xt7t7659gw9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t7659gw9c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-11-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1988 1988 1988-11-30 2020 true xt7t7659gw9c section xt7t7659gw9c  


Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCII, No. 77

Established 1894


University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971 We (Jr .

,Jd, Ni


another .30 IQBB—J


Asphalt Institute breaks ground for its headquarters at UK

Assignment Editor

Officials from the
Asphalt Institute and
UK broke ground yes
terday for the new As-
phalt Institute Head-
quarters, which will
be located at UK's
Spindletop Farm.

The Asphalt lnsti-
tute announced in Au-
gust it would relocate
to U K from its 33 year
homeai the l niversity of Maryland

Charges may
open record,

St all reports


Fayette County Circut Judge George
Barker indicated yesterday that he would
rule to release the full details of the 18
allegations of NCAA rules Violations
against the LIK basketball program.

Barker heard arguments from represen-
tatives oi the University and the Owner-
Journal yesterday. in October. the newspa-
per iilcd a joint petition with UK for the
release of the full text of the allegations

l'K released to the media a summary of
a letter sent to ['K president David Roselle
irom the NCAA containing a list of the al—
legations. The letter. released in October.
omitted the names of those involved in the

James Park. UK legal counsel advised
Roselle that at the time “ the l'niversi-
ty obligation to protect the privacy of lildt~
\‘iduals requires that we not release the
tall text of the NCAA allegations at the
present time.”

Barker said yesterday that the allega»
tions should be considered open records
under the Kentucky open records law

Barker said. however. that he had not
made his final judgment on the matter and
that the decision was only preliminary He
said the decision was subject to review
atter he hears further arguments

I‘K officials argued yesterday that re
leasing the iiill text of the list oi allega-
tions would invade the privacy oi the indi
\ idiials mentioned

The (“ourier Journal countered by saying
the in” text would not be aii invasion of
priiacy, that the allegations had little to
do with educational records and that the
Nt‘;\.\ investigation is we“ passed the pre
Iiiiiinary stages

Search committee

for AD named

St ati reports

The l'niversity yesterday announced the
iormation yesterday of a six~member com-
mittee to screen candidates for the (K
athletics director position.

The search for a new athletics director
was spurred by the resignation oi t'hii
Hagan from the post. Hagan served as ath—
letics director at {K for i3 years and
stepped down in the midst of a number of
allegations oi N('AA rule infractions by the
[K basketball program.

Joseph Burch was named interim athlet
its director after Hagan‘s resignation

Ed Carter. UK vice president for admin
istration. said Charles Wethington, chan-
cellor oi the UK community college sys-
tem. will be the committee chairman

ttther members of the committee will be
l’cggy Meszaros. dean of the l'K t‘ollege of
Home Economics. William B Sturgill of
lA‘Xlllglllil, an alumnus of the l'niversity'
and a member of the K~Men‘s Association.
Robert (E Lawson. the l’niversity's N(‘AA
taculty representative. Bruce Rector of
lexmgton. a UK student. and S T Roach
of lexington. an at large representative

All the members of the committee are
members of the UK Athletics Association
Board oi Directors

The committee will conduct a nationwide
search for candidates and will make rec-
ommendations to Carter for his consider-
ation. Carter will then make recommenda-
tios to UK President David Roselle who
Will make the final recommendation to the
UK Board of Trustees.

(‘arter said that he expects the commit-
tee to begin deliberating immediately and
have its work completed in early spring.

“We want the commitee to take whatev-
er time is necessary to identify the best
possible candidates for this important l'ni-
versity post," Carter said.

Once built, the facility will serve as the
headquarters of asphalt research in the
United States.

Gerald S. 'l‘riplett. president of the Insti—
tute said in August that the lnstitute's
lease expires in 1991 and the university
needed the building so the Institute began
a search last year for a new location.

