xt7t1g0hvz15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hvz15/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1946 journals kaes_circulars_004_427_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 427 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 427 1946 2014 true xt7t1g0hvz15 section xt7t1g0hvz15 A  
>lors~ 9
For Kentucky Fruit Growers
By P. O. Ritcher ond
n€rS’ W. D. Armstrong
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A A   {   
Circulor 427 gw l
QE College of Agriculture und Home Economics  
giguggi Agricultural Extension Division  
ic;-Z; Thomos P. Cooper, Deon ond Director  

A injui
Page dust
Jar for Curculio ...........................,. 3 laye
Spray and Dust Schedules ........,.......A... 4-5 in J
Destroy Dropped Fruits ....................... 6 {O]](
Dormant Sprays .......................,..... 6 adv;
Mixing Sprays ................,.............. 6 Ken
Avoid Spray Injury ........................... 7 SPN
DDT Notice ................................ 8
A full
in l
In the fruit-growing districts of Kentucky, Spray Serv- CHC
' ice work is being carried on under the Special Horti- are
. . . <>‘oc
culture Appropriation. For help with your problems  
consult your spray letters, your County Agricultural 4
Agent, or the Agricultural Experiment Station.
If you have only a few trees or wish to use only a min- gi`,
imum schedule, see Circular 353, "Sprays for the Home gu]
Fruit Garden.” sht
For a detailed discussion of fruit insects and diseases uic
in Kentucky, see Ky. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bulletin 393, “Fruit ali
Pests and Their Contr0l." On
(This circular is a revision of Leaflet 9) Ca

 ~    E
l l
FOR EFFECTIVE CONTROL OF CURCULIO, and to avoid foliage   l
injury from unnecessary spraying or dusting, the spray or dust pro- 1  
gram should be supplemented by jarring adult curculios to End out   l 
S when and where treatment is needed. Dropped fruit should be
picked up and destroyed. .  
In western Kentucky most commercial peach orchards need a to S
month—before-harvest spray (No. 6 in the spray schedule; No. 7 in the A`.,
dust schedule), This depends on how long curculio adults continue to  
lay eggs and on whether or not new adults, emerging in late june and  
in july, develop eggs. Curculio emergence and egg development are   1
followed each year as a part of the Spray Service, and growers will be . '.
advised whether or not the spray is needed. In eastern and northern I .
Kentucky, where curculio is not serious, two early season lead-arsenate ju
sprays usually give adequate control. j
_ Jar for Curculio .
jarring should be done several times a week, starting soon after 1
full bloom, when the petals are falling. In most years, adults appear - _
between shuck-split and shuck-off time, but in 1946 adults appeared S
in large numbers when half the petals were still on. jarring is most
effective between daylight and 8 a.m., while it is still cool and curculios
are less active. However, jarring may be done any time of day with
good results. Curculios are small, grayish-black snout beetles about ‘
% inch long, with rough humps and gray spots on their wings. ,_
Spread a large tarpaulin or canvas about 9 x 14 feet in size (a bed
sheet can be used) beneath the limbs of one side of a peach tree. Then ,
give the limbs above a few sharp blows with a padded mallet. Cur- I
curculios if present, will fall to the sheet below and lie still for a I
short time, "playing possum." Record the number jarred from each I
tree and destroy the curculios. Since adults usually appear earliest
on plum trees or along the edges of orchards near woods or plum I
thickets, jar in these areas first. If jarring shows curculios present
on the outside rows, continue jarring at intervals throughout the _
orchard,. In this way the movement of curculios in from winter ·
quarters can be followed.
Spraying or dusting will probably be justihed when and where  
an average of one or more curculios is found per tree. \tVhen adults I
can be found only in the outer edge of the orchard, the first lead arsen-  
ate application need be applied to only the outside 5 or 6 rows.  
[31 l

