xt7t7659gz06 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t7659gz06/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-11-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1997 1997 1997-11-17 2020 true xt7t7659gz06 section xt7t7659gz06  









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mm Light mow thon—
eri‘ today, [Jig/J near 3 5. Clear
and cold tonight, [011‘ of 2 5.
Cold tomorrow, high near 3 5.
SHOT DOWN Bruce Willis stars as the
title character in the iii/me action thriller

‘The jackal. ‘ See Diversions, page 6.





allows BY sm mvsnsncr [mm/mill

[EABMNB BY DOING Rhett Baird. an undeclared junior, help; manufacture computer pints. He it one ofnmny students on rompm‘ who are learning trader through internships.

Heal-world skills

Internships oflez a
dtfi‘ezent education

By Vanessa Damon
Staff Writer

Some UK students think
their internships are crucial to
their future careers, and the
UK Office of Experiential
Education provides many
opportunities for students to
get them.

Christopher Shinn and
Rhett Baird may not appear to
have tnuch in common.
Shinn. an English senior,
gives presentations to stu-
dents, and Baird, an unde-
clared junior, helps manufac-
ture computer keyboards.

Shinn does a lot of writing
and public speaking, and Baird
enjoys designing computer

But both students are doing
internships through the UK
Office of Experiential Educa-
tion, and both said they are

aining invaluable experience
for their careers.

They both think their
internshi s have afforded
them skil s that they could not
get in the classroom.

“It’s given tne a lot of real
world experience," Baird said.

Baird interns at Unicomp.


The company makes key—
boards for IBM-compatible
computers. Baird assists
mechanical engineers, help-
ing with manufacturing and
designing tools. He designed
a “clickdome,” or mouse
button, for a special key-

“Internships let you pick tip
a lot of things you can’t learn
in a classroom," Shinn said.

Shinn is a marketing and
public relations intern for the
UK Office of Experiential

lle interned at the Univer—
sity Press of Kentucky in the
summer and wanted to et
another internship for the all,
he said. While looking
through the Experiential Edu-
cation office‘s book of avail-

able internships, he discov-.

ered that the office was look-
ing for a fall intern.

“They thought it was great
that I approached them,"
Shinn said.

Shinn works to infortn stu—
dents about the
Experiential Education’s
opportunities. He gives pre-
sentations to student organi-

Office of

zations about the office’s
internships, shadowing and
volunteer programs.

Shinn said he is getting
public relations experience
that will help him in the
future. ”is internship lets
him practice target marketing,
as he adjusts his presentations
to accommodate different

“The writing. marketing.
and getting out and meeting
people are aspects I really
enjoy," Shinn said.

Internships are an advan-
tage when applying for a job.
he said.

“So many people are grati-
uating from college these days
that you really want some-
thing to separate yourself
frotti other job candidates. I
think an internship shows the
employer that you've taken
the initiative to begin that
process." Shinn said.

The UK Office of Experi—
ential Education works to give
students hands—on, real—life
experience outside the class-

Penny Medley, assistant
director of the Office of Expe-
riential Education, said
internshi 5 let students put
theories reamed in the class—
room into practice.

“The student is not just
hearing about different
aspects of careers but actually
gets to try their wings in a


particular field. They can find
out how they interact with
that profession and other pro-
fessionals." Medley said.

Internships can also give
students important network-
ing opportunities.

“The student is able to net—
work with all kinds of people
that they can never get in the
classroom," Medley said.

Many companies often hire
interns. Medley said.

Professionals get to know a
student's individual perfor—
mance through an internship.
and that can lead to future
recomtnendations for employ-
ment, she said.

The UK Office of Experi-
ential Education works with


more than 360 local business-

es and organizations to
arrange internships for stu-
dents. The office also posts
listings ofinternships in other
states and countries.

After attending an orienta—
tion session, students can look

through the office‘s listings of

available internships and then
arrange an interview.

All internships must be
done for academic credit.
either experiential credit or
credit toward the student's
major. For more information
on internships, students can
stop by the Office of Experi—
ential Education. 206
Matthews Building, or call





November I '7, I 997

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delves into

By Justin Willis
Sill/ill III! ’I

The L‘K School ofjournalism and Telecom—
munications hosted a two day conference Thurs-
day .md I‘Iriday that explored the coverage of tion—
prolit organizations in the news.

