xt7t7659dd58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t7659dd58/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19321227 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1932-12-oct27-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1932-12-oct27-ec. 1932 2011 true xt7t7659dd58 section xt7t7659dd58 

     Minutes of Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, October 27, 1932.

     The Executive Committee of the Bonrd of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky met in President McVeyts office at the
University of Kentucky, October 27, 1932, at 10:30 a. -a.   The
members ox the Committee present were, Judge R. C. Stoll, Judge
Robert G. Gordon, E. B. Webb, and Joe B. Andrews.   President
Frank L. McVey and Secretary D. H. Peak were also present.

     1. Minutes Approved,   The minutes of the meeting of the
Executive Committee of September 20, 1932, were approved.

     2. Financial Report.   The financial report for September
was ordered to be recorded in the Minutes.    It reads as follows:

                                              EXHIBIT "B'

             Statement of Income and Expenditures
                  Month of September 1932


Current    Year
Month      To Date

General Fund Income
   Federal Appropriation
   Vocational Education Bd.
   Bureau of Mineral and Top.
   Survey - Misc. Receipts
   Bureau of Mineral and. Top.
   Survey - State Appro.
   State Tax
   Int. on Endowment Bonds
   Student Fees
   Student Fees - Sum. Sch.
   Student Fees - U.H1.S.
   Student Fees - El. Tr.Sch.



4 322.25
   223. 96
    30. 00

Student Fees - Univ. Extene 2,730.39
Hisc. Receipts               4 ,285.60
rentals                       4.13.80
Men's Dormitories              473.20
          Total            94.878.53

          42, 750.00
1,206.02   2, 746.07


   27, 650.54

    3 180.00
-   5a266.25
Q1 719. 28


 50 623.31
 4 322.25
 5 739.45



  Adm. Expense & lIaint.
  Additions & Betterments

Excess of Expenditures o

90 995.17
45, 247.26
   102. 77

  (414 66. 67)

Patterson Hall Income
  Room Rent - Sum.Sch.        1,236.50
              Total           1,236.50

  Expense                     2,423.56
  .Additions and Bettere        423_56
              Total           2s423.56

 Excess of Income over Ex-
 penditures                t12187. 06)

General Fund Income          96 115.03
General Fund Expenditures   138, 768.76
Excess of General Fund
  Income over Expenditures (42, 653.73)
  Accounts Payable liaui-
  dated                     (1,065.85)
  Excess of Expenditures over
  Receipts for General Ledger
  Accounts                  74, 225.01
  Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for the f is-
  cal year to date - Gen-
  eral Fund                 30 505e43

  Excess of Receipts over Ex-
  penditures for the fiscal
  year to date - General Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 -
  General Fund
  Cash in Bank September 30, 1932 -
  General Fund

73,742. 91
16s 193.82
1 112. 26

164 738.08
61,441. 08

39$669.47  (1.797.20)

10. 142.25  10,142.25
   25.00    1,261.50
10,167.25  11,403.75

1,583.86   4,007.42
1,816.50    1,1816. 50
3$400.36   5S823.e92

  6,766.89    5, 579.83

  140,886.53 237,001.56
    94,449.35 233 218.11
    46,437.18   3,783.45

      (454.22) (1,520.07)

_   ( 711203.17)  3,021.84

   (25)220.21)  5,285,22


(12,272. 36)

( 6.989.14)



Experiment Station Income
  Hatch - Federal Appro.     2
  Milk and Butter - Cash
  Dairy Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales
  Poultry Sales
  Farm Produce Sales
  Horticultural Sales
  Seed Test
  Seed Inspection
  Fertilizer - Fees
  Public Service - State Ap. I
  Feeding Stuffs - Fees
  Adams - Federal Appro.
  Serun - Sales
  Serum - Virus Sales
  Serum - Supply Sales
  Serum - Miscellaneous Rec.
  State Appropriation
  Creamery - License Fees
  Creamery - Testers License -
  Creamery - Glassware Test.
  Robinson - State Appro.
  Robinson - Misc. Receipts
  West Ky.-8tate Appro.
  West Ky.-MiscE Receipts
  Purnell - Federal Appro. 1l
  Nursery Inspection - Fees
  Poultry Improvement
  Blood Test
  Dark, Fired Tobacco Grow-
    ers Assin
  Stemming District Tobacco
    Growers Ass'n
                   Total    5

