xt7t7659gw1p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t7659gw1p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-09-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 03, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 03, 1981 1981 1981-09-03 2020 true xt7t7659gw1p section xt7t7659gw1p 1 1 .. "its: -‘-i’i>.:';’1’:iir.a‘1”:g1 f1-.“,£i:‘1.1i.‘";1"1‘?§2‘i.1',.§:1?"':“”,’ ‘i’f: fir}: new 1 a _ _ ___.7 1 '.j-1r1.';1,3l1":;_n:i1:1,2. ,‘11;ifgérttz'a'ii'1' _ Min? 'j1.,j-1.:-s,~1;12:;“::":i"' ,1 ,yth‘i‘1 ohm-:1ojn1i1:,;;. : 1 ‘ . ,
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sis-g Today shund be warm and humid .3? '17 1”,:
:1’5‘; _ , f with a small chance of thunda- 3",: 1o {51'
Q. . showers. Hill“ "idly and tomorrow 1"?"7‘
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1.3.1:; 3 . 3 ‘. tom'glitintliemid-emtolowerm. ‘ )1 I} ,1
' '1 1, 1 ' Vol. LXXXIV, No.16 University of Kentucky ' 1, . . ,2
‘ ’ ' 1‘ Thursday, September 3, 1981 An independent studait newspaper- since 1711 Lexington. Kentucky 1 3 - _ 1,-
2 '5.“ {3331” I I I I I I :
‘ . , ‘. . " f“ p ,
. _ . 1 ohm Mining engineering not accredited, - _ ~
3 , 3 I ":11 ‘ ‘ 1'- ' I' '
‘ 5515). " "' 'obs concern students coal firms “
Ace’s 9.! ____________ . . I . . .. .... i .
. - 1 - 3 . us By LIN] KAD AB A sultants or work .Wlth public health Kentucky unless the program is ac- Elchhorn saldlf oppositionlsraised 5 1
1 _ 1 .- a r " 1:" Bureau Chief andwelfare plans in Kentucky. credited. tohisproposal,hewillsupportamove ;:
b , ' 3"" , f , z ,. ; ‘ @1981 Kentucky Kernel In order to be registered in Ken- Eichhorn, a member of the Ken- tohavethe1983 cutoff date moved up, a _
" " " '2. we \ _’ tucky, the law presently states that tucky Registration Board for possiblytolws. [3,1
'1 1g Q ~) , ' —-——————————— students must take two written exams Engineers and Lancebearers, Students could still have job place- 4," , '
21'!“ '1 g : ' . ,3 1;, . . 1 ' 3 , , , , in fundamentals and principles of presented a “Housekeeping Amend- ment problems even if the law is 31 1
’ . “K 1 in». . msmtewhlymnlengmeemfi mining engineering, and have four ment"totheLegislature Sept. 1, pro- changed, because some 10 other a -
, ' ’ M ' 1 program remamsunaccredited, and yearsof experience. posing to change the present law so states require graduation from an ac-
1 l 3 ' ~ "j although. Umverslty adimnistrators However, the law also states that that those who pass the exams and credited program to practice as pro 13%
‘ , ' \ , 1: , flay "Puma“ 0“ students'wfll be after 1983 students must graduate have four years of experience need fessional engineers.
- i' f . ' ' ‘ r very little, 0°“! compames and from an accredited, four-year pro- not graduate from an accreditated in1 All this has mining engineering 1
_ ’ 1 ? students disagree. _ , gram in order to beregistered. stitution. students worried. ‘2',
1- l . . , . , 31. _St"de,“'5 “(“1 "P‘hifi‘fe a,b“°fd“‘ UKmining students who graduated The Legislature will meet in “We’re no longer in competition 4;
:11 1 _, ‘ .3 1 11 113:3 . 1 , 3 . , flcultynn gettmg JObS. 531d, College in 1980 or later will be unable to gain January. with other states who do have profes-
' l I ",‘ ’ t. J1 V ,. of Engineering 9‘?“ Roger Etchhorn. four years of experience by 1983. “I believe it will pass," he said. sionalengineeis,"aseniorsaid.
, ‘ ‘3 We, r ‘ ‘ ’1 ’ However, offlCials 0f three major Therefore they will not be able to “l've been pushing for it for the past
1 9‘ ' ' ' ’ ' .. I ' coal compames said they meter hm practice as professional engineers in two years.” See “Mining; paged
. 1 ‘1. 3 a ,, . _ ! mg graduates of accredited pro- 3.-
2 _ ‘ ' ., grams, - . 5‘
_ s , . fl 2 :11. uThe accreditation and the better P h I, n I n w (‘1 .
