xt7t1g0hx98t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hx98t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky. University of Kentucky 1996 1997 1998 The University of Kentucky Gradute Schools course catalogs contain bound volumes dating from 1926 through 2005. After 2005, the course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs English University of Kentucky Copyright retained by the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Graduate School course catalogs University of Kentucky Bulletin: The Graduate School, 1996-1998 text University of Kentucky Bulletin: The Graduate School, 1996-1998 1996 1996 1997 1998 2020 true xt7t1g0hx98t section xt7t1g0hx98t  

_ , , , fl, 1







Volume 88 Issue 4

The University of Kentucky Bulletin (USPS 384-61 0) published fourtimes ayear by the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
40506. Second Class postage paid at the Post Office, Lexington, KY 40511. Postmaster: Send address changes to Graduate

School, Att: Mailing Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. A cooperative publication of the Graduate School and
UK Public Relations.














,  1996-98
The Graduate School

University ofKentiiCIey Bulletin



Calendar ............................................................................... 3
The Graduate School ........................................................... 7
Admissions .......................................................................... 10
General Regulations ........................................................... 15
Advanced Degrees .............................................................. 19
Academic Resources .......................................................... 28
General Information .......................................................... 34
Degree Requirements ........................................................ 39
Programs and Directors of Graduate Studies ................... 44
The Graduate School Programs ........................................ 47
Council on Higher Education Residency

Classification Policy ....................................................... 113
Index ................................................................................. 117




The University of Kentucky is committed to a policy of providing educa-
tional opportunities to all qualified students regardless of economic or social
status, and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
marital status, beliefs, age, national origin, or physical or mental disability.

Compliance with Title lX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which
prohibits sex discrimination, and with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
is coordinated by Mr. Terry Allen, Affirmative Action Office, 303 Administra-
tion Building, (606) 257—8927.

Efforts to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to people with
disabilities are also coordinated by the Affirmative Action Office, as required
by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Questions concerning compliance with regulations may be directed to
UK’s Affirmative Action Office, or to the Director of the Office of Civil Rights,
US. Department of Education, Washington, DC.

The University is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1 988
and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989.
Questions may be directed to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or the
Administrator for Personnel Policy and Procedures.

Questions about admission to the University should be directed to the
appropriate admissions office.



Students should check the Schedule of Classes each semester for any calendar changes which may have been approved after publication of this


The approved Calendar for the academic year 1997—98 will be published in the Schedule ofClasses each semester.

1996 Fall Semester



February 1—Thursday—Deadline for International
applications to be submitted to The Graduate
School for the 1996 Fall Semester

February l—Thursday—Deadlinc for submission of
all application materials, College ofMedicine, for
Fall 1996

April lS—Monday—Deadline for applying with col-
lege deans for reinstatement after a second aca»
demic suspension for the 1996 Fall Semester

May l—We(lnesday—Deadline forundergraduate In-
ternational applicants to submit 1996 Fall Semes—
ter application

June lS—Saturday—Earliest date to submit applica-
tion for regular and Early Decision Program ad-
mission, College of Medicine, for Fall 1997

July 26—Friday—Deadline for applying for admis-
sion to a program in The Graduate School for the
1996 Fall Semester. Applications for readmis-
sion, post-baccalaureate status, and Visiting stu-
dent status will be accepted after the deadline.

August l—Thursday—Deadline for application for
Early Decision Program, College ofMedicine, for
Fall 1997

August l4—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to
The Graduate School for readmission, post-baa
calaureate status, and visiting student status for
the 1996 Fall Semester in order to register before
the beginning of classes and avoid $40 late fee

October 15—Tuesday—Deadline for submission of
application and all required (locuments to the
Office of Admissions for undergraduate appli-
cants planning to attend NovemberAdvisingCon-
ference (including registration for spring classes)

October 3l—Thursday—Deadline for International
applications to be submitted to The Graduate
School for 1997 Summer School

November l—Friday—Deadline for completed
AMCAS application, College ofMediciue, for Fall

December l—Sunday—Deadline for submission of
application and receipt ofall materials for admis-
sion, readmission or transfer to the College of
Law for the 1997 Spring Semester

December 9—Monday—Deadline for applying for
admission to a program in The Graduate School
for the 1997 Spring Semester. Applications for
readmission, post-baccalaureate status, and visit-
ing student status will be accepted after the dead-

