xt7t1g0hxc4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hxc4k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1998 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1998 Vol.69 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, August 1998 Vol.69 No.8 1998 2019 true xt7t1g0hxc4k section xt7t1g0hxc4k i .'
é F~t~v _" » UNBOUND
i l r: , PERIODICALS ...._._...__._._........................_.....,«,.....m._..m_m....m N
5 ~ 7“? ;«‘, COLLECTION \
V k fiat i 4 a .- . Volume 69, Number 8 _
' l w The Official Publication
, . i .ége‘i‘ihmii} of the Kentuckv Press
KPNKPSMJW 8., @fignfi . . ,
Retreat awétfi fifties 3' "”0 LEX “05 Ds
. w$ii§flgil$;€¢‘ ,. \‘TRAL SERlALS REOOR .
ummsmm i tags‘¢$%fi% Vffivfi‘ LIVI",'qc3ARET | KING LIBRARY
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0 0&9 i ” téie'GTON KY 40506
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. mKPAWim'Comwfim E i‘
Lmaam, - K.__________________,~_.m
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I .5, . Caudlll named pies1dent-elect
e ' * P ]] te d
s s after owe 5 ps own .
,V‘ a ' ti '- ”“1 QUE . ' '
3 15 take early ret'rement papers parent company as part of a
: __,,m~ . _ corporate downsizing program.
.._ packages at AShIand Powell was president-elect and
4, 3, . would have held the title of presi-
» By LISA CARNAHAN dent in 1999.
‘6 ' ’ KPA News Bureau Caudill's move leaves the vice
" . k _ Tom Caudill, vice president of president's position vacant and an
i V’, l *. W 1 is. W, the Kentucky Press Association election will be held during the
-, F ~.- ‘ V and Kentucky Press Service, has Board of Directors' fall retreat in
’ £ ' '~ ,3. VV V‘ , 4 ‘x moved into the position of presi- October. The person elected will
if ‘ x “- m » ...;...-,« dent-elect. Caudill, assistant man- serve as vice president for the
‘3 h \ , ‘- l aging editor of the Lexington remainder of this year. as presi-
f Herald-Leader, will assume the dent-elect in 1999 and president in
‘ E .~ . role of president in 1999. 200”-
, ‘i V “51:?“ ‘3 (V‘audill's move WEIS bruught P0\V(‘ll, 51 retired with 24 i
‘ \ “3%? 1%” about by the retirement of Ashland 3'“er ”f WWW“ "1 th“ {V‘hlimd
g, ‘mfiéfit ' Daily Independent Editor Russ Daily Independent. working as a
V . . .. . . I’nw'p“ who alon , with H rpm,“ reporter. copy editor. city editor.
-: The Kentuc HI h School Journalism Assocratlon s onsored a two- ‘ h . .r . . . - - . -
~, day workshz‘p fog beginning high school journalism tgachers July 23- employees. accepted an early retire- “N““m "“mh’mk’ “(“1” ““1 “d"
, 24 at the University of Kentucky. Teachers listened as UK journalism mm" lW‘k‘W" "”3““ l’." ”W “W?“ See PRES'DENT'ELECT‘ page 11
, professor Scoobie Ryan explained how the Internet can be used in the . . . . .
:2 c'assmm- Onlme stah‘ launches one-oi—a—kmd
KHSJA hOldS W OI'kShOp golf31te after seekmg new venture
.x" High school journalism teach- offered last summer just after :Pklgfiwgfifm : V
. J ers from across Kentucky gath- KHSJA was formed. Because of The ‘ Internet ‘ .wn
5, ered in Lexington July 23-24 for the overwhelming response, it Committee at the I ;
VfV an intense two-day training work- was determined the workshop Danville Advocate- I i
' shop. would be offered yearly. Messen er was lookin . l
i The workshop, “A Basic Topics covered included lay- for s’ogiethin newg j
V Survival Course for Journalism out and design, basic photogra- Their web site hid been .
, Teachers and Advisers,” was phy, legal issues and advertising u and runnin for a
, sponsored by the Kentucky High design and sales tips. fepw ears an E the ’j‘:
, School Journalism Association. Thirty-five teachers partic- y ‘ . y “w “ g, ' , (mm.