  Expense                   5:
  Additions and Better-
                   Total    5
  Excess of Expenditures
    over Income
  Excess of Receipts over
    Expenditures for General
    Ledger accounts
  Excess of Expenditures over

3 750. 00

1, 645c 49

2013. 72
  715. 00
L 577.17

LY 976. 93
l, 180. 50
L, 041. 00

  301. 00

1 953.03


  72. 29
1 714. 66

  137. 70

1, 253.66


  92. 75

3 750. 00

2 307.10
   176. 86
   374. 22
   193. 67
   147. 57
4 075.36
  431. 01
  44. 30
1 ,615. 00
37 291. 83
6.7 742. 10
  420. 75
  21. 60
  11i 80
  60. 00
6,862. 74
4,323. 50
  105. 20
1 ,043.56
2,301. 00
1I, 253. 66
1$ 953. 03
15,00. 00.
   480. 00
   300. 00
   291. 00

164. 88  4, 566. 19

3,102.16                 3 102.16
3 766. 92   16, 451. 24  70 218.16

1 848. 36   24 976. 68  76, 825. 04

200.00                    200.00
Pi2048.36   24,976,68   77 025.04






2. 208. 75

7.257.87  ( s11 6o (8564 Q05)

(4. 598.13)



Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for the fiscal year
to date - Experiment Station
Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 -
Experiment Station
Cash in Bank September 30,
1932 - Experiment Station



(9.I981. 561)

Extension Division Income
Federal Smith-Lever
Federal Additional Co-op.
Federal Supplementary
Federal Capper-Ketcham
State Smith-Lever
State Capper-Ketcham
County & Other


Excess of Income over E:x-

74, 154. 38
11, 148. 75
   535. 32

         74, 154. 38
         15 500.00
         18, 400.49
11 374,46 22,523.21
   140.14    675. 46

1463587.2  11514.60Q58,101.89

58,945.47  303429.67 89X375.14

87 641.82 (18.915.07) E 726.75
_ a Zs                      -

Excess of Income over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - Extension
Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 -
Extension Division
Cash in Bank September 30,
1932.- Extension Division

68, 726.75

7, 737. 68

Trust Fund Income
Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
             Total Receipts

Student Notes

 Excess of Expenditures over

215. 00


483. 40

278.83    401.59     680.42

77.69      44.00    121.69
298.50    337.25     635.75
376.19      381.25   757.44

(97. 36)

20.34   (77.02)

Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for the fiscal year
to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 -
Trust Furnd
Cash in :anlk September 30 1932
- Trust Fund






General Fund Income
Experiment Station Inc.
Extension Division Inc.
Trust Fund Income

531, 7668 92
146, 587. 29

General Fund Expendi-
,tures                   138,768.76
Experiment Station Ex--
penditures                52, 048.36
Extension Division Expend. 58 ,94-5.47
Trust Fund Expenditures        77.69
             Total        2495,840.28

Excess of Income over Ex-
pendi ture s

46, 692.79

16, 451.24
168 .985. 56

94 449.35

30, 429.67


237g001. 56
    197. 02
465. 518. 63


77, 025. 04
    121. 69


Accounts Payable licquidated (1,065.85)
Excess of Receipts over
Expenditures for General
Ledger accounts           79, 764.32
Student Loan Fund - Notes     (83.50)

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - Combined

(454.22) (1, 520.07)

(74,V533. 73)

25, 307.76 -(55.970. 94)

