xt7t7659f53r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t7659f53r/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1982 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 57, No. 3, Winter 1982 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 57, No. 3, Winter 1982 1982 2014 true xt7t7659f53r section xt7t7659f53r "‘_ v4U|~5I~c a` 4* ( ¢ FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE ¤ *· { Li Y`- Yolume 57 Number 3 Wmter 1982 ; Q ; <_ 1.- » P o 5 QUARTERLY BULLETIN no s M. Mw <»'· I 1 ` I: *NN "·¢ I * » F ‘¤ ·· »· .**5,; · W 4 '_Ijr_;jI I, " { . [ ‘ I ‘ I~ .», I .' ¤». —— ;·~212*E?i%—¢‘2$i;¤.¤—III·— < .» I- - v·...·· , I » . ·:, <»— __ r I . _ . I I ·. ·=§‘-=.:’·m_&~—·§5»; I · I r, V . I Bj » _- V _ S I I — · »»=» Yi I · I, -I ° n ``'.’ ‘ I ·‘`' ‘ f Y ¥ ’ ‘ · I ¤ » ‘I’— · f ~ ¢ » I IIIV · I . `»~· ‘ ' ;;g;~iI;§~$I·I:; · .4; · x . \ I 12II i— ‘.`` · , _ . { —; ’‘I` I ` I » =» ; w -=·· · j" _ ; ;.; .I . I " ¤ " I --= ; * ‘ »·=» The » T “ J; · ~ ’ .— ` ` .»~` »—` II _ _ .... I. ....__ ,... , `...»`; ..`.,.......`.,, ,.`».... J U .J.... .{`.I . ‘ _ Z _ _; _=_., ’ . ' " ‘ sy F . ··~` ; : . M; \ ‘»·V=‘ &r¤51¤%—Ii?£i `°»- ·—~` 1 .‘=’·‘ I ‘ I t- ?=¤"`Z·}¤`?··Y¤’=:‘ IZ} ?‘ ` · » » E __., I I _ _ ‘* ·.»» e `* I · LI _ ._ I an I g V ———~ . A R ` ·=~ .. JF; I5··` II·I .I I § II 3 __\___ _:. tv _ ~ 1, Y A ``’" ’ `· _ Iii? I 1 II· » -. ; In _ - Ivv» I I J ` A- X I \.» ~=—~ ..`° I · ~ = »· `· ; Q ``’`` ’ = [ISS a` ` ’ " ` i= ·I .=· — . . ».·I· ;I ‘ . " Sf i ..‘, %»x§t‘<$» i ' ;I~ ‘ ‘¤IZ= i~ I,>==;{I Us ISSN 0016-2116 l I 'i FRONT COVER: Betsy MacMillan and Karen Kudia, Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing, graduating class of May 1981, assist in a delivery. Photo by Gabrielle Beasley A li FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE QUARTERLY BULLETIN US ISSN 0016-2116 1 Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Wendover, Kentucky 41775 Subscription Price $5.00 a Year Edit0r’s Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 3 l VOLUME 57 WINTER 1962 NUMBER 6 ’ Second-class postage paid at Wendover, Ky, 41775 and at additional mailing offices S Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendcver, Ky. 41775 · Copyright 1982, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. if l CONTENTS A1mcLE AUTHOR PAGE Rural Oncology Project — 3 * Year in Review Susan Kanvick, M.P.H. 2 l Community Notes 5 H? Neighborhood Health Worker 7 Updated Survey of Graduates Alice Whitman 9 Staff Opportunities 12 Book Corner 13 Edward S. Dabney Homer Drew 15 Memorial: Glenda Sue Swartz Greg and Sandra Walker 16 In Memoriam 18 Memorial Gifts 19 Urgent Needs 21 Alumnae News 22 Staff News 28 Courier News 29 Martha Belle Molly Lee, R.N, CNM. 32 Field Notes 34 1 Order Form 39 1 li I a l; ll >l 2 snowman Nunsmc smwics j RURAL ONCOLOGY PROJECT — A YEAR IN REVIEW . by Susan Kanvik, M.P.H., Project Coordinator With the FNS Rural Oncology Demonstration Project now into _ its second year it is important to review the initial year’s ° accomplishments. This gives us the opportunity to assess the progress toward the project’s goal of demonstrating that rural 1 cancer patients can receive quality care at the primary care level. When referral to a medical center or other tertiary level care is necessary the project’s aim is to minimize the disruption such a process may cause for the rural cancer patient and his family. The _ following paragraph provides some background information on the project. .l The Rural Oncology Demonstration Project is funded through a grant from the National Cancer Institute. FNS was awarded the · grant in September of 1980 to expand its efforts in caring for the rural cancer patient. Those earlier efforts included Dr. Anne Wasson’s initiation of an informal tumor registry in 1975 and Dr. j Eva Gilbert’s initiation of a Pap registry. While useful sources of · information on cancer incidence, these registries began as . mechanisms to ensure