. .... -,, "27:: : ,- .. “'53.: git-:23; :fiij’§.d§i.ii‘;j-t-?‘;i¥fl“ " :« .‘“:3:,‘::,_f 4:. 3. '14 43:2'33
‘ ‘ ' 3" ‘ ’ ' ' 3 ‘ "3" W (-34 '3 3 ‘v’. L4: “at? '3“’3“4‘3'*~.€'7= outYiz‘i‘:33fizi;.§3§-¥£%,fl 35:33:!4‘374?‘ . :15"; ‘i , 3. ,
. ,3 3 43 ~ : \“Zr ‘3 . 333. 3 ‘3 r 2 3v. ’13.." ‘ 4, 4 ~ . u . , . . ~ ' , 3 ' I _ l , y , 2 ,_ i I b . . 4 _ ' we: 3, 13,333“ .‘ .‘ 4 g“1“;‘Ipigtatzfz'\ul:zk:tflyiig‘féflfilgfi: I;%3'{¥i§‘;ifi':if -_-T ’ r" 4-
4 _ 3 , . 4 .‘ 3 5,3 -_ , 24 -. g 4 4 . . 4’ ' , . :6 .. ' :irfg,:,§,.rd 43.33.”; 2
1. ,5; - ' ' ‘ , - . 3 ‘ . ~ ,2 - ‘ t‘ . " ' 'j 3 xiiiefsitfniiir‘niézififéifsihfi; alter» ;;-L:'-
. O, 12;, 4 _ 4 . ‘ ,3. . 4 r, at, 5:5,. . .,..4 «W’tti‘flgtE‘Wf‘ir-y. ,1 Vtgf’y‘
”‘3 '4 . ' 4 ‘34?» .. «MWWQW . 4. 4... ”VW- . 4 . . ...-Mm» var.- : . 1 a ; $3.61.”.
is 4 a.
. - 3 42::
’ 3 ' .4
33 33 I MOON SHINE :35;:»:;;.._;,33:§
3 ‘ :.:"-f3l
4.? (lsar,coolevminswilldominatethe ; .33;
"3‘ Blmaroaiatbensstseverfiaul .-
3 days. Attcnoon tulips-stares , - ‘
fluctuateinthemid 70. with ,‘
. more. dim lntothelnldfim 4
- v ,
3 dependen U i rsit of Kentucky .
- . . Vol. LXXXIV, No.26 An in t student mm since 1971 n ve. y '.
4 . Monday. September 21, 1%] Lexmgton. Kentucky ,
' ' . ~ ‘. . _ v 3 ' s w '
, - «Xm- “yd: r,» 34 ,4? Ala
' / AI... 3: «~ ’ I’: '. Mg ‘ ‘ A» ' ' 2 p v. we. L/l ,
. .‘i .9 _ ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ v ‘3 '9 " " ‘ '9 k“. 3 "‘44 3’ "t i ' ,
. . ’: .» " ‘ .‘b. n. 3:. - ”w ‘J p 3 I ‘ 3 .. o _ ? X
g, , . « 4‘ : one sa es
3 ' .t v ‘ .3 1‘, 1*,” w . (n ")V .
‘ I. ‘ t in? .2 ‘ 1‘ . 3,. ' , 4 \ , 4 3 5%,,“ i ‘ . .> .
‘ (‘3 3. . ’ 0 ‘ ‘ s ‘t 3 t ‘ . 2 3 A '1
IS," ’ ' _ iv 33 : ,p :3 \ ByANDREWOPPMANN ”Album”, ,7
l 3”“ ' 3' ~ -.-. t 3 - = / ”V" ’ ‘3 ,4 8"“ Write Two General Telephone sub- 2 2
i '3‘ ,. e:- ‘.. m - y: \ 4:: J1 w r‘ : oioslxcntuchy Kernel mm“, mum“ mum in
4’ 3 . , 3 ' . , ’3 v 3 3 3‘ 3 ' permission fm their state while
3 i 4 4 " $4, iii 3 ' . Gales-a] ’lielephone Company at utilityregulatorybodiestosellratber
3‘3 3 3 '3 ' .. 2 » ~ Kentlxiky has requuted permission than lease telephones to their
3 3. 2.3 g $ ‘ 3. ~ ‘ $353,: ‘W’ fromthePublicSa-viceCommiasion crummnhehmflsndufiaallukal:
i . q ~ — 3' . . ‘ 3 to begin sefliq ratin- than eulm Company a,
’ . 334’ . 3' " 3' ' ‘3 I. 5: ‘ ’33“ i’ ‘ I: 3 telephoneatoitsctatcmen. ieastoneinthiestate.alreody operate
.. 3 ‘ ““ 2 3 3 .3 fig \\‘ e 3 3 3 4‘ 3 gauge: Payton Adams. vice puident and onasale basis.