Excess of Receipts over
Expenditures for the
fiscal year to date -
Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand
July 1, 1932 - Combined
Cash in Bank and or. hand
September 30, 1932 - Com-
bined Fund

5 230.59

=~~~~~~~~9 336. J

69 336.82


62.725. 29

__ _

69.4336. 8P



Abstract of itemr shown on State-m.ent
of Income and Expenditures as "Ex-
cess of Receipts over Expenditures
for General Ledger accounts $5,230.50"

                   Debit            Credit

Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Ad-



Sundry accounts

Notes Payable




     3. Financial Outlook. The distribution
reported by the BusinesisAgent is as follows:

               Inheritance Tax



75 439.66

of State tax transfers

Ad Valorem


     This statement, the financial report, a statement of' estimat-
ed income for October and comparisons made by President HcVey with
last year's income were reviewed by the committee, and the most
rigid economy in expenditures was recommended.

     4. Bills Allowed   The following bills were allowed, payment
to be made when funds are available:

     a. Balance Compensation Insurance Pre-mium



University of Kentucky and The State of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, to Aetna Life insurance
Company, Hartford., Connecticut, Dr.

For Compensation Insur.-rnce


Clerical Office


Professors and Teachers

All Other Employees





Premium, 6-30-31 to

  Rate    Earned

   1e065  128.75

.076   927.85

.828  2238.00



Estimated Premium

(1796. 30)

3307. 74 (1796. 30)


Net Additional Premium

1511. 44

b. Legal Services

                                  25 October, 1932



                J. P. JOH1,TST0N
To services rendered in the Franklin Circuit Court and
Court of Appeals in case of Havemeyerts Executors va Cole-
manJ Auditor, involving the validity of the flat rate In-
heritance tax against non-residents and the power of Ken-
tucky to levy an inheritance tax on stock in a Kentucky
corporation owned by a non-resident,                 $1000.00

Expenses in connection with the above:



Dec. 18,   Day in Frankfort1 conference with
           Atty. General, Judge Wells, and
           others,                          j4.50

Jan.  79   Half day in Frankfort,            2.80
     15,   Day in Frankfort preparing for
           trial,                            3.50
     16,   Day in Frankfort, trial in cir-
            cuit court, expenses of self
            and Mr. Gess,                     4.25
May  14    Phone call to Atty. General,       .30
     15    Half day in Frankfort, confer-
           ence with Atty. General,          2.80
June  4    Half day in Frankfort, con-
           ference with Atty. General,       2.80
 If   8    Half day in Frankfort,            2.80
 i  18    Phone call to Attby. General 9      .30
 Oct.  6    Phone call to Atty. General,       .30
      6    Half day in Franklort      9      2.80

Mar. 31    Copy of opinion of Court of Ap-
           peal~s,                             O1.00
                                            p28.15    $28.15

To services rendered in connection with obtaining a
construction of the 1932 Budget Appropriation Act as
to its effect on the apportionment to the University
of the millage tax and inheritance taxes,           01250.00

Expenses in connection with the above:

Mar. 28,   Conference of representatives of
           University and Normal Schools at
Apr.  7    Conference of same at Louisville,
     18    Meeting with Board of Trustees,
 If  19    Half day in Frankfort,          52.80
 if  28    Half day in Frankfort,           2.80
 if  29    Meeting with Board of Trustees,
 "   30    Two phone calls to Atty. Gen.     .60
May   4    Conference in Frankfort with
     17    Atty. General,
     I' 17 Conference in Frankfort with
           Atty. General,



     Hay 27    Two phone calls to Auditor's     6
               Office,                          60
         n 27 Half day in Frankfort           2.80
       ' 30    Half day in Frankfort           2.80
       "  31   Phone call to auditorIs office  .30

     June 2    Phone call to auditor's office  .30
     it  3   Phone call to auditor's of ice  .30
          4   Meeting with Board of Trustees,
          6   Conference with Auditor in
               Frankf ort ,
                                              413.30      13.30

     To services rendered in connection with the inheri-
     tance Tax on the Estate of Willia.m Monroe Wright,
     deceased,                                          -500. 0

                                    Total               .i2791.45

     G. Klair and Scott:

     University of Kentucky (Experiment Station) in account
          with Klair and Scott, General Insurance.

