xt7t4b2x463h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t4b2x463h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19170721 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-07-may21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-07-may21-ec. 1917 2011 true xt7t4b2x463h section xt7t4b2x463h Irregularities MftIUTES-CALL MSEETIEG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee met In call session with Messrs. Stoll, Terrell, Johnston and McK9e present. Mr. Stoll selected chairman and in the absence of the regular Secretarys Mr. McKee served in that eapacitY. The meeting was called for the Durnose of reconsidering the action taken by the Executive Gommittee in abolishing the Summer School. After hearing various professors interested in the school, it was moved by Mr. Stoll and seconded by Mr. Johnston that the action of the Board be rescinded and that the President be authorized to make a statement to the effect that the Summer School was necessary on aocovnt of the present crisis. It is also brought out in this meeting that the pres- pective students would be much larger than was represented to the Board in its regular meeting on May 16, when the Summer School was suspended for the session of 1917. Doctor Garman appeared before the Board and requested that Mr. Vansells salary be Increased from $1300 to$rZOm year in order to retain his sartices. After a discussion, it was de- cided that this matter would not be taken un until after a meeting in June and referred to the Budget Committee. The action on both these propositions was unanimous. The meeting adjounned. Respectfully# (5igned) Prank McKee acting in lieu of Seeretary Secretary Executive Board. SOURCES Federal ApV'oP. 10 State T-a Interest on Bond State Approp. State Approp.(Patt. Ut1 Gen. Education Board Interest & Discouint Agric. Approp. Stu. Fees (X) Rents Stu. Damages Sundries (X) u9-A0-M-1~ ESTIMATED ING OME 42750.00 57500.00 8644.50 85000 00 2000.00 3000.00 2250.00 5000.00 1 3000.00 500.00 750.00 1000.00 APRIL .RECEIPTS COLLECTION BALANCE 4 4 8 I 10916.0? 720.00 21 .50 64.53 2750.00 8332.47 918;7.e5 3 8644.50 -_ 5000.00 -- 2000.00 -- -_ 750.00 3000.00 -_ -_ 2250.00 2393.97 2608,03 7779.78 4779.78 120.00 380. 0 o~ _ 750.00 1303.77 303.77 221304e50 Finley Loan Fazd 12472.10 211324e49 lo0.t On I.ooo-on 222394.50 12472.10 212324.49 15153.56 (x) Stadent activities are to be deduated from total amount ool- leated that apply on Student feis in Bills Reedivable. (X) Items collected for University Press are to be dedueted frem total oollected in Sundries items. 15153.58 FIANCIAL STATEMENT. A-pri,1 1917 Overdrawn as per Bank 4/1/17 Outstanding checks 4/1/17 Less canceled Checks Balance from last month S9 tat e Tax Gen. Eduec Board Agrie Extension Fund Stadent Fees Sundrie s 0ol1ectSio made this month forwarded to next month Checks Issued on Salaries; Feieral Appropriat ion Agricalture Ao State Tax Geu.2ducation Board Other Fund Checks Issued on account: Other undts Out Cheeks 4/30/17 Overdrat' April 30, 1917 Cold cheak Paid by Bank 17000.36 20496.24 50049.23 50049.23 