xt7sxk84nj8k_165 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5: Collection on Kentucky University Regulations of the School of Tactics text Regulations of the School of Tactics 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_27/Folder_30/Multipage6305.pdf undated section false xt7sxk84nj8k_165 xt7sxk84nj8k s" a“ “' I . / ‘ ‘ ’. / REGULATIONS OF THE / scaecae asserts. ,7 r” ,1"; , ORGANIZATION. If 1-. Students of the School of T ictics shall be organized into a Military gx, to be 111101111 as THE CORPS o1 CADE TS 01 THE AGRICULTURAL AND HANICAL COLLEGE or KENTUCKY, and shall be placed under the im—. mediate gov e1111 1t of the P1 ofessor of MILITARY TAcucs, as Comman— dant of Cadets. ‘2. Officeis and N 011 —commissioned Ofiiceis shall be appointed by the Faculty f1on1 among those Cadets who, besides the necessaly military qualifications shall be distinguished foi general good conduct and aca— derfi'ic attainments; they shall hold then office for one session, unless: wone1 removed by the Faculty. 3. All promotions shall be made for 111e1it alone ,1. tempora1y appoint— ments, however, may be ade by the Commandant. , ' V 4. Cadets shw be 01 ganized as soon as p1acticable into Companies, and the sever al comnanies shall constitute a Battalion. :1, From the 1st March to the 1st December there shall be an Infantry 01/11 tillery D1 il d D1 ess Parade every day:fiSatu1day and Sunday e5:— cepted—at on ur-and—a—half before Retreatflf‘On Saturday there shall be only Dress Paiade, unless otherwise cidered“~ Du1i110 the 1esidue of the yea1 tl1e1e shall be the usual Drill on such days as may be named in ”'01ders. ; 6. There shall be a weekly Inspection of Cadets under a1ms evely F1iday. " 7. The Rules of Military Police and Discipline shall be exemplified as fa1 as practicable; to this end, and that good or'de1 may be maintained ainong the Cadets, they shall be subject to the Ordels of the Commandant. and to such Militaiy Regulations as aw he1ein prescribed, except when in- actual attendance upon some Professor, at Labor. 01 at Meals; but no orde1 or Military 1egulation shall be enforced that may be inconsistent with the general laws of the Faculty, 01 with the Statutes of the Boaid. To these, Cadets shall be subject at all times. _ 8. The genelal laws legulating the conduct of Students, as already published and such as 1elate to the occupancy of rooms, and others of like character that may f1 om time to time be adopted, are to be considered as a part of these 1egu1ations. - w——--—-~~—~.--ya...» ,. ”“9" . < 4 > OTHER RULES OF DISCIPLINE. 1. The daily duties are as follows: Reveille—(Roll all), .......... . . . .Dayb1eak. ‘* Study hours 01' ork, ............... From ReVeille to 7 o ’,cloek A. M. Breakfast ..................... . . . .7 to 8 o ’,clock A. M. Chapel Call, ....................... 8 /2 o’clock,”A. M. \ Study, .Rec1tatlon, or Work, ........ From 8, A. M. to 1, P. M. Dinner, ............................. From 1 t02 P. M Study, Recitation, or Wow . .From 2 to 4 P. M. Drill, .. . . . .. “H41. .. .. ........ -\n hour before Retreat. Retreat“ . . "y ........ M'- . ...... . . . .Sunset. Suppet'z ........... «._ ..... , . . Immediately after Retreat. Study h6111;,_ . . . . : , ,‘ ...... . . . . _ . .From Dark till Tattoo. - Tattoo,» ........................... 9, P. M. _ Taps,...-1 . ......... 4 .......... 9%,P . 1L "‘ 2. y Cadet must obey the commands of his Professors and his Supe1M§fic§1s 3. Wet shall go beyond the limits assigned without leave of the Comm, dan H ‘ 4. No Cadet shall absent himself from his quarters ~between Tattoo and Reveille for a longer time than 15 minutes, and then 011 necessary occasions. 5. No Cadet shall answe1 for anothei at any Roll call. 6. No Cadet shall use profane language, or be guilty of desecr ating the Lord’s Day’ 7. N o Cadet shall cook or prepare food in his quarters, or give a11ye11- tertainment therein, without the permission of the Commandant." 8. Each Cadet 011 leaving the Agricultural College shall hand to the . Commandarft' a eeitificate from the Quarter Master that he has returned, in good order, all public pr‘oper ty charged to him. '2, 9. Every Cadet who may remain in qu 11 ters from any duty, 011 account of sickness, will reportfi e fact promptly through the O1derly to the Sur- geon or Commandant,fi Qtfieer of the Day; also, should he go t3 his room during his Lectufggf working hou1s. M 10. The Commanda1 P1 esiding Ofiicer only may arrest a Cadet—and every Cadet underarr 1a11 confine himself strictly to quartei s, except when absent for necess ' , ,11'poses, or for the performance of some Aca— demic, Industrial or M" ita'ry duty, or for meals. 