xt7t7659gt00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t7659gt00/data/mets.xml Pennsylvania Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) Pennsylvania United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) 1941 2 v.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.3/no.37 books English Philadelphia: Survey of Federal Records This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Pennsylvania Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Treasury -- Archives Archives -- Pennsylvania -- Catalogs Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series III, The Department of the Treasury, No. 37, Pennsylvania pt.1 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series III, The Department of the Treasury, No. 37, Pennsylvania pt.1 1941 1941 2019 true xt7t7659gt00 section xt7t7659gt00 3‘Qtfihwl“r‘”‘"m“'t , fl a ,r , r~ . q ’aifiiifiii-Esi£53552?95:25:25:;;:i2§r§z;;s;e§;;;;§2;;;a p , q: . IllhllAllll~‘||U“l\|ll|\|ll\lHillHHWHMLI - ~ 3i?ifiiiiifiiiiififiéfiif3:553E553?Eiiiiiffiifififgfiiifgigf ; 3 (11125 5291295 2 3 ‘ l . A IN OR OF ; 33;3§3§:3;:;:3:5gigs;Eg-igsgzggisjigiizgg:;-:;;;;2::;{gizgggggzg FEDERALVENTARCHIVES ‘ ‘ .g:f::';53}§E§.ESE;35155Eifiifiifififiégf3§§33$;5t§,j-:5;;_';'f'_ 7‘ W, IN THE STATES . / ‘ iii-3255.21:jiiiii:f§%§1§25:§§:§:§iii-iii;izsiiiééésa5235;: Axe an . , - , - ‘ £3it}:in?’133:35:59:55.553255;353535iiil-35i£:riir HIE-TEN?“ 4"“ r” in *1 , 3513333331:53;355;?:EféfSE;E_3{E';E§§;?;€;£rLriff}?'93” Hammer {.91 “Rm en .1, r 7 fifiiiiii}E§§§§§f§§iI§5§g§§§§§ifigiggffig-gffffgfgig3;‘ seams m 1 'éiéifiiiifiig:25313;:siiiesgisiiégzi2,252,;93;:.3; THE DEPARTWT or TREASURY 4 5 1ifiiiiijiif5i:{xiii553155553;55-13531?31:11.1: , PART 1 or 2 PARTS 'isiri5:5.;i;E§:?:5‘ £1};§§;§;E;E:155;igsgéjyigzgsfij..5 ,,: : PENNSYLVANIA 1 fifffiiii-i?."f:§f§355?:5535535333513?5.5%.:'lii-'i NO. 37 ; . vi3?:§:§:3%3§i;?i§i:giiffyfiffifzéii:>'ir 'ifr’fii’iiffvi'iiii‘35-55517- ,. NATIONAL ARCHIVES PROJECT i'1'535713335.I???i723 '7 ' WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION <3 (I L I . (“V . . . _s- V - ./_‘ 1:. j .- 'Q 6' ~ ‘3‘ ‘ ‘; 3, a M t w £3 ‘ f ‘3 ' -' s 1, . . . ‘ L ' I~ 3 7‘ '7' ~ 1 . _ f". ' .w, .. . ‘ V . . ?‘ 5" ‘ ‘. :‘Z 2 '2 g , , 5;; ‘ I ; , . V ' > ‘ ' 4 ' - i i ' g, ' INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES ‘1 5 £ ’ ~~ 5: l . E?) Prepared by :1 E > Ii I (‘ - ~33»; " 1 _ 1/) The Survey of Federal. Archive's J/m ., 1 ‘ 2’ Division of Community Service Pregrams ’ 5f ., Work Projects Administration M {1 _ if t \ .1, . 11\ p: ’ . ' £1 1 '11 1 . f r ' ,1 , f >' . i > L it, I; E ' ‘ I; 1* ; - . SERIES III. THE DEPABTI‘AENT OF TREASURY :5 ' '7’; , t , PART 1 0r 2 PARTS 1,] i ’ f ‘ : NO. 37. PENNSYLVANIA V g .‘ .. ‘. .7 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The Survey of Federal Archives §3+§ S 1 ~ . ' ,1 , . l E The Survey of Federal Archives ii. ‘ f i ‘, Philip M. Homer, National Director ) ) Williametta Wallace, State Supervisor 1 L - ~ L 1 \! i l l i 1 l i ' Division of Community Service Programs I 1 , ! g . fl . Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner 1 ‘ . . Agnes S. Cronin, Chief Regional Supervisor ‘ E, i. ' i 5‘ I $ ' ' _ ' ' WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner . I . Philip Mathews, State Administrator I I in I I PREFACE I i 2 I ‘ i v The live'ltonini Eidfif‘ficl}_-:‘~ll£2§l.¥§fiiidlihi§i9lii is one of the Pr°~ . I V I ducts of themwhrk of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a I y I ‘ nationuwide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1 I I - 195§ to June 30, 1937 and has been continued since that date as a unit I I » I of the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation—wide project I H I of the Work Projects Administration, and a group of state or local pro- I j I jects of that Administration. I I I The plan for the organization of the inventory is as follows: Series I f I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgment ; I and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of Fedora I M archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed informa~ II: tion secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate , I H series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except III the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. I H Within each series