xt7t4b2x6r2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t4b2x6r2s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-11-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1999 1999 1999-11-03 2020 true xt7t4b2x6r2s section xt7t4b2x6r2s ___.—- Awam‘v‘


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v1.11 ..

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watt-r ‘39.!"





Besides the lack thereof,
their symptoms, and
the solution.

Symptom: Feet cold and

Fault: Glass being held at
incorrect angle.

Action: Rotate glass so
open end points
toward ceiling.

Symptom: Feet warm
and wet.

Fault: Improper bladder

Action: Stand next to
nearest dog,
complain about house

Symptom: Beer unusually
pale and tasteless.

Fault: Glass empty.

Action: Get someone to
buy you another

Symptom: Opposite wall
covered with
fluorescent lights.

Fault: You have fallen
over backward.

Action: Have yourself
leashed to the bar.

Symptom: Mouth
contains cigarette

Fault: You have fallen

Action: See above.

Symptom: Beer
tasteless, front of
your shirt is wet.

Fault: Mouth not open,
or glass applied to
wrong part of face.

Action: Retire to
restroom, practice in

Symptom: Floor blurred.

Fault: You are looking
through bottom of
empty glass.

Action: Get someone to
buy you another

Symptom: Floor moving.

Fault: You are being
carried out.

Action: Find out if you
are being taken to
another bar.

Symptom: Room seems
unusually dark.

Fault: Bar has closed.

Action: Confirm home
address with

- Source:

Compiled by
Samantha Essid and
Ron Norton

. Hi 1 L0

'111 ttlil‘t ISSIIF USO

iSTARiISHiO IN iii”?

News tips ?

1.1!! ,“v‘ 1‘71‘1111 _1,11tr1

I11tir‘o1l pimp 11kt" 111111






November 3,1999









Hoops are back



By Matt Ellison


A strange thing happened during 1' K s 7366 w in
met the( (‘aiifornia \.-ilSt111s Tuesday night. A party

b1 11kt out during the g' tine.
\ block patty.

UK' s defens1 bio1ked 18 shots and altered many
othets during the exhibition game victory. They
were led by senior 1entei .l1m11'1i Magloiie. who

swatted six

“That s going 111 be 11111 1aliing 1 11111 this year.
said (‘ 11; 1111 'i‘ tihby Smith of his teatn s interior do
“‘if 11111 do that 1111 t‘y game this year. we ‘11 win

f1. use.




@153: we}? 71
‘9 .1


Senior Steve
Masiello lets one
fly before UK's
exhibition win over
the California All-
Stars last night in
Rupp Arena.



Teams of the
nineties l 2



preview I 4
profiles I 8
Hoops | 12

every gatne this year."

In addition to the blocked shots. UK held the. Cal.
ifornia All-Stars to :12 percent sitooting for the game.
and forced 25 turnovers.

And UK needed every turnover. since the Cats
didn't set the world 1111 fire with their offensive per-

formance. They
percent from the field during the game.

“We‘ve been very te1'1111-oriented in practice."
"()ur screening broke down. Our guys
tried to do things oneon-one. We tried that often. es-
pecially in the second half."

'l‘ayshaun Prince led the

Smith said.

cotntnitted 2:1 turnovers and shot 40

Cats with 19 points (and
See GAME on 3


Groups keep watch on corporations

Former factory
workers to relate
experiences of work

By Brian Yong


Students turning to the back
page. of the last Thursday's Ken-
tucky Kernel were greeted with a
full-page advertisement from
Nike announcing the company
(lid not violate minimum age re-
quirements at its factories.

In addition to publishing the
ad. Nike recently became the first
company accused (if using sweat
shops to publicly disclose the lee
cations of its factories.

Members of UK‘s (‘oalition
Against Sweatshops say this is
just the beginning. arid that Nike
only printed the ad after the con-
stant efforts of the coalition and
similar groups on campuses
across the nation.

“This shows that this cam»
paign is actually getting some»

where. it shows that they are
scared. lf Nike did not have sente-
thing to hide. they wouldn‘t have
responded in the first place." said
Susan Roth. a biotechnology
sophomore and member of the

“The fact that Nike is giving
in to student demands means that
the sweatshop work that we're do-
ing is (effective and achieving re-
sults.“ Roth said.

Luke Boyett. a history attd
sociology junior and spokesper-
son of the coalition. believes
Nike's “token improvements“ are
better than nothing at all. and
plans to keep pressure on corpo-
rations to treat their workers fair-

‘()ur target isnt only just
Nike but every company ' he

The Coalition Against Sweat-
shops was started to draw atten-
tion to how the treatment of factov
ry workers inside and outside the
United States.

As part of the effort to in
crease knowledge about sweat-

shop practices the Leftist Student
Union. one «if the groups in the

coalition. is holding a seminar to
day that features two former
sweatshop workers from El Sal-
vador. Among other items. these
workers made 11K Tshirts in
their factory.

“We are asking for a strong
code of conduct for companies us.
ittg UK‘s name or logo." said
Boyett. spokesperson for the
coalition. “and a way of enforcing

those standards."