The conference, “News Coverage lior the
11st (lentury: Non-Profit Organizations and
’l heir People.“ was planned by CK journalism
professor Burnis Morris and featured speakers
I)avid Ilawpe, an editor of the Louisv illc (louri-
cr—Journal; Pam Lueckc, editor in chief of the
Lexington Ilcrald»l.eader; .ind Attorney (ieneral
Ben Chandler.

L'K President Charles \Vethington. Elisabeth
/mser and \Vildcat's defensive end Lamont Smith
also spoke.

The need to focus on news coverage for non—
profit organizations, Morris said, is because they
“comprise the third major section of the American

“\\'hen you look at it .is a sector," Morris said.
“it‘s the largest in Kentucky. even bigger than
mining or agriculture."

More than one million licensed nonprofit
organizations are in the United States. and they
etiiploy 1‘ million people. About 100 million peo-
ple support these organizations by volunteering
and donating money.

Non—profit organizations take in about Sl00
billion in cash contributions each year. In I‘M-l.
annual funds for non—profit organizations totaled
ttiore than $568 billion.

Although tion—profit organizations like the
United \Vay and churches are tax exempt. the
tnonetary value and yearly income of these organi—
zations make them a field that should be covered.
Morris said. The impact and power of thcse orga
nizations has been crucial for social welfare, but
journalists and editors have not been prepared to
report or research them, he said.

The tax forms of non—profit organizations are
public record.

During a joint study between Morris and UK
journalism professor Roy Moore, so colleges with
journalism programs were pooled across the Unit—
ed States. Of these 86 schools none of thetn used
textbooks or supplements to cover non—profit

The conference was funded by a grant from
Independent Sector. a national coalition of about
800 organizations. foundations and other pro-
grams that work to encourage philanthropy and

Sara Melendez. president of Independent Sector.
\\ .ls introduced by Douglas ;\. Boyd. dean of the UK
(lollege of(lommunications and Information Stud-
ies. The conference went wonderfully. Boyd said.

“The natural tendency of news organizations
and journalism teachers is to focus on news that is
more sensational." Boyd said. “\Vhile groups such
as Ilabitat for Humanity may not be as sensational
as Toyota or Microsoft, they are just as important
and need the coverage."

The conference took place at the Radisson
Plaza Hotel in downtown Lexington and was
sponsored by the UK Black Student Union, the
Radio and Television News Directors Associa-
tion and the National Association of Blackjour—

“Virtually every significant social idea in this coun—
try has been nurtured in the non-profit sector," said
‘lohn (ial‘lk‘l’. a former health, education and welfare
secretary who founded Independent Sector in 1980.

The two day—long workshop and symposium
featured speakers, at dinner and luncheon.

“I think we do have to become specialists. btit
stick to the basics." Morris said as he described a
new breed of journalists in the upcoming millenni—
um. “I want them to cover important organiza—
tions, inform readers, provide substantial informa~
tion for readers to digest and stick to their words."


SDI‘lll‘ltv takes Ronald McDonald I‘OBIIIIII seriously

Alpha Delta Pi

goes beyond its
goal for charity

ly mutton Daltllo
Contributing Writer

More than 180 Ronald
McDonald Houses have been
operating as a “home awa from
home" for families of sic chil-

dren all over the country since

The non-profit organization,
founded b parents, doctors and
friends 0 children with life-


collected donations.


raised $4,200 in the


threatenin illnesses, provides a
comfortab 6 place for families to
stay when they have traveled a
long distance to receive medical

The Ronald McDonald House
runs largely on volunteer sup-

ort, funded by contributions
rom the community and organi-
zations like social sorority Alpha
Delta Pi.

To raise money for The
Ronald McDonald House, ADPi‘s
national philanthropy, the sorori-
ty held its second-annual “Rock-
a-thon”, which began at 9 am.
Friday and continued throughout
the day and night, until 9 am. Sat-
urday at the Richmond Road

ADPi members Jahna Garver.
Kate Martin, Corrine (larnhart,
Joanne Blue. Alison Griffin and
Sarah Cooper were only a few of
the 120 sorority sisters who
rocked in rocking chairs donated
by Cracker Barrel, selling raffle

tickets to shoppers, some of whom ,

had been directl affected by the
Ronald McDona d House.