11. For the infraction of any of these regulations, or for any minor" offence against good order and military discipline, the Commandant may reprimand or arrest a Cadet at his discretion. 12. He shall keep a merit—roll of the conduct of every Cadet according to a scale of 0 100; shall register all delinquences and punishments inflicted, and report weekly to the Faculty. 13. Offences against good discipline will subject a Cadet not only to 1 military punishment. but to such other penalties as the Faculty may judge necessary to inflict. 14. 011 Sunday all Drills shall be suspended, and military signals shall cease; but the Students will strictly observe good order and a proper be- havior, and remain, unless at Church, within bounds. b ‘3 v ,\, .J’v ~ _.—____--.___._.~./ ( 5 ) poucs. 1. The Regulations already adopted by the Faculty or Board for the government of Students in their rooms, are hereby made a part of the Regulations of Police. _ 2. Immediately after Reveille every Cadet shall arrange his bedding, put away his clothing and other effects in good order. 3. N0 Cadet shall keep a light in his room after Taps, unless made ne- cessary by sickness, or upon leave of Commandant first obtained. 4. No Cadet shall play upon any musical instrument during study hours, or on Lord’s—day. 5. Cadets shall walk the halls, passages and stairways in an orderly manner, and with as little noise as possible. 6. When sentinels are posted, every Cadet leaving his room 011 a neces~ sary occasion, shall report his departure and return to the sentinel of his Ward. 7. No Cadet shall put any placard or notice upon any building, or affix t0 the wall of his room any map, picture or piece of writing, without permission. 8. No one, not an Officer of the College or a Cadet, shall enter any bar- rack at any time; nor shall a Cadet introduce any such person into bar— racks, without permission. 9. Arms shall not be retained loaded in quarters, nor be discharged in or about barracks. 10. N o Cadet shall cut, mark, or in any way deface or injure the buildings. CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS. 1. Each Cadet Captain shall, under the Commandant, superintend a Company of Cadets and its Company quarters, and see that the regula— tions are duly observed. 2. He shall, besides the general superintendence of his Company quar- ters, take the immediate charge of a sub-division of the same, and perform the duties hereinafter prescribed for Chiefs of sub-divisions. 3. He shall, every morning at or before 8 o’clock, make to the Ofiicer of the Day a report, in writing, of every delinquency that may have come to his knowledge; the condition of every room under his charge in regard to police, and the name of all Cadets who may have been absent at in— spection after Taps. . 4. Each Sub—Division shall be placed under a Cadet Officer, who shall be charged with the immediate care of its Police and the preservation of good order therein. 5. He shall communicate to the occupants of the rooms of his Sub-Di- vision such orders as he may receive from his superior relative to Police, and shall cause them to be observed. 6. He shall visit every room under his charge immediately after Taps, and ascertain by inspection whether the duties of the Orderlies have been observed, and whether the occupants of the room are all present and in ( 6 ) J bed. He shall report to his Superior when any Orderly has failed to com— y ply with any regulation. He shall also visit and thoroughly inspect every ‘ { room under his charge thirty minutes after Reveille roll-call, and see ‘ that all police regulations have been duly complied with; he shall then immediately report the result or his inspections to his Superior Officer, with the names of the Orderlies. . DUTIES OF ORDERLIES. 1. An Orderly shall be detailed for each room by the Chief of Sub—Di— vision, who shall perform duty for one week. He shall be responsible for all property in the room for common use. 2. Every morning, immediately after Reveille, he shall thoroughly sweep every part of the floor of his room, brush off dust from furniture, and sweep the dust collected in halls and stairways, when the care of the 5 same shall devolve on his room. 3. He shall see to the safety of fires at night, and all other times when the occupants are to leave the room. ) 4. He shall see that his room is duly lighted in ten minutes after the ( call to quarters, and that all lights in his room are extinguished after ' Tattoo and at or before Taps. » 5. He shall answer promptly all official questions put to .him by the _ Presiding Officer, Commandant or a Cadet~Superior, concerning his duties , as Orderly. 