18746.48 128.00 124.34 1091. .07 750900 720.00 21.50 12472.10 43.,,81 7106.50 851 .48 6898.43 250 .00 2787.48 '12977.08 1871848 12552.63 15552.71 2787.48 CL~ASSIFIGATIOIN OF ---XV4WDflRTURS, 1916-17 Spent in Spent to Balance 2a2L Aarl Date n Salary Supplies Tele. & Tele. Janitors & Labor Sngineers & Firemen coal El ectricity Gasa at er Janitors- Supplies Freight & Epress Advertising Traveling Expenses Glee Club Kentucky Kernel Debating Team Int erest Assee. Membership Postage Office Sundrias Ice Bldg. Repair In surance 151070. 24672- 624- 5950- 1 750- 4500-. i5oO- 3500- 1650- 1800= 250- 50- 1400- 3500- 200'. 750- '100-. 2250- 50. I 00.- 742.25 50-~ 4350- 209308.25 14211.40 2179e88 84.65 529.50 160.00 176. 27 330.39 I 2.45 140.75 16.85 5,00 50.00 113.93 25.00 100.00 59.85 3.71 3.6? 191 .61 ,250 .46 1 8775.17 120750.63 21887.02 813,55 5359.71 1242.75 5523.98 3013.49 1436.75 1515.65 345 . 71. 119.72 791e05 1 264.0? 195.00 675c00 103.04 70.00 37.23 2555.92 14.70 4652 .40 1.72617.083! 30319.37 2784.98 189.55 X 590* 29 507.25 1023.98 X 486.51 213.25 284.35 95.71 K 69.72 X 608.95 2235.93 5,00 75.00 3,04 X 225000 20.00 X 62.77 1813.67 X 35.30 302,40 X B25046X 40458.95 Addlitional Api rp 7/9/16 Physics 8 29/16 Agrioulture H Iome Boon. PEItt. Hall 0 50th fniniv 6/21/16 Grounds 8f 29/16G haem stry 9/22/16 Agriculture) 11/1/1 ) 8/29/16 Eng ish It Bus. Agent 11/1/16 'Military F. P. Anderson R. R. Memorial Law 2/21/17 Journaliem 0 GroUnds & Rep. Dean of Men Mod. Language 117//17 nut. Agent 3j21/17 Invest. 0om. 1325.00 327.00 300.00 343.15 2500.00 5000 .00 400 .00 1150.00 11)00 .00 50.00 1500.00 100.00 157.09 200.00 100.00 50.00 60.00 5.00 70.00 1 500 1 00 225445.49 o _ __ _. . ., cs qo _ F __ _ e oo __ _,* _ . ]^ t)5 4 O(3 1325,00 327.00 ,.08.32 343.1.5 2464.92 400 .00 660.70 100.00 800.00 5.00 50.00 1500.00 , -,. _ 6100.00 -- --. 157.09 200.00 10Q00 40.00 10.00 30.00 3.04 -aa --.70.00 1 9 0 0o .1 7 18 1 0 63_ 34 19005.17 181303.39 191.68 35. 08 5000.00 489e 30 200.00 60.00 20.00 60.00 1.96 13 91.66 47910.63 DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES xecut ive Bus. Agent Regi strar Dean of Women Dean of M2f Chemi strTy Physics Geology Arts & Science Physiology Mathematics 3duoa tion His. & Pol 7aoon. Anc. Language Mod. Lnguage English Journal ism AgricG & Bot. Zool). & Ent. Home Econ. Meche & glee. Mines & Met. Civil Bng, Law Phys. edulo, Mi).1 itary Summer School Library Uninv. Gen. Grounds & B. Rep. Pantt Hall Boys' Dormitory Y.M.C.A*& Y.W.CA. 50th AnUiV. Grounds R H. Memwwlal P. P. Aderseon Farmers' Week W. R. Milward Invest. 0m. i118=6-17 Sal a ry 6585= 6220- 4815- G4630- 4720= 3870= 560- 500= 2,00= 100- 13640= 10980- 10185= 6900- 2480= 2340 750= 800= 2313= 2250- 8585- 8500- 10025- 8800- 3502- 34100- 3665- 3650- 6575= 8550= 9415= 9350= 2935= 2700= 19077= 13955= ,3215- 2900= 6 300 4770= 25670= 21340= 4A86 5- 4425- 8005= 8505= 8725- 8805= 4095= 3600- 2912= 885- 1500= 1500= 3209= 1350= 28090= 7900= 4400- 850- 2343,15 ; 800= 800= 1500= 1500= 215656.15 160045- 2500_ 5000= 157.09 == 100.00 _ 360.00 172.25 = 225445.49 160045= Spent 2 n 520- 283. 