xt7t4b2x6h91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t4b2x6h91/data/mets.xml Tennessee Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1940 Prepared by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Professional and Service Projects; iv, 27 pages, 23 cm; Includes index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:T 256/2 books English Nashville, Tennessee: Tennessee Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in Tennessee text Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in Tennessee 1940 1940 2015 true xt7t4b2x6h91 section xt7t4b2x6h91 I N IIn»I uIIIIIIIIII@IIII I I _~ E ik j‘ -/ \ //2 $ I 1 I I l` Q TO V DEPOSITORIES gu I OF , ‘] I MANUSCRIPT te COLLECTIONS E I ih IN yy J I Q TENNESSEE G3 ` ¤TI·|E TENNESSEE HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY I _ \,__¤ I __ Mark »@z2y&·:·gr47€3dzzzx}zz2:·fr¢z?;b2z 3 ‘/ GUIDE TO 1>EP0S1T0R1ES . V - OF MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS IN TENNESSEE A PREPARED BY A Y `PPE__' 1 The Tennessee Historical Records Surveyw _i Divisi0n 0f Professional and Service Projects ig Work Projects Administration _ _ R i‘P~ TENNESSEE STATE PLANNING COMMISSION V A SPONSOR C JOINT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES or NASHVILLE ’ V COOPERATING SPONSOR K O T Nashville, Tennessee j The Tennessee Historical Records Survey December 1940 {I a 3 THE HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY PROGRAM . ` SARGENT B. CHILD, National Director 7 MAmsoN BRATTON, State Supervisor .4 RESEARCH AND RECORDS SECTION 1 HARVEY E. BECKNELL, Director ~ MILTON W. BLANTON, Regional Supervisor }* T. MARSHALL JONES, State Supervisor ° S il 1 ‘j g DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE PROJECTS A i Y? 1 FLORENCE KERR, Assistant Administrator BLANCHE M. RALSTON, Chief Regional Supervisor 1 BETTY HUNT LUCK, State Director ~ 3 I 2 1 A 2 { :l 5 WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION § HOWARD O. HUNTER, Acting Commissioner R. L. MACDOUGALL, Regional Director —g E HARRY S. BERRY, State Administrator 1 a l s PREFACE In January 1936 the Federal Historical Records Survey undertook a program which would result in making acces- sible basic materials for research in the history of the United States. While this work was at first devoted to L inventories of county, municipal, and state archives, the · Survey began, in the spring of 1938, to locate and describe ,4 manuscript depositories and manuscript collections through- out the nation. A Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Col- J lections, no matter how small, is to be issued for each of the il forty-eight states and the District of Columbia, and a mas- ii ter index to the forty-nine is planned. A The publication of the Guide to Depositories of Manu- `, script Collections in Tennessee is the result of the first _ phase of the manuscripts program undertaken by the Fed- I eral Historical Records Survey in Tennessee and carried for- _ ward by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey Project. E This Guide proposes to indicate the location of all manu- Q, script depositories in Tennessee, i.e., places where manu- scripts are held, regardless of whether separate manuscript divisions are maintained; the history of the institutions and housing of the manuscripts, the fields in which the de- positories specialize, the general nature of the manuscript l holdings with special reference to outstanding and signif- y icant papers and persons, the general accessibility of the I manuscripts, and calendars, guides, and other keys to them. ’ The editors have omitted institutional archives held by the y _ institutions, and manuscript collections in the possession of , families or private collectors, as they were not intended to { come within the scope of this publication. Descriptions of the holdings of George Peabody College for Teachers Li- , brary and the Tennessee Historical Society were included 1 in the Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in \ the United States: One Hundred Sample Entries (mimeo- · graphed, 1938), and