          Account Rendered.                     $3628,09

     Credit by return premiums on account of
     reduction in rate as of October 8 th, 1932.   214.57

                     Balance due                 $3413.52

     5. Kentucky Geological Survey - Statement of Accounts.
The Business Agent reported that on October 18, 1932, he sent to
the Auditor of Pulblic Accounts the statements of accounts against
the recent department of State, Kentucky Geological Survey, that
had been sent to the University of Kentucky; sent in compliance
with an order in the minutes o-f the Board of Trustees of June 4,
1932.   The acts of the Busines,. Agrent were approved and he was
directed to file a list of the accounts and the correspondence
relative thereto in files kept for Board of Trustees.    All oth-
er bills that may be received are to be disposed of in like man-



     6. Obligations to Walter K. Patterson Estate. The Business
Agent reported that he had consulted J. Pelhana Johnston, as direct-
ed by the Executive Committee, relative to indebtedness of Uni-
versity of Kentucky to the estate of Walter K. Patterson, deceased.
Letter from Mr. Johnston follows:

     Letter from J. Pelham Johnston to D. H. Peak, Business Agent,
         University of Kentucky, September 30, 1932.

     Dear Mr. Peak:

          Pursuant to your request for a statement as to the
     obligation if any, of the University of Kentucky to the
     Estate of Valter K. Patterson in connection with the
     Girls' Dormitory, I wish to submit thre following:

          By deed dated July let, 1925, and recorded in Deed
     Book 232, Page 84, the lot on which the Girls   Dormitory
     was erected was conveyed to the Security Trust Company
     for the recited consideration of $1.00 and other valuable
     considerations, cash paid.    However, by contract between
     Walter K. Patterson and Security Trust Company, dated
     March 16th, 1925, recorded in Deed Book 232, Page 356,
     it was recited that the foregoing deed had been executed
     and delivered but that the same did not state the true
     consideration of the conveyance and that the consideration
     of the conveyance was not stated therein, and it was ac-
     cordingly agreed as the.consideration for said conveyance
     that the Security Trust Company would pay to Walter K.
     Patterson $500.00 per year during his natural life and
     at the time of his death to pay to his executors and ad-
     ministrators the sum of $500,0OO.

          It was further provided in said contract that in
     the event Security Trust Company conveyed said property
     to the University of Kentucky a lien should be retained
     on the property to secure the payment of said obligation,
     and upon such lien being retained Security Trust Company
     should be released from all personal liability thereon.

          In the deed from Security Trust Company to University
     of Kentucky, dated June 30, 1926, recorded in Deed Book
     237, Page 548, a lien was retained to secure the payment
     of said $500.00 per year to 'Walter K. Patterson during
     his life and $5000.00 to his executors at the time of his
     death.   In my opinion on the abstract of title, which
     I submitted to you under date of June 30, 1926, the ex-
     istence of the foregoing lien is stated as an exception
     to the validity of the fee simple title conveyed to you
     by said deed.



          Upon the payment to Walter K. Patterson's Ex-
     ecutor of the $500. 00, with interest from the date
     of the death of Walter K. Patterson, and the payment
     of the balance of the $500.00 per year, which was un-
     paid at the time of his deaths it will be the duty of
     said executor to make a release of the lien securing
     the payment of said obligations, on the margin of the
     record of the deed from Security Trust Company to Uni-
     versity of Kentucky.

