xt7sxk84nj8k_147 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5:  Collection on Kentucky University KU newspaper clippings (one is pasted on the back of an annual Treasurer's report) text KU newspaper clippings (one is pasted on the back of an annual Treasurer's report) 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_37/Folder_8_L2021ua019/Box_5_27/Folder_11/Multipage5933.pdf 1873 1873 1873 section false xt7sxk84nj8k_147 xt7sxk84nj8k ®


- The lip




(03"? INI’ATIUN HF l‘ll}: I‘lttt—


Prest. Milligan—I am (hilgCtI to you. :en
tlemeti «t the Board, tor tour k’ttuf't‘~} lit .1.—
tiring me to aftlre _ you. and I or I.'t‘-< 7" at l
feel embarrassed in re ant to what l U' i t I
say. or u hat the Board tit-sires to hair me to: ‘
I might talk a long time and yet not mt ant-N
thing that would he 0' profit to the Yuan.
When the young sent tlll€li came to the 111)
College they ttiteted “itl‘t toting; L‘l etnmt
ras-menr. They had been - lVlM‘d. NIH}? to
stay at home until :l e act at. it the l‘UttI‘ti \r-t-
dt termined. and otl'er‘ '0 (TD)? he'e and 2m at
their action. and thIZt ”late then. )1th 0t":
them tome adyiuti ft e way or the otltr. i
told them. as an ofl'iver 0f the institution. to an
on asI Wa< doing nymlt‘y and do thetr duty
faithfully. and trust in the action of (ITS Bi tire.
The Board is an Ilflllllrtlbie body, in whoee in»
tegrity I hate the uttth' confidence. l kt. w‘
not what would be its aCtiuIl I told them to
go on and do their duty I believe there were
about thirty entered.

This morning, with'iut any cotiyerSation vvitih
any studett until utter prayer tyrw ot‘ their
came to me and eaid that they were disarm-oft t-
ed at the action of the Kmart. and dt‘ilri‘ll to lie
honorably diimissed. I asked how extblshe
was this feeling. Thev said it was general, 1
told them not to act hastily, They ought to‘
consider the matter. and meantime. go on with
their classes. They said they had great respect
for me, but in View of the advice they had re-.
ceived at home and here, they had come to the
conclusion to leave, and believed a large bodv
of students would do the same.

I thought it my duty to mention this to Bro.
Gano. that it might be brought in tore t'
Board. I deemed it proper to be put be-
fore them that they ti isltt tak. >0th immedi
ate action.

If you want my judgment on what Iill re»
store peace and harmony. and on the altiltty
and character of my esteemed colleavite. I’rot
)IcGarvey, I am ready to speak. tlence ctr.

'l he President—l do not know anything tru‘
ask if tou have antthing tnun- :t ’0’

President Mill ttz—I will say that I hall
hoped the difi'erenee whit-h has d 'r‘dL'lL‘lI this
institution Would have luet. ot'mra settied
than it has. I had hOpcd until lafit night. and
Still hope. that the action of the Board in re-
lation to Prof. McGurvey be reconsidered and
that he he returned If that is- done ‘t will re-
store peace and harmony. and give great 5111m—
fat-tion to the Students here. and to otters \\ ‘tiol
have written to me.

Allow me to say—and nothing I rltall say i-
intended to reflect upon any memhtr of the
Board—allow rte to say that it ha: never been
my good fortune to Co-otterttte with itnv 111‘“
more earnest in his \rotk. untl in the nurse of
thirty-three years as a teachet I have never‘
met one more honest and faithful in tlif‘tln-
chatge of his duties than Professor hit-Gun.

Curator W'illiams moved the tollow-
ing: ‘

Resolved. That in answer to Prest )IillEgan
assurance be given to PI'ENdEItI Mt ilLuEt :11 it
through him to the professors and pupils oi the
Bible College that ample pro than will be Ilfl-‘
metliutvly made {or their1lllllllFHUl‘ti0! arit‘


1 iii tlet'enw 1' 1' hi; honor in‘tort-

‘zintl he had tout hitn ll 'ti

"I‘ltt‘ ('utntnitttgc- :tt Hllt't‘ i't'lil't ii.