No. l, is a general introduction to the field organi— E H nation and records of the governmental agency concerned: the succeeding I h numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to j each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory I , for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No° 4,etc. 3 For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of 1 related records, is presented in the following order; title, inclusive I dates ("to date“ indicating an open file at the time the information was j _ secured), general description of informational content, description of I the_system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and ‘ purpOSe of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, Sheets in fold— I ers, etc,), linear footage, description of the containers, physical con“ I dition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room or I other identifying information, amd finally, the number of the Form 588A I on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and , from which it was abstracted for the inventory. This form is on file in the National Archives. When it contains substantial information on addn enda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by the use of the reference "See addenda." ‘ The work of the Survey in Western Pennsylvania was under the direction. b of.Mr. Louis W.H. Johnston, Regional Director from February ll, 1936 I until October 4, 1937. From that time until the unit was abolished on I | April 30, 1939, Mr. John T. McMahon served as Project Supervisor. The . I Survey in Eastern Pennsylvania was directed by Mr. Richard H. Heindel, I I Regional Director from February 26 until August 1936 and from August un- I til December 31, 1936 by Mr. John P. Corry. After Dr. Gerry's resigna— I tion the project was reorganized with Dr. Richard B. Morris of New York _ ‘ as Regional Director and James L. Whitehead as Assistant Regional Direc- I - tor. In October 1937 Mr. James L. Whitehead was appointed Project Super~ I intendent for the State and acted in that capacity until September 19, I 1938 when he resigned and was succeeded by Miss Williametta Wallace. This I inventory of the records of the Department of the Treasury in Pennsylvania I I was prepared in the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia offices of the Survey. I . Williametta Wallace I . State Supervisor I Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Survey of Federal Archives 1 June, 1941. in Pennsylvania I l / I iv 3 i, GONTDHTS i COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND DEPOSITS . I HARRISBURG, State Accounts Office......................... 2 E State Disbursing Office......................, 7 J Records Stored in Basement.................... 10 H PHILADELPHIA, State Disbursing Office...’.................. 11 1 Regional Disbursing Office.................. 13 « COMPTROLLER or CURRENCY 1 4 ( PHILADELPHIA, National Bank Examiner................. . 16 ! PITTSBURGH, National Bank Examiner 18 E . WILLIAMSPORT, National Bank Exammer 18 E COAST GUARD ERIE, U. S. S. Petrel..................................... 20 Station 236......................................... 20 ' : Correspondence and Reports.......................... 21 ? CUSTOMS, BUREAU OF ‘ ERIE, Deputy Collector of Customs......................... 24 i PHILADELPHIA, Appraisers Office........................... 37 , Collectors Office........................... 39 i Administration Division................ 89 Auditors Division...................... 82 Entry Division......................... 124 Liquidation Division................... 185 Marine Division........................ 128 , Money and Accounts Division............ 131 . Office of the Comptroller.............. 137 Outside Division....................... 137 . warehouse Division..................... 143 1 Custodian Records........................... 144 ‘ Bridgetown Records..................... 144 ‘ Burlington Records..................s.. 150 Camden Records......................... 152 Somers Point Records................... 156 Tuckerton Records...................... 159 Wilmington and Chester Records......... 164 . Miscellaneous Ports Records............ 165 ‘ Division of Investigation and Patrol........ 167 PITTSBURGH, Office of the Appraiser....................... 