. . . wanted another prOJect. . , . M Mm,“
; Held at the UniverSIty of What was born out . ,1,“ J?“ .m
Kentucky, the workshop was first See WORKSHOP, page 5 of those discussions, W. ‘Mflm . fl mm
, 8 ON LIN E 1 2 . ‘1‘; V; v; :11?“ 3 :xeve‘:.,flg:;§:?§§ 4 . W .1:
. ' ' ee , page 'i refit??? L“ [gliieiésiiiiéieei
,- CNHI buys Kentucky publ1cat10ns ‘*
i As part of a nationwide buying News from Albrecht Newspapers,
. spree. Community Newspaper Inc. The deal was completed July INSIDE
Holdings Inc. lCNHIl purchased 4 15. Albrecht Newspapers had W poqio, AdropuAvoldthe Don’trolytooheavuy
VV publications in Kentucky during owned the operations since 1990 mhhmfl ‘quafltytrlp’...pg.4 on computers...pg.9
the past month. and Editor/Publisher Jay Albrecht
(‘NHl purchased The Times said readers should see little WM“ 3 gml‘ml’kzg’s Sgfiumdmtm
' Journal and The Russell ('ounty see CNHI. page9 damn, "MM”P‘ "O'M-Pfi- esso pg.
Page 2 - The Kentucky Press. August, 1998
K k 1 ° h W
cntuc y pCOp 6, papers in t 6 I16 S
1 career. intuitive and the graphics bright A native of Fayetteville. Tenn .
KentUCkY MOnthl) Kentucky Monthly will feature and clean " Moon-head will serve as a general
to debut 1“ September articles and photographs about assignment reporter at the New
Kentucky Monthly. a magazine people. places. culture and sports HCilInan proanICd l ra 5h: previously worked“ a:
. across the state Leisure section editor loi iiii loit
tocusing on the Bluegrass state. LII Spence]. MLI‘WTCI ('aniphell Hum”. newspaper Shv
has opened its offices and ‘ ' I: . : . . ”_ I ‘y 'H‘
announced the tour—color piihlica- Herald—Leader honored Becky lleiliiian has been it!" 1;“: ilhilliiliiiitin-it:Yl‘iiilliii-Iro;it i:
tion will deniit next month. ‘ . - - - iiioted to thi position if general ‘. .i .' .. ,f ‘. ‘ ‘ " “r
Stephen M. Vest, former news to‘ 0nlln€ Cdllltm office assistant at the Spent :Klbirlijr‘flxn :iillrnln'] Lina}: (1:1ii“,:_ltl‘\ i
editor at The Blood—Horse in The Lexington lleraldla-ader MUM“?! m“,(.Hx;)nlunwn1M“i i \ ll
Lexmgton. is the publisher and was among the winners ofthe 199% ”(‘llmim W1“ l't‘ rt‘>’l>“ll\ll’lt‘i ' ‘
editor of Kentucky Monthly. Vest Digital Edge Awards The coiiipeti lF'llt‘M‘itm‘yI imil h“ll! “‘11“ ”l" W‘ . .
has also worked for newspapers in tion. spotisored by the Newspaper (lUt'W’H “l m“ “(WV-*Pilln'r 5“" Will S“ “Hg P1 011““le
Kentucky. Indiana and South Association of America. recognizes "\""1ll‘iill.\' l"‘ “M“"l-‘ll’lt' {W “iii-“1' . . ,. ' ‘ r' ' i ,
(‘arolina the past 14 years. the achievements of the nation s “Pd it‘th'nl-‘lnfl- A ”Wm Sriidlléll“ ‘11 Bitdthltt C 0' VOILK
‘ Michael Embry, former top online newspapers. "f S“”‘"”” (“’lll'fli‘ in lJ’Ul-‘W‘llli‘ David Strong has been proniot
Lexington correspondent for The The Heraldvlreader won the ”Mimi!” '»‘ ‘1 “‘“(lt‘m ”l SIH‘HU‘I' ed at The Breathitt (‘oiiiity Voici
Associated Press. is the executive award for Best (‘lassified l'se of ”mm." and Will assume the role ot assis
editor. He has worked in New Media imedium marketi, The ., tant (“WHY llt‘ WI” 4115‘! Y‘i‘IleH lib
Wisconsin and New York for the judges noted the Herald-Leader's Coffey prOInOted ml“ ”RPM“ ““1“"
AP and at newspapers in online edition, Kentucky Connect. . Strong hi” “(”ka ii’r Yllt‘
Kentucky during his 23-year is "Well organiZed. the interface {It sentln€l-N€W’S newspaper since it was formed lli
Kim (‘offev has been promoted l}9$f.2. H)" l‘rfl “(‘W‘T‘S‘l Filler“ “"i‘
—The KentUCky Press "— to circulation clerk at the Sentinel- {if ‘papi r on “ Pint-1"“? huh ‘m‘ .
