xt7t4b2x6p7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t4b2x6p7m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 1986 1986 1986-11-20 2020 true xt7t4b2x6p7m section xt7t4b2x6p7m \
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Vol XCI No 62 t
- . . m . .
’v E“ “b"‘h'd 139‘ U “'5'” 0' Ken'UCkY. Lexmgton. Kentucky independent since I971 Thursday, November 20, I986
Ih VI \\‘ ”I \\']‘U\' __._________.________.__—____— . . - - - ' ’
5 " . l nder this concept \‘lillltL‘. would II“ i t 1 r . t . V. . . . -
.\e\\sl£ditor u s . . . . t It Lilith, o i.i\i to .liuht a - .. .
p [I 5 1305511316 that (changes In the voting take place at three separate loca- t‘littIceV' tm-emtr-H min ..Huwn. ‘ . - , x f I ’ ,
.‘ ' ‘ v y, 5‘ )A') I L' _. ., V. _ _. ‘V 5 ‘ .' ~
“(A 5 operations and evaluations process) COUld increase Voter IUI‘HOUL tio‘nts {Titlfhihfispfljfitzrill”t k l t) or a 1.11th lltllillni oi tours I . . . . '1 V. '
V V - -' ' ~ ' "’ _\ it 't‘ p dt‘t‘ However SUA N‘lmltil at ,arue ~ . 5' ' .
«mm in I w - . ' I V: .» . .‘. ,I
tilItllttl‘llittlt'l(tltl)‘l::l tilii‘g': 3:3.3xgedflh: Dawd Bo‘k'm“ "W" a three-day Pt’l'lt’d “WWII“ “and Botkins said the change in the a f" '4. . ' .‘
Student t;o\ernnient Association‘s 50A senator 3' large hm WW dt d numbei M “film" H“ “mm. pmw» ”mm "5”" H". ”Ml" . 3, ' . l” ‘ I l ' - .’ ' 'i
“hum” profit» ‘ — it“). ”1 three du-‘VS' . ”WWW“ 0“ “5‘” ”WWW 3' g V j. .5 - -- V. V '- ' - 5 5
The recommend-itions are m re- to question the legalit) ot the lresh~ tioii and eialuations committee. lnder the C"""“'”‘"' " """"””“"” H“ ‘ P‘t‘m’it‘ ”W ”h” W'Il‘l M 'V. your? .V -. ' . V" .
‘lth' to ‘lllt‘H'dltOHs that ‘votinu (lls man “Milo” it Student who was Mr chaired by SGA Senator at Large dation. the duration ”1 m" "l““m‘ ("Ht-W WI” IUI'HHUY- kaIH Mild e ‘ ' 5 a’ ‘ ‘.~ '. -

l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘A ‘ ., . t -« . tel? . ' ’ . .‘:_ » ' ~ I.
erepancies occurred during the h“ gible to \'ote in the election must James Rose. decided to ensure that would “mm” th‘ 5‘“”“- m” “”mh’ \tl‘t‘l'H-‘mtl 1”“1 t'dltiimultitku would -. Is; s“ .4? . “3". ,~ . 'V5
H't'\lllli;ilt\(Inau-oleclu’n\ ‘ take the complaint to the SGA _]Udi- discrepancies don't (K'cur m ”k. to would be concentrated hach da). no on m a *lll‘lll concentrated area -_ .‘ ' .- i ':_ ..' " . .