1 :5: a . , 1/ he name or the school has a great an e GHIC 00" CI am ,1
- 3,: . ., , v.‘_ deal of heating on who we hire," said .
1 , ‘ . ’ Arch H. Runyon, personnel director I I l l
, - ...._. , 111111111111111111111..11 tln national competition ~
3‘ _ #1. . e 1 1 ,1: ~ .,1.. . 1 £1 :3 “’05! Virginia‘ ted bOth
.1 , 3 ' Representatives contac at _______— - 1 1 _ 1 ~ 1 - - 1
2 . 1. 11h1hh1h111ch111111h-h1a1 11112111110111 vhrsidlziesmfimm mmmmmw 1
. . t . ,' 34¢, .1 i " ’ Eastern Coal Co ration in Stone BureauChief ’ 1 1 - y y. -
1 1 - , g , I?" v the best Panhellenic council in the na- There are 26 schools on the National 1
' 1- ' , " , 3 .: 1 : , i, . , Ky. send all their employees are ____________.___ tion." Panhellenic Council. %
_ t ’ ‘ WWW“ ' . graduates of accredited programs, 3 , , , , The council tied for first place for Essentially, “you’re being ;
V ' ., 1,: . i ’"'“ . . a "s and-they .were 5}"me UK 5 hhhh‘g UK 5 Panhellenic Council ‘5 a hFSt- 1980-81 with Kansas State University. recognized by your peers,” Mc- ,1.
, his 7‘ his”: i 1" - engineering dwision is not ac- It is the inst Panhellemc cannot] at The award 1,5 pmted every two Quintin said. ,
- 1 ' new ~‘ , 1 new“ - , . 5 creded- , , the Universny ‘0 WI" the Natmal years to college Panhellenics in nie winner of last year’s NPC
3 , e . . “My. i 1 to» . , They said they normally hire only Panhellenic Conference {\ward. recognition of fraternal loyalties and award wastheUniversityofIllinois. .
} Fade To Grey By DAV") COOPER, Kernel Staff those who are "*1st as PM?" Panhellenic c,°hh°‘15 govern friendship, mutualconfidence, Secondandthird place winners this "_ 1
l Slonal engineers 0': have thepotentlal women s fraternities, commonly respect and helpfulness. year were the University of Illinois 1
g Students strolling along the walkway through central campus are part of a to beso. Registration also 15 requned known 85 SOFOHUS, thI'OUEhOllt the M ‘lki . d the d indi t and the University of Tennessee, ‘ l
11? dreary scene that characterizes the weather for the past several days. for those who want to practice as am nation. ch 1? sal awar ca es respectively. .1 ;
what they have learned as students ,, , . . . 1.,
. . . . . . ,, Wewontbeeligibletowmthe .
l bald” Justbookknowledge. (NPC) award for the next biennium ’1' l
enter a enln or am! 198 a patients 11111111111... ...... 1. .. 1- l
l the Panhellenic creed, which reads: ° years 1 “9‘“ '7‘“ ' “5*? ‘ ,
. . . . , “We, the fraternity women of (theNPC)wanttospreadit around. 1
———By JAN FOSTER ficials from all of the Lexmgton Will cost between $8,000 and $9,000 a til thetelephone call came. America stand for service W McQullkin, however, said the coun— '
Reporter hospitals in addition to community year. We have to put in a sprinkler The hospitality house will be used the development character inspired cil will strive to win first place in the l,
' members, has studied other hospitali- system," Ewalt said. The top by all the hospitals in Lexington. The b th 1 . . Fraternity Month Award. “Knoun‘ng ,
. . . . . . . y e c use contact and deep friend . . ,
____.._—————————— ty houses in planning its own. estimate on the sprinkler is $23,000. guests Will be referred to the house by ship of individual fraternity and we can place in tlus one, I in real con- l
, The house closest to Lexington is in The hospitality house needs all hospital staff. There will be no charge panhellenic life The rtunit for fident about the others," she said. ‘. ,
Nine y ears ago, Mary Frank Ewalt Nashville, and serves primarily the types of furnishings: beds, bedding, for accommodations, but donations wide and .' ohm y. Marilyn Yoder, Panhellenic presi- ‘ l
was a “5"“ at the UK Medical Vanderbflt Medical Center. It has tables, chairs, towels,a refrigerator, Will be accepted from guests who through mwlzmal res ciergeled dent forthepastyeer,wes responsi— \ 1.
