xt7t7659gx40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t7659gx40/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1992 1992 1992-04-01 2020 true xt7t7659gx40 section xt7t7659gx40  


Kentucky Kernel





holds elections

today and tomorrow


Students begin voting today to
choose their new representatives to
UK's Student Government Associa-

Last year only 2,500 of UK's ap-
proximately 24,000 students voted
irt spring elections. But Spring
Elections Board Chairman .Iim
Kruspe said he is hoping a record
number of students will vote in this
year's election.

“My goal is for between 3,500
and 4,000 students to come out and
vote. I think it‘s realistic because of
the extended hours," Kruspe said.

This year, poll hours have been
adjusted so that more students can
vote in locations such as Margaret
1. King Library.

The large number of presidential
tickets and students mnning for sen-
ate seats also may help boost voter
turnout. Kruspe said.

“A large number of candidates
brings different groups out to the
polls," he said.

Many of this year’s candidates
have concentrated their campaign
efforts on reaching students who
say they feel disenfranchised from

All voting machines will be ac-
cessible to the handicapped this
year, which also may help increase
voter participation, Kruspe said.
While Kruspe wants a high voter
tumout, he said first he must find
poll workers.

He has not been able to find
workers to fill all shifts for elec-
tions today and tomorrow, which
means that some voting sites may
have to be shut down at various
times. Knispe said poll workers still
are needed in the Business and Eco-
nomics Building and none had been
recruited to work in the Ag North
Building at press time last night.

“We just can‘t find anybody (to
work)," Kruspe said.

Poll workers are paid $4.25 an
hour for working.

Election results will announced
Thursday evening around 8:00 pm.
in the Center Theater. Kruspe said
the rapid results will be possible be-
cause of computer systems that are
being used to tabulate votes.

Students interested in filling the
poll vacancies can stop by the SGA
oflice in 120 Student Center.

Kernel board
selects Hall,
Foster to lead
’92-’93 papers

Staff Writer

The Kentucky Kernel Board of
Directors last night selected Grego-
ry A. Hall as editor in chief of the
1992-93 Kentucky Kernel and
named Kyle
Foster for the
top editing posi- ‘
tion of the 1992 7'
Summer Ken-
tucky Kernel.

Hall, a jour-
nalism junior
who currently is
associate editor
of the paper, .
will take over as
editor in chief HALL
this fall. The Louisville native said
he ran for the job to ensure quality
in the newspaper.

“I know what the Kernel has
been in the past: One of the nation‘s
leading college newspapers," said
Hall, who was uncontested in his
bid for the post.

See KERNEL. Page 6

SGA Voting Places & Times


Blazer a. Donovan Cafeterias
4:30 pm — 7 pm

A riculture

Arts Scrences

Business a. Economics


9:30 am — 3:30 pm
Business & Economics
Human Environmental Sciences

Commons Cafeteria

9 am -— 7 pm
A riculture

Arts Seiences

Bustness & Economics


10 am — 2 pm


1033'“ — 3 m 8-
: — m
mic P


Business 3. Economics Bldg.

for each college

l l




M.l. King Library
9 am -7 pm
Arts a Sciences
Business 5 Economics
Fine Arts
Graduate School
Human Envtronmental Sctenoes
Library Seiences
Seeial Work

10 am - 3:30 pm
Allied Health

Student Center
10 am - 7 pm
Arts a Seiences








Scott Crosbie endorses
candidate Pete November

Editorial Editor

Student Government Association
President Scott Crosbie last night
endorsed SGA comptroller Pete
November in the bid to win next
year‘s executive post.

“This year’s pool of outstanding
candidates is probably the largest in
several years but I strongly be-
lieve if students want an articulate.
industrious and caring student pres-
ident, Pete November fits the de-
scription." Crosbie said in an inter-
view with the Kentucky Kernel.

Crosbie said his two semesters as
SGA president have given him a
understanding of the job's demands

and insight into who is this year's
best candidate.