It tl- [ . . ‘ Cialboard. lure. ”‘9 W115 “'“Uld “1' ”DP” “1 ”111} 0111' he said That \\.‘l\' (.'.ll1tlttl;i't'\ would 5 . .3 ‘I t .5 ‘~ 5 .‘
ii iat e ettion. ottiL'ial election , h . . . l' .. .i . . _ . V 5 .. I..- i . ‘ . , . -V ..-
i't-cortl\ showed [hit ’it ks”! tour F 9 Aluditlal boaitl. in thin. decid» The recommend.”ions ml] m- D an ””h‘mDUI‘ concenabli ieiicli .i \wle Wilt") ' ;...V ..- V '. '. ~.
I ~ ( L ( .V V v. . _ . - .
\tudeiits \oted twice. lllCludltlL’ rthfdis(:i:1\l ):1:)ti(()tnh'ptxtiluiirul i brought DUOH tht HltlH Mttdlt AI MA President Donna (.reenwell ”lymph lhll ‘ H1 l; J}! VI}. ‘ ‘s. 5.. , ' .. ' ; , ' I
. . . i » ‘ ‘ Z» ‘ » ' _, , . 'Ll x ‘ . _ .’ ;» li: ._. i (,V I ‘ .V-:. . ‘ V
V 1.1V..}mmn Senator harl [xidegast 'icom hint t. m is in sm 1 itsi)ei .Kiiietting Mm} that an “1w ol ”m kind hail ‘ ilttlll\\t tutu { it :m t . (t! . _' . .... V . p
M; \ indml “(mm (lreenwell . “mp“; 1h ih ‘ \ p | I first. the comnii.tee \Hll i-ecoiii been discussed “(11011). but l‘elet'ted ‘1““> ll H” Milk/HA lMi“ Air» now, ‘~ 1 . V .I' H If.
. . r "1‘. ‘ " ‘ ' ’ . - 5- I< . i. "‘i. ' ' ‘ ' ..i‘."il ‘.tt ‘ ,“ ' 5 "
. MM "N mum that it someone wants t. . is A . it s t u ion mtndthat \otmu lit dom lll soiiii IM-(qusc SGA \\as atraid [I would re “” (“1‘ I.“ l‘ ‘ " "‘ ‘" ‘ ’ Q V I ~..‘ .5 3
_’ [1“ng not oe challenged. the opera sort ot precinct concept (mu. voter turnout (‘Itmllll‘dl t‘”“'“"” "l'It‘ l- ' 3‘ ' ' ' ' t. I'
s.~(ti\1\iiiiii law .IHHthisi ‘, 3 . ,.I.'-' '
- Events help ~ , V. V. V. .. ... , . . ... V . t V V .
' " g m hr 515:: _§ae.eg§m;s,§§§5*wttr5 T5 News; W535? thfi? 5 . -. t . ' " I I . " " 5
-' i; N " gaf‘~I‘;"“§+"”‘“’z “fliti' ' 333M I . t ‘ " '
ca m S ~ '“ it” . - » " ‘»§ .' s st 5 31.5 its . 5I. V. . . .I . 5, - .
» 5 s‘t-s 5» 53- new-3- itg‘sr ‘~~ V Vans...“ I. . V ,V e m“ r r. O . - t - V I- .
~, >. XV, e”: »_ .. =Vs‘i:_§s»;VV V. .syy- ':5»\-I- =31§5‘9s.51~$-‘ . way.” V.aiV-\s’;,. ‘ , 5r.» ,- ,. 51$ 3? 1:33“ . *«‘ ’s, Few. .\ :V - ‘ . . . a
. ,v‘ :55‘55~:!?‘" ~5 , {9‘55 * 5. ~*-'~“~“ :g’xf‘ $55? “3“ ‘1“ :V ._ ..i ' 5n 1,» $2.541“- 5 ‘5 ~ 55‘ $11? 5%; «5‘ st; . i . . ' ’-
. . $343 ‘fiwg an ‘ \fitfi’ffia ' ‘ . "'st agsgaegwgk : ' ‘5 J I '5 '-
O IVY-v.55: 5z’sgt’fw. “:53 51’?“ ”3;; Jifsrx‘v‘V agg‘x‘a ’ 55 ‘ ’ syfifi . 33" ;, is \"f V , ' , I' ._ ‘. ’ J V
a l s~swt A sea» t 7M»): “ 5 ‘ 5' ' ‘ I
. 2s.:3«‘v.-m»5x~.:w: shifts MI 335. eggs? .~W‘?~.‘* s an 5 first. 5 , - V _; -. . g V.
fags“ :ipfiiigfl W< Vita-V1: ' 3.3 38*. Vflag¢£§§x V , - - - . ' - = .I V 5' . - V ' ..
= Todav mm 1 It; . ~ .. or ir m .-
Win , «...»: ,. ‘1'?“ . _ fl“ C“*§"l§\‘§*" ‘ . V » _‘ . ._ ‘ . _V . . ~
‘ ‘Greal Sm Oke O t, hm‘t‘gtg fi’ffglis i I - : ..- s .. 5.‘ ‘ V A. ;
V' - Q'ti‘lI'***Is \“u—I . .‘ 5 ' v ' - . - ,‘ .\ .' " [I 3“ '
U Wage,» . - 2r .. g . Emergency helicopiei transport sen ice -. I - .
lh litil (55i5\1515ri I" I ' .V
' 0 , lh ii \\ ll \ss‘i-‘ii r -. V - - 5 5' z .
‘ . . t . I » . . r V~ - . _ . VV t V V .V _ ,V ._
tttie Hill Ht (‘\t‘l‘)' tht‘ American /I:71t” .. u ”“3 ." \‘t‘itl \‘ii‘ili't‘ ’ U ‘ V I I " :. a ‘ I ‘ V, \.
smokers will uiie up smoking tor 24 t 3/ 1 ’ r V V ; 5_ . t
h -\ . ' " 5 . C V. . 'fv ‘ 5'5 .;"" "-— "‘ " ‘4 i.‘ . g 5": 1
“U”; ll”d_“«\ . V} V . é. "K i f V llie ll\ Medical (tIi‘i'ei l't'it‘ it»: _~ V . ,VV. ' 1 V. . 5; VV . ~' _
\ east that s what the American V: ’\ 5‘. 5 ‘ ' apprmai )(‘s't'i‘ILQ iIoi: ltir sum .' t . ' 5 '.
(ante! MUN} h”P‘~’~‘_ \ \I‘ V s 5” . 1-5.4 t omiiiissioii toi Health tht-oimr i~ ~ . Vi ‘ . ~I - I " " -‘ ~ ‘ . 4 '5.
V lhe 10th Annual (.reat American 3 \ it; is “mm” M. m. LN. “VI”. ”V i \ .V V. : V1 . : . .H' {I v. it.' x
Smokeout “Ill take place today. and . V‘. . . Va. .3. s 1“,” ”3.”..in WW...” w 7 i 3 ., V 5. at.“ ' V . 5 =5 ‘ ~. ‘ ~ ’1,“
' l K's Freshman Representative ..o ‘ f .I ' V.' . J 5~' . In“. \ . . ht V t . . . . .- .I. t. It.“ .V, 7 i .é-
. '1 ll be do!“ ”_ 'rt [U et a . s ,,5 ark}: . r‘ _ ‘ ~€§§ i ‘(l-xll t. it it It .\ {llIil ... V 3 . . ... . . I. . ‘ ,- .7 h
:rtltllltl “I 1 g (: pd kg .0. ‘ ’ » Tis‘n‘f‘.f7.;,§fi§ : . I h M'llt‘IlUli‘tl l4) treutt. uiiei‘iilioi. t \ .lni‘. ' . ' 5 It I la 5 5 ; '5' Nil ll .f ‘ . V ’1 ' ' V
t . I ' ‘ I 5 5 ‘ ... '15,: - “ ’ V ' V . I '. 5 V ‘
tilt :\[|'];Kl‘(j( 1‘”:le stu (Ht Stilt) Otis ‘ O I r p”. vs .5 .~:‘::‘.33l,;§:‘::‘. . u - U my; k‘ tll transport “gum“ m “Hut wt. . w» 5. - 3 Witt-H .5 . 1. -. i ; \,V .. >
“I h I” "M n d m‘ ! ‘V‘r 1. .i . T 3‘ '«{4«*;’.‘:"" . ' oi dunk treattxzeiit im: . i'.l\’t‘l't. .:V: .1 5 y. .7 '- " ; -"‘
Ntlttkt‘tltlt lt‘SIIVItlL’S began )‘ester- . L .57 V? ‘ V-’ "s ~‘.~-’.Z“,"- ' ., , . V (mm ,2 KQ-iilr“ K. i, H... ins-w t a, . . ~ -. _I 5

5 ‘ x ' I '\‘t \ ' A , i. .1 :““‘i~’e‘,h"v V "' b “V ‘ \ V A. I r "1 ' 5- . I I .\. l .' ‘. I .~ _
il.i_\ at noon \ihtn balloons “(H rt- ‘ Q / 'I i .52“? 37.;313” 5." . 1?...sultl itifi \lass‘v Iiin-t niei .';IV_ ' I‘ ' ‘ "‘ ‘ 5” -. ‘ . ‘ ~. . 5.; -
“'5’5‘”! ”‘ ”l“ “'99 SPew“ ai'eaiV ;' ‘7 ') "2, ‘5‘ t 5 . - .22? 3"”{523 3 l tl’cet‘u.’ t'm llsislt'l it ' 7" ‘ '5: ‘ ' '1 “I” "l . Q ~ ~ ~ 5
t-‘reshniaii Senator ’I‘im llembree . l ‘ ' 1; V}; ‘IVagV‘ “ V.‘-‘V’.-" 5, . .. . ~ It irtwlzt 1;... M, 5l-i"2 ..V t, VV . _V. ' ' ' ~' " 5'? TIT“ . . "- 3. ~5 .
will .»\ surxnal station. with pam- ; ' ' p - . r " “if I ,L \ patien's in haunt i'- V ‘~ A? . II' 5 '5 -: t E' \ ., :u 5e ‘tlt5 -5 ' 3. '5’. 5 'i .
tililt‘ls .llltl other iiitormation about V, .I /’ , ”if: r! 3 t ..' ' “MN“ m“. M: \ . V. . 'r: ’ p . .. rurpose .1 , 1 V
s. :okiiie was set up outside the Stu» » » ‘ it“sCi '33.?! *5 3.": ,‘ . . a”, I... \ WV. ."VV. V .V ' " '5 ' ‘5' '5 5 ”WITH . ' ' , V .I I'