Find out what it's
really like

Two former factory workers will
share their experience of working in
a sweatshop today. Sonia Beatriz
Lara and Eva fierlo Ponce, who
worked in a factory in El Salvador
that produced UK T- shirts, will speak
about their experiences at 4 p m in
the 0111 Student Center Theater. They
will discuss conditions. wages, work
ing hours and how it affects their
lifestyles family and children.





The Kentucky
Kernel’s guide
to UK

p: www.ltykornel.com

Patton keeps office

Democratic incumbent wins by big margin


(lov. Paiii Patton. who
achieved a historic second term
with a resounding vote yestec
day. said he won any mandate
he needed back in January

“The mandate was that 1111
significant candidate from ci
ther party filed against me.”
Patton said as he itiilied around
11 victory celebration at the
Frankfort (‘iyic (‘entetz

He drew three opponents
on the ballot. but he dismissed
them as not competent to serve
as governor And although he
drew more votes than all three
combined. Patton still privately
longed for 11 big margin. H1- in
sisted last night that 11 small
turnout about 21) percent of
the electorate apparently went
to the polls was not indica-
tive 11f the will 11f all voters.

With 2.2311 of Kentucky‘s
3.312 precincts reporting. 111‘
(57.3 percent. unofficial vote to-
tals were:

Patti Patton-Steve Henry"
242.425 votes. 38.9 percent.

Peppy Martin-Wand1'1 (‘111'1
nelius: 91.519 votes. 2:11.11 pet“

(latewood Galbraith-Kathy
Lyons: 68.9413 votes. 111.8 percent

Naiiah 1iUlllt)i\'t*-Ylil‘ili‘(lligilv
.John i’iodstrom 13.1171; votes. 1.3

Republicans essentially
took a pass on the race in the
spring (me after another. legis~
lators. longtime GOP activists
and other prospective candi-
dates took themselves otit.

Martin barely won the May
primary and then embarked on
a campaign consisting largely
of appearing iti discount store
parking lots and making iii-
creasingly outrageous and tin-


founded charges about Patton
and others.

(lalbraith. who lost two De
inocratic primaries for gover-
nor. ran an independent cam-
paign that was eventually en-
dorscii by the Reform Party
tialhraith tried to shed his
fringe image left over frotn his
caitipaigti for agriculture coin-
missionei‘ 111' years ago when he
11111111*;1tcd the legalization of

lint nt-itht-r campaign gen
erated much interest and Pat»

ton etim‘tnciy ignored them
and called them names.
"I‘oiisidering the impor-

11’1111‘1- of the race. it‘s obviously
thestr1'1ngest.“ Patton said this
week, "You expect kooks in the
county ~iudge‘s race. You don‘t
expect them in the governor's
race ”

'i‘iiesday night. Patton pre-
ferred 111 look to the future.

“We came in as an activist
administration and we‘re going
to continue to bean activist ad-
ministration iii the 21st centu-

\ Patton said.




rare for transfers

Officials state problem lies in verification;
credits transfer, GPA’s don't

By Stephanie Rausch


Students transferring to 111’
may find one major disappoint

ment scholarships are hard
to come by for transfer Stil-

Michaei Landisman. 11 soci-
ology sophomore. was upset to
find that he cotiid not get any
scholarship money. although
he had 11 4.0 grade-point average
at his previous school.

The financial aid office
“said they were really sorry.
that they had given all of the
money otit and i was not eligi-
ble for scholarship ttioney."
Landisman said.

Pat Herring. director 11f l'n-
dergraduate Admissions. said
transfer students frotn any-
where outside i‘K and Lexing-
ton Community (‘oilege are not
eligible for scholarship money
for a few reasons.

First. the scholarship office
does not have any grades on
which to base scholarship deci~
sions. When students transfer
from other colleges. their cred-
its may transfer but their
grades do not. so they do not
have a GPA at UK.

“it‘s common practice not
to accept grades front transfer

students." Herring said. "instiv
tutions generally have their
own classroom expectations."

The conflicting grade 11
pectations and absence of .'1
(EPA makes determining which
students deserve money diffi
cult. said David Prater. associ
ate director of financial aid.

“lfa student transfers front
a small junior college and has a
:18 and another student traits
fers from 'l‘r11nsyiv11ni1'1 with a
11.1. who do we give the money

Most of the scholarship
money is given to incoming
freshtttan. Money awarded to
these students is based on their
ACT or SAT scores. These tests
allow colleges to compare the
students at an equal ievei. fi-
nancial aid officials said.
“There is no way 11f testing

transfer students like we can
freshman." Prater said.
Once transfer students

itave reestablished their GPA
here at UK. they can apply for
scholarships front the school.
This does not guarantee them
any tnoney. Prater also advises
students to check with the col-
iege to which they are transfer-
ring. Each individual college
may grant students scholarship
money depending on their stan-





The Low-down

Xerox shooting suspect caught





dei'ades of GOP eontrol in Indianapolis and
(‘oluitibus, ()hio. "’l‘hese elections are precursors
to the most important eleetion in a generation in
2000." l)N(‘ ehairman .loe Andrew said.