L 'l' 8". )1 1 go: it: 1.13.2

" ~‘ ew...‘iott
Atwr ittllli‘
-_'rottt:il \t:t~
that the :‘IIIZ‘.i
the rrwo'nifi-n

din-:11“, "l lit “hirit‘
.Ltkt‘tt it; ~ \‘tI‘i. l' i'
i-lI ‘1‘tlhl


ton ti

‘tnatlt'. tho l't“ t.ltlil‘l. \\':I~:1l

in: t It tut'm fl I\"i‘I\‘1I“'L

.lt': 11"v_~

tltl t‘lf' 'i/ i,

it St Ikl
ltht'h} Lvt.tv:~'t.
xiv: t}. "


\t'm ,.
4nd nhtir u
airtime in: it

Rear-“rid, ll. tl titx l’ o u-r
LC‘I‘l’l‘T. LHW eluted in tt é '5 L'lit'

(‘ttrtttor \Vilkm WM Hi to know
whether it httil wet-ii nut‘itifir wl that
I‘il‘n. Proctor “'Illllii Rt‘l't‘ltl tl..- tithitiitn it
he were elertvd. litut-nt ‘wvwnmn wittul
that lie hml «\tl‘trml it 14> him i- E‘w
name ot‘tht- I'l\i «'tttirt-t «init Jrv ~ttllil’
went: ago. flying to hint. however.
that as the llntrtl “Mild mm" on thv
16th we wounl mn~iilrr it no tlim onrtv
my tor hitn to liwu} hi‘ l't‘pl) tittil
after the nit-Hing. Tilt) hml ~t~ _\vt re-
'oivul no )‘t’l'i't.

Curator “'1 km ttt'w-vmlml 11"itl tl;-i=
he greatly adtnirwl Bio. I’tm-'i1“-t.:-
ent< m .1 had brtll hi< :ll‘l’ntI:iHl‘ than}
your-1 hut tl-wt tinder thu lrlt wrt Ill»
at the I'ttin‘INit} he lit‘ll’l‘t} no Hymn)
tJI his to mount 3 t'ltrlll' .n it. I
th‘t‘ to get Ili'n. l’tw'tur hwt‘v. tit-l
were to lien-lop wine inmtniiztttmnit
OI temper. or \\ t'ih- :t lit‘\\~|tltltl'l :trti 1r


:\ (Hi

it" Wt»...
ot the .-e>~ion. .‘"“ \Htlli‘ {inn it‘ll! HHI.
The K’lll‘ttlol' tit-4i ”wit-ti lli -[ ilt‘ it Hi t... 't
Bro I’J'uotor within trio lam: ’\\‘L
he (III/Ht", not

\\ t‘i‘h‘.

Curator “Nirtliingt Hl tn it’ml t ti
\‘m'a'it‘t l)(‘ll .t‘t! ll} it'd: Ju‘ l it »;~;

;\llt‘l‘.~1)llit‘ lllrt‘lw'iwll luv): ‘llli,tt
tion- “ere lt'ft'llt‘ll to ":itnl.)
(fortitniltet: on Nomination». n1
John Augti-tih Wt .i:iin~ i~ ('


'tftltl in.
lint litt‘Vt
brought in n trvnw :.

t'ututor Z‘ F. Fini'ri IllUVv‘ ’.
till-amu- with :t rt .ttti~.tv iii-uh
tn I‘t‘l'tflt‘illcl' the Yul" l’l‘lltt/\Illl_’

Regent lintt’inii. 7"1 tnuvu
llJMI l‘t'~()lllil<11l on the ruin."
by a Vult'Ul 2‘: m 1;:

Z. I". Nni h'~ IK"U.iliiUIl iii int tiighn
Llel'lttringttmt the I; t-t-ntitt- ( . inmitt. t»
hi\‘t‘1)()\\'t‘l'ltl [t‘lllUVt‘ii l’ruti ~‘HI’V/l/ [n-
lel‘l'm. W:l~ now 'Jlit'll up.