.t - t 5 V ‘ .4 3 V, - . ..V. :w - ... » ii ' ‘ _ _ . v ‘ ‘i ‘. .' _‘ .
Ileni tittVt'l'lllllt'lll .\.\r.()clall()n()Hlt‘t‘ . .fl ‘ 3; ‘y: .fi-jli " r * - .VI; _. such V‘ \H.‘ H. it. V... .V .V it, -~ .V . ' ' " . .I " . . -
’l‘he \lbert lé ('handler Medical 5- I ’f, ‘ .‘2 ~ if...“ 55" I' l \l'lsstt‘s‘ 111 I " , ‘ f '
ti'tllei‘ ll is “M. been Ubl ‘ L n [h - . \ ‘ l! I- “k > . 5'3qu . ’ . t . i . . .i _ . A 4 . . .- . i \ ~ . ‘ . 5V V
i ‘ . P l“ l g e p 1 .- 1 «13'»: .H 3"" a . ' ..V» ~._ . "lt s a iiiultitatete': prune l‘ . V V ,V .H ,V . ’- ' ’- 'n .5
i;.V.k.~oiit V-‘ui mtormation table has -. ‘- ‘ 3 @373; v' 2*? l .. '“ “ “slit. ,\ tH-V..\.i..it1..t ”u “t" . ' ‘ ‘ " "" 5. . . -. 'V V ‘ 5
lit t n \tl up sintt lIiida) in the main {5353. 52;? -. _ [wilt that tli’t'Ils raniit tr: .s'm: at 5 '. ‘ , V
Nth}- »‘I'“‘l 19”) (lreen. program ”5.1? 3‘s": 5' i' ‘ tion and not 'lt‘i'i‘ss irIlIV It's? v , - » I ~ . l ' ' " ~ '-
"""“il“‘”“' “’1 tamer information .. ‘ {’91 I J [. Ihmetircaihospita: hesml , ~52 .. ‘ . . . .. " V ' '5
“MM“ 3‘ 1“}? ~ The \i'i".it"5 wli 'I I'1\P"l' 3: w i r -» . V. . '5 - , "
.. 5; “'5‘ I ,‘I . ’ ‘ ‘ “ “" 5' t"‘ ' 5' ’ I '. .. J
\onsmokers can help triends who ~' 333‘; ' i . 4% :5 ‘l pmwm‘» “111‘“ Wilt'm‘ \ iI"??‘I> 1' ,1. .. . a w 5 \ ' . _ . :
sizioke h} "adopting a smoker." said 3337’; ‘ V g " d "4" “flaw“ “VIII" lt-il't‘l'I" “4’ I 1'5‘1'3 ' ‘I ,5 . .. V III . ’W
\liiiii \tard. public relations coordr fil‘ifil‘}; ,v‘ i V t- _ 114* ”WNW“ tt<‘~\-‘t"f‘¥i5 tit-It «'rie: 5 ‘ V I :1 _' ‘Vj
mt"! tor the local branch of the rfiafifi‘ i :j- . . Massie said It ii. ..‘ltl .iw r» .sw 't‘ 5 ‘ ’ I-L 57‘ - ’V- ' ."p 7; 7: !
\i:iericaii t aiieer NK‘ICH'V An adopt- .{55 ‘ Vtiitie‘ét ., f. '9 . toi' ttl'Llati t't5-l‘lt'\ al . _ t . . . - . lVVV .V r ._ . V
. * 5,5 ' ..- . t I 'I \ ~ - - i . t ". .. ’ 4» -
i't uould assist the smoker in the 24- 5 ' V. . 55:32:; it ’ ”WV“ \ 4t ““11““? “3 lH' 5" ’5 " 'I ' 5 ‘ ‘I’ I‘ “I *V ', I I. ‘ '~ 1I « ~
’ ' ‘ t 5 . V V . » V . 4 . ,' r . v " ‘ ,
hour l*"""d- Nipplying glint or water , . 3“"!!fi'5.’ - "‘ v _ ' who mind he treated l'ILllt ‘l lve"«5 ' 5‘ " ' V1 " " l? A. - ,.V a ’ ' ,
torthesiiiokerandhidingashtravs. n g I ”W5 “l" ”'5”‘5‘l"‘l'““i "“Y” ' V ' V ' ' ' ’ V, " I
V. . t\ ie ot ti’eatiiieii’ thizz‘eI .. . .- L'W 5. ' i
[he adoptasiiioker idea is light~ . ”"in 5 I . , ._ - .. I - 5 :l 'zg' ‘ VI‘ , .I .- _ .'
~ . . ~ . i5 I . ' r. " ‘
hearted. \\ard said. and certificates . ‘ 5 ’ \h I" m} ”It,” or ..\ .V' ~ ' - 5 \5 I 3w 'ii‘ I. 5 .~ . .' .I J
- V ‘ . £ \‘ \l i t l ‘ »\ ‘ ' l ' V . r A -
wilt the r~ll)L'.Llll "not smoking is a . ' ~ “r ”Mimi mp. WM...” V [\V,’ _ ‘ ~ 'I- "I ' ‘ 'I s: : ‘7, ' '5 . ft,-
—:‘\. l“ i "" ' a: V 5; _ I V i .i iii. l H .i . l' W:
t \\lll M gflttllttpdttltlpdnls . {1&5 , 9 both at “mm ”WM” ”H, i“ . . M .. 1 ~ 5..
V V t :'I’:-‘. ‘ ‘ y ‘ ’i‘ ' ‘ ' ,I ' ' r . 9 '
[be number ot smokeout partici~ ‘ , ‘ \ilie . V .- \ ‘ 5,I .' . r a n ;. . f
Wm“ “hit continue not to smoke is nnouwiuuusou KornelSto" ’l‘lie seruee protmwjx .tV‘i ': .: - . r, V . V; - fly :1 ', " V
‘Ul’l’rlh'msh “it”, Sa'd- estimating BlOWin, the blues port about no p.xl1t‘li'\ ‘lti5 i 55s‘ V. V‘ V. t ‘V _' ;' d; .- ' ..1,
that about 20 percent of the partiei. ot operation and sill exertiu....x 5» V V. ,V .l V ‘ 55" - .. 3;" 5 ~ '.
ll‘itlhrflnt‘ up smoking even after Don Michaels Plays the soxOPhone during the ter Ballroom last night. The concert was span mm ’1‘ “mm 1"“ m 5"” {“h'h' ‘ Vt 3' I. IV’
tin '. - . ‘ . \Iithieitt . .5t V. 5 .. . ’_.' ~ ~’
‘ 4 “’1‘" DA and The 010" concert In the Student Cert; sored in port by the UK Wesley Foundation “'II‘litI whatnot: \('l" w- '\"’ 5w i III III' I > m .. i 1 . 5 'V ’ "' '
“l" (“‘“Wl 5”“(“5 1> Pat‘ticulai'l} nant'ed out at the eu'ieii? wpiIr.“ 5 . I 5 5 -:- 5 I i ,‘ ~V 5'
interested in college—age smokers ’ . _ , - _‘ ,V 4 f'
V ltt‘t'flllfit‘ lht’) 31“ less 5(‘1 In [hOII' NBC S hrlS l 1V ‘35.} I.» «V . . . 1. t . I...“ ‘ IV. f
C ace 5 ‘5' . Athletics Assocration ‘I- ' '- 5' I'
5} ‘| ." V>i._V. .2
"There is a trend ot younger folks ’ ’ I. V‘ ‘V ‘ V n. :‘. ..
V not to smoke. and Ih(‘\' are often won t S eak at tOda S (“W O I I V" ‘ I‘ .» ’1';
' .. . ~V-VV5 . . . ‘ a ' t . ‘ .
w . I creates Baldwm fund 5' 5 * I
~' silltl . V. ~ .' "1 . " I; ,.i'
.V _ . V . 5' " 5.. - ’ 5 if
lliere are H million smokers in uestlon-answer seSSlon 5 V V -t . . V . . .V V Id . ‘ t5 I'
‘ .\merica. but that number is drop» B) BOBBI \Hilnt || ‘ .) It i I ~I n f. .IiI t t II V. . k V. .. .3 3 ,_
‘. . \ pup“; 1W ‘. U. y l'."‘.l . . > ‘V ‘t.' ’
ping .\lthough the number of both V k " smfflhm" “ J x ‘ ‘ ' 1 m” I ' I‘
V . . . . V . . inittuww . 5 _~ - I
”mp. and teiiiale smokers is falling. It) JV“ II. BlI.lI.l.l-.lt llibbs. corporate coiiiiiiiinications " " ~ ‘ ' ' I-iV . t - . t -. I ‘ . ’I l '5 I' U
V, r - ‘ ., ~. 7‘ i», t. ,; iI t.i ‘ N t I'I. v“' ‘ ,5 ' I“
the decrease is sienilicantly less in Nil” “I‘ltt‘t‘ assistant oi (‘iti/ens Fideliti Hank. 7; 'I’)alt luriitwri ilti~ .i -.m. ...i. i.» v A V ' p _ '_ . ~I ; I V -I ,A 5. .-
lt‘lll.tl(‘>. Sllt‘ Mild. doesn‘t kn0“‘ Tht‘ people ill lht‘ . I 1th Alhli‘lii‘s \ssiit5:.|t_.i|iV gs Luigi”; ' ‘ 5 ., 'H‘ ‘5‘ ‘ : ‘ ¥ '. ‘ .
s . . . ‘ . ~_. , “Us: Ht , w. ,: t. V IV". git. '. 5V . .».
V V “19 Chance to meet \Rt “bite School of Journalism don't know V » help h'm “‘“h H . V ,t . ; t V ‘. r‘. . . ~ ' I‘ ' ‘ -' ' .