Center, W” her husband was been helpful in starting other houses washer and dryer, dishwasher, paper wish topay. helpfulness isutlle tenet bpewhi h we ble for coordinating the presentation ‘ l
531,0"le I"; She had a PM? ‘0 SW in Oklahoma City and Huntsville, Ala. products, soap, food, dishes, glasses. A private telephone line to all the m to“ ’ ,, y c necessary when applying for the NPC l
‘ duringthemght, b‘" other V‘s‘m (M “l have this UK warp of mind," kitchen utensils, drapes, sofas, office hospitals willbeinstalled. Ewalt said s ve ve. award. 5:1 .
. not. , , , Ewalt said. “If Tennessee can do it, equipment,aTVand much more. there will be someone on duty 24 McQuilkin saidthisis thefirst time The presentation, which took ap- " I
1 Some VlSltOl‘S stayed at the hOSPhal we can do it better.“ Ewalt said she hopes some of the hours a day to help the guests. She the council has placed for an award proximately six months to complete, 5'
24 hoursaday,sleepmg onthefloor— The Hamilton House, 342 S. UK fraternities and sororities will said she hopes there will be a car given by the National Panhellenic included a review of the council‘s ; ,
1 ’ . "‘3“ny weeks atat‘me' . . Limestone St. has been leased from pitch in and help. She added that available so guests can get to any Conference,andthefirsttimeacoun1 year in retrospect, rush booklets,
1' Tm” Mary “ah“ Ewan ‘5? ““3"“ WM $1 per year for five years. and nearly onehalf of Vanderbilt‘s frater- hospital in five minutes if there is an cil has placed in more than one publicity and policies, Greek week
. , man 9‘ the Executive Comnuttee 0‘ will be the hospitality house for Lex- nities and sororities are involved. emergency, category. schedules, service projects and .
‘ 3 Hospital "05“th House 0f Lex~ ington. UK turned the house over to “It‘s really based on a concern of Ewalt said the greatest problem The council placed third in the scholarshipreports.
.' ‘ 3 mgton, ["01 In those 3791351 her 00““ thecommittee Tuesday. people aboutpeople,"Ewaltsaid. will be parking, 3 problem not Fraternity Month Awardaswell.'l‘he “We put a lot of effort into the
l cern f“ the temporarily homeless The house is empty, except for “People didn’ttakeusseriously un- unknown to UK. She hopes UK will award, also presented every two presentation," Yoder said. “Winning
‘3 lamlllfi at lfithStOh hospitals has Ewalt's office, which consists of two til we got a house,” she said. Dona- allot two spaces for the staff. years, recognizes the most con- has been very rewarding. It stood for ‘
,_ 31'0““ and She has contacted others white plastic modern chairs, a small tions are now starting to come in, she Many of the patients at the Medical structive public relations program what we were trying to accomplish _
" l whosharethesame 9°hh°m~ , table, and a telephone. Sometime added. Center are a long way from home. carriedonbyacollege Panhellenic. and trying to promote about what
' , t‘ The Hospital Hospitality House is a before Thanksgiving, Ewalt hopes to She said last July someone called The distance is too great for family Criteria for this award give em1 Panhellenic meatsonourcampus."
home away from. home. for “the be open for business, With the house her to ask if she would like $1,000 for members to drive, even if they were phasis to scholarship, guardianshipof Jeannie Fletcher, Panhellenic
relatives of the “nous” ‘h Whent furnished and prepared to accom- the houselt turned out a local aux- tovisit only every twoorthreedays. 800d health, maintenance 0‘ high president for this year, said the ‘
1 Wh‘? com” from beyond the boun- modate 18 guests and two staff iliary of the Disabled Veterans and a Some people living at the Medical standards and service to the college award will “inspire us to keep up the
‘ dang. 0‘ Fayette County for treat- members. Carter County Citizens Band group Center were glad to hear about the community. good work. All the girls are real ex-
' ' ment 1" the Lexmgton hospitals. , Between now and then, a lot of time, held a bean soup and cornbread sup- house. Other schools in the running for cited about it"
‘ ' :1. The 25-member executive comm1t- money and people are needed. per July 4 to raise money, an event One family member staying with a NPC awarth included the University Fletcher said “UK will now be
“*1 mmlm’d 0‘ admmlstrahm 0" “UK has estimated that our utilities totally unknown to the committee un- patient said, “It will be a good thing. of Illinois, which won fil'St place in the recognized nationally as an
' ' 3 . o . . I I’m afraid I’m in the way here, but I Fraternity Month Award, Auburn outstanding council in the ‘1
mom” commlttee on hlgher meanm don’t‘know where to go, andlcouldn't University, theUniversityof Georgia, Panhellemc system." ,
payif Idid." the University of California, Ball ThecmincilhopestoattendtheNPC .