EgyptAir relatives get news

NICWPOR’I‘. R.l. Some relatives fainted as












. , . ,, . , , erasb investigators informed them yesterday i
.li(;\‘.(.).l‘l [fl \ __lh‘ .‘ 'Flplqul‘l \‘fyi‘fll‘fi‘i‘il? BEACH: that intaet bodies were not expeeted to be re- l (
1371””, H,“ j” .‘l ' i ”1le ti] {:1 TL,””‘,‘.”" ,M SI} H. «U. “Bavwatch” trieved froin the shattered wrei'kage of EgyptAir 3
,1 ”‘5“ “\‘l'lmlm” ”‘7‘" “’1‘ iii mi" :03} “-Wi star David l’liglit 990. An ambulanee put on alert was l I
ill”) IMIULHHN‘ _" 1' )n' flnvll‘pnfi.‘ ( l’ ’1 PI”. lifitiitisifill‘ii Hasselhott will brought to their hotel in ease any needed medieal l ,
l Um.) it It} ‘ . “(I : t "I, my“ iii [[15 ”(f H; .1“. n “'1‘“. no longer be eare after the grim briefing: by oftieials front the i E
111m.“ _i.\I~\U‘1_ (.~\u?l,‘.;1(§[..li”iihwvin.:].\‘8ici in” saving lives on National ’l‘ransportation Safety Board. Mean-
2,”;\H\ m 1‘ 2““ \ ”t i . 21“.“ 5 I 1‘ _, i: l' x' the world's while. the USS (irapple. earryinediyers who will f
713;] i} H“ “ bkxnim “ill jtlm\ltllnlf,‘;?ufI?“ (t 1‘” most popular try to retrieve the plane‘s tlight data. eoekpit
ili'hi 1iii' W” .. (l ml' '1: nil- ( lili‘ti()tlht“j )‘Uls‘lwm TV show. mire recorders and debris. arrived this after- i t
“i“ _ “I "I? “f; ”1"“ {it'llli(‘)l:mil iit'htsb'uii Nir Hasselho" has noon from Norfolk. Va. The boxes eould provide l c
if h ,1“ will" 1]“ ‘1 m A-ti‘ t-l [I 111% x h? "2' , quit his starring elites to determining why the (‘airoboui‘id lioe- ‘
2‘ ”1:“ 13‘” ‘ 22111311,;”112232113‘1‘: (fl: ”_ ‘ifbthii Vii]: fore as a hunliy mu 767 plunged itito the Atlantie ()eeaii on Sun- l %
s't'i', Its l ‘t‘. ‘2 ‘t . . ,, -',, 9—, ,. .. l
was the same one that was used to the :llequar:nli: the (1“3-kmmh‘iHJ‘ In ”W ‘llm‘nd' l
ong-ru g I
show to star as . i
- a MW" Mb ki' AZT claims enra e %
Pentagon has No Gun RI panel mum“ 9 5 9 t ‘
“AKA Picasso." . . ?
1'3V ' t i .. )H.» .
, . w.\sui.\'i‘.'ro.\' An outside panel will ad» which debuts in "f’.""N‘\"5”l.',R"' ”mm A“ "'_‘. “‘5' l ‘
They re 1n ,. » , , . . . - . , . . ~ HIZOOO dent lhabo Mbeki s elaim that a widely iised .1 1
V” m" ”NW”, m ”‘\.”“;"‘mm “““t’d‘.'“”* ”t a ' AIDS drug is dangerous has set off an uproar i 1
a lab and hailiiljitim:1511:]:1271 m“:,Ijllzflliiitt Giannini!" battling and shocking physicians and advot'atos ‘ :
they see 1 f n ‘ r. 1‘ “ ‘ .u' ‘f -‘ *_ ,f‘ 1‘ . , l . who say All is safe. The drug is the mainstay of l |
the panel llli ill(lt .i tot met ionin ssiiiaii. an iis- efforts around the world to prevent HIV-infected 1 |
rats, and ittl'l'tll a former 'unlrissador to Korea a journal ‘ ‘ , I 1 . . i
th t 1‘ ‘1 the .. M‘” ‘ l'oft'rers ineludiii ’ the {M mothers from passing the AIDS Virus to their ba- ! i
, ey see 1:] ,‘.”.u,mn;.: (1 1!.1. “(Ev a ma [5 \- fim.“ in K()l't"t bies during birth. Mbeki said last week that AZT l
SlldeS and I,” H ‘ I “f " “‘ “, ' ‘ ‘ ‘ is toxie and was being ehallenged by eourt eases 5 5,3
”w group “1“ "mm" m“ letitaeon and m“ in the l'iiited States Bl‘li’tlll and South »\frie'i ,
tESt tubes: Army “to reeeiye a variety of perspeetiye and in- . ‘ ‘ 1“ ‘ i‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ i ;.
. - . , . g ,. . , . a elaim the inaniitaeturer. (llaxo Vlelleome l’l.(. r,
and sights on this partieitlarly sensitive and tumor h,“ denied , .- v. I
9 tant matter." a Pentagon spokesman said. “ ' ‘ '— " ’/ _.-‘ l
they ve J ' th st d t sitions are due this Fridav :
gOt to be ‘HOLLOW' SITE° owest u 5 west mer er 0". e u en and can be picked up in 203 :5 l
' - - . . ' ' ’ ' Student Center or or the i 5