 1 ° A 2
The same sohedusuggested for plums.
A (Growers who do nm? PYZCUCB jarrlrlg Shtse the starred sprays as a fixed schedule.)  
Spray Time Materiak 100 gallons of spray mixture For *  
*1. Dormant _ Before buds swell 3 gal. oil plus 4-lbordeaux or Liquid lime sulfur 1 to 8 Scale and leaf curl. M rf_w[r_   A
' or Dry lime sulfulb.
uz, 1310550;* Late pink to early bloom Wettable Sulfur. .........,................4....... . ................................ 6 lb 7 Blossom blight stage of brown   Often
needed on Red Bird, rarely on other varieties. `
. - *3. Shuclzvfall When 75% shucks oH—2 to 3 weeks Lead arsenate ..   ................................     .......... ,. 2 lb Cureulio. Delay if no curculio present, or ‘
after bloom Hydrated lime  ................................................................... 6 lb spray in spots for scattered infestations.
‘ Zinc sulfate .....l..................................................................... 4 lb
KTen-day -5 Month after petal fall or 10 days after Lead arsenate ...,...........................   .................................... *2 lb Scab, curculio. If jarring shows no curculio,
lshuck falL This spray should not be Hydrated lime ..,,.........................i...............................,......... 6 lb omit lead arsenate, lime and zinc sulfate.
postponed. Zinc sulfate ....... . .................................................................. 4 lb .
Wettable sulfur. ................................................................... 6 lb
5. Twenty-four-day Two weeks later only if jarring indi- Lead arsenate   ........................ . .......................................... 2 lb Curculio. Omit this spray if possible, to pre-
cates the need. Hydrated lime ...,...........................................,....................... 6 lb vent foliage injury. ~
. Zinc sulfate ....... . ........................,......... . ............................... 4 Ib `
[ 6. First preharvest Month before harvest. Apply about Lead arsenate ..............,........................................................ 2 lb Curculio and brown rot. Omit lead arsenate,
  July 1 or when second brood curculio Hydrated lime ..,...............................,.................................... 6 lb lime and zinc sulfate if c1u·culio is not a factor.
{ adults become numerous. Zinc sulfate ........................................................................... 4 lb
i , Wettable sulfur ..................................................................... 6 lb
i        ——- .--—-— —---——» ——— ‘
E *7, Second preharvest Two weeks before harvest. Repeat a Wettable sulfur ..··-- · ·--.·.·.-........................... . .......................,. 6 lb Brown rot,
f week later in rainy season.
A     preharvest Just before harvest Wgttablg sulfuly ........ . .................. . ............ . .... . .... . ...........   6   BIOWTI Y0'}-
To give complete and adequate coverage apply dust from both sides of trees and; to 1 pound of dust per mature tree. Most growers will find it advisable to use commer-
cial dusts because of the difficulties in preparing satisfactory home mixtures,
Dust Time rlals For
1. ln$·Y$2.I.t Before buds swell See Spray SCF Scale and leaf curl. _ wwiw t
Lime ____________.___ . ............... . ............ 10 lb rarely on other varieties.
3, First cover Usually 2 to 3 weeks after bloom when 50 to Sulfur .....·.··-~ · ··············-·-·· · ········ 55 lb Curculio. Omit if jarring shows no curculio present, or dust ougr
0I' shuck fall 75% shucks are Off. Lead al'S€ll3t€ ‘‘‘‘‘‘······ · ····-···-·· · -··· 10 lb rows or spots where infestation is found,
Lime _____________,, g ............................. 15 lb
TMC ______________, . ............................ 15 lb
Oil _____________''_v_,_ . ..............,............ 5 lb
4. Second cover Month after petal fall or 10 days after shuck Same as abou Scab, curculio. If jarring shows no curculio use dust contain-
fall. Do not postpone this dust. _ ing no lead arsenate.
5. Third cover One week later. Same as ab0"* Curculio, scab. If jarring shows no curculio use dust contain-
ing no lead arsenate.
6. Fourth cover One week later. Same as 21b0l‘ Cllrculio. Omit unless jarring indicates the need.
7. Fifth cover Month before harvest. Apply about July 1 or Same as abou Late curculio and brown rot. Substitute sulfur-lime dust if cur-
when curculio adults become numerous.   culio not a factor.
8· Sixth cover M Two weeks before harvest- Sulfur -·-··...»»-» [ ·····-·-···-· · ·····--·--··--- 90 lb Brown rot [__ 55m r5` WFWFOO M 55 W
Lime   __>_ · _4v__ . ............................ 10 lb
9. Seventh cover Just before harvest. _ Same as aboli Brown rot
_ , [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
 ‘ I

