xt7sxk84nj8k_68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5: Collection on Kentucky University Insurance policy from the Home Insurance Company text Insurance policy from the Home Insurance Company 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_31/Folder_35/Multipage4125.pdf 1871 July 6 1871 1871 July 6 section false xt7sxk84nj8k_68 xt7sxk84nj8k
.membpmrfl ZOmnEmOmE
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Jim/7 and summglamzz zo é/w HOME INSURANCE COMPANY.
@ASE QAPE'E‘AEJg $80®®m®®®9
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W If this Policy is cancelled the following receipt is to be filled up and signed by the assured.
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Sum Insured,
$ 47‘1“»
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$11“ the said
as above specified, 11 r the i
eight hundred and
sured in the property, except as herein prrgdn .
-_ at twelve o’clock at noon, to the
the amount of loss or damage 0 be estimated according to the actual cash value of the property at the time of the 1083,
of this Policy, unless the property be eplaced, or he Company shall have given notice of their intention to rebuild or rep
at the office of the Company in New—York, in accordance with the terms and provisions
1. If an application, survey, plan or description of the property herein insured is referred to in this Policy, such application, survey, plan or description shall be considered
a part of this contract, and a warranty by the assured; and any false representation by the assured of the condition, situation or occupancy of the property, or any omission to
make known every fact material to the risk, or an over-valuation, or any misrepresentation whatever, either in a written application or otherwise; or if the assured shall have
or shall hereafter make any other insurance on the property hereby insured, or any part thereof, without the consent of the Company written hereon ; or if the above-mentioned
premises shall be occupied or used so as to increase the risk, or become vacant or unoccupied, without notice to, and consent of, this Company, in writing, or the risk be increased
by the erection or occupation of neighboring buildings, or by any means whatever within the control of the assured, without the assent of this Company endorsed hereon ; or if it
be a manufacturing establishment running in whole or in part over, or extra time, or running at night, or if it shall cease to be operated, without special agreement endorsed on
this Policy; or if the property be sold or transferred, or any change takes place in title or possession, (except by succession by reason of the death of the insured), whether by
legal process, or judicial decree, or voluntary transfer or conveyance ; or if this Policy shall be assigned before a loss, without the consent of the Company endorsed hereon ; or if
the interest of the assured in the property, whether as owner, trustee, consignee, factor, agent, mortgagee, lessee, or otherwise, be not truly stated in this Policy; or if the
assured shall keep or use gunpowder, fire-works, nitro-glycerine, phosphorus, saltpetre, nitrate of soda, petroleum, naphtha, gasoline, benzine, benzole, or benzine varnish; or
spirit gas, or any burning fluid or chemical oils, without written permission in this Policy; then, and in every such case, this Policy shall be void.
keep or use camphene,
and kept for sale in stores in quantities not exceeding five barrels—to be drawn by
Kerosene oil, however, may be used for light in dwellings, stores, churches and school-houses,
daylight only. ,
‘2. This insurance does not apply to or cover jewels, plate, watches, musical or scientific instruments (piano-fortes in dwellings excepted), ornaments, medals, patterns,
printed music. printed books, engravings, paintings, picture frames, sculpture, casts, models or curiosities, unless particularly specified in this Policy. This Company shall not
be liable by virtue of this Policy, or any renewal thereof, until the premium therefor be actually paid ; nor for loss by theft at or after a'fire ; nor for money or bullion, bills, notes,
accounts, deeds, evidences of debt, or securities of property of any kind ; nor for any loss or damage by fire caused by means of an invasion, insurrection, riot, civil commotion,
or military or usurped power; nor for any loss in buildings nnprovided with good and substantial stone or brick chimneys, the absence of which has been the cause of the fire ;
nor in consequence of any neglect or deviation from the laws or regulations of police, where such exist; nor for any loss caused by the explosion of gunpowder, or any explosive
substance; nor by lightning, or explosions‘of any kind, unless fire ensues, and then for the loss or damage by fire only, which loss shall to determined by: 13hr) value of the
, L ( ’
damaged property after the casualty by explosion or lightnin‘r. , .2 V,
3. If a building shall fall, except as the result of a fire, all insurance by this Company on it or its contents shall immediately cease and determine.