December 18—Wednesday—Deadline for applying
to The Graduate School for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting strident status
for the 1997 Spring Semester in order to register
before the beginning ofclasses and avoid 3540 late


August 20-26—Tuesday through Monday—Fall regis-
tration for new undergraduate and new program
graduate students who entered the University in
either the 1996 Four-Week Intersession or Eight-
Week Summer Session

August 20-26—Tuesday through Monday—Registra-
tion for new program graduate students

August 22-24—Thursday through Saturday—Regis—
tration for Evening/Weekend students

August 22-26—Thursday through Monday—Fall reg-
istration for new post-baccalaureate students ad-
mitted for the Four-Week Intersession, Eight-
Week Summer Session or Fall Semester

August 23—Friday—Registration for new in terna-
tional students who have been cleared for admis-
sion but did not advance register

August 26—Monday—Registration for new students
who have been cleared for admission but did not
priority register

August 28—September 4—Wednesday through
Wednesday—Late registration for returning stu-
dents who did not priority register and new appli-
cants cleared late for admission. A $40 late fee is
assessed students who register late.

September lS—Wednesday—Last day to change grad-
ing option (pass/fail to letter grade or letter
grade to pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to

November l-22*—Friday through Friday—Priority
Registration for the 1997 Spring Semester

November 22—Friday—1997 Spring Semester Advis-
ing Conference for new and readmitted under-
graduate students


July 27—August 24*—Saturday through Saturday—
Add/Drop for registered students

August 27—Tuesday—First day of opening-of—term
add/drop for registered students

August 27—Tuesday—Last day a student may offi-
cially drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

September 4—Wednesday—Last day to enter an or—
ganized class for the 1996 Fall Semester

September 4—Wednesday—Last day to officially with—
draw from the University or reduce course load
and receive an 80 percent refund

September lB—Wednesday—Lastday to drop a course
without it appearing on the student’s transcript

October 25—Friday—Last day to withdraw from a

October 25—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for ”urgent non-aca-
demic reasons."

December 5—January ll*-—Thursday through Sat—
urday—Add/Drop for registered students for the
1997 Spring Semester


August 7—Wednesday—Last day registered students
may pay $50 to confirm their 1996 Fall Semester

August 27—Tuesday—Last day a student may offi-
cially drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

September 4—Wednesday—Last day to officiallywith-
draw from the University or reduce course load
and receive an 80 percent refund

September I l—Wednesday—Last day for payment of
registration fees and/or housing and dining fees
in order to avoid cancellation ofregistration and/
or meal card

September 20—Friday—Last (lay for reinstatement

of students cancelled for nonpayment of regis—
tration fees and/or housing and (lining fees.
Requires payment of fees and may require pay-
ment of $50 reinstatement fee

October 25—Friday—Last (lay to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-aca—
demic reasons.“

December ll—Wednesday—Last (lay registered stu-
dents may pay 3550 to confirm their 1997 Spring
Semester registration


September 26—Thursday—Last day for filing an ap-
plication fora December degree in college dean's

November 7—Thursday—Last (lay for doctoral can-
didates for a December degree to submit a Noti-
fication ofIntcnt to schedule a final examination
in The Graduate School

November 2l—Thursday—Last day for candidates
for a December degree to schedule a final exami—
nation in The Graduate School

December 5—Thursday—Last (lay for candidates for
a December graduate degree to sit for a final

December 20—Friday—Last day for candidates for a
December degree to submit a thesis/dissertation
to The Graduate School

End of Semester and Academic Holidays

August 7—Wednesday—Last day for registered stil-
dents in the Employee Educational Program to
submit EEP form to their personnel office to con-
firm 1996 Fall Semester registration and tuition

August 24-26—Saturday through Monday—Fall ()ri-
entation for all new undergraduate students

August 26-30—Monrlay through Friday

time period for students to change academic



majors (Please check with college for admission

August 28—chnesday

September 2—Monday—Labor Day—Academic Holi-

September 4—-\IVednesday—-Last day for students in
the Employee Educational Program who regis—
tered in August or September to submit EEP form


Class work begins

to their personnel office for tuition (leli'ayal for
the 1996 Fall Semester

September 26—Thursd; y—Deadline for submission
ofapplicatiou and all required documents to the
Office of the Registrar for change of residency
status for 1996 Fall Semester

