xt7t4b2x459g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t4b2x459g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19631218 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-12-oct18-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-12-oct18-ec. 1963 2011 true xt7t4b2x459g section xt7t4b2x459g Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky. October 18, 1963. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Board Room of Alumni House at 1:35 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, on Friday, October 18, 1963, with the following members pres. ent: Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Chairman, Judge J. A. Sutherland, Secretary, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, and Dr. H. B. Murray. Mr. Smith Broadbent was unable to attend. President John W. Oswald, Dr. A. D. Albright, Dr. R. D. Haun, Dr. William R. Willard, representing the University administrative staff, and members of the press were also present. A. Meeting Opened D r. Angeluc ci calle d the me eting to or de r at 1: 30 p. m. and it wa s determined that a quorum was present, B. Minutes Approved On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Murray, the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees for September 17, 1963, were approved as published. C. President's Report to the Trustees Dr. Oswald called attention to the copy of his report on the activities of the University since the last meeting of the Board which had been made avail- able to the members and the press. He commented briefly on the items con- tained therein and stated that, if it met with the approval of the Executive Com- mittee, he would like to give this report wide distribution among the faculty, friends, and alumni of the University. Dr. Angelucci on behalf of the Executive Committee complimented Dr. Oswald on this method of highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of the University and approval was given for the distribution of the report as re- quested by Dr. Oswald. The report was ordered made a part of the files of the meeting of the Executive Committee, D. Presentation of "Blue Report" Copies of the "Blue Report" (Recommendations of the President) were mailed to members of the Executive Committee a week prior to the meeting and were also available at the meeting. On recommendation of President Oswald, Mr. Hillenmeyer made the motion that the report be approved as a whole and that it be made a part of the official record of the meeting. On second by Judge Sutherland, it was so ordered by the chairman, 2 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT A. FINANCIAL REPORT Recommendation:. that the financial report covering the period from July 1, 1963 through September 30, 1963, be accepted and made a part of the record of the October 18, 1963 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. Background: The financial position of each major fund group on September 30, 1963, was in sound financial order. The General Fund statement of income and the statement of expenditures for the three months period ended September 30, 1963, express in financial terms and conditions that the financial transactions to date are in proper relationship to the anticipated financial operations for the fiscal year 1963-64. The statement of opera- tions for the.