{tat-tit liitttnnt. ll)
l't‘~t)illilull. l't'UI tht- \tritti n "i'llil‘H‘ in
Elm-ix. Kinlwuil x lint-hit}; ”“1
that u: )It‘~~l~. lh'wkint'nltt- N 11.. h.
nt-r. ~u~.'_aitnng the power Hi the Lon.-

Fir/n inquiry or iul‘filitt‘ \\'}t}..r.., ;





ditty Hi It! lil'

\\:t~ tttmlt
i i'

'izt.l 18.1

o ‘tttlw :lt‘i l'
,‘lllivil lii‘tt—nii.~‘

‘IV-vitti-i'i ..|[..-

l l .tiilt ‘tith l‘wv I‘l
w-‘ttltviltwi t‘. \ltiit,
ll-v’il' ttj llti‘lll‘ :‘j>' Itwl
~«’lil'ilittlt itwmti tins lhm:
(tit't‘nc \Vt lt‘l’~
it ,iitt 1.; W"

\\ hit-Li \\t’l‘4‘ int-l

’t i. m_,,
.t\ (it!)

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\\'ttt.t:t Ax
:vr ut lt~

1i.“ Tilt



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Anti. \\ llvtut‘. thw
Iilt‘ ll.\'i ..".\'w tI-Iiltt,
.t l lilitt:‘ lllvull Ill"


l-t \~ Iirn iiiv tlttt

»It.ll :H-tntw

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.~ {PI ,. TIMI J, r\ J!

UBUU BIINLIUIIF U11”) W “HQ/H 5 (1,. I III, 50".“
‘1 IIII I HI, ,.IIII ;III III.» II.»-;II._I \:.IIIIII Nuhhillll §(-|loo|§.

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\\' ~ ' I 'A ,I "r )I. I. AIII'KI‘H' ’Il'1hIIfl‘

‘7. II II II In |I IIII‘In-u- III an

J. B. MORTON 81. CO.


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IinOtS Untied

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NO. 293.










Peter Dr R

‘ known on the street confidence was restored, I

‘VATJIJ bT-REET‘ ‘ and at the close of business there was a strong- I

er feeling. It is not. thought that any other 1

firms of prominence will succomb. Men re-‘.

garded as among the safest and most judicious ,
on the street give it as their opinion that the

I great danger is passed. Robinson, Sydom &-

. . I, I ‘ ' , . ‘ ll
Suspenswu Of Jay Cooke & Co",Co.,expecttoresumeinafewdays Mr Sche ,

, V was not prepared to make any statement in ,
and Several MlllOl‘ firms. ‘regard to his liablities, which were sup-

posed to have been occasioned especially by
thedecline in Vanderbilt’s stocks, in which
he was a large dealer. The liabilities of
.lay Cooke a: Co. cannot be ascertained. it
"7-—7 will take some time to make a statementl

. . . . . ‘of the affairs 1' the house. The creditorsl
The First hational Bank of ‘v\ asli-‘ U

A Panic Among the Bankers.

Intense Excitement on the Street.


SOCIETY or ’l'lll-I ARMY or TiIi-i ci‘iilu:ni..\NI>.