I‘lllt'HW” (”"C" 500W." 5‘41th House correswndent ('liris Wallace . ,, '7 The ilSMK'ittlltill has t'lt'utt‘t‘. 5‘“ "5‘ ‘5 “I ‘ 3 . ' .
ties predict that 320.000 people will today has been scratched But'll s5 kntnuitti a text that lioug- , '5 Dale Barnum Fund in mi. mm own; 1 1““‘35-5“? "‘-I ‘5’” 5' _ 5
diethis'_\5earlxIcauseotsmoking. Instead the {IR School ot 10mm '35 h‘klf‘h M“ 5 “\ltlhll} \Ws V . 5 3 _, prowde tinancial assistant-e m the ”55555 ' ’ i i“
‘ ‘ -. lism and the National Alumni .~\sso~ mitigna politital (oiitsixmdtnt. will . ‘ V UK Lheeileadel who “m ”HM-Wm . i. i ‘ l ‘ \pe . _ tit u. I . . V . _ p '. .V . ,
., w (‘iation in (Imperation with (‘itizens Nov 4 (llll'ltlL’ d warn: up W “H "' ' "l M \ V "' U” ‘ f . " 5 »' I
~ t . 'V, " awe s » ‘ t 5 t __ V . t V .. . . “-v 5 ' 5 , '
. ‘. b ..V5 3.. $31§f§§mtm l‘idelity Bank are sponsoring an m Kikei“s career In I‘mmamm Blue-“hilt \( iin.in.ii_i -.t . t ‘ V ‘ ‘ H ‘ . IV p ‘
514%???st. lormal question-and-answer session began almost 40 Vears tit-l“ ”hilt V. Ufllffimh'i . . f V J k ' (:1 ‘l L ' H
ttxaiynwithlmugla; :lklt; lights of his career include being mm: :::n:u";]':.:lw:ih“d I N" ’ w . t .W It ”a,“ ”a,” - 5 ' ’ ' r '
a ace was sc e ii e to Visit t'K White House correspondent tor the . ‘ ‘ i v ‘ h "m “"1” mm ' ‘. M H I. ~ I. ‘ I "
UK'S Christmas production today from 12:30 to 1:30 pm at the New York Herald Tribune “.0,“ CHRIS WALLACE, peoplel \olunteerine contributions 1“" 5“' ‘ ‘ “‘5'?! V' ”l“: “l ”‘9 5 I V I . I
" " 5‘ ~ ~~ . . sait ('itt llaun ' .it It - in I' " i"-‘I‘i'I"‘<‘= II'155 5 ‘ : ,' .
of C' 5' Lewis Th. Lion, ”'10 king Alumni ”mm 1963-66 and being “ashmgton ”mm" Because of limited se‘t n It th t r U l k I m “x ‘ ”M 1m v3—iit'l.L"itl ttVt’ .tl\" .ii-ci'iii I
Witch and 9h. Wardrobe" ”UL he won H)“ here of the Atlanta Monthli' from 100007 - ‘ . ‘ d I g d ( ‘ I - . .. ‘ r V ‘ - I
. ' 5 No one knows why he can't make 5 ‘ hint: Alumni House. reserVatioiis “.\ lot oi people li.i\e llttltlt‘ ‘ll_ '5 ‘ ” I“ '1 l“ L‘." \‘l‘ "7 -'
wt“ Op." W ‘9'.” it ‘ BQfm-(i joining NBC's “\‘iuhtb are required The deadline tor reser iJVestioiLs on usiiiu the money. ”5’“ “”‘k'flmii E “‘5‘" ' “”PP . -
View 500 mm. 9090 Ruby Hardin. an Alumni Affairs News," Kiker was a corresixnideiii ‘I'th was M‘Slet‘day at 2p m llauaii said The llllltl \\lll uiu- t\ \‘t it ”I \‘Y’; "' , ' V
2. ~ secretarv. doesn't know. Lavonna with \‘BC's‘TodI \IS‘hm 55 . ) . eryone the optllt‘tunlh to t'iinlt'tliizte “5‘ 5‘ ‘t' “l‘ '“lt' '5‘“ ‘5“ "“" ‘ V
r ' . d- ‘ ( ttnl} ltllputplewill h(‘ildmlttt‘tl mm,- suggestions I ' 'iitltt‘ .i15\ll.‘:‘.L‘ t-lw ’tiis llauaii I
‘ niiil ' t _ »
5* ...... “I I" W Reception to be held for students I
a special gem. in honor” 0 mg degree ”1 l h “I‘M“m “I“ ”t‘t'fl lt‘i'lt‘tl requests to support charities _ ' V
former May.“ F9? .5. d... t t O . |fg;anc;)r:ll.isTis’tii‘i::lIiIliiptntznl} ltltl~ mi illlllltL‘ spot-ls merits because we ‘
‘. d N ‘ I I L. cos .s. an l‘l 1 ~ . .. ~ ~ . ‘
...... mm”; 0 mee Vice c ance or can 1 ate ;~.~,;;;;.:.
p p ; . . V SIVP tor a ( uadri )l . l 5. t n5 .i - ~ . » . -
. a“ . Staffreports meet With Livingston following tht‘ During Livingston's iwodax i'isii I ‘(g‘ ”IMHHM llwhm “M W “Md ”Duh“
55 5 = . , « ~. .- ~ ' 5 ' V V 3V s term: t‘\t('n.\l\’l‘ :ninries to i e
. V questionand-answtr puiod tiom to cam us. he “1” meet mm t , Hagan said the lund \\lll be an at H
WV . ~ 5 M'tChel D5 Livmgston. director ”f 35l$to4pm l'iii\5ers‘i)t\5's vice Chancellors 12:1 tempt to cover B'il(l\\ll1\ on Home Wm“ and tittb (Tun-”l \ertebrae.
5 » . t WM». t n ' . . . - V . V ' ' ' ' 5 . ~ ~ ‘V ‘ ' t" i 5 .I . . . . . , .
s ude t life at Ohio “9‘9 l m,‘"“”-‘ chancellors said Donna Greenwell C-‘PWN‘I‘ and WSL‘ ”0t WH‘I‘i'it l“ A " "M 0 H "mm “ ”U‘M'mhw
. . , and one of the finalists vying for ' 5 . .. 5
. V V . [.mngston. who is one ot five ti a member of the search committee insuranu p, 1 l5 w . . t ‘h
st Vice chancellor for student at» mlists seeking the ist vacated hi and gtud nt (V d ‘ "”‘I “I ‘5‘ I‘ ”5”“ ”t 1““ ’
' ~ ‘ s ( A ‘ A " ‘ . . .
Rain 90601 MRI ° “I“ fairs slot. will meet with students Robert Zumwinkle {:th summer K tion reside ‘ :0\ernment Assotia The “506mm,“ mp“ m purchase held and a thlrtl)t‘ill member of the .
around 50. 'w m thisafternoonV the second VlCe Chancellor c'indid'ite P 3 en a motorized wheelchair. “h“.h “I” (vhhorlt‘étdlnfl squad He was also
”MUM o with M In“ Student leaders “.1” MW the op- to meet with the students Linngston is scheduled to meet COS! about $10,000. Hagan 53““ but (“Mm If”! ‘wm “ hen [K '
i lower ”I. Sunny W. POrtunity to meet With Livingston in \\'l[h the search committee at 8530 Baldwin “I” ”99d ”m” Special (-hwlih‘tmqi “lm top honors m arna—
- ~ 4:9“ a questiorHand-answer sess't o .. . - " ui ment in order to earn out his “0nd i‘tt‘i‘r eat ingcomwtition
wtthchtnhtnNW’v 2530 to 3515 p m in 245 gtudlefii f(r m Joseph Burch. l'k s acting \ice tomorrow morning. sa'd Lynne S‘ailxplite .
s 5 ‘ 5 5 5 en- chancellor f” student affairs. met ll-unt. preSIdent of the Student Activ- 5 Baldwin attended tirayson Hi h
~ ter. t B d . . .. -
V‘ with student leaders MondaV at I I93 oar and member of the ”dean said the association is con School where he layed football and
_ The rest of the student bod' can ' ‘ ' ‘h
3 ternoon. 59““ mmmlttee Sldering the purchase of a tolengmn was a basketball cheerleader

