund (1856-1859, pp. 770-771); Endowment Fund (1855-1864, pp. 780-791).

To top

General Ledger, 1866

  • Volume V5.14
Scope and Contents

Volume V5.14 includes the following funds and/or accounts: Apparatus Fund (1866, pp. 1); Agricultural College (1866, pp. 75); Bills Receivable (1866, pp. 62); John B. Bowman (1866, pp. 5); Bank of Kentucky (1866, pp. 52); Commercial Bank of Kentucky (1866, pp. 53); United States Bonds (1866, pp. 54); Bourbon County, Ky., Bonds (1866, pp. 55); Edward Cunningham (1866, pp. 572); Covington and Lexington R.R. Bonds (1866, pp. 58); Mercer County Turnpike Stock (1866, pp. 60); Danville and Nicholasville Turnpike Stock (1866, pp. 61); Endowment Fund (1866, pp. 125); Farmers bank (1866, pp. 51); William Goodloe (1866, pp. 30); Interest Fund (1866, pp. 200); Ky Education Society (1866, pp. 225); Janitors Fund (1866, pp. 275); Johnson Madison (1866, pp. 32); Lexington City Bonds (1866, pp. 59); Robert Milligan (1866, pp. 7); Alexander Millian (1866, pp. 6); John Neville (1866, pp. 12); Northern Bank Ky. (1866, pp. 50); James Patterson (1866, pp. 14); Robert Peter (1866, pp. 16); Lewis Pinkerton (1866, pp. 18); Real Estate Building Fund (1866, pp. 325)

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General ledger, pp. 1-35 (1874-1875, no index), 1874-1875

  • Box 5.17, folder 9
Scope and Contents

Includes undated fund balances as well as lists of notes amounts and names. Also includes a day book/ledger of lists of students, their college, and fees paid or tuition credits used, pp. 36-end (1874-1877)

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Day book for expenses from various vendors and stores, 1877-1878

  • Box 5.17, folder 10
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Trial balance, 1875 May 31

  • Box 5.36, folder 4
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Treasurer's day book, no. 2, 1875-1901

  • Box 5.19, folder 1
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Treasurer's day book/cash book, no. 3, 1891-1907

  • Box 5.19, folder 2
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Treasurer's day book of receipts and disbursements, 1903 September 8-1911 July 28

  • Volume V5.15
Scope and Contents

Includes worksheets laid in between last page and cover.

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Operating expenses invoice, 1871 February 1

  • Box 5.19, folder 3
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Operating expenses invoices, 1873 January 1-December 2

  • Box 5.19, folder 4
To top

Operating expenses invoices and receipts, 1874 January 1-December 31

  • Box 5.19, folder 5
To top

Salary/wage receipts, vouchers, and lists of farm workers, 1874 May 14-June 29

  • Box 5.19, folder 6
Scope and Contents

Includes mention of "Negro men". Names include Andrew Jackson "(colored)."

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Legal expenses voucher, 1874

  • Box 5.19, folder 7
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Operating expenses invoices, vouchers, and checks, 1875 March 17-September 29, undated

  • Box 5.19, folder 8
To top

Salary/wage checks, promisory notes, lists of farm workers, 1875 January 23-September 25

  • Box 5.19, folder 9
To top

Operating expenses invoices, 1876 January 27-November 6

  • Box 5.19, folder 10
To top

Salary/wage receipts, 1876 November 30-December 26

  • Box 5.19, folder 11
Scope and Contents

Names include Mary Bowman.

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Operating expenses invoices, vouchers, and checks, 1877 January 20-December 27

  • Box 5.19, folder 12
To top

Salary/wage vouchers, checks, and receipts, 1877 January 19-December 29

  • Box 5.31, folder 2
To top

Executive Committee member expenses invoices and vouchers, 1877 June 24-July 1

  • Box 5.31, folder 3
To top

Legal expenses invoices and receipts, 1877 September 15-December 11

  • Box 5.31, folder 4
To top

Promisory notes from KU for salaries and advertising expenses, 1877 September 1-3

  • Box 5.31, folder 5
To top

Operating expenses invoices, vouchers, checks, and receipts, 1878 January 1-December 7

  • Box 5.31, folder 6
To top

Salaries/wages invoices, vouchers, checks, receipts, and list of farm workers, 1878 January 17-November 17

  • Box 5.31, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Names include Henry Clark, blacksmith "(colored)," Joe Graham "(colored)," George James "(colored)," Charles Oldham "(colored)," Hiliard Robinson, market man "(colored)," Henry Richardson, carpenter, brickmaker "(colored)," June Russell "(colored)," and Mary Bowman.

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Executive Committee member expenses voucher, 1878 January 4

  • Box 5.31, folder 8
To top

Legal expenses invoice, 1878 December 2

  • Box 5.31, folder 9
To top

Voucher to Professor Crandale for funds to establish the Mechanical Department, 1878 July 4

  • Box 5.31, folder 10
To top

List of items purchased from John S. Wilson from February 3, 1876 to June 4, 1878, 1878

  • Box 5.37, folder 2
Scope and Contents

List includes notations regarding whether the items were for "Arts" or for "A & M" with a final tallly of amount owed by KU and by A&M College.

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Legal expenses receipts, 1879 May 26-June 2

  • Box 5.31, folder 11
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Inovice and receipt for commission for selling Woodlands estate, 1882 January 10

  • Box 5.31, folder 12
Scope and Contents

J.E. Keller, agent

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Kentucky University building/Morrison Chapel repair contract (with John McMurtry) budget and expenses invoices and receipts, 1886 June 29-1887 June 1

  • Box 5.31, folder 13
To top

"New academic building" expenses invoices, checks, receipts, and cash book for the Committee on Academic Building, 1887 July 16-December 13, undated

  • Box 5.31, folder 14
To top

Attorney D.G. Falconer list of mortgage and other debts owed and collected, plus legal expenses, 1887 February 11-November 29

  • Box 5.31, folder 15
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Operating expenses invoice and voucher, undated

  • Box 5.31, folder 16
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Executive Committee member expenses invoice and voucher, undated

  • Box 5.31, folder 17
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Treasurer Henry H. White correspondence, worksheets, and invoices, 1876-1903

  • Box 5.31, folder 18
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Baraboux & Co. letters to W.J. Withers, H.H. White, and H.W. White regarding an engine purchase, 1879 July 2-1880 January 2

  • Box 5.31, folder 19
To top

Working notes including list of bills receivable, stocks, official bonds, and bonds, undated

  • Box 5.31, folder 20
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Index 1 of names and associated page numbers, undated

  • Box 5.36, folder 6
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Index 2 of individual and fund names with associated page numbers, undated

  • Box 5.36, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Document was originally laid in "Bowman v Ky. University, list of papers deposited in court" now found in "Leases, Deeds, and Legal Documents" subseries in the "Administration Series."

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Empty envelope, undated

  • Box 5.31, folder 21
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2 empty envelopes with writing, undated

  • Box 5.31, folder 22
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Front and back covers for a "Ledger, Kentucky University", undated

  • Box 5.36, folder 5
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Donations and Fundraising, 1864-1971, undated

Corresondence, receipts, and working lists of pledges and payments, 1864-1878, undated

  • Box 5.31, folder 23
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General filled in promissory notes, 1879, 1891-1892

  • Box 5.31, folder 24
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J.B. Bowman promissory notes, 1869, 1874-1876

  • Box 5.31, folder 25
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D.A. Sayre and Co. promissory note and agreement, 1874-1877

  • Box 5.31, folder 26
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George Poindexter affidavit regarding his use of his tuition stock certificates dating from around 1856-1858, 1879 July 12

  • Box 5.31, folder 27
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Promissory note receipt book, 1858-1859

  • Box 5.18, folder 5
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Promissory note receipt book, 1864-1867

  • Box 5.18, folder 6
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Promissory note receipt book, 1864-1867, laid-in items, 1882

  • Box 5.18, folder 7
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Promissory note receipt book, 1865-1867

  • Box 5.18, folder 8
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Promissory note receipt book, 1869

  • Box 5.18, folder 9
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Promissory note receipt book, 1869, laid-in items, 1882

  • Box 5.18, folder 10
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Two blank promissory notes, one with handwritten label, "Appendix C", 1865?-1869?