News in Shelliyville She ioined the “a“ lat” hmid “5 ”mm" ”in”! l
The Kentucky PressilSSN-(X)Z3—i)324) is pub- District 13 staff in 1997 as office assistant and . . . i
lished'ngmtl/il’y bi’ufl‘: fig‘mi‘é" ”9551 Glenn Gm)"Amncmflfll‘i‘wmm“ receptionist. In her new position Whittlngtt’m hll‘Ed l
SSOCIB (in on C r955. I'Vlce, 11C. ‘ “, V .' , I. .' , ' , .v
Periodical-clan; postage is paid at Frankfort, District 14 ( ”tfu‘lllillht ‘rf "\‘plinilbh tor tr‘llik L13 “6““ CdilUl‘ at J-E
KY.4()6(Jl.Subscription priceis$8per year. Stuart Simpson, in: m \lfilidln Y "Nu ”(inllnrlm? 5f! ; T i . ‘ _ _
Postmaster: Send change ofaddress toThe Somerset Pulaski NC“.S_'an 1”“ f‘murmfl proper ( “ “(‘l'.‘ “l I 1“ .lan‘et “hittington has ‘lilllltwl
Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer lane, ”0\V>l)ii[)t'r the staff of lhe Jiiul‘ndhl‘iiiit‘rpl‘lsi‘
Frankfort, KY.406(l], (@32233821- District lS-A . in l’rovidence as news editor
Officersand Dimtm Tom Caudill,LexuigtoiiHerald-Leader Ball promoted to editor Whittmutnn replaces Mark
Kentuck I’ressAssociation _ v ‘. Holloway. who resigned atter servw
y DNFM 15-8 at MOunILlln C Ill/.611 iiig o\er ll! years on the l’rovirieiice
President thn Nelwn' DammcAd\‘Umw-MQSWWW (iary Ball has been promoted to ”fin A ””l "V" ”l H"“‘“'”"”' ‘
GuyHatfield,Citizen Vmcgglnmcs State.itl..ime ”er of The Mountain (”an m :Nhittington comes to the Journal
~ ~ ‘ - . - Inez inteiprise tioni lhe Madisonxile
l‘residentlilu‘t Sharon liiniiiiski. \Niiiihester Sun I" ll . Messenger Where she “‘1‘ ‘1 ”(M‘
. m I‘lllll’ll the stat? se\eii
TUHILdUdlll Lexingtonllerald»l.eader l"il‘ w U . l \1. . .. l ,,,. months It,“ Vb “ re m 1 .~ . l “. \ reportii
.t \ility. uilisinro issuigir tiqtiiti. - (r. i. t [ l‘il .tllt ii.
Past President soon promoted to associate editor
“weuabm“Um“, Teresa Mullins, Bureaciiizcii A native of Logan (Home WNW. Scnn liillnCd editor/(j l\1
Ball is a former coal miner who ‘
Vice President D0" Whm‘I’Wdt‘r-‘W‘ NH” started his journalism career writ, LII SPCHCCI' MLIQ11CI
Vacant ‘ . ing for a l'nited Mine Workers of .. _ . ‘ g .