 i. . ; . ; , ;
. . » 2 KENTUCKYKERNEL "rand", NOV 20’ _ -——-———————-———-——-—-—K—'——————————
~ . . . - ~K— - ._.-,._.--.- mu um

‘-9L .I' K‘ ’ " "' 7 Arts Edl'Of
; 5 .. ’ Woe Mlllor d '

H\_ . ‘ .. , . AsslstontAr'sE Ior

'\KW"K‘I .. ..
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. . The Guarnerl rm uar e
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2, Le“ lb L assnc .

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. a a 9‘ 0r to er arm a e
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1. KAN-.9, ,.

”73.2.33,“ . r "'é 3;

~é'x“."‘4“fi.".‘,;-i‘ l k theater . , f. _ >\ _______________ For music students. the (muffler!
3":“I’.K-§"‘" " 8’ liltsl'lh \\\ I \t ‘ ‘ [I 18‘ (ill flCUII not to can bea teachmgtml
- -. .. ..I-I . ., K . " 'K m ‘

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.1 . ~~ 1. . . L . . L ‘ . — ) onnnu

’\"‘k:"1‘9-‘.l-1( ' . hl 1'" \\HI 1 \ l . ,f ; > apprcuatc something hlltld311:g;th9 In]? 1‘51!“ 3: H nn

...Ix o‘~1’.K- ‘ ‘I ,. . .. . . , -I. , -I 10” xxweer e "S . t. K

K~ ’ --“'K°‘ K ' I‘ . ‘ . lhK t u H next \lt MIL. QUII' K“ . ”“d
'V I“ v. '9.‘ 4.5 4 . ( l L ' . a ' ‘ _ H . .
-."“t'\;3"3'\-i,‘5" ' - t ’ ' A \ 3 dubbed the "\un‘ttl \ ttt.t,\lel' In lhdl 15 dOUL the best It portant as the [ednimfill plau‘lzg «fit
.‘\¥£‘~‘:.=.I "' . I K - ' ’ ‘ “Li ,. . ,, . - . . -' . , . 'KnKea I 01"I
992‘ ‘3‘th K ”K “"‘i‘ “ ‘ h‘ l y . ‘. ‘ K“ .9 chamber tnum- lt) l|l||(' .II.IIIL'.I..nI. .an be even If 11 IS (ho. Instrument. bulk -. II I ‘ _
;-»vf.‘,. 9‘1“? - . 'II - I ,. -.....LI§,I .IK [K v ‘ , ‘I‘ ‘ .9“ ‘ “.1“ perturn‘ mmgm -n the ('IInI-ert k ’ mgs. vmhst tor the (Itaduate stung.
.K {..I-3’3"". .; ~ “ " ‘ . . ’ K . ;, ‘ . 4-! ,I 9: . . ‘ . 7 $9 , .