“One year ago we began a serious
search for new headquarters." said David
Ross, chairman of the Asphalt Institute.
“tUKI had tough competition with four
other universities. "

Officials did not know when construction
on the project would start, but some pre-

vious estimates scheduled the facility to be
open by mid 1990

UK was chosen over Purdue I niversity.
the University of Maryland the University
of Texas and Texas A&\l. all well known
engineering schools

Ross said the institute selected [K for
many reasons such as the central location
which is near Washington D.(‘.. economic
package. its outstanding research site. the
Kentucky transportation center and [K
President David Roselle's support

“From our iirst vistt to UK to the out—
standing presentation in April. Dr Rose
lle's unwaning support and sincere desire




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provided the necessary diiterence tor its to We? 'it 'tlt‘ " ‘ .t... m c! JIM-Ms tcc:

make our decision.“ Ross said. ’H fr’m m'

The new onerstory budding. whith will
contain offices. laboratories and a librar\
was financed with state bonds and
term lease from the state

., It“; Ijtilir‘t-t . _t ..
Vl'lil‘ Ii

t‘l’ii’t‘u i i-


Ross said tiic building will be con
structed by a Lexuigton firm and scit-i‘al
bids are being t‘i'kteweti .;i ii..-


The institute employs lit peopie w'i‘i'. .Il‘
annual payroll of H million. said t‘aixio
Grayson. director of the Kentucky trans

UK law student
remembered for
ability as leader

it) \ll'Ilililll'lll I ll ill

5"!" VII. ,. t,..

[K .stith icti
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Deadline for University housing application is Dec 30

My (\\"l‘.ill\l F'ltls

In an cti'ort to avoid "tripling" students
in l'K residence halls. l'niversity housing
is recommending that students apply Iot‘
1989 tall housing by Dec .to

[his deadline is no different irom years
past but the housing policy ior applicants
who meet the deadline is different Penny
t‘ox tltit‘tltir oi L'K housing said the new
polic \ git ii intees that students will not be

issigned to i’iiplc dormiton IHUI“. it I ii'.‘
.ipply pilot tothcdeadlmc

This year's crirolhiient tecii ‘fi
highest sltlt't‘ HRH according to Iriii Rho
des. executive tlll‘t‘t‘ltll' iii [‘ZIH‘HHHH‘HI _\.~y".

Because oi the 'ncreasc
students are l:\'itIL‘ in the
than this time last year

Students were Iorccd with options oi c.
thcr living ott campus or
‘liiplcd 'doimitoix ioonis

\Iiout 1..)oo oi the noon lllttlliillIL‘ iii-sh


ti\l'l' hilt) iiitll't‘

residence halls

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llit iviillt \. '.Mist .‘.t;.-i.i‘iil

Bush hoping for early confirmation of cabinet

By TO,“ N All“
AssoCiated Press

WAb‘llth ;T( )N Presidentelect
George Bush told Senate Republican lead~
ers yesterday he \vill seek speedy contir
mation of his Cabinet. perhaps with hearr
ings beginning even before he takes office
oiiJan 20

Bush also told the (It)? senators he
hopes any ”honeymoon period” with (‘on—
gress can yield a federal budget compio
misc. according to participants in a pri~
vate get acquainted meeting at the (‘apitol

Sen Alan Simpson. R—Wyo.. said the
presidentelect indicated he wanted to
meet with “a bipartisan group to discuss
his thoughts" before submitting a budget
outline of his own.

However. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen. I)-Texas.
chairman of the Senate Finance Commit-
tee and the 1988 Democratic vice presi-
dential candidate. said Bush "should not
be in the posuion of not sending any bud-
get up."

"This will be his first test of leadership.
He has to show what he believes in 7 na-
tional defense. Medicare. revenues? He
has to speak to the principal points of the
budget. That’s part of the price of lead-
ership." Bentsen said. “They just won an
election. it‘s theirs to call."

Republican senators said the wee pi'csi
dent indicated during their meeting that he
would take up the matter oi carI\ coniir
mations With the Senate's newly chosen
majority leader. George Mitchell oi Manic
Bush called Mitchell to congratulate him
shortly after Tuesday's secret ballot cit-c
tioii among Senate Democrats

In I981 the Senate then controlled l>\
the Republicans. \oted confirmation ot km
appointments of President Reagans within

Iiixiigtit'ijt's i

Ii iurs oi tits I't.ttlL‘.Ill‘.‘llIUtl
imyca iiiaioi‘ih ii~tlic,\'c'iatc

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.aioiig. tonIii'iiiatiou iit‘.tI'Iitt.‘\i ‘lllti in I-w-t . t . , s..-

FAA to require backup warning devices

Associated Press

WASHINGTON The Federal .\viatioii
Administration told the airlines yesterday
it wants an additional warning device ill
the cockpits of all 1' S. commercial 'It'llllir
ers to tell pilots whether the critical take
off alarm system is working

The proposed directive. w Inch is ex»
pected to go into eifect early next year and
give airlines another year to comply.
would affect about 3,700 large commercial
jets. according to the FAA.

