xt7sxk84nj8k_113 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5:  Collection on Kentucky University The Law and The Facts in the Case. The Charters of Bacon College and Kentucky University and An Act to Consolidate Kentucky and Transylvania Universities, and an Act Establishing the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky as one of the Colleges of Kentucky University. The Legal Status of Kentucky University, with a Brief Cirticism of Regent Bowman's Management. Addenda Reviewing Regent Bowman's Statements and Figures as found in the 'Majority Address.' (4 copies) text The Law and The Facts in the Case. The Charters of Bacon College and Kentucky University and An Act to Consolidate Kentucky and Transylvania Universities, and an Act Establishing the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky as one of the Colleges of Kentucky University. The Legal Status of Kentucky University, with a Brief Cirticism of Regent Bowman's Management. Addenda Reviewing Regent Bowman's Statements and Figures as found in the 'Majority Address.' (4 copies) 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_25/Folder_1/Multipage5581.pdf 1874 January 1 1874 1874 January 1 section false xt7sxk84nj8k_113 xt7sxk84nj8k  










The Act to Consolidate Kentucky and 'Transylvania Universities, and
an Act Establishing the Agricultural and Mechanical College of ‘
Kentucky as one of the Colleges of Kentucky University.


With a Brief Criticism of Regent Bowman’s Management.


Reviewing Regent Bowman’s Statements and Figures as found in the
“Majority Address.”

JANUARY 1st, 1874.







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The Act to Consolidate Kentucky and Transylvania Universities, and
an Act Etablishing the Agricultural and Mechanical College of
Kentucky as one of the Colleges of Kentucky University.


With. a Brief Criticism of Regent Bowman’s management.


Reviewing Regent Bowman’s Statements and Figures as found in the
“Majority Address.”

JANUARY 15t,1874.



SECTION I. Be it waded éy [/26 General Assemély 0f the Common»
weak/z 0f sz‘zzc/ey, That John T. Johnson, John Curd, John Duncan,
Samuel Nuckols, James H. Davis, Henry Johnson, P. S. Fall, T. C.
Flournoy, G. W. Williams, Thomas Smith, H. M. Bledsoe, Asa Runyon,
John Bowman, Samuel Hatch, George L. Nuckols, and James Challen,
shall be and are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, to be
known and designated by the name and style of the Trustees of Bacon
College, and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and a com-
mon seal, with power to change and alter the same at pleasure, and as
a body corporate, shall be authorized to exercise all the powers, privih
leges and rights, which are exercised by the Trustees of the College at
Danville in this State, but the property of said corporation shall be sub—
ject to taxation, except the College buildings and five acres of ground
around or near the same, and on the death, resignation, or other dis—
qualification of any of the said Trustees, or their successors in office, a
majority of those in office, may fill such vacancy or vacancies, and the
person or persons so appointed shall be vested with the same powers and
privileges as those named in this act, and by the name, style and denom~
ination of the Trustees of Bacon College, may sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in any court of law or
equity in this State. -»

SEC. 2. Be z’z‘fzm/wr marred, That it shall and may be lawful for said
Trustees, and their successors in office, in their corporate capacity, to pur—
chase, or receive by donation, demise, or bequeath, any lands, tenements,
hereditaments, moneys, rents, goods and chattles, and to hold the same
in the name aforesaid, to them and their successors forever, for the use
and benefit of said institution, and to sell, transfer and convey the same
under the seal of said corporation.

SEC. 3. Be 2'2! fiu’f/zer mac/fed, That the principal of the Faculty shall
be Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and a majority of the Trustees
in office shall at all times constitute a quorum to do business, and shall


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have power to meet at such times and places as they may select for the
transaction of business, and may make such laws, rules and ordinances,
necessary for the proper government for said institution, as shall not be
repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the United States or of this
State; the said Trustees shall have power to select and appoint such offi
cers, teachers, tutors, and professors f01 the manaoement of said institu-
tion as they may think necessary; to fix their salaries, and prescribe their
duties, to fix and prescribe the terms upon which the students may be
admitted, and for any misconduct in any officer, teacher, tutor, or pro;
fessor, to dismiss such person from office and to appoint another or others
in their stead. .