proper follow-up. In 1977 a three year A subcontract with the Ephraim McDowell Community Cancer . Network was granted which funded a three year Community j Nurse Oncology Project. The arrangement with McDowell provid- ed an oncology nurse position which Pat Campbell has filled since June, 1979. Dr. Wasson’s sustained interest and Pat Campbell’s fine work in caring for cancer patients provided a strong foundation for the current project. The Rural Oncology Demonstration Project hopes to provide , quality cancer care at the primary care level with a multi- disciplinary team approach. This team consists ofthe project staff (a part-time family practice physician, an oncology nurse, and a f project coordinator) and the various health care providers at FNS and the referral medical centers. The project defines quality cancer care as promotion of cancer prevention and early detec- l tion, as well as diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, allied health services referral, and emotional support. The objectives and EI subsequent activities of the project can be grouped according to , those dealing with professional education, patient services, i- cancer data management, and public education. M Q QUARTERLY BULLETIN s , The first year, under the direction of Alice Basch was one of T several accomplishments in the area of professional education. The first step was to survey the FNS practitioners as to their _ attitudes, knowledge and beliefs concerning cancer. A chart ' review of 219 out patient physical exams was conducted to determine practitioner charting practices relative to early diagnosis. The project then sponsored and presented several in- ` service lectures and ‘grand rounds’ for FNS staff on such topics as Pain Management, Chronic Illness, Infection Control, Ostomies and Skin Care, Breast Cancer and Breast Self-Exam. A con- _ tinuing education workshop on cancer prevention was presented _ for area RNs. The project also expanded the cancer related educational materials available through FNS. Current oncology § related articles are copied and catalogued for easy reference. The ‘ Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing was presented lectures on hospice and cancer staging and patterns of metostasis. 1 The development of follow-up guidelines for fourteen tumor i sites was an important accomplishment in the area of patient = services. Additionally, thirty-five FNS cancer patients were { interviewed to assess their feelings about the care they were T receiving. The patient satisfaction survey is one aspect of the , evaluation component of the project. The intent is to use the survey results in evaluating the impact the project has had on the quality of cancer patient services at FNS. Some additional project accomplishments related to patient services are the increase of nurse administration of chemotherapy, development of a kardex system for nursing assessment of the cancer patient, follow-up for symptom control, and referral assistance. A needs assessment , was conducted by a pre-med student from Berea College regarding the need for a hospice-without-walls within Leslie County. The general findings were that such needs as a hospice would fulfill f were currently being met with family support, the services of the FNS Home Health Agency, and the Mary Breckinridge Hospital Staff. , The initial year of the Rural Oncology Demonstration Project { has seen an increase in the tumor and Pap registry entries. In °T> addition, as FNS maintains the only tumor registry in ? Southeastern Kentucky, the project has provided informal con- 4 sultation to health care facilities in the area that are considering intitiating registries. The project had begun plotting tumor sites l *1 4 Faorrrim Nuizsmo smnvicm V I V V Q,} I j T =;·= A ·' ' - n ` I ‘ .‘,i€ Vi’· {j _:, ` ( 'gifj ».=v Qi?. S li " r l . ·’‘— ‘ V i ~.V’ j—.— », ; »a.f;· .·-'. V _ Q = _ _` r P :3 `”‘. * ,’~‘ “ ‘ · V *·` E * >~ *-4,,.:, .,‘ _ + 4A`” ` > · _; vu" I `llzaé l .