.1 . 3.4:» “ t ; -»-:4»:‘ :3; We ‘ _ :: mi manager at GTE, said our Telephones already in use will be
33 -- , 3 J Q?” Q 33.14,. .‘ ' pany representatives appeared offered for sale at discount prices.
1 ‘ 6" ‘ 4 4 3 ' ~39 .: ti: ,, 3' - 3 ‘3 3 ,3 '3]: 3-.':4 bdotethel’ublic Service Commisiou Adams said, but present cmtomers
.I\ 3 , d. ' . 3 ’ 3 ; 933' . {3.33:3 3 4 ,ti 3"?" tinting.“ “'2“ ‘3 ' ' Sqit. l7torequest pamission for the may continue to lease their
_ _ a V . .. ... .3 3-13-3335 “"33 i ‘ 3,. ‘I _ 5'3 ‘ <¥ , “It: '§3‘(3. “ .4 2; ‘32:“? . am “10“ mM' tam ,
' "2 ' ’ :2 ’ -:,;,;§‘J 3 ; . "To 5433:, - Adams said that although the “I don’t ever think we ll be .
. l 3 A 3 i, V "3.5.3:“ 3 .3 « ‘ .: i. _ ' ‘3' ; “Mme-Mg, :3}; 3. company requested permission to altogether out of the leasing .
l ... is > 3 ' 3‘35? 333* it. . 3 my #fifi . 2- begin selling telephones by October. thuisu,”besaid. . 3
3i i :. ‘ 3? 4"“ ' «are . . ; 33,:f,.g,3’.2'f.3.3_ ’j‘ . 4 ~' i “the PSC indicated that they would However, hesaid cratornershrrymg
l . - / ‘ , e45 , . ., 3M 3 a 7" \3 3': . 333333333333‘3fi not grant ll permission by tint their own telephonu may bendlt
4: ‘ 3 . fist?“ .4 b 2-" , «3:3 it”; 4,4344 time." tromiowerinitiaidepositrates.
i _ 3 r . . :3: 2 . .. - ~. . ' 2 2:439:50 3:24:94 4£ 3 "We intend to ..u our W- ”me mt W“ n“ be “ if“ 1;
a \I- 34 it 3 c5. «... .-. wag, 3? ' :2. . Wed 3 ”a”? give" 3,, .. 4 *4: *3- ~ 4 3:4." .7 “,3 YolicangotoMcAlpin'sandbuyone. if you owned your own phone. he 4;:
3 3a.... ' 3 33333:: 3’ 333‘ 3‘ .... 333’ 3: “2:? 3 33 ‘i '2 j iffigtnri‘: ‘3‘" 33‘”? 3"‘i4"3“i‘-3"i"*t..jlt‘ '3 .4“ ~; 3 We want to be in the market too.” said, adding that cmtomes who pul'-
2‘ 4 T “" “‘3: - 4:. ‘- ». '3 rt it “ :‘QJ-t dang-4M" ""‘3 ’3 ., «ii-t" sum. and mum untthecatda chase phones will also be exempt .‘3-
2 . .48» h; _3,_ .0 gw¢>:‘,\ ~:.$*’€*§3** 3» -. “h. 2 s' ....r , its“ 3 i def sit :3 - , 2 - ' ' d“ u Wu] a “cream "[3893 3.
, i 4 . . ByJ.D.VANHOOSE/Kernel8tafl normal Merv dnhone - .5;
3 ‘ '1: . 1‘ ‘ ‘33 ll . :1
.. 2 . — AFL-CIO pledges so Idarlty .