81 301 .66 50.00 10.00 960.00 692.50 235.00 50.00 225.00 835.00 820.00 340. 00 365.00 655.00 935.00 270.00 1302.50 200e00 4634. 00 1911.66 415,00 850 00 716.81 366,01Q 496.80 :1 23.e33} 714.50 120.00 58.33 1,WQ.0 Spent 51 85. 30 3330. 83 3268.05 400.00 80.00 8520.50 5540,00 1873.00 OOG400 1800.00 6775.00 7160.00 2720.00 290~20. 00 5240.00 7480,00 2120.00 10735.70 1930.00 3852.00 17516.60 3411.05 5200.00 6192,12 2915.00 883.30 1490,70 1138.30 6797.46 480.00 683.30 1435 15205.90 129518.79 __ __ Lb __ , __ __t l 29518 * 74 I. 2 . 3 . 4. 4i. 5. 6 7 . 8 . 9 . 10o 11. 12. 1 2 i 13. 14. 15. 16. 17e 1 8. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33, 34. 35e 38. 37, 15205.96 Balance Apirop. For Spent in Spent to Balance UnsPent .5-URpIAp Date Uasvnt- 1034, 70 365- 9.60 257.19 107.81 1299.17 185- 3.50 185.00 - -- 601.95 850- 39,84 691.56 158.44 100.00 60- 1.75 37.50 22.50 20.00 100- 10.60 45.49 54.51 2279.50 2840- 1 2,1 2413.99 426.01 1360.00 32B5= 90.53 3285.70 .70 X 470.00 140- 59.70 139.01 .99 100.00 150= 1.75 53.22 96,78 460.00 63- .70 62.52 .48 1725.00 85- 33.97 76.19 8.81 1640.00 1225= 212.79 951.93 273.07 680.00 102= 5.00 8.50 93.50 730.00 15= 20.05 37.03 22.03 X 1310.00 25- -2 23. 21 1.79 1870.00 65- 30.80 42.88 22.12 580.00 235- 6.67 145.26 89,74 3219.30 5122= 272.72 43564,19 557.81 1000,00 315= _ 187.79 127.21 918.00 1 530= 145.17 1097.56 432.44 3823.40 4330= 247,46 3889.25 440,75 1013.95 440- 1.92 187.66 252.34 1305.00 1500= =- -1 1386.73 113,27 612.88 1920- 29.o5G0 2011.24 91o24 X 685.00 495- 29.46 414.05 80.95 1.70 2027- 100.99 1777e.76 249e24 9.30 -- _ - - 211.70 1859- 183.66 1769.54 89.48 1102.54 20190- 2117.12 17330.11 2859.89 170.00 3750- 1 31.6. 4172.40 422.40 X -- -e E!2i2343.15 -- -- 1179.54 1163.61 116.70 --------- - 86.4e2 - - _- -- - _o 30526.21 55611.15 3799.27 48424.00 7723.52 -- 2500.00 -- - 2464.92 35.08 5000.00 - -- 5000.00 -= 1 570 -- -- 1_ 51.0 9 __ _0 - ! 00.0)0 -- --100e 100.00 - _-- 3830.00 - -= 360.00 -- -- 172.25 - - 172.25 ~1 500 1 03 1 - 3 06 6 30526.21 65400.49 379951 20784.60 14152.26 SRPLTU 1S Year 1916-17 12 Year 1915-16 4 o-priati on ss 7/19- ?'hysio 9/ 22-Agrioulture H- Home Eoon, it Patt. Hall i - o0tha Anniv. 6/21- Grounds 8/29- Chemistry I - Gr. & Bldg. Rep. 9/22. Agric. 912/8 ngl ish I0 / 25-LMil itary ] 8/29 3Bus. Agent t - P. Paul Anderson 0 - R R. Memorial - Farmers' Week W. R. Milvard ~ Law 1/17- Bus. Agent 2/21- Journalism t- Ground & Bldg. It - Dean of Men 1 - Mod. LanguaO e 3/21-. Invest. Committee 2TLS R20 IVABLE :718. 50 6 9 .13 $ 25.00 327 . 00 300.00 3423.15 2500 .00 500 0.00 100 .00 100.00 900.00 250C00 .000.00 .500.00 50,00 100.00 17 5 709 360.00 172. 25 200.00 70e00 100n00 50,00 60e00 5.00 1 500. 00 Cash due on account of University Press Value of Interest-University Press Athletic A ssociattion Pat terson Hall 1.4iscellaneoue Aecounts Insuranoe paid in Advance Student Feea Outstanding laventory of Supplies Supply Account Sundry Account (State Hall) Student Returned Cheeks 1634.36 2302,00 594.50 1157.84 55.64 2221 .56 2439. ,2 551.3.32 399.00 441 .61 $ 16,905.59 Apprc 1734? .63 .676 9.492 578,14