4. If the interest of the assured in the property be any other than the entire, unconditional and sole ownership of the property, for the use and benefit of the: assured, or if the
building insured stands on leased ground, it must be, so represented to the Company and so expressed in the written part of this Policy, otherwise the Policy shall be void.
When property has been sold and delivered, or otherwise disposed of, so that all interest or liability on the part of the assured herein named has ceased, this insurance on such
property shall immediately terminate. Goods held on storage must be separately and specifically insured.
5. In case the use or occupation of the above mentioned premises, at any time during the period for which this Policy would otherwise continue in force, shall be so changed
as to increase the risk thereupon, except as may be hereafter agreed to by this Corporation, in writing, upon this Policy, from thenceforth, so long as the same shall be 50 used,
this Policy shall be of no force or effect.
6. The best endeavors of the assured shall be used in saving and protecting the property from damage at and after the fire; and in case of failure so to do, this Company
will not be liable for damage caused by such failure ; and there can be no abandonment to the Company of the property insured.
The use of general terms, or anything less than a distinct, specific agreement, clearly expressed, and indorsed on this Policy, shall not be construed as a waiver of any printed
or written condition or restriction therein.
7. In case of any other insurance upon the property hereby insured, whether made prior or subsequent to the date of this Policy, the assured shall be entitled to recOVEr of
this Company no greater proportion of the loss sustained than the sum hereby insured bears to the whole amount insured thereon; and it is hereby declared and agreed that in
case of the assured holding any other Policy in this or any other Company on the property insured, subject 10 the conditions of average, this Policy shall be subject to average
in like manner. Any Floating Policy attaching, in whole 01‘ in part, to the property covered by this Policy, shall, as between the assured and this Company, be considered as
contributing insurance for the full amount of such Policy, and liable as such to pay pro ram any loss, total or partial, on the property hereby insured.
Re-insurance, in case of loss, to be settled in proportion as the sum re-insured shall bear to the whole sum covered by the re-insured Company.
8. This insurance may be terminated at any time at the request of the assured, in which case the Company shall retain only the customary short rates for the time the Policy
has been in force. This insurance may also be terminated at any time at the option of the Company, on giving notice to that effect, and refunding afitable proportion of the
premium for the unexpired term of the Policy.
9. Persons sustaining loss or damage by fire shall forthWith give notice of said loss in writing, to the Company, and, as soon thereafter as possible, render a particular account
of such loss, signed and sworn to by them, stating whether any and what other insurance has been made on the same property, giving copies of the written portion of all Policies
thereon, also the actual cash value of the property and their interest therein, for what purpose ’and by whom the building insured, or containing the property insured, and the
is hereby acknowledged, flu {game
/.@m a:
”U- _.__ /
sum or sums insured
___________________ one thousand
twelve o’clock at noon ;
e assured and received
and subscribe to such examinations when reduced to writing, and shall also produce their books of account and other vouchers, and exhibit the same for exam] , .'-
of the Company, and permit extracts and copies thereof to be made ; the assured shall also produce certified copies of all bills and invoices, the originals of which have been lost,
and shall exhibit to any person or persons named by the Company, for examination, all that remains of the property which was covered by this Policy, damaged or not damaged.
When personal property is damaged, the assured shall forthwith cause it to be put in order, assorting and arranging the various articles according to their kinds, separating
the damaged from the undamaged, and shall cause an inventory to be made, and furnished to the Company, of the whole, naming the quantity, quality and ecst of each article.
The amount of sound value and of damage shall then be ascertained by appraisal of each article by competent persons (not interested in the loss as creditors or otherwise, nor - _
related to the assured or sufferers), to be mutually appointed by the assured and the Company; their report, in writing, to be made under oath before any magistrate or other
properly commissioned person ; one—half of the appraisers’ fees to be paid by the assured. The Company reserve the right to take the whole or any part of the articles at their
appraised value ; and until such proofs, declarations and certificates are produced, and examinations and appraisals permitted by the claimant, the loss shall not be payable.