33 3 33 3. ' 3 : 3 -——-——— Donalmerecalled how thenatiou low a renewal of the traditional coalition
l3 3': .9 '3 2 ”WWW” member-ed Dr. Martin Luthe- between union, civil and women's
. 2 4 _‘M 1 '3 :3 AP Labor-Writer King’s “l HaveaDream”—-but little rights activists and environmen-
.4 3' ‘ \ ____*_ else—tromtheeventitself. talists.
3 FOO'MII 2 . . : 3' ’ , “But the real importance was in They say such new found woven-
'3 3 3: a , WASHINGTON — Buoyed by I how it affected people emotionally. tionwillbecoupled witha revitalized
F [as '3 ~ . ' g " strongshowofresistancetonesgan how it snagized thorn, mobilised grass-rootslobbyingcampaignaimed
an y " 3 3 ,9 adminilirration domestic policies, his mom around the caintry," resulting at winning ova- public opinion and 3
4:.: ’34,..4. labor is voicing confidence that an in passage or the Civil Rights Act ot revu'sim the political climate on
it ' Lawrence“Choo-Ch00" 3 l - emu-m evolution in public opinion loss, hesaid. Capitol Hill. where Reagan so far has 3
{23:33:34) hovers over one at two will face a halt to mauive budget "Does this mean mm hadhisway.
. . .2. 3 . in ? t ,n ,‘
men tumble- S-M-Y- "e“ , '3 =44, “:51. ammo-s m. 2 man, mum .3330" Rees-n. who spent the day at his 3
‘ Coach Fran Curcl (light) grimaces -, . . tint union David, Md, WW _
after th 'nde's Terry Sanders . '- secretary treasurer Thomas R. Aside from the message Camp moun
e loose th kickoff Donahue, said the massive outpour- members and their allia sent to retreatgavenoindicationotarever- «.
"we". hum e ingot-quarterofammionpoopleto President Reagan,theAFL-Cl0 of- eelinpollcy becameoftheproteet 2
with less than two minutes left in the ' dem tion. _
e protest President Reasans policies ficiai said, members at Cow-e- m
3"” 3 fl 3 3 wiugivenewimpctustothebattlefor “have heard from the tours back White Horse Spokesman” David .4
3:, ~ preservation of cherished social pro- home, and they sent a message that Gersen said The pigesidelt:
grams. theydobelieveinalnunaneandjmt mom!!! and appreciaes
2 . “Solidari m _n fi-utration that comes because there
:e Mam" ”3 “y imtant 'cl andhealso
Day”massmarchinthecapitaltothe AMOotflcialssaidtheywillme areno mlra es
~ 1 ”VJ-D-VWOOSEM'M‘ tumors civil rights march of 1m. “SolidarityDay”asas[rln¢boardta' See“AFL-ClO.”pase3
\ O O
"75“” ’H a’II’
i. 3 Dormitories are getting into the act for the United Way. See story page 6. 9y y
Do you have an opinion? If so, you may be able to have them printed. See m M w m m
mums... may pose for Noltllom
'3 ——-—-——— andher-eihadtoslowdownahoutloo Butaohnsonandn-eeddldame tome,itimghtlwasmtoget
3 I ' “NE 61390” words a minute,” she said. “People thataouthem hospitalitystillexists. truncated." However. her first
us to la r'ty StaffWriter keptsayim, ‘runtbatbymeonemore “Peoplekeptyesma'amingandno soutlm taste of fried okra was
'3 h.“— time.”’ ma’aming me," Johilon said. “It deliciom,shesaid.
. The studqits said at first they felt shockedme." Most of the students anticipated
' The on a dormi entrance Freed said,“Ksntuckiam can racial problem that have low been a
“811 ton/ likeoutsih's. .
besimwith“fleyY’all---"endyw "Anybody not from the South swearlikenobodyelseleverhesrd. stigma of the South. And aitimgh
at e 02 imtead 0‘ 65 in the immediately realize "I" 1W" New miahtaswellbefrom Mars. You can (And) l thought people from somepicttn-edsouthern mamiomand
—-—-————_ retire as or
By MARGARET SCHERF future. York. look at me and tell I’m not from here, Marylandcouldcusllke sailors. horse farms, many thouht Ap-
AmcietedPreuWfite-r B tunmmtmmubemedm “l pictm'eddirtroads, hills, people mnmnkmtmmmflcjm- Like the thalect, the northerner palachian poverty would be more -
h“— comider other Reagan proposals to 31110an corn ¢0b pipe! and moon- ofstrsnnrs,"fieedsaid. were medicated in swthern food. widespread.