(,‘ommercial jetliners have alarm sys-
tems that are supposed to warn pilots it
the plane‘s critical control devices such as

wing tlzips .it‘c :‘iit I.". 'Iic i:
tora takcott
But iii at least 'wo iecent crashes .
suspected that the alarms l.Ill('Ii to s mint
because oi .I iiialtunction \ spot t’lt'l'k
carliei‘ this year oi Boeing .iti'ciatt
showed .titascs it‘. \\lilt‘ll the alarms c thei .1 «' . . .. : 4. . i

tailed or did not operate properly \wosy It.
ing to the FAA

the FAA said in a proposed order [iii-s
day that it wants the airlines to iiistail in
cockpits of A” large commercial
.iddiiioii.il warning light that would to on it
power has been disrupted hit some ieasoii
'o the takcoit warning system

The iiiixliticatioii. '.\llt\‘ll likely would lie

‘0in; ltisJ. i:

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Today: Snow. possible rain
Tomorrow: Mostly doudy






Eastwood offers jazz, film
fans life story of Charlie

Parker in ‘Bird.


Lady Kats lose to
Ohio State.

Sec ”age ?











2 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday, November 30. 1988



Tom Splldlng
Sports Editor


Lady Kats
lose to
Ohio St.

Assistant Sports Editor

The I'K women‘s basketball
team looked as it they were headed
into overtime against (thin State as
senior Pain Shruni hit a iumper
from the larle with two seconds re
maining to tie the score at all

The buzzer went off. but the 12th
ranked Buckeyes had called
timeout. and two seconds were
placed back on the clock

tihio State l'my'ersity's iieneya
Sanford inbounded the ball to
Liana I‘outts at half court where
timeout was called with only (I sec
ond showing on the clock

‘I made the decision with two
seconds on the chick to try to get
the hall from the base line to half
court on one pass and call time out
rather than dribble the ball up the
floor and get a shoi' llhltl Slate
coach \ani'y l)arsi Ii said

\fler llie Inneiiul Sanford threw
the ball to Lisa l'linc who spun
around and hit a shot .it the boner
to deflate [K s hope for an mer-
liiiii-iii’aiiupsi-I foriiiilrlrtillloss

Its like in: heart dropped
\lll‘lllll said It's like everything
\ou worked loi wi-nt completely
down the drain It was like some
thing was lost or killed e\er\'iiiiic
wehadworkeitfor was gone

I! was basically a detensni
mistake on the coininunicati-ii‘i
I'K coach Sharon Fanning

t‘linei should not haye
hall where she had gill it

‘ I think IhaI we had a long
second bill I also thought Ihal Ihe
pass to half Hflll'l could not hayi-
run off .i whole second "saivi

"They set .i double slack on one
block illlfl I was on the other lilock


L‘tii' lttai




UK's Vanessa Foster-Sutton (24) and Kristie Cushenberry try to
get 'i handle on the ball during last night's game With Ohio State

and I iris; faked up through the foul
lIl't .Il‘ill itflllt' around the double

aim the locker room at
ll'.fll'.'l‘.‘_ (lhio State by

l 'i\ ‘U zi‘
I'l.f‘ 1. i.»
hats were able to re
second half due to
'lwll' .llliil'i‘ssy etic‘ s and hustle

l’iill 'lli’

lion/iii I," flu

in plan-ii 3o minutes of intense
Fanning said ‘\'\e
.inif ‘y‘t' planed togeth


pfii‘w: txii

er We made a lot of things happen
Wedidn't dothat intially “

Shruni led the hints scoring at
tack with IT points including an Ill
side turnaround with IT seconds
left to bring l'K within two at 8078.
after they had trailed by ten with a
little under .\I\' minutes remaining

l‘K. whose record dropped to :2 I.
will try to get back on the winning
road as they Irayel to Athens. libio
to play fiiiio I'niyersity Saturday at
T ililp ni