have been amplified in this book. A The information for this book was gathered from first- hand examinations of the holdings of the institutions and a by consultations with the librarians and custodians. All depositories in Tennessee which might possibly have manu- iii · I iv ‘ script collections were circularized. The statements in this % book have been checked with and approved by the librarians and custodians of the depositories. Bibliographical refer- i ences are cited to indicate where further information on institutions and their holdings may be found. "Holdings" describes only the manuscript material of the depository. _ fj "Collection" is a group of manuscripts so designated bythe " i i custodian if it is capitalized; otherwise, the editors have assigned a title to the group of manuscripts. li f Future publication is planned for a Guide to Collections ° 3 of Manuscripts in Tennessee, to be issued in an open series. j The Guide to Collections of Manuscripts in Tennessee will j describe the individual manuscript collections in much more V detail than is possible in this book. P The collection of information for the Guide to Depos- ` t itories of Manuscript Collections in Tennessee and its prepa- ration for publication_were under the supervision of Robert Cassell, Manuscripts Editor of the Tennessee Survey Proj- ’ ect. This book was edited by Margaret Sherburne Eliot, g 5 Assistant Archivist in charge of manuscripts inventories é il of the Washington, D. C., staff. The typing of the final draft was done by Dosia L. Pearson. Preparation of the 1 Guide was carried forward during the administration of l T. Marshall Jones as State Supervisor of the Survey Proj- gg { ect before he resigned to become State Supervisor of the 1 l Research and Records Section of the Division of Profes- j sional and Service Projects, and while Dan Lacy, Assistant l l to the Director of the Survey Program, served as Regional Supervisor. The cover design was prepared by Ann Kelley Q of the Tennessee Art Project. { It is a pleasure to acknowledge the cooperation of the librarians and custodians in the preparation of this book. { Much of the results of the program is attributable to their assistance and encouragement. The book is published by the Tennessee Survey Project in collaboration with the Joint University Libraries of Nashville and the Tennessee State Planning Commission. E. § MADISON BRA·rroN, State Supervisor, M Q i The Tennessee Historical Records Survey. Nashville. g December 30, 1940. l 1 GUIDE TO DEPOSITORIES OF MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS IN TENNESSEE ., CHATTANOOGA CHATTANOOGA PUBLIC LIBRARY, McCallie Ave- nue at Douglas Street. Librarian, Adelaide Rowell; libra- 7 rian in charge of B. F. Thomas Memorial Room, Augusta Bradford. Hours of B. F. Thomas Memorial Room: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. weekdays. The library was founded in 1902 as a public library. It occupied the Carnegie Building, a two-story, stone building - at Eighth Street and Georgia Avenue from 1905 to 1940. The library is now housed in a four-story, brick library building, on McCallie Avenue, completed in 1940. The » building houses both the Chattanooga Public Library and , the University of Chattanooga Library, but each operates g independently with its own librarian and directors. Manu- scripts are not bought, sold, or exchanged. Outright gifts and conditional deposits are accepted. Manuscripts are stored in the B. F. Thomas Memorial Room on the third floor of the new building; space is adequate. Holdings = Material relates to the history of Chattanooga, East Tennessee, and North Georgia: Chattanooga Historical 4 Society Collection, 1866-1906, 33 pieces, correspondence l and essays; Tomlinson FORT Collection, 1795-1905, 365 ZW pieces, chiefly pre·Civil War correspondence of prominent l Southerners including John C. CALHOUN, Tomlinson FORT, H. V. JoHNsoN, Wilson LUM1=K1N, William Sonnnr, and Civil War letters of FORT family; F. R. and B. L. GOULD- ING papers, 1852-1931, 431 items, correspondence on lit- erary matters and drafts of books and articles; Francis g LYNDE Collection, 1891-1930, 26 items, sermons and novels; ° MAHONEY papers, 1782-1836, 54 pieces, trial papers and ` ship manifests; letter books of Society of the Army of the Cumberland, 1902-16, approx. 