':‘..:‘{{‘l;n . . .. .\ -. mu: it: Lttht U! 7 a" /,- “I I \ - K :2 Hall at the {’K (‘Hllel‘ lUl H“. (“-15 Hhcn 10 you; “135011 Quartet.
3,::3\{,f_}.‘$|§;‘9 _. Lie-VII" ..-_ k 5 ' _.I. ‘ as the second etttteet‘l nKI HIII 1951.21. \‘1ld II Getting your "taee out 0t the
"T‘H‘i‘i‘t’aiii‘ly ' '\ i V " ' “I" 1 a -‘ l'tttVt’t‘N“ ANN 5"”“5 ‘ ' . M muste" to watch the other plants I»
- v1». .- , ._ ‘ II". I ‘ . ~I.. ‘

"; I ‘5' .II ' I” ”K" 32““ K‘"K‘K‘””K m“ "““i "‘ “ Damel axon. neeessarv tn lx-cnnnng better. she
‘ I . ~j. . 41 “I ‘ . I ’ . . . . ‘

1‘:‘:“:IG;};:?’ , h A ‘h”‘ ‘ i l, V ' AV“ ' i x Arnold stelnhardt and IN”: ”1”” [K \‘IOIIn professor added “It IS Insptratmnnl to \kulk'h

.l'fi'fff-J‘Ejm',.";' " " ' i F rm, -. . ’ 1112' . " Igl'r...:'-,"ifi,}:- \'l()lltl.\ \lttKhael 'l‘rI-e K. Inla I‘M-t1 # the eye euntaet and Interaetmn at .t
. . ‘.--. ', - . L It:' ) 5.1 K-.~. ,K . L 1x1 .,‘K» .. . , .. . ._ . ~. . . , . ._ . ... .

‘-‘.:K‘.{K:‘€'I‘»K‘I\l?e .. ) ‘ ‘ $914939 i3K l 3 MK ’ £2.» 4%». 505"- “”“ "K“ k‘l“ ii“ “”M I'I-Imetl. new» . brunt: Qumh't P10.\K Rmuplhdt ltd-1 “1‘9" “"3th K‘K‘ 1““
, - . . I. . _ \ . I- .1 . I- l ; K «_I K ,-* ~II.- ‘ L .3 ..‘I... ”‘1“ 3;“ by. I I, I . ~ . , ; -'

‘52:. -§'I\TI‘.‘3§ ‘ ‘ K ‘ “ ‘ : ‘1 his” K. :43 - ‘. 33.. #144. . ‘ , I_ ,.I‘.I:I.I‘K:FK{‘; ISM-34.3,“? memhen to! 11 H I” K ' ,H. m ka & Mert'tell IPagannnana as thehuarnerl hau

I .4. . 'K~‘-..‘21l' I; . . L .\ ‘:.t '. ._ I ‘ I'-:K , «‘2. V; I-‘-' , . .IK -t \ M" I i . ,_ . . -- . .
227$»? 56" ‘ ' ; u, I. .44., I“ f I 1 $99 .435. Tumght \ull M thI tutti“ \ l’utIlItK.IlnIn>. Mm. and “II Art ()7 "It Is dlltteult ”m u, appreciate

.K. . ., .- . L ... ‘ . \ It . .. {'3‘ ..I- . .1 .. ; KI,.I- .K IL-xl ”..I. g...” I v ... .. x . \ , ~ ,\ ‘l - I ; . ‘ ‘ ;

5-35 .r’i“5’v.“‘9i" U I ., 1, I plv Wei; II V 3 ’ ’9. $3941§ ‘ '94 dpp‘dlmn ( m m‘ M [1’ I N I H ”H antt t Ptu‘\ me [he (IIIIIInI-It In wmething that IS done the best It
..- . ,. _ -. _ IIL. . K‘ , ., "- ,_.=.w_..Kz ~ - . .I“ 'K ‘1'3' . \I ., - 1 , ,.

K'I“.3'~;1’3‘I'=2.7;‘v- ' ' ' ,-;;‘1 ‘9‘! i K K: V! '%'%i ' "“11 .95": 599“ mhu. 198- l t . I}; tK ' w 'WU'W “”1 Dqu Him” b) can he even tt 1t l> .tlten tn \Iut.

3. 511’ " t.'-.:’- K K ' -, ‘I ’ M“ It}; . KI“ ’ We, 7" The to run we nth-K 5 Wm: K‘ , . _ ' ‘ 9 'l ‘ ’

~2'I3’IE..‘K,‘;.'I‘A,’9I'K? , .. : L, I- MIA-nun _’ "’5" /' f; . . ‘ 1:1. .5 “ #3.»? ' , p .k. \ — 1- . ttmwr L “K“ “1 ltltnu \ltrt (,1 ‘\‘ hnnpt. 1‘8“ '. Masonsatd.

l‘."3,'w?3’ ‘.{k ‘ ‘ ’ '. , I, I, ,9 ’3' f I K' :I ‘5’“.- ‘ K “Ch 5 QUK” “’1 K " ' M ‘ ‘ i In MW \e“ \ nrk s Mavor lad _

‘39..""'\“:-";5;‘.) ‘ I K (It. 'm‘lm‘m '"n'is'w Quattet ”i B '1‘” HM” ‘lm W lx‘m l1 ht‘eM‘nlett the Quartet With the Thtlth ‘lulul quat hit .1 [X t In"
.. “3179.. '-' :K. :e t. 1'1 . . ., . .. . K. .. 1. “-1 \IIIKt.K:. \ . . . . . U . \ 'HKH . m .1 ('U

'35 ?g_,‘..9.,-;;.Ie{‘l- Q I I An adoptotton of C S Lewis‘ childrens classuc The Mom, the (llhllltl .\ >lgh.tlt;tt phi, 1 t (It; \N \«u'k m, 5“,] at “mogmtton. {nanlu shoutmx ‘1':9La;_l:;<\“q\ 3;;

'.‘-'7+t K": ‘ ' , . 1 . . . .‘ " “Int. \ .1tLK. IL‘ . . . ' - urea 15 1‘ * It. (
o‘ .ngc.".9.I5'-:I;L.‘~”I . .. I; , . . :-.-. .,9 'he “(Rh ON; the Wardrobe opens tonight In the Gutgnol Theater. Qua: ttt \u t tt 1 t‘NK' ”L .In llttlltll .matdedtm thenrst ttme. l‘ _ , ; "ph aid

“)1?‘.‘9‘§“3.¥‘V .. ' It. I .. .I resenttng tmee “h ' H ‘ i" ‘ .\lIIre Ltudenth should take advant- «HM- ( N

‘3, I,- . .,. y .K. .t. I . . . . .