170 Office of the Collector....................... 172 WHEELING, Records......................................... 184 l ,' ’r/i/Jfii ,nrn,l___r___——————‘ . ‘ . ., z ’ - I : ' . ‘ ' f ‘1 7 I' THE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF : -_ . ACCOUNTS AND DEPOSITS . §§E_gg§l§@LQ§_THE CQMQLSSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND DEPOSITS 2 ; ‘ -‘ maintain a If State Accounts Ofiice and State Disbursing Office V ‘ ,' Evans Burtnett Bldg., 218 8. 2d St. , f ' massagatmsmawcgmmts Mime 'r, _ 1. ABSTRACT OF ALLOTMENT LEDGER SHEETS, 1955 — 1956. Forms B—ll—D, H _. covering transactions completed, listed by district and county allotments. j ‘1 Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 12 x 14 covers (85), 50 ft., H . on wooden shelf. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (478) M p _ ‘ 2. ADJUSTMENT FORMS, 1955 ~ 1956. Form 6-A, for adjustments of mis— ,. cellaneous encumbrances; also regulations for purchases. Filed serially. ‘ , (Daily, official.) 10 X 14 folders, 7 ft., in 4 drawers of metal filing oases. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (498) : 5. ADVlNlSTRATlVE PAY ROLLS, 1955 - 1956. Pay rolls of employees 1 other than WPA pay vouchers for purchases and services other than personal, ‘ and pay rolls for accident compensation. Filed numerically. (Daily, . official.) 12 x 20 sheets, 20 ft., in 12 drawers of metal filing cases. V . . Auditing Room, 2d floor. (488) j ' V 4. ADVICE OF CHANGE OF ALLOTMENT, 1955 — 1956. Recommendation of changes in original allotments for WPA projects. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 11% folders, 4 ft., in 4 metal drawers. Auditing , Department, 2d floor. (485) f 5. ADVlCE on ALLOTMENTS AND BALANCES, 1955 — 1956. Form A—22, re— ‘ - ports from Washington to the State Administrator conCerning money left for = ‘- the continuation of projects to date. Filed numerically. (Daily, offi— i -> cial.) 10 x 125 folders, 5 ft., in drawer of metal filing cases. Auditing : Room, 2d floor. (492) ; 11.. _ , 6. ADVICE OF ALLOTMENTS AND CHANGES, 1955 ~ 1956. Filed numerically v] , (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 5 ft., in 5 drawers of metal filing 1 i ' ‘ cases. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (461) t .1 7. ALLOTMENT LEDGER, 1955 m 1956. Form B~ll, report of all business 3 » _ , transacted. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 18 x 24 ledgers ( :;" I. - .. (l6), 5 ft., on wooden Shelf. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (490) i Q' 8. AMOUNTS DUE DECEASED EMPLOYEES, 1955 — 1956. Form 1055, appli— j -; cations for payments due deceased employees, enlisted men in the military ; L, . service, and public creditors of U.S. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, of- ‘ 2. ficial.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of metal filing case. Audit— ‘ ;' . ing Department, 2d floor. (468) . " ' 9. APPROVED PROJECTS, 1955 — 1956. Control of official projects, ‘ 3' , showing increases and decreases in allotments. Filed by project numbers. ' ‘ (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 15 ft., in 10 drawers of steel filing a cases. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (448) Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits,Harrisburg 5 1 , I '. 10. AUTHORIZATlONS, 1955 — 1956. Authorizations from Washington for g f , - the opening of different work projects. Filed chronologically. (Daily, I ‘ official.) 10 x 14 covers, 5 ft., in 2 drawers of metal filing case. i . . Auditing Room, on floor. (494) ‘f ’ . ll. AUTHORIZATICNS 0F ALLOTMENTS, 1955 — 1956. Letters of the Presi— f '- dent to WPA Administrator and authorization forms for the allotment of f funds for various CPA projects. (Daily, official.) 8 x 11% folders, 1 ft. : ' 6 in., in wooden box. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (475) I . 12. CANCELLATIONS, CORRECTlONS, AND TRANSMITTALS, 1955 — 1956. Forms I A5a, 5A, and 4A. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, , . 3 ' 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (472) § " 15. CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 - 1956. Concerning procurement, deceased : - employees, procedure, disbursement, Bureau of Internal Revenue, agreements, '.v _ etc. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft., ;'_ in drawer of metal filing case. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (466) 1 l4. CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 — 1956. Related to requisitions, soil, con— 3 , servation, encumbrances, allotments, and authorizations. Filed serially. 9 . . (Daily, offibial.) 10 x 14 folders, 5 ft., in 5 drawers of metal filing ' cases. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (497) ' ' 15. CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 ~ 1956. General correSpondence related to ; pay rolls and pay roll deletions. Filed chronologically. (Daily, offi— f cial.) 10 x 14 folders, 6 ft., in 5 drawers of metal filing case. Audit— 5 I ing Department, 2d floor. (467) . ' 16. oommspom'nmvos, 1955 — 1956. Report on the flow of pay rolls, ' .‘ general correspondence, reports of documents, daily voucher reports, etc. . " Filed by districts. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 2 ft., in drawer , of metal filing case. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (495) d,' 17. CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 — 1956. Interdepartmental correspondgnig , other than NRA such as department and state office. Filed alphabetiCally. , (Daily, offic1al.) 10 x 14 folders, 5 ft., in 4 drawers of metal filing 2.. case. Accountancy Room, 2d floor. (525) } 18. CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 — 1956. General correspondence and reverts on administration; departmental records, copies of reports and miscellan~ - eous correspondence chiefly with main office in Washington. Filed cnron0~ . logically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 envelopes, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of 1 metal filing case. Administrative Room, 2d floor. (524) " ' l9. DAILY REGISTER, 1955 ~ 1956. Vouchers, encumbrances, allotments“ 5' _ and authorization reports. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) is ’ X 16 covers (20), 8 ft., on wooden shelf. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (”CUE ) ' 20. DAILY REPORTS, 1955 - 1956. Examiners of documents such as re— ' : quisitions, encumbrance, allotments, etc. Filed chronologically. (Daily, ' official.) 10 X 14 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of filing case. Auditing . _ Room, 2d floor. (449) 1. Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits,Harrisburg 4 1 ' 21. DAILY SUMMARY, 1955 — 1956. Form B-l5, summary of daily work. i , Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 X 14 covers (50), 12 ft., 1 '_ on wooden shelf. Auditing doom, 2d floor. (475) t i 22. DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENDITURES, 1955 — 1938. Record of the dis- I ( tribution of money expended, according to the type of work done. Filed 7 - chronologically. (Daily, official.) 12 X 15 cover (1), 6 in., on wooden , shelf. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (482) 5 ‘ 25. DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENDITURES BY OBJECTIVE CLASSIFICATION, 1955 — ‘ i 1956. Form 0-5, used for personal services, supplies, rentals, grants,and , ( contractual services. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 14 X 16 ; 1 cover (I), 6 in., on shelf. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (477) j i 24. ENCUMBRANCES, 1935 — 1956. Orders for the allotment of any spec— 1 1 ified amount to cover the expense of a specified expenditure as per the wPA. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 11%; folders, 4 £13., in g 20 metal drawers. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (476) ‘ l 25. ENCUMBRANCES, 1955 — 1956. Record of requisitions, check sheets, ‘ charges to amounts of encumbrances. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 1 8 X 10, 10 X 12 folders, 12 ft., in 5 drawers of metal filing case. 1 Auditing Room, 2d floor. (459) E 26. ENUMERATOR BONUS PAYMENTS AND DECEASED EMPLOYEES, 1955 — 1958. § Record of payments to enumerators. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi— { cial.) 3 X 5 folders, 5 in., in wooden box. Auditing Department,2d 3 floor. (491) E 27. ERROR SHEETS, 1955 — 1956. Check sheets which accompany the pay I 3 rolls and are summarized weekly according to districts. Filed numerically. 