“Some cople have been telling
us how t e Ronald McDonald
House has helped their families.
It‘s really inspirational to hear
their stories,” said ADPi co-phi—
lanthropy chairwoman Cooper, a
sociology junior.

Ten girls operated the event in
two hour blocks, six girls rocked
and four sold raffle tickets and

More than 120 prizes were
contributed by Lexington busi-
nesses, which were then raffled off
after the event.

Prizes consisted of Kentuckv
Thoroughblades tickets. a football
auto raphed by UK head football
coac Hal Mumme, a basketball
auto ra bed by head basketball
coac ’ ubby Smith, and a mem-
bership to Worlds Gym, among
many others.

In addition to the funds ADPi
received by selling raffle tickets,
each sorority member was
responsible for collectin at least
$20 in donations before the event,
which started them off with



Rock-a-thnn this year, beating
their goal of $4,000, and $1,000
more than they raised last year.

Many of the ADPi members
felt confident that they would
reach their oal by the response
they receivcdzat \Val-Mart.

“VVe’re really sur rised at the
generosity of peoplh today. It
seems that they are more w1llin
to give today than last year,
Cooper said.

Sally King, house manager at
Lexington's Ronald McDonald
House, said, “Ever ' little bit
hel s for the house, which she
add::d is lucky to receive 35 per-
cent back from what is actually
put into the cost of running the


The Ronald McDonald House
never turns a family away, even if
they cannot afford to pay the $7
rate charged.

The idea is to give families a
place where they can all stay
together. to avoid sleeping in a
hospital lounge or paying a hotel
fee when medical expenses are
already costly enough.

“It's great that a sorority would
get involved in something like
this, es ecially for 24—hours," said
Blake hines, who bought raffle
tickets at the Rock-a-thon.

“Especially during the holidays,
it is important that people realize
how much other people really
need our help."

I \







-UK Ski & Snowboard Club Meeting. due by 4:00pm, Rm. 145 Seaton Ctr; Rm. 208 Mathev‘IS'Bfig; 257-2746 Rose (opposite fine arts bidg) -Golden Key National Honor Society

7:00pm, Rm- 245 Student Cm 257-6584 , . W ~~ » --; ~ . W» , Thanksgivingcntnos Drive, All .7 ... ,
-3 9n 3 Basketball Tournament entries -Baptist Student Union Devotion and , -3 on Small Wt brack- Residence Halls Lobfles, All Wayl- ’

' Jemima Club, 8:00-9;30pm. Alumni 429 Columbia-Ave; ZST—SWT ,-, -‘ oo * . Army ~ 1' = o‘ ‘ -
Gym Loft; 257-3812 -UK Wesley Fwndatlon My ant Woma’a-Baohetlihll @ Southwest .. '
W m Night Dinner & Praise, amuse-g, sou Wm. 8:05pm , -
EXHIBIT: Pictorialism into .01: Women’s Basketball to Indiana. Columbia Ave. 32; 254-0231 “ “ ’ " , - " ‘ ' - 9 , , t 7
Modernism, "Die Clarence H. White 7,30,,“ . -Chrbtlan sum... it ‘1 = i 1 1 . l \l lo. I
~ School of "tampon-UK MMmeM. ~ 41x Men's Ila-w vs. Australian rum Night Live,-
(thru ”’23) National Tham- Exhibition (UKTV Live),

4; C... p. eomowanauw-a Wu :w





A Decade 0 Bleedin Blue!

Live remote by 104.5 The Cat

or. »

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Student C nter Ballroom
10 am - 5 pm




l-lm \Mno I\itvl:\'\th-\.t \V\i tit 11H (.\1\1\(.i\
.‘ill \ot \l\\\\tli \llul 1.5" l\\


Information Meeting



Wednesday, December 3

3:30 p.m. - 5:00 pm.