1,500 pieces; William B. 2 Chattanooga Public Library L SWANEY Collection, 1921-22, 66 pieces, correspondence on law enforcement; many scrapbooks, minutes and corre- j; spondence of chapters of Daughters of American Revolu- tion, Daughters of 1812, United Daughters of Confederacy i and United Confederate Veterans, 1812-1938; also legal _ documents and miscellaneous correspondence. There are approximately 4,000 pieces. About 60 percent ~ g of the material has been arranged chronologically. T Y The manuscripts are accessible to all responsible re- A Q search students. Photostats may be obtained at current ' _ rates. HARROGATE LINCOLN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY, HALL OF { HOLOGRAPHY. Professor of History, R. S. McCordock. I Hours: 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., weekdays except Sat. p. m. Q` The Hall of Holography was founded in 1935 by Dr. J John Wesley Hill to collect photographs and autographs of ‘ famous and noted men. There is no fund with which to l make purchases; all items are donated. The collection was l started by Thomas F. Madigan, of New York City. It is i housed in the library, a brick and frame, non-tireproof, l l two-story building constructed in 1906. There are two ` l rooms, each approximately 20' x 20’; space for manuscripts is adequate. _. 1 Holdings 1 Prominent persons represented by holographs include: · Henry W. BEECHER, Eduard BENEs, Napoleon BONAPARTE, {I 1 Robert BROWNING, CHIANG Kai-shek, Neville CHAMBER- l 1,A1N, Henry CLAY, Benjamin DISRAELI, Alfred DEEYEUS, ‘ { Alexander HAM11.·roN, J ascha HEIFETZ, Andrew JACKSON, · Thomas JEFFERSON, Joseph KENNEDY, Rudyard KIPLING, Marquis de LAFAYETTE, Robert E. LEE, Thomas MASARYK, { Benito Mussomm, Pandit NEHEU, Robert ScEU1v1ANN, Wil- { liam T. SHERMAN, Jan SIBELIUS, Richard STRAUSS, Alfred TENNYSON, Mark TWAIN, and Daniel WEBSTER. The bulk l of the recent letters consists of tributes to Abraham LIN- _ COLN. Q There are 2,500 pieces. Each piece is framed and ex- i hibited on the wall in one of the two rooms. There is a j Lincoln Memorial University, Hall of Holography 3 catalogue of 2,500 cards which show the name and identifi- cation of the author with the location of the piece. There are no restrictions on the use of the items. The custodian will arrange for photostatic copies of the manu- scripts to be made in Middlesboro, Ky., at current prices. See.-The Lincoln Herald, July 1938. E LINCOLN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY, LINCOLN I ROOM. Director of Lincolniana, R. Gerald McMurtry. R Hours: 8 a. m. to 12 m., 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. weekdays; Sun. by arrangement. The Lincoln Library, original repository of the Lincoln Room’s holdings, was founded by Dr. and Mrs. John Wes- ley Hill in 1929. The field of specialization is Lincolniana. and Civil War material. The depository is willing to sell or exchange manuscripts and to accept conditional deposits. It is housed on the second floor of Duke Hall, a three-story, tire-proof building, constructed in 1929 of brick and cement. The building is used also for business offices, classrooms, and chapel. Space for manuscripts is ample; dimensions . are 7 5’ x 30’. Holdings I Manuscripts deal principally with the Civil War and the ` presidency of LINCOLN. They include: Civil War Collec- tion, 1861-1924, 6 pieces, essays and military reports; Cas- " sius M. CLAY Collection, 1840-98, approx. 500 pieces, dip- lomatic and political correspondence of CLAY with Charles Francis ADAMS, George BANCEOFT, James BIENEY, Frank {I P. BLAIR, Simon CAMERON, Salmon P. CHASE, Charles ‘ DANA, Horace GREELEY, George W. JULIAN, Abraham LIN- coLN, Wendell PHILLIPS, Whitelaw REID, William H. SEW- · ARD, Leo TOLSTOY, and Henry WILSON; Abraham LINCOLN I papers, 1852-64, 19 pieces, dealing with business and of- ` iicial matters; LINCOLN Migration papers, 1793 (1803-16, 1 1928-32) 1938, approx. 