October 21—Monday—Midterm()1'1996 Fall Semester

October 22-November 4—Tuesday through Tiles—
day—Approved time period lbrstutlents to change

, academic majors (Please check with college for

admission deadline)

November 5—Tucsday—Presidential ElectioniAca-
demic Holiday

November 28-30—Thursday through Saturday
Thanksgiving Holidays—Academic Holidays


December Il—chnesday—Lust day for registered
students in the Employee Educational Program
to submit EEP form to their personnel office to



confirm 1997 Spring Semester registration and
tuition defrayal
December I3—Friday—End ofclass work
December 16-20—Monday through Friday—Final Ex-
December 20—Friday——-End of 1996 Fall Semester
December 23—Monday—Final deadline for submis-
sion of grades to the Registrar's Office by 4 p.m.

1997 Spring Semester



June 15, 1996—Saturday—Deadline for International
applications to be submitted to The Graduate
School for the 1997 Spring Semester

September 1, 1996—Sunday—Deadline for tinder-
graduate International applicants to submit 1997
Spring Semester application

September 15, 1996——Sun(lay—Deadline for apply-
ing with college deans for reinstatement after a
second academic suspension for the 1997 Spring

October 15, 1996—Tuesday—Deadline for submis-
sion ofapplication and all required documents to
the Office of Admissions for undergraduate ap-
plicants planning to attend November Advising
Conference (including registration for spring

December 9, IQQG—Monday—Deadline for applying
for admission to a program in The Graduate
School for the 1997 Spring Semester. Applica—
tions for readmission, post-baccalaureate status,
and visiting student status will be accepted after
the deadline.

December 18, 1996—Wednesday—Deadline for ap-
plying to The Graduate School for readmission,
post-baccalaureate status, and visiting student sta—
tus for the 1997 Spring Semester in order to
register before the beginning ofclasses and avoid
$40 late fee

February l—Saturday—Deadline for International
applications to be submitted to The Graduate
School for the 1997 Fall Semester

February l—Saturday—Deadline for submission of
all application materials, College ofMedicine, for
Fall 1997

March I—Saturday—Last day for submission of ap-
plication for admission to the College ofLaw for
1997 Fall Semester

April l—Tuesday—Preferred deadline for submit-
ting application f'or admission to the College of
Dentistry for Fall 1997

April 11 ~—Friday-—Deadline for applying for admis-
sion to a program in The Graduate School for the
1997 Summer Sessions. Applications for readmis-
sion, post-baccalaureate status, and visiting stu-
dent status will be accepted after the deadline

April 30—chnesday—Deadline for applying to The
Graduate School for readmission, post-baccalau-
reate status, and visiting student status for the
1997 Four-Week Intersession in order to register
May 12 and avoid 340 late fee


January 7—13—Tuesday through Monday—Registra-
tion for new program graduate students

January IO—I3—Friday through Monday—Registra-
tion for new post-baccalaureate students

January 10 8c ll—Friday and Saturday—Registration
for Evening/Weekend and new graduate students

January l3—\4onday—Registration for new students
who have been cleared for admission but did not
priority register

January l5-22—Wednesday through Wednesday——

Late registration for returning students who did
not priority register and new applicants cleared
late for admission. A $40 late fee is assessed
students who register late.

Last day to change grad-
ing option (pass/fail to letter grade or letter


February 5—Wednesday

grade to pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to

March 31- April 18*—I\Ionday through Friday—Pri-
ority registration for the 1997 Fall Semester and
both 1997 Summer Sessions

April 29—May l2*—Tuesday through Monday—Four-
Week Intersession registration and add/drop con~
tinue for students enrolled in the 1997 Spring

April 29—June H‘s—Tuesday through Wednesday——
Eigh t-Week Summer Session registration and add/
drop continue for students enrolled in the 1997
Spring Semester


December 5—January lI*—Thursday through Sat—
urday—Add/Drop for registered students for the
1997 Spring Semester

January l4—Tuesday—First (lay of opening-of-term
add/drop for registered students

January l4—Tuesday—Last day a student may offi-
cially drop a course or cancel registration with
the University Registrar for a full refund of fees

January 22—Wednesday—Last day to enter an orga-
nized class for the 1997 Spring Semester

January 22—Wednesday—Last day to officially with-
draw from the University or reduce course load
and receive an 80 percent refund

February 5—Wednesday—Last day to drop a course
without it appearing on the student’s transcript

March l4———Friday—-Last clay to withdraw from a course

March 14—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-aca-
demic reasons."