          The lien retained in said deed from Security
     Trust Company to University of Kentucky, to secure the
     payment of the note for $70,910.85 mentioned therein,
     was properly released by endorsement on the margin of
     the record of the deed by Security Trust Company, as

     The rent from July 1, 1931, to date of death of 'Valter K.
Patterson, July 14, 1932, amounting to $519o45!, due on contract
shown in the deed from Security Trust Company to the University
of Kentucky for Patterson Hall Annex, was ordered paidb   It was
suggested that the executor of the estate may be willing to car-
ry the principal indebtedness or to make a transfer of the debt
and lien to the Student Loan Fund Committee, so that the Universi-
ty of Kentucky may for the time being pay the interest thereon.
The Buhsiness Agent was directed to investigate this and to report
the next meeting of the Committee.s

     7. Funds in Princeton Bank. The following letter was received
from the First National Bank and Trust Company of Lexington, Ken-

     Letter from J. M. Sellers, Cashier, First National Bank and
Trust Company, Lexington, Kentucky, to the Business Agent of the
University of Kentucky, October 21, 1932.

     Dear Mr. Peakc

          We are in receipt of request from the First
     National Bank, Princeton, Ky., asking that we deliver
     to them matured coupons from $475000 Fourth Issue
     U. S. Liberty Bonds that we are holding under receipt
     given by this institution, said bonds and a certain
     state warrant being held as collateral security for de-
     posit of the University of Kentucky carried with the
     First National Bank, Princeton,



          The terms of this receipt do not give us authori-
    ty to deliver the matured coupons, however, if it is
    agreeable with you that the coupons be delivered to the
    First National Bank, you may advise and we will detach
    said coupons and make proper delivery.

          If you have no objection, we suggest that you give
    us general authority to deliver any matured coupons from
    time to time held under the receipt referred to as well
    as interest upon the State Warrant to the said hirst Na-
    tional Bank, Princeton, Ky.   In other words, we suggest
    that you give general authority for such delivery in or-
    der to avid the necessity of having you give special
    permission in each instance.

    It was the opinion of the members of the Executive Committee
that the First National Bank of Princeton is within its rights in
making the request set out in the letter copied above, and that it
is entitled to the interest and interest coupons so requested.
The Business Agent was directed to notify the First National Bank
and Trust Company of Lexington to that effect.

     8. Recommendation by Kentucky Actuarial Bureau.   The Ken-
tucky Actuarial Bureau of Louisville, Kentucky, on October 17,
1932, made the following recommendations:

     1. Arrange hood, as well as vents from both the cook
        stove and the hood (Boyd Hall, bsmt,)5 in a safe
        manner with either 18" clearance to all combustible
        material, or with 9" clearance to combustible ma-
        terial when the latter is protected by means of *"
        asbestos board (or asbestos and metal) supported so
        as to leave a 1" air space beneath it.

     2. Eliminate all unsafe lamp cord extensions throughout
        the dormitory rooms, and guard against the misuse
        of these extensions and drop cords; also limit the
        size of fuses on lighting circuits to 15 amperes.

     3. Prohibit the hanging of clothes and miscellaneous
     articles on the sprinkler piping and provide guards on
        all heads in closets that are not now so protected.

     4. If feasible the 2- gallon extinguishers on the dormi-
        tory floors should be replaced with 11 gallon size
        for more convenient handling by girls; two l1 gallon
        devices should be provided in place of each 2 gallon
        unit.   All extinguishers and fire hose units should
        be conspicuously labeled "For Fire Only" and directions
        for using posted.   The 2-1- gallon extinguishers in at-
        tics should be replaced by approved non-freeze type



    It appears that these recommendations will be more or lews
difficult to carry out, and it was suggested that University of-
ficials endeavor to do so as far as possible and practicable.