3 wttheSocialSecmityeyetemona WWCWW'NNWW- “upeopiearealwayscauingyoua Noneoithestudentahadhoardof Freedsaidshe might UKwas
‘. WASHINGTON —'l‘he Republican- sounder financial footing, They in- liq freshman Jodee Johmon, who is Yankee andremindina youyou’redlf- wuapintobeamoneevenaskedil very segregated altlnigh there ap ‘
WWI“ Sam“ “m“ Wit” elude cutting basic benefits for more M New Y0“ tea-mt. it can be more difficult than if they wet-canyons; like halted beam. peared tohe hoover-t racial mails.
. .- willbeslnfeehimineiteversionde retirees by 10 percent, making it Although Lexinston in not the useysceeptedyouandmadenohig “ididnetimowahoutp-itsmtul Sitesaidnoroianpover-tyindadli-
Social Security bill this week after the more difficult to get disability “hillbilly city" she imagined it to be. deal." said Art m_ a WWW got here,” Johnna said. ”i dowsnt to {cram ‘fsce from southern.
‘ Hueluderehip decided towns the payments and postponing cost-ot- . Iheiutlll havinsorobiemudit-tins- paduate student who worin as a hythomnomtliouah. Northern povertylnngsthoughts
r political hotpotatoecroeethehnll- livinglncreaseseachyearfromJulyi To Johmon and many other nor- Me.- for the psychological Sar- Freed said, “'lhe first time so- of ghettos, public projects and
j Committee chairman R03!“ J- toOct. 1. them students. southern dialect can vice out... mm maimed Wu and gravy See "scum." page a
, Dole. R-Kan.,sotarhasnotincluded Bothho‘legajgoarecoruidermga bequitean‘oblem.
'I in the bill the most controversial at measure to restore the minimum "Marathi some pe0plelcan’t ,1 . - -—~=a.—. »
i President Reesan’eprovo-als—cut- Social Security benefit tor at least understand." Johnson said. “And it,» \x 4' \ 2 J o ”’2: '
' on benefits sharply for people who “Quantum". some at the sayings they come up V“ \(K . ‘
withreallycrackmeup." ’1 ‘ K 1‘ “K... .c ‘ ‘31
~ . Stacy Freed, a history graduate l \x- ; Ct.— \\ _ .
2 student from Baltimore, agreed. ll ..- 5,- ,_/ «r. > 3: <7
‘ ‘ alg urges a S "For the first week I could not l/ ‘94 7:32 $9
understand anything anybody said to ‘ (a \‘>\ I
me.‘ ‘r A 3 3 _ ' 7 \
——-——-—- tOerd mm mm, cm“ . l ‘ ' {m 2'. ; . . . ‘ VII- ‘ l
, By R'GREGORY NOKES smation 3‘ possible Soviet in- howemrerflnmthern'w cram; t3: .dé‘y-st, V‘ \ I {33233155235335:3;.'3:s§j§:3--13_,334:3,;1“": £33,3333.;'- '. -~ 4 4 ...—St" '_ 3:") 4 .5. x 5
, mam mum welltothesoutba-n dialect, said Jean 3'3'f‘j'f‘i“,3,f3'f333f33333if:333::535?=3;5£=3:5:21:1-§::3,333333.3.3“"2" i. M 3 3m K _ 3
‘ ‘3 ————-—— ‘Mareintaventionist “mm“: Five] an mu Wm d \ t ,3.;:5£§5§335';:;E;Sg?535:3€55;5535:'.35W; 43-...-:3 :L; 2». . .:» . 3 _ . - 3 [0V
3 ‘ NEW YORK _ Secretary of State lions in the Soviet note, andwedalt W13“! , amwg w '3. .,3 . 3- . \ . A. ‘ 3‘
