xt7t7659h031 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t7659h031/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-12-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 2008 2008 2008-12-10 2020 true xt7t7659h031 section xt7t7659h031 KENTUCKY KERNEL




Todd announces






"R ‘gi a!“ If

its» . s -. ' 37M





Students use Adderall to reduce fatigue, increase reading comprehensmn, retain interest in studying, increase
cognitive skills and remember more information, said Alan DeSantis. a UK communications faculty member

theextra edge

More students are s ‘arching for Adderall
7 ' *
as Dead \\ eek sets in and finals approach

By Austin Schmitt

asc hn'iittx’tikykernel c om

Adderall can be used to study later. to party
longer and .. for many UK students to get a

' much-needed boost dui'ing the final few weeks of

the semester.

The prescription medication has become a tool
that didn‘t exist a generation ago for students. ac—
cording to campus doctors who study
the drug.

Students use Adderall to reduce
fatigue. increase reading compre-
hension. retain interest in study ~
ing. increase cognitive skills
and remember more information.
said Alan DeSantis. a UK eoiiiii‘iuiiica--
tions faculty member. It also doesn‘t haye
any serious side effects for most users.

“Students love it." DeSantis said. “It‘s like a
magic bullet. Things that are not interesting sud
denly are."

Angie Wilkinson. a middle school education
sophomore. saw the effect Adderall
can have on a student when she was
with one of her friends who took it
one night.

“In the zone. they talk a lot."

Wilkinson said. ”They talk about a ._

lot of things. then they stare at the _ a”
books. then talk. then stare at their
laptop. It's Just era/y."

Adderall comes in two forms a
tablet and a capsule known as
Addet‘all XR. said Dr. .«\|lcn Bren/cl. a [K
Healthcare psychiatrist. The tablet form usually
lasts around five hours. atid Adderall XR.
equipped Wllll estended‘release beads. lasts for 10

A typical way to abtise Adderall is to mash it
up and snort it giving you an instant four-hour en}
ergy shot. [)eSantis said. Abusing Adderall to get a

Adderall Tablet

high or “a mild state ot euphoria." is difficult.
Bren/cl said

“Theoretically this can cause a bit/L" Bren/cl

Users have to get a whole lot in the blood
stream and that is really hard. Bren/cl said.

Whether it is taken for academic purposes or
for recreational use. Adderall is seen as a way to
succeed w ithout significant health effects. DeSati-
tis said.

”There are two schools of thought to this." Der

Saittis said. "One. kids are not dropping dead

And two. it freaking works. it's no big

Hard to detect

Despite knowing w hen rise in

creases. and knowing II is going

on. [K Police does not encounter

many cases of illicit Addcrall Use on cam

pus. said Interim UK Police Chief Mai. .loe

Monroe. With no ob\ious signs of a student abus-

ing Adder-all. police officers have no way of telling
if a student is using or not

“It‘s hard to teil." Monroe said. "One.

the .act is any type of drug Lise is undeiv

ground. Unless someone comes forward

that is concerned about that person. it
goes unnoticed."

DeSantis noticed the same trend while
conducting a study among college stue

dents about Adderall use from the fall of

3005 through the fall of 2006 along with
UK faculty members Elizabeth Webb and Seth

DeSantis first had the idea of doing a study on
illicit Adtlcrall tise while he was writing his book
“Inside Greek [7." a look into fraternities.

“I kept hearing about Addcrall.‘~ [)eSantis
said. "I asked my uppervlcvel communications
class how many had used Adderall before. and 37

See Adderall on page 4

I always had friends who had prescriptions.
All I would have had to do is make a phone all.”

— Alex Read, integrated strategic communications senior

plans for campus
smoking ban

flAustin Schmitt

UK President Lee Todd
announced Tuesday an initia»
live for a campus-wide smok~
mg ban beginning as early as
the Fall 200‘) semester.

During the Board of
Trustees meeting. Todd said a
committee will be formed to
figure out how to implement
the bait. The committee will be
headed by Anthaiiy Beatty‘.
LIK's assistant VIL‘C president
for campus services and catn—
pus safety. and Ellen Hahn. a
professor in the (‘olleg * of
Nursing and the Head of UK‘s
Tobacco Policy Research Pro»

l'K will be one of l(i0 came
puses around the country with a
smoking ban but Wlll be the
first in Kentucky. Hahn said.