3 (Weekly, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of metal filing case. E Auditing Department, 2d floor. (471) l 28. FINAL AUDIT, 1955 — 1955. Record of final audit of different i accounts of the EPA. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 X 14 ' folders, 1 ft., in drawer of metal filing case. Auditing Department, 2d floor. (469) ' l V r 29. GRANT VOUCHERS, 1955 - 1956. Record of paid grant vouchers , against a particular appropriation. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 2 14 X 17 cover (1), 6 in., on table. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (451) i V 50. HAND LEDCERS, 1955 — 1956. Form 5—A, record of money expended ; for official projects; superseded by Form D—16. Filed chronologically. ‘ (Monthly, official.) 10 x 18 covers, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of metal filing { case. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (465) i 51. LOAN AGREEMENTS AND REQUESTS FOR FUNDS, 1955 — 1956. Form RA. : , Pr—15, farm and resettlement administration forms. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 X 12 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of filing case. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (470) 7 V ”A E W V 7‘", 7” I 7 . q: i" Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits,Harrisburg 5 ,; n v 52. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, 1955 — 1956. Vouchers for purchases and ser~ %j ' vices other than parsonal, travel orders for transportation by rail, pmr— ‘i > ' chase orders for supplies and equipment, and leases for buildings of WPA i 1 projects. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10 loose sheets, * . : 6 ft., in 5 drawers of metal filing cases. Auditing Room,2d floor. (481) ' g t V 55. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, 1955 — 1956. Office memoranda, ofiice bu11e~ 3f 1 tins, paid vouchers, and procedure and treasury accounting circulars. Filed 3{ i alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of f metal filing case. Administrative Room, 2d floor. ‘(525) ,‘ p ‘ 54. NUEBEHED CONTRACTS, 1955 — 1956. Contracts and purchase orders. . ll ‘ Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 8 X 12 folders, 7 ft., in 15 1; drawers of metal filing cases. Auditing ROOM, 2d floor. (457) 1; I 55. PA! ROLLS, 1955 ~ 1956. WPA Form 50-5—c, pay roll continuation 1; sheets for personal services on work projects on a semimonthly basis, show— 2 ing location, description and sponsorship of project, pay period, pay roll { 1 number, type of work symbols, numbers 01 checks, and amount received by s workers. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 sheets, 180 ft., ‘ in 87 drawers of metal filing cases. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (479) r 56. PERSONNEL, 1955 ~ 1956. Correspondence pertaining to employees. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 5 ft., in 2 drawers of metal filing case. Personnel Room, 2d floor. (522) 57. PERSONNEL REPORTS, 1955 « 1956. Pay roll reports, trouble unit reports, bulletins, etc. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 X 14 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (465) i 58. PRESIDENTIAL LETTERS, 1955 — 1956. From the President, giving l approval of a project. Filed serially. (Daily, oificial.) 10 X 14 fold— I ere, 6 ft., in 5 drawers of metal filing cases. Auditing Room, 2d floor. . 1 (496) l E 59. PURCHASE ORDERS, 1955 ~ 1956. Requisitions for supplies and equip ' 1 j‘ mont for projects. Filed by project numbers. (Daily, official.) 10 X 14 1 1 folders, 2 ft., in drawur of filing case. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (482) f E 40. PURCHASE OHDERS,'1955 — 1956. Orders for supplies and equipment i needed on WPA projects. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 8 X 12 1 i folders, 7 ft., in 4 drawers of metal filing case. Auditing Room, 2d floor I s (458) . ' f 41. RECORD OF PARTIAL LIQUlDATlON OF ENCUMBRANCES, 1955 — 1956. Form ' , chase order numbers, encumbrance number, amount of encumbrance, approved E , vouchers unliquidated balance, initials of person who posted and date of 3 , posting. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 12 x 18 covers (15), i 5 ft., on wooden shelf. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (455) j 42. REGISTER OF DISBURSEMENTo AND COLLECTlONb, 1955 ~ 1956. Register i , of disbursements, listing date of schedule, encumbrance number, total and 3 amount of authorization, total amount of voucher and disbursements; and a1~ ‘ ' so Form B—19, for collection of authorized loans. Filed chronologically. , i . Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits,Harrisburg 6 - a . (Daily, official.) 8% X 11 covers, 6 in., on table. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (452) 45. hEGISTER OF LOAN VOUCHEKS, 1955 ~ 1956. Showing name of payee, : ' serial number of encumbrance, account number, voucher number, amount and : . cumulative total of encumbrance voucher, and amount of accumulative total. ' Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 12 X 18 covers, 6 in., on table. 1 h Auditing Room, 2d floor. (455) . , 44. REGISTER, 1955 ~ 1956. Miscellaneous encumbrances and requisi— 3 tions. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 4 x 6 covers, 1 ft., v . in drawer of metal filing case. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (460) 1 i . a ' 45. REGISTER, 1955 ~ 1956. Showing dated receipts, dates of liquida— 2 ‘ ‘ ~ . tions and voucher numbers covering the final liquidation. Filed chrono- : logically. (Daily, official.) 20 x 24 covers (161), 5 ft., on wooden f - shelf. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (456) ‘ , 46. RELEASES, 1955 — 1956. correspondence on releases and dismissal , of personnel. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of metal filing case. Personnel Room, 2d floor. (521) 1 47. REPORT OF ALLOTMENT BALANCES, 1955 — 1956. Form B—16, list of 1 g project authorization appropriation symbols and official WPA project num— L. - hers. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 12 x 24 covers (15), 9 ft., ,‘5 on wooden shelf. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (474) V 48. REPORT, 1955 ~ 1956. Form SF~1, report on appropriations and g . ' allotments sent monthly to the Commissioner. Filed chronologically. (Daily, g, official.) 2 x 5 covers (5), 1 ft., on wooden shelf. Auditing Room, . 1 i - 2d floor. ' (ll-5‘4.) ‘5: .‘ 49. REuUlblTlJNS, 1955 ~ 1956. For projects, such as supplies, mach~ IQ»? . inery, etc. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 5 ft., f; p in 5 drawers of metal filing cases. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (499) a fl-A" 50. REuUl5ITlONS, 1955 n 1956. For contracts, payments only. Filed '; ' .. numerically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 5 ft. 6 in., in 5 drawers -{s . of filing cases. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (454) ii; I: 51. RESETTLEMENT LOANS, 1955 — 1956. Record of individual borrowers i-} ” and loan accounts. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 3'3 .’ 1 ft., in 2 pasteboard boxes. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (447) 1‘? 52. ROUTlNG 5TUB5, 1955 — 1956. Pay roll routing stubs which Show j.§‘ ~ receiving time. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 5 X 5 cards, 200 ‘.*, ft., in 10 drawers oi metal filing cases, and in 90 boxes on floor. Auditm -,j v ing Room, 2d floor. (464) ‘ 5 55. SCHEDULES, 1955 ~ 1956. Form 1064, schedules of disbursements ’% which must accompany each pay roll. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) ‘ ,15 10 x 14 sheets, 50 ft., in 24 drawers of metal filing cases. Auditing 3 ': Room, 2d floor. (487) j 1 Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits,Harrisburg 7 - i 54. SUSPENSE SHEETS, 1955 ~ 1956. Record of repayments on loan vou~ 1 chers. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 cover (1), 6 g ‘ in., on table. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (450) . 55. TRANSMITTALS, 1955 — 1956. Advice of allotment of funds for the f ; various work projects; also transmittals on requisitions and miscellaneous : encumbrances. Filed serially. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 5 ft., ; in 2 drawers of metal filing case. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (495) 1 56. VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION, 1955 ~ 1956. Form A—4, showing voucher 1 number, requisition or Post Office number, official project number, allots 5 ment of work project numbers, location symbols, types of work symbols, ob-, ; ject of expenditures. Filed numerically. (Monthly, official.) 5% x 8 1 sheets, 120 ft., in box. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (485) H 57. VOUCHERS FOR ADJUSTMENTS, 1955 ~ 1956. Schedule of vouchers for d adjustments between appropriations and funds, either or both to be credited 51 to Works Progress Administration, grants to states, etc. Filed numeri— ;1 cally. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 sheets, 1 ft., in drawer of metal fil» ,i ing caSe. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (486) 11 58. CROSS REFERENCE TO EPA, Dec. 1955 to date. Form D—55 supersedes Y1 Form A—4l, as cross reference for all WPA projects, showing voucher number, :1 official project number, work project number, treasury voucher on schedule, ‘1 number of names on pay roll, etc. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 8 X 8 loose—leaf books, 40 ft., in 4 wooden boxes, 58 paper boxes and in 14 steel drawers. Auditing Room, 2d floor. (489) . 1 1 1 figgords of_§pete Disbursing Office 1 59. ALLOTHENT BALANCES, 1954 ~ 1956. Daily report of balances after 1 each day's work. Filed serially. (Daily, official.) 5 X 8 cards, 75 ft., 1 - ' in 75 drawers of metal filing cases. Tabulating Room, 5d floor. (515) l 1 60. APPLICATlONS, 1955 — 1956. Persons seeking employment. Filed I ’ alphabetically. (Daily,-official.) 10 X 14 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of 1 »_' metal filing case. Personnel Room, 5d floor. (551) ‘ f: 61. APPLICATlONS, 1955 — 1956. Correspondence and applications of 1 ,2 , applicants seeking employment. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 1 'j ' 10 x 14 folders, 5 ft., in 2 drawers of metal filing case. Personnel 1 Room, 5d floor. (520) 1 1 . , 62. AUTHORIZATiONS, 1955 — 1956. Record of money authorized by the 1 g) Federal government. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 ‘ : cards, 6 in., in drawer of metal filing case. Tabulating Room, 5d floor, ‘ ;f (510) y 1 1 j. 65. CASES CLOSED, 1955 — 1956. Record of temporarily undelivered 1 - 1; Checks which were delivered at a later date. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, , 1? official.) 5 x 5 cards, 1 ft., in metal filing case. Disbursement Room, : ‘ «,r 5d floor. (555) 1 ( Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits,Harrisburg 8 i 5 j, l 64. CASES CLOSED, WHERE DUPLICATE CHECKS HAD BEEN ISSUED IN PLACE OF ‘ '. LAST CHECK, 1955 - 1956. Record of checks that have been lost, showing j ; voiding of original checks and record of duplicate checks issued. Filed , f alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 1 ft., in drawer of metal I filing case. Disbursement Room, 2d floor. (552) g f 65. CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 — 1956. Relating to personnel. Filed el— : ; phabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 5 ft., in 2 drawers of V { metal filing case. Personnel Room, 5d floor. (549) S l 66. CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 — 1956. RelatiVe to undelivered checks. , ‘ 1 Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 11;: folders, 6 ft., in 4 l 1 drawers of metal filing case. Disbursement Office, 5d floor. (566) , 1 j. l l 67. DAILY SCHEDULE, 1955 ~ 1956. dchedule of disbursements. Filed I j numerically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10 bundles, 7 ft., in 2 drawers of j 6 metal filing case. Disbursement Office, 5d floor. (557) r ’ ’ - 68. DAILY SUMMARY BY AUTHORIZATION, 1955 - 1956. Amounts of money ' '. ’ authorized for each project in state. Filed numerically. (Daily, official. , 5 X 8 cards,_6 in., in drawer of metal filing case. Tabulating Room, 5d . floor. (506) i 69. DECEASED CARDS, 1955 — 1956. Record of checks belonging to de— l ceased persons, sent to Washington. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi— ‘ .' Ciel.) 5 X 5 cards, 6 in., in drawer of metal filing case. Disbursement .. -_ Office, 5d floor. (559) :71 - 70. DISBURSINC CHECK COPIES, 1955 — 1956. Triplicate copies of .- . checks issued. Filed numerically. (Weekly, official.) 8 x 24 covers, 150 ' ft., on wooden shelves. File Room, 5d floor. (546) J *‘ 7 71. DISBURSINC CHECK COPIES, 1955 — 1956. Triplicate copies of check; ? 1‘ .issued. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 8 X 24 covers, 45 ft., on f I _. wooden shelves. Disbursement Office, 5d floor. (568) , 2 . 