. . . Amemberofanother family said“! State University, the University of banquet Nov. 4, in Denver Colo. ‘
- - studies Iongrange Issues recommendations “New" now-mm . . . -
' l are pretty hard." L I t u 3
' , . Frank Butler, Medical Center eg's a Ive comm' ee
. . l W Governor John Y. Brown Jr. has lg- The committee also adopted 3 director, said “It becomes a problem .
“y . . nored that recommendation in the number 0‘ other DWI-”5315 In many when 1 f f 3'
Senior Staff Writer 1 - 1 P909 ecome ,rom ar away .
- Past. The budget cuts made by the different areaSthlgher edueatlon. He said many ofmmopledonot revewes Psc smnd ,
,\ ' __..____________.._ governor in February came after the One called for the creation 0f 8 lmow anything about Lexingttm. and , ‘
‘ panel asked him to make the state‘s Fund for Excellencetobeprowded by have no idea when motels are ———————— August. struck down a suit Spomored
The Committee on Higher Educa- “hiya-snug theexception rather than the state for scholarships and money located Others simply cannot afford By SY' RAMSEY , in part by the UK Student Associa- 1
tion in Kentucky’s Future has been at the rule in his budgetcutting action. for outstanding visiting scholars on to pay for accommodations during ASSOClaled Press Writer tion, charging that the Brown‘s action
the top of the news recently, but few The committee also drafted a pro- state campuses. their stay which could become and 5‘3“ reports in creating the PSC was un- ‘
undersland its origins. its {unetloni m] calling for fighter admission It 8150 called for the state to lengthyifthepatientisseriwslyill ___________________. COHStltl-lthMI- SA has asked ”18th
and exactly what effect it Will have on standards for in-state students. strengthen teacher-certification stan- “So they end up in our waiting case be reheard on new evidence, ac-
~ _ higher education in Kentucky. The draft states, “Kentucky’s dards as well asaproposaltotest pro- rooms 11 Butler said Most of the FRANKFORT — Falling in line cording to its president. Britt
'l‘hesubcommitteeof theCOuncil on universities should move toward spective teachers in their field. rooms' at the Medical Center are with a recent court ruling, a Brockman.
. ’ . "idler Education in Frankfort is establishing admissions criteria in The committee adopted a number either semhpmm 0,. {whee legislative subcommittee yesterday SAhasnotbeendirectly involved in
sometimes referred to as the addition tothe high school diploma." of other proposals to be formally wards and it becomes too crowded if reversed its official view that the the water company regulation i,
“Prichard committee“ because it is But it added that the state’s com- adopted at the Sept. 14 meeting, family members stay in the patient's state Public Service Commissiondoes dispute. .
headed by Frankfort attorney Ed- munity colleges should continue their which in turn will be presented to the room not exist. Brinkley said that he does not agree
ward F.Prichard. “open"admissions policy, council in October. However, exactly “Very often a large number of It approved a new regulation for with the circuit court ruling, but he
1 The 301member panel was A part of that proposal calls for UK how much clout its recommendations family members come It seems to be small water companies which was en- commended Volz for showing a
- , established in the spring of 1980 to “to adopt standartb reflecting st“- will carryisstill in doubt. asocial thing withthefamily We sug- dorsedbyl’SCchairman Marlin Volz, respectful attitude towards the
3 . study the long-range issues facing the dent academic potential for the W. Brown has saidhewill not comment gest that two stay on the “hue floor allowing the water companies to pass legislators by not ramming through
state‘s colleges and universities and pose of limiting enrollment of until hesees the formal proposal. And and the rest wait in the main lobby 1I on price increases by their suppliers the regulation in the face of the sub
1‘ t 7 ” make recommendations ‘9 the cm" freshmen and sophomores.” UK ultimately be has the last say on the Butler said ' to customers without the in- committee‘s opposition.