By the beginning of 200%
student and faculty members
will be chosen to aid Beatty
and Hahn. How to implement
the campus-Wide ban will de~
pend on the input from stu-
dents and faculty members.
Hahn said.

Todd said he saw the posi-
tiye effects a ban has had on

other parts of the city and be-
lieves the same type of ban
could help the campus.

"It is proven that smoke—
free restaurants have enhanced
their environments." Todd
said. "This could enhance
campus life and student life."

Economics junior David
Hofe said a campus-wide ban
seems harsh.

“It seems kind of extreme
to me." Hofe said. "Once
you're l8. you're allowed to
buy it. It's not illegal."

Hahn praised the decision
as a good business plan.

“The country spends Sl93
billion treating people getting
sick from smoking each year
and SH) billion for secondhand
smoking." Hahn said.

Along with the large health
care costs. smoking takes a toll
on the budget of students.
Hahn said. Tobacco companies
target collegeage students.

"tThet main target is
young adults, They‘re a
growing customer." Hahn
said. "This gives students an
excuse to unit. When people
can't light up on campus.
they have a better reason to

mutton, at percent increase. » '

I Announced the renaming of the Student Center
Ballroom as the Frank H. Harris Grand Ballroom.

I Approved the refurbishing of Joe B. Hall Wildcat
Lodge through ill 5 million in private gifts




Police: Woman charged after
Student Center car crash

By Katie Podium—E

A woman has been charged fol-
lowing a car crash at the UK Student

Nicole Marie Baird. 22, crashed
her car into the north side of the
building at 2:18 am. Tuesday. said
Interim UK Police Chief Maj. Joe

Monroe. She was taken to Fayette
County Jail about three hours later.
Baird is being charged with
a first-offense DUI with aggra—
vated circumstances and driving
without insurance. Monroe said.
Monroe said Baird was travel-
ing down South Martin Luther King
Boulevard and instead of turning
right or left. she went straight




through the light and into the build-
ing. No one else was hurt in the ac-

Monroe said there were minor
damages to the building; Baird drove
through bushes and hit a pole.

Baird went to Fayette County
District Court at l p.m.. but the
case was still in session as of 3:56




ures drop

in UK buildings


By Morgan Witt

newsifiikykernel corn

UK began a new cost-cut-
ting system this semester.
which in\ol\es reducing heat
mg and cooling two more
hotirs each night.

Most buildings reduced
heating and'coolmg after h
p.m.. said Bob Wiseman. l'K‘s
yice president for facilities
management. For a more CCU-
nomically efficient system.
UK has begun reducing the
temperatures starting at 5 pm.
and returning them to normal
temperatures around 8 am. an
hour later than before.


“We effectiyely work out
daily plans and times in terms
of how we w ill run our build-
ings through the controlled
room." Wiseman said

He estimates l'K will
save Sl 5 million each year
by .iggressiycly controlling
energy iise. However. l‘K
Wlll spend in er SI million in
utility expenses this year
alone. Wiseman said.

"We are rey'icwmg each
building to see what we can
implement to create a tighter
control." Wiseman said,

He has been working with
utility engineers during the
past week and hopes to save

The tempera- ————————— $500000 to

ture is pushed
back I or 2 de—
grees Fahrenheit
during winter

UK has also
asked night custo-
dians to tum off

”We are
reviewing each the ma m.
building to see

what we can
implement to

5650.000 in the re-
maining months of

Each building
operator will ex-
amine UK's eqUip—
merit to make sure
it is operating at

“Eh“ “5 Th9)" Cfeatea fighter the maximum en»

move throughout
the buildings.

"We Wlll not
adjust buildings
that have laborato-
ry animals. are
used as research
facilities or health care cen-
ters." Wiseman said. “We are
just planning to get a little
tighter on general education

UK controls the heating
and cooling year-round
through two control centers.
one in the Peterson Service
Building and one in the UK
Medical Center. The control
centers operate 24 hours a day.
seven days a week. moniton'ng
all energy use across campus.
Wisenian said.

ergy' capacity.

COHITOI. Talks are in

V9 ‘.v tarwtves

place for an ener-

gy—saving compa~

ny to come to UK

and point out the

Tat—‘R’Tn—which the university
can bring its building systems
up to date.