-other fund groups are on target with the financial forecasts and also as they relate to the execution of their respective programs and activities. 3 October 9 , 1963 MEMORANDUM To: Dr. John Oswald From: Clay Maupin Subject: Financial Report Recommendation That the Financial Report of the University's five fund groups for the period of July. 1, 1963, through September 30, 1963, be accepted and made a part of the October 18, 1963, meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. Background The financial position of each major fund group on September 30, 1963, was in sound financial order. The General Fund statement of income and the statement of expenditures for the three months period ended September 30, 1963, express in financial terms and conditions that the financial transactions to date are in proper relationship to the anticipated financial operations for the fiscal year 1963-64. The statements of operations for the other fund groups are on target with the financial forecasts and also as they relate to the execution of their respective programs and activities. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY October 9, 1963 LEXINGTON Dr. JMiz W. Oawald, President University of Kvatuck, Lexington Kentu.cky Dear D% . Oswald: The L terim ffnancWl report of the Untversity of Kentucky is submitted herewith. This fianclal report includes the balanxce sheet of the five balanced fund groups at September 30, 1963 and the statements of operations from July 1, 1963 through September 30, 1963. The statsment of General Fund 17naome for the three month period reflects that 32 % cf the artAeipated i2nome was realized0 For the same period the statement of Gerer&. Fund Expenditure aad Encumbranace amounted to 25.9% of the estimated ex-Pndt'lu:--es for the fiscal year 1963-64. BCay C-3 MTr(--')Dt;,,, ofAcd t'iii rapd rt University of Kentucky Balance Sheet September 30, 1903 ASSETS Current Funds: A. General Cash in Bank Available Balance, State Appropriation Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer Inventories Deferred Charges Accounts Receivable- Hospital- Net Due from Capital Construction Fund Unrealized Income Accounts Receivable Total General B. Restricted Cash in Bank Petty Cab Advances Investments Accounts Receivable ( Net ) Professional Service Plans Total Restricted Total Current Funds II. Loan Funds: Cash in Bank Due From-United Aid Fund Notes Receivable Investments Due from Federal Government $ 385,073.25 2, 554, 627.18 2,053,142.47 1, 127, 788.19 7, 666. 20 713,039.21 285, 000.00 19,515,440.37 226.65 $ 26, 642,003.52 $ 3,293,472.63 44,089.07 3, 501,793.26 2 1 . 8.4 87 - 212, 840. 87 7.052, 195.83 $ 33, 694, 199.35 $ 10, 993.45 1, 000.00 906,092.87 26,500.00 567.61 Total Loan Funds $ _945,153.93 ( 1) University of Kentucky Balance Sheet September 30, 1963 LTABILITIES Current Funds: A. General Reserve for Departmental Requisitions Reserve for Inventories Other Liabilities Appropriation Balances Unappropriated Surplus: Division of Colleges Medical Center Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Extension Service $ 2,402,432.06 1, 127,788.19 7,666.20 22, 066, 670.93 $ 541, 006.51 440, 099.23 56, 305.40 35.00 1,037,446.14 Total General B. Restrlctedi Outstanding Check Liability Reserve for Accounts Receivable Restricted Fund Balance $ 26, 642,003.52 $ 19, 157.19 212, 840. 87 6, 820, 197.77 Total Restricted 7,052,195.83 Total Current Funds $ 33, 694, 199. 