remmded Clinton pushes Mideast peace Justminmeior . . - . 9 Actrvrties Board SAB webm Allapplieants .
that there the Halloween ~ . . . , - . d d 'd "I. will be interviewed 3'71, 5
are eople ()S‘l 0 Norway President (‘iinton my weekend, l)laf\\ luR Shareholders of Qwest ( ommu- an eel e e ' I
.p. ,, )lored NH‘N‘I‘ ”Hi l’alestini'in leaders to “finish Paramount nieations and l'.S. West approved the planned fate f c if- i
waltmg- :1“, Mp («I ‘diff'ei‘t'r l)‘_.l'(.t,m.;klm, winning: Pictures tiiei‘uei‘ between the telecommunieations ('(lmllit' o ampus C rt chair .
' _ ',.| ~ , '. I ,., ‘. i . '5‘ X launched the lites in separate meetings. About 97 pereent of ' w“ . f1 .
CW iiiittiiuijv:)iteilyiiiwltliii itil-lt‘tiiiftiiiiiimtfli‘iitttii‘iiii-ii: full version of m“ >hIlt‘es voted at Qwest's meeting were (‘35! in entertalnment Musical acts/artists 3 , 8]
Reeve, ( ”‘ . j . j ‘ . f , ‘. ‘ - b - f favor of the aequisitioii of US. West. and 93 per- ‘ i I
and M (H hairntan \assei Atatat to teaeh a bun] "5 W9 5'“ 0" . , t H oml hat I
paralyzed . L, . . , 1'] . t ll‘ .. k , I l '\I.,i‘,~.” ”mm enert'ired Tim Burton's eent ot the lb. West shares approved the deal surngpom “W W c r .3
actor.on the ‘1"1‘” ‘n '. "I ‘1 " “ ' .‘ ‘ .‘ j . . h ' valued at about 835 billion in stock. The FTC and SAB events '0' “WWW” 3
to meet a February deadline tor writing the out SIGEPY ”OI/OW. .
”59.3“““5 I' _. ~, , .. ‘1‘ .. l . , } , ’h A. . which includes .lustiee Department have cleared the merger. but Th‘ 9 d y . .- . _
“mm 006 ”1””! an Mm“ m H w H I“ tout. ”1 ”SW 5 t H it still needs to be seriitinized by the FCC and , . ",Xtu en_t :‘LthlileS WR‘WNW'ICM"
cure for spinal- pomp.“ mum con en mm \m“ rewulators - Board has openings for sev— Planning events for multicul-
di ' i partners ‘ e ‘ ‘ ‘ eral of its committees.
cor mores on . i . . tural community such as
“Dateline NBC" ""0“: APP" l Selections “3"“ be made Cam s Cultural'mverslty
broadcast . . 7 Computer Inc., . l next week for five commit- F ti," .4 .
M d PrEVIEW Of 2000 Electlon. “E t t - t .1 tee chairs: Concert. Home- ‘3 '“ ~:
on ay. n er ainmen 0c 5 en mlxe , . . \
Tonight .. l coming, Multicultural,Spot- s t J hal =1
.. , . . . .. , . _ , , '. ‘ light Jazz and Next Stage. ”"9” '1“: l' ‘
i I i ‘ I i |
\“SSE‘KX isiii:~rn«\ir‘)Ii’lhsiliidi-i ,(,:3.(:(),:11.Tf7(;:. 'l‘n‘h wind???” NEW YORK The stock market fell back i Prior experience is not re- Choose acts and hook]!!! con- 4
‘\~n‘.;,h‘]‘i.ll irmfimmv. “Wm Im (mm‘N. thu _c "”5 ' from a big: early rally yesterday. with the Dow tn- . quired. “The only things we certs for annual series
Wt} '(i‘llk Th , , M” :1.,Illn‘q‘[‘m, )Uilil(“11 mun}. E greetings and dustrials closing down 66.67 at 10,581.84. On the f require are enthusiasm. a
‘ I ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ N ‘ . I .. ‘ :‘ ‘ " e-tailer NYSE. advani'ers led deeliners l.66()~1..’35.’l. The ‘ destre to lead and the ability Ne 15 hai
Rx bl ~ in in it let their in t i’hiiviir-t ' - . l “9" f ,
‘l’u ”“1“ l l’ ’f ‘ ". “ Amsm'ectv NASDAQ was up 13 at at 2981 59 t to work well With people,” cam. .54 1.... dam ”on... .
phia mayor in nearly .io years aitd seize eoiitrol among others. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' 3 said SAB president Monica 1 p
of both houses, of the \‘iruinia legislature for the The movie stars t 9. W4 “4 «Wk ads for _
first time in l to years, liemoerats sought a rat e Johnny Depp. l Applications for the po. “MI “"95 -
vietory in Mississippi. and were poised to end i l

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v . ‘.