Wiseman said UK also
wants to look at the education-
al component of energy saving
across the community to en-
courage people to turn off

“Common-sense things are
what we need to be more ag-
gressive on.’ Wiseman said.


m 257-1915; W 29-28?!

I h























Acceptingdfl insuratHe claims

I “s: _ o'mxtampusiu 277 1972

.IIIIIIIII w l 'Sqett ng slightly enough Arrange It (lilieIeIItly
III I. III'Hil‘l I’dlt IIssIIIII Da lt'll iLJUh like abundance
Her .I.lIII‘ IIII; I .III to lIIIlItIIII that Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
’ s lIIIIIt ‘iIIIII IIIlIIIts IIIIIII —- Today Is a 9 Don't let
I I :I- III. I Hilllthd itII-It IIIII atteIItIIIn wander You can
Leo (July 23- A-u.g 22) —— do very Well now. but these
III 8. run .I (III .I II IIIIIIItIIIIIns IIIIIII‘t last forever
IIIII.. II III III. III; the III sII Assess thI- situation and come
"Ill'I'I' ,’I‘I 1 I" L". '01P“ Slim F‘Il‘ ‘t llD VVlIil d (lidll
.III: .I I. It .-.ItlI IIIII III IIIIII‘I IIIII. ludiy Is a / Let down your
II. I. i II It. I II ItIIlIIIIsIIs long enough to get a
Virgo (Aug 23 Sept. 22) — IiIIIIIIIlIIIII III'I SIIIII IIzItIIIIty thinks
I'llit” IIt Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.18l
A brilliant

I! 3; s I.I'IIIIg ll} IIIIIII
day l) the IIIIIII: ha I- I; ' III
Aries (March 21-April19)~

stirs III) III IiI (II II yer: IIII-"

es‘iIIII sIlIIlItv Iv‘tIIl ‘IlI IItI II-IlIII
Taurus (April 20- May 20) * “”I 3‘ "*“I‘I “""‘

IIdIyI II III III. III I I. I“ (”Iii I15“ ~I'I’ IIW'
v. I” It“) pl V‘iH II.\ .' .I. I \ i"t‘fIIt?.\\.il y I ‘ WI}.
(xterm the [II 3 f. “I. I II .' I‘ Y(‘III‘II‘ it ‘l.\' II'IItl’ — itltiIl‘; I‘» l V
fIIIIIIIdI Thais-I .II.. ’ NI .I. "I ll I'M” ‘~ ‘I' It "IIEI'IV 'IIII: Il tIIIIlf YII yIIu.
,JIW “I. Hid}.- t . . I II IIII III. ,I stI. II Jillll'. III teI. til i it (on I an lu
ll Libra (Sept. 23— Oct. 22) .- .II'II i/I: II IlIIIIIIs and III .. IIIth: II

II 'I‘Il il‘tlt-I‘ Pisces(Feb. tS-March 20)
Itasl IIIIi tl‘IIIIIuJI —— Today III an l1 Study the
IIIIIIIIIIilIIII III‘I it 'I III Issue. Ida-IIItIIl‘III DIIII I let y'lltll'
better sIIl.‘ tIII lilSiiIiI. ted You I'. an
‘II it‘Iiii‘I‘slll'IlQiIIl'iIi hi1".vt‘iiih)W
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — (III/II IIIIIIII (IIIIIIVI II this goes
You have Ii lot (III the manual slolls as well as
IIIIII 'IIIIII you thought you (hi the IIIIEI‘tIII
' ‘Illi ylill really have plenty,
II;I:'I It you think IlIeIes IIII‘I

OWNS . mm

s‘ROMlNJ! .IrIII Lonnie

I i c

'.I III‘I'Il

II. I\.l.

and male III»

Gemini (May 21-June 21l #
'I'IIdayI Is a6 II .3’.“,IIll> .Is~
you what you II; III'I ”II; tII III
I‘ay you'll get ha i: in Kit”?
apt to bed eaIlI. SlIIIII: III III-

Cancer (June 22-July 22) — '

lIIday Is a 7 (:dhtt IlII.I.II a

L 7 -I
. .IlII.t“I’ lihfII ‘i



S 0 "IS a ml








your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun

kernel VQP
M ()Vi ng

1H9 DES"!