6. In his absence, the occupant longest off duty shall take his place. OFFICER OF THE DAY. *) l. The Officer of the Day shall be detailed from the Roster of Cadet l Officers. *3. He shall receive his guard in the manner prescribed by Regulations of the Army, and immediately report for orders to the Commandant. ! 3. He shall keep his Station at some place convenient, except when ab— ! sent on other duties or at meals, between Reveille roll—call and Taps. 1 4. He shall cause all signals to be sounded at the proper time by the . Orderly Musician. 5. He shall do all in his power to preserve good order in and near quar— J ters, and correct all violations of orders that may come to his knowledge. 1 {3. He shall require all absentees at any military roll—call to be imm-e— ‘ I l I l l l l l diately reported to him. He shall then seek for such absentees and order them to repair to duty—and he shall then report to the Commandant all whom he may not find, or who may not promptly obey his order. 7. He shall visit Cadet quarters at least twice between Reveille and Tattoo, for the purpose of correcting all violations of order and of regu« lations. 8. On being relieved he shall make a report, in writing, to the Com— mandant of all violations of regulations, and by whom committed; return all permits that may have come into his hands during his tour, with the hour of departure and return endorsed thereon. ’ (7) 9. All permits to be absent from quarters during study hours, or to visit, or to go beyond bounds, after being signed by the Commandant, must be left with the Ofiicer of the Day, to whom Cadets will report their departure and return. ‘ SENTINELS. 1. All persons are to observe the greatest respect towards Sentinels, when posted. 2. Sentinels shall obey the orders of the Presiding Officer, Commandant, Academic Officers, Chief of Quarters, and the Officers of the Guard. 3. As soon as a Sentinel is posted during study hours, or if posted when Call—to-quarters is sounded, then ten minutes afterward, he shall visit eve- ry room under his charge; order every visiting Cadet to his room; report all who may not have obeyed the Call-to-quarters, and all who may fail to obey his order. 4. No Sentinel shall permit any violation of orders or regulations to take place in or near his post, without attempting to prevent it—-and he shall report every such violation that may take place while at his post, and the name of any Cadet who shall be absent from his room during the home of study fo1 a longer time than 15 minutes. 5. The se1 vice of Guard or Sentinel shall be pe1formed according to Army Regulations. UNIFORM. 1. The Uniform of Cadets to be worn while 011 duty and at such other times as may be ordered, shall be of grey cloth, cut and trimmed as that worn by Cadets of the United States Military Academy, except the but- ton, which shall be the Kentucky State button. ARMS. 1. No Cadet shall lend or exchange his Arms or Accoutrements, nor use those of any other Cadet. 2. Arms and Accoutrements shall not be taken from quarters, except for duty. 3. No Cadet shall alter his musket by scraping, filing 01' burnishing stbck, barrel, or any other part of it. QUARTER-MASTER. l. Quar tei—Masteis st01cs will consist of all alticles of clothing, books, stat1one1y 01 any other articles that may be 1equir ed by Cadets. 2. Cadets V\ ill be fu111ished with such a1ticles as they may need upon requisitions—-accompanied in all cases by the Cadet. 3. In case the Piesiding Oflicei has doubts as to the piopiiety of fu1- nishing the aiticles in 1equisition, he will for ward the 1equisiti0n to the Cadet‘s parent or guardian for his approval or disapproval. (8) 4. Leave of absence to accompany the Quarter-Master and assist in the selection and purchase of articles needed, will be granted in writing by the Commandant, when proper to do so 9 but in such cases no articles, not specified in the requisition, shall be purchased. MISCELLANEOUS. 1. N o Cadet will visit any family except on recreation hours on Satur— day, without permission of the Commandant. 2. Cadets must at all times be careful to present a neat and tidy appear- ance in dress and person. 