=*a·=“ · i . § _ - .~ _' ·-·/ · V —. 4* `J} l`Mv_f g¢H'·_?@ · V; I Susan Kanvik, MPH, Rural Oncology Project Director il by the patient’s residence. While the project’s objectives regarding % cancer data management are primarily concerned with patient j follow—up, it is possible that at some time the data collected may _ have some epidemiological importance. Q Public education is important to the project’s success in that l promotion of cancer prevention and early detection is dependent on community awareness of risks associated with cancer in- l cidence as well as recommended screening schedules. Posters addressing various aspects of cancer have been rotated at the zi Leslie County Public Library and in the Primary Care Clinicin an l attempt to raise community awareness. Several newspaper ar- l ticles regarding cancer have been published in the local papers. A one month smoking cessation campaign was conducted in preparation for the Great American Smoke Out. Additional public education activities include a presentation to the Leslie County Y Lions Club and work with the county unit of the American Cancer Society. In conclusion this overview of the FNS Rural Oncology _ Demonstration Project’s first year’s accomplishments is aform of checking the progress toward the proposed objectives. Respon- sibility for the formal evaluation component has been subcon- l tracted to the University of Kentucky. The project is well on its l way toward improving professional skills, patient services, data l management, and community attitudes related to cancer. The . following two years, however, provide tremendous opportunitity for continued progress. 4 1 3 1 ______?____ QUARTERLY BULLETIN 5 J COMMUNITY NOTES The Leslie County Development Association l In the early sixties under President Kennedy the Office of { Economic Opportunity (O.E.O.) sponsored Community Action "` Councils to promote development for communities and counties on the local level. These councils were meant to generate ideas for the improvement of the county, and, in Leslie County, achieved i the paving of the road to Confluence, and the installation of the water and sewage systems. In 1973, the Development Association . as we know it today came into being with James Mosley as its first ` president. Patterned after its sister organization in London (Laurel { County), the association meets at noon over lunch so that anyone who wants to participate need not miss work. The meetings are I ‘open’, that is, anyone is invited who will participate, people are L encouraged to attend as often as they can, and dues are collected E on a voluntary basis. The only other rule is that there be no E solicitation during meetings. The Agricultural Extension Agency { serves as the contact office for the association in that it keeps the j records and minutes of the meetings and sends out reminder notices. L The accomplishments of the Development Association are not few. Among other things it has been a catalyst in the Blood Donor gj Program for the county, helped to get the escape ramp built at the bottom of the spur, helped initiate the volunteer fire department and, later, the ambulance service. It has reflected the wishes and needs of county residents in such small but important areas as putting up stop signs and speed limits, not to mention the garbage dumpsters, and various road improvements. With the cooperation ’ of the schools, the association has been responsible for the county- wide clean-ups and has sponsored the Junior Olympics. The Mary Breckinridge Festival originated within the committee which ` flourishes now as the result of work by schools, county officials, businesses, and groups such as the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, i and not by the efforts of FNS alone. The most important project " the committee is working on now is the construction of an off- j ramp at Dryhill. The state Secretary of Transportation will be l coming in February to review the project and look at the site. The greatest asset the Development Association maintains is l its openness. Whether it has supported public officials in their 5; i y _ _ A : —» , .. Q gb _g. `X 1 `t .