- « )ij

‘ .rt
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u‘fi“ 3.. ‘.'-'-






Continued from page A1

no Iui‘nowrs). whilo Xlziuloii‘v
added 1’] piilllh IiIId 1:; Ti“

Both l)l2{)'l‘l\ miriiod praisi-
from their l'(lil(‘h

“Wo lll‘l‘dt‘d him In l’lllllt‘ Io
tho lill‘i‘ll‘ulll. and he did.”
Smith sziid ol‘ Muizloirv. “And
you saw whziI (l’l‘lm‘t‘) is mini»
blt‘ of doing out their."

BoIh (‘Oilt‘h :iIId play-Ix

California All-Stars (66)

I“ .1 in 3-pt it" rt tp
Holden 28 29 00 2‘2 6
KW 27 27 0-1 H 3 5
Sanford 36 7-18 3-8 6-6 i4 23
Shanon 27 3-5 0-1 2-6 2 8
Flynn 17 0-2 00 02 0 0
(Highs 23 4-10 0-1 4-6 6 12
My 13 1-4 0-0 44 Z 6
Clyde 7 1-3 0-0 01 5 Z
Janis 17 2-9 00 0-0 5 4
Morris 5 00 00 0-0 0 0

Mmcmmn as a.
Kentucky Wildcats (73)


11m mi km 3-pt il-a rb to
Prince 35 8-14 2.4 i—Z 5 19
Conan 22 +5 01 0-2 8 2
W 33 6-12 (H 5-8 13 17
Alison 18 1-7 1-4 00 5 3
Smith 33 4‘? 1-3 1—2 2 i0
Hogans 16 3-7 0-2 1-2 2 7
Stone 12 1-2 0-0 6—8 5 8
W 10 2-4 0—0 0-0 2 4
Stem 8 M 1-2 0-0 3 3
locked 13 0—5 02 00 0 0
Natalia 0 do 00 (H) 3 o
“-9.: . .66 35-31
my 73 34-39


running back

“There aren’t many players one can
idolize as a child and still look up to them
as an adult. Walter is one of the few,”
Sandy Fox of Chicago wrote in a message
posted on the Chicago Bears’ Web site.

Payton. the NFL's career rushing
leader, died Monday of bile duct cancer
that was discovered during treatment for


Payton brought glory back to a sto-
riedfi’dnohise, and to a city that had gone
m then twodecades without a sports
Womhip when the Bears won the

Super Bowl in 1986.

“You get dominion ,” said Mike
Plowman, a Chicago writer and lifelong
. new fan who remembers watching the

team win the NFL championship when he

Was an eighfligrader in 1963.

CounCil ,1 50131-n—

Student Travel
from A to 2



London 186
Paris 208
Barcelona 244

Amsterdam 226

From I oisvillc each
may based on a rt pur-
chase Fares do nnl
include Mixes. arc
valid for departures
in November and are
suhiccl lo changi-
Restrictions apply


ClflCAGO-«Flagsat halfstafl”
whipped in the cold November wind out.
" MSoldierField on Tuesday. The day af-
R his death, many spoke more of Walter
Paytonthe man than Walter Payton the






\H‘l'i’ iioI \IiIIsliI'd hilWl‘H‘l'.
with l'K‘.~ ll'illhllliiil dolomi-
'l‘hc All Stars lii‘ill l'lx' down mi-
”(1111' llll' lllilll\ l‘Ii‘~'\ li.I\L\i'l.\.
\Hlll amoral (‘IlllllllL‘ :ii Ihv
ll;lliil\ le .\l.‘il’}\' Si'lliliii‘il. :1 Nu
llll‘l l'niii-rsiir oi ‘~\;l\illll!llill
pliiior Szinlord lwd Ihi- ,\Il
Shin mm 331 illilrih

"'l‘i'iiiisilioii (it‘ll‘llNl' was
i'I'iIIc‘Iil.‘ Sillti lllllllil' uudrd
Sziul SIIIiIlI. \\ ho linishod mm
111 points "111* didn‘t do than (N
poc‘izilly \\l‘”ll1lll‘,.!lll \\'o llil\'i‘ (l
I'I-zilly good lll\liil‘ [ll'l‘\i'llc'i'. liiiI
win-ii you hriin' our liiu mun
ouI. it's tough."