3. Application for leave of absence must be made in writing, and rea- sons for the same definitely stated, and forwarded through the Comman— dant to the Presiding Officer. ‘7 4. Every Cadet who has leave of absence from the College, which shall always be in writing, must exhibit the same to the Commandant and his Captain, and, on his return, report to those Officers and to the Presiding Officer. 5. N0 Cadet shall be absent from any duty not Academic or Industrial, without permission of the Presiding Officer or Commandant. excusEs, Etc. 1. When a Cadet is reported absent from any duty, he must render an excuse or explanation for the same, and when it is not stated that he was in the Cadet limits at the time, he will be considered as having been beyond said limits, and be liable to be punished accordingly. 2. No Cadet shall address an Officer of the University or aCadet who has reported him for a delinquency, on the subject of such report, unless specially permitted to do so by the Presiding Officer, and no Cadet having made such report shall hold any conversation with him relating to it, un— less permitted to do so by the proper authority. 3. Any Cadet reported for a delinquency, and having a satisfactory ex— cuse for the same, shall express it in writing, according to the following form, and present it to the Commandant on the following Friday, between the hours of 7 and 8 o’clock, P. M., unless prevented by some unavoid- able cause, which must be stated in the excuse. (9) (FORM OF EXCUSE FOR A DELINQUENCY.) MILITARY DEPARTMENT or KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY (Date) .................... 186 Offence ...................... ".V .................................... Excuse ........... p ................................................ Respectfully submitted, W ............. D. B ............. To ......................................... Presiding Officer of Ag’l and Mech’l College. [Endorsement for the above excuse at the top of the first fold, not to ex- tend more than three inchesfrom top.] A ............ and M ............. College, (Date) .................... 186 W ........... D. B ............ EXCUSE. 1. All excuses must be on letter or cap paper of the ordinary size, and folded in three equal parts, parallel to the ruling, and endorsed in accor- dance with the foregoing form. MERIT AND DEMERIT. 1. Demerit is expressed by a number assumed as proportionate to the degree of the offence against military discipline. ‘ Late at Roll Call,. . f ................................... 10 demerit. Absent from any Roll Call, .............................. 20 “ “ “ “ Duty, ,. ............................. 50 “ “ “ quarters, when not on duty, or leave, ....... 6O “ Neglect of duty, not attending when warned, ............ 50 “ Other neglects of duty, .................................. 4O “ Visiting in study hours, ................................. 100 “ Loitering in study hours, ................................ 3O ‘ “ Wearing Uniform improperly, ........................... 30 “ Uniform out of order, .................................... 20 “ Smoking on duty, ....................................... 60 “ ' Talking in ranks, ............ , ............................ 2 0 “ Inattention in ranks, ................................... 10 “ Disorder in ranks, ....................................... 40 “ Causing disorder, . . ...................................... 50 “ (10) Disrespect to Superior Officers,. , . . ............. . , c . . . .100 demerit. Noise in quarters or vicinity, ..................... . ..... 30 “ Scuffling, running, etc., in halls, etc. . . ................ 30 “ Throwing missiles in vicinity of buildings, .............. 100 “ Lounging on bed, or bed down in study hours, ........... 30 “ Room out of police, .............................. ., . . 30 “ [nbedinstudyhours,... ........... 3O “ Idling in study hours, .................................. 30 “ Light after Taps,. . . .................................. 70 “ Changing bayonet, ram-rod, or removing lock, ........... 50 “ Leaving arms out of quarters, ......................... 30 “ Arms out of order, ...................................... 30 “ Accoutrements out of order, ............................. 10 “ Leaving ranks without permission, ............ ' ......... 50 “ Discharging arms in or about the premises, ............ .100 “ 2. The word ‘gross’ added to a rep‘o‘rt doubles the number expressive of d emerit; and if that number exéef‘ea 100 for any such report, or for all the reports of any one week, the Cadet, unless he offer a satisfactory eX- cuse, will be punished by limits, or otherwise. 3. Positive merit will be awarded for neatness of rooms and good order of arms and accoutrements. Should any Cadet receive the maximum, 100, in Conduct, he will also receive in addition, as positive merit, the number to which he may be entitled for such cleanliness of room, good order of arms, etc. Positive merit will also cancel and decrease demerit in the gen- eral average of conduct. 4. The ‘Standing in Conduct’ of each Cadet will be determined by stri- king a balance between the demerits and credits; the general standing to be determined by considering both the standing in study and conduct; which general standing will determine the relative rank of Cadets, provi- ded that exceptions may be made for excellence in this Department. 5. The three Cadets of the Senior Class who may attain to the highest general standing, and whose names are marked on the rolls with a 9*, will be recommended to the Governor as distinguished Graduates of the Agri— cultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky. 6. Each graduate of the Agricultural and Mechanical College who may be also a gradute of the School of Tactics, will be commissioned Captain in the Academic Stafi' of Kentucky University. 7. The names of Cadets will appear in the Catalogue in the order deno- ted by the general standing of the same; the Cadet who has the highest general standing will be the first, while the one who has the lowest will be the last on the list. The Catalogue will also contain the merit in study, the merit in conduct, and the general standing of each Cadet. ‘. (11) REGULATIONS: ENEHSBTREAEJ @EPAETMEJE 1. The Superintendent of the Farm shall have the entire control and management of the Farm, and the government of the students while at labor. L 2. He shall, as soon as practicable, lay ofi‘ and determine by proper boundaries all private grounds attached to residences on the Farm; and subdivide the public land into suitable areas for meadows, pastures, fields, gardens, nurseries, yards, vineyards, orchards and experimental plots. re~ serving enough for forest; and he shall number, or designate these divis- ions according to some convenient method, making an accurate survey and plot of the whole. ‘ 3. He shall project and recommend. from time to time, such permanent improvements as, in his judgment, should be made either for use, or for ornament. 4. He shall keep just and regular accounts with every department of the Farm; attend to the selling of all surplus produce, not otherwise dis- posed of by order of the Executive Committee; purchase under their order all needful supplies for the Farm; keep accurate accounts with all students for labor performed; with hired laborers; and with all residents on the Farm for produce consumed. He shall report to the Faculty at least once a month his account current with every student. 5. He shall keep in a permanent book a descriptive catalogue of all stock, machinery or implements belonging to the Farm; and a list of all Donors, and the value and character of their contributions. 6. His Books shall at all times be open to the inspection of any member of the Faculty. _ 7. He shall make a detailed report monthly of the condition of all stock, implements and machinery; of the amount and value of all products; the general condition of the Farm in all its departments; the operations car— ried on, and the improvements made or projected; and make special men— tion of any wants that may arise; and give, in general, such information concerning the practical workings of the Farm, under the prescribed sys- tem of labor and government, as may be of interest to the Faculty. 8. He shall keep a permanent record of the relative grade of skill and industry of each student, as determined by his behavior at work—adopting the simple scale of three degrees, viz: 1. Expressing deficiency; 2. Sat- J (12) isfactory performance; and 3. Excellency; and he shall endeavor, at all times, to encourage the students to take a just pride in the success of their labor. He shall report the conduct and standing of the students weekly; but in cases of improper behavior, that require disciplinary action, and which admit of no delay, he shall at once report to the Presiding Officer. He may, however, cite any student to appear before the Faculty at its reg- - ular sessions. 