1'i ,u ' 72. DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSES, 1955 — 1956. Distribution of expendl» éjf,‘ ' tures by type of work and functions of Works Progress Administration pro— l?.§ - jects. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 2 ft., in E-;,1J drawer of metal filing case. Tabulating Room, 5d floor. (514) (ll. 75. FIVE FIELD CARDS, 1955 ~ 1956. Perforated cards, showing bal— . «fl ances carried forward covering five different departments, disbursements, H i" encumbrances, requisitions, purchase orders, and authorizations. Filed 1‘3 numerically and chronologically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 12 ft. 9 l 6 in., in drawer of metal filing case and in 7 wooden boxes. Tabulating fl Room, 5d floor. (507) . . ‘ ( 74.LIMITATIONS, 1955 — 1956. Perforated cards giving a description of fi \ every official project in the state active at present time and inactive _ ( f _ cards completed. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 8 3i, ft., in 4 drawers of metal filing cases. Tabulating Room, 5d floor. (509) ‘ ——_~_¥ .. H 111 _. . —-_1_-.‘ ,,_ —.—— Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits,Harrisburg 9 i i ' 75. CHECKS LOST, 1955 - 1956. Record of lost checks that have not i. been located. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 3- ft., in 2 drawers of metal filing case. Disbursement Office, 5d floor. (567) l 76. CORRESPONDENCE, MISCELIANEOUS, 1955 — 1956. Bookkeeping corres— é pondence, records, telegrams, etc. Filed chronologically. (Daily, offi— ; cial.) 8 x 11% folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer of metal filing case. Disbursement OffiCe, 5d floor. (565) g 77. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, 1955 — 1956. Record of purchase orders and t ‘ paid vouchers, property record cards, and record books of administrative P E expense. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 X 14 folders, and l . covers, 2 ft. 6 in., in drawer of metal filing case, and in 2 cardboard { boxes. Disbursement OffiCe, 5d floor. (561) 78. MISCELLANEOUS RECORD CARDS, 1955 - 1956. Service, sick leave, 3 promotion, dismissal, and transfer cards, etc. Filed alphabetically.(Daily, 1 official.) 5 x 8 cards, l-ft. 6 in., in drawer of metal filing case. Per— : , sonncl Room, 3d floor. (550) ' 79. NEW ALLOTNENT DETAIL CARDS, 1955 — 1956. Perforated cards show— . ‘ ing money alloted for different jobs on individual projects. Filed numer— _ ically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 6 in., in drawer of metal filing . case. Tabulating Room, 5d floor. (508) 3 _ , 80. PROGRESS SHEETS, 1955 ~ 1956. Grouping of pay rolls and vouchers , according to districts to facilitate flow of work. Filed numerically. . - (Daily, official.) 8 X 10 bundles, 25 ft., in 8 cardboard boxes on wooden ’2 shelf. Disbursement Office, 5d floor. (554) . :‘~ 81. RECORDS, 1955 — 1956. Allotment inventories, requisitions, main~ _ _; tenance of building, monthly reports of administrative expenses, paid vou— ' "fl chers, transmittals, etc. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 X ,1 l4 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of metal filing case. Disbursing Office, 5 5d floor. (562) :iufl 82. SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENTS, 1955 - 1956. Daily schedule or re— , if" ‘ cord of money paid out by check. Filed numerically. (Weekly, official.) 3} 8 X 10 cardboard bundles, (28), 60 ft., on wooden shelves. File Room, . ' - ' . 5d floor. (547) L I 85. STOCK RECORD, 1955 — 1956. ShOWIng supplies and equipment on ;' hand for use of Treasury offices in this building. Filed chronologically. " (Daily, official.) 5 x 8% cards, 24 ft., in drawer of metal filing case. ’- Disbursement Office, 5d floor. (560) f 84. CHECKS UNDELIVERED, CLOSED, 1955 — 1956. Record of undelivered checks that passed the ninety day unclaimed period and were sent to ' 5 Washington. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 1 ft., , in drawer of metal filing case. Disbursement Office, 5d floor. (558) g . 1;. - f . i; 2 4 . a? . 3‘ ,3 Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits,Harrisburg 10 f 85. CHECKS VOID, SUBSTITUTE lSSUED, 1955 ~ 1956. Void checks for i which other checks have been issued. Filed numerically. (Weekly,official./ i ; 5 x 8 bundles, 5 ft., in 2 compartments of large safe. Disbursement Off— j ' ic