In case of loss on property held in trust, or on commission, or if the interest of the assured be other than the entire and sole ownership, the names of the respective owners
shall be set forth, together with their respective interests therein. If this Policy is made payable, in case of loss, to a third party, or held as collateral security, the proofs ofloss
shall be made by the party originally insured, unless there has been an actual sale of the property insured. All fraud, or attempt at fraud, by false swearing or otherwise, shall
cause a forfeiture of all claim on this Company under this Policy. ,
But provided, in case differences shall arise touching any loss or damage after proof thereof has been received in due form, the matter shall, at the written request of either ,,
party, be submitted to impartial arbitrators, whose award in writing shall be binding on the parties as to the amount of such loss or damage, but shall not decide the liability of
the Company under this Policy ; and, provided further, that it shall be optional with the Company to repair, re—build or re-place the property lost or damaged with other of like
kind and quality within a reasonable time, giving notice of their intention so to do within thirty days after receipt of the proofs herein required; and in all cases, whether this
Company elect to rebuild or not, the assured shall, if required, furnish plans and specifications of the buildings destroyed.
The cash value of property destroyed or damaged by fire shall in no case exceed what would be the cost to the assured, at the time of the fire, of replacing the same ; and in
case of the depreciation of such property, from use or otherwise, a suitable deduction from the cash cost of replacing shall be made, to ascertain the actual cash value.
When property insured by this Company is damaged by removal from a building in which it is exposed to loss by fire, said damage shall be borne by the insured and the
insurers, in such proportion as the whole sum insured bears to the whole value of the property insured, of which proofin due form shall be made by the claimant.
10. This insurance (the risk not being changed) may be continued for such further time as shall be agreed on, provided the premium therefor is paid and endorsed on this
Policy, or a receipt given for the same, and it shall be considered as continued under the original representation, and for the original amounts and divisions, unless otherwise
specified in writing ; but in case there shall have been any change in the risk, either within itself or by neighboring buildings, not made known to the Company by the assured at
the time of renewal, this Policy and renewal shall be void.
11. It is a part of this contract, that any person other than the assured, who may have procured this insurance to be taken by this Company, shall be deemed to be the agent .
of the assured named in this Policy, and not of this Company under any circumstances whatever, or in any transaction relating to this insurance.
12. It is furthermore hereby expressly provided and mutually agreed, that no suit or action against this Company, for the recovery of any claim by virtue of this Policy, shall
be sustainable in any Court of Law or Chancery, unless such suit or action shall be commenced within twelve months next after the loss shall occur ; and should any suit or action
be commenced against this Company after the expiration of the aforesaid twelve months, the lapse of time shall be taken and deemed as conclusive evidence against the validity
of such claim, any statute of limitation to the contrary notwithstanding.
a?” GAS—The generating or evaporating within the building 0‘ contiguous thereto, of any substance for a burning gas, or the use of gasoline for lighting, is prohibited
under this Policy, unless permitted in writing hereon. .
W FENCES AND OTHER YARD FIXTURES, also STORE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, are not covered by insurance on the building, but must be separately and
specifically mentioned. I
W PLATE GLASS doors and windows, when the plates are of the dimensions of nine square feet or more, are not covered by insurance on the building, but must be
separately and specifically insured.
lg” FRESCOED WORK, or gilding on walls or ceilings, is not covered by insurance on the building, but must be separately and specifically insured.
W BUILDER’S RISK.—The working of carpenters, roofers, tinsmiths, gas-fitters, plumbers, or other mechanics, in building, altering or repairing the premises named in
this Policy, will vitiate the same, unless permission for such work be endorsed in writing hereon, except in dwelling houses only, where five days are allowed in any one year for
incidental repairs, without notice or endorsement.
W AND IT IS HEREBY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between this Company and the assured, that this Policy is made and accepted in reference to the foregoing terms and conditions, and to'the classes of hazards and memoranda printed on
the back of this Policy, which are hereby declared to be a part of this contract, and are to be used and resorted to, in order to determine the rights and obligations of the parties hereto, in all cases not herein otherwise specially provided for in writing.
in Witntfifi Whfl‘tflf, The Home Insurance Company have caused these PRESENTS to be owned by their PRESIDENT. and attested by their SECRETARY. m the City of NEW YORK. But t/Lls Policy shall not be valid unless
countersigned by the duly authorized Agent of said HOME INSURANCE COMPANY at LEXINGTON, KY.