35 II. Loan Funds: Priznoipal Balances- Ns.t-onal Defense Education Act, 1958 Federal Government Univers;:tv of Kentucky Ace-um. Lnterest Income NDEA Total National Defense Eduravio4on Act Principal University Student Loans Un.iversity, Special Student Loan Fund United Student Aid Fund Expendable Balance $ 787, 866.78 87, 540.74 4,912.73 $ 880,320.25 22, 459.26 25, 801. 05 1, 000. 00 $ 929, 580.56 15.573.37 Total Loan Funds $ 945, 153.93 (2) University of Kentucky Balance Sheet September 30, 1963 ASSETS III. Endowment Funds: Cash iU Bank Cash on Deposit- Trustee Investments $ 21,525.15 32.97 328,046.13 Total Endowment Funds $ 349,604.25 IV. Plant Funds: A. Unexpended Plant Funds Cash on Deposit, Due State Treasurer $ Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer Available Balance, State Appropriation Investments Total Unexpended Plant Funds B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds Cash in Bank, Due State Treasurer Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer Cash on Deposit, Trustee Lnvestments Unrealized Income Total Retirement of Indebtedness Funds C. Lnvested in Plant Land Bri I l.ldngs Equipment Construction in Progress Total Invested in Plant TotS1 Planta Funds V. Agency Funds: Cash iH Bank itnvestments f3,00000 3,408,515.20 3,927,012.66 7.681. 253.50 $ 15, 029,781.36 $ 14, 364.25 549, 100. 68 576, 939.66 1, 697,978.49 134, 754. 09 2, 973, 137.17 $ 3,971,544.96 73, 350, 532.00 18, 297, 326.00 19,145,237.86 114, 764,640. 82 $ 78,961.47 _ - 12, 116. 40 T'otal Agency Funds $ 132, 767,559. 35 $ _ 91, 077.87 ( 3 ) University of Kentucky Balance Sheet September 30, 1963 LIABILITIES III. Endowment Funds: Principal Balances Expendable Balances $ 335,584.46 14, 019.79 Total Endowment Funds IV. Plant Funds: A. Unexpended Plant Funds Reserve for Plant Requisitions Plant Appropriation Balances $ 349,604.25 $ 7, 773. 116.00 7, 256, 665.36 Total Unexpended Plant Funds B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds Fund Balance - $ 2, 973, 137. 17 Total Retirement of Indebtedness Funds C. Invested in Plant Bonds Payable Due to Other Governmental Units Net Investment in Plant Total Invested in Plant $ 15,029,781.36 2, 973, 137. 17 $ 29, 248, 500. 00 2,980,076.00 82,536,064.82 114, 764, 640. 82 Total Plant Funds V. Agency Funds: Agency Fund Balance $ 91,077.87 Total Agency Funds $ 132, 767,559.35 $ 91,077. 87 ( 4 ) University of Kentu.cky Statement of General Fund Income For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1963 and Ended September 30, 1963 GENERAL FUND INCOME Educational and General: A. Student Fees Incidental Fees and Tuition Training School Fees Adult and Extension Education Fees Total Student Fees B. State Appropriations Division of Colleges Medical Center Geological Projects Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Extension Service Total State Appropriations C. Federal Grants Division of Colleges Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Extension Service Total Federal Grants D. Endowment Income E. .Sales.and Services of Educational Departments Division of Colleges Agricultural Experiment Station Total Sales and Services of Educational Departments Total Educational and General II, Service Enterprises: Post Office III, University Hospital: Total General Fund Income Estimated $ 2, 184, 499.00 17, 100. 00 155. 400.00 qJ Realized 364, 496.11 135.00 55. 