SEC. 4. By 12/21/7720” maria/Z, That the said Trustees shall keep
record of their proceedings, and, if necessary, appoint a clerk to record
the same, and to prescribe his duties; it shall be the duty of the Cl1air-~
man of the Trustees to have recorded in the office of the county coult,
where said institution is located, the names of the l1ustees thereof and
the names of such as may hereafter be appointed.

SEC. 5. Ba 22‘ firrflm enacted, [hat the real and personal estate
acquired by this corporation, lsiall at no time exceed the yearly rent
or value of ten thousand dollars.

SEC. 6. BC 22‘ firrf/wr enacted, That the funds raised for endowing any
of the professorships, shall never be encroached- upon, and the funds
raised shall not be diverted from the objects contemplated: Provided.
however, that the interest of any of the funds, when not needed for the

'special object for which they were raised, may be appropriated as said

Trustees- may direct.
SEC. 7. Ba z'z‘fi/z'f/zcr mafia/Z, T hat full power is reserved to the Gen—

eral Assembly to repeal or modify privileges herein granted.

A.11 110111511 {911.11. 23d, 18"“,


WHEREAS, an Institution of learning, known and called by the name of

Bacon College, was founded by certain members of the body of “ Disciples

of Christ,” denominated Christians, and was chartered by the Legislae
ture of Kentucky in the year 1836; and whereas, said Institution, after a

.series of unsuccessful efforts for its permanent eiidowment and establish»

ment, suspended its regular collegiate operation; and whereas, in View
of the educational wants of the said body of Christians in Kentucky,
and of their wishes for the permanent success of said Institution, knOWD
and expressed at various times, a plan for its full endowment and re—orn
ganization has been presented and prosecuted by John B. Bowman, of
Mercer county, Kentucky, which has resulted thus far in the raising of
$150,000 of Endowment Fund; and whereas, it is desired to establish a
first-class University upon amore modern, American, and Christian
basis; and to carry out such design it is necessary to amend and extend
the provisions of the Charter of said Institution, therefore,

§ I. 86 if macz‘m’ by 2726 General Assam/201 {gf 27w Cow/izmwmlf/z of
Ken/71(1)}, That said Institution known and called by the name of Bacon
College, and located at I’larrodsburg, in the county of Mercer, and State
of Kentucky, shall be, from and after the passage of this act, known and
called by the name of Kentucky University.

§ 2. Am! (’26 Z'Z‘flNV/Ze’l’ made/1’, That John B. Bowman, James Taylor,
John Aug. Williams, Ben. C. Allin, A. G. Kyle, A. H. Bowman, J. A.
Dearborn, D. W. Thompson, A. G. Vivion, P. B. Thompson, Wm. A.
Cooke, G. D. Runyon, A. Gallatin Talbott, P. B. Mason, C. T. V'Vorths
ington, G. W. Givens, James C. Stone, A. G. Herndon, R. C. Graves,
Wm. Morton, Joseph VVasson, John Curd, W. W. McKenney, W. L.
Williams, John Allen Grano, John I. Rogers, Zachery F. Smith, R0b«
ert C. Rice, Theodore S. Bell, and Enos Campbell, shall be, and they
and their successors in office are hereby constituted, a body politic and
corporate, to be known by the name of the Curators of Kentucky Uni»
versity, and by that name shall have perpetual succession and existence,





and a common seal, which seal they may change and alter at pleasure;
and by the aforesaid name, and in their corporate capacity, may sue and
be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with,
answer and be answered, in all courts of law and equity. And the same,
in their corporate name, are hereby invested with the legal right to all
the property and estate, real and personal, as well as all the rights and
claims heretofore vested in the Trustees of the said Bacon College; and
may, in said corporate name, sue for and recover the same in as full and

ample manner as the said Trustees of Bacon College could have done

prior to this act.

§ 3. For the purpose of promoting the cause of education in all its
branches, and extending the sphere of science and Christian morality,
the Curators aforesaid, and their successors, shall have power, from time
to time, to establish and endow fully, in said University, any depart—
ments and professorships which they may deem necessary to carry out
the aforesaid objects. They and their successors shall furthermore have
full power, in their corporate capacity, to hold by gift, grant, devise,
demise, or otherwise, any lands, tenements, hereditaments, moneys, rents,
goods, chattels, or interests of any kind whatever, which may be given,
granted, demised, devised to, or purchased by them, for the use and
benefit of said University; also, may sell, lease, rent, and dispose of the
same, or any part thereof, in any way whatsoever they may adjudge most
useful to the interests of said University.