`»` ‘ ‘»`“ ,/ t A ’ ~ i§—!*[ ¤‘ T..”* %‘i· rg; ` é r l stl? ‘ is “ , =~¤ ws t- Lv t . ‘ E if E"` N?/5»·" _;¤-·-rg L, »_ ..*.,;·;·· i * - {9* F4 vi .~ . 1 5.. ,1,..1 ....]; s. - ¤ `~~ · * gv.; ~.·= ; · ~ f ‘v . ~· )__ if", \,_. - __ ‘ · · A ` _ =*· ' ~— ` I ,;_(;;_.. .... -,..1 ., . -i i-;. .···\· · V? _ ‘ ¥’¤.·>~-#—-»» »..»1...-£.. 1 ·* I ; ` ef ·. · i·· . tt- *¢ --; ‘ ef 4 ’c *2 »—» `»., _ '’` From top of stairs: Ann Cundle, Cheryl Lowe, Ron Rosenstiel, Rev. Bob Schaeffer, Howard Napier, Betty Roberts, lean Elam, Rufus Fugate, Betty Lester, Bobbie Deaton, Donna Vanover, and Faye Farmer. efforts to make improvements or badgered them to get things done, the association remains a public forum where ideas may be heard without fear of political repercussions. A continuing education conference on Appalachian Health Care is being planned and arranged with Betty Bear, of the University of Kentucky College of Nursing, for the middle of May, · 1982. The conference is being sponsored by the American Field Studies through Emmanuel College of Boston. We are expecting twenty or so RNs to join us and live at Wendover the week of May — 17. The sale of Wide Neighborhoods, republished this past June in 1 the centennial year of Mrs. Breckinridge’s birth, is going well with 3 277 copies sold directly through us. That brings the grand total to T an estimated 393 copies! If you haven’t ordered a copy and would like to do so, please refer to the order form in the back of the Bulletin. A QUARTERLY Burmriw 7 THE NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH WORKER Dr. Hayes, who has been with Alice Lloyd College for over thirty years, is the director of the Neighborhood Health Worker · Program, the brainchild of Dr. Grady Stumbo, whose objective is to breech gaps in the care ofthe homebound patient, especially the elderly. The Neighborhood Health Workers have received train- *¥ ing as homemaker aides at the Hazard Vocational School in such things as nutrition, the recognition of signs and symptoms of common ailments, how to give insulin shots, personal hygiene, and more. Their function lies somewhere between that of a home health aide and an RN, and their aim is to help expand services offered through our Home Health Agency, most importantly where the elderly are concerned. For those who have no one to help them, the neighborhood health workers (NHW) will see to grocery shopping, bringing in firewood and coal, helping with household chores, while they also attend to the medical care of the patient and to educating him about his problems and prevention of other problems. Ruth Farler and Barbara Baker, both of Leslie County, started working with our Home Health aides and nurses at Thanksgiving time and in January began carrying their own case load. Their salaries and vehicles are funded jointly by the State Department of Health and Human Resources and CETA. The point of the program is outreach — not to make patients dependent on us when extended family can help, but to find and educate those who are as yet uncared for in their medical and homemaker needs. · Thank you . . . "A brief note to say thank you, (Dr. Anne and Dr. Carey), for my five week clinical experience at the Frontier Nursing Service. I * thoroughly enjoyed my experience with FNS, as well as my ‘weekends off’ exploring the crafts, music and dance of Ap- I palachia. Although all of the FNS staff were helpful to me during my stay, I would particularly like to compliment Dr. Peter Morris, l Wayne Goulet, P.N.P., and Jim Cluck, P.T., for their ability and willingness to teach. Sharon Koser, F.N.P., at Wooton certainly . made me feel ‘part of the team." Phyllis Ann Zimmer, 18705 SE 43rd Place, Issaquah, WA 98027 8 Faomimn NURSING smwicm I I . _ . I s uso . *·· .. ¤. sn., l · m, _ V , E , . s / ~ < ~ ` - I I . »;,v 1:. a ·~ .