  • Box 5.18, folder 11
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Filled-in tuition stock certificates, 1860-1883

  • Box 5.36, folder 21
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J.B. Bowman certification of A.H. Bowman's donation/subscription to Kentucky University, 1878 August 28

  • Box 5.31, folder 1
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Blank tuition stock certificates, undated

  • Box 5.36, folder 22
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Library correspondence regarding tuition certificates, 1971

  • Box 5.31, folder 28
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Loose coupons and coupon book of surrendered tuition stock certificates, 1893

  • Box 5.31, folder 29
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Subscription coupons, correspondence, and payments for pledges for gymnasium and reading room, 1892 June 15-1895 June 1, undated

  • Box 5.31, folder 30
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Subscribers to brick street pavement debt, 1899 June 2

  • Box 5.31, folder 31
To top

Solicitation letter and and blank and filled in pledge cards for the "Endowment and Equipment of the Science Department", 1906 August 10-September 1

  • Box 5.31, folder 32
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Filled in pledge cards for "permanent endowment", 1905-1907

  • Box 5.31, folder 33
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Filled-in Transylvania University pledge card, 1924 June 23

  • Box 5.31, folder 34
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Insurance Policies, 1871-1878

Insurance policy from the Home Insurance Company, 1871 July 6

  • Box 5.31, folder 35
To top

Receipt for insurance policy payment from Lancashire Insurance Company, 1878 March 23

  • Box 5.31, folder 36
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Property, Stock, and Investments, 1859-1885, undated

Draft of terms and conditions to rent the farm and assume the obligation and expense of managing student labor and run the farm, 1876 October 1

  • Box 5.36, folder 3
To top

Ashland and Woodland estates lease expenses refund authorization, 1876 June 24-September 23

  • Box 5.31, folder 37
To top

Ashland house rental agreement/note between Thomas Egan? (rentee) and J.B. Bowman (renter), 1876 November 11

  • Box 5.32, folder 1
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Inventory of stock, crops, farming implements, etc. turned over to J.B. Bowman by John A. Deane, Superintendent, 1871 October 1

  • Box 5.32, folder 2
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Commercial Bank of Kentucky stock certificates and payment voucher, 1859-1866, 1882 May 16

  • Box 5.32, folder 3
Scope and Contents

(Donated by Mrs. E.H. James.)

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Subject file: Commercial Bank of Kentucky stock and filled-in tuition stock certificates information, undated

  • Box 5.32, folder 4
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Stock certificates of the National Bank of Cynthiana, the Corry Machine Company, the Cosmopolitan Oil and Mining Company, New Farmer's Bank, and Lexington & Frankfort Turnpike Road Co., 1866-1895

  • Box 5.32, folder 5
To top

Promissory notes to and from Kentucky University, 1874 March 5-1878 November 1

  • Box 5.32, folder 6
To top

Account of and receipt for money received from the sale and rent of Ashland estate, 1878 September 28-October 8

  • Box 5.32, folder 7
To top

Receipt for county bonds purchased by Kentucky University, 1885 November 2

  • Box 5.32, folder 8
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Student Accounts, 1837-1908, undated

Treasurer's book (Samuel Hatch) for Bacon College, containing "session" lists of student names and payments, pp. 64-67, 71-80, 1837-1839

  • Volume V5.10
Scope and Contents

Volume V5.10 is a combined day book and journal. For Bacon College, the volume includes a listing of debits and credits and bills payable for college operating expenses; names of students and fees paid (including for the Prepatory Department) in alphabetical order or by college session; and names of subscribers and pledge installments, 1837-1839?. For Kentucky University at Harrodsburg and Lexington, the volume is a chronological listing of student names, their college, and fees paid, including whether the student had coupons, 1860-1867.

To top

Treasurer's book (Samuel Hatch) for Bacon College, containing "Session Book for Kentucky University," pp. 83-end, 1860-1867

  • Volume V5.10
Scope and Contents

Volume V5.10 is a combined day book and journal. For Bacon College, the volume includes a listing of debits and credits and bills payable for college operating expenses; names of students and fees paid (including for the Prepatory Department) in alphabetical order or by college session; and names of subscribers and pledge installments, 1837-1839?. For Kentucky University at Harrodsburg and Lexington, the volume is a chronological listing of student names, their college, and fees paid, including whether the student had coupons, 1860-1867.

To top

Student cash day book, 1870 August 1-1878 May 14

  • Volume V5.16
Scope and Contents

Listing student names and fees paid in chronological order.

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Tuition and matriculation fees promisory notes, 1874 June 17-1877 September 19, 1899 February 1

  • Box 5.32, folder 9
To top

List of student names in alphabetical order with their dates of attendance and associated numerical amounts, 1859-1907

  • Box 5.32, folder 10
Scope and Contents

Includes an index listing the page numbers associated with last names beginning with each alphabet letter. Also includes a summary of students aided since 1890.

To top

Lists of "session bills issued" in chronological order, 1873 September 9-1891 April 21

  • Box 5.32, folder 11
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Day book/ledger of lists of students, their college, and fees paid or tuition credits used, pp. 36-end (1874-1877), 1874-1877

  • Box 5.17, folder 9
Scope and Contents

Also includes a general ledger, pp. 1-35 (1874-1875, no index) with undated fund balances as well as lists of notes amounts and names.

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Correspondence to Regent and/or to Treasurer regarding individual students entering Kentucky University using tuition coupons or a Transylvania Scholarship, 1877 September 10-October 1

  • Box 5.32, folder 12
To top

Account of John J. Wilson, matriculation fees and room rent, debits and credits, 1878 June 6

  • Box 5.32, folder 13
To top

N.G. Heller request for refund of room rent, 1878 June 14

  • Box 5.32, folder 14
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List of students in chronological order with fees paid and unpaid (2 foldeers), 1891 September 14-1901 May 31, undated

  • Box 5.32, folder 15-16
Scope and Contents

Includes a list of tuition "coupons relinquished" by coupon number and amount on the inside front cover.

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Kentucky University, Lexington, Registrar, student cash book, list of names and account balances, 1902-1903

  • Box 5.32, folder 17
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Kentucky University, Lexington, Registrar, student cash book, list of names and account balances, 1903-1904

  • Box 5.20, folder 1
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Kentucky University, Lexington, Registrar, student cash book, list of names and account balances, 1905-1907

  • Box 5.20, folder 2
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Kentucky University, Lexington, Registrar, student cash book, list of names and account balances, 1907-1908

  • Box 5.20, folder 3
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Kentucky University, Lexington, Registrar, list of names, addresses, and pledges to chapel fund, 1900-1905

  • Box 5.20, folder 4
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Treasurer's Reports and Bonds, 1837-1919, undated

Treasurer's book (Samuel Hatch) for Bacon College, pp. 1-63, p. 82, 1837-1839

  • Volume V5.10
Scope and Contents

Volume V5.10 is a combined day book and journal. For Bacon College, the volume includes a listing of debits and credits and bills payable for college operating expenses; names of students and fees paid (including for the Prepatory Department) in alphabetical order or by college session; and names of subscribers and pledge installments, 1837-1839?. For Kentucky University at Harrodsburg and Lexington, the volume is a chronological listing of student names, their college, and fees paid, including whether the student had coupons, 1860-1867.

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Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1877 June 12

  • Box 5.21, folder 1
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Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1877 September 11

  • Box 5.21, folder 2
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Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1879 May 31-June 10

  • Box 5.21, folder 3
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Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1880 May 31

  • Box 5.21, folder 4
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Copy of Treasurer's Report, Henry H. White, Treasurer, 1881 May 31

  • Box 5.21, folder 5
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Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1882 June 21

  • Box 5.21, folder 6
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Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1883 May 31

  • Box 5.21, folder 7
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Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1884 June 6

  • Box 5.21, folder 8
To top

Supplementary Report of Treasurer, 1884 June 6

  • Box 5.21, folder 9
To top

Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1885 June 5

  • Box 5.21, folder 10
To top

Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1886 June 4

  • Box 5.21, folder 11
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Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1887 June 3

  • Box 5.21, folder 12
To top

Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1888 June

  • Box 5.21, folder 13
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Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1889 June

  • Box 5.21, folder 14
To top

Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1890 June 6

  • Box 5.21, folder 15
To top

Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1891 June 5

  • Box 5.21, folder 16
To top

Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1892 June 3

  • Box 5.21, folder 17
To top

Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1893 June 2

  • Box 5.21, folder 18
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Copy of Treasurer's Report (2 copies), 1894 June 7

  • Box 5.36, folder 20
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Copy of Treasurer's Report, 1895 May 31

  • Box 5.21, folder 19
To top

Treasurer's Annual Reports, Treasurer J.T Vance, 1907 June 1-1919 June 1

  • Volume V5.17
Scope and Contents

Reports are for Kentucky University (1907 June 1-1908 June 1) and Transylvania University (1909 June 1-1919 June 1).