614.75 Unrealized $ 1, 820, 002.89 16,965.00 99. 785. 25 $ 2, 356, 999. 00 $ 420, 245. 86 $ 1 936, 753. 14 $ 10, 258, 000. 00 $ 3, 349, 145.00 $ 6, 908, 855. 00 7,050,000.00 1, 930, 000.00 5,120,000.00 640,000.00 578,278.00 61,722.00 1, 550, 000. 00 465, 387.00 1, 084, 613. 00 1, 615,000. 00 527, 468. 00 1,087, 532. 00 $ 21, 113, 000. 00 $ 6, 850, 278.00 $ 14, 262, 722. 00 $ 303,071.00 $ 232,742.62 $ 70,328.38 1, 028, 054. 00 376, 221.00 651, 833. 00 2 277,998. 96 595, 992.96 1, 682 006.00 $ 3, 609, 123. 96 $ 1, 204, 956.58 $ 2 404 116 . ' 38 $ 40f, 000. 00 $ 22,182.96 $ 17 817.04 $ 31,500.00 $ 25,778,46 $ 5,7 21.54 700, 000.00 233, 133.45 466, 866.55 $ 731,500.00 $ 258,911.91 $ 472, 588. 09 $ 27, 850, 622. 96 $ 8, 756,575.31 $ 19, 094, 047. 65 $ 5i5500.00 $ 2,204,91 $ 3,295.09 838 270. 420, 172.37 $ 4138997. 63 $28,694 392. 96 $ 9,178, 952,59 $ 19,515, 44. .37 ( 5 ) University of Ken- tucky Statement of General Fund Expenditures For the Current Fiscal Period Which. Began July 1, 1963 and Ended September 30, 1963 Educational and General: A. General Administrative Offices B. General Expense Student Services Staff Welfare General InstitutioDal Services Total General Expense C. Instructional ( Including Departmental Research College of- Agr. & Home Ec. Arts and Sciences Commerce Dentistry Education Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Pharmacy Graduate School University Extended Programs House Staff Appropriatiog -: Encumbrances Expenditures Outstanding Unen -,xmbered Balancs $ 536, 637. 29 $ 162, 542. 61 $ 12, 509.53 $ 361, 565. 15 $ 642, 297. 35 $ 133, 821. 81 $ 10, 307. 37 $ 498, 168. 17 360, 000.00 60, 028. 32 299,971. 88 691,178.38 348,325.34 30,693.91 312,159.13 $ 1,693,475.73 $ 542, 175 41 $ 41, 001.28 $ 1, 110, 298. 98 $ 573,667.81 $ 120, 776. 94 $ 7,242.58 $ 445,648.29 3, 554, 864. 53 663,573.46 90,896.89 2, 80O, 394. 18 394, 576.38 92, 065, 13 1, 519.36 300, 991. 89 540, 556. 39 100, 150.82 16,081.46 424,324.11 817, 573.38 134, 133. 24 17, 494. 87 635, 945, 27 909,391.23 186, 6RO.92 27, 215,49 695, 4.94 ,82 200,266. 64 42, 0020 68 4, 672. 56 153S 591, 40 2,707, 190.97 515, 077.52 23, 507. 11 2, 16S, 506, 34 246,969.51 50,645.68 446.53 19, i.. -S0 178, 2000 00 22,156.50 15, 765.21 140, 273 '. 29 39, 220. 00 9,323. 46 12.00 29, 334. 54 735, 122, 65 141, 631099 14,701.92 57'~, 768. 74 279,087.84 49,745.68 2,29 342.16 Total Instructional ( Including Departmental Research ) D. Activities Relating to Educational - . ' Departments E. Organized Research University Research Agr. Exp. Station Total Organized Research $ 11, 176, 687, 33 $ 2, 1517, 9-&4. 02 $ 219, 5S, 98 $ 8, 7999, 1. W $ 75, 880.00 $ 18, 915. 14 $ 3, 848.00 $ 53, 116, 86 $ 365, 092. 34 $ 63, 7 23. 79 $ 92, 745. 03 $ 208, 623. 52 3, 278, 054. 00 616, 724. 82 166,253e 11 2s 495 07 .0 $ 3, 643, 146. 34 $ CSO 448. 61 $ 258, 998, 14 $ 2,_0. j99. 59 ( 6) University of Kentucky Statement of General Find Expe7diiureas For the Current Fiscal Pefiod Which Began July 1, 1963 and Ended September 30, 1963 F. Extension and Public Services University Extension and Public Services Agr. Extension Service Total Extension and Public Services G. Libraries H. Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant Total Educational and General II. Service Enterprises: Post Office Medical Center Total Service Enterprises II. University Hospital IV. V. VI. VII, VIII. Student Aid Working Capital Cleartag Ac-ouots Debt Service-Bonds Retired . Debt Ser-ic'.e- Reserve Total General Fund Expenditures 1. Negative Figure 2 Deficit Appropriation $ 1, 151, 579. 