xt7sxk84nj8k_63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5:  Collection on Kentucky University Promissory note receipt book text Promissory note receipt book 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_18/Folder_8/Multipage4052.pdf 1865-1867 1867 1865-1867 section false xt7sxk84nj8k_63 xt7sxk84nj8k  




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111' Stock 111 11111 111111111111 111-11111. in Tuition. 21‘1 11113111111111 '111'111y D1111. .11511121'21111 111 1111 1111-11111.11i1r——‘/




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15!, Thu? Mil [Tnix'urfitjv 5":111 Us pcrnuucntly hunted in w mm- the ciiv nt' Lexingtm. K v.
v v . ‘ ‘ . » ,. . - -
2111. 11ml 02194011”th this Hutu shall 5:,- dn} in) the 13f m Jumnz'y. 13m. :m-l (in: balance In times :rqunl annual 113>f.;1hneuts
3rd. That ARM (114:1);u'11’mnt of L132: mm), the ()‘flignr. his vuxsoml Ivasvntntivu “51' 35533110). shuH bu unfithfid to u Cux’tlfit‘iltv

01' Stock tn the amount lurx'wl‘. in 'l'llilinli. :H‘ fhcmhrof' Thirty DnHms pa'x' tuxmnn for (nu-h pup“.















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- r, ,, ,. _ _______________ ”/fllfim’, /0’zi [745/5/(5/15145 5/ .5U1///22(/j /z;g(///rr//r, / 7/. (156)1/54/5/{574 /5‘/ [/2 I'd/film“ /ZTt/N!//.

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»' ' L- /

lst. That mil University s‘i‘ull be permanently located in or near the Citv of Lexington. l\'\'.

Luil l‘lnit one~llnwtl1 nt' this note shall he. (lnfs on the lstr)!" .lnnnm‘v, 1856, and (Imbalance in three equal annual instalments
H . ‘
{UCXK '2‘ Wu”.

. Jul ';1'hit ul‘tci Lhepauncnt nf' thistmto the (l‘. )lin'm, his isxrsonul I'Opl‘GSL‘lltilllVG orassignee, shall he entitled twicertzficzitu
(l; Stock to the unmunf hm‘unl. in 'luitiml, at them {col Thiil ly llnllauspcr‘annnm for each pupil.





 ' , 4 [.77 . . [i M . , . . .
1‘\Wlfl/flkfi/J/WY/"./r"///71r7’//-J(/i/, ”/0?” //M /,.6//N/r//27 (,z=//(I/z/rc/z¢, /o=m//s
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15:. That said University s'r‘ail be permanently iqmtcd in or near the city of Luxingtan, Ky.
2nd. 'l‘h:1t0no~t'mn'f,i

V . 10f this note shall be din: on the lstoF January, [886, and the balance in thmc eqnni annual installments
3rd. Thai. af't‘iif‘rithu pay'mmfi- of this note, the ()hligor.

_ ‘ his pursunul representative 01' ass'ignee. shall be untitied t0 :icertificutu
of Mock in (he :mmnnt hen-of, 1n Tuition, :lt they

uteof‘ Thirty Dnliaispcrmmnm for each pupil.






'1 Mew; «kw/Z; /7 1%
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' ' ' I
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wzevzl-‘m- . (JG/.25, Viém‘zmwd . 1/, MIL Met r/éwxz . anaéflom‘. (‘0:1'50‘: ‘.
I / 1% / / If ’ If, ” 09%
lsi. That said University s't‘all be permanently located in or near the citf? 5f" Lexington, Ky. , " "
2nd. That one—(burn; of this note aim” bé due on the lst tif'..fzziiiiai'3', 1366, and the balance in three mink-annual: instalments
thereafter. ' ‘ . .
, 3rd. Thai after the payment of this note, the Oblig , a . ,A ,(w‘ . . , .' /'
£21144»! £2Q€H “gs/‘K/rnya flz [/25 14/37/2044:: 9/ / raw/mg am/ 6257/?022. // 52/2]qu 1%»sz /022 [fr rad-71010.1. .3256 MN;

I I I I, .

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lz(»llzr, / Jr a, v, #111441, 1/) {/02}, _, m /c- {. Ali/Z7 6::12( 1 Mad, Owl! .