Crosbie said he is particularly im-
pressed with November‘s work eth-

“He has an important sense of de~
termination about the goals he sets.
As a former ROTC cadet and frater-
nity president he has shown he is a
leader." Crosbie said.

He said November‘s emphasis on
preserving and enhancing student
services makes him more visible
and realistic than other candidates.

“I’ve seen qualities in (Novem-
ber) and ideas he has articulated
that have not come from other can-

See CROSBIE, Page 6



Nursing freshman Lauren Schad studies during the warm
weather. Temperatures are expected to drop today.







Students lined up in the Mezzanine of Patterson Office Tower yesterday to register for summer
and fall classes. Registration continues through April 14.




UK Appalachian Council rejects
SGA funding for student survey

Senior Staff Writer

The UK Appalachian Student
Council last night rejected funding
for a student survey from the UK
Student Government Association,
saying the money would be inade-
quate to enable them to contact all
Appalachian students at UK.

The council questioned SGA‘s
representation of all students at UK
after receiving only enough funding
to send questionnaires to on-
campus students.

The council had sought SGA
funding to mail the questionnaires
to all UK students. including these
who live of f-campus.

The survey would question 2500
UK students from Appalachia in or-

der to “document (their) experienc-
cs both positive and negative"
while attending the University. The
project was designed to identify any
problems encountered by Appala-
chian students and seek potential
solutions, said Sarah Fannin.
spokeswoman for the council.

The council requested $365.75
last week from the SGA Scnatc to
pay for the cost of the survey. but
only $71 was approved. The ap-
proved funding would pay for print-
ing costs and on-campus mailing.
but not postage for targeted stu-
dents living off-campus, liannin

Because 60 percent of the stu-
dents to be surveyed live off-
campus. such a survey would be
meaningless. council members said.

“To just scnd it to 40 pcrccnt of
the Appalachian studcnis l.\ not
worth the time." ’l‘om Bziilcy wild.

“We don‘t wrun to wastc SGA‘s
money." Fannin said.

The group particularly questioned
whether SGA rcprcscntcd thc inter-
ests of all students lll its dccisiori.

“In eliminating Oil-Cillllplh stu-
dents they're saying. "l‘licy'rc is-
sucs arc not vital to us.‘ " l‘llllnlll

“Arc we rcprt‘scntcd in SUA‘.’
That's the qucstioii," Mllil council
member Mntthcw llnll.

Bailey said hc t'clt thc Sctintc
“mispcrccivcd our goals "

“I think they thought tic wanted
to find out how Infill) studcnts wcrc
laughed at because of the \Hi} they

See COUNCIL. Page 6

Senate bill adds public financing, runoff primaries for Ky.

Associated Press Writer

FRANKFORT. Ky. — A bill to
make public financing and runoff
primaries a pan of Kentucky’s rac-
es for governor won final passage

Supporters said it would lower

the cost of campaigns and reduce
the influence of wealth. Republi-
cans said it would tighten the grip
Democrats already hold on state

“It is the worst sort of tyranny of
the majority.” said Sen. David Wil-
liams (R-Burkesville).

Senate Bill 221 was sent to Gov.

Brereton Jones on a 25-13 vote af-
ter the Senate went along with sev-
eral significant changes by the

The House had served notice that
it would not undertake a second
vote on the politically risky bill. If
the Senate rejected its amendments
and sent the bill back. the House

would let it die.

The bill would require candidates
for govcmor and lieutenant govcm-
or to run as a slate and offer public
matching funds to those who agreed
to spending limits.

It provides for runoffs when no
state gets 40 percent of the primary
vote and drastically lowers the legal

limit on campaign Contributions.

The House loosened the original
bill's restrictions on political action
committees and dclctcd it hurt on
anonymous contributions. It also rc-
laxcd some reporting rcquircmcnts
for candidates and scnippcd ti incr-

See CAMPAIGN. Page 6










Story, Page 2.


Bat Cats fall 10-3 to Wright State Raiders.
The loss ends a 13-game winning streak.

Voting begins in Student Government As-
sociation elections across campus. Polls
also are open tomorrow.