§ 4. They shall also have full power to select and employ any officers
and agents they shall deem proper; also, such president, professors,
instructors, and tutors, as they may, from time to time, consider neces—
sary,‘ also, to make, ordain, establish, and execute, or cause to be execu-
ted, all such by-laws, rules, and ordinances, not inconsistent with the
constitution and laws of the United States or of this State, as they may
think necessary for the welfare of said Institution, for their own govern-
ment, the good government of the professors, instructors, tutors, agents,
officers, and students of the same, and generally to do all acts necessary
and proper to promote the welfare and prosperity of said University.

§ 5. The permanent officers of the Board of Curators shall consist of
a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Committee, all of
whom shall be annually elected by the Curators from their own number,
except the Treasurer, who may be elected out of the Board.

§ 6. The Secretary of the Board shall keep a fair and correct record
of all the proceedings of the Board, in a good and substantial book,
which record shall be signed by the President and Secretary before the
adjournment of each meeting, and shall at any time be subject to the







inspection and examination of any member of the Board, or any donor
of the Institution. He shall file away and carefully preserve all such
documents and papers pertaining to his office and to the Institution as
may come into his hands, which shall upon his death, resignation, or
removal from office, be delivered up to the Board, and he shall perform
such other duties as the Curators may prescribe.

§ 7. The Treasurer, before he enters upon the duties of his office shall
enter into a bond with ample security, in the penality of one hundred
thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office.
He shall take charge of all the funds of the Institution, he shall pay over
all money that may come into his hands upon the order of the Board,
indorsed by the President thereof, he shall pay out no money except
upon such order of the Board ; he shall render a true account current of
the state of his office to the Board of Curators at its annual meeting,'
which account must be accompanied by the certificate of the Executive
Committee, signed by each member thereof, and stating that it has been
examined, and that it is correct, after:which it shall then be published;
and no person shall be eligible to re-eiection as Treasurer until such report
is made, examined, and approved by the Board of Curators. He shall, fur-i
thermore, when his term of service expires, or he shall resign his office,
or be removed therefrom, deliver up to the Executive Committee, or
their order, all the books and papers pertaining to his office, and in each
and every particular account for and pay over all money or other thing
of value which may come into his hands as Treasurer. He shall also per~
mit his books to be examined at any and all times by the Executive
Committee, or any donor of the Institution. The bond of the Treasurer
shall be placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Board, and shall be
renewed upon a re—election to the office, which bond shall be made pay~
able to the Curators of said University.

§ 8. For the ownership and control of said University, at least two
thirds of the Board of Curators shall always be members of the Christian
Church in Kentucky. At no time shall any member of the Faculty be
a member of the Board.

§ 9. An annual meeting of the Board of Curators shall be held dur-
ing the commencement week of the University, at which time they shall
cause to be published a general account of the condition of the Institu—
tion. A meeting shall be called at any other time by the President of
the Board, at the suggestion of any three members thereof, or of the
President of the University. Nine members shall constitute a quorum
for ordinary business, one of whom shall be President pro 16772., in the
absence of the President of the Board, and less than aquorum shall have









the power of adjourning from day to day, or to any future day, until a
quorum- shall be had.

§ IO. A majority of all the Curators shall have power to remove a
Curator from office for any cause they may deem sufficient, and shall
have power also to define the qualifications of a Curator; and Whenever
any Curator shall absent himself from two successive annual meetings of
the Board, without assigning a sufficient reason therefor, his seat shall
be declared'thereby vacant, and the Board shall at its next meeting pro—
ceed to the election of a new Curator to fill such vacancy. All vacancies
by death, resignation, or removal from office, or otherwise, shall be filled
by a quorum.

§ '11. No less than a majority of the whole Board shall have power to

‘ appoint the President, professors, instructors, tutors, and all other officers

and agents, to fix their compensation, or increase or diminish the same,
to remove the same from office for sufficient cause, and to fill all vacan—
cies in the same, whether by death, resignation, removal, or otherwise:
Provided, a vacancy may be filled by a quorum until a meeting of said
majority shall be held.