I’iTi‘sin'ii<;, Sept. Nix-The Society of the
Army of the Cumberland asssembled in the
Library at 10:30 A. .\i. The first business in
order was a report from the committee on the
time and place of meeting. After some dis-
cussion the time for the next meeting was
fixed for September 17th and 18th, to. take
place at Columbus. (ien. Hooker, chairman
of the committee on oration and alternates,
presented a report nominating Judge Mathews,
of Cincinnati, Ohio, as orator, and Gen.
“'aternian, of Chicago, as alternate, which
was adopted. The committee on nomination
of officers for the next year, nominated Gen.


drowned herself. Now, you see, I
- don’t want to break up house-keeping, ‘
:and if you’ll consent, why. we’ll get
hitched in two weeks. What do you
.say?” “She shan’t do anything of the
fsortI, and neither will you, you miser-
able, unfeeling, heartless wretch!”
,camo from the wife as she dashed into
Ithewom- For afew minutesJennie cram: o I '1: o s s H E: (I H 0
,was tossed and tumbled about by tho‘
undrowned woman in the most horrid
.manner, and when Jennie retired

,from the house she looked as though 1 Qinqyuana

she had been through a. carding—



'siiumoixq in} oiuiiuinq in snmcmmls fiuiJniImJiiunK pun i‘i'uiufiiseq so)


iSOA\ all] ill-15'1“)“ C‘i‘ilb‘filflllm All”? Hill“ ‘-'.l.)l.lfl d"- \\()I '.\'

spam-mossng aseg

,are mostly banks and bankers, there beingl
ington (,‘lOSt‘ll. but few individual depositors on the list;

Heavy Run on the l~'i'eediiiaii‘s:
Savings Bank.




WALL srni; .

New ‘i'OIII;,Sept. lN‘.—There is great ex— ,
iitement on the street in Consequence of the l
announcement of the failure of Jay Cooke &
Co. The question generally asked is, “\Vlio
next?” Stocks took a tumble generally, ,
caused as much by the apprehension of the


‘ terprises.
‘with it and panics take place.

1The suspension will greatly interfere with I
:the operations of the

syndicate and,
probably suspend the negotiation of the:
:3 per cents. The bonds of the Northern}
Pacific have been of slow sale recently, and

the failure of Kenyon, Cox & Co, Of Newl

York, and the ()swego Midland railroad, ope-
rated against further negotiations of the ,
bonds. The Express says the war upon rail-

. roadshas produced part ofthis panic, creating, l

as it has, a want of confidence among large
capitalists and small investors, and injured
both the credit and progress of railroad en-
When confidence goes, credit falls
The suspen‘
sion of the houses of Jay Cooke 81 Co. and
Kenyon, Cox & Co., are events wholly unlike

I . , _
P. S. Sheridan as President, which was also l Tim’s“? The Croton womandoesn E‘
adopted; The committee on the Thomas 1 m en , rying any more sentlmenif‘
monument reported that after carefully in- ‘ OXperiments on her husband; but. Will
speeting the models of. all, yet we can’t rec- ‘ hereafter do all her fighting in the Old
ommend for the adoption by the sOCIety, the ‘fashion. it need hardly be mentioned

work of either ofthe artists as completely em- th licr h . . . .
bodying their ideas of the Dresentation of‘ at usband 18 “Ct liVing ”1 9'-

AZlJ‘II'U I'll .lOllJ'} 1i]
both House and rector; and it is recommended ‘ State Of Perm“ and unalloyed beatl‘
that a committee be empowered to employ! hide at 131‘0‘500t.—[l\. Y. Dispatch.

some artist to construct the equestrian statue ’ ....__._._.,_,,o.__ .
of Gen.Tliomas giving them power to con- “ Y , . p ,
tract for the construction and completion ~‘lheann ulltl'AmeI‘lCafl reporus,
of the statue. This report was adopted. Gen- the arrival at Nashvxllo Of an Old gen-

erals Sheridan, Hooker, Craft and Jordan ‘ tleman “from New York having on his

mp Jo some chino A'iii fiery”
' ‘ ‘ :xau at 1.10] in m ll,“ ' " 111 H! 1 ssouisnr Am in affirm! -l r,
.\.L:l.\l.\ l . .lr l.. i ll. .l . l . l