“My Cousin Vinny’
a true joy to movie-

Review, Page 3.

Spons .................
Diversions ......... . . . .
Viewpoint ............... 4
Classrfieds........,, . 5





2 - Kentucky Kernel, Wedneedey, April 1. 1m

a: ,





Bat Cats’ first

club like Kentucky."
Despite the 103 score. pitching
proved to be the key to the Raiders'

UK falls 10-3 to Wright Stte Raiders


“This was a great win for us. It's a big boost for
our team to come in and beat a tough ballclub



Hoosiers play on

lOSS In MarCh success. Anderson. a sophomore By
. . left-hander, pitched a complete like Kentucky," —:‘ '9. Se
haults Wlnnlng game for Wright State. scattering R N. h It Associated Press W44 ‘5‘
three runs and eight hits by UK. He . on '36 w' z . _" %’
stre ak at 1 3 also chalked up 10 strikeouts while Wright State coach BLOOMINGTON. Ind. __ TOU RNAME NT lau
mllwvmg ‘0 4'1 0" the “#30“ Eric Anderson and Jamal Mocks rar
By JEFF DRUMMOND Briane(.t\gri.de:so:t;,2nlfii:clhl\ivrii {3.33% nings of work. in their lineup today and that makes fig: v31: [LEILndel-z)::g jut??? n E; difference shows In ms phye
Senior Stall Writer “Kentucky’s a good hitting team Wright State jumped on UK's adifferencc."he said. “We had our time. u rs. we
and he went right after them." young right-hander early in the bCSl pitcher gonng, so we definitely Indiana coach Bob Knight In the toumament, Anderson but
For the greater part of March. the “Anderson is their No. l pitcher,“ game..'I'lie Raiders' 10h". Sbrocco had the ”MW?“ .1 d. 53): " benched the team‘s two seniors has shot 7I percent, including 6 of
word “defeat“ had been wiped irom UK associate coach john Butler and Bill Osmanski both smgled to WOUid ve been “ff-“Cf If "“3 was a during the regular season for of 8 on 3-pointers, and missed yo
the vocabulary of the UK Bat Cats. said. “And he was a different style start the first inning and scored to conference game. shaky play and uncertain leader- only one of 17 free throws. In
So it was only fitting that on the pitcher than we‘re used to. Most of give their team 3 2'0 advantage. ship. Indiana’s 106-79 victory over and
last day of the month the Cats the guys we’ve faced have gone The Raiders pushed their lead to The loss OVCrShiidowed Strong But in {our NCAA tournament UCLA in [no NCAA West Re- pla
would get a wake-up call. away from the plate. He came in. 3-1 in the third inning as Tyler Iller hitting performances by UK’s Jeff games. Anderson has regained gional. he scored 17 points on 7 pro
Facing the winners of l3 conscc- side a lot, so that was a little unusu- ledoff with a double and scored on Abbott and Jan Weisberg. Abbott, a his shot and Meeks has collected of 10 shooting. spe
ulive games, Wright State rudely al for our hitters." a srngle by Osmanski. sophomore center fielder, went 3' 34 assists, with only five tumo- 58
awakened the Cats yesterday at UK's Billy Thompson, who went “Matt (Bowles) was showing his {0"5 WM 1W0 dPUbiCS and a'patr 9f vers. Meeks said the Hoosiers have frie