April 29-June 21 *—Tuesday through Saturday—Add/
Drop for priority registered students for the 1997
Fall Semester


January 14—Tuesday—Last day a student may offi-
cially drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a fttll refund of fees

January 22—Wednesday—Last day to officially with»
draw from the University or reduce course load
and receive an 80 percent refund

January 29—Wednesday—Last day for payment of
registration fees and/or housing and dining fees
in order to avoid cancellation ofregistration and/
or meal card

February 7—Friday—Last day for reinstatement of
students cancelled for nonpayment of registra-
tion fees and/or housing and dining fees. Re-
quires payment offees and may require payment
of $50 reinstatement fee.

March I4—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-aca-
demic reasons."


February lB—Thursday—Last day for filing an appli-
cation for a May degree in college dean’s office

March 27—Thursday—Last day for doctoral candi-
dates for a May degree to submit a Notification of
Intent to schedule a final examination in The
Graduate School

April lO—Thursday—Iiast day for candidates for a

May degree to schedule a final examination in
The Graduate School
April 24—Thursday Last day for candidates for a
May graduate degree to sit for a final examination
May 2—Friday—Last day for doctoral Candidates for
a May degree who wish to receive a diploma at


Commencement to submit dissertation to The
Graduate School

May 9—Friday—Last day for candidates for a May
degree to submit a thesis/dissertation to The
Graduate School

May 10——-Saturday—Commencement Day

End of Semester and Academic Holidays

December 11, 1996—Wednesday—Last day for regis-
tered students in the Employee Educational Pro-
gram to submit EEI’ form to their personnel office
to confirm 1997 Spring Semester registration and
tuition defrayal

January 13-17—Monday through Friday—Approved
time period for students to change academic
majors (Please check with college for admission

January lS—Wednesday—Class work begins

January 20—Monday—Martin Luther King Birthday—
Academic Holiday

January 22—Wednesday—Last day for students in the
Employee Educational Program who registered
inJanuary to submit EEP form to their personnel
office for tuition defrayal for the 1997 Spring

February l3—Thursday—Deadline for submission of
application and all required documents to the
Office of the. Registrar for change of residency
status for 1997 Spring Semester

March lO—MOiiday—Midterm of 1997 Spring Se-

March lI-31——-Tuesday through Monday—Approved
time period for students to change academic
majors (Please check with college for admission

March l7-22—Monday through Saturday—Spring '
Vacation—Academic Holidays

May 2—Friday—End of class work

May 5-9—Monday through Friday—Final Examina-

May 9—Friday—End of 1997 Spring Semester

May l2—M0nday—Final deadline for submission of
grades to the Registrar‘s Office by 4 pm.

May 12-August 23—College of Pharmacy 15»Week
Summer Term

1997 Four-Week Intersession



October 31, l996—Thursday——Deadline for Interna-
tional applications to be submitted to The Gradu-
ate School for 1997 Summer School

April lI—Friday—Deadline for applying for admis-
sion to a program in The Graduate School for the
1997 Summer Sessions. Applications for readmis-
sion, post-baccalaureate status, and visiting stu-
dent status will be accepted after the deadline.

April 30—Wednesday—-—Deadline for applying to The
Graduate School for readmission, post-baccalau-
reate status, and visiting student status for the
1997 Four-Week Intersession in order to register
May 12 and avoid $40 late fee

May 28—Wednesday—Dcadline for applying to The
Graduate School for readmission, post-baccalau-
reate status, and visiting student status for the

 :xamina tion in

tndidates for a
candidates for
e a diploma at
rtation to The

ates for a May
rtation to The


inning and

st day for regis-
ducational Pro-
)ersonnel office
'cgistration and

lnge academic
: for admission

{ing Birthday—

‘students in the
who registered
:heir personnel
re 1997 Spring

ir submission of
:uments to the
ge of restdency

397 Spring Se-

:mge academic
e for admission

:urday—Spring -

Final Examina-


r submission of
y 4 p.m.