1,000 pieces, depositions, deeds and ` testimony on migration of Lincoln family, gathered by R. Gerald McMurtry between 1928 and 1938; John S. WORDEN papers, 1835-86, 65 items, correspondence on the ironclad Monitor, and other naval subjects by S. F. DUPONT, S. M. GREENE, L. M. Gomissonouou, Stephen LEE, Joseph Smrm, i and John S. WORDEN. I 4 Lincoln/Memorial University, Lincoln Room I There are approximately 1,600 pieces, 80 percent of I e which have been arranged: some by author, some chron- ologically, and some by combination of these principles un- I der subject. There is a typed list of authors of material I Z? in the Clay Collection and a typed calendar ofthe Worden . papers. ° The manuscripts are accessible for serious research and E study; assistance of a guide or helper is necessary, accord- ing to the depository’s regulations. Photostatic copies may ji be obtained at current rates. *7 See.—R. Gerald McMurtry, The Department of Lin- I ; colniana, Harrogate, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University, I 1939. I KNOXVILLE I F LAWSON MQGHEE LIBRARY, 217 Market Street. I Librarian, Helen M. Harris; head of McClung Room, Lu- I I cile Deaderick. Hours of McClung Room: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. { weekdays. H The library was established in 1817. Colonel Charles McGhee, in memory of his daughter, May Lawson, gave a building in 1885 as a gift to the city of Knoxville to be used I as a library. It was operated on a subscription basis until I I 1917 when the city took over the support of the library I I and rebuilt it on its present location. The manuscript hold- I ings are now a part of the Calvin M. McClung Historical Q I Collection. With the exception of the McClung Papers, all I manuscripts were acquired after the private library of Col- I onel McClung was given to the library by his widow in 1919 I I and opened tothe public in 1921. The field of specializa- - tion is Tennessee history with particular emphasis on East I Tennessee. The purchase of manuscripts is very limited; ’ accessions are made almost entirely by gift. Manuscripts I are not exchanged; conditional deposits are accepted. The ; library is housed in a three-story, iireproof, terra cotta building erected in 1916. Outside dimensions are approxi- I mately 120’ x 80'; it will be necessary to double the present I space for manuscripts before all the holdings can be made I physically accessible. l l i , Lawson McGhee Library 5 ' Holdings Manuscripts relate chiefly to East Tennessee history , from 1780 to recent times and consist of correspondence { . and legal documents. They include: J. Hays ALLIN papers, ° 1880-1927, approx. 2,700 pieces, correspondence chiedy of ,. J. Hays ALLIN on real estate business in Chattanooga, the L Presbyterian Church in East Tennessee, and the ALLIN V family; photostats from AYER collection on Indian matters { (originals in Newberry Library, Chicago) ; William BLOUNT ( Correspondence, 1777-97, 85 pieces, correspondence of I BLOUNT with David HENLEY and John CHISOLM on frontier I affairs; Robert CANNON papers, 1806-96, approx. 2,000 ! pieces, correspondence and commercial papers of East Ten- nessee merchants; photostats and transcripts of DRAPER papers (includes Tennessee papers, and some King’s Moun- 1 tain, Preston, and Virginia papers, originals of which are g in possession of the Historical Society of Wisconsin), seven I vols.; William GRAHAM papers, 1803-87, approx. 1,500 E pieces, personal and business correspondence of East Ten- { nessee merchants; Grainger County papers, approx. 5,000 pieces, archives of Grainger County of 1830’s; transcripts i of Colonial records from Public Records Office of Great E Britain, nine vols.; HALL-STAKELY papers, approx. 2,500 p pieces, chiefly family correspondence; HOUK papers, 1870- l 1923, estimated 31,000 pieces, legal, political, and personal correspondence of Leonidas C. HOUK and John C. HOUK ’ with prominent East Tennessee Republicans; transcripts and photostats of correspondence of Andrew JACKSON, ( 1802-23, 1841; LENOIR papers, 1778-1867, approx. 