15L. That sail Univtrsit)‘ shall he pet‘nmnmm‘v located in (W near the city of Imxingtmx,_Ky.

21H. That (l!)(‘~f()\ll'fll of this; note Shall be (In: nu thu 1510f Jzu’mnry,15436, and the balance in thr n3, equal annual instalments
thereafter. ,

3rd. That after the payment 01" this now, the Obligm'. his, personal representative 0 ' assfg‘nee. shall be entitled toacertificato
of Stock to the amount he "cut, in Tuitiml. at erzxtcaf' Thirty Dollarsper :nnmm for each pupil.





 'éeM-c 54 no 772', mil;

M /¢axua(/V< (L % ”pm? ”2/11.?
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3%j_JZ’_ ‘73-“, , Zia/Zl/A 2:4 ’7 ,7 /tnlments


3rd. That after the mvmmt of' this note the Obligor. his wrsunul r0 )rcsontutirc m'assiqneu. shall be entitled tnuccrtificalr
A ’ . l I . ,

0:" Stock to the amount. hmm-nl". in 'I‘niiion, :xt themteof‘ Thirty Dollarspc 'mnmm for each pupil.


(iii, K’ a“ .' r) - ' '1‘ ' 4’ w / ,
C ,,,~...:/z=///1‘z.:l. flz [/25 /é{(/Zvl‘r/I.<..r..«,.-

_. V < -V, .. M--- -.._ M l _ .- 4/0/7512‘5. /’m: Mr: /mz.r:/zmxg2 0// 5104/7204 (4124/ (av/mu n/ f/f/a/(I/mya /2z Ma 'lklltfllfixi @7114:er

» . f“ _. . n A ,j . , . 3
WINK/J r/ 4411/ ‘-'{/é?2//zréz'>4{{y. (x/wzz Mr. /‘/§/Z’/£/1"i}/7 MINA/wild, {a MM:
4’ r' '

1.5%. ’l‘lmt 54ml UniVL-rsitj,’ wall be permanently located In or near the city all Lexington, Ky.

21”. That one-fourth of this now shall be (Inc an the [st of’ January, 1366, and the balance in three, equ ll annual instalments


.‘ any...» we m

.. ’1 Tuition, nt momtc 01' 'l'hlrtv [’01 ms per a

nnnm for each pupig


ram m” this note, the Obligm'. his pvrsmml representative or :assignee, shall be entitled to zlccrtificatu










M _/‘
. - ,. _ _______________ ///IIJ /I-z f/z; fl/Iw/IIwc I/ 7/ (Ill/MIG fl/Z(//I'I/‘///// /:// /))/7I//7777/L) /I7 //:' HZZIZVJK >'/


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‘—>»<\,\,, - J

151;. That 5111.1 [1111\‘1'1‘5115' 51'1111 bepe1'1‘n1111111111y located 111 (11' near 11M? city 411' Lexington, Ky.

2111. That (1110411111111 111' this 110111 5111111 130111101111 the 131 01' January, 181113, 111111 1111-1)11111nce in three 111111.11 11111111111 11151111111131115


11' 1.1 T11. 11. 2111111" [11011101110112 of this 11010 1110 01:11m11, 1115 p1 1sm1. 11 10pnse11tutixe o1 11ss1g11oc 11111111 be 01111111111 to 11(crt1fi01111'
13100111011111 1111101111? 11919111. in Tuition, 111 111011111301 ’111111y 1)011.11spL1 11111111111 1m 0.1011111.11i1 *

41/7 flL/l//( ‘9.






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,1, - r‘ 5 ,/ ,6:
.,/ flaw/Lug: ,/r» flay A? Md #77115144'552. 0/ ///«:c X9!" 4...

.................... (4/2/1721. 02 M2 warn/611% ol {Chum/4 (1721/ mac/mu w. aflm/f/m 4 (02. If; wi-ZMMJ (12);" mil.
, / f

. '17 . . o f, . . . .
flew/(f; 1/ ,«/(I{// ~-//{Smwwzl/, {x/zwz Mn fl/fiztwy/ (Hz/IWM/‘e-i, formal.-

lst. That will Uniwrslty shall be pcrnmncntly located in or near the city of Lexingtnn, Ky.