    9. Sale of State Warrants.   The following report by the
Business Agent of sale of State Warrants was approved and order-
ed inserted in the minutes:

                      SALE OF WARRANTS

          Pursuant to order made at the last meeting of the
     Executive Committee, I placed with the Security Trust
     Company to be converted into Certificates of Beneficial
     Interest the following State Warrants:

No. F 1870 - September 2, 1932, Extension.Dive
No. F 1869 - September 2, 1932, Experiment Sta.
No. F 1868   September 2, 1932, Public Service

$12,154. 9
  1,833. 33

     On these, certificates were issued respectively for
$12, 000.00, $5, 000.00, $1,500.00 and payment was made
for difference between the face value of each warrant
and the respective certificate at 93 per cent and accrued
interest.   In a few days after the issue of the certifi-
cates it was found necessary to sell them.   The Security
Trust Company purchased them for 931 per cent and accrued
interest.   Please approve of these sales as set out in
the following statement:

  Extension Division;

$12,000.00 Beneficial Certificate at 93  
    154.89 Balance warrant at 93
12,154.89 Face of Warrant

  Experiment Station:

$ 5,000.00 Beneficial Certificate at 93-
    221.54 Balance warrant at 93

  Public Service:

$ 1,500.00 Beneficial Certificate at 93*
    333.33 Balance warrant at 93

Sale Price

$11,190. 00
           11 374 46

4, 662.50
206. 04
  17. 27

1 398. 75
    5. 92
         1,714. 66
         17, 974. 93



      10. State Warrants on Hand.  The Business ;agent reported fol-
 lowing State Warrants on hand:

     We have on hand State Warrants as follows:

     Geological Survey Transfer                     776.39
     Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey       307.60
     Special Agricultural Appropriation           3,612.23

                        Experiment Station
     Appropriation                                30513.84
     Appropriation                                2,842.49
     Public Service                               1,833*33
     Robinson Sub-Experiment Station              1,580.49
     Western Kentucky Sub-Experiment Station      1-208.66

     The Business Agent was authorized to sell State Warrants,
whenever it is deemed advisable to do so, at the best prices the
market offers.

     11. Mapleton Corporation Claim. The Business Agent reported
the claim of the Mapleton Corporation of Chicago, relative to pur-
ported infringement of purported patent rights on cafeteria. tray
rail used in University Commons.   In a letter to the University
of Kentucky dated August 27, 1932, the Mapleton Corporation makes
the following statement:

          "Kindly accept this letter as notice that we are
     about to proceed against you for infringement of our pat-
     ent rights.   We shall prosecute these rights fully, but
     will be reasonable with those inclined to compromise with-
     out further delay."

     A tentative threat to place in "hands of local counsel on
orders to file suit" follows.

     The report and correspondencewere ordered filed in files kept
for Board of Trustees,   No other order was made.

     12. Vocational Education -  Settlement of Junes 1932  Sala-
ries.   The action of the Business Agent and Dean t. S. Taylor,
College of Education, as shown by the following report was ap-
proved#   Report of Business Agent follows:



          At the meeting of July 13, 1932, I was directed to
     confer with Dean W. S. Taylor relative to payment of Julne
     salaries of members of the Vocational Education Department,
     it appearing that State Warrants issued to the University
     for state funds due that department were sold at 78-i per

          In view of the fact that the June salaries were re-
     ported to the State Vocational Education Board early in
     June, and that the State Warrant issued in June was for
     total expenditures for the half of the year ending June
     305 1932, including June salaries, it war deemed best to
     issue the checks to the members of the department and
     let each refund the amount thereof to the University0
     Dean Taylor and the members of the staff decided to do
     this by endorsing the checks and turning them back to the
     University Treasurer.   The checks returnrare all that
     were issued for June salaries except that of Olive G.
     Bowden for $50O00.   The reason for the payment of this
     check is explained in the letter cf Dean W. S. Taylor sub-
     mitted herewith.

          The checks endorsed and returned are:  W. S. Taylor,
     @l5O00; Carsie Hammonds, p360.00; Ralph Woods, Nj338.35;
     Ethel Parker, ,@322.53; Ronella Spickard, 532000; Kath-
     erine Rogers, $179.18; A. N. May, $67.10; Marie Stephen-
     son, $109.18; Eddora Russell9 $49.l8; Mary Lois William-
     son, $8000; total, $1,975.52.