Gaines Conference Center
226 East Maxwell Street

Living Room
Refreshments served

Kernel OllllllB:



Tennessee edges Bats for 4th

By Jay G. Tate
Spam Editor

It had to be two.

And it was supposed to be easy.
The UK volleyball team, in the
midst of a seven-match losing
streak, had a chance to salvage a
fourth—place finish in the South—
eastern Conference's Fastem divi—
sion. A weekend sweep of rival
Tennessee (14-18, 5-9 SEC)
would have been a victory of sub-
tle but important proportions.

The division’s fourth-place
team gets Arkansas in the SEC
toumament’s second round.

Fifth place ets No. 4 Florida.

But when t e chips were down,
it was the Lady Volunteers who
came up with the big win. Ten—
nessee won yesterday’s key
match, 3—1.

Going into Sunday’s match, the
Cats looked to have righted the
miscues that had sandbagged the
team throughout the 1997 season.
Against the Lady Vols Friday
night, the Cats rediscovered their
powerful blocking and similarly

rediscovered how to win, defeat-
ing Tennessee, 3—1.

One down, one to go.

“When we block well, we win
games,” UK head coach Fran
Floryssaid of the team’s 18 total
bloc . “That’s been the story all
year. If we are going to win the
matches we need to win, the
blocking has to be there.”

And it was.

Middle blocker Jaclyn Homan
finished the match with 12 block
assists while her shorter blocking
teammate, 5-8 setter Terri Crabb,
had a big night at the net as well.
Crabb, whose career—high for
blocks prior to Friday was two, put
together nine total blocks against
the Lady Vols’ attack.

“They were trying to use me
outside,” Crabb said. “I refused to
let them do that to me. So I was
really determined to get up.”

“That’s something she doesn’t
usually do,” Flory said. “But we
were glad to have it —— it was a
great effort.”

Despite the heightened effort
on the block, Flory was again dis-

appointed with her team’s inability
to maintain consistency. After an
easy first-game win and a 15-13
decision in the second, the Cats
looked to be in excellent shape for
a home—court blowout.

But a testy Tennessee defense
slowed UK’s offense in the third,
allowing Big Blue only 11 kills in
the third game. Though the Cats
eventually regrouped and won the
match in the fourth ame, Flory
was impressed with UT.

“(Tennessee) won the effort
war tonight,” Flory said. “In terms
of deserving to win this match,
they played harder. They played
better. Tennessee is one of the
better defensive teams in the con-
ference and they showed why. But
we came through when we needed

Outside hitter LaTanya Webb,
who worked her way out of an
SEC season slump against South
Carolina last weekend, continued
her improvement b ' leading UK
with 23 kills. Front-line teammate
Tracy Thompson, who played her
final home match Friday, put

together a lO-kill, 20-dig and
three-block performance.

Friday’s success gave the Cats
hope that Sunday’s match would
bring redemption to a season
record far below what the team had
expected after a strong 8-1 start.

“Sunday’s match it’s all
about Fran,” Jaclyn Homan said
Friday. “She has tried so hard to
get (the effort) out of us. And
we’ve been like, ‘Nope. You won’t
get it out of us.’ We‘re a stubborn
team, but we know what we have
to do Sunday. We owe Fran.”

After Sunday’s loss, the IOU
fell through.

Tennessee, with a wicked blend
of revenge and thoughtful strate-

, fought fire with fire. The Vols,
Bidly outblocked by UK on Fri-
day, registered 15 team blocks to
Big Blue’s six yesterday. In an even
more ironic twist, UT setter fin—
ished with a Crabb-like six blocks.

With the 1055, UK finishes fifth
in the SEC East and will face Mis-
sissippi State in the first round of
the conference tournament
Thursday at 9 pm.






UK opens season with 43-point rout


izlzlol: |!H lll \1\\H'!~

By Aaron Yolton
Staff lVriter

Saturday, 7 p.m., the ball was
tipped off to begin UK women’s
1997—98 basketball action.

One minute, 24 seconds later,
UK junior jaye Barnes rabs an
offensive rebound and racEs up the
first basket of the season. It gave
the Cats a two point lead, a lead
they would never give back.

Forty game minutes later, UK
left the court with a 100-57 exhi-
bition win over Hunga . What
happened between the rfirst and
last made basket was complete and
utter domination.