'macy 15»Week


ine for Interna-
d to The Gradu-

ying for admis-
e School for the
ms for readmis-
tnd visiting stu-
the deadline.
applying to The
, post-baccalau-
t status for the
irder to register

ipplying to The
, post-baccalau-
t status for the

1997 Eight-“leek Summer Session in order to
register before the beginning ofclasses and avoid
$40 late fee


April 29—May 1 2*—Tuesday through Monday—Four-
Week Intersession registration and add/drop con-
tinue for students enrolled in the 1997 Spring

May l2—Monday—Registration for new students

May 13-16 —Tuesday through Friday—Late registra-
tion for returning students not already registered
and new applicants cleared late for admission. A
$40 late fee is assessed students who register late.

May l9—Monday—Last day to change grading op-
tion (pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to
pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to credit) in
college dean’s office

May 21—June ll*—Wednesday through Wednes-
day—Eight-Week registration and add/drop for
students who entered the University in the 1997
Four-Week Intersession


May lB—Tuesday—Last (lay a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

May lfi—Friday—Last day to enter an organized class
for the 1997 Four—Week Intersession

May lG—Friday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

May 19—Monday—Last clay to drop a course without
it appearing on the student's transcript

May 28—Wednesday—Last day to withdraw from a

May 28—Wednesday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-aca-
demic reasons."


May lB—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

May 16—Friday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

May 27—Tuesday—Last day to pay registration fees
and/or housing and dining fees in order to avoid
cancellation of registration and/or meal card

May 28—Wednesday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-aca-
demic reasons.”

June S—Thursday—Last day for reinstatement of
students cancelled for nonpayment of registra-
tion fees and/or housing and dining fees. Re-
quires payment of fees and may require payment
of $50 reinstatement fee.

End of Semester and Academic Holidays

May 12—Monday—Beginning of College of Phar-
macy 15—Week Summer Term

May l3—Tuesday—Class work begins

May 16—Friday—Last day for students in the Em-
ployee Educational Program to submit EEP form
to their personnel office for tuition defrayal for
the 1997 Four-Week Intersession

May 26—Monday—Memorial Day—Academic

May 27—Tuesday—Midterm of 1997 Four-Week

June 10—Tuesday—Final Examinations

June lO—Tuesday—End of the 1997 Four-Week

June 13—Friday——-Final deadline for submission of
grades to the Registrar's Office by 12 noon

1997 Eight-Week
Summer Session


October 31, 1996—Thur5(lay—Deadline for Interna-
tional applications to be submitted to The Gradu-
ate School for 1997 Slimmer School

February l—Saturday—Deadline for undergraduate
International applicants to submit 1997 Eight-
Week Summer Session application

April ll—Friday—Deadline for applying for admis-
sion to a program in The Graduate School for the
1997 Summer Sessions. Applications for readmis-
sion, post-baccalaureate status, and visiting stu-
dent status will be accepted after the deadline.

May 28—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to The
Graduate School for readmission, post-baccalau-
reate status, and visiting student status for the
1997 Eight-Week Summer Session in order to
register before the beginning ofclasses and avoid
$40 late fee

June lS—Sunday—Deadline for International appli—
cations to be submitted to The Graduate School
for the 1996 Spring Semester

July 25—Friday—Deadline for applying for admis-
sion to a program in The Graduate School for the
1997 Fall Semester. Applications for readmission,
post-baccalaureate status, and visiting student sta-
tus will be accepted after the deadline


April 29—June 11*—Tuesday through Wednesday——
Eigh t—Week Summer Session registration and add/
drop continue for students enrolled in the 1997
Spring Semester

May 21—June ll*—Wednesday through Wednes»
day—Eight—Week registration and add/drop for
students who entered the University in the 1997
Four-Week Intersession

June lO—Tuesday—Registration for Evening/Week~
end and new graduate students

June 11—Wednesday—Registration for new students

June 12-16—Thursday through Monday—Late regis-
tration for returning students not already regis-
tered and new applicants cleared late for admis-
sion. A $40 late fee is assessed students who
register late.

June 23—Monday—Last day to change grading op-
tion (pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to
pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to credit)


June l2—Thursday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

June 16—Monday—Last day to enter an organized
class for the 1997 Eight—Week Summer Session

June lG—Monday—Last day to officially withdraw
from the University or reduce cottrse load and
receive an 80 percent refund

June 23—Monday—Last day to drop a course without
it appearing on the student's transcript

July lfi—Wednesday—Last day to withdraw from a

July 16—Wednesday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-aca-
demic reasons."