Rincon, Hahn headed for tourney

Ry [MN Bl'Rt ll
Staff Writer

Four members of the highly
ranked I'K tennis teams will Ii‘ayi-I
to the Rod Layer Tennis (‘enter to
Hilton Head. 8 (‘ this weekend for
the [)u I’ont National ('lay loiirt
(‘hampionships The tournament.
which runs this weekend. is the
second of the l‘ollegiate iii‘aiid
Slam l‘Iyents

Womens head coach John lhi:
neen will showcase .*\ll*r\lll(‘l'lt'.f"
Sonia Hahn and Allstfif performer
(‘hris Karges from his eightlr
ranked w omen 's squad

Hahn a senior from t‘arroIIIiin
(ia . is the nations fifth~ranked sill
gles player and the tournament s
No lseerl

Aller winning the National lll
door and finishing in the runner up



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stint .i! ‘be \‘ational t‘lay' (‘oiirts as
., siillltllll‘lll‘t‘ and 'he ITS .\ir »\ll
\inerli ai‘iasa iiiihoi

linen-e: we 5 he feels Hahn s e\
perieriie makes her ready for this
v eckeriif'si ll.‘fll(‘lit.‘,e

i“ s \I'l‘» illlllt'llli to play Sonia
t‘\l)t'l'l.1ll‘. ii: the l‘lL‘ match situa
liiii. solid off both sides and
.iiii. fie: .iiiay of passing shots is
'ii-iiii-nifously Iough to sliip.‘ lhn
i'll't'ii \.i l

\ler c



Iliiiiieen said he the
chances all lt'lloy'l (‘lll‘ls
Karges and has telI she has justly
earned her spot

"(‘hris is coming into her own
during her senior yearf Ihnneen
said "She has played her way into
the upper echelon of the collegiali-
ranks and deseryes a shot in col
lege tennis inaiiir championships

Meanwhile seeing artioii for the
Sixlh'l‘élnki‘f‘l I’K men will lit‘ All
American senior Marie Rini'on and
sophomoreSammy \‘ltnnetl

Wildcat head coach Ilennis
Emery feels that Rmcoii has iiist
as good a shot as anyone to \\III the

l‘Iincry also shows confidence in
Stinnetl by sending him to the m
tioiial Ioiirnanieni

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Editor in (,‘hiet

i xecufive EdiIOr
Assocmte Editor
Editorial Editor
Arts Educ:
Sports t ditor
Photo Editor


Advertismg Director
ASSlSlalil Advertising Director
Production Manager

rates are $30 per year


The Kentucky Kernel

Jay Btanton
Thomas J. Sullivan
Jim White

C A Duane Bonifer
Rob Seng

Tom Spalding
Randal Williamson
Mike Agin

Linda Collins

Jeff Kuerzi

Scott Ward

the Ker‘ilUCKy Kernel is published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer sessmn
third-ciass postage paid at Leinngton, KY 40511. Mailed subscription

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buck-
man St , Shepherdswlle. KY 40165.

Conespondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel, Room
035 Journalism Budding, Universny of Kentucky. Lexmgton KY
405060042 Phone (606) 257-2871.



Miller enjoying the spotlight
after leading Cats to victory

Staff and AP reports

GB, Alaska —
Before the
game of the
Great Alaska
Shootout on
Monday, Der-
rick Miller
thought of his
who had
passed away last winter

”I asked the Lord to help me do
something to make them proud."
the (Hoots Kentucky guard said.

He then went out and scored 36
points, one shy of the Shootout re—
cord. leading the Wildcats to an 89—
71 victory over the l'niversity of

Miller didn‘t get in the game
until late in the first half after
Chris Mills. UK‘s SL‘Ctmd'lt‘iit‘llng
scorer. got in foul trouble.

Miller made his first two shots,
both :l—pointers. and his nine points
in the last two minutes of the half
trimmed an eight—point deficit to
38-34 at intermission

“Once I hit my first two shots. I
just got that feeling." he said

Miller made his first seven shots
of the second half. four of them it



pointers. “I didn‘t take any bad
shots." Miller said. “I just let the
game come tome."

He made 13 of i5 shots in all, but
he missed his easiest shot of the
night, a baseline jumper in the
final minute that would have given
him the Shootout record.