2nd. 'l‘hut mw‘l’mlrth of this note Shall be due am the lst of January, 1866, and the balance in three equal annual instalments

3rd. Tllni nt'icr the payment; of‘ this note, the ()bligor, his pm'smml representative or assignee, shall be entitled to neertlficate
of Stock to the amount hereof, in Tuition, at themteof Thirty Dollars per :11 m for e: il.













/ flwmmr // 1942/ ’21 [/1], - zxuwzu 5/ M! {Xv/”fizr/x/ ///mm/~M‘//


, A-“ ______1,,_- /////// rz l/zc Man/1413: a 1) Luna/1 1/}Z(//1(///(// '2 film/777 ) «.2 [/t [NZZMMJ- £0] ”12/.
#1 . ,/."‘/ , . . . .
flaw/.1 5/11/24/ V/z’hzzzie’m/y, Iva/1m Mrs/4721714237 {Mm/I/{zilz-J, ffl'ZKII/x
1st,. That 5:111 U11iv1:11~:11ys"1111 be pcr1nu1mx1tly located in or near the cit-y 01' Lexingtvm, Ky.

2111!. That 01113-1?)111'111111' this note shall be 11110011 the 1510? January, 1856, and {he bzflnnce in three 0111111 51111111111 insmhnents

‘rd.'1‘h11t ut’tcr L‘nepwmvnt (1! H115 note, the 0111100131115 111-15011411epxcsuntntiveurassmneu, snz111bee11t-1tled touccrh {102111-

()1 Mock tn H111 amount hen 111. in 'l uiliou. :11 themte of Thnty (film‘s )cxgm £0’1321ch PUP”.
‘1‘ K














film ______ __,_, "QM {’2‘ (”/1”) A/_/‘// {1/} /




, , . , 7x ,x , . . , 4 ,(7
./ [Aw/211.115 l0 flay W} [/14 20/ ’MZZJMMZ (1/ (/44? .‘flfivzr/Mplfz/ iiézzmmutfirf .A 463;? R y “'14,: a 4 J« ~—
c' /} ,7 5; ‘ a ." ’ ‘I ' A" ' ‘S ‘ if -
_ ,. _ _______________ ,flr/(élguf/ /23 [/16 fi/gzxfl/gtig /}// J/Efélfifazé- 537M//1?Mfl/Mil ’/ ifilflffléilyt} /§Z ”é ‘7‘){2’2’5‘755' «(fig/U171.
5 Min/J. «/)-1./z{}/ {:Zf’li'm'zmzwg/I, (4 1-5/1. #23: /5//&2M}37 (mm/[Inéw-J, 1‘0» Mill/5 .-


That sai I Unixmsitv 5031! be polnmnomlv located in 0: new the citv of Lexington Ks
That one wfoxnth of this note shall be due 0n the IstofJ.uumn',188l5 and the b


, Lhemal'ter.



alance in three equal annual instalments





3m. '1 h it after thepmmont 01‘ this note, the ()‘olirrm.

his pmsmml xcpxosontntixe or assignee, shall be entitled to :L certificate
l Stock to (hp amount he «13le in Tuition. m thcmteof Tl

.irl)‘ Dollmspm Imnmm 1'01 each pllpil.











.- ‘‘‘‘

' M/ X fl ”‘7
flu” /////?WL¢2








. {11.x}. (3.1;‘-;J-.5_ I/r/fII/a, /I=5 #55 /5/,/54/II5;5 5/ comma/1 55 252/ 555/ Q55; I/ {YB/55754577.; /52 [/52 555555555
Viv/.1 59/145555/ ‘7]{72255555455% 55/5551 5/5/1/5z55/5557 55.1755/5555w, {51:7'5'5'! .-
, . g .

21/54 7/.

1st,. T11:1ts1i1 Univers in 5111111 he pcnnancmlv located in or near the 0111‘ at I oxingtzux K1 .

211:1. '1‘ 11:11 (1110 10111111411 this 11010 s11r111 110111101111 the 151(11' 1.1211111211'1', 181311. and the balance in [use equ 1151.11111211 instahncnts


‘1 « ,
3111.1‘11211 211101 111:: payment of 1111511111551110 0:)1igor his 11115011: 11 10pmsc11tntive or assignee, shall be entitled tmmemficate