June 12—Thursday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

June 16—Monday—Last (lay to officially withdrzur
from the University or reduce course load and
receive an 80 percent refund

June 25—Wednesday—Last day to pay registration
fees and/or housing and (lining fees in order to
avoid cancellation of registration and/or meal

July 7—Monday—Last day for reinstatement of stil-
dents cancelled for nonpayment of registration
fees and/or housing and (lining fees. Requires
payment of fees and may require payment (#3550
reinstatement fee.

July lG—Wednesday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-aca-
demic reasons."

August 6—Wednesday—Last day registered students
may pay $50 to confirm their 1997 Fall Semester


June 27—Friday—Last day for filing an application
for an August degree in college dean‘s office

July 2—Wednesday—Last (lay for (loc toral candidates
for an August degree to submit a Notification of
Intent to schedule a final examination in The
Graduate School

July 16—Wednesday—Last day for candidates for an
August degree to schedule a final examination in
The Graduate School

July 30—chnesday—Last day for candidates for an
August graduate degree to sit for a final

August 7—Thursday—Last day for candidates for an
August degree to submit a thesis/dissertation to
The Graduate School

End of Semester and Academic Holidays

June l2—Thursday—Class work begins

June lfi—Monday—Last day for students in the Em-
ployee Educational Program to submit EEP form
to their personnel office for tuition defrayal for
the 1997 Eight-Week Summer Session

July4—Friday—Independence Day—Academic Holi-

July lO—Thursday—Midterm of 1997 Eight-Week
Summer Session

August 6—Wednesday—Iast day for registered stu-
dents in the Employee Educational Program to
submit EEP form to their personnel office to
confirm 1997 Fall Semester registration and tu-
ition defrayal

August 7—Thursday—End of the 1997 Eight-Week
Summer Session

August 7—Thursday—Final examinations

August ll—Monday—Final deadline for submission
of grades to the Registrar's Office by 12 noon

August 23—Saturday—End of College of Pharmacy
15-Week Summer Term

*These dates are subject to change due to con-
tinuing development of telephone registration.













Charles T. Wethington, 1n, Ph.D.
President of the [University


Fitzgerald B. Bramwell, Ph.D. ,
Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies




Daniel R. Reedy, Ph.D.
Dean of The Graduate School

Constance L. Wood, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean

James E. O’Reilly, Ph.D.,
Associate Dean

Allan G. Richards, ECLD. ,
Associate Dean






























The University of Kentucky began offering graduate
work in 1870 and awarded its first graduate degrees in
1876. The Graduate School became a distinct unit in the
University organization in 1912.

The Graduate School is concerned with advanced
study, graduate instruction and research conducted by
the faculty and students of all colleges and departments.
The total graduate resources of the University are
merged under it for the purpose of promoting the
acquisition of knowledge in an atmosphere of free and
lively inquiry.

Graduate work is offered in most colleges in the
University. A general description and tabulation of
courses for each of the various programs is given in the
Graduate School Programs section of this bulletin.

Organization of The Graduate School

The Graduate Faculty consists of the Dean of The
Graduate School, Associate and/ or Assistant Deans of
The Graduate School, and Full and Associate Graduate
Faculty Members. As the chief University agency for the
promotion of the ideals of graduate study, it determines
the policies of The Graduate School and makes recom—
mendations to the University Senate and t0 the Presi-
dent, or to other administrative officials as appropriate.
All rules affecting graduate work and the inauguration of
new graduate programs must be approved by the Gradu-
ate Faculty.

Any proposed change in the rules of the Graduate
Faculty must be included in the agenda of its meeting
and circulated to the Graduate Faculty at least 10 days
prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered.

The Academic Common Market

Kentucky is a participating state in The
Academic Common Market, an interstate agree—
ment among Southern states for sharing academic
programs. Students who qualify for admission may
enroll in a specific program in another A.G.M. state
on an in—state tuition basis. At present, the agree-
ment has been limited to unusual graduate pro—
grams. For information, write: Southern Regional
Education Board, 130 Sixth Street N.W., Atlanta,

New Graduate Faculty members may be proposed to
the Dean of The Graduate School at any time by the
college deans and department chairs concerned, or in
the case of persons not attached to a college faculty, b