9. He shall, in the name of the Corporation, use all lawful means to prevent or redress any injuries done to the Farm or other property under his charge, by trespass, or otherwise; but he may admit to the public grounds, under proper regulations, such visitors as he may think proper. 10. He shall order and apportion all labor done on the Farm—both or- dinary and extraordinary; prescribe the time and mode of labor; super- intend the same; make rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this code, for the government of students while at labor; and, in general, take the full control of the Farm, its stock, implements and produce, and man~ age its varied details for the welfare of the College, and the advancement of its students in practical knowledge. 11. He shall have the privilege of sitting in the regular sessions of the Faculty, and of taking part in their deliberations. 12. He shall, pin connection with the Faculty, at the beginning of each Term, divide the students into at least four regular Classes, as nearly equal as may be, and with reference to their attainments in science and their experience in labor, to be known as Divisions 1, II, III and IV. 13. On his recommendation, the Faculty shall appoint from among the students most advanced in age, and most experienced in business, one Director for each Division, who shall hold his office for one Term, unless sooner removed. 14. He shall, also, at the beginning of each month, subdivide each Di— vision into convenient Sections, as nearly equal as may be, to be known as Sections A, B, C, D, &c., of Division .I, II, &;c. 15. He shall, at the same time, from among the students having the highest average of merit for industry and skill, appoint one Foreman for each Section in a Class, to be known as Foreman of Section A, Division I, &c. - 16. Each Director of a Division shall see that the several Sections of his Division assemble and organize for labor each day, at such hours as maybe fixed by regulations, and at such places as may have been previ- ously designated, or may be most convenient, in View of the work to be done; he shall note all absentees, whether for the Whole or a part of the time; take the general oversight of the work assigned to his Division by the Superintendent, and see that it is duly performed according to the tenor of the instructions given; distribute, under the advice of the Super- intendent, the different parts of the work among the Sections of his Divis— ion, according to the nature of the work assigned, and a proper order and system of labor; observe and promptly report to the Superintendent any interruptions of the labor from accidental causes; take special note of (13) every matter of detail pertaining to the operation in hand, and report in full to the Superintendent at 5 o’clock, P. M. 17. In the distribution of the more special operations among the differ- ent Sections of a Division, a principle of rotation shall be observed, so that each student may be as variously employed during the year as may be consistent with the general interests of the Farm. 18. Each Foreman shall direct the labor of his Section in strict accor- dance with the instructions of the Superintendent, or of the Director, and according to his best judgment. He shall note all absence from labor and every instance of tardy attendance; convene his Section promptly at the time and place designated; promptly report to the Superintendent or the Director any interruptions of labor from accidental causes; have the spe— cial care of all tools, implements or machinery used by his Section; note all injuries to the Farm, and all losses, and, as far as practicable, the name of the student responsible for the same; have the special charge of all an- imals used for labor by his Section, and all harness and gearing used with the same; see that all tools, implements and machines, and all work ani- mals thus entrusted to his care, are properly disposed of at the expiration of his term, or passed in good condition to the Foreman of the succeeding Section; and in general, by example and proper encouragement and close attention to the business in hand, do all in his power to promote the ad— vancement and reputation of his Section, and the success of this Depart- ment of his College. He shall, at the close of his daily term of labor} make a full report to the Director of his Divisio n. 19. When two or more Sections unite in the performance of any undi- vided work, the immediate oversight of the whole shall devolve on the Foreman of Section A, or in his absence, on the Foreman of Section B, &c. 20. When one Division or Section is appointed under the general regu— lations to succeed another, without intermission, the responsibility of a close and proper connection will devolve on the Director of the succeed~ ing Division, or on the Foreman of the succeeding Section; and any fail- ure, except for unavoidable causes, to be at the field of labor in time, will be to the discredit of the Division or Section thus delinquent. 