Counterstgned at LEXINGToN, this ______________________________ day of ,,,,,,
Bristles and Hair Cloth (wholesale),
Boots and Shoes (wholesale) including
lndia rubber Boots and Shoes,
larpets (retail stocks of),
Card Printing (by hand power),
Carriage Trimmings,
Carriages and Sleighs,
Clothing (wholesale stocks cl), ready
Cotton Belts and Vl’adding,
Cotton Yarn,
Dry Goods, foreign and domestic, ex-
clusively in unbroken and unopened
- packages.
Artificial flowers,
Artists’ materials,
Auction stores,
Agricultural implements, including Seed-
men’s stocks,
Apothccnries’ stocks,
Band Boxes (stocks of),
Booksellers’ stocks,
Boots an d Shoes (retail),
Brushes, (stocks of),
Bag making (cloth) by hand power,
Bakeries, with ovens outside the building,
and using coal only,
Basket sol ling,
Billiard saloons and contents,
Blacksmith shops,
Boot and Shoe manufacturing, (by haml—
pnwer only),
Bottling Cellars,
Brush makers’ stocks.
Cabinet ware, without manufacturing,
repairingr , upholstering or varnishing,
Carving, by hand power,
China, unpacked,
Clothing, ready-made (retail stocks of),
also merchant tailors’,
Confectioners’ stocks,
Corks (stocks of),
Car-springs (gutta percha or India rubber),
Acids (nitric. sulphuric, muriatic, and
other acids causing ignition),
Band-box and Paper-box making
Bakeries, ovens within the building, or
using wood or shavings,
Bark Mills,
Bellows making,
Bleachin " works,
Blind inazdiers’ shops,
Block and Pnin, making,
Boat Builders’ 5 ops,
Book binderies,
Boot and Shoe manufacturies, with fire
Box repairing,
Brass Foundries,
Brick Yards, with kilns,
Brimstone works,
Brush manufactories,
Burning,r ilui ,
Cabinet— in akers’ shops,
Cabinet ware (stocks of); with privilege
to varnish and upholster,
Candle man ul'actories,
Camphene, on sale,
Cap manu factories,
Carpenters’ sho s,
Chair-mak ers’ sliops,
Chemical laboratories,
(IOaCll' makers’ shops,
Cofi'ec and Spice mills,
Comb manillactories,
Confectionery manufactnries,
classes or useless,
Dry Goods, (wholesale stocks of),
Drugs, dry, in packages (importers’ stocks
Flax, lll bales,
Fire Crackers, in packages,
Fruits, (wholesale stocks of),
Furs and Pcltries, in unbroken packages,
.b‘u rs, unpacked,
Grocers’ Stocks,
lrocers’ Stocks(retail),
Glass, window, in boxes,
Gum Copal,
Gum Shellac,
Gunny Cloth and Gunny Bags,
Gutta Perrha, unmanufnctured,
Hardware, staple, in packages,
llatters’ Furs (stocks of),
Hats and Caps (wholesale stocks of), with-
out manufacturing,
Hemp, in bales,
Hides and Solo Leather,
Hops, in bales,
lndia Rubber, unmanufactured,
lron ware, wholesale, (also, stoves, tin—
ware and hollow ware),
Iron Goods, ornamental, japanned and
hronzed. (stocks of),
Leather, Morocco and Findings,
Machinery, (stocks of), on sale,
Manilln. grass, in bales,
Men’s Straw Hats and Caps (stocks of),
Nails, (stocks of),
Oakuvn, in bales,
Oil (fish and vegetable),
()il Cloths istocks of),
l'aints ground in oil,
Paper, in reams, and straw boards,
l’aper Hangings (wholesale),
l’ins,.(s1ocks of),
Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes,
Saddlery and Harness (stocks of),
Sail-ma ing,
China,or carthen,or glass ware (wholesale
and retail stocks of), with privilege of
packing or unpacking, _