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Bond of J.B. Bowman, 1870 June 15

  • Box 5.21, folder 20
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Bond of J.B. Bowman, A.H. Bowman, and D.M. Bowman, 1874 June 27

  • Box 5.21, folder 21
To top

Bonds of D.S. Goodlow, 1874 July 17-1877 October 2

  • Box 5.21, folder 22
To top

Henry W. White and H.H. White bond as Treasurer, 1878 August 10

  • Box 5.21, folder 23
To top

Henry H. White bond as Treasurer, 1879 June 12-1900 June 13

  • Box 5.21, folder 24
To top

John T. Vance bonds as Treasurer, 1901 June 20-1905 July 1

  • Box 5.21, folder 25
To top

Envelope that contained Treasurer's bond statements, undated

  • Box 5.21, folder 26
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Printed Materials Series, 1861-1965, undated

Scope and Contents

The Printed Materials Series, 1861 to 1965 and undated, comprises printed publications, programs, and invitations produced by, for, and about Kentucky University administration, teaching, students, and alumni. Publications include the annual catalog and announcements for 1865 to 1901; typescript texts of various orations and petitions (1866-1874); commencement, Founder's Day, and other event programs (1861-1908 and undated); the "Kentucky University Bulletin" newsletter (1900-1907); relevant charters, laws, statutes, rules, and regulations (1866-1878); student literary society magazines "The Atlantis," (1886), "The Collegian" (1872-1873), "The Focus" (1890), and the "Kentucky University Tablet" (1887-1890); an alumni directory for graduates from 1861 to 1896; newspaper clippings about the university; and regent, treasurer, and Agricultural and Mechanical College reports (1868-1880 and undated). Series is arranged into ten subseries and thereunder alphabetically by title or chronologically. The contents of this series, especially the addresses, the literary society student publications, and the reports, overlap with and support other series in the collection, particularly the Treasury Series, the Student Organizations and Student Life Series, and the Administration Series.

Addresses, Lectures, and Presentations, 1866-1874, undated

"A plea for science:" an address delivered in Morrison Chapel, Kentucky University, commencement day, by Alexander Winchell, A.M., 1866 June 28

  • Box 5.18, folder 12
To top

"Address before the alumni of Kentucky University", 1868 June 25

  • Box 5.18, folder 13
To top

"Address of the Board of Curators of Kentucky University to certain churches and donors....together with the minority address to the same" (5 copies), 1873 September 16

  • Box 5.18, folder 14
  • Box 5.22, folder 1
To top

"Report of the proceedings of the Board of Curators of Kentucky University at a called meeting held in Morrison College", 1873 September 16-18

  • Box 5.22, folder 2
To top

"Kentucky University. Remonstrance of Curators.", 1874

  • Box 5.36, folder 9
To top

"Substance of the argument of Col. W.C.P. Breckinridge", 1874 January 16

  • Box 5.22, folder 3
To top

"Speech of Hon. John A. Prall", 1874 February 10

  • Box 5.22, folder 4
To top

"Address to the friends of Kentucky University" regarding the "organization of the several colleges", undated

  • Box 5.22, folder 5
To top

Annual Catalogs and Announcements, 1865-1901, undated

"The Announcement of Kentucky University for the Year 1865-'66, Lexington, KY., 1865", 1865

  • Box 5.22, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Printed by Caleb Clark, Book & Job Printer, S.W. Corner Third and Walnut Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio.

To top

"Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Kentucky University for the Academical Year 1865-1866 with the General Announcement for 1866-1867", 1866

  • Box 5.22, folder 8
Scope and Contents

Printed by Gazette Printing Company, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Subject file: The announcement of Kentucky University 1866", undated

  • Box 5.22, folder 9
To top

"Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Kentucky University for the Session of 1866-1867 with the General Announcement for 1867-1868", 1867

  • Box 5.22, folder 10
Scope and Contents

Printed by Gazette Printing Company, Lexington, Kentucky. Missing front cover; binding is broken.

To top

"Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Kentucky University for the Session of 1870-71, with the General Announcement for 1871-72. Lexington, Kentucky" (2 copies), 1871

  • Box 5.22, folder 12
Scope and Contents

Printed by John P. Morton and Company, 156 W. Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Kentucky University for the Session of 1871-72, with the General Announcement for 1872-73. Lexington, Kentucky" (2 copies), 1872

  • Box 5.22, folder 13
Scope and Contents

Printed by John P. Morton and Company, 156 W. Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Kentucky University for the Session of 1872-73, with the General Announcement for 1873-74. Lexington, Kentucky" (2 copies), 1873

  • Box 5.22, folder 14
Scope and Contents

Printed by John P. Morton and Company, 156 W. Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Kentucky University for the Session of 1873-4, with the General Announcement for 1874-5. Lexington, Kentucky" (2 copies), 1874

  • Box 5.23, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Printed by Press Printing Company Job Rooms, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Kentucky University for the Session of 1876-77, with the General Announcement for 1877-78. Lexington, Kentucky", 1877

  • Box 5.23, folder 2
Scope and Contents

Printed by John P. Morton & Co, 156 and 158 West Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of the Students of Kentucky University for the Session of 1877-78, and the Announcements of the Courses of Study and of the Instructors in the University and in the State Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Session of 1878-79" (2 copies), 1878

  • Box 5.23, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Printed by Transylvania Printing and Publishing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Annual Catalogue of the Students of Kentucky University for the Session of 1878-79 and the Annoucement for 1879-80", 1879

  • Box 5.23, folder 4
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Annual catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible. 1879. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing & Publishing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Annual Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, for the Twenth-First Session, Ending June 10, 1880, and the Annoucement for 1880-81" (2 copies), 1880

  • Box 5.23, folder 5
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible. 1880. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing & Publishing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Annual Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky. For the Twenth-Second Session, Ending June 9, 1881, and the Annoucement for 1881-82" (2 copies), 1881

  • Box 5.23, folder 6
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible. 1881. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Company, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Annual Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky. For the Twenth-Third Session, Ending June 8, 1882, and the Annoucement for 1882-83" (2 copies), 1882

  • Box 5.23, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible. 1882. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Annual Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, For the Twenth-Fifth Session, Ending June 12, 1884, and the Annoucement for 1884-85" (2 copies), 1884

  • Box 5.23, folder 8
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible. 1884. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Company, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Annual Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, For the Twenth-Sixth Session, Ending June 11, 1885, and the Annoucement for 1885-86" (2 copies), 1885

  • Box 5.23, folder 9
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible. 1885. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Company, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Annual Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, For the Twenth-Seventh Session, Ending June 10, 1886, and the Annoucement for 1886-87" (2 copies), 1886

  • Box 5.23, folder 10
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible. 1886. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Company, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Annual Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, For the Twenth-Eighth Session, Ending June 9, 1887, and the Annoucement for 1887-88" (2 copies), 1887

  • Box 5.23, folder 11
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible. 1887. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Company, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Annual Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, For the Twenth-Ninth Session, Ending June 14, 1888, and the Annoucement for 1888-89" (2 copies), 1888

  • Box 5.23, folder 12
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible. 1888. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Annual Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, For the Thirtieth Session, Ending June 13th, 1889, and the Annoucement for 1889-90" (2 copies), 1889

  • Box 5.23, folder 13
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University, and of the College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky. 1889." Printed by Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky. Errata printed on inside front cover.

To top

"The Annual Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, For the Thirty-First Session, Ending June 12th, 1890, and the Annoucement for 1890-91" (2 copies), 1890

  • Box 5.23, folder 14
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University, and of the College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky. 1890." Printed by Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, 1890-91. Organized as Bacon College A.D. 1836." (2 copies), 1891

  • Box 5.24, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky. 1891." Printed by Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, 1891-92. Organized as Bacon College A.D. 1836." (2 copies), 1892

  • Box 5.24, folder 2
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University and of the College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky. 1892." Printed by The Will S. Marshall Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, 1892-93. Organized as Bacon College A.D. 1836; United with Transylvania University A.D. 1865" (2 copies), 1893

  • Box 5.24, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University, 1893. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, 1893-94. Organized as Bacon College A.D. 1836; United with Transylvania University A.D. 1865, Which was established Jan. 1, 1799." (2 copies), 1894

  • Box 5.24, folder 4
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University (Incorporated) 1894. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of Kentucky University. Lexington, Ky. 1894-95. Organized as Bacon College A.D. 1836; United in 1865 with Transylvania University, Which was established Jan. 1, 1799." (2 copies), 1895

  • Box 5.24, folder 5
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University (Incorporated) 1895. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of Kentucky University. Lexington, Ky. 1895-96. Organized as Bacon College A.D. 1836; United in 1865 with Transylvania University, Which was established Jan. 1, 1799." (2 copies), 1896

  • Box 5.24, folder 6
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University (Incorporated) 1896. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of Kentucky University. Lexington, Ky. 1896-97. Organized as Bacon College A.D. 1836; United in 1865 with Transylvania University, Which was established Jan. 1, 1799." (2 copies), 1897

  • Box 5.24, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Catalogue of Kentucky University/ Incorporated 1897. Lexington, Kentucky." Printed by Transylvania Printing Co., Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of Kentucky University/ Lexington and Louisville/ 1897-98. Organized as Bacon College A.D. 1836; United in 1865 with Transylvania University, Which was established Jan. 1, 1799." (3 copies), 1898

  • Box 5.24, folder 8
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "1898 Kentucky University/ Incorporated/ Lexington and Louisville" Printed by Transylvania Printing Commpany, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Catalogue of Kentucky University/ Lexington and Louisville/ 1898-99. Organized as Bacon College A.D. 1836; United in 1865 with Transylvania University, Which was established Jan. 1, 1799.", 1899

  • Box 5.24, folder 9
Scope and Contents

Front cover is missing. Printed by E.V. Veach, Printer, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"Transylvania Normal College of Kentucky University. Lexington, Kentucky. Each Annual Session begins on the second Monday in September and continues forty weeks/ Announcement for 1901-1902", 1901

  • Box 5.24, folder 10
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "Transylvania Normal College of Kentucky University/ 1900-1901/ Lexington, Kentucky."