21. In the temporary absence of any Director, the Superintendent shall appoint one; or on his failure to do so, the Foreman of Section A shall take charge of the Division pro tem. In the absence of any Foreman, the Superintendent shall appoint one; or in neglect of this, the Director shall fill the vacancy by appointment pro tem. 22. As a general rule, vacancies in the Directorship shall be filled by the promotion of faithful Foremen; and these offices shall be understood as complimentary to the industrial virtues and attainments of students. 23. Each student shall receive fon his productive'labor ..... cents per hour, according to his grade of standing for skill and industry, to be deter- mined by the Faculty and Superintendent. 24. Any Director or Foreman may be discharged from office at the pleasure of the Superintendent, whenever the interest of the Farm, or the welfare of the Division may, in his judgment, require it; and the Faculty, on his recommendation, shall, without delay, proceed to appoint another, to serve for the remainder of the term. J A <14.) 25. All damage to stock. 01' 111311. 'y to tools, implements- and machineiy that may arise fr 0111 the gross caielessness of any student. shall be assessed to him by the Supe1 111tendent. and his compensation 1educed if necessary in payment of the amount. 26. Students eniolled and laboring in one Division, may, vith the con- sent of the Faculty, pe1 form additional labor as men1be1s of another, but no student shall change his membership from one Division to another, without leave of the Faculty; ~ nor pass from one Section to another, Without permission from the Superintendent. 27. Extra labor 011 Saturdays, Holidays and in vacation, may be allowed to such students as desire it, under the direction of the Superintendent, and at reasonable rates of compensation. - 28. Instructive labor, or labor performed by inexperienced students, for the purpose of lea1ning any manual art, or the application or the illus- t1 ation of any science or f01 experiment me1ely. shall not be 1eg a1 ded as productive labor entitled to compensation. 29. The adopted programme of Labor shall be carried out 011 Saturdays as 011 other days of the week, when the interest of the Farm require it; and the attention of Division I. shall be required 011 Sundays only for the necessary Care of stock. But the Superintendent will see that the labors 011 Saturdays are so directed that no duties beyond what are absolutely ne— cessary be demanded 011 Sunday. 30. Direct01s and Foremen shall meet the Supe1intendent every after— noon at 50 "clock, 111 such room as he may designate , at which 110111 1eports shall be made; the operations 011 the Farm discussed; and the details of the work for the ensuing day announced and explained, and such special or general instructions given as the Superintendent may think necessary. Other inte1views may be held at such times as may be designated, upon call of the Superintendent, whenever he may desire to give special in— st1uctions to his subordinates. 31. Any student that may desire to perform additional daily labor, for the sake of compensation, beyond the amount required of all students by the general scheme, shall make application to the Faculty, stating the number of additional hours he desires to work; and any student that may desire to receive instruction and acquire experience in any particular branch of Agricultural Art, shall, in like manner, apply to the Faculty. 32. Should any unusual cause render it necessary that any student be exempted from regular labor, leave to intermit the same, 01' to labor at will, shall be obtained from the Faculty. 33. Students will be expected to observe a proper economy and a scru- pulous neatness with respect to dress; and to this end it is desired that each shall provide himself with a suitable working garb. After daily labor, he shall make proper ablutions and pay scrupulous attention to dress and person. 34-. E