"—7 Cll. according ‘0 W F1 S°Xl°h1 would work in conjunction with the matter unless the General Assembly people sleeping on the floor is the termediate step of a hearing before “We recognize that you could have
' dewty executive director“ CHE- CHEin establishingthestandards. can make some headway at unbenn- biggest "We,“ Bung, said, 1, in. thePSC. gotten all the energy regulations you
1 The committee’s recommenda- It also said that smaner state ningof theyear. terferes with the housekeeping staff Volz said the regulation is designed wanted," Brinkley said.
. . ,' . tions, which are expected to be ap- schools should provide the proper But whatever the outcome, one trying to clean the floors along the tosave money forthecompanies. SA‘s suit was spurred by a con- ,
1 1 .1 proved for formal recommendation to lower division courses so that thing is certain. The “Prichard com- hallways or in the lobby areas. He ad- That same regulation was rejected troversy over a proposed rate hike by
. . .1 theCHE ataSept. 14 meeting. include studentawho demonstrated an ability mittee" has studied the problems 0‘ ded however that a" is not easy to last June, not on its merits but General Telephone Company last
. ‘ 1 a plan ‘0 eliminate one of the “3'33 to dowork at that level could transfer the state's universities and 00M“ ask‘someone to leave when they have because the Administrative Regula- January. . 1
1 ' threehwschoolo to UK, which would concentrate its for nearly 16 months. Unless some magma-1 tion Review Subcommittee insisted “I still believe thatBrownscted un- . 1.
'_ _ , That would mean closing the law programs at the upper division changes are made soon, it says, Carol Dobus ”mum director a“ the recreation of the PSC by Gov. mfimtionally," said SA President 5 ,. ,
M I¢h0°l here, 8‘ the University 0‘ undergraduate, graduate and profee- higher education in Kentucky could mm saidthenurses ”unidenfify John Y. Brown Jr. through executive Britt Brockman when contacted last 1, . ' ’ , 3
1. 1 ' Indiville, or at Northern Kentucky sionallevels. bein seriom trouble. with the familiu. We feel bad we orderwas invalid. hllhl- “We have always 000W '1 1 1 g7
. ' University as pertofa process to can‘tdosnythingforthem.” ’l'hegovmiortookhisstepsflerthe thattherste-makingprocesslscon- _ j
‘ ellmnntemury mar-m8- ' ' The mm try to help a much ,, isso legislature failed to pass a bill stitutionslly a legislative hmction. 1.; ,, a". 1 1
“c: 1 The committee h” noted “ “may l 5' 2 they can. "A husband W his wife which would have merged the two ex- Until the General Assembly spprovu .3 , 1” {,1 71.1“
,’.“,11-.;.,‘ 1 “m lhlt Kentucky mull have 3 and ailing baby and My“ my isting utility regulatory agencies into mama‘s still imcmstitutimalln . 13.1,“ “$333
.1 ' 1. us of lawyers in coming . .psc_ my 1: 1:333:13 3.3,
$.55 . ,, .3 m as one of the considerations for A new arts and entertainment feature. Grim, starts on page 5. (”Mt the Wat: flimutqi 3:02;: But “991 William W, D- But Brockman said be m the ln- ,3 fl: ”:3:
3.5.1... l f ‘ “recommendation. Part twoonhe Rick Buehner sags sppesrsonpsge 8. for 24 bolus. We'll try to feed he Madisonvtlle. the S“"°°,'"'h‘"°,° “Wt “ the Iqulative subcem- ~‘ .§%rig‘;ill‘;§
1313.31; ,1 f1 r .3 m, it has also stated that the somehow _ maybe a tray meant for . chairman, noted that fiankhn Circuit rnittee in the diepute as a step in the 1 .3 13%”
«Xi? - .. ' M m w its funding if the UK classrooms are overcrowded. Seetoday's editorial. 00‘“ ”‘3'th upheld Brown‘s ex- "hm direction. 1 1. on:
3, ,3 , , . 1 "It, d ethicatlon Is to survive in “doom, “'lhey can always charge that: €11,111, 13.7.
