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/ scaecae asserts.





1-. Students of the School of T ictics shall be organized into a Military
gx, to be 111101111 as THE CORPS o1 CADE TS 01 THE AGRICULTURAL AND
HANICAL COLLEGE or KENTUCKY, and shall be placed under the im—.
mediate gov e1111 1t of the P1 ofessor of MILITARY TAcucs, as Comman—
dant of Cadets.

‘2. Officeis and N 011 —commissioned Ofiiceis shall be appointed by the
Faculty f1on1 among those Cadets who, besides the necessaly military
qualifications shall be distinguished foi general good conduct and aca—
derfi'ic attainments; they shall hold then office for one session, unless:
wone1 removed by the Faculty.

3. All promotions shall be made for 111e1it alone ,1. tempora1y appoint—
ments, however, may be ade by the Commandant. , ' V

4. Cadets shw be 01 ganized as soon as p1acticable into Companies,
and the sever al comnanies shall constitute a Battalion.

:1, From the 1st March to the 1st December there shall be an Infantry
01/11 tillery D1 il d D1 ess Parade every day:fiSatu1day and Sunday e5:—
cepted—at on ur-and—a—half before Retreatflf‘On Saturday there shall
be only Dress Paiade, unless otherwise cidered“~ Du1i110 the 1esidue of
the yea1 tl1e1e shall be the usual Drill on such days as may be named in
”'01ders. ;

6. There shall be a weekly Inspection of Cadets under a1ms evely
F1iday. "

7. The Rules of Military Police and Discipline shall be exemplified as
fa1 as practicable; to this end, and that good or'de1 may be maintained
ainong the Cadets, they shall be subject to the Ordels of the Commandant.
and to such Militaiy Regulations as aw he1ein prescribed, except when
in- actual attendance upon some Professor, at Labor. 01 at Meals; but no
orde1 or Military 1egulation shall be enforced that may be inconsistent
with the general laws of the Faculty, 01 with the Statutes of the Boaid.
To these, Cadets shall be subject at all times. _

8. The genelal laws legulating the conduct of Students, as already
published and such as 1elate to the occupancy of rooms, and others of
like character that may f1 om time to time be adopted, are to be considered
as a part of these 1egu1ations. -