§ 12. The Curators, upon the recommendation of the President and
Faculty of the University, shall have power to grant such literary honors
as are usually granted by the best colleges and universities in the United
States, and such other honors as the Board and the Faculty may think
necessary, and in testimony thereof, to give suitable certificates or diplo-
mas, under the seal of the corporation; and every such diploma shall
entitle its possessor to all the immunities and privileges which by any
law or usage are allowed to the possessors of diplomas granted by any
college or university in the United States.

§ 13. All the provisions of the charter of Bacon College, heretofore
enacted, which are in conflict with the provisions of this act, are hereby
annulled and repealed.

§ 14. All lands, money, or other property, which may, by donation,
devise, deed of gift, or otherwise, be contributed to said University,
shall be strictly applied according to the instructions given by the donor
or testator, and all money thus donated as a permanent endowment fund
shall beprz'mzjzmz, and shall be, as the same accrues, invested in good, safe,
profitable, and permanent stocks, which shall remain forever intact, and
the amount whereof is to be in no respect or in any manner whatever
diminished, subject, however, as necessity may demand, to investment and
reinvestment in such stocks. The proceeds of such stocks, either in the
form of dividend, or interest, or rents, shall be a fund in the hands of





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the ‘I‘reasurer, subject to the order of the Board of Curators, and shall
be used as the Board may direct, for the purposes of the University,

§ 15. For maintaining and carrying out effectually the discipline of .
said University, fit; [2‘ fili’f/lé’i’ c/zczrz‘az’, that if, by any person, money be
lent or advanced, or anything sold, or let to hire, on credit, to or for the
use of any student or pupil under twenty-one years of age, at the said
University, without the previous permission, in writing, of his parents
or guardian, or the authorized officers of said Institution, nothing shall
be recovered therefor by action of debt, and there shall moreover be
forfeited to the Institution twenty dollars and the amount or value of
such money or other thing. Where such selling, letting, lending, or
advancing is by an agent, such forfeiture shall be by his principal, unless
the principal shall, within ten days after he has knowledge or inform-
ation of the selling, letting, lending, or advancing, give notice, in writ
ing, to the President, or other head of the Institution, that it was done
without his knowledge or consent, in which case the forfeiture shall be
by the agent.

§ 16. If any person so violate the last above~named section of this
act, as to be liable to the forfeiture thereby declared, he shall moreover
be fined not less than fifty nor more than three hundred dollars, and,
upon conviction, he shall be bound by the court in a sum not less than
five hundred dollars, with at least two sufficient securities, to be of good
behavior for one year; and any subsequent violation of the section afore-
said shall be held to be a forfeiture of the recognizance. ‘

§ I7. It shall be the duty of the judge of the Mercer Circuit Court to
give the fifteenth and sixteenth sections of this act in charge to the
grand jury at each and every term of said court, and the penalties
imposed in the above—named sections for a violation or violations of
any of the provisions thereof, shall be recovered by indictment found
by the grand jury; one half of the aforesaid penalty to go to the attor-~
ney of the Commonwealth.

§ 18. That if the President, or any agent, or the Treasurer, or any
other officer of the Board of Curators of the University, without the
authority of the Board, properly given and entered of record, as before
directed, appropriate any of the funds of the Institution to his o'wn use,
or that of any other person, or shall. willfully fail to make correct entries,
or shall knowingly make false entries upon the books of the Institution,
with the intent to cheat or defraud the same, or any contributor to the
funds thereof, or to hide or conceal any improper appropriation of said
funds, the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall,



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upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to confinement in the jail or pen—
itentiary of the State for a period of not less than one or more than:
twenty years.

§ 19. The Board of Curators of Kentucky University shall consist of
not less than thirty members, a majority of whom shall at all times reside
out of the county of Mercer; and in any county of this State where the
sum of fifteen thousand dollars may be subscribed to the endowment fund;
of the University, there shall be a representation of at least one member
in the Board.

§ 20. This act to take effect from and after the date of its passage.