- · ° it il is , r ' ;. ` » I I . . l i fi ll K ·' I 1 E V V r V· ·é I . J; '* ‘ V Back row, left to right: Mae Campbell, Edith Wooton, Etta Mae Collett, Geraldine Collins, Virginia Whitehead. Front row, left to right: Georgia Osborne, Marie Young, jane Muncy, Lucy Lewis — all of Dietary. Marie Young is leaving after 'l7years of service. In the Winter 1981-82 issue of "Special Delivery, News from the Maternity Center Association", it was announced that the MCA General Director (and member of our Board of Governors) Ruth Watson Lubic was honored as the first recipient of the Jane Delano Distinguished Service Award. The award, presented by V the New York Counties Registered Nurses Association, was given I for "exemplary contributions to the standards of nursing prac- I tice." Mrs. Lubic was awarded the Rockefeller Public Service . Award, as reported in the last issue of the Bulletin. Again, Ruth, I congratulations! I The annual meeting_ of the American College of Nurse Midwives will be held in Lexington, Kentucky this year at the end of April. A day trip to Frontier Nursing Service is being offered to all attendees of the conference, and we expect to see many old friends and familiar faces. I QUARTERLY BULLETIN 9 I UPDATED SURVEY OF GRADUATES i September 1981 g Alice Whitman * The purpose of the survey was three-fold: 1) To update I information on graduates since the beginning of the Divison of p Nursing Grant (Sept. 1977), 2) to collect data for a new grant for ‘· continued support ofthe Frontier School of Midwifery and Family l Nursing and 3) to obtain current addresses and information to aid in getting the alumnae associates since the inception of the Family Nurse Practitioner Program in 1970. , In preparing for the mailing the following statistics were noted: 264 admitted to the program since June 1970, 20 withdrew (attrition rate of 7.6%), 3 deceased, 217 questionnaires mailed Sept. 1981 to 33 different states, PLUS Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Virgin Islands, 13 foreign countries, 4 to Canada, 20 in Kentucky, PLUS 19 working for FNS, 13 received master’s degree through UK affiliation. The questionnaire was not given to eight students graduating Sept., 1981 or to nine current students. Out of 217 forms mailed: 161 (74.2%) responded, 9 (4.1%) were returned due to incorrect addresses and 47 (21.7%) did not answer. The following responses V were provided. l The program prepared you as a: * Family Nurse ..................................... 32 (19.9%) . Nurse-Midwife .................................... 17 (10.5%) ‘ Family Nurse-Midwife ............................ 112 (69.6%) [ Would you choose the FNS program if you were again at that _ stage of your career? Yes 142 (88.2%) No 8 (05.0%) Maybe 11 (06.8%) Did you go on for a degree or other certification after completion of the FNS program? Yes 39 (24.2%) No 122 (75.8%) 10 ERoN*1*1EE NURSING SERVICE { Employment status after completion of the FNS program. . a. Full-time Nurse Practitioner ..................... 28 (17.4%) b .Part—time Nurse Practitioner ..................... 3 (01.7%) c. Full-time Certified Nurse—Midwife ................ 103 (63.9%) » d. Part—time Certified Nurse-Midwife ............... 5 (03.1%) e. Other ........................................... 22 (13.7%) E Employment location after completion of the FNS program. lg a. Inner city ........................................ 29 (18.0%) · b. Other urban ...................................... 27 (16.7%) c. Suburban ........................................ 15 (09.3%) d. Rural ............................................ 90 (56.0%) E How would you rate your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction · with the program at the Frontier School? · 1. Highly satisfied .................................. 