34 3, 892, 998. 96 Encumbrances ExpendItures Outstanding $ 94, 937. 76 $ 932, 745. 41 Unenc-mr, ered Bala--e 21,555.30 $ 1,035,086.23 9, 660. 86 2, 950, 592.69 $ 5, 044, 578. 30 $ 1, 027, 683. 17 $ 31,216. 16 $ 3,985,678.97 $ 819, 817. 28 $ 201, 659, 09 $ 42,354. 59 $ 575, 803.60 $ 2, 637, 439. 00 $ 437, 64.5. 28 $ 338, 2980 91 $ 1, o,48 $25, 627, 661. 27 $ 5,229, 03?3. 39 $ 947,782.62 $ 19, 450, 84'5. 26 $ 50, 609. 64 $ 11, 022. 93 $ '754. 65 $ 3?, 5i32,0 6 99, 781.95 25, 371. 84 12, 364.82 62 ,049. 29 $ 150, 391. 59 $ 36 394. 7 $ 13, 119. 47 $ 10L7'25 ; $ 3, 488, 100. 00 $ 598, 659. 06 $ P39, 170. 15 $ 2? 550L270. 79 $ 13, 800. 00 $ 1, e00, 00 $ $ 032 G; $ 9 90, 000,0$! 32 9s.8 246, 416.98 $ S 2 2 $ 69 505r 04 $ 29079.33$ 17,325.03 $ 260o $ 229, 000. 00 $ 229, 200. 00 $ 130, 440.62 $ 1- 2, % $ 29, 798, 898. 52 $ 6, 16S 4U13. 34 $ 1, 563, 14. 25 $ 22 t_ LF7 9 ( 7 ) ] University of Kentucky Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1963 and Ended September 30, 1963 1. UNEXPENDED PLANT FUND Construction of Buildings Encumbrances Appropriations Expenditures Outstanding Unencumbered Balance Consol. Educ. Bldg. Bond Proceeds- Chemistry and Physics Building $ Haggin Hall Northern Extension Center Northwest Extension Center Southeast Extension Center Women's Dorm Architectural Services Consol. Educ. Bldg. Bond Proceeds- M. King Library 17 Addition to Student Union Bldg. 17 Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity House Sigma Chi Fraternity House Commerce Building 2,4-2 Elizabethtown Extension Center 3 Addition to College of Law Med. Sch, Plans and Spec. 2 Medical Science Building 4 Medical Center Hospital Out-Patient Clinic I Medical Center Landscaping Agricultural Research Center 8 Feltner 4-H Canp 2 Swine Farrowing and Testing Station 1 Horticultural Shed Beef Service Facilities Office and Service Bul ding- Quicksand Swine Farrowing Barn-Coldstream Swine Testing Station Sheep-Barn Coldstream Agr. Research Center- 4 Greenhouses and Headhouse 18 Delta Gamma Sorority 62 Prestonburg Community College 1,18 Somerset Community College 2 Hazard-Blackey Community College '1opkinsville.Community College Sigma Alpha Epsilon Zeta Beta Tau Sigma Nu Fraternity House Addition-College of Education 3,05 12, 646. 24 4, 635.50 4, 807. 90 3, 002. 36 4, 903. 73 2, 911. 94 7, 331. 86 '7, 606. 31 1, 184. 44 841. 27 :7T 282' 76 .1, 792.94 9, 653. 00 :4,510.67 42, 316. 33 $ $ 12, 708. 16 $ 2, 785. 94 52, 500. 00 1, 752. 92 4,728.01 0, 927. 60 0, 000. 00 7,800.00 941.57 2,253.00 7, 660. 57 611.36 590. 68 103.06 8, 733.47 1,900.00 3, 733.34 6, 200.00 1,000.00 1, 000.00 455.00 203.09 5,196.00 6, 815.00 19, 938. 08 4,635.50 4,807. 90 3, 002. 36 4, 903.73 126. 00 177, 331. 86 177, 606.31 1, 184.44 841. 2k 4, 310.00 2'570, 472 76 31,792.94 1, 500. 00 8,153000 24,510.67 42, 316. 33 28, 902. 27 11,752. 92 4,728.01 52,025.33 20, 000. 00 17, 800. 00 941.57 2,253. 00 7, 660.57 611. 36 590.68 103.06 1,005. 32 453. 60 1, 820.54 180, 689. 01 899,690.00 1.00 6, 195. 60 1, 207, 902. 25 185, 907. 61 441, 210.99 284, 043, 34 26, 200. 00 1, 000.00 1, 000. 