APPROVED JAN. 15th, 1858,


WHEREAS, The Curators of the Kentucky University propose to locate
their University in Fayette county, in or near the city of Lexington, and
said Curators and the Trustees of Transylvania University propose to
consolidate the two Universities, and all the funds and property of each,
into one corporation, under the name of the Kentucky University, and
it appearing that said Curators have a cash endowment of two hundred
thousand dollars, yielding an annual income of about twelve thousand
dollars, and that there are cash funds of Transylvania University, to
be united with them, of fifty—nine thousand dollars, yielding an annual
income of over three thousand five hundred dollars, besides the grounds,
buildings, library, apparatus, and other property of Transylvania Uni~
versity, of the value and cost exceeding one hundred thousand dollars;
and said. institution, when so consolidated, proposes to raise an addi—
tional one hundred thousand dollars to purchase a farm and erect all the
necessary buildings and improvements to carry on the operations of an
Agricultural and Mechanical College, and connect therewith a model
or experimental farm, with industrial pursuits, to enable such pupils as
choose to do so to sustain themselves, in whole or in part, while acquir-
ing their education,- and further propose, that the State of Kentucky
shall establish the Agricultural and Meehanical College of Kentucky as






t of



(one of the Colleges of Kentucky University thus consolidated; and
endow the same with the income of the fund which shall arise from the
sale of land scrip granted to Kentucky by the Congress of the United
States for the purpose of establishing said college; and, upon the State
of Kentucky so establishing and endowing said college, the Curators of
Kentucky University will furnish, in reasonable time, all the necessary
lands, buildings, apparatus, 8:0, for such college, and proceed at once to
organize said college, and put the same in operation in accordance with
this act and the act of Congress, and subject to the visitorial control of
"the State of Kentucky, in its organization and general management, and
with the sole control, by the State, of its said fund ; in keeping the prin»
«Cipal of the same perpetually secure; now, therefore,

§ 1. Be 22‘ 672515227! [2}! f/ze 6672677?! Ass‘r’izz/i/y of fire Cor/U/zmzmeZ/z of
Karim/Ly, That there shall be, and is hereby, established the Agricul—
tural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, located in the county of
Fayette, in or near the city of Lexington, which shall be a College of
Kentucky University.

§ 2. Be z’z‘fm‘f/zcr Harrie/2’, That the leading object in said College
shall be to teach such. branches of learning as are related to agriculture
and the mechanical arts, including military tactics, without excluding
other scientific and classical studies, in order to promote the liberal and
practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and
professions of life. ‘ .

§ 3. Be z'z‘ fzzrf/m' marred, That to effect the said leading object of
said college, that there shall be established therein the competent number
of professorships for teaching the sciences related to agriculture and the
mechanical arts, including military tactics, which professorships shall be
filled by able and competent professors, aided by such assistants, tutors,
and other instructors, as shall, from time to time, be necessary, and, as
a part of said college, there shall be conducted an experimental or model
farm, with the usual accessories thereto, and of size proportioned to the
number of students, and on said farm and in the mechanical arts there
shall be provided to the students opportunities for industrial. pursuits, at
stated times, whereby agriculture and the nechanical arts may be practi-
cally learned, and the student enabled to earn his support while being
educated, in whole or in part, by his labor and industry.

:3 4. Br? [2‘ j'r/H‘f/lfl’ 67242521727, That in the appointment of professors,
instructors, and other officers and assistants of said College, and in pre-
scribing the studies and exercises thereof, and in every part of the man~
aO'ement and government thereof, no partiality or preference shall be


shown to one sect or religious denomination over another,- nor shall




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anything sectarian be taughttherein, and persons engaged in the own
ducting, governing, managing, and controlling said College and its
studies and exercises, in all its parts, are hereby constituted officers and
agents of the whole Commonwealth, in faithfully and impartially carry»
ing out the provisions of this act for the common good, irrespective of
sects or aarties, political or religiOus.

§ 5. Be 22‘ fiw'f/m'e/zarz‘ea’, That the Curators of Kentucky University
shall organize said Agricultural and Mechanical College by establishing
the proper professorships and officers, with the salaries and compensation
thereof, and filling the same, from time to time, by their appointments,
provide the necessary grounds, buildings, and improvements, and con—
duct, carry on, and manage the said College, as provided in this act;
and said Curators, to aid them in conducting said College and defraying
the expenses thereof, shall receive all the income of the fund which shall
arise from the sale of the land scrip granted to the State of Kentucky
by the act of Congress, entitled “An act donating public lands to the
several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit
of agriculture and the mechanical arts,’7 approved July 2, 1862, and
which income shall be appropriated by said Curators to the payment of
the salaries of the professors, and other officers and employes of said
College, and other expenses of conducting the same, and the farm and
industrial pursuits incidental thereto, and to no other purpose whatever;
Prov/(Zai, That a majority of the professors of said College shall not at
any one time belong to the same ecclesiastical denomination.