To top

Charters, Laws, Statutes, 1866-1878, undated

"The Charter and the Other Acts of the Legislature Relating to Kenucky University: Together with the Statutes and Laws, As Revised and Adopted by the Board of Curators, July 12, 1866, to Which is Appended An Historical Sketch of the University." (4 copies), 1866 July 12

  • Box 5.24, folder 11
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "The Charter, Statutes, and Laws of Kentucky University" Printed by Gazette Printing Company, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Charters of Bacon College and Kentucky University: Also the Other Acts of the Legislature Relating to Kentucky University; Together with the Statutes, as Revised and Adopted by the Board of Curators, June 10, 1886" (7 copies), 1886 June 10

  • Box 5.24, folder 12
Scope and Contents

Title on front cover is "The Charter and Statutes of Kentucky University" Printed by Transylvania Printing Company, Lexington, Kentucky.

To top

"The Law and The Facts in the Case. The Charters of Bacon College and Kentucky University and An Act to Consolidate Kentucky and Transylvania Universities, and an Act Establishing the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky as one of the Colleges of Kentucky University. The Legal Status of Kentucky University, with a Brief Cirticism of Regent Bowman's Management. Addenda Reviewing Regent Bowman's Statements and Figures as found in the 'Majority Address.'" (4 copies), 1874 January 1

  • Box 5.25, folder 1
To top

Subject file: Charters, statutes, and laws, 1866, 1874, 1886, undated

  • Box 5.25, folder 2
To top

"Kentucky University/ Its Legal Status" (2 copies), 1873

  • Box 5.25, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Printed by Lowe & Stanley, 105 Fifth Street, Louisville, Kentucky.

To top

"In House of Representatives. Substitute for House Bill Number 238, 'An Act to Amend an Act, entitled 'An act to amend the charter of Bacon College,' approved January 15th, 1858" (3 copies, 1 copy notated), 1874 February 9

  • Box 5.21, folder 53
To top

"Chapter 424. An Act in Relation to the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, and to Provide for the Future Management and Location Thereof" and "Chapter 901. An Act to Amend and Supplement an Act, Entitled 'An Act in Relation to the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, and to Provide for the Future Management and Location Thereof.", 1878 March 13-April 9

  • Box 5.21, folder 54
To top

"General Government" of Kentucky University, undated

  • Box 5.25, folder 4
To top

Event Programs and Invitations, 1861-1965, undated

"Celebration of 22d of February, 1861. Kentucky University." (Founders Day celebration) program, 1861 February 22

  • Box 5.25, folder 5
To top

"Commencement Exercises of Kentucky University" program, 1861 June 26

  • Box 5.25, folder 6
To top

"Celebration Twenth-Second of February, 1862. Kentucky University." (Founders Day celebration) program, 1862 February 22

  • Box 5.25, folder 7
To top

"Commencement Exercises of Kentucky University" program, 1862 June 25

  • Box 5.25, folder 8
To top

"Eighth Annual Commencement of Kentucky University" program, 1867 June 27

  • Box 5.25, folder 9
To top

"Tenth Annual Commencement of Kentucky University" program, 1869 June 11

  • Box 5.25, folder 11
To top

"Third Annual Exhibition of the Ashland Institute of Kentucky University" program, 1870 June 7

  • Box 5.25, folder 12
To top

"Twelfth Annual Commencement of Kentucky University" program, 1871 June 9

  • Box 5.25, folder 13
To top

Kentucky University alumni supper invitation, 1873 June 10

  • Box 5.25, folder 14
To top

"Fourteenth Annual Commencement of the Associated Colleges of Kentucky University" program, 1873 June 12

  • Box 5.25, folder 15
To top

"Eighteenth Annual Commencement of the Associated Colleges of Kentucky University" program, 1877 June 14

  • Box 5.25, folder 16
To top

"Nineteenth Annual Commencement of the Associated Colleges of Kentucky University" program (2 copies), 1878 June 13

  • Box 5.25, folder 17
To top

"Commencement of the College of Arts of Kentucky University" program, 1881 June 9

  • Box 5.25, folder 18
To top

"Commencement of the College of Arts of Kentucky University" program, 1885 June 11

  • Box 5.25, folder 19
To top

"Kentucky University, Commencement of the College of Arts" program and transcripts of newspaper articles, 1886 June 10-11

  • Box 5.25, folder 20
To top

"Twenty-Eighth Commencement of Kentucky University" program, 1887 June 9

  • Box 5.25, folder 21
To top

"Twenty-Ninth Commencement of Kentucky University" program, 1888 June 14

  • Box 5.25, folder 22
To top

"Thirtieth Commencement of the College of Liberal Arts of Kentucky University" program, 1889 June 13

  • Box 5.25, folder 23
To top

"Kentucky University. Coillege of Liberal Arts. Thirty-First Annual Commencement" program (2 copies), 1890 June 12

  • Box 5.25, folder 24
To top

"Complimentary Concert Given to the Young Men Attending the Different Colleges in Lexington, Ky., at the Main Hall of the Commercial College," program, 1891 January 23

  • Box 5.25, folder 25
To top

"Dinner Given By Alumni Association of Kentucky University" menu, 1891 June 11

  • Box 5.25, folder 26
To top

"Thirty-second commencement of the College of Liberal Arts" program, 1891 June 11

  • Box 5.25, folder 27
To top

"Thirty-third annual commencement of the College of Liberal Arts" program, 1892 June 9

  • Box 5.25, folder 28
To top

"Commencement week Kentucky Univeristy and College of the Bible" invitation and program (3 copies), 1893 June 1

  • Box 5.25, folder 29
To top

"Class day Morrison Chapel" program, 1893 June 7

  • Box 5.25, folder 30
To top

"Commencement week Kentucky University" invitation and program, 1894 June 7-14

  • Box 5.25, folder 31
Scope and Contents

Includes names of graduates.

To top

"Class day program Morrison Chapel" program, 1894 June 13

  • Box 5.25, folder 32
To top

"Exercises of commencement week Kentucky University" invitation and program, 1895 June 6-13

  • Box 5.25, folder 33
To top

"Commencement exercises of Kentucky University" program, 1895 June 12

  • Box 5.25, folder 34
To top

"Kentucky University. College of Liberal Arts. Thirty-sixth annual commencement" program (2 copies), 1895 June 13

  • Box 5.25, folder 35
To top

"Kentucky University class day exercises" program, 1899 June 7

  • Box 5.25, folder 36
To top

"Kentucky University. College of Liberal Arts. Fortieth annual commencement" program, 1899 June 8

  • Box 5.25, folder 37
To top

College of Liberal Arts Centennial Commencement invitation, 1899 June 18

  • Box 5.25, folder 38
Scope and Contents

Includes names of the graduates.

To top

Twenty-fifth anniversary of Wilbur R. Smith as President of the Commerical College of Kentucky University invitation, 1901 June 4

  • Box 5.25, folder 39
To top

Secondary correspondence: Donation of invitation to 25th anniversary of Wilbur R. Smith presidency of Commericial College, 1942 August 15

  • Box 5.25, folder 40
To top

Subject file: Wilbur R. Smith and the Commercial College, 1913, 1954-1960, undated

  • Box 5.25, folder 41
To top

Annual commencement exercises, College of the Bible and College of Liberal Arts, invitation and program (3 copies), 1903 June 8-11

  • Box 5.25, folder 42
To top

"Kentucky University. College of Liberal Arts. Forty-fourth commencement College of Liberal Arts" program (2 copies), 1903 June 11

  • Box 5.25, folder 43
To top

Commencement exercises invitation and program (2 copies), 1903 July 3

  • Box 5.25, folder 44
Scope and Contents

Includes names of the graduates.