Shively Field. The Raiders banged 0-for-5 at the plate, was one of sev- pitches early in the game," Butler (""5 SCOTCd- Wetsbcrg, a $m°r ”HI' “I can't put into words how I played with more emotion since Mo
out I4 hits and got a strong perfor- eral Cats who struggled with An- said. “He was gripping the ball in a “Y man, went 3'f°"3 With a home feel H Anderson said “I’m aw- the tournament began. Lau
mance from ace pitcher Brian An- derson’s tight pitching. way that they knew what was com- run. 1W0 mum“ and ”1'“ RBI- fully grateful that we “got this far ple’
derson on their way to a 10-3 win “He had some good velocity,” ing. That's just a freshman error. n “Early in the season we didn't allo
Over UK. Thompson said of the Wright State After the first inning he did OK.” With the exception of Abbott and Indiana (27-6) meets dcfend- come out and play with heart avo'
The Raiders (9-7) accomplished southpaw. “I thought we were on “He wasn't making good pitches Weisbcrg. the [051 Of the C38 C0m' ing champion Duke (32_2) in the and aggressiveness," he Sflid~ "1 . i W’
what no other team has been able to him, but we tried to pull the ball too early in the count," said Thompson, bined to go 2-for-27. national semifinals Saturday. think we came out (Saturday ' ' VCT
do over the last three weeks ——pick much. We just had too many pop the UK catcher. “He was getting the “That’s the reason you come against UCLA) with a lot of Peel
up a win over the red-hot Cats. UK. outs." ball up in the strike zone and they “The thing that we did not do was to this type of program ,, An der- heart." vic
now 22-5, had posted a school- Coming off a threesgame sweep hit him pretty good. get the ball on the ground," Butler go“ said “I feel I‘ve had a com- A10
record I3-straight wins and were of Auburn last weekend, the Cats “It’s tough when you're coming said. “We had a lot of fly balls. plete career by doing well in the MCCkS adds a spark ‘0 th ONC-
beaten only ”Vice in March. UiCd ‘0 give their starting ““300" a off a weekend series in the confer- Things usually don’t happen for tournament ,. team. Anderson said. ther
“This was a great win for us,“ break against Wright State. Fresh- ence. A lot of times you’re just try- you when you hit the ball in thc ' I “ . Cd-
Wright State coach Ron Nischwitz man Matt Bowles (O-l) got the ing to pick up experience for your air." Anderson. the Big Ten fresh- ‘HC 809‘ “er UP and 80L“ 95 K
said. “It's a big boost for our team starting call for UK and allowed young pitchers. I‘m sure Matt will man of the year when Indiana gorng _bCi0rC 88"“38. he Sflld- Kid‘
to come in and beat a tough ball- four runs (three earned) in six in- get better in these games 25 the year Wright State's Brian Buck led the won the conference title in I989, HCtrt‘es to get everybody ready mo
goeson.“ Raiders‘ ol'tensivc attack with ml“. l\ a career DUJJL‘ICCIII shtmter. .: illnll‘ film.“ ilk, lglui Iii ”it; who
V NISCthl/ admitted his Will" had hits including a ninth-inning. three- Bl” h.“ h” only "8 pereentduring gum kn“. “a”. A“? d ii i.) bam
. - the Big Ten season. llair. Ht s qutck. and when der.