500 w pieces, personal correspondence of Major William B. LE- ` NOIR; photostats of Library of Congress holdings, 1779- , 1862, five vols., including some papers of C. C. CRITTENDEN, Thomas JEFFERSON, James MAD1soN, James MoNRoE, and j Martin VAN BUREN; MCCLUNG papers, 1790-1919, approx. i 2,700 pieces, genealogical material and correspondence of ` Calvin M. McCLUNG on prominent Tennessee families such as the CAMPBELL, LAwsoN, ROANE, WHITE, and WILLIAMS families; Will A. MOTEER Collection, 1855-1918, estimated 12,500 items, political, commercial, and legal correspondence A of MCTEER with East Tennesseans, and account books, re- j 6 Lawson McGhee Library lating to Blount County, church affairs, temperance move- ment, Grand Army of the Republic, and Maryville College; . NELSON Collection, 1782-1922, approx. 6,000 pieces, chiefly correspondence received by T. A. R. NELSON,’ East Tennes- i E see Unionist and Congressman, on secession, Union activi- ties in, and industrial development of East Tennessee, with .f some letters from Andrew JOHNSON and William G. BROWN- I LOW; photostats of correspondence of Timothy PICKERING, 1795-1812; transcripts of letters of John ROBERTS, 1836-91; I transcripts of South Carolina provincial records, 1730-62, .·. t six vols.; photostats of Spanish archives, 1780-1801, 40 g vols.; WELCKER papers, 1801-80, approx. 1,700 pieces, per- sonal and business correspondence of Colonel Charles F. $ WELOKER, Roane County lawyer and merchant; West Ten- ? nessee papers, 250 pieces of Civil War period. There are many miscellaneous pieces including originals, transcripts it and photostats of: church records, chiefly of East Ten- J nessee, Baptist, Methodist Episcopal, and Presbyterian ‘ churches, 1785-1925; forty account books and records of a East Tennessee merchants, doctors, etc., 1803-49, 1865- 1902; court records and records of various private organi- . zations, such as libraries, colleges, boards, and associations, 1808-1906; journals of André MIGHAUX, 1785-96, David HENLEY, 1797, Charles Corrm, 1800-22, David A. DEAD- I Emcx, 1825-73, Drury P. ARMSTRONG, 1842-49, Arnold I GUYOT, 1863, J. G. M. RAMsEY, 1870, and others. I There are approximately 70,000 pieces and 250 volumes. I I About 80 percent of the manuscripts have been arranged I chronologically. Only those volumes in the collections that ·· I have been processed have been catalogued on cards (3"x5”) I which show the name of the person under whom the collec- I tion is catalogued, life-span, brief description of the con- —. I tents of the volumes, place where the record was principally I made, years covered, physical description, and library call I I number. There are typewritten calendars for the Allin I papers and the Nelson Collection. The collections which are physically accessible, i.e., the Allin, Houk, and McClung papers and the McTeer and Nel- I son Collections, are available to all responsible researchers. I The library will arrange for photostats to be made by com- mercial establishments at prevailing rates. ’ I I I I l ` 5 I I I Lawson McGhee Library 7 I See.—Robert B. Downs, Resources of Southern Libra- · ries, Chicago, American Library Association, 1938; Philip I M. Hamer, "The Preservation of Tennessee History," North I Carolina Historical Review, VI, No. 2, 1929; Library of I Congress, Manuscripts in Public and Private Collections in I the United States, Washington, Government Printing Of- fice, 1924; McClung Historical Collection, Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, Knoxville Lithographing Co., 1921; George F. Mellen, "Calvin Morgan McClung and His Li- »·» brary", Tennessee Historical Magazine, VII, No. 1, 1921. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE LIBRARY, 14th Street and Cumberland Avenue. Librarian, Mary E. Baker. Hours: during academic terms, 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Mon.- Fri.; Sat. 