.I‘J\ie essica Simpson and
loIiy Romo settling Into a
state ol domestic bliss'.‘ A
source tells Hot Stuff that
Simpson. 28‘. has [HOVCd into
Romo‘s new pad in the up,
scale suburb ot lrying. 'l‘exas,
“ [hey are doing great." says
the Insider. "Now it‘s Tony:
.less and his rooittinate!" And
thotigh the house is a more
intimate setting for the couple
\\ ho used to hole up in Hotel
/.aZa while in Dallas. it may
not be pei‘itiaiieitt. A separate
source tells Us: "Jessica stays
at his home when she's in
town. btit she hasn’t totally
mth‘d in yet. She's been
busy with her country Itiusic
stuff." (Her rep had no corti-
ment.) Regardless. sharing
close quarters has hardly
been stilling for the duo. who
were joined at the hip during
thanksgiving week (they had
chicken wings at their local
(‘hampps sports bar Nov. 23.
Romo played a game with the
Dallas Cowboys on Turkey
Day. then they tiew to Destin.
Florida. Nov 28). Another
sign they‘re nesting‘.’ “She
helped him decorate the
house." says another Insider.
“She really took the reins."

Gordon Ramsay's wife
will stay

late recently got a lot
more heated tor Hell‘s
Kitchen star (iordon Ramsay.
()II No\, 23. the L'K. tabloid
News of the World reported
that the chel’. 43. had cheated
on his Wile ot 13 years with
\H'IICI Sarah Syinonds. 38. A
week later. Symonds told the
paper that during their alleged
scyen yc I'aI altaii'. he called
her his soul mate." (Ramsay.

‘It (LilitCt (ii (out has called lilL‘
al|cgations a load ol BS "t
Now a source close to Rain
say tells Hot Stutl the reality
star‘s wile. 'l'ana Ramsay. .33.
won't lea\e him any time
.soon "She‘s put up with his
getting III tIouble with
women in the past. (list not
publicly." ait Insider says.
(His rep had no comnicnti
As for Symonds who last
year ptiblished paperback
titled Having an .I\t‘l'air'.’ :\
Handbook tor the Other
Woman ~ the source says:
”'l‘here is no way he called
her his soul mate'

Patrick Swayze has' so
much energy

More than nine months
after he was diagnosed with
pancreatic cancer. a healthy 7
looking Patrick Sway/c
sipped Grey (ioose cos—
mopolitans at the Noy'embei'
2'3 wrap party (or his new
A&E crime series. The Beast.
at Chicago hot spot The L'n—
derground. “He has so much
energy that you don't think
about his health.” costar
Key in O‘Connor tells L's. “in
tact. some ol the other crew
members look a lot more
tired than Patrick." Still.
sources on the set say
Sway /.e I» whose show pre—
mieres Jan. 15 —7 is sung»
gling. “He couldn‘t lilm long
days like he used to." an In—
.sider tells l's ot' the actor. .‘Ib.
who spent ’l‘hanksgiy'ing at
Chicago‘s 'lrump liiteiiiatioir
al Hotel 6‘; tower (where he
worked out in the gym and
dined \Hii‘l wit'e Lisa Niemi.
53. at eatery Si\teen). "Ht“s
always. short of breath and
needs to take breaks more ot-


Selling the house

Paula Abdul Is looking to
lea\e bad memories behind
A rep toi the \merican Idol
Iudge tells ('s that the singer
is putting her l...>\. home on
the market a month alter
l’aula (ioodspeed a tormcr
Idol hopelul who had been
stalking the reality star
was tound dead ol a suspect
ed drug o\erdose In a caI
down the street (ill NIH. ii
“Paula simply tcels she has
outgrown her house. and gi\
en the recent public disclo
sure ot her address. It seemed
time that she inoye Into a gat—
ed community." the rep tells
l's. .-\ source adds Abdul ltas
been In a good state ot mind
since the incident. which an
other pal claims lett hcr "\Io~
lated " Says the Insider: "She
Is doing better. ller spirits are
starting to hit."

