xt7tb27pqc4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tb27pqc4g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19760430 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 30, 1976, no. 126 text The Green Bean, April 30, 1976, no. 126 1976 2014 true xt7tb27pqc4g section xt7tb27pqc4g ‘~\i mh. ‘/Y
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26 April - l May - Student art G R E E N
exhibit - Art Library
(see note) B E A N
29-30 April - SLA Kentucky
Chapter spring work-
“Computer-based Li- NEWSLETTER N0.135 4/30/76
brary Networks and David Farrell, Editor Ext.82684
Bibliographic Data
Base Search Services."
30 April - Library Staff Organization meeting - 3:00 PM, Old Rare
Book Room (see note).
5 May - Branch Librarians Area Meeting - 8:30 AM, Tech Services
Conference Room.
Library Staff Organization notes:
Ms. Sharon Bale, College of Agriculture, is the guest speaker at S
today’s Staff Organization meeting at 3:00 PM in the Old Rare
Book Room. Ms. Bale will speak on floriculture and will display
her talents in floral design. She will also have some gardening
tips to share, so bring your questions, take notes, and share your
own gardening ideas. All welcome; refreshments will be served.
The following appeared recently in the Suggestion Box:
Is the Library Staff Organization going to have a picnic this
year? Hope so.
Dear Hoper and Staff Organization members,
A staff picnic is a good suggestion. Since the planning of
a reception for retirees will be our chief task this spring, how-
ever, the officers would like to defer plans for a picnic until
the fall. At that time, provided staff members are interested, we
will consider plans for a picnic.
Terry warth, President
Library Staff Organization
New Gallery Exhibit:
The books which are currently on display in the Gallery have been
selected from Special Collections holdings on early works about
athletics. The exhibit includes a 1633 edition of a proclamation
issued in 1618 by King James I of Great Britain. His edict dis-
cusses what sports are lawful on Sundays and holy days.
whether you prefer swimming, fishing, sailing, fencing, archery,
tennis or golf, or, if you are the original great indoors person, ·

these books evoke a picture of bygone days. Of course, we haven't
forgotten the'Sport of Kings." Our exhibit includes works about
horse racing as well as pleasure riding. The exhibit will continxa
through May. D
Student Art Exhibit:
Clay Paper and Paint an Art Show will be exhibited ip the
Art Li rarylfrom Apr11i26 to May 1., The show includes etcH1ngs
and woo cuts by Carol Dussere; sculpture, paintings, and functional
pottery by Becky Swisher; and ceramic sculpture and functional
pottery by Stephanie Landregan.
Summer Advising Conferences:
A few more persons are needed to help represent the Librarkxs at
the Summer Advising Conferences in July. See Larry Greenwood or
David Farrell if you're willing to meet with freshmen and their
parents to discuss library resources and services at UK.
A Libyans Depart:
Kalifa Karwy, Mohammed Sharif and Shaharzad E1—Aradi, who arrived
from Libya a year ago to intern in the UK Libraries, departed this
week for home. At least one, Kalifa, hopes to return in time to
pursue an American library degree.
U.K. Libraries Staff Development:
The May program for the U.K. Libraries Staff Development Series .
will be a tour of the Education Library, with emphasis on ERIC
and a visit to the Media Center.
There will be three sessions: _ -
Tuesday, May ll at 9:15
Wednesday, May 12 at 9:15
Thursday, May 13 at 1:30
I would appreciate it if each department head/branch librarian
would let me know by Friday, May 7, how many people from his/her
unit will be attending each session. The program should last
about 45 min.
Business Libragy hours during finals:
Sunday May 2nd 2 PM - Midnight
Mon. - Thurs. May 3rd · May 6th 8 AM · Midnight
Fri. May 7th 8 AM - 5 PM
Sat. May 8th 4 CLOSED
Sun. May 9th CLOSED

The Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs has circulated
a memo prohibiting the use of University equipment and supplies for
the private benefit of students and staff in the production of
theses, dissertations, term papers, etc.
The Council on Library Resources is seeking outstanding midcareer
librarians as candidates for the Council‘s Academic Library Manage-
ment Intern Program for the 1977-78 academic year. According to the
CLR flyer, the Intern Program provides a unique opportunity for
librarians to enlarge their management skills by working for a year
under the guidance of the director of a large academic library,
recognized for its administrative excellence. Application deadline
T is October 15, 1976; if interested see Mr. Willis.
PRECIS (PREserved Context Index System), the British computer·aided
subject indexing system, will be presented for the first time to
American librarians in a workshop at the University of Maryland
15-17 October 1976. The system has been used in Great Britain since
1971, and is also used extensively in Australia, Canada, France and
Scandinavia. It is based on universal gram itical structures and
is therefore essentially independent of the vocabulary of any specific
natural language, according to its developers. Cost for workshop
is $100.
A piece from March 1976 - BITS & PIECES - ‘ _
A man walked into a drugstore and entered a phone booth. "Hello,
Allied Manufacturing? . . . Mr. Frederickson, please . . . Mr.
Frederickson, I understand you have an opening in your firm for an
office manager . . . Oh, I see. You hired a new man six months ago
and you're very happy with him. Very well, thanks anyway."
The druggist approached the man as he left the phone booth. "I
couldn't help overbearing your conversation," he said. "I'm sorry
they didn't have an opening."
"Oh," replied the man, smiling. "I'm not really looking for a job.
That was my boss, and I'm his office manager. I was just checking
to see how I'm doing."
The best way to get the performance you want out of your people is
to let them know how they're doing without having to ask. If they
are doing something wrong, don't wait six months to tell them. And
if your're pleased with their work, tell them--immediately!
Most good companies have a policy of reviewing their employees'
performance and prospects at regular intervals. This is a sound
practice. It assures people that, at certain periodic intervals,
they'll know where they stand. u

§ It's a poor substitute, however, for a leader who lets people know
A ixngthey are doing day by day, and week by week. Too many "bosses"
shirk.their.responsibilities in this area. _
y It isn't pleasant to criticize subordinates--that's why so many ti·' ‘
managers tend to put it off or forget it. Nevertheless, when people
need guidance, it's the manager's job to give it to them. The
leader who doesn't is letting them down-- and the company as well.
when you're dissatisfied with someone's performance, it simply isn't
fair not to tell the person immediately. If people don't know what
they?re_doing‘wrong,`how can they improve?
And how can you possibly know, for sure, that it's really their fault?
Perhaps they didn't understand exactly what you wanted. Or perhaps
there were extenuating circumstances you don't even know about that
prevented them from doing the job. Unless you discuss the matter wit?
them, how can you tell?
When you're dissatisfied with a person's work in any respect, don't
just brood about it, and donft just give that person a black mark _-.» _
· in your mental notebook. Communicate! Call the person in and discuss
it. Let that person know you're dissatisfied, and find out exactly
what's preventing the kind of performance you expect. g l
U You don't have to be unpleasant about it, or pound the table. All-
·you have to do is tell the person honestly what you don't like, and
see if the fault can be corrected. You may even find, if you ;?,,_
investigate the situation honestly, that you are partly to blame _C
yourself. If so, let's hope you're big enough to admit it! "
A good leader reacts-—immediately and continuousLy~to good·work°as
well as bad. People don't have to wait six months or a year to find
out how they are doing. If they're in line for a promotion--or in
danger of being.fired--no formal hearing is necessary to break the
news. They know it already. _U,,
Assistant Director for neéaéz Services. Univ. Florida. l July 76.
$l3,904—$20,704. ,_ x_ A _
Director, Learning Resource Uenter. Univ. Minnesota Technical
College at Waseca. Sept. 76. Open.
Asst. Director for Technical Services. Irexas A & M. $18,000 min.