“I’m pleased with the effort
that we put out on the floor,” UK
head coach Bernadette Mattox
said. “The game has really helped
the staff and the team understand

where we are and some of the
things we need to work on.”

UK’S offense did seem shaky at
first, but after a time-out five min—
utes into the game, the Cats loos-
ened up and came out with a 10-
point run. At one time, they were
up by 18, but a rally by Hungary
brought UK’s lead down to 12 at

“The latter art of the first half,

I wasn’t very pl)eased that we start—
ed relaxing,” Mattox said. “(Hun-
gary) never gave up, and it was a
esson I told the team, that no one
is going to roll over because you
go up 18 points. You have to stay
after them.”

The team got the halftime mes—
sage loud and clear. They came
out in the second half on fire,
outscoring Hunga 20-1 in the
first five minutes. he remainder

of the game was never Close.
When the final buzzer sounded,
UK had earned an impressive 43—
point blowout. Heavy player rota-
tion and consistent pressing had
done the job of wearing Hungary
down, forcing 21 turnovers.

Sophomore forward Patrice
Boyd, who finished the game with
13 points and nine assists, said it
was the Mattox’s halftime talk that
got UK going.

“We came out fired up,” she
said. “Coach pointed out some
things we were not doing well. We
figured them out and made them

The Cats held Hungary to 39
shot attempts, while putting up 82
themselves, hitting 48 percent of

Five Cats scored in double fig-
ures, with freshman Laura Mead—

ows leading the way with 19
points. Assists? Advantage goes to
UK, 24—16. Rebounds? No con-
test. The Cats grabbed a 50-21
edge in that department, which
showed Mattox a big improve-
ment from last year.

“(Rebounding) was one of our
Achilles’ heels last year,” Mattox
said. “\Ve really feel good about
that. and it’s going to get better. I
don’t think our young people have
even tapped their rebounding abil-
l -’7
UK’s starts its regular season
against Indiana tomorrow in
Bloomington. Mattox said there’s
still plenty of room for improve-

“We still have to work on our
timing,” she said. “We’re still a
long wa from being the team we
want to e.”


'l‘hc Campus Calendar is u frcc service \vhit ll appears in lllt‘ :‘1ond.iyc(1ition of tilt- N‘ntut |\\ l\(‘lll(‘l

cutnts and sporting merits, must limit rlll information to the Student r'\(1l\illt‘\ room 203 or tall 25/ HtittT, or t‘ mail lllit‘.\'(‘lll’/1)()1).lll\)'.(‘(lll()llt‘ \\t‘(‘l\ prior to ptltrlit

MCN‘lDAY ll/l 7

-UK Priority registration for the 1998

Spring Semester (thru 11/21)

-EXHIBIT: Sunshine From Darkness.
NARSAD Artworks Traveling Art
Exhibit by Artists suffering from Mental
Illness. President's Rm, Singletary Ctr
M-F 12:00-5200pm, FREE Admission.
Donations accepted (thru 11/25); 257-
-SAB Rasdall Gallery presents: Mixed
Meditations, Master of Fine Arts Thesis
Exhibition. Libby W. Barnes, Rm. 257
Student Ctr (thru ll/28)

—I)ept. of Theatre is now raising money
for it‘s Guignol Theatre Restoration
Project. “name“ each theatre seat for a
minimum of $350 for a Gala opening in
1999- its 50th anniversary year; 257—


-Pre-l.aw Club Meeting, 4:00pm, Miller
Hall Conference Rm
-UK Sierrans Meeting, 8:00pm, Rm.
106 Student Ctr; 253-0643

-Career Ctr. Orientations: M—R 3:00pm
(thru 11/26) CALL 257—2746 to sign up

{HS Career Ctr Workshop: “Beginner’s DAY (Praise Honor And thanks). mamas Exhibition, Libby w. Barnes, 5:00- 257-ncs

(wide to Internet & Electronic 10b 7:30pm, Rm. 230 Student Ctr; 254-0231 -Green Thumb Environmental Club 8:00pm, Rm. 257 Student Ctr 3mm:

503““ T0015? 4301”“, Rm. 208 Baptist Student Union TNT (Tues Meeting, 7:30pm, Rm. 205 Student Ctr -Dept. of Theatre presents Mlliam Newman Center Catholic Mass, 9:00 &

Mathews Bldg; 257-2746 Night Together) Meeting, 7:30pm, Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, 8:00pm, 11:30am, 5:00 & 8:30pm, 320 Rose Ln;
Chaple-429 Columbia Ave; 257-3989 oDonovan Scholars Program Forum: Guignol 'Iheatre. Fine Arts Bldg; Paid 255—8566 ‘-

Newman Ctr Catholic Mass every
weekday, 12:10pm, 320 Rose St; 255-
8566 .


-EXHIBIT: The Figure in Nenfiem- .
Century Sculpture, Edwin A. Ulrich
Museum of Art, UK Art Museum (duu

-EXHlBlT: Faces: Portraits in the
Collection. UK Art Museum (thru 12/23)
amour: A Fine Line: Master


Etchings from the Collection, UK Art
Museum (thru 1/18/98)
-SAB Concert Committee presents UK
Unplugged, Local Talent, every Tues,
12:00-2200pm, Center Theatre, Student


-SAB Board Meeting, 5:00pm. 203
Student Ctr; 257-8867
-Amnesty International Meeting,
6:30pm, Rm. 205 StudentCtr; CALL
Kristen Houle 226-0642 for more info
-Societas Pro Legibus Meeting, Speaker
Dean Baken. UK Law School, 7:00pm,
Law School Courtroom; 548-4891
-AWARE Discussion of Religion And
Racial Reconciliation. 7:00pm, Rm. 359
Student Ctr


-UI( Career Ctr Workshop: “How to
Find Government Employment,"
12:00pm, Rm. 208 Mathews Bldg; 257—
-Donovan Scholars Program Forum:
“Weather and Forecasting." Brian
Collins, 3:30pm, bex. Senior Citizens Ctr

-lntervarsity Christian Fellowship
Quest/Worship Time, 7:00pm. Rm. 245
Student Ctr; 252-4723

-UK Wesley Foundation United
Methodist Student Center PHAT TUES-

-I§lewman Ctr Student Night. 7:30pm,
320 Rose Ln; 255—8566

JDII'key ’h'ot entries and $5 entry fee

8:00pm; Lexington, KY
\onll)1\il_\l)/\Y ll 1‘)

8A! MOVIE: 1OPGUN, 7:30pm.
Mam Theater, Student Ctr; $1



-Latino Student Amoéiation MOVIE:
Quilombo, Rm. 204 Classroom Bldg

-0micron Delta Kappa Meeting,
4:30pm, Rm. 231 Student Ctr
-AIAA Meeting, 6:00pm, Rm. 323
CRMS Bldg.
-SAB Next Stage Series Meeting,
6: 15pm, Rm. 203 Old Student Ctr; 257~
8867 '

-Latter-day Saint Student Associadon
Brown Bag Meeting, 12:00-12:50pm,
Rm. 231 Student Ctr
-Cats for Christ Encounter, 7:00pm,
Rm. 230 Student Ctr

-Study Ahmad Services Fair, 10:003m-
2:00pm, Student Ctr Small Ballroom;
257-4067 ext 229




-UK Last day for candidates for a
December degree to schedule a final
examination in The Graduate School


-Dept. of Theatre presents William
Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, 8:00pm,
Guignol Theatre, Fine Arts Bldg; Paid
Admission; 257-4929

“Dreams," Judith Marlow, 3:30pm, Lex. _

Senior Citizens Ctr
-UK Career Ctr Workshop:
“Business/Dining Btfiuette," 4:30pm,




Columbia Ave; 233-331 fit
an ‘



o'Ihrkey 'Irot 2.5 mile race, 4:00pm,
Arboretum,'Winners receive a turkey and
a t-shirt; 257-6584