Beyonce gives away

Beyonce Knowles has
donated her (‘adillac Records
salary to the drug—treatment
facility. l’hocni\ House.
Karen Sodomick. the center‘s
marketing VP. tells [Is the
singer. 27 ~ yy ho noted to
prepare to play tormer heroin
addict litla .laines Isn‘t
bragging about her gilt
“She‘s a quiet supporter."

Jess moves her big day
Alba can‘t corti-
mitl A source says Alba. 1".
can‘t settle on a date tor her
wedding bash. (She and Cash
Warren. 29. tied the knot In a
courthouse in Maya


CIIIIyI “III! 2008 U Week II



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Det‘etiihei it] 2U08
Page 3



‘Jaines Pennington
Asst Sports Editor

Phone [‘37 l9l5
ypelllllllglL/‘lli-Qkyltc'llbl [tint


Four years

I knew this day was coming. ljttst
didn't want to think about it.

For the first time in nearly tour
years. I Wlll no longer write for the KCL
nel. I tried to tiiid a
loopltole ~ well.
not really but this
uniy‘ersity is linally
w hiskitig me away
with my degree in

()ii to bigger and
better things. riglit‘.‘






l'he ury is still otit
Enic J, - _
on that one
LINDSEY They tell you

that when yoti tin-
ish college. you‘ll
know eyactly what
you want to do tor
the rest ot’ your lile. ('ollcge is about
molding onesell iiito that final chis»
eled piece of art. and shaping oneself
to go to battle with the rest ot' the

I'm still a work in progress.

It isn‘t that [K didn't prepare me or
the Kernel didn‘t shape me into the
Journalist I had one day hoped to be
it's that you can neyei‘ get enough oi
this place. l haie loved my time at the
Kernel and l‘K. and I‘ll ney er l'orget
covering l'K sports.

lt‘s t'uriny how much things have
changed oyer the last four years. The
UK athletics program is l‘ai from what I
covered as a confused and misguuled
freshman. I can remember driy mg
across campus during my lirst t‘ew
weeks here and seeing bumper stickers

t “Ditch Mitch and Rich." i

That same Mitch. Athletic Director
Mitch Barnhart. has helped make
some of the most memorable changes
the UK program has ever e\perieiiced


of UK sports changes

7 most for the better. Among the
changes [We witnessed in tour short

The replacement ot an underappreci-
ated basketball coach in Tubby Smith
with a rock star in Billy (iillispie ta
match made in heaven); the rise ol' the
baseball and \olleyball teams to nation-
al prominence. the return ot Matthew
Mitchell to [K Hoops; the construction
ot the Joe (‘ratt (‘enterz the possible re»
placement ol‘ Rttpp Arena; the passing
ol Bill Keightley; and the ‘dl'l‘lV‘dl ol the
t’ootball progi‘aiii.

Nearly two weeks ago. I watched
the Tennessee tootball players lit't
Phillip litiliiier all .‘ytltrplus potiiids
ot him on their shoulders and carry
him oil the tield tor the timid time
Then I watched a distressed l'ls' head
coach Rich Brooks shake ol't' ques-
tions from reporters abotit the lc'gltb
niacy ot his l‘tttwl-Cllglhlt‘ football

Alter sulleriiig their 24th consecu-
tiye loss to the Volunteers. it seemed
like same story. dit‘l'ereiit year tor the

But once I sat down to write my in
ital game column. that‘s when it hit me.
This isn‘t the same program I started to
w rite abotit tour years ago. lt"s not e\ en
close. I‘m not talking about just the
i‘ootball team or the basketball team
I'm talking abotit eyerytliing from the
men's goll' team to the ladies on the

lt's changing.
tor me to change.

It met there were two bigger under—
statements that he made in my work
tor the' Kernel. they ‘rc right here in this
column. The first is that it has been an
iiiibelie\able honor and priVilcge to
write tor the Kernel I'm certainly no

.-\tid it‘s totally time

Rick Reilly or eyeii Pat Forde. but it's
been an amazing honor to occupy this
space on a regular basis. liyen it you
disagreed with me which I'm sure a
lot ot you did tairly otten m you gaye
me the opportunity to otter you a piece
ot' my mind. it only for a few minutes
ot yotir day.

And I couldn‘t end this ioller coastr
er w‘ithout making the largest under-
statement ol' them all. and that's to otter
my appreciation tor eyery'body at the
Kernel lor gi\ ing the the chance to
work with them.