Asfimmmb [)“fimn \merica n -wsletter \ icki heiin has been named (‘fil
Treasurer Ed Mastrean, Kentucky Educational I ( tor/general manager of the Spencer
Teresa Revlett, MCUEdn COUM)’ News Television . . . . Magnet. Before joining Landmark
MOOFChCad JOlnS Std“ (‘ommuiiity Newspapers Inc
District] Advertisin Division iLCNIi, the S iencer Ma ' et s i; ‘-
William Mitchell, Fulton Leader Larry BI‘OOiS, Lexington Herald-Leader at KentUCky NEW Era ent company. ISemi waeriiaiiagiiig
Distri t2 NewsEditorial Division Alicia Moorehead, 24‘ is the editor of the Meade (‘oiinty ‘
.c. . . . newest addition to the Kentucky MOSSCHW‘T in Brandenburg. I’rior i
Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress Mark Nam!" Kenkay POSQ New Era newsroom. i See PEOPLE, page 11 l
District 3 Circulation Division ———-———————————— l
WMWWCWNM ”avem"dge"””’“i"e’°“"“' Memorial service held for Isaacs
District 4 Journalism Education L l
GiarliePortrnann,FranklinFavonte Jo-AnnHuff-Albers,WestemKentucky A memorial service was held ducing the sixvcolumn format to
. _ University recently at Columbia University for daily newspapers. appointing the
glasvtizidgreer,mel(entucky5tandard, GeneralCounsels Norman E. Isaacs. the crusading first ombudsman. initiating an
Bardstown Jon Fleischaker and KimGreene editor of The Courier-Joumal and a ethics code that banned Junkets and
Dinsmore&Shohl former pres1dent of the American gifts from news sources. Isaacs also
District6 Society of Newspaper Editors, who hired the newspaper's first black
Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era Kentucky Press Association died in March. reporter in 1961
District7 Kentucky Press Service Staff ’ Under his directionsthe ('ourier- ‘ A native of Manchester.
Kelley Wamick,Gal]atinCounty News DaVid T. Thompson, Executive Director Journal won three Pulitzer Prizes lungland. Isaacs began his career at
BonnieHoward,Controller At the memorial service. Barry the age of 17 at the Indianapolis
District8—9 Gloria DaViS, Advertising Director Bingham Jr. a former (‘oiirier- Star He became city editor of the
K9“ Metz,BathCimntyNewsOuth3k ligamhlggefirilfliljmffinmgcghum Journal owner. called Isaacs "the Indianapolis Times at 24 and man
District 10-11 Sue Cammack, Administrfitivi Ai:sistant r last oftlie great self directed editors aging editor at 26. In. his 21) years in
Marty Backus, Appalachian NewsExpress BuffySams,BtXikkeeping Assistant . people who knew themselves Louisville. he rose from managing
Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant What a newspaper ought to he editor of the l,oiiis\ ille liiiies to
Distn'cHZ Samantha Barger, Advertising Asswtant lsaacs. who was 89. died of executive editor oi The ('eiiriei
lackG Thomas, ldflkSUT‘ Times David Shropshire, Indiana Sales Supervisor hum Lulure (‘redited with intro .loiiriial
, , l
The Kentucky Press. August. 1998 - Page 3
C ' 9 ‘ ’ ‘
DOW 11' S 3V6 blgOESt prOl )l€IT1 OEHIHO [)‘d 61.9 from home
_ ,
do 0 c ‘
By DAV] I) 'I‘. THOMPSON T "" —""‘ “‘"""'"“"""' '—"""—““;
KPA/KPs Executive Director ]\ “7 P tm t ( ' n 1 w k l
They're tailed "sno\\'hirlitibt~flltlllil‘.;f‘ykt\t1.-_.".?Li"‘tl {I}. l:. sun “‘5, ‘m .1 ‘
ting-tr on {in Yyilist--ll|li\'-,'".{-i'_ll_l!i~l\itf.1>'7,t H .1, l ‘i'h‘ ““1"“ l ‘ ~ ””3- l”~ "'13 "'li» I'll “i 1- “Jul l” "3' " ~ .-5' l
.‘x tux slat: ~< have alrt ill} to g : r!.' i ii~ .i~«\.~‘i. it: i '-‘ > "i”: $1“: 3“ :‘jy‘l‘l‘ “1“”. ‘ . l
and a met-PW: ltvt‘xrt‘tt M “.th l" q ‘i , 232' ”F 4 Kl .\l :_ , , I] 1 i .z‘- rtvsgwiidane; 1.1a truesttoi; us.- ltt .if.11:<2.‘.z.t\'ll;s'. {amt gnu t t”. A l
“Ital {hr :\HL’Ht)l) Silli‘l‘l‘n‘llilxrv1ng(lollxvry of coinniuint} l
Deliyerx' took tw; (imp m a “Wk m mm‘ ”In“ and W . , ‘i 3 W“ .l I,“ l new-papers Is also a priority for thel H is. We have a major efiort going:
l 1‘”va delay “.Hh mixx-spupers going through :‘tllit'r [,HHU‘ ,ii‘ . 3 Ion right mm. .It ndrrson “(11d l think \xt haw totix it.