“I don‘t care about the record as
long as we win.“ Miller said. espe-
cially since few people expected
UK would finish as high as third in
the Shootout.

Miller did set a record for most
3—pointers seven .c in a Shootout

UK coach Eddie Sutton. who has
coached Darrell Walker. Sidney
Moncrief and Rex Chapman said
he’s never seen anything like it in
his l9»year career,

"I‘ve had so many great guards
in my career but I don‘t be-
lieve I‘ve ever seen a guard shoot
the ball that well." Sutton said
"He was on fire. I don‘t think I‘ve
ever seen anybody shoot any better
than he did from that range."

Miller had played only 24 min-
utes in UK‘s first three games.
scoring just nine points. In 16
games last season. he scored a
total of 21 points. The soft—spoken
Miller said the deaths of his grand
parents a month apart affected his
play last season

Miller's 3ltlt‘5ll‘ Ii‘
‘Iit‘ti IIIIII the .litL‘.l tIIJIIIi
'ttlllt‘ ‘.\lie.: tii- {It‘ll “Iii; '
‘tIIII’ it .i 'l\ til tiLit' ii .I .tu ,:,
‘nt‘ Li Illkli‘ \tteisr litiil} iilzt'i>_
'III 'Ii 'lit‘ ltt‘iti Ill lititl'
gri' It tI,"iiIi:'I \I
Huiili ‘tii‘ -i»IoII' » '

r.',' ~th -,,
in? 'iiis :.i;. _.


Ixtistn l ,otl

/y \\'llll his early form oi r S; in 111 W' Ittf‘l 't i‘ WHII “H M

tluent'ed rock ‘n‘ roll. "What's the ”in" ~21!“ ‘

matter with you." screams Frank I‘LN-W'I'i m“

liii ai‘ter Parker has taken his tll' filth "" 1"

aniond-studded sax. “I Just minted "with 111?: 'w’ it: "

to see It' you could play more than

one note at a time." replies I'.ir 1'

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4 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. November 30, 1988



CA. Dunno Ionltor “shoot Ironmn
Editortd Editor Editodd Cartoonist
Joy Ionian In White
Editor in Chlot Auocllto Editor

Theme. J. Sullivan
Executive Editor

Julio Mn
Special Projects Writer


Sutton and staff
should step down
at end of season

When Eddie Sutton was named head coach of UK‘s
men's basketball team in March 1985. he called [K the No.
l coaching job in the nation.

iAlIl my life I have grown to tbt‘llt‘Yt‘l this is
where I belong," Sutton said the day he was named the
only the third coach in 55 years.

More than three years later. with his program facing 18
allegations and possible probation. it is evident Sutton
should be removed from the No I coaching job in the na-

Sutton has one year remaining on his contract after this
season. but a clause in it provides that if the basketball
program is caught violating any rules. [K has the right to

If any of the allegations are proven true by the NCAA.
UK certainly would be justified in firing Sutton. But the
University will have to wait until next spring before it
learns the truth about any of the allegations and that
would be too late

The University must take action immediately to rebuild
the basketball program and the I'niversity's reputation.

By making it clear now that this season will be Sutton‘s
and the rest of the coaching staff's last season at CK. the
University would send a clear signal to the NCAA that it is
taking appropriate action to restore integrity and honesty
to its program.

Although it would be desirable to see the coaching staff
removed immediately. it is only fair to the 13 players to
allow the staff remain until the end of the season.

Also. it would be honorable
for Sutton and his staff to an-
nounce they are stepping
down at the end of the season.
But if Sutton does not under-
stand the need for the basket-
ball program to start over. the
UK administration should buy
out his contract.

It would cost the University
$166,668 to buy out Sutton‘s
contract _ $84334 for the one
year he has remaining and
$84,334 for one year of sever—
ance pay. That cost is a small
price to pay to restore credibi-
lity to the basketball program.

When former Athletics Di-
rector Cliff Hagan stepped
down earlier this month. it
helped remove some of the
tarnish from UK‘s image, but by allowing the coaching
staff to remain. the dark cloud of suspicion and mistrust
still lingers over Memorial Coliseum.



Buying out Sutton‘s contract would not be a comment
on his character or guilt. but instead a demonstration by
the University that it is serious about cleaning up its me