3 Alexander MHall Jr.. said warday welcome them,’ he said in an inter- She said. Mafia: (1 catain t, 3 -3;;‘:4;31_:;.3.4;3.f _g 3% 3., .4; .4 .34: A»M\ ’_ ‘34
he will tell Soviet Foreign Minister view from Willow,” “30“" film. like long “i." is themainpro 3' / .gggtji'egfiigigfiggg5;:si3355533:5:s:2:4::::::=:-:~:~:..§:?::;§;r::43é3éii}.i,2;.-..3§§f3:§f§f§.3§.3.3333533,,3. ".2143 3 3-3 7‘35: 3.31,: 3 3- : \3 hie-e” ’ 33 if; ,‘
. Andrei Gromyko the Ream ad- lsssuesandAnswors. “3 blem mm will in", but an: / ~‘--t:=ir‘“.s;ggg:2=-3Manatee:2:2:2:::::s:221~‘,5.5,;4;;;;;;;§§"‘ali*';:§:§.;.;.454:233.;233.531.31133.f'“3..:;i§f“” " ‘3‘ '3 1;; .:.::;.~ V33“: 5‘
. .' , ministrationis‘readytotalksa'loil- Hats, whowu {lying to New Y they will m to subcomdouly \\ ymmw 2:,E,.;;.3.;,. ;. ...: 3‘
'3 ly" with the Soviets but that they last mutt, saidhewiiidisctasahost “Wm“. , 4,... :33" .. 3 WW “ism” 4m .... ;
mint not intervaieinPoland. of issues with Gromyko on Wednes» New students who haven't made i _ r= , .' .
isscheduledtoaddressthe da sndatasecondmeetinaSept.” 4,), , _J “ h
» ““8 Y this transition yet otten have to hear I 4 a a , 3 _
, UnitedNatlonsGeueralAssemblym —inclmm¢pismmrlmnalm' fimmmmpm, EU 4 l u ..x ,
MmdayandtlmmeetwlthGromyko tlom on rutrainina medium-rinse “A Woolworth i say WW 33 3 .... memmm-W '= '- i _ p
in the -level nuclearmiasileslnEurope - .44- e , r .
hare Waste-day hishe-t .. w m 'mwy .. lama at me. out l'ln catclsna on. 5' ==- ' . il 3
Wm yet mm m m 11.8. We It: may W! m MI hm .t M,” “Id m . . ](\()me tO' g .‘___ - \ . . ‘
. sdministrationandtheSovietUnim. he said. I hope we can eta a "mild. an undecided huhman , we . , . § 3 “- .
He said he will “1W0, aw. new base «communications. that we from W- file my likes ‘ . . 3.“ .—\_.:— i ‘ _ ‘3
. to t and imist that an convince the Soviet side we are .. .. . - Univel‘Slly of Kentucky = v . 3. .
satiety-.03?“ themthu-nlrotamciationot bye r = I , .
, ., 3 tliuenotbeanySovietinta-vuitimin sesiouaboutadislolue. as“bah." - .7 I fl; ‘4: n ()1 WV 5\\ \ ‘t . . . .
- 3 W 3!“ that tin Pdhh m “But "It “00:9th“ mummhem \Qg fl 3 --- ‘ ‘ yéh:
_ have a right to work out their df- thmwrgdmb are you M?" ‘W to the 3%» :5 \MW ,
3 . ‘ fm." mm ”"1": ”d mg m... me, mm m m w .. Mm... .. 4... 4. x . —-I. / fl . . . , .3: 4":
.4 The seasiary at state said the betweuitheSovietsaislom-selwm albletlmuathy. E Sol 4, ‘uiiifftfgi
“ 3 latest Soviet warning to Poland, in a wecommunicate that teem. " be m “m m m M ,0 edit-t \ Q ‘ (V1 , , b (K'Kc’ «Whit
, Par-tytocraclrdmmthemm .Ieid-~ 3-: "' :2
‘ ' It... iota“?
. a” _ in? e We -- - . - .. aWfi-aw . . . . .7“ I I ' ‘ "In!“ V“ W, . . 3 . I , 4 :33 1,. Lg“: $33.74; Wk,ntar 333.333.3393: . ,.
3 3 \ 4.1—.» i 2 -msti:mm’i§ 2 44 . . . -. -
"3 3 3: . '_ 2'53; "