-Fencing Club, 8200-9230pm, Alumni
Gym Loft; 257-3812


-UK Men’s Basketball vs. Morehead
State (UKTV Live), 8:00pm; Lexington,

*Jewish Student Organization/Hillel
Foundation Dinner at the Dorm,
6:00pm, Blazer Hall “Courtyard"
Cafeteria; 255-8348, All are welcome!
*ML King, Jr. Cultural Ctr Poetry
Reading: Affrilachian Poets, 6:00pm, ML
King Cultural Ctr, Student Ctr; 257—4130
-Golden Key National Honor Society
Thanksgiving Clothes Drive. All
Residence Halls Lobbies, All clothes col-
lected will be donated to the Salvation


-UK 1998 Spring Semester Advising
Conference for new and readmitted
undergraduate students

-SAB Rasdall Gallery Reception: Mixed
Meditations, Master of Fine Arts Thesis

Admissidn; 257-4929


~lnternafl'0nal Chrhtian Fellowahimii
'7. ., éevery Friday, Episcopal Church,









\11 1(‘(ll\lt'lt‘(l ol'tluni/zitions “ishintl to publish tll(’(‘lllltt\ lt-t llltt‘\, spt't mi





-Dept. of Theatre presents William
Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, 8:00pm,
Guignol Theatre, Fine Arts Bldg; Paid
Admission; 257-4929

-Newman Center Catholic Mass,
6:00pm, 320 Rose Ln; 255-8566


-UK Football vs. Tennessee. 1:30pm

-Golden Key National Honor Society
Thanksgiving Clothes Drive, All
Residence Halls Lobbies, All clothes col-
lected will be donated to the Salvation
~Nubian Council Dance-PARTY ALL
NIGHT! 10:00pm-1:00am, Student Ctr
Ballroom; $3 Tickets available at the

SUNDAY I 1/23 l

-Dept. of Theatre presents William
Shakespeare’s The Winter's Tale. 2:00pm,
Guignol Theatre, FineArts Bldg; Paid
Admission; 257-49291

-SAB Next Stage Series presents Henry
Threadgill, 8:00pm; Paid Admission,

-Christian Student Fellowship
University PraiaeService, 11:00am. 502
Columbia Aveg233o0313 . A,





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imvui ' m WAS the last time Vanderbilt bad a



winning season in football?

H mm Intermix: 5m “1 war-WV

"It gets defensive in struggle over Vandy

over the Commodores. It was the Cats’ first win in Nashville since I 989 when UK won 15-11.







we mp-mnmm ~m-_~ . _ .

v .

l/Vildcats’ defense

ASHVILLE— Hundreds of with great otential stuck in one
aspirin artists converge on of the Sout eastern Conference’s
Nashvifle everyday. most balanced years.

Music City hopefuls are no A story of potent offense and
longer just spur-wearing, overachieving defense. A
chew—spitting rednecks. story of a high-flying team
There are grunge hi pies deflated by late-game mis—
ripe from Seattle an hip- takes.
hop hopefuls fresh from A story of growing pains.
Motown. Offensive fireworks in a

They arrive via Grey- season-opening win over
hound bus and jumbo jet. Louisville followed by an
Some hitch rides with emotional letdown at Mis-
truckers. Others still hoof II'III sissippi State.


it. SIIIOI'II'I Rekindled spirit at Indi-
But one thing remains S n, ana and a first-quarter

constant. Everybody in C0[£;;i“ Florida flop.

Nashville hasasad story. V Mumme ma ic against
Hal Mumme and his Alabama and (Eat Cats at

hard-luck Wildcats have one. South Carolina.
Theirs is a story of hope and An Indian scalping for North-
disappointment. A story of a team east Louisiana and a rainy Georgia

letdown. Home for an LSU stam-
pede by Kevin Faulk and then a
breather at Open. Roller coaster
just doesn’t do this season justice.

It is a masochist’s dream.

just when I’d finally iven up
hope. Just when I thoug t it was
safe to watch basketball.

The Cat defense rewrote the
ending to UK’s sad song. Tim
Couch is the Cats’ lead singer.

The dreams of a Common—
wealth ride on his high notes.

When Couch is on key, UK
can beat the big boys. When he’s
not, it’s back to the bar scene for
UK fans. The aerial artist is one in
a long line of Eastern Kentuckians
who turned toward Nashville for a
shot at the promised land.