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.; vacation hours: 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. weekdays, except Sat. p. m. The library was organized early in the 1800’s. The be- ginning of the manuscript collections probably dates from the close of the Civil War. There is no particular field of specialization. The library accepts gifts and may accept conditional deposits; there is a small fund for making pur- chases which are made mainly on the basis of interest and usefulness to students and researchers. The library is housed in a two-story fireproof, reinforced concrete build- ing with seven floors of stacks, constructed in 1931, being the initial unit of a more extensive plan. Approximate out- side dimensions are 200’ x 300’; space for manuscripts is adequate. Manuscripts are stored in the basement and ·- fifth iioor stacks. Plans have been made for a manuscripts room with an attendant in charge, contingent upon addition to the present unit. N Holdings I Manuscripts deal chiefly with East Tennessee history I and relate to politics, family affairs, food administration, and business from 1787. They include: George BARNES Collection, approx. 15,000 pieces, chiefly Rhea County Ar- , chives and papers of Richard WATERHOUSE; Grave Re- I moval Records of Norris Reservoir, 1811-1933, 4,383 pieces; I Sara J. HALE letters, 1839-76, 19 pieces, correspondence on family affairs and publication of Godey’s Lady/s Book; I Knoxville Food Administration papers, 1917-18, approx. I I I I I 8 University of Tennessee Library l r 500 pieces, rules and orders issued by Frank Fayette VAN- l DEVENTER, and bills; Collection of Ledgers of Knoxville and ? East Tennessee business firms, 1828-1927, 225 vols.; Wil- liam B. LENOIR papers, 1787-1913, 1,272 pieces, family and i , business correspondence of East Tennessee merchants, and .· many legal papers; Mary Boyce TEMPLE papers, 1876-1920, L i approx. 900 pieces, family and business correspondence and E documents; Oliver P. TEMPLE Collection, 1832-1909, approx. .— 7,500 pieces, political, business, and legal correspondence ‘ of TEMPLE with outstanding East Tennesseans including "i William G. BRowNLow, L. C. Houx, Horace MAYNARD, and ( ij T. A. R. NELSON; Tennessee Food Administration papers, l —] 1917-18, approx. 1,300 pieces, rules, orders, and press re- Y tl leases issued by H. A. MORGAN; transcriptions of many l il county records made by WPA Historical Records Survey, l approx. 500 vols.; also miscellaneous correspondence and { Q business records. There are 28 film reels: 20 comprise 75 ’ 1 years of the Maryland Gazette; 4 are volumes of the Ten- V { nessee Senate and House Journals; 3 unpublished manu- i Q scripts, 1 a dissertation. Q There are approximately 30,000 pieces and 800 volumes Q plus 28 film reels. About a third of the holdings have been l arranged chronologically or tentatively by subject. There 4 are 80 catalogue cards (3"x5") with one card for each set i of volumes on a particular subject. The cards show author Q or subject, descriptive titles, dates and resume of contents. i There is a three—volume, typed calendar of the Oliver P. I j Temple Collection; a volume, typed calendar of the Mary Boyce Temple Collection; and an index of six file drawers V A Q to the Grave Removal records of Norris Reservoir. y Material is available to research students presenting ac- l ceptable credentials to the librarian. At present manu- r scripts must be used under supervision. Photostatic copies may be obtained at current rates. See.--Downs, Resources of Southern Libraries, 1938. MEMPHLS § COSSITT LIBRARY, 33 South Front Street. Librarian, l Jesse Cunningham; head of Reference Room, Albert M. l Q Johnson. Hours: 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. weekdays; from June to Oct., 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 1 1 K w $ Cossitt Library 9 $ x The library was founded in 1888 through the gift of the l daughters of Frederick H. Cossitt, Memphis merchant, who had planned to present a library to Memphis. In 1925 the i Memphis Historical Society began depositingits papers at the library. There is no field of specialization. Purchases