} (‘incinn'iti Henderson emphasxzed that in order to improve delivery, newspapers
l But in-state problems paled to out GA 3.1.x. \ q
... -‘y - / '11s . .. "‘
g .
Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, August, 1998
r__—_—_____—____.__fl__ MNQMMVMNMW ,__.........,..
‘v c t I: ’vr! 3; m . ' P
lGWtduath 0-? dam (in Whom f 5 an t' th-O m 9‘
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al—__o—_M¢-.——"._T “n-t ‘ w; .i if» Nont- ‘tth !-- *nw"~ zwi‘v mum Eva!» t; it x: x“ .~ .-
g DeSIgn L9 I ' '; '73-" _’ lllljiv thtvu: lllt” mtg» l\l".i‘ ‘1'”:\‘t'>1..:.'"v'l‘.“llt" ‘ t , I ‘:
ft ' ‘ I : ~IV'II‘ tt‘ 'It't‘ {ir'xltiitttlta '1l.tt)‘t"1l .11": l>-'\EI"' l’wll"? i :ll' 7’ tv~ )1 42'1‘ \" ' ~ 4?“ ;
it El, th 9 C" ‘y lt".lttt" \\,l*‘tll‘l' ‘lllt’fl'ld ‘l"."lL"‘ fl’ Kill“ ll 12'" l. *l ' t“ ' T" l'. " ' ":"i
E: ery In , '77: 3 \4 t: It‘tnt‘tlt"l'li"v‘!=t’t-iw tit" \‘HILHV'E st" inn: 'tvr 'l'f ~ \ztr
!: BEEEmm-ufm; ' 'l'hr fiflt‘ :‘saslwi‘w m'txml :\l':~t I tm «ti-nil l i 11‘ \‘w " "l 2' ~. " I; t':.- :tt
' ‘ ‘ .l watt-tin »: t; ~ whmi an in ur~- 11:.tzure- tn. it In. l~ I‘ . ritzt f at ;, 3? tr
" _]| n: u‘w il't‘Hl‘li‘ll 'l'ht-vw ltt‘t‘ll tn ('(‘Yllf‘f'l‘ll .. .ttter 1:.Httv'tvl at, has in "t r- H n in:
; 'l'hi'ouuhout this tountm the in- at" great: llli‘t‘llll‘,' Itll'T \‘(ilth‘llll‘m til-lt‘i' xwrmnwt: limnt lilt“.:'"~~,\‘ 'l« tttz~ it ix n i~ it 1"1‘7’ rim 2 h.