, the failure of these mushrooms who do busi-
I ness on borrowed capital, or oftener on no ,
capital. The sympathy of the public is with ,

future as by the existing condition of affairs.
Prominent Wallstreet men attribute the sus—
pension of tliefirm, not so much to tlieireflort

to sustain the Philadelphia house as to opera- , gm . liniortulnati; lIWhil .ldo . a “legitimate,
tions in Northern Pacific, which, it is said,‘ “time“ ”’E‘ , d t“ I: e mt ?_ pro:e—
they sought to carry beyond their strength. ,cu ”m 0 impor an en erprises, 33

his expected that the lifeinsurance company 1,” the l’u‘ldin: 0‘ railroads and other PUb'
with which Jav Cooke 8: Co. are connected ‘ he works designed to enlarge the business of,
will have to go under. It is also said that , the country. The dmy 0: allis, while om-
Jay Cooke has lost large sums in the recent I mitting “0 care necessary to exposure 0“ 3

gold movement, and another rumor is that it ,proper-regard for the present or future, to
is the result of the tightness in the money pour Oll upon the troubled waters, and restore

market. and his inability to dispose of his l health and confidence to the money market, ‘

papers‘ The firm sav tliev are unable to i and to all honest corporations and persons

make any further statement: save thatthey , engaged 1“ money transactions.

expect to resume business in a short time. 1


PHILADELPHIA, Sept. lS.—The following, .

card has been posted on the office door ofI “”3 AUSTRIAN COYRT-

Jay Cooke & Co., In this City: “\l e regret l VIENNA, Sept. 18.—«The publication of the

to be obliged to announce that owmg to im- ! Yatorland newspaper, in this city, has been l,

expeCted demands on us, our OffiCQ has been I suspended, and its bureau seized by the police I




were added to the committee. After the, 01.50,, $84 @00in Tennessee bonds to le‘

transaction of other business the convention I be funded ,’, ‘

adjourned to meet at Columbus Ohio. , ‘ ‘ ' . M an O S
. M...— I sci. ZINE (rm A'I‘VI 3i...

ABATEIIEN’T or'riin IiisIIAsI: AT FilREViil‘OllT.

Nifw ORLi-z Ns, Sept. 17.~The Howard
Association of this city are in receipt of a dis-
patch from one of their physicians at Shreve-
port, saying that no more nurses or physicians
than are now on duty there are required.
The association here believes the generous
contributions received by them from all parts
of the country up to date will be sufllcient to
pay all expenses incurred. Natchez, Miss,
has quarantined against the entire outside



__ ,#V~.-o#—~—



NAsIIvILLE, Sept. Iii—«The fall'nieeting of
the Nashville Blood Horse Assocuition com-
mences on the 29th inst. There are already


. ., . . ”I. ,,_,., W, ..g...,.. u. . __.,~__—
ERSON AL-J. B,, b ‘ k'ud enough to return ' " " ' '
l) thelsflu loaned yod lalst ilefiktfluflkz‘z the lJliii 9i LBflllllig HORSES lil Lfixlligilln, Ky.
t, '1] l as your , .
PORTABLE hitch); for iii.) Lwlgllgafgli‘lgbel. e 0 tllil) Widi Same, Line of Business, and Location.

- ‘- 1-.RSONAL—Bllly if you do not come and
et your chain, i’wili send it to you L200. 1). AtmrneYI-Bt-Ls'.

LESZA SINGLETON. 00 'VRANK WATERS, Short street, between Up-
l -.

f 7,,








‘ Agricultural Implement!
i FOR SALE- ‘. AY‘NL & DILUNG, Cheapeide tbrbuh.>to
WW 2 Mill street. ,
. . . 10R SALE—Horse, Phaeton and Harness for} —
ON 30 DA‘ 5’ TRIAL- sale. Apply at Pressoflice. 1 Architects. -


— , L. LUNlilN, i7
OR SALEA-A good saddle horse, 5 years old. , . Main and Water.
I 15V hands high,well gaited. H. T. D ' '

1TH strength and capacity equal to any, CAN,.IR.
regardless of cost. This machine does- ,
away with all complications, and with the‘ 0R SALE—GUN—A very flue double-barn
I movement of only twoparts