xt7sxk84nj8k_140 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5: Collection on Kentucky University The Collegian, volume 2, number 14 text The Collegian, volume 2, number 14 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_26/Folder_14/Multipage5846.pdf 1873 June 1873 1873 June section false xt7sxk84nj8k_140 xt7sxk84nj8k THE @QELEGI OF KEMUCKY UNIVERSITY, it Published by the Literary Societies of Kentucky University. EDITQJES 6’. .Z’. EflGflfl, EcZz'z‘07‘ez'72- Q‘Iflf,” ‘ J. H". flIYEflS, f6? idem? Socz'eZy, is i flf. 'J. FIJZMT‘ USO/V; 6/17 z'siomaZ/eecm 500560; ,5 fl. 0. n1? ”$198133 f/az'loflaemz 50mg; ' .f. 34. fiEflfV‘, 0925072 $226711; 9/ Soczezjy, 714M”. .flflflifi, Cecmyz'tm 8002390. 5‘ Singie Copy, one year, in advance, - - $2.00 To the getter-up of a Club of ten, one copy gratis. Single Copy, six months, in advance, - 1.25 Single Copies, . - — - - - — ' - 10 Cents. 1111/11 15, 15:13 ’ N0. 14; CONTENTS: CIRCUMSTANCES MAKE THE MAN, .................... 199 110 0 K1; R co L L EG E. .......... , ,,,,, ' ________________________ 204 IS THERE A PLACE FOR ME ............ . ............... 200 SA YRE INSTITUTE ............ '. . ......................... 205 SELECTED EEOM A POEM'.-J....V.l ............................ 201 UNIVERSE A COMMENCEi-IENT WEEK:—— , gv' OUR BOYS ....................................................... 206 ' 3 BA CCA LA UREA. TE ‘ADDRESS ........................... £02 AB’I’ONL} OUR EXCHANGES ........... . ..................... 206 Lexington, Kentucky. I. I’. STRAUSS. JO. STRAUSS. M. KAUI“)IAN.[ (I. 11. STRAUSS s: BRO.) "ONE PRICE” Clothing House, i 53 BI AIN STREET, LEXINGTON, KY. Always the Largest Stoolg; the finest Goods, the latestE Styles and Lowest Prices in Kentucky, ‘Vholesale and Retail. CLOTHING -AND-— Gents’ Furnishing Goods! C. S. RANDALL 85¢. 00., Successors to J. W. Berkley & 00., NO. 71, EAST MAIN STREET, THIRD DOOR FROM CHEAPSIDE. The Greatest Display -AND-— nmnnnnu 1nnW1 IN OVE RC OATS, hnninzm hne1 \VE DEFY COBIPETII‘ION. Can Also, the Finest Line of Suits that You will Find in any House. Give us a call and examine our stock before Lexulgton, ' IOSWORTH .31. WA! DE. 'Boors purchasing elsewhere, as we will make it to the interest of purchasers. 6-1 1 Educational Bock Store.I _— 1:2. MORTON & 00-, General Dealers in Books,‘Stationery & Drugs, 27 East Main Street, opp. Court House, Kentucky. UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, PROFESSIONAL WORKS, 1 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ‘ PICTURES AND FRAMES, GOLD PENS. PEN KNIVES. American and Foreign Stationery. ALSO Lamps, Coal 011, Toilet Articles, Medicines 1 1An Excellent Stock, The Best Facilities, The Lowest Prices. Croquet Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully pounded Com- Students and book- -buyers generally .113 in- vited to visit this sto1e fieely and examine the Stock Any book' 1n pri111 furnished to order. 13-36 L E XI NGTON NHILLS. LAUDFMKfi & BRO. M \\L 1' XCTL RE 1118 Ol‘ K11. B11111 ani Hacllni H1111, Also. Flour, Meal and Ofl‘al. Pay the hiOhest pi ice for 11011111 and grain A. J. KROESING, W atchmaker and Jeweler, 49 East llIatn Street, N ext to 1‘1 ansy lvania Punting 11nd Publishim 00., LEXINGTON, Ii‘Y. EVAN P. GRAVES, ATTORN EY AT LAW, Olliee w ith Judge G1 sores, in Court House Y 111' d, LEXINGTON, IiENTUCKY. Dealers in all kinds of , & SHOES. "Students B01111” a Snecialin 7, EAST MAIN ST., LEXINGTON, KY. NO. Depositaries of the Amc1ican Bible Society. 6—17 STUDENTS-"REMEMBER. -—-TIIAT-—- YOUNG’S GALLERY Is the place to have your pictures made, as he will make you better work for less money than any other artist. teductions made 011 Clubs of12 or more. BOOTS AND SHOES All kinds of cr’entlemen s boots and shoes made to order, in the most fashionable styles, at low prices ,by JAIVIES GEORGE. No. 12. South Upper Street. tepairing neatly executed. GO TO G. M. ADAMS 8a.. 00., 15 East flIatn’Street, -—r011— 8111111 81 all Kinds of Furnishing Goals CHEAP FOR CASH. J. W. Whitney &Go.,» ll???” D111 ggists 81 Apethecaries Corner Main and Mill Streets, LEXINGTON, '- IKENTUCKY, Invite the attention of the public to their stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Druggist’s Sundries. Brushes of all kinds. Combs, Inks, Pens and Paper, Baskets, Cigars and Tobacco, Perfumes, Best Coal Oil, Soaps, Lamp and Lamp Fixtures, And everything usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. R- EAGLE, Tailor and Renovater, No.0 " 5 Short Street, W I would be pleased to have the boys call at any time. Tinware and Stoves ! A large stock always on handler the Stuents--Very Cheap. L. P. MILWVARD No. 3 West M1111 St 1ee5, next door to “’i lgus 85 00, s Bank. 9 20 ad. .51 l 1‘ t;’ «l é.