Whilr- SiIiIIh ..',i'lllt'li i115
Ioiiin \ porloi'IIiiinI-I- .u ".i l‘~
oi‘ H I Mduloii‘i' \\‘:ix iiioi‘i- l‘l‘ll'

"Wr lll‘l‘il Io work :i lot
hiii‘dorj ho Hélili. “II \ going: to
Illkl‘ (l loI oi Ion: lll:1lii\ 11 IhIII
moons working lili< tin-Ii .in hi-
it "

l'K Iriiilird :iI li.ill'IiInir. zind
Iriiilod liy Ihrw mil; in tho
Sl‘l'illlli I'I‘omo Bill Ihi-y l'l‘r
spondod \\'lih an in 'I run our
Iho Iii-x1 $.31) Io ui‘w lili‘lll ll
(‘<)llll(>l'l(lillt‘ miiiuin 'I‘hi- run
was, triuuorod lix' Ihi'i-i-poiiii
t'l\ hy l’I‘iIIi'o Smith .iiid
llosmond Allison

Alivr Iwo illl'l‘i‘.\ lii Siiii
lord, wliirh slii'od illl‘ ll‘ild Io
si-wn. l’l'llli‘i‘ l"‘,\lllil‘illt‘(i \iiIh
sown [)llllll> in illl‘l'l' lllll1lll"\.
including :in .Illor non oil .in
l'l‘l'illll Smith iii». 'l‘no All
Stars nt‘ill'l‘li WU»: il liiIo lim-
kois Io (‘lll liii‘ illill':.1ill Io \ll‘illli‘
dIuIIx. lIIII. div ”‘2“ who oi Iii»
Lidil'il‘ um iIz-xwi' III dw'ilii





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[IL/V i l L

>485 NEW QRCLERD lixlliileN 191. M185

Adam Spaw

Phone: 257 19151 imail trueblueadamlyahoo com


Press announcer goof-ups


Matt My


Post-Halloween party

li's Noi'oiiihi-I Jigiiiii which
Inc-gins llii' II l.\ tunw ioI' ihw I-ol
moiiii :iliout Ihv I'hI'oIiII-Iilli' dis
:ipnoinIiIii: Bowl (‘liniiniioinliip
Soi'im llil‘llllllél.

“iii: \1.\ (”JUNK \‘lli \iIIiIn;
lllllh‘.‘ll‘.lil‘(l and only flirwi-
works loll l'i'ii‘ciiiizi 'l‘wi'h hiis
tour uiinios l'l‘lllilllllllfc') II 1\
Iiioi‘o ili.iii liki‘i‘i' lliIiI .‘il il‘ilSl
Ihriw oi illllM‘ liw will ‘~‘i(l_'~ iiIi
lll’lel‘ll 'l‘hIiI moans il'lililllz'. rind
:loI pm lil('l.\l11, loi' Iho lll‘S.

l’loridII Slilll‘. Iln' union‘s
Ioii ii'illil. illllni ~Iiil llllhl II'.i\i~l
Io "'l'liv Swamp" Io Iilgi‘. l-loI'IdII.
'l'ln- i..i11\i‘\ don'I lile Iii homo,
~‘\lll‘('|.lil\ llll“!‘ illlYlllf.’ .ilI‘i-zidy
h N llivw 'llll‘l‘ HHS 5101“”!

“1.31 SliiII- i1£l\ h:id no) In
Iii'im «low .‘ilI‘i-iidx liIiI 'l‘un


lll'SSl‘l‘ ililii iIs iiiii‘m'los lllhl N'll
\lill (l'l‘lllt‘llllll‘l' ;\l'hllll>ll>'.'). \o
Iii.I\'lio this Is Jon l’:i\dv.\I1Ii\'

Virginia Ti‘l‘h. prohiilily llll‘
ili‘\l [0111”. will i101 loll (nil in tho
cold if both l‘dUl‘lllZl Slillt’ :iiid
l’l'llll Suiio win out. Sizii't pi‘zi}
mu Hokics.

Kiinsds Sillii‘ will low to N:-
lii‘Iis‘in. so count ”10111 out. Miir
\hlll] will not no shot :it :i tiilo
livmusi- Ihoy phi} in 1th Mid
Anioric'un (‘onl'oi‘oiiru

So iI should ho :iIi oxritinu.
:ind l,‘()l]ll‘ll\'l‘l'5lill. ond to the-
your. Koop your oyos opi-n. and
look l'or my Iiim-I lléllllllléll tillo
)li‘lllll‘f Hill‘llizl :iiid \‘iruinni

(‘oiiui‘ziiulniioiis Io Ilio
(‘lm'ulzind Browns. Though: the
[ill]! would nowr c-omo down.
liziuuhod out loud \Vllt‘ll it did
.‘iiid Ni-w ()I‘liizins liczid coach
Mike lliikzi was fric'u down on
Ilii- Louisiiinii Supcrdomo rur-

When is iI going to cnd‘.’
lost week iI W115 l’ziynr Stow
(in. Sunday iI was [1100 (“RF dI'i
\‘i‘l‘ (Err-u MooI‘I- in :i horrific"
crush. Monday. the Spill‘lx
world lost (mo of iIs lioxi pooplo
III WzilIuI‘ l’dyton. \\'ho\ Iio\I"

'l‘hi- Now York YIlllkl‘l‘N
(ll'l‘ (is doiiiliiziiii .‘is :iI‘._\' sports
l'miii'hiso could I"\‘l'l’ ho. Win
ning 2.7 World Series i'liziniiii
H'lsllllb is IihsoluIi-ly l'lllll‘ll







1 800 GO GUARD

loux. liIII llli' Iiimi llllllli \‘~l\l'
\lllll'\ lill'i .ii'ound

Iiiinn on l l\’
Sillll" Iii lill' lil‘si



Ki-Iidi 1' k SlIIIIiiunii oI'
Sli;iii;il.iii lKl'Illli'li'k Siniiiklnii.