00 .40 203.09 ( 999.60) 1,848,912.75 1. Deficit ( 8 ) University of Kentucky Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1963 and Ended September 30, 1963 Cons'rctior. of Buildings ( cont) Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Outstanding Unencumbered Balance Park-; g Area- Clifton Avenue $ New Dorm Complex UK Medical Center Maintenance Bldg. Grain a~nd Feed Storage Tobacco Barns-Ag. Engineering Horse Nutrition Barn Bull Test Shed Dean of Ag. Residence Small Beef Shed Pathology Barn -14Stall Horiculture Building Swine Headquarvers Bldg. Bull Shed-Coldstream Farm Steer Feed Shed-Coldstream Dairy Cer.J.;er Total Construction of Buildings $ Renovation and Improvement of Buildimgs Repalrs to Coldstream $ Colds-ream Beef Barn Convert S:,?.eep Building- Pesticide Bu d. g Repa..s. a-.- d Remodel Bldgs. - Coldsvream Hood Repla.cement- Home Economics Ag r. Engn. B-aud:ing Renuva'.1.- -f House-Quicksand Tile Rocf Desck FuLnkhouser Bldg. Isolalion Bam= Repair A?. ..:mal Pa.Ithology Barn Repa..r Roof a.nd Bar.n-Dairy Reynolds WareiLouse Roof Repairs Buell ard Bark-er Hall Roof Repairs Repa.rs to Memorial Coliseum Storage Buildinng- Ag. Engineering Remodeling Ag. Building and Research Storage S.ed Poultry Metal Storage Shed Replacemerz, Shed- Pathology L- Deficit 8, 130.00 84, 014.00 6,066.25 93, 800. 00 10, 000. 00 36, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 122. 06 6, 000.00 22, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 30, 000. 00 358.00 339. 25 228, 995. 05 $ $ 140. 09 6,499. 73 1,1090.00 $ 8, 130. 00 84,014.00 6,066.25 93, 800. 00 3, 360. 18 36, 000. 00 10, 000.00 ( 967.94) 1 6, 000. 00 22, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 30, 000. 00 358. 00 339. 25 228,995.05 ,8,733,856.53 $ 54, 099. 01 $ 2, 356, 347. 50 $ 6, 323, 410. 02 29, 586. 07 1, 208. 54 53. 39 153. 16 105. 78 2, 140. 86 2, 280. 54 28. 00 7, 135, 85 3, 184. 59 2, 169. 20 15, 322. 84 2.45 1, 750. 00 8, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 7,500.00 8, 000. 00 7, 500. 00 $ $ 2,979. 48 $ 26, 606. 59 1, 208,54 53. 39 573. 72 ( 420. 56) 105.78 2, 140. 86 2, 280. 54 28. 00 7, 135. 85 3,184.59 2, 169. 20 15, 322, 84 2,45 1, 750. 00 8,000.00 1, 000. 00 7,500.00 8, 000. 00 7, 500e 00 ( 9 ) University of Kentucky Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1963 and Ended September 30, 1963 Rernoova.ion and Improvement of Buildngs ( continued) Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Outstanding Unencumbered BalanceL. Plastic Greenhouse Repairs NutrILion Barn Total Renovation and Improvement of Buildings $ 7, 800.00 1, 000. 00 $w $ $ 7, 800.00 1, 000. 00 $ 105, 921.27 $ 57%3 72 $ 2,979.48 $ 1 - 3 Acquisition of Equipment Medical Science Activation of Inventories $ Northern Extension Center-Equipment Nortliwest Extension Center- Equip, Southeast Extension Center- Equipment Med. Sc. Lib. Acq. and Supplies Medical Center Hospital-Out-Patient Clinic Movable Equipment Medical Science Building-Equipment Medical Science Building-Act. of Iv. Chemistry-Physics Building- Chemistry Deparnmer:- Equipment Chemisti.r- PI.y;sics Building- Physics Depa met..t Equipment Marga-e:; K2, Library Equipment HospiLtal Equipmren;. Accounts Univ. Hcsp:'7al Patient Care- A c:.sIvitiog tr To.. ventory De-,...tai Science B2-1d-.ng Rare Book Room Phys-9 cs Nuclear Equipment Total Acquisition of Equipment 3, 907. 21 $ 348. 15 8, 255. 73 163, 913. 37 216, 550. 82 1, 712. 54 1, 338. 67 24, 875. 82 28,208.84 164,740. 94 145, 786. 