l are not made, gifts are welcomed, exchanges of manuscripts L may be effected. The stone building in which the holdings are housed was dedicated in 1893. The library has one i story in the front and three stories in the rear. The ap- _ proximate dimensions are 180' x 160'. Space for manu- l scripts is adequate. ; Holdings j Material deals chiefly with Memphis and Tennessee and l includes: Colton GREENE Collection, 1873-81, 71 pieces, de- signs for and correspondence on Mardi Gras festivals held at Memphis; Memphis Historical Society Collection, 1902-29, 17 pieces, papers read at meetings of the society, i on phases of Memphis history; journal, 1839-63, of Rev. L Josiah HINDS, Methodist minister. g There are 88 pieces infolders and one volume. The i pieces are arranged by subjects; the Colton Greene Collec- Q , tion and the volume are catalogued. , No restrictions are placed upon the use of the manu- scripts. Photostat and typing services are obtainable at a current rates. { See.—Downs, Resources of Southern Libraries, 1938. I GOODWYN INSTITUTE LIBRARY, Madison Avenue and Third Street. Librarian, Mrs. Ralph C. Roudebush. Hours: 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. weekdays; from June to Oct., { 9a.m.to6p.m. , Goodwyn Institute Library was founded in 1907 through an endowment left by William A. Goodwyn, one—time Mem- phis cotton buyer, who provided in his will for a public library and lecture hall. There is no field of specialization. Purchases are not made, gifts are welcomed. The library is housed on the top floor of a seven-story, brick and stone office building owned by Goodwyn Institute. The building , also houses lecture halls and offices. Outside dimensions i are approximately 200' x 400'. Space for manuscripts is adequate. Q 10 Goodwyn Institute Library Holdings p FORT-NICHOLS Collection, 1812-1939, genealogical ma- § i terial and records of FORT and JOYNER families in Harde- l I man County, Tennessee, and De Soto County, Mississippi. 2 There are 195 pieces and five volumes. There are also , { 41 photographs of persons mentioned in the collection. J # Manuscripts are not arranged. There are no restrictions upon use of the material in the library. Photostats may be obtained at the expense F and by arrangement of the researcher. . ; NASHVILLE } I FISK UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, 17th Avenue, North. , Q Librarian, Neil C. Van Deusen. Hours: 8 a. rn. to 5:30 V p. m., 7 :00 p. m. to 9 :30 p. m. weekdays, except Sat. p. m. The Negro Collection Room of the library was founded . 1 in 1931 for the purpose of collecting material on the Negro l A outside the United States and especially in the West Indies. I 1 Following the purchase in 1936 of the Negro Collection of e' the Young Men’s Christian Association Graduate School of Nashville, the range was expanded to include the collection of material relative to the Negro in any locality. The field I of specialization is slavery. The library welcomes outright gifts and accepts conditional deposits; purchases are made E in the field of specialization when the items are unobtain- = able otherwise. The library is housed in a three-story and { six-stack, fireproof building of brick and stone, constructed M l in 1930. Outside dimensions are approximately 100' x 100’; j' ‘ space is adequate for manuscripts which are stored in a F, l first-floor vault and in the Negro Collection Room on the Y l third floor. * Holdings i Manuscripts relate chiefly to the history of Fisk Uni- versity and the Negro, especially in slavery, from 1698. i They include: Anti-Slavery Collection, 1698-1897, 36 items, I l few letters of Abolitionists including Jason B. BROWN, Frederick DoUcLAss, Amos PHELPS, Wendell PHILLIPS, and l Charles SUMNER; Fisk papers, 1865-1923, 290 items, cor- respondence of Fisk leaders, faculty minutes, school records § % .3 i Fisk University Library 11 ‘ and records of Jubilee Singers, including some letters of Erastus CRAVATH, Levi COFFIN, Henry Hmninc, John Oc- } DEN, Richard S. RUST, and papers of A. K. SPENCE; Plan- i tation