the edge with Anderson on the
“They (UK) were pitching down

run homer which blew the game
open. Osmanski also had three hits
for the visitors.










Mceks. a guard who lacks an
outsrde shot. had contributed lit-
tle, averaging barely two points
per game.

things are in a lull he gets excit-

Until the UCLA game. the
Hoosiers hadn’t reached a re-











“I was not very happy with gional final during Anderson‘s 8
their leadership." Knight said as career. {llmoPgh he had played A;
> I Indiana entered the NCAA tour- '" 101 VICIOI’ICS.
_ [aw GALVANS nament with Matt Nover as An “W .. . 1 . I
- ~"L dcrson’s replacement in the line- wanufigfongrbrii: SISRIC‘ET‘Q'QES: Ind“
° . d M k l 'd h" ' ' . ‘ ,
MCchan RCStalll’ant :Eiss‘iiiate 0:th béingagsl e '5 we were a better team than we "”-
_ . . . ‘ played at the end of the season." “T
Parking Validation Hours: Mon-Fri 11:00—10:00 Anderson compared his Shot he said. mm
Saturday 4:00-10:00 to a spinless knuckleball that Aw“
' lacked are. “Now I‘ve getting “I think we’re playing very ”Hm
825 EUCIId Avenue . 266-1683 good rotation on the ball, and good basketball now. probably mi”
I‘m getting good extension on the best we've played all year. and
the shot,” he said. Hopefully it will continue.“ “MC
Q“ 90 Th
0 s‘ 4! 90 C ' h
° COMER’S 0" ALFALI-‘A i° avs’ ms
e ' T f' 1 .
at” 1n NI ma
[0“ O Ld
0 avail;
Associated Press at the
3 arts r a.
p Spa ts NEW YORK -— When Notre mm!
300“ Alley Dame lost to Virginia by 27 points ”0m"
Jan. I8. it was one of the low points Bum
. . 0" DRAFT BEER of the season for the Fighting Irish. “JFK.
3° If they win the rematch, it will be l
‘1’ heir 1992 hi hli ht. “
9—. . i 2 g ,. .
:, Euclid $4_OO (Pltchers) Notre Dame (18-14) plays Vir- wma
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3 WELL DRINKS onship tonight at Madison Square “MC
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" nausea r . . a l, . h. . l.
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Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday, Apr" 1. 199° - 3





Pesei, ‘My Cousin Vinny’ exceed expectations

Senior Stall Critic

With good, funny laughs-for-
laughs-sake movies being all too
rare these days, “My Cousin Vin-
ny" is a true joy. It's not perfect —
there are slow moments and some
weak. uninteresting characters —-
but it winds up being funny enough
of the time to make it well-worth
your money.

The credit goes to a gifted east
and a clever screenwriter. Joe Pesei,
playing attorney Vinny Gambini,
proves why he’s one of the most re-
spected actors working today. Mari-
sa Tomei, playing Vinny’s girl-
friend, is the surprise of the movie.
Most of all, a clever script by Dale
Launer, author of “Ruthless Peo-
ple” and “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,"
allows the actors to shine while
avoiding the ordinary movie cliches
I was expecting. The movie was a
very pleasant surprise to me. I ex-
pected a mediocre, predictable mo-
vie of the “Vacation" or “Home
Alone" variety, With easy jokes and
one-dimensional characters. But
there was more here than I expect-

Ralph Maechio (“The Karate
Kid") and Mitchell Whitfield play
two New York college students
who are arrested in a small Ala-
bama town and charged with mur-
der. Calling home, Macchio discovu

‘Silence’ sweep may

Assocrated Press

members have long memories after

“The Silence of the Lambs" dom-
inated the 64m annual Academy
Awards with five trophies Monday
night, including best picture, even
though it was released early in 1991
and was already available in video
cassette by voting time.

The movie's showing may help
convince studios they don’t need to
crowd all their Oscar hopefuls into
the theaters in December.

In fact. “Silence" was the first
Oscar winner for best picture to be
available on video as well as cable
at the time of the ceremonies.

Maybe this is what helped it win
over heavy campaigns for late—year
nominees “Bugsy.” "Beauty and the
Beast," “The Prince of Tides" and

In retrospect 7- always the best
vantage for viewing contests — it
seems that “Silence“ was the inevi-
table winner. Anthony Hopkins'
performance as Hannibal “The Can-
nibal" Lecter was one of the most
electrifying iti years. Jodie Foster’s
gutsy determination as an FBI train—


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ers there‘s a lawyer in the family:
Pesei, who agrees to handle the
case despite a certain lack of past
experience in law. Pesci's efforts to
clear the two of the charges com-
prise the plot of the movie.

The commercials left me worried.
They made it look like “My Cousin
Vinny“ was going to be an attempt
to bash Southerners by making us
(or them, depending on your back-
ground) all look like illiterate, bare-
foot buffoons who drink moonshine
and marry first cousins. The movie
does have its share of stereotypes.
but unlike most movie comedies
about the South, only a few charac-
ters are ignorant or corrupt. I
thought this would be a movie
about Southerners’ efforts to hang a
murder on a couple of innocent
Yankees, It wasn’t. The Southern-
ers were as interested in true justice
as the Northemers were.