     2o. Robinson Sub-Experiment Station Collections Held Trust
Funds. A paragraph in the deed from the E. 0. Robinson Mountain
Fund to the University of Kentucky reads as follows;

     "The proceeds of the sale of said property or any part
     thereof and the net revenues derived from the operation
     of said property by the University shall be used to fur-
     ther the purposes of the trust hereinabove defined, and
     for such other purposes as will tend to the betterment
     of the people of the mountain regions of Kentucky as may
     be agreed upon by the parties hereto."

     It is the opinion of the Executive Committee that these col-
lections are trust funds and do not come within the meaning and
scope of the clause in the appropriation bills passed by last
State Legislature requiring transfer of funds to State Treasurer.
The terms under which trust funds are given and accepted will not
permit of such transfer.



     14. Handling Special Funds. The question of handling the
Tobacco Grading Funds and the Poultry Marketing Fund through
special accounts in departments was presented.   It was the sense
of the Committee that all funds be administered through the regu-
lar accounting office of the University.

     15. Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation.   The appoint-
ment of Dean Thomas P. Cooper as a member of the Committee in
charge of the Louisville Branch of the Regional Agricultural Cred-
it Corporation, of Columbus, Ohio, was approved.

     16. Purchase of Land Near Robinson Sub-Experiment Station.
Letter recommending purchase:

     Letter from Thomas Cooper, Dean and Director of the Experi-
     ment Station to President Frank L. McVey, October 14, 1932.

          We have an opportunity to purchase approximately
     eleven acres of land, lying on Rose Branch, just off
     Quicksand Creek, and connecting the Rose Branch and
     Falling Rock parcel of land with the Robinson Substa-
     tion farm.   This particular piece of property has been
     a source of diffim lty from time to time, both f rom the
     standpoint of traffic and of fire, which has at times
     threatened our farm property.    The eleven acres can be
     purchased for a total of $125.

          The deed of trust from -the Robinson Mountain Founda-
     tion provides that funds secured from the Substation are
     to be expended in connection therewith or in connection
     with specific work in the mIlountains.  'e secure an in-
     come from the farm of the Robinson Substation.

           I wish to recommend that we be authorized to pur-
     chase this property at the stated price of $125, the
     funds to be taken from the Robinson Substation farm in-
     come.   I attach a map showing the location of land.   In
     the event the Board approves the purchase, I shall desire
     to have the deed abstracted and approved by Judge Pollard
     before it is submitted to the Attorney General, and wish
     -to be authorized to employ Judge Pollard for that purpose.

     On motion duly seconded Dean Cooper was authorized to proceed
to make the purchase.



     17.  Tapping Sewer.  The request of C. M. Johnson to tap
sewer running between the Small Animal House ande.. Washington Avenue
was continued, further information being desired as to the size of
sewer, and the general effects on other property holders, grant-
ing such privilege may have.

     18. Bus Line's Request.   The request of the Bus Line to put
agencies on the campus for sale of tickets was passed for further

     19. Centre College's Gift of Books.

     Presentation:   Letter from Charles J. Turck, President of
Centre College, to Frank L. MoVey, President of the University of

          It has been a personal pleasure to me to send the
     government documents to the University of Kentucky as a
     gift from Centre College.   It is all right to make an-
     nouncement of the fact whenever you care to do so.

     The gift was accespted and on motion and second, this resolu-
tion 7ae adopted:

          Resolved, that the Executive Committee wishes to
     express to the Board of Trustees of Centre College its
     great appreciation for the valuable gift of government
     documents recently presented to the University of Ken-
     tucky Library by Centre College.   This gift supplements
     documents owmned by the University and 'prill make it possi-
     ble to provide a complete Congressional set for the Uni-
     versity of Kentucky Library.   The gift is a valuable one,
     not only as a material addition to the