63 140 34 $ 792. 82 $ 160. 00 509. 20 3,090. 73 2, 780. 56 22, 158. 04 104. 00 170. 10 162.72 26. 84 15, 460. 24 28, 420.52 23, 295. 07 2,914.05 3, 114.39 ( 348. 15) 1 ( 160. 00) 1 ( 509.20) 1 5, 165.00 132, 712. 29 171,097,.71 ( 2,914.05)1 1, 608.54 407. 65 750.00 4,928.95 5,530.57 85, 701. 12 931. 02 23, 955. 72 23, 117. 17 159, 183. 53 44, 625. 27 14034 1, 606. 93 10.55 1, 996. 21 ( 399. 83) 760, 911. 84 $ 44, 821. 13 $ 154, 896.96 $ 561, 193. 75 -II Ot.her Improvements U. of Ky. Elec'ric3al Distribution U. of Ky. St am and Return Line Renovat',ion U. of Ky Rartng of Water Tank Boiler Renovati o~n Razing of Nev'.le Hall Miscellan.eous Boiler Repairs- U. o Actiatio:a of Ptysics Building Roads-Poultry Fa rm Consu-hc.ng Retainer-Proctor Ingels Conversion.1 of Bldgs. -Gas Heat 1. Deficit $ 16,382.36 If Ky. d! $ 8, 920. 00 $ 7, 462. 36 346. 63 891.51 3,132. 92 700. 00 829. 32 13,603.18 112. 39 5,000. 00 ( 10) 5, 0000 00 251. 89 346.63 891.51 3, 132. 92 700,00 829, 32 13, 603. 18 112,39 (251. 89)1 University of Kentucky Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures For the Current Fiscal Pei-od Which Began July 1, 1963 and Ended September 30, 1963 Other Improv-iements ( continued ) Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Outstanding Unencumbered Balance Robinson Sub Siation Renovation of Heat.ng System in Auditorium $ Felt-er 4-H Camp Sewage and Water System Replace Water Line- W. Kentucky Road-Souch Farm Pumphouse ard Distribution System- South Farm Fencing-Agronomy Area Repa.r Roads- Mercer Farm University of Kentucky Campus Lighting Water System-South Farm Coldstream Farm Water System Total Other Improvements $ Contringency Reserves Medical School Clearing $ UK Cleaz1-rg Aodount To'al Contingency Reserves $ To-s.3 Unnexpended Plant Fu-.ds II. RetiJremeprz of hadebtedness Funds DPbt Seri`,ces 2n1 PWA Issue Dorm, Rev, Bond Issue Audit-h urm FilTd House Issue Library Building Issue Stadium Addition Issue Dorm. Rev, Issue ( 456 Rose) Journal-sm Bulllding Bond Issue Dorm, Rev. Issue ( 476 Rose) Student DoI:)rms ( 1953 ) Stude2n' Dkorm ( Kappa Sigma) Student Dmom ( Lambda Chi) Studen' Dorm ( PIt. Sigma Kappa) Studenu Dorm ( Pi Kappa Alpha) Dor'm:uoi-y Revenue Bonds of 1952 Do rm'Gory Revenue Bonds of 1954 346.08 $ $ 898, 33 2, 375.90 4, 785a 00 2, 618.84 939.25 55 50 73,586.00 49.60 55, 000. 00 96.00 $ 346.08 898.33 2, 375. 90 4, 785.00 2, 618, 84 939, 25 55.5)0 73, 490. 00 49.60 55,000400 181,652,81 $ $ 14,2 67e 89 $ 167,384.92 27, 308. 60$ $ $ 27, 308, 60 75,000.00 75, 000 0O 102,308.60 $ $ $ 102, 308. 60 ,884, 651.05 $ 99,-493. 86 $ 2, 528, 491. 83 $7,256,665.36 $ 18, 207.94 24, 823. 25 61,940,78 131, 399.97 17, 947.52 8,633.20 31,470.25 4,938.93 23, 220, 17 12, 028. 26 13,723,60 11, 418. 43 12,588.74 79, 729. 50 39, 875. 61 $ 9, 110.00 o$ 48, 748.50 2,420.00 1,443.75 3, 153. 30 22, 795. 00 7,773.62 $ 9, 097. 94 24, 823. 25 12, 292, 28 128, 979, 97 16, 503 77 5, 479. 90 31, 470. 25 4, 938. 93 23,220, 17 12, 028, 26 13, 723. 