Like the other dreamers, Couch
came to Music City on a mission to

SA" MVERSTWK Kernel staff
8W1 “I! ‘IIOIIES The l/Vildeats’ defensive lineman Gordon Crowe grabs a hold of Vanderbilt halfback Paul Morgan in UK ‘s 21 - I 0 win


‘ v I
M m a commmnent to not leave Uls

without winning something. ”

Kentucky Kernel. .llomlay. .N'ot'mbrr I7. 1997 8



TMI'IIIYIII MINI", L'K safety about the team's need to go to a bowl game,

Bowl hopes remain alive

with victory

By PI'ICI Atkinson
Senior Staff Writer

NASHVILLE — In conventional wis—
dom of past Bi Blue wins, additional
accessories inclu e 450 yards of offense on
80 snaps, 350 yards passing by an “Air
Raid,” and five touchdowns, outgunning
opponents in the weekly shoot-out.

Saturday was hardly the norm on the
AstroTurf of Vanderbilt Stadium.

While the UK offense faltered against
“the best” defense, it was a gritty defensive
unit that left Vandy waving the “black
flags," as the Cats forced five turnovers in
an ugly game to prevail, 31-10.

“To say I’m proud of us is an under-
statement, particularly the defensive side of
the ball,” UK head coach Hal Mumme said
after the Cats’ first win in the Music City
since 1989. “Coach (Mike) Major and his
staff did a tremendous job — making plays
when they had to."

The win also gives UK its first win on
the road in the Southeastern
C0nference,this season despite being
flagged 15 times.

“It was our turn to step up and make
some plays and that‘s what we‘ve been talk—
ing about,” UK defensive coordinator Major
said. “We worked real hard with the open
week and I think it paid big dividends."

Vandy’s bread and butter, the option
attack, was grounded to a season-low 51 total
rushing yards. Quarterback Damian Allen
completed 16 of 32 passes for 21 1 yards as
the Commodores (3-7, 0-7) managed 362
yards of total offense on the afternoon.

UK (5-5, 2-5) finished the last two
games without forcing a single turnover,

0th in losses to Georgia and LSU, but
broke the string against its regional rival by
causing six. However, the success of L’K‘s
defense could not have come at a more
optimal time because of the Cats‘ offensive

Averaging an SEC-leading 482 yards
per ame, UK didn’t stockpile its usual
num ers against Vandy as the SEC’s top-
ranked defense limited the Cats to an

over ‘Dores

uncanny 334 yards oftotal offense and only
13 first downs, 14 below their average. '

L'K quarterback Tim Couch found the
going rotigh after being sacked five times
and throwing for a season—low passing, 168
yards on 17 of 36 with one Tl).

Wide receiver Craig Yeast tied the LR
school record for touchdown receptions in
a season with l() (Al Bruno in 1950) with
the 35-yard TI) pass from Couch in the
second quarter.

Yeast boosted L'K with a 97-yard kick—
off return for the score in the third quarter.

After completing five consecutiie passes
on the CatsY opening possession, (Iouch
iiiisfired on 11 straight attempts spanning
the first two quarters before connecting
with roommate Kevin Coleman for a gain
of 20 on a third-and—ll) play.

An increasingly mature Couch said he
tried not to force any unnecessary throws
against “the best defense I‘ve ever played

“I wasn't oing to force anything down
field," (loucii said. “I didn‘t want to ketp
the ball in play. I just had to take a few sacks
when I’d usually throw the ball away.“

Couch added. “This wasn't a iioiiiial
defense we played against today. It‘s the best
defense I've played against so far. \Ve‘re just
happy to get out ofhere with a win."

The Cats are now one win away from
becoming bowl eligible ifthcy can pull off the
upset Saturday against archrival Tennessee.

“I think it'll make them rise," Mumme
said. “We’ve got a little bit to play for now
next week."

Starting strong safety 'l‘remayne Martin
led the UK defense, picking off two passes
from Allen, giving him five interceptions
on the season. Martin said he and CK
senior defensive end Bamidele Ali have a
score to settle after a conversation earlier in
the season.

“Me and Dele made a commitment when
I showed him my ring (City College of San
Francisco 1994 national championship) and
he couldn‘t show me anything," the senior
captain sai