To 111\ diiI-I lI’IwIId Hl‘Iltl l'i.iII illi':id I’Mllll ”‘11 III“.
.\lii'lioilix \oui'.\.I:.iII1.i l3i'.i\ « lil\lll'lll‘. .\l;ii'ioii \lIl In".
and (lupin-I .i'Illl” lll'i‘. wood 1\ r,\l:irlon MPH-w
“ill I; \‘mild Sow » III~I IIoI .\l\ IIiIdI-i‘IIIImi 1. 1*. for"
\\lllll' tho 'i'nnkI-w lf'l'.lllil1£.li i’lJlH liid'fl‘l ol Ihv vii-vi. .\ ll

l’I‘ouI Iliil Judi lwlp 1\ Siiiioi: \M- Idl know \\-’1~‘ 'ill'
hill'll Io lIIId \ liwirvii “was lit: Iullh-u-k «on d til»
lio\ Illllillillll‘l‘l IIIIiIigimi ~\"l‘\ l)lllll\. lllll 1..» “min;

whirl. Ii‘mluw Hi: i 1‘ iITI'El’l‘J

limllmil Iiixli'r
IIII ludod

Priority Registration

Spring 2000

Seniors Start Today

See the Schedule offlosws for details.

http://w \\ ii.uky.cdu/Regisirar/schcdulc.hlml


The Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings In the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
departments lnlormatlon can be submitted in Rm 203 Student Center or by
completing d request iorm onvllne at himgwwwxuky.ng/Siudgfitgemgf
Postings requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday inlormatlon is to
appear In the calendar. For more Inlormaiion (all PSI—8866

Wednesday 11/3

Res life Tutoring [rig 101 6 3079.1l01mes Classroom and Commons 3088

Res life Tutoring: Chemistry 5. 7 30pm. Commons 308A

Ros Lilo Tutoring. French. 7 10pm Kl’i’llt'ldnd

Res llle Tutoring. Spanish. 8 10pm at Commons 306

RPS 1 lie Tutoring Math 6 10pm. Hdggin l Liuiige

Res lllf‘ Tutoring History EOE 109 b 9'3Upm. History 104 105 6 30 ll 30pm rlolnw» Shiny

lEAP learning Skills Program 2 2 500m Rm 2011111129 Hull Sign up in aciuime'
Orientation for Shadowing I1nd liiIernships 10am 712im: Rm l I 1


Student (writer 3
r «4

Meeting) U' ,c.‘

SAB indoor AclIvIIIm (omnnIIow Mu ling ‘mm .101 Slum-n! (Miler t a, .

Table Francoise A Twain 1: ( wnwrmlum (mom 1 3pm Magic Florin» “(7“ ‘3 "

(0'19? (1). South Hill Sliiiiun

Golden 1(st National Honor Soc ll’l\ Mi-r-iinu (i Rpm Rm 228 Slum-Nil (untor

UK SnowticiiirdrSnowsvi 1. Iiih Moi-ling 7 30pm Rm 243 Student (enter

Tap Boxing. ‘ipm. awn»: student 1. mm.
UK Kempo Self Defense (“111.8 309m, Alumni byrn ion. FRHl

Movie Star Wars fDlSlldi’i 'lin Phantom Men.“ 9.7 lOpm. Worsham Thealrc- Si \ponr

sured by SAB

Special lvenis
WRFl's "local Show" lc-aiuring Hands. 64mm. Student Center (yameroom




“The small-town American experience as seen
through the camera lens ofAfrican—Americans
during the early part of the 20th Century.”




November 1.2 115m to 5pm

.Iori ~ Fri



. Rasdall Gallery
Student Center —- Student Activities
around thecomer from Wildcat Calling






Thursday 1 1/4


Free Math 109 and 121 Tutoring. RM 119 Student Center. Sign up in advance. call 7 6959
for more info

Res llle Tutoring Chemistry. 5 7 30pm. Haggln lounge

Ros lilo Tutoring. Frenc h. 4—6pm. commons 306

Res llle Tutoring Spanish. 3- 5 30pm at Holmes Study Lounge 8. 5 7pm aI Noggin
Computer Lab

Res life Tutoring Math. 6~ 100m. Holmes Classroom

Res Lilo Tutoring History 104.4105.6:30A8:30pm. Commons 306

PRSSA. 5pm. Maggie Room of (.rehan Bldg.