That’s one of the movie's
strengths: There are no true bad
guys. No one is a blitliering idiot.
which gives the movie a real sense
of suspense. Even though you can
anticipate how the movie will end,

ee proved the perfect counterpoint

The film‘s director, Jonathan
Demme, emerged as a major crea-
tive force after a series of amusing.
idiosyncratic movies like "Melvin
and Howard" and “Married to the

This time he aimed all-out for ter~
tor and hit audiences with Visceral
impact. As a terror film, “Silence"
took what is normally B movie ina-
terial and put it on the A list. It was
the first such film to win the best-
picttire Oscar.

The real tragedy of “Silence" w as
mentioned by Derntne in his accepA
lance speech: the decline and fall of
Orion Pictures.

The adventuresome company
won best-picture Oscars for “Ama-
deus," “Platoon" antl last year‘s
“Dances With Wolves." But a se-
ries of costly mistakes like “Val-
mom" and financial manipulations

the courtroom sequences genuinely
are interesting because the two
sides are both equal to the task.

The movie does have some prob-
lems. The two defendants (Macchio
and Whitfield), after being intro-
duced at the beginning of the flick,
don‘t have much to do after that.
Some scenes are extremely funny,
but other scenes have long, dry
spots with few laughs. The movie
never takes off until Pesei and To-
mei show up. But since Pesei and
Tomei are in almost every scene
from then on, and since they do
such a good job, they are able to
overcome the movie’s drawbacks
with ease. Fred Gwynne, known to
generations as Herman Munster. is
terrific as a no-nonsensc judge. The
cast as a whole does a wonderful

You’ll laugh —— that’s the impor-
tant thing. Director Jonathan Lynn
and screenwriter Launer succeed in
providing good, light comedy enter-
tainment that won‘t change your
life and luckily doesn’t try. Don’t
be fooled by the TV ads, which
don‘t do the movie justice. “My
Cousin Vinny“ is a movie that, like
its lead character, exceeds expecta-

"All (‘misiii kiwi-i." mu'il It. i.\
shorting at Man 0' War Mmu's N
and North Park and South Park



Joe Pesci (right) stars as New York lawyer Vincent Gambini trying his lirst c0urt case in the new come»
dy “My Couisin Vinny." Marisa Tomei (lelt) plays his fiancee and Fred Gwynne IS the judge

be signal to studios

pushed it into bankruptcy.

Supporting performers usually
win their Oscars on the basis of a
single scene. They must score
strongly, because the stars are going
to receive most of the closeups.
Mercedes Ruehl‘s winning scene in
“The Fisher King" came when she
responded fiercely to being dumped
by her dissolute boyfriend, played
by .leff Bridges.

lack Palancc was luckier. He had
a series of zingers during his brief
turn in “City Slickers." In fact, he
was stealing the picture from Billy
Crystal and his pals until his un-
timely screcn death. The combina-
tion of his quick-draw timing and
his long service as a movie bad man
made him irresistible among the
5.000 Academy voters.

Among the popular winners
Monday night were Alan Menken
for the score and Menken and the
late Howard Ashman for the title

APRIL 8 & 9


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Applications Available
P031t1ons on the

uden Ac' ' '63 Board

Multicultural (‘nn/‘(linutm'
(_'mtu'ni/mruijv Affairs Chairperson
lru/(mr Rt'i'rt'utimi ('lulirpr'rs‘mt
Mtg/v Krnttu'ltjv Der/2v (‘lutirpvrsnn
I’vr/irrming Arts Chairperson
Special Activities C'ltuirpw'smt
’I‘rut'u/ Chairperson

\isuu/ Arts Chairperson

Pick—up Applications at Room 203 Student Center
DUE BACK BY APRIL 3rd AT 12:00(N()()N)




song of “Beauty and the Beast."
Ashman‘s companion, Bill Lauch.
accepted the best song Oscar and
noted it was the first Oscar given to
someone who died of AIDS.

AIDS was on everyone's mind.
from the threatened disruption ol
the ceremonies by gay LlCllels
(which didn’t materializei. to the
red ribbons worn by many present-
ers, to Richard Gere‘s plea for
viewers to urge Congress to do
more to fight the epidemic.