§ 6. Be z? fm‘f/zcr mar/m7, That the }overnor, with the advice and
consent of the Senate, shall appoint six visitors of said College, who shall
constitute the Board of Visitors thereof, and appoint one of their number
chairman of the Board; and said Board shall have, at all times, full power

to inspect and examine into all the details of the managing'and conduct—i

ing of said College, and to see that all the provisions of this act are
carried' into effect, according to their true meaning and intent, and it
shall be the duty of said Board to point out to the Curators of Kentucky
University all defects or departures from the provisions of this act, in
conducting and managing of said college, and suggest the proper mode
of correcting them, and said Curators shall proceed to correct them;
and it shall be further the duty of said Board of Visitors to report to

every biennial meeting of the General Assembly the condition and man-
agement of said College, and if, at any time, it shall appear to the
General Assembly that the Curators have persisted in not carrying the
provisions of this act into effect, according to their true objects and
spirit, and in disregarding the requirements of the Board of Visitors, it


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shall be lawful to deprive, either temporarily or permanently, said Col—
lege of the endowment of the income of the fund aforesaid. The Visit—
ors shall hold their office for two years, and until their successors are
appointed. Vacancies in said Board, by death, resignation, or expiration

--of term of office, during the recess of the General Assembly, shall be

filled by the Governor until the end of the next succeeding session.

§ 7. Br: z'z‘fzzz’z‘lzgi' eimcz‘m’, That as soon as the said College is organ~
ized for the reception and proper instruction of pupils, the Curators shall
make known the same to the Governor and President of the Board of
Education; and thereupon each representative district of the State shall
be entitled to send to said College, free of charge for tuition, one prop—
erly prepared pupil for each member said district is entitled to elect to
the General Assembly; and when the whole of said land scrip shall be,
sold and invested, each district shall be entitled to send three of such
properly prepared pupils to said College for each member the district is
authorized to elect. Said pupils shall have the right of receiving, free
of charge for tuition, the benefit of any instruction given in any of the
Colleges or classes of the University, except those of law and medicine.
The pupils shall be selected'by the majority of the justices of the peace
of said districts.

§ 8. Ba z'z‘fzztrl/m' made/2’, That the provisions of this act shall not go
into effect until 'l'ransylvania University and Kentucky University shall
be consolidated into one corporation, under the name of the Kentucky
University, and the funds, property, &c., of Transylvania University
shall be vested in the Curators of Kentucky University, as successors o f
the Trustees of rl‘ransylvania; nor until the Curators of Kentucky Uni-7
versity shall, by resolution, assent to all the provisions of this act, and.
accept this act as part of its charter. A copy of said resolution, and o
the action of the Trustees of Transylvania University, and the Curators
of the Kentucky University, in accepting said consolidation, shall be
laid before the Governor; whereupon he shall, by writing, signed by
him, and under the seal of the State, authorize the Curators of the Ken-
tucky University to organize the Agricultural and Mechanical College of
Kentucky in pursuance of this act.

§ 9. The General Assembly reserves the right to modify and repeal,
at pleasure, so much of this act as refers to the establishment of the
Agricultural and Mechanical College.

APPROVED FEB. 221), 1865.


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§ 1, Be 22‘ e/zzzcz‘ezz’ [2y [/ch GWZU/‘(ZZ Asst/zzli/y of 2716 COIIZJIZOHZUKd/fll of
[Umbra/{11, That Kentucky University and Transylvania University shall
be consolidated into one University and one corporate body, by the name
of Kentucky University. I

§ 2. That the Curators of Kentucky University shall have all the
rights and powers of the Trustees of Transylvania University, in regard
to all the funds and property of 'l‘ransylvania University, which by this
act shall pass to Kentucky University, and be bound by the trusts and
conditions to which said Trustees were subject.

§ 3. That except so far as relates to the funds and property of Transyl~
Vania University, the charter of Kentucky University, as herein changed,
shall be the charter of the consolidated University.

:6, 4. That Kentucky University shall be located in Fayette county,
in when the city of Lexington; and in said county shall be located all
its colleges. It is expressly declared