Copperplate printing,
Cooper’s shops, (strapping boxes only),
Corset making,
Daguerr eotype and Photographic stocks,
Daguerrcotype and Photographic «stalk
lisbm ents,
Dress Trimmings, (stocks of),
Dry Goods, retail (stocks of),
Earthenware, unpacked,
Eating houses,
Elect-r0 plating,
Essential oils,
Fancy Goods (wholesale & retail stocks of),
Feathers, (stocks of),
Fishing Tackle,
Fringes, (stocks of),
Fringe making. by hand power,
Fruits, (retail stocks of),
Furriers’ and Ilatters’ stocks, un racked,
Furs, cutting and sewing, wit out lire
Gas fitting,
Gas Fixtures,
Gentleman’s furnishing goods,(wholesale
and retail stocks of),
Gimps, (stocks of),
Glass. window or plate, unpacked,
Coopers’ shops,
Coppersmiths’ shops, with forges,
Corn kilns,
Cotton mils,
Cotton presses,
Cotton in holes,
Cotton unpacked,
Distiller-lea .51 Rectifying establishments,
Drug stores, with privilege ofconipound’g,
Druggists’ stock (wholesale),
Drug and Spice mills,
Dyeing establishments,
‘t er,
Fire-work inanufactories,
Flax mills,
Flax, unpacked,
Floor-cloth manufactories,
Fringe nianufactories,
Fulling Mills,
Fur DreSsing establishments,
Gas Fixtures manufactories,
Gas man ufactorics,
Glass mauufactories,
Gold pen making,
Grate man ufactories,
Grist or Flouring mills,
Gun man ufactories,
Hat inanufactories,
Hay, unpacked,
Hay Presses,
Hemp Manufactories,
Hoop skirt manufacturies, by machinery
or the heat,
Glass ware, unpacked; Looking-glasses
Gun repairing,
Gutta percha goods, except boots & shoes,
Hardware and Cutlery,
Hats and Caps (retail), without manu-
llat (straw, grass 0 r chip) bleaching,
Hay and straw, pressed in bundles,
Hoop skirts and hoop skirt materials,
(stocks of),
Hoop skirt manufacturing, by hand, with-
out lire heat,
House furnishing goods (retail stocks of),
India rubber goods (stocks of), except
boots and shoes,
Iron (hoop, sheet and rod),
Jewelers’ and “'atchmakers7 stocks,
Kid Gloves (stocks of),
Ladies and children’s furnishing goods,
(Stocks of),
Laces and enibroideries, (wholesale),
Lainpsellers’ stocks without campheue,
burning lluid, spiritgas, or kerosene,
Lager bier saloons,
Lime, unslacked (stocks of),
Li uors in glass, unpacked,
Lit iographers,
Looking-glasses (stocks of), with privilege
of packing or unpacking,
Hemp, unpacked,
Hote s,
Houses building or repairing,
ink manufactories,
lndia ltubber and Gutta Percha manul'aC-
Iron foundries,
Ivory-black & Lamp-black nmnufactories,
Jewelry nianufnctories,
Jewelry case making,
Junk shops,
Lamp manufactories,
Lampsellers’ stocks (with privilege of
keeping camphene, or kerosene,)
Lime yards and sheds,
Lime, unslacked,
Livery Stables,
Looking-glass and Picture Frame manu—
Lumber Yards,
Machine shops,
hlanilla Grass, unpadsed,
Mahogany Yards,
Malt houses,
Match manufactories,
Metal mills,
Musical instrument manufactories,
*Musical instruments (stocks of),
Mun go,
Nitrate of Soda,
Oiled clothing manufactories,
Oiled clothing (stocks of),
Oil mills and manufaCtories,
Map mounting and varnishing,
Matches on sale (stocks of),
Metals, in bars, pig and tin plates,
Military goods (stocks of),
ilrlillincl‘y goods (wholesale and retail
stocks of),
Needles, (stocks of),
Optical and mathematical instrument
makers’ stocks,
Painters’ stocks.