’ , 31%;": ~ , m. , 1a 99“ "Center-"l”!e ‘ The!!!“ decision, which came in minhqsinfimesstd. a 3:33.231,
”mg 11‘ h ’1' W 1 1 . s... -«a.» A ‘ ’ ‘ “ ~ * “V ‘1 ' «"1 "“""‘WT“ 4" .‘Ffl’fl'fis .. 1 . 1 . . l ‘1
34..{ a »¢-;f 11......”0’ 11 r‘ " ' ‘ “ " -fliflfiwufl" W , 3‘ ,.. ‘ni , 1. f: 1‘s 3 3 , (,3 y,,, _. if, inf. ‘1.~‘?1‘.?"§efé:' 3_.M3,r,.1§3.3~1 :33 '3»- ." 3 , 1, -
fighhhhfihmhfiéhhfiemaam. 1. . 1 ‘1. ‘ £1. 1“ '1.‘ lfmnflu~§ir“}&w 1 1 t . 1

 . , , e ..eea ~ ‘ ., ' no ‘Wflhwflfitwiwwmwwflwi* r 't' ' "”h‘rniwiii‘
”$49“? Arwqietfl‘n,’ ‘;T‘i"'*’f«.‘ ”‘ *i 5- » ' ' v.1 " = f U ‘rtif‘ila 7‘7"Hi’i‘z‘l’n‘w-ii‘i-i353‘ W'Z'helitfii‘l . 9.7.5. «3393“; . 4:95;? ‘ -* i <- .f'. -‘ .731“: ' ‘ i filth: in.3.59.437‘3tii7'iiif
negififimiihi ”it ‘ ‘3"“4 .. U . ' ' 1 ' -' -- .- ‘ ' hthin‘et’t‘i .r: en " i ’ . . ' i , " . chm

t, t‘ ..t..- 4 . , 3mg- . new“-.. _......W...._,.-. '. ‘ . ‘ » , “TV”. F “ -' f ‘ ' . . " ‘ . ‘ - ”i ‘ ‘ .x‘i‘uzntt'=*‘t;“~;‘%'ntf in:

_"~‘{"‘"f-““,I.*;.‘v,itg . c .. .. . .- .. , . .. .. . . .. . .., - . ....-» we i . -e-ae. .. . "new.-. wWN‘--Qi¢~«elu ..Né-gm...“ _’ m-

We -

5*»? ‘ ‘

3"? L Bill Stelden Girls Ash ite- Altlne Anne Chutes Una Wallace M- Chandler Bella . .

i)» r' i Editorelni‘hiel Editorial Editor Peggy M 500'“ 34““ Entertainment “W M Editor "

1‘" _ ., pe l S u a s O I, Vicki Poole 1"!“me - ’

.' - ‘ Manning Editor Lilith!!!“ .

. , _
‘ '- f. Jacki Rudd Leslie Michelson 0‘" 6- m Steveo w. inwther John Griffin Kirby Stephens
‘ E Day Editor Editorial Assutant Bureau Chiefs Assist-lit Sports Editor \uilunt Entertainment Editor Graphics Editor l ~
‘ l. . \
MM-.- » ; .
‘9. . If, c dw I I V ‘ s s .. ices - i- l
, row upper- eve courses _, 1 huge $AV,SIR,IM IMPRangD er
deterrent to efficient learnin \ “1E REALlSTlc in TEAM'SPlRlTED WAY 5:“ i »
It‘s beginning to seem like the designation pastures. And students, who often have no is s“ i “(E MED FOR DEFENSE BUDGET CUTS" :1i‘ i .
“500-level" is an indication of the number of choice but to accept the whole situation with __ _ » ,7 s\ it . '
students in the class, rather than the difficulty cynical resignation, end up on the short end of _ " . /., W \\ ‘ ‘ i, _ I _. ‘
of the subject matter covered. stick. ‘ l \ ‘i-ss‘ a‘ ., , , - t . ‘
It 5 a ”“1“. for StUd‘lmts When. ulpper-level There are no obvious solutions to the pro- i , .. ’5',» (1‘ l i . ~‘ " -' :
, courscfsdinvodving'cohip :xdmagerlah are over ' blem. Hiring more full-time teaching person- i . €19 ,"/‘.‘ , ' " i ’- ‘
crow '3" l 5.3” as ad w 9;“ ire are so nel is out, a result of Gov. John Y. Brown’s i x Z ., . .' . I ‘ ,
33:91 stu ents m 100' an 200‘ rive coturses slash-and-burn economic policies. Non- ! _ K )1 f
. tha {1 ‘st nfffissary 0 use opera g asses 0 see traditional courses of action will be necessary. "I I / 1
e ron 0f erodlm. ‘t h d Th One idea might be to increase the hiring of . \ 4 i 'v ' o, ' ' '
blAndlzro ‘35;qu avglkeven 5:; e.“ t eprog part-time teachers. There are undoubtedly a - . ' t i f / i :
em 0 reac ing an eeping e m eres 0 good number of retired professional people in _. - ' i if s is \ \L - ‘
people who, on the whole, would rather be the community who would be delighted to - ‘ is: "t ?\ III \ AS i '
spmewhere 91519 igmultiplied by ovfehcrowdtid teach, as well as active professionals who I * _ . it)“ .33! iss: .