 Destroy Dropped Fruits 1*
A Peaches that drop because of curculio injury usually contain one b`
or more live developing larvae. If these wormy drops remain on the St
ground, the larvae soon complete development and enter the soil. w
They emerge about 5 weeks later as adults which either cause a second gg
- brood or live overwinter and cause injury the following spring. The bj
_ first drop of wormy fruits comes when fruit is about % inch or more
if in size. The second drop (prematurely ripened fruit that falls just
before harvest) is caused by second-generation and very late first—genera- 6
tion curculio worms. P
It is a great aid toward worm control to pick up and destroy, twice fl
a week, all dropped fruits. The curculio worms in the drops may be 32
killed by submerging the drops in water for several days. Pick—up of o
drops is a standard practice in Georgia peach orchards, and was prac- O
ticed to some extent in Illinois in 1946. As brown rot often follows
curculio injury, the control of curculio is an important step in the N
control of that disease.
· . tl
Dormant Sprays cl
Lime sulfur is both a scalecide and a fungicide. It is the simplest a
dormant spray and is usually effective if thoroughly applied. The tl
liquid form is preferred. Dilute each gallon with 8 gallons of water. a
· Dry lime sulfur should be used as recommended by the manufacturer. tj
The cheapest combined fungicide and insecticide spray is bor-
deaux mixture added to the tank-mixed oil emulsion, or oil-bordeaux
in which concentrated bordeaux is used as an emulsifier. Oil emul-
sions have given better control of San jose scale than lime sulfur.
It is important that every twig be covered, because every scale c‘
must be wet with spray to give adequate control. Hence, apply the lj
dormant spray from both sides of the tree, and cover the trunk and the U
bottoms and tops of all limbs. Apply sprays in the spring, before
growth starts, when temperature is above *l5° F.
Mixing Sprays fl
T¤nk—Mixed OiI—Borde¤ux Dormant Spray U
Use lubricating oil sold by petroleum companies at their bulk sl
stations under such names as "agricultural spray oil," "orchard spray
oil," or "scale oil." Use oils with the following specifications: d
Viscosity at lO0° F .......................... 125 to 200 seconds Saybolt if
Volatility at lO5° C (221° F) ...................... not alyve 2 percent
[ 6 l

 '— l
It is suggested, where power outfits are used, that bordeaux mixture i
one be used as the emulsiiier. For 200 gallons of spray use 8 pounds blue- A 1
the stone (copper sulfate), 8 pounds hydrated lime, 6 gallons of oil, and ‘4', l
soil. water to make 200 gallons. Use hydrated lime, chemical grade, made
:0nd especially for use in sprays. D0n’t use lime kept over from the year _  
The before. ' ·
nore ,
just Start agitator with 20 gallons of water in 200—gallon tank. Add , ,
iera- 6 pounds of powdered bluestone and 6 pounds of hydrated lime. Start · A
pump and allow discharge from spray rod to shoot back into tank under  
Wim full pressure. Pour in slowly 6 gallons of spray oil, continuing the _
y be agitation, and pump until thoroughly mixed. Next add 2 more pounds `
p of of bluestone, 2 pounds of hydrated lime, and water to make 200 gallons V
9mC* of 4-4-100 bordeaux plus 3 percent oil. Apply the spray immediately. l
the Mixing Cover Sprays
Start engine and run a few gallons of water into the tank. Wash ,
the zinc sulfate through the screen, being sure it all dissolves. Then
continue filling the tank while adding the lime, previously made into A i‘
Plcsf a paste, through the strainer. If wettable sulfur is required, wash it
The through the strainer, and when the tank is nearly full, wash the lead
  arsenate through. Wettable sulfur is sold in Kentucky under various V
trade names. A
bor- {
mul- Avoid Spray Injury
' An extra spray of lime alone, l0 days after the last first-brood cur-
scale culio lead-arsenate application, is recommended. Use 8 pounds of ‘
V the lime per 100 gallons. In lead—arsenate sprays where zinc sulfate is not
gg; used, increase the lime to 8 pounds for each pound of lead arsenate.
In all sprays calling for lime, be sure that only fresh "chemical"
hydrated spray lime is used. Demand that your dealer furnish you
fresh high grade spray lime each spring and several times a year. Do l
not use old lime (that carried over winter) in any peach or apple
bulk Sprays, because lime rapidly loses its ability to retard spray injury.  
SPHY Apply lead arsenate sprays or dusts only on bright, quick-drying  
days when foliage is dry, and don’t apply sprays when the temperature V?
E; is above 90° I·`. Avoid drenching the trees, and apply the sprays as a A
[ 7 ]

 Hnely divided mist. Otherwise, there is danger of burning. Zinc sulfat
» and lime are added to lead-arsenate sprays to reduce spray injury M
· foliage and twigs. %
Neither lime sulfur nor bordeaux mixture should be used as;
summer spray on peaches.
  DDT Notice
It has been found in Kentucky and elsewhere that DDT is ver;
effective in reducing peach losses from cat-facing and oriental fruia
moth injury. However, because of the possible effects of DDT or
bees and parasites, and because of the later build—up of leaf mite
where DDT is substituted for the materials commonly used, the us:
of DDT on peaches is not recommended, except in special cases.
DDT is not effective against curculio and has no place in curcullt
§§£;Q2EE{LK;§lTT"— "T F.,,.....y,i'Qi·
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 acpfppgjjitéiiigdr '§`$1lc2rxn.s P. Cooper, Director. Issued in furtherance oi the Acts ij
[ 8 l