' M'h'mls ot :rallhn' downy; \t-xt \Hrk‘, ”WWW flit-v tht-v llrlHL’ hack to thw" ltt'\\'\liit[l"r> n t_\'po\,rr.tixhiu “\‘-l‘l‘\llt «Misti: \ «at i ttnti
l'ninn, ”H, “WISH St'hool at m" l'ni'qutt' tirtlut ot typograptu a t'llll o" twv of color n. ~\\Ht:7\ that t"tllllllll“ tw vimilvnw in: illltlL'l
('hit‘auo Savannah. (la and ”in”: sinattr'riny .u \l'i'lll’lllrt' littoriunatuly nunr u! nation S‘lemul int-tt< '.v\t l' .l\'_ mi, 'tadtix
l'ntortunatt-h. w.- “M; “HIM v. ”L H.“ ll litttkt'r';tn]t';1= tnstvad. it s an titN‘VlUIIH‘I‘HllHI. low’sint ‘
work «it :’i‘aduatt-sltroin mam oflur ”H; “Ln“ Ml ll|l\i'-\ and 'l‘tlil‘tnx int-5w and them-s ~ntut~ l titttrtiiii.ttt-l\"tor u»- .1“ t t it ‘=Hi‘ Finttl
”mm“ svhools {flaw-‘1“) .H“; Sllltll‘lll.\ ‘11 ”MAP of \x‘hit'n llyi‘lflr t-l inakv tor hwttvr rlt'siun l’vu'. t‘rs thwst- Illtlt‘nl> ot llt't‘ttllrt‘ it httptiiist tlu ltm t ‘ l'lI‘A Yltt‘lll all
ma“ rt-al ‘li'sl‘WtT‘tlllt‘ttl1H1] Most ottt-n lllt‘V :m‘ thi\ \(‘lttml l>ll1itl Illt'M‘ t'lt‘l]1t‘lll> must “orig into thv third inillt'nniuin
” . hoino-whwrt- l‘oi' ~Ilillt‘UIH‘ fichtml motto “hm- And lllt'lr L'l‘éitllltllt‘> .1!» among u»
.‘t'lhlitllfllll and lH‘IH‘lll train lllllé' or no ovalua . . . . _
it in it \t‘>.ll1.t\'t'\\liiidl\‘ ThoV do not M‘t‘k to lisht-i~ s daughtvr I an; lllt' tatnt-i' «it t\\o .
“”1 ,N N . ,N knon only todo Yuan ayoa trot-thinkt‘r. llillV (liilltjlllt‘r>. and \K'lllll l uoulrt twht tw th~-
; H“ (”l/"1'” BMW"! 1h" ‘m‘l‘lnh hm." Roi». slimu-d through stringt'nt £l(lllll>>ltll‘. dt-ath to tlf‘ll‘llll ll|'\ t'lL’lll t‘ 412% on m\ l
an lm’n' l” l” ”"mpmmi' “"V' “”1 “mm” \t'I't't‘ItHlL‘ and \K;t,\ ahlt to t-rtatt- Nllnt' inturost- (lttllL'lllt'i‘> l l not li“ll¢“~t' it a» vth' 't t1 I
”“7“ “I”; A ”l'“ mml'm'l 5‘51"“: ”'A "l'l’h‘l" lttz‘ tlt‘HE'll ~‘ll'llll‘ttl> l’rohlt-ni is ItHnl' of IllHSt‘ :tll llt‘t‘dUN [\nd l haw tint ltiln l’wt
inigubiin-rl l)!).\\ll)lt‘ .t “MIR 4;?! ltx \ttttlt'hh ‘ l" Ht. wtit' lmthvrt'd lit t‘i'mtnw lllt‘lll 5!: Hit unl‘t .'\.llkl l H t\' ‘-.‘-.tt~~lit’rl lll' «twin - titl‘i :
”1‘ ”Yul“ ’“”"'l ""l‘” llr'l‘ll"“l ””“ll‘ ”’1‘! t'l‘l‘;tll‘»'! «'lwnu‘nt.‘ i‘vniatningj in Hill\ lltvl=\ \IIl‘Jl‘L'.t\l‘<'l'.i
‘ll'l‘l‘l‘ "” “‘l""“/" ill)" l”'\’”l"l ll'“ llll‘ll‘ "l and in uraduatvd tlt't'.t1ll'>ttL!H \Vhwn .t.‘l\'t'tl ;\nd l ham! ‘t {\tl: . i . lli tllll
Y't'll‘l-tllllll‘ SWW‘" ”It‘ll" I ("Hi lllt‘l‘t‘l'l' l :l‘ulll it le'.t\'i‘lt‘.'lll‘lll lltfl‘t‘titrlllt‘rfk~1Htlt‘hl" wilwi‘xwd .tl ltlunn
“ill of tlu~ whool tr-tHl to H ~-ivon'l “\lel must ;. No \x'oiiti’vi lu. «trim-z
4’ ll“ l‘l‘IHH" 5‘x'lltwl Slll'l'lil‘ at llx!‘ lw-‘n ‘llll‘tlllllt llill\ lit-l, dttl' St'hool llllllli [Mucus [7 H. at " ; ,~ i : "