60 11,418,43 12, 588, 74 56, 934, 50 32, 101 ,99 (11') 1l Def-1c0lt University of Kentucky Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1963 and Ended September 30, 1963 Debt Seri-.vices ( conltinued ) Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Outstanding Unencumbered :Balance Dorm, Reverr!; e Bonds of 1956- Cooperstown Apartments Dorm. Revernie Bonds of 1956- Six So orItY- Dorms Dorm. Revenue Bonds of 1956- Student Dormns Reserve Dorm. Revenue Bonds of 1956- 336 Clifton Avenue Dorm. Revenue Bond of 1956- Holmes Hall Dorm. Revenue Bonds of 1956- Shawneetown Dorm. Revenue Bond of 1957- 468 Rose Dorm. Revenue Bond of 1957- 242 Clifton Avenue Housing BoLd of 1958- Haggin Hall Consol. Educ. Bldgs. Revenue Bonds- Ser'!es A Un-ivers--It cf Ken.tucky Housing Bonds UK Hous..g and Dining Hall Tetall Debt Service $ 254,739.20 $ 173. 60 $ $ 254, 565.60 58, 782. 50 37, 500.00 8,073.00 47,479.00 89, 354. 00 7,501.00 8, 246. 55 76, 4260 75 498, 220.48 20,700.00 63, 083. 22 58, 782.50 37, 500.00 8, 073.00 47, 479. 00 62, 840. 00 23,597.58 26, 514J 00 7,501.00 8, 246. 55 52, 829. 17 540.50 4, 626. 48 20, 654. 34 497,679.98 16, 073.52 42. 428. 88 $ 1, 661, 151. 85 $ 207, 876. 67 $ $ 1, 453, 275. 18 Sk .., Fu . dReserv es w.?. Trustee Dorm. Ress, Bo:-ids of 1955- Reserve Holmes Hall $ Dorm. Re:. B,'.Tds of 1956- Sbasw-.~-ee6w-x.k Dorm, Rev. B o:.i`s uf 1952- Reserve Dorm. Rev. Bo.ds oif 1954- Res. Consol. Ed-.;,o Bldg. Rev, Bonds- Ser'.es A. -Reserve Ho.sn.g Bo:I cf 1958- Haggin Hall Res. U. of Ky. Housing Bond of 1960- Res. UK Hoius'ng a.nd Dining Hall Bonds- Reserie. Commtrin-,'y,, Co.lege Educational Bldg. Bonds-Reserve Consol'Idated Educational Buflding Re-ven3ue Bonlds Sc-ries B- Reserve Total Sinking Fund Rese rvea $ 1, Deft h. 102, 676.59 $ $ 247, 550. 84 132, 396. 90 73, 825, 62 $ 102, 676. 59 247,550.84 132, 396e 90 73, 825, 62 390,047.05 75, 410. 28 19, 025. 46 390, 047.05 75, 410. 28 19, 025. 46 19, 556. 75 19, 556. 75 56, 722. 50 56, 722. 50 402, 650. 00 402,650.00 1,519, 861.99 $ 1 $ l, 519, 861. 99 (12 ) . University of Kentucky Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1963 and Ended September 30, 1963 Sinking Fund Reserves with Trustee ( continued ) Total Retirement of Indebtedness Funds Encumbrances Appropriations Expenditures Outstanding 181, 013. 84 $_$ 207, 876.67 $ Unencumbered Balance $ 2, 973. 137. 17 Total Plant Fund Appropriations $ 13,065, 664.89 $ 307,370.53$ 2,528,491.83 $10,229,802.53 ( 13) University of Kentucky Statement of Other Fund Transactions For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1963 and Ended September 30, 1963 Balances Restricted Funds: July 1, 1963 Receipts Disburse- ments Balances Sept. 30, 1963 Fund Balances $ 5, 466, 288.77 $ 4, 641, 283. 43 $ 3, 287, 374.43 $ 6. 820. 197. 77 Loan Funds: Principal- National Defense Education Ac 1958 Federal Government University Accum. Interest Income- NDEA University Student Loan University Special Student Loan Funds United Aid Student Loan Fund Expendable Subtotal Endowment Funds: Principal Expendable Subtotal Agency Fund: Balances Combined Totals $t 720,540. 41 80,060.04 $ 67,326.37 $ 7, 480.70 3,920.65 992.08 29,939,96 ( 7, 480. 70)1 23, 648, 53 2, 152.52 1, 000. 00 $ 787, 866.78 87, 540. 74 4, 912.73 22, 459. 26 25, 801. 05 1, 000, 00 15, 324. 48 266. 39 17. 50 15, 573. 37 $ 874,434.07 $ 70,737. 36 $ 17.50 $ 945, 153.93 $ 335,534.96 $ 49.50 $ $ 335, 584.46 13, 308. 27 1, 166. 52 455. 00 14, 019. -9 $ 348, 843.23 $ 1, 216. 02 $ 455. 00 $ 349, 604. 25 $ 227, 787.01 $ 338, 218.81 $ 474,927.95 $ 91,077.87 $ 6, 917, 353. 08 $ 5, 051, 455. 62 $ 3, 762, 774.88 $ 8 206, 033. 82 1. Transfer of Funds ( 14) 19 B. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 1. Basic Agreement 'or Academic Instruction with the Dep