To top

Kentucky University Medical Department commencement invitation and program (2 copies), 1903 July 3

  • Box 5.25, folder 45
To top

"Reception of the Alumni Association" program, 1904 June 8

  • Box 5.25, folder 46
To top

Reunion exercises of Kentucky University invitation and program "in celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the removal of the University to Lexington", 1905 June 1-8

  • Box 5.25, folder 47
To top

"Fortieth annual commencement of the College of the Bible...Anniversary Exercises...One hundred and Sixth Annual Commencement of the College of Liberal Arts" program, 1905 June 6-8

  • Box 5.25, folder 48
To top

Commencement of the College of the Bible program, 1906 June 9-14

  • Box 5.25, folder 49
To top

"Francis Can't Come," Lexington Leader article regarding 1906 commencement exercises and alumni dinner, 1906 June 10

  • Box 5.25, folder 50
To top

"Kentucky University Forty-ninth Annual Commencement of the College of Liberal Arts" program, 1908 June 11

  • Box 5.25, folder 51
To top

"Joint centennial program, the College of the Bible (Lexington Theological Seminary) and the University of Kentucky" program and blank reservation card, 1965 February 10-12

  • Box 5.25, folder 52
To top

"Inauguration of Wiley Alfred Welsh,"President of the College of the Bible, invitation, 1965 March 9

  • Box 5.25, folder 53
To top

Unidentified event programs (3 items), undated

  • Box 5.25, folder 54
To top

Commencement program, undated

  • Box 5.25, folder 55
To top

"Mrs. William Henry Strossman" calling card, undated

  • Box 5.25, folder 56
To top

Subject file: Commencement programs, undated

  • Box 5.25, folder 57
To top

Literary Society and Student Publications, 1886-1890, undated

"The Atlantis" a monthly magazine, volume 1, number 2, 1886 February

  • Box 5.26, folder 1
To top

"The Atlantis" a monthly magazine, volume 1, number 4, 1886 April

  • Box 5.26, folder 2
To top

"The Atlantis" a monthly magazine, volume 1, number 5, 1886 May

  • Box 5.26, folder 3
To top

"The Collegian," volume unknown, 1872 July

  • Box 5.26, folder 4
To top

"The Collegian," volume 1, number 4, 1872 September

  • Box 5.26, folder 5
To top

"The Collegian," volume 1, number 5, 1872 October

  • Box 5.26, folder 6
To top

"The Collegian," volume 1, number 6, 1872 November

  • Box 5.26, folder 7
To top

"The Collegian," volume unknown, 1872 December

  • Box 5.26, folder 8
To top

"The Collegian," volume 1, number 8, 1873 January

  • Box 5.26, folder 9
To top

"The Collegian," volume 1, number 9, 1873 February

  • Box 5.26, folder 10
To top

"The Collegian," volume 1, number 10, 1873 March

  • Box 5.26, folder 11
To top

"The Collegian," volume 1, number 11, 1873 April

  • Box 5.26, folder 12
To top

"The Collegian," volume 2, number 13, 1873 June

  • Box 5.26, folder 13
To top

"The Collegian," volume 2, number 14, 1873 June

  • Box 5.26, folder 14
To top

"The Collegian," volume 2, number 15, 1873 July

  • Box 5.26, folder 15
To top

"The Collegian," volume 2, number 16, 1873 July

  • Box 5.26, folder 16
To top

"The Collegian," volume 2, number 18, 1873 August

  • Box 5.26, folder 17
To top

"The Collegian," volume 2, number 19, 1873 September

  • Box 5.26, folder 18
To top

Subject file: "The Collegian"undated, undated

  • Box 5.26, folder 19
To top

"The Focus," volume 1, number 1, 1890 June

  • Box 5.26, folder 20
To top

"The Focus," volume 2, number 1, 1890 October

  • Box 5.26, folder 21
To top

"The Focus," volume 2, number 2, 1890 November

  • Box 5.26, folder 22
To top

"Kentucky University Tablet," volume 1, number 1, 1887 February

  • Box 5.26, folder 23
To top

"Kentucky University Tablet," volume 1, number 2, 1887 March

  • Box 5.26, folder 24
To top

"Kentucky University Tablet," volume 2, number 6, 1888 March

  • Box 5.26, folder 25
To top

"Kentucky University Tablet," volume 2, number 7, 1888 April

  • Box 5.26, folder 26
To top

"Kentucky University Tablet," volume 2, number 9, 1888 June

  • Box 5.26, folder 27
To top

"Kentucky University Tablet," volume 3, number 3, 1888 December

  • Box 5.27, folder 1
To top

"Kentucky University Tablet," volume 3, number 4, 1889 January

  • Box 5.27, folder 2
To top

"Kentucky University Tablet," volume 3, number 6, 1889 March

  • Box 5.27, folder 3
To top

"Kentucky University Tablet," volume 3, number 8, 1889 May

  • Box 5.27, folder 4
To top

"Kentucky University Tablet," volume 5, number 7, 1890 April

  • Box 5.27, folder 5
To top

Newsletters and Directories, 1896-1907

"Commercial College of Kentucky University Business Review" volume 4, number 11 (with penciled edits for volume 4, number 12), 1899 March

  • Box 5.37, folder 4
To top

"Kentucky University Bulletin," volume 2, number 2 (Fragile), 1900 October

  • Box 5.37, folder 5
Scope and Contents

Includes information on the Kentucky University Medical Department, Transylvania Normal School, College of Liberal Arts, and photographs of the Periclean Society and the State Certificate Class.

To top

"Kentucky University Bulletin," volume 2, number 4, 1902 June

  • Box 5.27, folder 6
To top

"Announcement of the Commercial College of Kentucky University", 1903 Summer

  • Box 5.37, folder 6
To top

"Kentucky University Bulletin," volume 3, number 4, 1903 October

  • Box 5.27, folder 7
To top

"Kentucky University Bulletin," volume 6, number 4, 1906 August

  • Box 5.27, folder 8
To top

"Kentucky University Bulletin," volume 7, number 2, 1907 April

  • Box 5.27, folder 9
To top

Subject file: "Kentucky University Bulletin", undated

  • Box 5.27, folder 10
To top

"Kentucky University alumni book [directory], 1861-1896" (4 copies), 1896

  • Box 5.22, folder 6
To top

Newspaper clippings, 1868-1903, undated

KU newspaper clippings, 1868-1872

  • Box 5.37, folder 7
To top

KU newspaper clippings (one is pasted on the back of an annual Treasurer's report), 1873

  • Box 5.37, folder 8
  • Box 5.27, folder 11
To top

KU newspaper clippings, 1874-1876

  • Box 5.37, folder 9
  • Box 5.27, folder 12
To top

KU newspaper clippings, 1877-1878

  • Box 5.37, folder 10
To top

KU newspaper clippings, 1879

  • Box 5.37, folder 11
To top

KU newspaper clippings (very fragile), 1899

  • Box 5.27, folder 13
To top

KU newspaper clippings, 1901-1902

  • Box 5.37, folder 12
  • Box 5.27, folder 14
To top

KU newspaper clippings, 1903

  • Box 5.27, folder 15
To top

KU newspaper clippings, undated

  • Box 5.27, folder 16
To top

Petitions, 1873, undated

Correspondence "To the Christian Churches of Kentucky and the Donors of Kentucky University:" regarding their petition, 1873

  • Box 5.27, folder 17
To top

"Petition to the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Kentucky" from the congregation of the Disciples of Christ, undated

  • Box 5.21, folder 55
To top

"Kentucky University: A Remonstrance" "against any change in the charter of Kentucky University" (to remain in Lexington), undated

  • Box 5.21, folder 56
Scope and Contents

Includes names of signatories. Two copies, one blank and one with notes.

To top

Reports, 1868-1880, undated

"Annual report of the Regent of Kentucky University presented to the Board of Curators", 1868 June 23

  • Box 5.27, folder 18
To top

"Report of the Agricultural and Mechanical college of Kentucky", 1869

  • Box 5.27, folder 19
To top

"Annual report of the Treasurer of Kentucky University", 1871 June 5

  • Box 5.27, folder 20
To top

"Annual report of the Treasurer of Kentucky University", 1871 June 6

  • Box 5.27, folder 21
To top

"Report concerning the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky", 1872 February 7

  • Box 5.27, folder 22
To top

Report from P.P. Johnston to the Senate, from the Joint Special Committee to visit Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1878 February 21

  • Box 5.27, folder 23
To top

"Annual report of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky", 1879

  • Box 5.27, folder 24
To top

"Annual report of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky", 1880

  • Box 5.27, folder 25
To top

"Address to the friends of Kentucky University, a statement of its present condition", 1880 July 1

  • Box 5.27, folder 26
To top

"Report of committee", undated

  • Box 5.27, folder 27
To top

"Draft of report of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky", undated

  • Box 5.27, folder 28
To top

"Proceedings of board of Curators of Kentucky University", undated

  • Box 5.36, folder 10
To top

University Rules and Regulations, 1867, undated

"Regulations for the Government of the Cadets of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky University", 1867

  • Box 5.27, folder 29
To top

"Regulations of the School of Tactics", undated

  • Box 5.27, folder 30
To top

"Loose sheets of various university rules and regulations", undated

  • Box 5.27, folder 31
To top

Student Organizations and Student Life Series, 1864-1959, undated

Scope and Contents

The Student Organizations and Student Life Series, 1864 to 1858 and undated, primarily comprises constitutions and bylaws, event programs, membership lists, minutes of meetings, and newspaper clippings for Kentucky University literary student literary societies, primarily the Cecropian Literary Society (1869-1925); the Periclean Society (18651915); the Phileusebian Society (1888-1895); and the Philothean Society (1869-1901). The societies' events included formal debates on current topics, orations, declamations, and musical performances. Other societies minimally represented include the Franklin Society (1864-1865), the Inter-Collegiate State Oratorical Association (1889), and Sigma Theta mermaids (undated). There are also four satirical or joke broadsides (1893 and undated), as well as programs of various oratorical contests (1888-1892). Series is arranged in alphabetical order by name of organization or title of document. For all the literary society publications, see the Printed Materials Series.