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 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday. April 1. 1m



r" k .__.__ _ .__ -_ ,.-_


Kentucky Kernel
Established in 1894
Independent since 1°71




Editorial Iloard

Victori- Mnrtin, Editor in Chief l
Joe Braun, Editorial Editor
Jerry Voigl, Editorial Cartoonist
Dale Greer, Managing Editor
Gregory A. Hall. Associate Editor
Brian Jent, Design Editor
Kyle Foster, News Editor
Mary Madden, Senior Staff Writer



No reason for students

not to cast their ballots
in today’s elections

Today is the first day of Student Government Association elec-


This year studentSshave six diverse and very unique presidential
tickets to choose from on the ballot.

There is no reason for students not to vote. Campus media have
kept students informed about the candidates and the issues since the
beginning of the semester. In addition, candidates have been walk-
ing around campus meeting students firsthand.

There is no excuse for students to have not had some form of in-
teraction or developed a knowledge of who the candidates are.

Students should take the 10 or 15 minutes it requires to vote.
Whether you decide that you are content. or dissatisfied, with your
representation in SGA, you should vote to enforce your decision.

After all, since the judicial board has said referendums don’t equal
the weight of law, annual elections are the only way students can di—
rectly participate in the goveming of SGA.

Greeks lend support to November

To the editor:

As the presidents of various
greck organizations, we are proud
to support the Greek Political Ac-
tion Committee in its endorsement
of Pete November and Lea Ann
Davenport for Student Government
Association president and vice

By serving as president of his
own fraternity, we believe Novem-
ber has exemplified his leadership
abilities within the greek system
and throughout our campus.

He is well respected by both his
peers, and the University’s admin-
istration. We feel certain that he is
capable of leading our student body
with honesty and maturity.

Davenport‘s experience speaks
very highly of her as a campus
leader. We believe that she will
demonstrate her high morals and
standards as she continues her work
with SGA.

GPAC made an informed decr-
sion after evaluating all six presi-
dential candidates. Again, we are
proud to support GPAC’s endorse-
ment and encourage all students to
vote for Pete November and Lea
Ann Davenport.

Jeremy Bates
Intcrfratemity Council president

Jon Ragan
President, Farm house

Dan Anderson
President, Kappa Alpha

Reno Deaton
President, Lambda Chi Alpha

Chris Mussler
President, Sigma Pi

Charlie Clarke
President. Alpha Gamma Rho

Steve Staples
President Sigma Chi

Nicole Buckner
President, Alpha Delta Pi

Jack Lamon
President. Alpha Tau Omega

John Holeman
President, Phi Sigma Kappa

Ann Rickcrt
President. Kappa Alpha Theta

Matt Arnold
President, Phi Gamma Delta

Scott Mason
President, Kappa Alpha Psi

Julie Capps
President, Kappa Delta

Ed Higgins
President. Sigma Nu

Rob Bush
President, Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Alby Stahmcr
President, Beta Theta Pi

March ll, I992


Senatorial candidate hard working

Dear editor:

Over the past two semesters, I
have had the pleasure of working
with Shea Chaney. I have found
him to be a hard working, dedicated
and determined person.

It is my estimation that with his
leadership experience. Chaney
would serve the College of Arts and
Sciences very well in all capacrties
as its senator.

I fully support Shea Chaney in
his campaign and urge all others to
do so also!

Scott P. Mason


Kappa Alpha Psi social fraternity
March 31, I992















If I’m a

Let me make this plea now, while
I am healthy and my mind is sound.
If I am ever dying and in terrible,
never-ending pain, put me out of
my horrible existence. Let me die
knowing that I did not place catas-
trophic emotional and financial bur-
dens on my family. Let me die with
some dignity left in my face. Let
the die.

If my child is ever bom without a
brain, with no ability to see, hear,
taste, laugh, or love, let him do his
part for humanity. Let him give the
gift of life to other children. Let his
lungs breath life in