90 (55.9%) 2. Generally satisfied ............................... 64 (39.8%) 3. Neutral .......................................... 2 (01.2%) 4. Somewhat dissatisfied ............................. 5 (03.1%) 5. Highly dissatisfied ............................... 0 Please indicate your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the following aspects of the Frontier School. p 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL a. The theoretical content in K each trimester and the re- # 48 82 19 4 1 154 = lationship to the clinical % 31.2 53.3 12.3 02.6 00.6 _ experience for that level. p b. The clinical experience in # B1 47 14 7 1 150 the FNP program. % 54.0 31.3 09.3 04.7 00.7 ’ c. The clinical experience in # 58 65 9 3 1 136 ` ' the NM program. % 42.7 47.8 06.6 02.2 00.7 d. The classroom experience # 47 70 23 7 1 148 i in the FNP program. % 31.8 47.3 15.5 04.7 00.7 . e. The classroom experience. # 59 59 16 1 0 135 in the NM program. % 43.7 43.7 11.9 00.7 - f. The adequacy of the # 32 58 44 20 3 157 program’s staffing. % 20.4 36.9 28.1 12.7 01.9 g. The relationship between # 79 60 13 2 2 156 faculty and students. % 50.6 38.5 08.3 01.3 01.3 h. Preparation for employment. # 78 62 16 1 1 158 % 40.4 39.3 10.1 00.6 00.6 QUARTERLY BULLE'I'IN 11 i. Preparation in both theory _ and practice for situations # 64 77 9 2 1 153 encountered after employ- % 41.8 50.3 05.9 01.3 00.7 ment. . Employment setting after completion of the FNS program. { Hospital outpatient ................................. 12 (07.5%) l Hospital inpatient .................................. 35 (21.8%) gg Extended care facility ............................... 2 (01.3%) Neighborhood health center ......................... 24 (14.9%) Public health department ........................... 11 (06.8%) 1 School-university health center ...................... 1 (00.6%) l Educational institution-faculty ............... . ...... 7 (04.3%) Prepaid group practice .............................. 4 (02.5%) - Fee for service M.D .................................. 8 (04.9%) Practice-solo or group ............................... 17 (10.6%) Independent practitioner ............................ 16 (09.9%) Other ............................................... 24 (14.9%) Are you certified? Yes 148 (91.9%) No 13 (08.1%) = if ··~~ ‘ ·~ ~ ; ¤. ; » ` i 1 .- `.=·’_ ?¢· . 3 . g lge -~`. g 1 * ri 3-·,.4i-~*~’·· .i·...*¥) · . f l&Y‘§¤*l=- si1s *· . — is {3 ’ F niii V 3 ‘c’”‘ < " 3 ..· "¤·— ‘· “ 1 L W ` ` { v l Egg ` V L — . tt H i gg;) .;.5;,,!.,;.._ _ F s < N D igeérs . -1 _ _ .~ * Q · . R Q4}! »=~~ .~ ._ I ;'· .;.53;-·.-. ...- ,. _. · p .*3* » . _ . *¥¤}4 1 . “s’Z ‘ .. . .—. s .. ZS ‘ Y’ ’ ‘· i ·· -~·#¥ » “ ? ‘€" 7. " — i ii‘:T—¥%;*'i°L§ .- $#??Y1T . Left to right: FN 1s (graduating May 1983) joy Ellen Hager, Stephanie Schultz, Sr. loan , Gripshover, Naomi Page, Annita Goldman, Leannette Orr, Ann Garvin, Roberta Kline, Mildred Sizemore, and Susan Howie. I iz Fnonrma Nunsmo smzvrcm ACNM 129 (52.0%) ANA 69 (27.8%) both 50 (20.2%) ACN M only 79 (53.4%) ACNM & ANA 50 (33.8%) [ ANA only 19 (12.8%) Overseas experience after completion of the FNS program? ’i Yes 35 (21.7%) No 126 (78.3%) STAFF OPPORTUNITIES l Dean for the Frontier School of i ~ Midwifery and Family Nursing Family Practice physicians Registered Nurses, Family Nurse Practitioners, and Certified Nurse-Midwives For all of the above, please direct your inquires to: Darrell Moore, Director of Personnel I Frontier Nursing Service Mary Breckinridge Hospital Hyden, Kentucky 41749 We also need Senior Nursing students, Couriers, and Volunteers especially those interested in gardening. E It was recently reported in the Archives, an employee publication of the John D. Archbold Memorial Hospital, that 1 Connie Becker, graduate of the FSMFN, delivered her 1,000th baby since joining the hospital in 1973. A I l QUARTERLY BULLETIN 13 I BOOK CORNER l This winter the Robert J. Brady Company of Bowie, Maryland l sent us a copy of Nursing Ethics — Theories and Pragmatics for l_ review. We welcome the opportunity and hope that others will Vi follow their lead. Nursing Ethics - Theories and Pragmatics , by Leah Curtin and M. Josephine Flaherty, . reviewed by Sr. Valerie Chaplain, FNP Instructor l "Ethical problems raise two questions for a person: ‘How can I find an answer that will allow me to be at peace with myself and ‘How can I find an answer that will allow me to be at peace with others."’ This statement seems to sum up well the dilemma of ethics, especially medical ethics, which is thoroughly if not exhaustively discussed by the authors, Curtin and Flaherty. But, as the authors frequently point out, if ethical problems are not always solvable, they are at least resolvable in most cases. The authors’ approach to the situational problems described in the case studies is refreshingly objective and attempts to take the reader through a thought process rather than to a conclusion. An analysis of any situation must include all the people involved and, consequently, the rightness or wrongness of the action taken depends on whose eyes one uses to view it. In my estimation, an important contribution of the authors, especially in 1982, is their emphasis on the universality of human rights, that "independently of either law or public opinion . . . the weak justly can claim equal rights with the strong." l The American Nursing Association will hold its annual I convention in Washington, D.C. from June 25 to July 1. At that ll time, Mrs. Mary Breckinr·idge will be inducted into the ANA Hall of Fame along with several other famous American nurses. 14 Fnomimz Nunsmo SERVICE BOOK CORNER (Continued) I Required Books for FN-III & FN-IV: September 1981 - April 1982 1) Hatcher, Robert, et al. Contraceptive Technology 1980-1981, ,; 10th Edition, Irvington Publishers, Inc., New York. (Required for FN-III) 2) Korones, Sheldon. High Risk Newborn Infants, C. V. Mosby ¢ Company, 3rd Ed., St. Louis, Missouri, 1981. L 3) Oxorn, Harry and Foote, William R. Human Labor and Birth, 4th Ed., Appleton—Century—Crofts, New York, 1980. (Required for FN-IV) 4) Varney, Helen. Nurse-Mdwifery, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., Boston, 1980. Recommended Books I 1) Myles, Margaret F; Textbook for Midwives, 9th Ed., Appleton- , Century—Crofts, New York, 1980. l 2) Pritchard, Jack and MacDonald, Paul. Williams Obstetrics, { 16th Ed., Appleton-Century—Cr0fts, New York, 1980. i 3) Worthington, Bonnie. Nutrition in Pregnancy, 2nd Ed., C. V. [ Mosby Co., 1980. { % i ? A l QUARTERLY BULLETIN is X F { x #1 J 1 9i _' Q": 7 "` ~> __A jg,. i » . ~ A`A°. = ii Y T L . . V ¤*i ” e ea t F ‘ ‘ EDWARD S. DABNEY An Appreciation by Homer L. Drew, FNS Treasurer I With sorrowful hearts, we mourn the death of our former · Treasurer, Board Member, friend and benefactor, Edward S. i Dabney, who died on Wednesday morning, February 17, 1982, in t Lexington, Kentucky, at the age of eighty-four. - Mr. Dabney well knew the qualities of the mountain people of i Kentucky. Appreciating their lack of opportunities for education, ; good roads, medical and hospital facilities and opportunities for , industrial and agricultural advancement, he devoted a lifetime of l service to their welfare and progress, giving generously of his time, efforts and means: through the Frontier Nursing Service, of which he was a Governor and Treasurer for many years, and Berea College, of which he served as Trustee and Chairman of its Board and Chairman of its Finance Committee for many years. ,— He served his local community well, not only as a banker, but also { as an outstanding civic leader. The many honors bestowed upon J him over many years by members of his profession and his ·· community are too numerous to list herein. K In concluding our appreciation of our dear friend, Edward S. . Dabney, we choose from the galaxy of attributes and virtue with which his being and