xt7sxk84nj8k_186 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5:  Collection on Kentucky University Land lease agreement between Kentucky University and Robert J. Payne text Land lease agreement between Kentucky University and Robert J. Payne 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_34/Folder_17/Multipage7917.pdf 1896 March 1 1896 1896 March 1 section false xt7sxk84nj8k_186 xt7sxk84nj8k  


—BREWW— ; ‘ ' 'J, L. BAILEY,
Thin-Rind Hogs, , ‘

Jersey Cattle


City Office:

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Saddle Horses. 3 ' i» ,No. l9 WEST SHORT ST,




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Thin-Rind Hogs, "f
Jersey Cattle .


City Office:

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Saddle Horses. 2’ , E ‘ 3 ' ‘No. l9 WEST SHORT ST.



 -BREEDER 0F" 3k ' . 4», -J. L. BAILEY,
Thin-Rind Hogs, .

Jersey Cattle

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City Office:

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“BREEDEROI‘; ‘ 4 *. ' :J. L. BAILEY,
Thin-Rind Hogs”. .‘

Jersey Cattle

City Oflclce:

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Saddle Horses. 7 ¢ ' ' .  - ' ,‘No. I9 WEST SHORT ST.
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Thin- -Rind Hogs, . _ ' P p _ 1
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Jersey Cattle
City Office:

Saddle Horses ., A. ,‘No. 19 WEST SHORT ST.

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