c assroomsh ea .mg some pro 655°” 0 might volunteer their services in a philan- 7, . -_ .. , ss egg-g. "
_‘ swallow their ethics and unsubtly encourage thropic spirit 5‘ - . . ' ' _ he .es:\$s§ f ‘ _
.‘ ‘ absenteeism in order to make room for those ‘ ‘ ’ / M 9, ‘\ 3%} ' It 1
I who are truly motivated to learn. But further solutions will be necessary. I 5’ of we \ <\ i§fi§§$ .- g ,
Motivation is one thing UK students cannot Large numbers of part-time teachers cannot ’ / $5“! +43 \ . ' * ,5, . I
have too much of — it takes a tremendous carry the full load, and sucha program would ' 4/4 “,I ‘ “ tort?” \\\ \\ :25” to? ‘ ' ’ - " '3
‘ level of interest to sit day after day with 60 besure to garner opposition from members of “l ’ “\ ‘1: "ii 5‘ ©l‘m 3 _ ‘
other people in a classroom designed for 30 at the American Association of University Pro- It I
most.especially when the combined body heat fessors, who would view such an influx of I I i .
raises the temperature to sauna levels. . unorganized people into their “territory” as a organmm Hlllltel' “mmm apmarame 5' . i
The net result is frustration - on both Sides threat. Professors, already dissatisfied, might I . ' '
0f the podium. T0 expect education to take thus beprovoked into full revolt, d d . f“ SA hers i I
place in such an environment is the height of The only other course of action available re- a s“ I expenence mem i. '
folly. And it is ridiculous to pay $740 a year -— quires reductions in the number of electives . l . . t _
me — none Place tesneepnnne the day. and an expanded number or sections or ”em murm- omega 375‘ "r“ m " '
Already, the deterioration of teaching op- quired courses. While this may be at odds with day-s column is a Ward tale of that 3 ‘ 0 I the front desk of the hotel. My friend .
portunities because of overcrowding has led to the philosophy of liberal education — exposure twisted event. Some segments are fic- . Doug is the desk clerk tonight, and I
faculty resignations and growmg dissatisfac- to a wide range of pursuits and interests — titl'ous. The intent is to capture the mffiw'xem geWM' l . beg him for a “commimentary” ;
tion among students. If professors are forced quality education impossible without true spirit 0f a remarkable event ' ' . cqmer’ am.“ 130““-
. . . v . Next w eh "I. o, 'u ”0 .ts the unloading area. Eddie andlsmile “Thompson is on the w th n l
to approach their primary occupation. manageable numbers in the classroom must . e ' "1' ° .“"'" ‘7‘. 3" ' b dl 1' ' this ‘ ' that u an“ '- ;
~ ’ busmess of rewewmg politics. roa y. rea izmg Is one gig say. and we better appease him,
classroom teaching. as a worthless chore, bepreserved at all costs. The governor leaves the iconoclastic father of Gonzo 1'0“!” because I can’t afford to pay for
they have no choice but to look for greener us no choice. 4:47 pm. and the plane is on time. "a“m Hunter 3 Thompson “’0'” smashed mirrors. kickede‘ndoorsand .
' Anxiously waiting for this guy is stand up. At least, sowe believe.” flooded carpets." f
p . something that goes with the ter- Immediately upon recognition, Doug, barely disguisinghisamuse— :‘V
ritory. We are still concerned that he Thompson greets "5 and shouts that ment, says it's no problem and CNS
A might try to cancel this appearance, he must see Jimmy Carter 5 press me thekeys to two jacuni suites, plus '
s..- .” even after the Aspen Airport confirm- conference and that he needs new an extra regular room for our head- I
m ' ed that our guest was on his flight. hathfiffore hf facesbglalgllhg stage quarters. His boss is not aware of this. .