Journals and Negro collection, 1777-1921, 104 items, plantation journals and financial accounts of Sam LOGAN, ¤ Joseph MEEK, and R. H. STEWARD and correspondence of .l, Negro leaders including Henry E. BAKER, William BAKER, li Frederick DOUGLASS, William E. B. DUBOIS, and America li ROBINSON. ` · E There are 398 pieces and 32 vols. About 80 percent of , the manuscripts have been arranged chronologically or al- , phabetically by author. l Manuscripts are accessible on proof of legitimate inter- ‘ est, except the letters of America Robinson, a few Cravath g letters, and the Spence papers which will be available after a the death of Miss Mary E. Spence. A few letters of Fred- erick Douglass and Henry Baker are a conditional deposit F subject to removal by the owner Arnold C. Baker. Com- U mercial typing service may be obtained. 1 See.—The Fisk Herald, December 1939. GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS LIBRARY, Twenty-first Avenue, South. Director of Joint University Libraries, A. F. Kuhlman. Hours: 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. weekdays. The library of Davidson Academy, the predecessor of ° this depository, was founded in 1785; the academy devel- oped through the University of Nashville into Peabody Col- dm lege. The manuscript holdings have been acquired over a I long period of years. The fields of specialization are edu- tg cation, and history of Peabody College; the depository will [ accept any material relating thereto. It is housed in a four- U story, brick and stone, fireproof building, constructed in 1919; outside dimensions are 150’ x 75’. Construction was begun in the fall of 1939 on the new Joint University Li- brary on Twenty-first Avenue, South. This building will house the holdings of Vanderbilt University and Peabody and Scarritt Colleges. Holdings Manuscripts relate to education, religion, literary activ- ities, early Tennessee history from 1784 and include: Lit- ; 12 George Peabody College for Teachers Library erary Societies Collection, 1825-1926, approx. 300 items, T records of literary and debating societies; William H. PAYNE Collection, 1850-1908, approx. 2,600 pieces, corre- ? spondence with and reports from James B. ANGELL, J. L. M. ? CURRY, Melville FULLER, Samuel A. GREEN, J. I. D. H1Nos, James D. PORTER, and records of Peabody College; James i ROBERTSON Collection, 1784-1814, 376 pieces, correspond- .1 ence between General James ROBERTSON, Governor William ul BLOUNT, Governor John SEVIER, Daniel SMITH, and James il i WINCHESTER on Indian and other frontier problems, and a _ I few letters from Chief BLOODY FELLOW; Trustees’ Letters, 1868-1931, approx. 3,000 pieces, correspondence and other i records of trustees of Peabody Education Fund and Pea- body Board of Trust, representing many prominent per- Q sons among whom: Wallace BUTTRICK, Joseph H. CHOATE, ` J. L. M. CURRY, J. W. DICKINSON, Daniel C. GILMAN, Sam- T uel A. GREEN, William H. PAYNE, James D. PORTER, John 1 J. VERTREES, and Booker T. WASHINGTON,‘ University of ‘ Nashville records, 1808-1913, approx. 170 items, including 1 manuscripts by or on J. L. M. CURRY, A. V. S. LINDSLEY, 1 Phillip L1N1>sLEY, and Gerard TRoosT. There are approximately 6,200 pieces and 160 volumes. About 70 percent of the manuscripts have been arranged x by name of author, by date of accession, chronologically, by 1 subject, or by group. There is no catalogue at present, but 1 the entire holdings are to be completely processed in the 1 near future. Most of the pieces in the Robertson and Trus- 1 tee Collections have been published. ‘ Researchers must present credentials before using man- ‘ 1 uscripts. The custodian will furnish photostatic copies at Q 1 current rates. See.—Ame-rican Historical Magazine, I, Nos. 1-4, Nash- 1 ville, University Press and Peabody Normal College, 1896; 1 II, Nos. 1-4, 1897; III, Nos. 1-4, 1898; IV, Nos. 1-4, 1899; 1 V, Nos. 1-4, 1900; Downs, Resources of Southern Libraries, l 1938; Hamer, "The Preservation of Tennessee History", North Carolina Historical Review, 1929; Proceedings of the , Trustees of the