’13,: 3. $33,- . I . ; ——————————-——————-—-—-—————- “>10 k l _ _ 3; ; . . rm- II: mt- IIppIIrtumt) to see glttup> ‘1'! 3 3, ; t
‘1; “f H‘- t‘h" ‘ ., ‘ w i K ' 9 ) Shthlu 't)\ IL' 1 5 SCH'HI‘. k‘ttal 1t' K ;‘;. .. ,. I ’l I“ . LK \'l- H6 pe't‘ Urmuyu ,9 utI: K"'F-' I.
_,-._; . .. , . ~ .n \Jllhkl. harm . mm.

avg";7355:1131“. ThC p1d.‘ ShOUId Offer a UICC thange Of Data dedicated to the meme“ "l "1‘ “N (Ii. . rem-LL.» thll ‘ ”mm “t 8 “I H“ [K “my” "v" H“,

“Kaila“: “II! - . L . ". "‘.I 1 . ' ” . .. ‘.. ~. 1I-vL "‘3 “ . ,. . ,. -. : 9..-I.t

.‘i.:f.;I;;I;1~'.-..I;.’.I?,IKI , - ‘ trom other hohdav pleCCS. “110 n l> .I pteu lh.tl Alum“;- -~ H .» M, ”mem part of tdeng A.“ 1.. tar. .II. .3.» 1“” 4.3.3.. ’t. .I..
;',v’..'.’f,_ " __ '. Ixm 1.1 .: ' .. I L,; l 'lil'\7 (-II' V ; J.; .. ' I .";-I]I 1 $;"yrI;IL"I-1.Kr

'19:?"th "-."15’; . 1 . - . I Russell Henderson. more prnatt 1 "m“ n H i 'I I .‘ . ‘ Hut \\lt.tl cultural hnttznm Ihtlt 1‘ ”1‘” H“ "‘ <1" ‘ " ‘
,K-I:.-‘~.‘II’1';K,I.K.I .1 . , t. --,_I_ K - .. ~ m.» cmnpusvt \K H1H\l\'II~ .:I>1.I. .v‘... > _ .4 ; 4 Izlpulrltr

I... .(.1II‘:(:'._~._. director I , M ., .It e, lt amt
:3, 1'7, Jfifi, '\ marked 1W the Mme .1: i\ ,t. .. w t: __ i

'I '. .‘ “'7‘. '-. ., . ‘ l . a ’

"1169154“ 73"“ I ~ . .. .1 _ ‘ — \11\ ”Ml \(‘Q‘Hlx In that .u‘lrl' .'t‘ .I.. ”t I , C ’ "r i - . I; .3 -

(jag-«UV nu" _ , ; . . _ . ; . I . t K K . _ . . . , K __ . ._ _ ‘.. .1 --~.

111533353337“: ' " I" llentlerwn dewnbed the prudue- whole new \mrld of .Ictmzl >1)“ 9““1 thestrtngquartehn: .xlIII\t.II\I\\:«‘ts f git-I , ,{S’ x K C. ' l? . 3 . .. '* f
:3)? . . ~ \_.KK .: (an: ,.> “a \ t>ttitl twat." referrtng tn concept ; Beethoven-5 Qnaxtet .:. l- tint “’t’ , r L 1‘. ._ I” I; 1‘ .; 2

31"“.7‘I‘17i33'1'3‘. ‘ " ' H ' i ”I: 'nIItKIILt;Inte,~ >et>andstnglng Grimes satd one ()1 the dtttteultles Majnr l5 know: A, .n‘ I1...I:-.;I;,I and , I ‘- r 9 . .fi‘I .\ . u-

..fi‘fu‘fl» - ‘ K ‘ i' "" \v\{‘l‘.‘;‘ II: the characters 1n the m thts part enme> from the mask remarkahlt‘ p1et't‘ I»: 1.x: fill: The ‘K ' J; ¢\u c.» . . ' ‘ -

‘:&:.K1§-'*')45’i3’i) , .I m» In 11‘“le \\h1eh ”put» \Kou Because 01 tt. he ha> tn act taetng enmpnser “MUM; may,” 1h» . {fer ; ‘ . a; . 4; 3 A :
K-?'-'.~'I*-.;K}_‘.g‘;x‘;i;. ‘ ” ' .. .xttIIIIK next Ilnnensum nt aet- thc audunte not lmktm. .4! 0th“ new tut‘ m. tttlett I.. \l... ..I» I» y. “ ;

gra‘tt‘l‘ . ..I K. ~ meermt: \mi cast member. ma" and “W“. m tn. .. ..I. lln> g, ’ . ‘I

”Vifi'éiliiiigif l IKIet‘Iuttn the ditttwllkfi‘ “'th The part represents law ltt‘sh ln!‘ p1eCe nnm he PltIM-II IKI'II’ "l“ “m" ’5“ ' ‘ V '

‘.2fi942".‘:"17‘if1"e1{.;'"K ‘ "V Y . A '1.» {MIN Itfwtwd “1””- the P18} Grimes , attempttng ehtldren > the 951 delteae} ‘3 ‘ z ,

j-fzi:§;;fl‘ir”t,j,_}t ‘ " .' .IK'etK ‘tten' held research mth d aterand playtngdttummdl Included 1” the “l" “““M . LN ”1 9.x. g ..I.- , W \ K

. ~ .1 xi: \ . ' L .. .. . I .1 I- .9" -' K. v ‘.

”Slivx'kitf" ' ' ‘ 't .x- ‘tKIe mu 1he\ decxded that I” “The plan should utter .I ntee the (IuarnerI mum ..: K kJNIK‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 13w .