Thursday Night live. 8pm. (hrlsllan Student Fellowship building (502 (olumbla Ave 1
Devotion and lunch. 12pm. Baptist Student Center. 31

Freshman Focus. 60m. Baptist Student Center

UK Lambda. The Gay and lesbian Student Org. Meeting. 7'30pm. Rm 231 Student Center
Thursday Night Dinner with UK Wesley Foundation. 60m. 508 Columbia Ave 52. First rim»

Dinner at the Dorms sponsored by Hillel Jewish Student Org . 6' 150m. Bldlor Dining Hall
National Association of Black Accountants Meeting. 7: 150m. Rm 215 (mirror College of

wild Water (ais Meetlng 6 30pm Rm 123 Search Center

HablIai For Humanity Meeting. 5 pm. Rm 115 Student (enter

UK Trumpet Quartets. 8pm. Singlotan Recital Hall

U1limaie Frisbee Club Practice. 6 8pm, Hand Field


Tacklloxlng. 3 300m. Baptist Student Union
UK Rugby PracticP 6 '801'". Club Sports Field
UK Football (a Miss. State. 8pm. ESPN


Special Events
The Game Show. 779pm Student (enter Gamernom


"Women and (c0nnmlcs" by Dr Victoria Frunza who Is currently studying at UK 4 109m.
Midway College's Starks lecture Mall

Friday 11/5

Senior Voice Reclidl lcie Toldr. 8pm. Singletary (enter

Saturday 1 1/6

Caihollc Mass at The Newman (enter. 6pm


Res Lll'e Tutoring: [rig 101. 6309. Holmes Study lounge and Commons 306

Res lll'c- Tutoring Spanish. 5-7pm. Holmes Classroom

Res lilo Tutoring Malh,6»100m.(ommons 308A

Res life Tutorlng- lllslory 108/109. 6—9pm at Commons 3000 L lilstorv 104/105. 2—Spm at
Commons ”6

Res llle Tutoring (hemlstrv. 5. 80m. Boyd Study lounge



\ .




Sunday Morning Worship. 11am. Christian Student Fellowship (502 Columbla Ave.)
Catholic Mass at The Newman Conic-r. 0.9m. 1 imam. 59m. 8 300!»

W' on THE [RINK The Mlllenlum Nears. UK Art Museum. 12-Som
UK Band Spec lac ular. 5pm. Slnololary (concert hall. call 7 . 2263 lor Ticket -77.-.



“mm." s» A r w ~


 : 1 r: -. , .
g ' " Kimberly Glenn, asst. dialogue editor
Matt Ellison. copy deslt chief

Candice Jackson, at-Iarge member
Scott Marchand, asst. dialogue editor
Lance Pearson, at-large member

http //www kylo Hit 1,

Christopher Emmicli, dialogue editor
Mark Vanderhoff. editor in chief
Gary McCollum senior staff writer
Natalie Johnson, at large member








'l _, tr pay




“ Pell grant 4
dropouts ; .
must repay ‘ ‘
unused ‘ . 1

money ; Murder not


.. l
. @orciisgmns
Kernel didn't J



WASHINGTON — always '19“) StIIdent "
Beginning next year, . .
college students who h t - - th
win Pell grants and r w I e on apa y In
later drop out must ‘ ° '
repay the money blaCk 'ssue EleCtlon
they don't use.

The rule, published in To the editor: To the editor: l
Monday's Federal ‘ ’ ' :
282333;?“ 1 This is '1“ regards to the . The Nov. 1 edition of the

The payback rule column. "\\e should be past lyerneldiad a irontpage story
applies to students killing ourselves. by Shule» titled 'lly'ercoining Student
who withdraw from sia’Stewai‘t. Belore Mill,“ rite Apathy. ~ .. .. . . -. .
school before 60 an .1iti1ie to be read by 111111: lhe sltnystt‘lt'l registered
percent 0f the term [\ltliilll'sttill11(l)‘i'ltf;lmi people. ( hm k lyiiiiiliqtltti (itiniiilrh "‘iiiilli1 'tirtfurloe
'5 0Y9" ‘ 9t ttistics show bl'icks kill inu‘to “vote blindly“ " liecatgtase

They wrll have to repay f l , 7 I ‘ . ‘1 I ,- -” ~ .‘ ' .(
half of what they more yyh‘iteshthan whites kill oi a. lack oi knowledge about
didn't use for their . . blacks lhat s why in black the issues In this election.

. ‘ i z les are on deatlt row. and i expected the story to
education. i 1 in} , - , , . , - ~ .- , . ‘ l‘
Critics say the new rule t .itiiyyhite males are on death .iurnp to the msidc. ‘vyhere l y
from the Education t royy. ‘ ‘ might liiid pictures of the four
l Also. the victims are 314 candidates tor governor With
Department may “ l)l'l(‘l\' itl’lles‘ to l 81" white '1 short s'y'no )sis oftheir views
discourage needy lllftit‘s‘ i can understiind you on the tutor! issues
studentsfrom l 1.5.] 1,1 lily l-l“J~'H--t;l ,f- d