Paper Hangings (retail stocks),
Paper Collars,
Paper boxes (stocks of),
Pawnbrokers’ stocks,
Perfumer’s stocks,
Precious stones,
Percussion cups, 7
Piano-forms, in warerooms,
Picture framejoining,
Blumbing and pewtering,
Pocket—book makers’ stock,
Pocket—book making (without use of fire
Porter—houses, bar—rooms, sample—rooms,
and retail liquor stores,
Rags in bales,
Rectifying liquors by cold process only,
Oils, resin, and similar,
Oil refineries,
Omnibus stables,
Packing buildings and yards,
Paper Bag- manufactories,
Paper Hanging manufuctories,
Paper Mills,
Percussion Cnp manufactories,
Perfumery inanul‘actories,
Pictures and Prints,
Planing, or Grooving or Moulding mills,
Plated-ware manufacturing,
Pocket—book making,
Pork houses,
Powder mills,
Printed Music,
Printing of books, and job printing,
Print u orks,
Provisions in process of being smoked,
Rag stores,
Rags and Paper stock,
Rolling mil 5,
Rope and Cordage manufactories,
Safe (iron) manufactories,
Sash-makers’ shops,
Saw mills,
Segar manufactories,
Ship building or repairing,
Silversmiths’ manufactories,
Smoke houses,
Snuff mills,
Sewing Machines (stocks of),
Sisal grass in bales,
Sn ars,
Sn phnr,
'l‘hreshcd G rain
'l‘obaceo, plug and twist, in boxes or kegs
(wholesale). [See Extra l’l:l7;ll.i‘tll)lln'.]
Trunks (stocks of},
\V halebonn,
thisky, in bmrels (stocks of),
Wines and Liquors, in packages, (import-
ers’ stocksof).
Saddlery and harness manufacturing,
Sheet Iron and Copper ware (retail),
Shirt Manufacturies (without ironing),
Ship chandlery,
Silversmiths’ stocks,
Silver and plated ware,
Spirits of ’l‘urpentine,
Stationers’ stocks,
Stoves (retail stocks of),
Straw Goods (wholesale and retail, stocks
Tailors’ trimmings, (stocks of),
Tin and hollow ware (retail),
Tin or sheet iron or copper workin ,
Tobacco, leaf and cut, cigars and snuff
(wholesale and retail),
Tow in bales,
Umbrellas and parasols (wholesale and
retail), with privilege to put together
and finish by hand only,
Upholsterers’ stocks,
Wntclnnakers’ tools,
\Vatches, in packages as imported,
Wine in glass, unpacked, ‘
Worsted and fancy wools, (importers’
stocks of),
Yankee Notions.
Soap manufactories,
Spirit. Gas manufaetories and Spirit Gas
on sale,
Stare yards,
Steam boilers in use,
Steam engines in use,
Stove manufactories,
Sugar refineries,
Tallow Melting establishments,
Tar Boiling establishments,
Theatres and other places of public
Timber yards, [exhibition,
Tobacco manufactories,
Tow,un acked,
*Toys (s opkeepers’ stocks of),
Trunk making,
Turpentine Distilleries,
Type and Stereotype ioundries,
Umbrella manufactories.
Upholstery manufactories,
Varnish manufacturies,
Wheelwri hts’ shops,
Window shade painting,
Wood and willow ware (stocks of),
Woolen mills,
Wool waste,
And generally all workshops, mills and
manufacturing establishments, and all
trades and occupations, requiring the use
of fire heat, not above enumerated as
hazardous or extra hazardous.
(Glut Esme glutamate dumping liemég/ consent l/icil l/Ze inlereszf of ___________________ 7 _____ 7 _________ . __________________________________________
in Me mil/vim Wolivy, suljecl to all l/ie lerms (will comlilions
Mere/in men livnezl anal referral lo, 56 assigned to
gm: gimme flittt’lmfl, ________ .__]wr65y tram/M", assign (mrl sci over unto ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, o ,, ,, _______________________________
....................................................................... grunt.
(H’MZ ________________ assigns, all ___________________ lille cmrl interest in, l/iis Policy, and all advantage to lg derived Merv/700272.
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