-."9+’.KT!}‘..,I-1bj. 4...”. u: trumu tn reproduce entire change of pace trnm other hulldin .\n 1 \Va.\ enmpIILeIl .IetI. K . «ta-Ia , . \

" "I I""('.- " . I - 9 I. '-‘.. ' ,- u .. I K x I I L 'L L l" -‘

'}‘"{‘""K""""'9’;“" i—K H H K" 7"“ “K“Y‘ .tte} \wuld tr_\ to Ldp' pieces. Henderwn Mild In DecemI suttered tntat dtat ..1 l ‘- ”IL ‘

.‘K'I‘I'L-V'Jg ’ _ . \'\ ,I. .‘I !'\.I' . _ ‘ 1 ' ’ ; l .I' Ht. ;.1 1‘ ,‘

."‘;j;;;K.I.-}K;If;4;:, ' i. . W” K’? 17K 1"“ "K‘K‘Vm‘al Pd” 0‘ the her. 1h theater mll he presenttng npttnustte mum In». II...t. .I IL.I.I1

I.’§I;f-.‘.-E-‘IKI‘.'I"JI'I"- ‘ ‘ _ ..Igzu... the shtm m a “(~th 0! matinee» ex 1n quartet lIteratnre "I ;

2"If”; ' V A 2 ' fl ‘ \ I“ 'I‘K’l" 5"” ha» ‘“ "9"" h“ mane. (KlusnKely for ltXKalsehool audiences The Guarnert K.\I.l pert-urn Wt 11' ., \ ‘

{ijzl'ffxfr’ff 5‘ H H V' ' .- “‘ ‘ ..tM 'I1II :- .Iwr tn> tall." Henderson “1;“me >ea>t+t= IlIn in; '.\rK tIntt'K H! . -‘ ‘

-:‘.‘3:;it;!;:'."y‘f‘fi’ . K' K’K It ll , "‘lp my} [‘3th “'1“ 53 um." “H" ‘ . I . H p Hm! I)! ‘331K I llllt‘tl ’

,, .._.. fine. It 11- l~,ump( and n , .

‘2‘:’(1¥K(1‘ ‘ ’ " ' 'K . 1.: .. It; the aet0r> \«111 he Wmdw .‘II ' II h. ,KIII \mteIi It! 7 .ttt M41054,“ (Km-“..I“ 2. ; .

';{5§9;' . . ' KIK .n '1; “..I f Hunks tn portray the am- ,0 m tIWIgltt t‘tmum. Sutu' itix .tmf Metttlx‘t’s In 'h.- .;;;.='K‘I‘ III ut‘. the _ '

(S'Kg'f-‘di' , , \‘.I.;t 3'. ~ Do'( 1H, 1” tin (I'IIIL'V‘IJt {71. (12- ' lttk‘lllH (ll ”u. (WIKIL 1:»? MI'I- Irl .

'LI‘I’VI'Z-é’k‘iK'I'E-‘f , . Km :: \KKI: . .I theater semor Midfnu'm “_.' .m- ..I.»- n. m- [..IIH Mm“. n1 l’lnlanelpt ,. _. .m, .:

_I. K'; .¢'. n. I; K . , , . . ~ . . - ' ‘

'E.."‘fi’;'}f:§ ‘. . I; _ 'I-I‘, 'r1.;' ‘.\".‘2 u lilt"~l"115 (kit-W99 1“ [HOWE-{)3 t1? 3 P ”l "'3 391“““1‘ “'"“ D“ ’ lnnersttx «:1 Mat} tan-1 mmvauAm-AuuAuAmmnx.

‘9‘ ""-"5' ’f- : I: . .' ,L .‘ .I . -

I’- 2'E3‘f"19"K’(‘€I‘1 ,. " 3 " ' l“~-'K\ "“' W“ "‘1 A513“ the 1m” 1“ M“ w" 54 W \H‘MYP'” ”'1“ V “l" (.uarnert hi" “mm .m- “In”! *he Guorneri String Quartet will perform tonight at 8 In the Cen-

KIIIILrI-I‘ ,9 1179,53: , , - ~ ;., I;I .. .-L ..g: em xnth Henderson. say nun IKIttrt-m It'tr. .‘1 "' “l" H 'J ..I. IIf three hunks (J. ' . tl- Ht It .. I h '

KISS-"'5; KII‘IH'z . . . , . .1 -- . . -,., _ . l ”WI“. \ ter tort 9 Ar 5

‘I I-fIggé-lsg‘j}. -A- KI .3 par ltd} W» .In antma 1.\ It puma hype.» Hutu-m utttt .t l ..I .

'2‘; I: If: $141+?

.‘gK,-_\_:,I~..}.; ,5-


x e n uC y e 1‘ ne ,

.- .,- ..L

.- 91‘ , . . Fran Stewart
9:51; 23.19533:- Edlfcr In chief - A
“,,.K'I‘SK.‘.‘.I.-‘9.:V-‘:‘, . . 5L0” \v/Ord O

III-K.';;~.K,.II._:_9.;1§~;.. Managmg Ednor ; Blonton .

-.III,'. 2. . :5..- KrK‘, . . 0V .

15I2:’K1,?€:{:.§3‘;t' News Edl'OY Brod Cooper
-‘II:‘,.K,” ."~ , -

_ {_g‘fkfxq: Ass-51am News Editor . vaIo A Palermo d

--.-:.‘~.K~.‘.I:'I>-’:.I'v.=f‘ Editor’al Editor K' ' ' ‘ . . . . . I - mur er

?: §;«K.=‘.I9,Iztu S "’Ednor Andy Dumstorf Last mght she drank to forget. Today she “oke up to a .

.u :1 .. K.” 0'

;.~I*..I4;.II§:55K- p ErIk Reece ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 7

::*,I§’;:-,?II1IKI;..;;»:5I Am EdHOf w 1 MIller Is he her last hope or the last man she should trust .

v32“??? Agsisfunt Ar?! Editor 65' . ;

..-. (,~-.;.-..I"J.I'.'I 'I . , . «..__. _. ,. —-—r—v——-—.—v.I~—-—-K'*"”“ " "' ' 7' ""' , '5? .1"

:I;+;.tI-II.;III.I.II\’.‘.1,‘K"§§ SpecIal Proleds Ednor Seon Anderson L4. 3...; 1” ~11; I - \‘CW'K‘K-l'fee“: _; .. «’9; , 9.9 I K

' " 1-: y" i” . "K ;.._--,.I.L.I IKE”. ,' 5? -. .. 4; ;. -’- .I . .

..; {I'IILEVE-{fif Photo Editor A10"- L955‘9 %$ . _ kud? 10' .3" l

“4} J‘u‘i} . s 'yiK; . .e. .,,‘ _“fiff l

..I.- “nigh, 'r- _ .9. ., ,1... . _

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.-.;I' '4“. @315“ Adwser 90L“) Anriierson "99: X.&$;’Vr ieBKIs-Kiywm 1
.. -1:-. “K.‘.'I._?"-\- . . . r - U K .'I ”x: .- th-i; ‘ ‘

K:-:-7.I—:-IKI‘I:=:-.s:.K-I'z-’¢I “WM“ “"9“ “m '35 HI» .L -2 . .-‘ _. - . .

'..1I.{j\;;.£\»§19.?39""{ Production Manager Rhonda 0 0” 3;... Mam-w. . WM' 66»: ..V’I I’Zf' :1: K»; "Km. 3 '

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