Y \ *§\ \\.\“\§E;‘ l - 1553' "mm? rea . 6:48: I returned to the room and
x N\\\\\ °°mmumcated “"‘h ’“S 33‘3““ T0” ' rtba h'l Eddi h dsf th - '
§ 9 \ ‘ ten , Clark, during the previous six weeks, airpo r, w l e e ea or e under the door, hls quarters reek 0‘ a
.1, ii}. i ’ . only 30 hours earlier, at four in the giftshop. . th popular herbal essence. Later he ad- ‘
. if; ‘ , J morning, he had coerced us into 5.05.We miss e conference, but mits that a stewardess on his flight
‘ — e at . rescheduling his flight. Apparently have time to exchange small talk recognized him, and gavehim a joint
.‘Q the Frontier supersaver flight via after I buy a round 0‘ beers. Thomp- 0’ “some “b3“ stuff from Miami."
[I '5“ Denver offended his air-safety sen- son mumwa that the only person who At this point it dawned 0" me, like a "i
, _ \ . t ‘ . .. . . . understands his characteristic gib— ki k in the teeth that this - t \
'\fi. 9» Siblllties. He instead preferred, and in be . h - th t' K t ki c . guy "“8“ ,
Gs A fact persisted that we seat him first ns ls ano erna lve enuc an, do something blatantly illegal in
a. class ona Delta whis ‘et via Atlan- Muhammad Ah‘ also known for his public. Geez, what are we into this ’
\ / ta perj skills with the English language. time? ‘
‘ . ‘ ”Will this create difficulty fortheau- 7:04; Eddie and BC return with
.. 4/ Thatwasn'tabig problem. dience'?" Eddie asks. “Only if they Clark from the airport. Thompson
_ i ‘ b: / Then, to offset the added expenses, try to listen," Thompson replies and Clark caucus sem_privately' and i
r \i\ and to accommodate the demand that 5:28: Without much of an argu- it's notapleasant thing to hear. ;
~32? obviously exceeded the supply of ment, we convince a more relaxed 7:21; We are already 5) minutes
i _ *3 tickets, we gambled by moving the Thompson that we should catcha taxi behind schedule, but we finally get
' V G‘ \ \ “performance" from the Center for tothe hotel,soon. Thompson on his way. Fortunately, ‘
’ . . l . . the Arts. capacity 1,500, to Memorial 5:31: Hunter avoids typical luggage he’s forgotten about his annoyance .
/ \ V. Coliseum. hassles by bringing his belongings in with Clark, and he seems to be psych~
_ ' After dealing with these two aleather duffel bag, with probably25 edforhisprssentation. I
‘ precarious situations, we resigned connected side pouches. Today. he 3;"; Thompson makes it througha
m ourselves to the sad inevitability that has decided to store a cold six-pack large press confer-wee in flying col- ‘i
6'" (W all of the well made, and seemingly from the bar in the main section. 05' even though the questions lack ' i
. well intentioned plans were out the However, seconds after he closes the imagination, such as “do you con-
. I I bag, the wan”? 0‘ the lid-less be?" sider John Anderson a viable ‘
. _ seeps through his bag; soaking lust presidential candidate?" Now we ,
6 ans 0 age no a a s I" r“ hislnpeml "ten thecabsseatcover- must get him outofthelocked dress- ‘
Tins irritates Dr. Gonzo. Moments ing room, and outtothestage.
later, he expresses his frustration by 8:”: Finally, Thompson emerges
‘ Greek rush parties, afternoon beer known as “Sin City," even to its widely different groups. I can now banging ontheoutsideofthe cabdoor appearing alert, clearheaded and
blaStS. “happy hours" and “UK m residentsMy home area has twocon- look ahead two short yearstothetime when the driver cuts lanes a bit talkative. He’s ready to take on the ~
nights" at local night spots, meeting slants: few changes occur, and there when I will forever leave this place dangerously. This he quickly justifies animals that are screaming for
new neighbors in dormitories and academia would be.1concentrated on is little variety. Unfortunately, like for whatever employment is by saying, “Door beating usually gets “Duke." .
apartment complexes - those ac- keeping up in my five loo-level most Kentuckians, the majority of its available by then. lam content. their attention. it works better than “Jesus,"he exclaim