nature were abundantly endowed, one trait, most prominant of all; we say of him, "he was a man of character." , Our most sincere condolences are extended to his daughter, Mrs. Randolph A. Brown (Betty) Courier ’50, who resides in i Louisville, Kentucky and to his adopted son, John Winston A Dabney, who resides in Scott County, Kentucky. l I is Faowrimu NURSING smwxcra l E MEMoR1AL E Miss Glenda Sue Swartz, an employee of the FNS radiology i department since 1976, was fatally injured in an automobile , accident on December 28, 1981 in Piconderoga, New York. A l___ native of Dayton, Virginia, Susie was a 1968 graduate of Eastern i` Mennonite High School and a graduate of the Rockingham Memorial Hospital Radiology Program. She was a member of the V, Weaver Mennonite Church in Harrisburg, Virginia and attended i the Central Presbyterian Church here in Hyden. l Those of us who were close friends of Susie’s, or the people who l were mere acquaintances, could not help but recognize and be { influenced by her strong Christian faith. Every aspect of Susie’s [ life echoed with this consistent trait — whether it be the personal and sincere care she gave each of her patients or the genuine concern she felt for a hungry child in the most isolated place on y earth. Even though she had the timidness of a child, she ` vehemently revealed her convictions about her faith in God. This Q faith may best be explained in a quote by John Calvin who said, "One must not imagine that the Christian faith is a bare and mere E knowledge of God or an understanding of the Scripture which l flutters in the brain without touching the heart . . ., but faith is a firm and solid confidence of the heart, by means of which we rest [ surely in the mercy of God which is promised to us through the I Gospel." One cannot argue Susie’s faith not only touched her [ heart, but remained deeply embedded for her entire life. ‘ ———Greg and Sandra Walker l [ 1 Words cannot express the gratefulness we feel towards Susie’s I friends in Hyden, Kentucky for their kindness and gifts since her death. Even though we haven’t met many of you, our hearts are Qi warmed and touched. ; We pray for God’s blessing on all of you. · Gratefully yours, The Dwight Swartz family A and Ruth E. Rushby T l l I I gumzrsizry BULLETIN iv l l V V~»·-— l 4; : , ·;_:’ "‘”`**s l . 3 ‘< · _. ; { l · r ; ‘ t ` i q;-._ i if ‘ dh; ";’i¤r l I}? —— . ... ` A Yi '_`: `° ¤ U · A smiling Susie as she is remembered by friends, colleagues, and patients, and over her shoulder, a poster which reads: Lord, help me hang in there. He who has faith feels he is compassed about with everlasting _ Love, guided by everlasting strength; his will is the tempered steel that no fire can melt, no force can break. . —N. S. McFetridge n Memorial gifts may be sent to the Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and to the Virginia Mennonite 1 Mission Board, 901 Parkwood Drive, Harrisonburg, Virginia . 22801. i is Fnowrisn Nunsmo smzvicm IN MEMORIAM We wish to acknowledge our appreciation and personal gratitude to those friends who have, by including FNS in their wills, made a continuing affirmation of interest and belief in the care of mothers and babies and their families by the Frontier I" Nursing Service. Such legacies are added to the Endowment Fund. _I_ MISS MARY MARSELIS PARSONS New York, New York Miss Parsons became acquainted with Mrs. Breckinridge when they were both in France after World War I with the American Committee for Devastated France, and has been a · supporter of FNS from the beginnning of the Service. I St. Peter’s Church of Lakewood, Ohio awarded the F.N.S. a $1000 grant from the Henniger Estate. "It is the policy of the I Vestry to tithe ten percent of all bequests received by the Parish to Q be given for work outside the Parish." We are very grateful for their generosity. I These friends have departed this life in the past few months. We wish in this manner to express