\a'h ‘ ll !'.tl‘t'l'. lt'Jtl‘lt amtlnin‘ lwtt tlnwlll tin \, . ‘9‘ 1‘.» far \t- may find H r: ‘I'tfflt’ ‘ t" 'w 'm '
’\~-i\'.lttn: ..‘. lt'tt.\i .u l'ww iiiuw- 'lhw tiwrti . '12.. l:.tlrllll[i‘l Srltmj liaivuntwt HUN/t !’ ,,- . _~ f , » I," \ 3 . ,
ll» ll‘."“ llt' w il-‘ll and ti: t 12‘ il;- gm t- l'l'mnw, .’l-,\‘~t1~'.ll' dangltfwr‘ ml llt‘llll‘i' :i w; 2' " ‘Vv ’ ‘. ' \ ' l
‘l'\l’,lt :m‘tatttx ttxttntxru‘» u: '\‘.l;:‘ttl.t l".'"l't t. l’fl".'l‘.:‘l‘.’tl.'3l twindwi ~-t :l.t r": .- ' - ., -. _ l
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A L p S m L _ L ‘
l‘ 1! l g - 1
hr the ‘ U’llllV’ tra' Video workshop can help
K , q C .5 p l i
Tflw_——‘ muvltt nn wxv . 11|1in.ill 1 your staff create better ads l
l . (- puddlt ot watt-r l don‘t kill)“ what l '
lAd’llbs kind of ~shill it \'\'.‘t.\. hut it “as t‘\'t‘ll ~ .
m ”.2 S? [Hwy ht-autitul than the- sand dollar ' ‘ ‘{ H,’ a \ tlx3;li”§’{l:rtflfll‘t‘t‘figggfi‘
0?.) And I Wouldnt haw found it ill hadn't *‘xi ".1} ”tiff ifi‘x": ~ ~ "‘i'sgx
By John FOUSt ‘J‘ klivlt to discard tho hrokt‘n Sllt‘ll ~T’i;'. H . - ‘ ; “were:mnqwtnh’éws" ‘ \L > ‘_ .;
Raleigh, N.C. l mention this to illustratt- what g N a
— uttvn happvns \\'ll('l] a salt'spt-rsun : . ${ L _ f1 ‘1. .. N {‘1
l lN‘llt'Vt‘ that "quality" is tht‘ most movts With an advertiser Opening a fig“; :3 _ up“ Ml V jt
ovvrusvd word in advortislnpr lt's nott-houk. tho salospvrson asks, "Wt- Si p ‘ p ‘ " » J ,
“W’U‘Vht‘n‘ thinTUM‘rs lméh‘t of “(Nd an idoator yournvxt ad What do E? ~ "
"quality products," "quality svrvm‘“ you want tomnphastZt-‘V *t, j, V
and "Quality Duoplv " And tht‘)‘ am as 'l'ht' clit-nt n‘plivs. "Quality? Wt» haw- :15; l " L l -
though consumers will automatit'ally tu lvt puoplv know that we bvlivvv in : _
understand what thvy arv talking: quality." “ '
about But in rt‘ality, tho word "t uali- The Sillt'SIX‘Nln nods and dutifully N ' ' . _, , ' J p , t .'
ty" holds littlt- meaning: in ttxlay‘sinmr writes "wo holivvv in quality" in the A mail? program that [S tallffl' n‘ddt t()r'n(“?lpdl)l rt“
kmplm. It im- twmarm, maimk Basus 0fLay0utand Comtisgcttmg rawrvxims from
()nv afternoon 1 (lt‘('l(lt‘(l 1‘, wk.- a \Natt‘h out' This ("laim istno brittle to publishers 311d 8d managers COHSl‘lO-COBSI.
walk. while attvnding a wmu-rmnwn» WNW“ in “W "H‘rkt‘ttflat‘v- It Simply It's a workshop. not a lectureYour staff will bc involved
“‘m 1'“ Tm” i”“”;‘“ J” ‘l"‘"“hiw;*“ “‘l’2;“‘:fi:i‘f‘:l film" :sl’vlv’g'rlt‘) u from the start—working 0n layoutsgettingad idms and
nt'ar \' < usvrtt-t . W “C 0x ) amt-t tit' “3 ‘.' 5 ‘ “1 S ‘ *1 ‘1 0'“ ~ . ‘ > . - N t
larw'knumlwr of llntllb‘wn’t'li‘tl sht‘lls at “(m It" another quvstion. “vth ”n“ wrltlng more Efft‘tlthlheddllnt‘b. .