Photograph, "Fac-simile of mysterious banner, found in 'K.U. Campus,' Feb. 23rd, '93", 1893 February 13

  • Box 5.21, folder 27
Scope and Contents

(Title of banner might be "Brayer and Kicker on Bible students morals.")

To top

Broadside, "The Late Ratting Expedition," satiric fable by "Aesop, Jr.", undated

  • Box 5.21, folder 28
To top

Subject file and secondary correspondence: "College literary societies: Their contribution to the development of academic libraries, 1815-76" by Thomas S. Harding, 1959

  • Box 5.21, folder 29
Scope and Contents

("Given to Roemol Henry in appreciation")

To top

Cecropian Society constitution and by-laws, 1903?

  • Box 5.21, folder 30
To top

Subject file: Cecropian Literary Society, 1969, undated

  • Box 5.21, folder 31
To top

Cecropian Literary Society newspaper clippings, 1905, 1925

  • Box 5.21, folder 32
To top

"Annual exhibition of the Cecropian Society" program, 1869

  • Box 5.21, folder 33
To top

"Eight annual celebration of the Cecropian Society" program, 1873

  • Box 5.21, folder 34
To top

"Open session of the Cecropian Literary Society" program, 1883

  • Box 5.21, folder 35
To top

Cecropian Society annual entertainment and open session programs (3 items, 2 duplicates), 1885

  • Box 5.21, folder 36
To top

Cecropian Society annual entertainment and open session programs (2 items), 1886

  • Box 5.21, folder 37
To top

Cecropian Society annual entertainment and open session programs (3 items, 2 duplicates), 1887

  • Box 5.21, folder 38
To top

Cecropian Society open session programs (2 items), 1888

  • Box 5.21, folder 39
To top

Cecropian Society program, 1889

  • Box 5.21, folder 40
To top

Cecropian Society program (2 copies), 1890

  • Box 5.21, folder 41
To top

Cecropian Society program, undated

  • Box 5.21, folder 42
To top

Cecropian Society banquet menu, 1893

  • Box 5.21, folder 43
To top

Cecropian Society menu with handwritten poem "Our little sister" on back, 1894

  • Box 5.21, folder 44
To top

Cecropian Society invitations (2 items), 1872, 1876

  • Box 5.21, folder 45
To top

"SEEK-ROP-E-AN-SOCIETY," Cecropian Society joke broadside, undated

  • Box 5.36, folder 11
To top

Celebration of Washington's birthday programs (8 items), 1882-1897

  • Box 5.21, folder 46
To top

Franklin Society minutes, 1864-1865

  • Box 5.21, folder 47
To top

Subject file: Franklin and Newton Literary Societies (1836), undated

  • Box 5.21, folder 48
To top

Subject file: Newton L. P. Society, 1946

  • Box 5.21, folder 49
To top

Local oratorical contest programs (5 items), 1888-1892

  • Box 5.21, folder 50
To top

"Second annual contest of the Inter-Collegiate State Oratorical Assocation" program, 1889

  • Box 5.21, folder 51
To top

Ossolian Society second annual open session program, 1892

  • Box 5.21, folder 52
To top

Periclean Society constitution, members, and meeting minutes, 1865-1915

  • Box 5.28, folder 1
To top

Periclean Society constitution, members, and meeting minutes, 1865-1915: Laid-in materials, undated

  • Box 5.28, folder 2
To top

Periclean Society Librarian's report, 1898-1903

  • Box 5.28, folder 3
To top

Periclean Society minute book, 1885-1893

  • Box 5.28, folder 4
To top

Periclean Society minute book, 1887-1893

  • Box 5.28, folder 5
To top

Periclean Society minute book, 1893-1896

  • Box 5.28, folder 6
To top

Periclean Society minute book, 1897-1899

  • Box 5.29, folder 1
To top

Periclean Society Treasurer's book, 1894-1899

  • Box 5.29, folder 2
To top

Subject file: Periclean Society, undated

  • Box 5.29, folder 3
To top

Periclean Society pin, 1888

  • Box 5.29, folder 4
Scope and Contents

Given by A.P. Burum.

To top

Subject file: Periclean Society pin, 1888, undated

  • Box 5.29, folder 5
To top

H. P. Burum correspondence to various people regarding Periclean Society, 1938-1941

  • Box 5.29, folder 6
To top

Newspaper clipping, "Gen. Bronston's address before the Periclean Literary Society," unknown newspaper, 1885 June 9

  • Box 5.29, folder 7
To top

Printed photograph of Periclea Literary Society members, 1900

  • Box 5.29, folder 8
To top

"Peri Clean Society" comic broadside, undated

  • Box 5.29, folder 9
Scope and Contents

"So called because we clean up the whole society to give an entertainment."

To top

Periclean Society fourth annual exhibition program, 1869

  • Box 5.29, folder 10
To top

Periclean Society tenth annual exhibition program, 1875

  • Box 5.29, folder 11
To top

Periclean Society eleventh annual exhibition invitation, 1876

  • Box 5.29, folder 12
To top

Periclean Society fourteenth annual open session invitation, 1880

  • Box 5.29, folder 13
Scope and Contents

Donated by Mrs. A. Prewitt Payne, June 13, 1928.

To top

Periclean Society open session programs (2 items), 1885

  • Box 5.29, folder 14
To top

Periclean Society open session programs (3 items, 2 duplicates), 1886

  • Box 5.29, folder 15
To top

Periclean Society open session programs (2 items), 1887

  • Box 5.29, folder 16
To top

Periclean Society open session program, 1888

  • Box 5.29, folder 17
To top

Periclean Society open session program, 1889

  • Box 5.29, folder 18
To top

Periclean Society program, 1890

  • Box 5.29, folder 19
To top

Periclean Society annual open session invitation, 1895

  • Box 5.29, folder 20
To top

Phileusebian Society "Celebration of the Second Anniversary" program, 1888

  • Box 5.29, folder 21
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Phileusebian Society first annual June open session program, 1889

  • Box 5.29, folder 22
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Phileusebian Society "Celebration of the Second Annual June Open Session" program, 1890

  • Box 5.29, folder 23
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Phileusebian Society "Celebration of the Third Annual June Open Session" program and open session program (2 items), 1891

  • Box 5.29, folder 24
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Phileusebian Society open session program, 1892

  • Box 5.29, folder 25
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Phileusebian Society "Philusebia" program, 1895

  • Box 5.29, folder 26
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Unattached blank program cover for Philothean or Phileusebian Society event, undated

  • Box 5.29, folder 27
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Philothean Society, roll and minute book, 1887-1901

  • Box 5.30, folder 1
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Philothean Society, roll and minute book, 1903-1912

  • Box 5.29, folder 28
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Philothean Society, roll and minute book, 1911-1914

  • Box 5.30, folder 2
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Subject file: Philothean Society, undated

  • Box 5.29, folder 29
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"Annual Exhibition of the Philothean Society" program, 1869

  • Box 5.29, folder 30
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Philothean Society "Celebration of Garfield's Birthday" programs (5 items), 1884-1887

  • Box 5.29, folder 31
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Philothean Society open session and annual entertainment programs (2 items), 1886

  • Box 5.29, folder 32
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"Annual Entertainment by the Philothean Society" program, 1887

  • Box 5.29, folder 33
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"Annual Entertainment by the Philothean Society" programs (3 items, 2 duplicates), 1888

  • Box 5.29, folder 34
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"Annual Entertainment by the Philothean Society" program, 1889

  • Box 5.29, folder 35
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Philothean Society open session program, 1890

  • Box 5.29, folder 36
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Philothean Society "Philothea" program, 1900

  • Box 5.29, folder 37
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"Exhibition of the Philothean Society" program, undated

  • Box 5.29, folder 38
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Philothean Society prospectus for "The Young Evangelist: A Monthly Magazine, to be Conducted Under the Auspices of the Philothean Society, College of the Bible, Kentucky University", undated

  • Box 5.29, folder 39
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Sigma Theta mermaids, undated

  • Box 5.29, folder 40
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Secondary correspondence: Transylvania University societies, 1937-1942

  • Box 5.32, folder 18
To top

Subject file: Student societies at Transylvania, undated

  • Box 5.32, folder 19
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Administration Series, 1855-2016, undated, bulk 1855-1922, undated

Scope and Contents

The Administration Series, 1855 to 2016 and undated, primarily comprises Board of Curators, Board of Curators Executive Committee, and Board of Trustees meeting minutes; faculty meeting minutes; property leases and deeds, including for Woodland and Ashland; petitions, judgements, and court orders relating to John B. Bowman, Kentucky University, and the Agricultural and Mechanical College; petitions from community members to administrators in favor of or against university actions, including the move of the university from Harrodsburg to Lexington; William T. Withers correspondence with John B. Bowman (1871-1879); and history pamphlets and handwritten history notes. Series is arranged into five subseries by format and thereunder in chronological order. For printed reports, addresses, and petitions, see the Printed Materials Series.