When the Kernel agreed to let me
w me a goodbye coluiiiii. they did so
under the conditions that it would be
about what |‘\e witnessed tioiii the
l'ls' athletics program during my stay
at l'ls'. They tlltlltd want some sappy
lai'ew ell piece. but what kiitd ol
columnist would I be tor haye been) It
I didn‘t break the rules" lt would be
an lll_]ll\llk‘L‘ to this year‘s atid past
Kernel statt's il‘ I didn‘t say thank you
tor giying an awkward. lost lreshman
the chance to write so many years ago
and sticking with me through eyeryi

It there‘s one thing he learned at
the Kernel. it‘s about the dedication and
hard work ot people. l‘\e witnessed the
unbeliciable deyotion it takes to be :t
sttltls‘lltnltlilctk‘. the pressure that comes
with being a college coach. and the
sweat and tears it takes to ptiblisli a pa»
per eyery day.

So finally. that last day has come tor
me. It‘s time to ptit down my recorder.
tttrii oil the coiiiputei and nioie on to
something else. I‘d be lying it I said I‘m
not going to miss It. l‘m iiist trying my
best not to thiiik about it

[it'll [,H11/\r\ I\ (I iniiriitillsm tut/or.
I' HItl/l c/Hit/yi'i ('1 ktkt'l’llt‘la um


Barnhait launches top-15 initiative

By BW Jones

b to he; afiJkéin el c o in

same date

to do his part tor the athletic

tresher look inside and out

Department department.” Dawson said. side." and that the estimated
Hoard ot' Trustees i‘epreseiita» “It the initiati\e ot l)i’. Todd .\l .5 million reiioyation
tiye Dermontti Dawson out» is to be a top-Ill uniiei‘sity. would come troni pi’iyate

UK Athletic Director
Mitch Bariihart introduced a
groundbreaking proposal at
the UK Athletics Association
board meeting Monday. call-
ing for a plan to make llK‘s
athletic department one ol the
nation‘s 15 best by 2015.

Barnhart also set a goal
for UK Athletics as a Whole
to win 15 Southeastern (‘oir
t‘ei‘ence championships or na—
tional championships by the



lined the
ol Trustees
$1.5 million renovation to Joe
H. Hall Wildcat Lodge and a
athletes to raise
oy'er .1 .(l
more socially conscious and
increasingly iii\ol\'ed in the

"I think tBarnhartt w ants

proposal at the
which includes a

Wildcat Lodge.

tor l’K‘s student built in lt)7ts'.

their coin teri/ed as largely cosmetic.
point ayerage Dawson.
while becoming lineman l'or


the building to

why not ptit a challenge on
the athletic department and
the athletes to do the same ’”
ttt‘iptoy‘cments to
which was
were charac—

a lormer ottensiie
l'K and a si\~
tiine All—Pro center
they would work to renovate ol
“giye it a

t‘tiiids raised by the athletic

Barnhait was out oi town
on business and unayailable
to comment.

Other aspects ot the plan.
such as how l K .\tliletics
would improy e its programs
to win li championships in
the neu se\eii years or how
to inipro\e the oyerall (il’A
\tlltl‘c’llliutlilt‘tc‘s. weren‘t

tor the

as clear.


Iit'lOMMATE NEEDED to srare a 38R 2 BA are"
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1V3 Edfl“:
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I )(‘k (‘llll‘t’l Ill
Page 4


Brod m0". editor in triuet
Bllir Thorium, riiariaging editor
Molina Vocals, UptlhOllS editor

KEMI. Eorroiiiu Bonn

Kenny Colston. spurts euirur
Kolly Wiloy, features editor
Wooloy Robinson. Luluttlni‘jl

Ihe ’ipllllilllb page provides a forum for the exchange of ideas unlike news stones the kernels

unsigned editorials represent the views Ill a llldltlltly of the editorial board letters to the editor

I lilillllllh arrows and other features on the opinions page reflect the. views of their authors and
not necessarily those of the kernel




UK Hospital
tobacco ban
nothing but a
smoke screen

Recently. l.'ls' llealthcai'e imposed a ban on smoking
and elnnmated the designated sirrokirig areas off of hospi~
tal property lllls is a positive and forward~thinking mine
that will undoubtedly help with the air quality and the
overall cleanliness of the hospital camptis.