mpmmsmw. [-m M a wash.” m, of your ('llt‘nls says, "Toll 'mn Wt) Find out how totram your staff thcuuit‘k andvas} way
lt-t'tur, hut as l walkt‘d l MIVV SHHH' lwll‘W“ 1“ quality.” "1" time l“ dig for ”'71.”[Olill'l'fUVfI'PI hflk'hllfl'.
flillltf that .u-rious shle swkt‘rs WHtlltl ”lllmmlw’“ H 5“” don't make ”l“ l t N . t .
“M “I“... mwpd 1, MN. A “TM,“ «film to (llsvurtl it had Hlt‘ll. you won't john l'ous/xl(I'I't’r‘fzsmg’bt’mznun , ‘
”mu-t sand dollar “1‘” 9‘ ”W" ”n“ 5“ WWW“ W1 N“ 4* PO Box ll)8(il.Ralmgh. NL BTtitl;»,'c-'1‘(lll€hr\'fll Edit)
ll‘lt'l’tl'tl it up Hnl\' to lithe- it t'riinilvlr l.t\\‘\'(‘t‘ "” ll svarr'h ll” "v”ll'm'“ l“ m .;-x-tul~l'n‘~- Nu tww \ 'w"
llllt llit‘W' [W‘t‘tk \‘lll lllllillg'lll l [H'HH‘\UHI‘JNIIIH ‘
NW,“ N W N‘, \t “flu” .illt-r l.“ .\. (H‘IH'YJlik I‘_;.'l'.ilti iiiiied at ll'xl‘ylli"
\_',m (4) twin H“ i‘ 1.! mm‘.‘ It ”is, ti» ”1' It)!“ ..; 1.. _ .y l liiloituiiati l the ominous tact and tint/tox'iiiy' hi 'ti school lii‘\\>v§‘itl
'l'iii \ “I at.“ ”human, I” last. . .\? It A“ 1 ’3‘ MM '1 L, my,“ l Iis that most high st liool newspa- perr- it}. [irirflltllllt‘ .i twitltttl i'i‘ant tell
you l.llt list this column .is .i ‘ltH'.’ up to hittle tlii ir way thi iiql. tli pp”, are becoming eni'langer-ed (“Ch it‘ll“)! . . l
h”. your reporters and "HM ”mi,“ eight \Mw Him.“ 1', Wm.“ [iwkra 5PMlt‘Se-t‘fipt‘t‘lltllY.In schools with For more information about}
‘ Some are simply typos; others show out in era/,y t'it\ltll]ii s and .tll‘ltit' hllih “1"‘3l""‘“"f”“mm-V‘5‘”‘lmt”: Advancey.louriialisiii. please-con l
. ‘ . ~ , The Newspaper Assocmtion ot tact the INAA at i 10.3) 902—1733.
a clear misunderstanding of the ski boots
language. Let's hope that your staff ° The colonel said the tounda
can easily correct thedamage. tioii has arranged to have carna W k .‘h .
c “We'd have to double the tions put on every gravesite of or 5 Op ‘
breath of\'ail Mountain," she said *‘W‘U' member “HP“ 3” 1h" "“““" l “20
0 The photo shows a mayor and “TV ”1 “ill" Continued from page 1 cu I "I IIIPNICS, ”c
llh'll standing ll] ll](' ””51 . 'I‘lll' \kl lt’flt‘rillltln ('Eillt'f'll‘tl [Jitlt‘tl lll llll‘ \Ktlrk\ll‘l[) l
' Th" 7“ l‘“l”l“.‘ vendors “In th" 199:3 downhill race “on by [V S l'l\en though the lireifrani was ”(I/(c \Imu'v N‘ll’l \Iclro
pedal unique items in the Marriott rkl l"-”“ star A’l Kl” ‘lll" l" ll‘l‘” much it“. same as the ‘97 “ovum. -. ,
ballroom. “(fill)”. se\er.il teachers made the return , .
' "In our busy lies \ye (ll-it'll ' 'l‘llt‘ lt'éit'll‘T ”nil lit't‘ stittlenh ll'lfl lo lily
' don't take time