Minutes, 1855-1941, undated

Board of Trustees/Board of Curators Minute Book, 1855 October 15-1887 June 7

  • Volume V5.18
Scope and Contents

Includes Bacon College Board of Trustees minutes, October 15, 1855-February 2, 1858; Kentucky University at Harrodsburg, Ky., Board of Curators minutes, February 2, 1858-June 22, 1865; and Kentucky University at Lexington, Ky., Board of Curators minutes, July 17, 1865-June 7, 1887. Also includes a mnauscript of the President's report to the board, June 8, 1886.

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Drafts or transcriptions of Board of Curators minutes regarding removal from Harrodsburg, 1865 June 20, undated

  • Box 5.32, folder 20
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Board of Curators Minute Book, 1868-1944

  • Volume V5.19
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"Insert this after the June Meeting: Geo. W. Ellery's Position," handwritten draft, 1869?

  • Box 5.32, folder 21
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"Copy of minutes for action, Executive Committee", 1878 June

  • Box 5.32, folder 22
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Executive Committee minutes, 1883-1899

  • Box 5.33, folder 1
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Executive Committee minutes, 1899-1908

  • Box 5.33, folder 2
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[Transcription of excerpt from Board of Curators meeting minutes?], 1900?

  • Box 5.32, folder 23
Scope and Contents

Includes statement about organization of the Board of Curators and about scholarships to the "Pan American States Republics."

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Executive Committee minutes 1899-1908: Laid-in materials, 1941 April, undated

  • Box 5.32, folder 24
Scope and Contents

Includes an issue of the "The Kentucky Christian," volume 35, number 4.

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Minutes of the Board of Trustees of Transylvania University, 1901-1902

  • Box 5.34, folder 1
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Executive Committee meeting minutes regarding discontinuing the Transylvania University prepatory department, 1914 January 7

  • Box 5.34, folder 2
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Minutes, Board of Trustees?, 1901 March 27

  • Box 5.34, folder 3
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Faculty Minute Volume, 1859-1905

  • Volume V5.20
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"Matriculation Volume" containing College of Liberal Arts faculty minutes, pp. 48-239, 1905 fall-1922 spring

  • Volume V5.4
Scope and Contents

Volume 5.4 also includes a listing names of students who signed the Kentucky University pledge each year, 1896-1904, pp. 1-46.

To top

Leases, Deeds, and Legal Documents, 1869-2006, undated

Woodland deed from Bowman to Kentucky University, 1869 June 1

  • Box 5.34, folder 4
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H.W. White receipt of books, papers, etc., from John B. Wallace, 1878 August 9

  • Box 5.34, folder 5
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"Comission Cash Book," listing "Judgments Against Kentucky University, Fayette County Court..." and "Bills Payable,...outstanding" for the 1877 September term through 1878 December 1, 1878 December

  • Box 5.37, folder 1
To top

Receipts documenting legal judgments in Fayette County Circulit Court in favor of individuals against Kentucky University, 1877 Dec.11-12

  • Box 5.34, folder 6
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Agreement between Kentucky University and Agricultural and Mechanical College and James K. Patterson letter, 1878 July 5-September 4

  • Box 5.34, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Regarding the rental of Ashland and Woodlands estates. Letter from James K. Patterson is addressed to the Executive Committee of Kentucky University on behalf of the Board of Visitors of the A&M College of Kentucky.

To top

Kentucky University estate disbursements ordered by Kentucky Court of Appeals, 1878 July 11-November 27

  • Box 5.34, folder 8
To top

Kentucky Court of Appeals opinion in Kentucky University vs H.H. White (A&M College), 1878 October 22

  • Box 5.34, folder 9
Scope and Contents

Regarding ownership of Ashland and Woodlands.

To top

Fayette County Court orders for sale of Woodlands and Ashlands estates to satisfy creditors, 1878 November 5

  • Box 5.34, folder 10
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Kentucky University loan/indenture to Northern Bank of Kentucky, 1878 December 2

  • Box 5.34, folder 11
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John B. Bowman petition against Kentucky University and accompanying exhibit of debits from 1874 July-1879 June 2, 1879 June 5

  • Box 5.34, folder 12
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"Bowman v Ky. University, list of papers deposited in court", 1880 September 21

  • Box 5.34, folder 13
Scope and Contents

"The foregoing described notes and papers were deposited in Court this 21st day of September 1880 by Jno [Jonathan?] A. Prall atty [attorney] for deff [defendent], James A. Headley, Clerk." Includes lists of notes and names of subscribers found in numbered books (Book no. 1, Book no. 2, etc.) to treasurer of Bacon College and to treasurer of Kentucky University, dated 1835 to 1874. (Laid-in Index 2 now cataloged in the "General Ledger and Supporting Documents" subseries in the Treasury Series.)

To top

Lease of land by agent for the Agricultural and Mechanical College, A. Smith McCann agent for Miss Nannie Smith, 1881 Jan. 5

  • Box 5.34, folder 14
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Letters and agreement regarding sale of Ashland estate to Henry C. McDowell, 1882 April 26-May 3

  • Box 5.34, folder 15
Scope and Contents

Letters from Henry C. McDowell to William J. Withers.

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"Slemmons House" on Woodlands Estate rental agreement, 1882 May 31

  • Box 5.34, folder 16
Scope and Contents

Renter was Ira Millions.

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Land lease agreement between Kentucky University and Robert J. Payne, 1896 March 1

  • Box 5.34, folder 17
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Subject file: Building information, undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 18
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Disk 01: Subject File: Ashland purchase agreement, 1804 Sept. 13, and brick agreement, 1805 Jan. 22 (scanned documents from Ashland: The Henry Clay Estate), 2006 March 10

  • Box 5.35, folder 6
  • DigitalFolder L2021ua019.02
  • DigitalFolder L2021ua019.03
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Reports and petitions, 1860-1897, undated

Draft resolution regarding Kentucky University's permanent location in Harrodsburg, 1860 September 18

  • Box 5.34, folder 19
To top

Report of the Committee of Seven and J.B. Bowman's pledge to Mercer County regarding the removal of Kentucky University, 1865 January 20, undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 20
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Letter to Board of Curators accompanying report from Committee on Finances, 1873 June 12

  • Box 5.34, folder 21
To top

Letter from J.S. Wortham to D.W. Sandeford regarding Litchfield Congregation and Antioch Congregation in Grayson County sending their petition to the legislature, 1873 December 11

  • Box 5.34, folder 22
To top

"Papers [?] before Legislature on University Bill", 1874 February

  • Box 5.34, folder 23
Scope and Contents

Primarily handwritten notes on "Powers of Corporations," "to alter or amend charters," and "Rules of Interpretation."

To top

List of names titled "Vote on passage of original University bill, 1874 Feby", 1874 February 13

  • Box 5.37, folder 3
Scope and Contents

The list of names includes associated numbers in the "yea" and "nay" columns. There are also two copies of the Daily Kentucky Yeoman newspaper issue listing the "Legislative Directory" with dots of varying sizes marked next to some of the names.

To top

Reports of the "The Committee appointed by the Board of Curators at its Annual Session in June 1878 to review the settlements of the officers and agents of Kentucky University,", 1878 September 5-1879 August 12

  • Box 5.34, folder 24
To top

Handwritten draft or notes, "outline of argument before Judiciary Committee of House and Senate" and list of court cases, undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 25
Scope and Contents

Probably dated from 1878.

To top

Handwritten set of numbered paragraphs titled "Upon the facts as set forth above the writer would offer the following" regarding ownership by Kentucky University of money pledged for the land and buildings of A&M College, undated

  • Box 5.36, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Probably dated from 1878.

To top

Report of the Building Committee to the Board of Curators, 1887 June 7

  • Box 5.34, folder 26
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Annual reports of presiding officer Wilbur R. Smith, Commerical College, 1894-1897

  • Box 5.34, folder 27
To top

Names of petition signees to remove the Agricultural and Mechanical College from Lexington, Kentucky, undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 28
To top

Handwritten list of faculty (probably 1860s-1870s), undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 29
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Correspondence, 1871-1879, undated

John B. Bowman and John B. Wallace and A.M. Barnes correspondence, 1878 March 12-1879 June 30

  • Box 5.34, folder 30
Scope and Contents

Includes letters regarding the dates and process for Bowman to give possession of Ashland property and to give his books and papers to a committee appointed by the Kentucky University Board of Curators to oversee the "settlement."