However. as reported in last Thursday‘s Kenicl. the
tenor ot the effected may riot be so positive. Several hos-
pital stall and patients espressed their disriiay with the
new rules set in place by hospital administration for plac—
ing this ban. While it is their right to be upset. then com:
plaiiits ha\e a limited amount of validity. Simply put.
smoking has been prov en to negatively affect the health
of the smoker and those who are in proximity of smoke.
and the last place it needs to be is at a place where people
go when they are of III health.

People who work at the hospital are there to save lives.
Yes. they need to be relaxed. but they also must recognize
that they are ciriployed to serve the needs of the hospital
patients who make it possible for them to have jobs. When
you serve. you riiake sacrifices. which may mean walking
a little bit for a smoke break. In this case. hospital adminis-
tration has to look out for the well-being of the non-smok-
ing population that works at or visits the hospital.

With a new law in place. there surely will be people
to break ll. Because of this. the administration must take a
deeper look into the v iolations. The Kernel article refer»
criced observer reports of violations of both the imposed
ban Iiires..iiid the city indoor smoking bans. neither of
which is acceptable. Some of the very doctors out to sa\e
lives. and the security that are supposed to enforce these
rules of the hospital. were implicated Also. who is en-
forcing the rules if security is partaking iii the illegal be—

(‘Iearly. smokers are going to smoke and. as a deter-
rent. the baii is merely making smoking a hassle. but not
a big eirough inconvenience to reevaluate the lifestyle.
Driving down South Limestone. that is made evident.
Airy given day. you'll see patients and staff standing on
the sidewalk by the road smoking at ['K Hospital, What a
great first campus impression that makes.

Before this smoking ban can truly succeed. the visions
and goals of all parties iriust be aligned. Smokers must
recognize the health benefits non~siiiokers receive and re—
spect that. and administration must find ways to enforce
the rtrles in a fair and consistent manner without alienat-
ing people it ho have different lifestyles.

While the ideal goal would be to eliminate tobacco
use all together. the truth is that will never happeni es-
pecially not in the state of Kentucky. The state and its
economy is rrruch too dependent on tobacco and the mon-
ey it brings.

Essentially. the ban will only help attempt to achieve
a cleaner hospital environment and riot much else. People
will go to any lengths necessary in order to get their nieo—
tine fix. whether it be walking 20 feet from a door or 500



We should all be held accountable
to make community ideas reality

In this. my final column. I could
wax poetic about how excelleiil my
tenure as a writer tor this paper has
been. Whether or
not you agree with
me or enjoy iriy
writing style is a
different matter.
btit it would be
dishonest of me to
say that my writ»
irrg has aeliiev ed
its goal. The resur—


TAYLOR geiice of debate
SHEl-TON o\ er President Lee
Contributing '|‘Odd‘_c ever-in-

creasing compen-
sation package is a
testament to the fact that writing about
something doesn‘t change it.

To be able to reflect so fondly on
my six months writiirg columns. our
university would needed to have done
many things — invest a significant
amount of money into sustainability ini—
tiatives. force Todd to return all of his
Slfilllltltl bonus. crack down on. diss
crimiriation of all kinds. work to make
Lexington a corrimumty that works for
and with students. all while promoting
an open and accountable system of unis
versity governance that includes every—
one involi ed (not just the higher—ups
who truly embody the spirit of “the

Rcscarch must remain a top priority

On 'l‘ucsday. Dec. 2. the Kernel edi-
torial board suggested that. in the face
of statewide budget shortfalls. a \Cllkle
ble cut would be research. Aside from
the exclusion of the fact that undergrad—
uates are involved in research as well as
graduates. the editorial said. "this re~
search has little effect on the students."

Clearly. this idea neglects the many
facets of research. including how the
other iiiitiati\ es. the ones it recom‘
mended be spared. have been founded
on or greatly beirefitted by academic
research. How would the Violence Iii-
tervention and Prevention (enter know
which problems to tackle and which
tools to implement without quality
studies done on those subjects.‘ More
over. much of the research is irot fund-
ed by the university itself. but actually
brings money in to ['K. Many projects
are run by recipients of prestigious
grants that reduce the financial obligtc
tioris of the university by paying
salaries and overhead. among