To top

William T. Withers incoming correspondence, general, 1871 November 17-1879 June 27

  • Box 5.34, folder 31
Scope and Contents

Includes 1) Letters from W.H. Hopson regarding church politics and the removal of Kentucky University from Harrodsburg (1871 Nov. 17). 2) Letters regarding "the bill" and "our cause at Frankfort" (1874 Jan.-Feb.). 3) A letter regarding J.B. Bowman's bond as Regent (1874). 4) A bill for Withers' stay at the Capital Hotel in Frankfort, Ky. (1874). 5) A postcard from Thomas M??ele regarding the Board's action with the Bible College (1875 June 14). 6) A letter from John G. Allen regarding his attendence at a Board of Curator's meeting (1877 May 15). 7) A letter from Andrew Steele regarding review of the accounts and payments and credits undertaken by J.B. Bowman (1879 June 27). 8) Letter and envelope from D.W. Standeford? regarding members of churches who have "acted to Saturday" (undated). 9) An emtpy envelope with handwritten pedigree information on the back for "Star Lady", foaled May 28, 1879 (1880 June 15).

To top

William T. Withers and John B. Bowman correspondence, 1871 July 3-September 27, 1878 June 17-1879 January 2

  • Box 5.34, folder 32
  • Box 5.36, folder 2
Scope and Contents

Correspondence regarding conflict between Bowman and the Christian Church in Kentucky (1871); and regarding Bowman giving possession to Withers and Kentucky University of books, papers, and property (1878-1879). One letter is from Bowman to John B. Wallace about the same topic (July 11, 1878).

To top

William T. Withers incoming correspondence from James K. Patterson, 1878 November 4-1879 August 18

  • Box 5.34, folder 33
Scope and Contents

Letters from James K. Patterson regarding a joint Kentucky Univerisity-A&M College payment contract for carpenters and janitors at Woodlands, including specifically James. M. Moore (18787 Nov. 4); and regarding requested repairs (1879 Aug. 18).

To top

Letter to Elders of Main Street Christian Church from R.M. Bishop, John G. Allen, and Z.F. Smith, 1872 June 2

  • Box 5.34, folder 35
Scope and Contents

Regarding arbitration between the church and Regent J.B. Bowman.

To top

Letter of support for Main Street Christian Church from Providence, Jessamine County, Ky., Christian Church, undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 34
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Histories, 1903-2016, undated

"Matriculation Volume," blank list of Christian Churches across Ky. counties, 1903

  • Volume V5.21
To top

Subject file: Razing of Ashland brick stable, 1926 May 30

  • Box 5.34, folder 36
To top

Subject file: "Concurrrent History of Transylvania Colleges and University of Kentucky," The Lexington Herald, 1929 Nov. 11

  • Box 5.34, folder 37
To top

Subject file: Delcamp, E.W., "Transylvania: The Pioneer College of the Western Wilderness," Kentucky Prgoress Magazine, pages. 11-20, 1930 April

  • Box 5.34, folder 38
To top

Subject file: Kentucky University Department of Medicine records at University of Louisville Kornhauser Health Sciences Library, 1987

  • Box 5.34, folder 39
To top

Subject file: Printout of "Kentucky University" search results in the Lexington Public Library online "Local History Index", 2016 February 2

  • Box 5.34, folder 40
To top

Class photograph, Medical College (gathered in front of the "Broadway Infirmary", undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 41
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Subject file: Kentucky University School of Medicine, undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 42
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"Kentucky University" history pamphlet, undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 43
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"Kentucky University: Personal Reminiscences by curator Z.F. Smith," (original handwritten document and typed transcription), undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 44
To top

"Part of annual catalogue beginning page 35, "Historical Sketch of Kentucky University", undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 45
To top

Handwritten history notes, undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 46
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Letter from Jonathan G. Cramer to Doctor McLain offering an item relating to Morrison Chapel/Kentucky University, undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 47
To top

Secondary correspondence: Loan of Withers papers from Miss Rebel Withers empty envelope, undated

  • Box 5.34, folder 48
To top

Postcard of Carnahan House, Kentucky University, 1959

  • Box 5.34, folder 49
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Museum Series, 1867-2006, undated

Scope and Contents

The Museum Series, 1867 to 2006 and undated, primarily comprises item records and information for the Kentucky University Museum of Natural History that was created and managed by the Agricultural and Mechanical College at the Ashland Estate. There are also later scans (2006) of documents from the holdings from the current historic site, "Ashland: The Henry Clay Estate." Series is arranged chronologically.

Historical record book of the Museum of Natural History, 1867-1872

  • Box 5.35, folder 1
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Catalogue of specimens, 1867, 1933, undated

  • Box 5.35, folder 2-3
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Newspaper clippings about rare bird collection, 1924 August 10-October 5

  • Box 5.35, folder 4
To top

Correspondence regarding museum donation, 1897 October 20

  • Box 5.35, folder 5
To top

Science grade book of A. Fairhurst, including inventory of chemistry equipment, inventory of acids, and "list of objects in Kentucky Unversity Museum July 1883" (fragile), 1881-1883

  • Box 5.11, folder 1
To top

Subject File: Disk_01: "Historical Records of the Museum of Natural History in Kentucky University," 1868-1872 and undated (scanned documents from Ashland: The Henry Clay Estate) (duplicate of ledger in box 5.35, folder 1), 2006 March 10

  • Box 5.35, folder 6
  • DigitalFolder L2021ua019.01
To top

List of Wrapped Volumes (numbers V5.x) With Associated Series, 1837-1926

Scope and Contents

The List of Wrapped Volumes with Associated Series, 1837-1926, presents a numerically organized list of all the bound volumes in the collection. Each volume has a number that starts with "V5" and then a consecutive number beginning with "1." Volumes were numbered in the order they were received. The title and dates of each volume are given, along with the name of the series and subseries in the collection to which the volume belongs. For example, the "Cash book", Volume V5.6, dated 1867 May to 1877 June, is part of the Treasury Series and the Audit and Legal Subseries.

Kentucky University student register, names date of birth, addresses, and field of study, vouchers (Registrar Series/Student academic records), 1859-1899

  • Volume V5.1
To top

"Book of Records" listing matriculates by term and their grades in each college (Registrar Series/Student academic records), 1859-1862

  • Volume V5.2
To top

"Matriculation Volume" listing names of students who signed the Kentucky University pledge each year (Registrar Series/Student academic records), 1859-1896

  • Volume V5.3
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"Matriculation Volume" listing names of students who signed the Kentucky University pledge each year, pp. 1-46 (Registrar Series/Student academic records) and College of Liberal Arts faculty minutes, pp. 48-239 (Administration Series/Minutes), 1896-1922

  • Volume V5.4
To top

"Book of Degrees" listing student names, hometown, dates of graduation, and degree awarded (Registrar Series/Student academic records), 1861-1905

  • Volume V5.5
To top

Cash book, 1857 May-1877 June (Treasury Series/Audit and legal, 1877), 1877 June

  • Volume V5.6
To top

General Ledger for funds and accounts, 1857 May-1877 June (Treasury Series/Audit and legal, 1877), 1877 June

  • Volume V5.7
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Balance sheets for funds, accounts, and donors/subscribers for 1855-1877 June (Treasury Series/Audit and legal, 1877), 1877 June

  • Volume V5.8
To top

Balance sheets for each year, 1859-1877 (Treasury Series/Audit and legal, 1877), 1877 June

  • Volume V5.9
To top

Treasurer's book (Samuel Hatch) for Bacon College, pp. 1-80 (Treasury Series/Treasurer's reports and bonds) and "Session Book for Kentucky University" (Treasury Series/Student Accounts), 1837-1867

  • Volume V5.10
Scope and Contents

Volume V5.10 is a combined day book and journal. For Bacon College, the volume includes a listing of debits and credits and bills payable for college operating expenses; names of students and fees paid (including for the Prepatory Department) in alphabetical order or by college session; and names of subscribers and pledge installments, 1837-1839?. For Kentucky University, the volume is a chronological listing of student names, their college, and fees paid, including whether the student had coupons, 1860-1867.

To top

Journal (Treasury Series/General ledger and supporting documents), 1874 June 1-1926 June 30

  • Volume V5.11
To top

General ledger (Treasury Series/General ledger and supporting documents), 1857-1865

  • Volume V5.12
To top

General ledger (Treasury Series/General ledger and supporting documents), 1857-1874

  • Volume V5.13
To top

General ledger (Treasury Series/General ledger and supporting documents), 1866

  • Volume V5.14
To top

Treasurer's day book of receipts and disbursements (Treasury Series/General ledger and supporting documents), 1903 September 8-1911 July 28

  • Volume V5.15
To top

Student cash day book (Treasury Series/Student accounts), 1870 August 1-1878 May 14

  • Volume V5.16
To top

Treasurer's Annual Reports, Treasurer J.T Vance (Treasury Series/Treasurer's reports and bonds), 1907 June 1-1919 June 1

  • Volume V5.17
To top

Board of Trustees/Board of Curators Minute Book (Administration Series/Minutes), 1855 October 15-1887 June 7

  • Volume V5.18
To top

Board of Curators Minute Book (Administration Series/Minutes), 1868-1944

  • Volume V5.19
To top

Faculty Minute Volume (Administration Series/Minutes), 1859-1905

  • Volume V5.20
To top

"Matriculation Volume," blank list of Christian Churches across Ky. counties (Administration Series/Histories), 1903

  • Volume V5.21
To top

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