xt7tb27ps29g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tb27ps29g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-03-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1974 1974 1974-03-13 2020 true xt7tb27ps29g section xt7tb27ps29g The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 130
Wedesday, March 13, 1974

an Independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40508



ERA recision
dies in


It) N.\N(‘Y I).-\I,Y
Kernel Staff Writer

FRANKFURT — Fears of recision of the
Equal Rights Amendment were dispelled
Tuesday when SR 24 died in committee.

Sen. Donald Johnson tR-Newport)
proposed the resolution Feb. 7 to reverse
Kentucky's 1972 ratification of the ERA.

A packed meeting of the senate elections
and constitutional amendments com—
mittee heard arguments for and against

Slit'lt FI'I‘.\RY OF STATE Thelma
Stovall strongly spoke in favor of the ERA.

"Everyone in the United States sup
porting the Equal Rights Amendment
supports human dignity and the sanctity of
the family," she said. “Women today are
forced to take care of themselves and their

Stovall compared the ERA with
women's efforts earlier in the century to
gain the right to vote.

"“011." Yul” want to run without the
help and support of the women. in your
district?" she asked the senators on the

Nell Ilorlander. representing Kentucky
('ommunications Workers of America.
said her union favors the HRA. Fifty-two
per cent of the nationa 55(l.lXXlAIIt(‘mb0r
union are women. she said.

Peggy Warth, a member of the Ken-
tucky Women‘s (‘ommittee to Rescind the
I‘IRA. linked the women's movement with

“L‘ilt'l‘ll ('.\I.I.PII) “women‘s libbers‘
rebellious and “anti~love" and said
“woman was created as a help—mate.“

Marva (lay. president of the Frankfort-
l.ouisville branch of Women in (‘0.
munications. termed the ERA a
"declaration of humanism.“ Women in
(‘oinmnnications denounced HR 24 and
applauded Kentucky's earlier passage of
the amendment.

Ms. AR. Taylor. another member of the
anti-ERA delegation. said the amendment
would take away rights women already

"'I‘III‘I F.\.\III.Y and marriage are in-
stitutions ordained by (iod. but for many
years they have been under siege by the
enemies of (iod and enemies of freedom."
she said. “Women are not physically and
psychologically equipped to fill positions
traditionaly held by men."

Peggy Parks. of the League of Women
Voters. said the ERA “will give protection
to the entire family unit and preserve
states' rights ‘

(‘ontinued on page 5






Kernel Staff Write;

News In Brlef


0 Leading coal production
'Sears 'never asked'
OPushes for peace

0 More mines close

0 We goofed

0 Today's weather...

FRANKFURT —— A revisedsversion of
Kentucky‘s first penal code, with man-
datory death penalty for specific types of
murder. passed the house Tuesday by a 90-
0 vote.

The 240—page bill, culminates about five
years‘ study and consists of all state
statutes relating to criminal law. There
was little debate on the issue Tuesday.

Rep. Richard Lewis (D-Benton), one of
HB 232‘s co—sponsors. urged that no
amendments be attached to the document
at this time with any alterations waiting
until the 1976 legislature.

IN ACCORDANCE with Lewis' request.
the house turned down two related
amendments offered by Rep. Thomas
(iivhan «DSheperdsvillei.

His first amendment would have deleted
the word “persistently" from the law
making it a criminal offense to fail to
support a child or poor relative. The
amendment would have allowed con-
viction for a single incident.

0 FRANKFURT — Kentucky led the
nation in coal production last year with a
total of 127,514,000 tons, the state Mines
and Minerals Department reported

(‘ommissioner II.N, Kirkpatrick also
said the pendulum has swung toward
underground mining, which for the first
time in years exceeded surface operations

Records compiled by the state show
07.244.989 tons were produced an»
derground compared with 59,869,011 by
strip and anger mining.

O NIH“ YURK — Government witness
Harry Sears testified Tuesday that he
never asked former Atty. (ien. John N.
Mitchell to “fix" financier Robert L.
\'esco's fraud case with the Securities and
Exchange (‘ommission

“Never. at any time." Sears said at the
Federal criminal conspiracy trial of
Mitchell and former (‘ommerce Secretary
Maurice ll. Stans.

ln cross-examination. Sears was taken
back over a series of meetings he had with

(iivhan‘s other amendment would have
provided for conviction for child aban-
donment. even if the child‘s life or health
was not endangered.

’I‘IIFZ i972 legislature passed the penal
code but delayed the effective date until
this year to allow time for revisions by the
current (ieneral Assembly.

The bill now goes to the senate. and if
passed and approved by Gov. Wendell
Ford, would take effect Jan. 1, 1975.

Kentucky has been without a death
penalty law since last year when the
Supreme (‘ourt struck down the law as
practiced in most states.

Under ”13232 the death penalty would be
applicable as a mandatory punishment for
slayings of onduty policemen; sheriffs
and prison guards; murder for hire;
slayings during the commission of first
degree robbery. rape and arson: kid—
napping unless the victim is released
unharmed; and. murder by a destructive
device such as a bomb.

Mitchell on behalf of \‘esco. a secret
$200 000 contributor to President Nixon's
I972 reelection campaign.

0 WASHINGTON — President Nixon
told Jordan‘s King Hussein Tuesday that
the t'nited States intends to press for
military. disengagement in the Middle
East despite uncertainty over lifting of the
Arab oil embargo.

"We‘re hopeful the embargo will be
lifted." said Ronald L. Ziegler. the White
House press secretary. in reporting on
their one-hour meeting attended also by
Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger.

However. the spokesman went on.
“there is not a direct link between [TS
efforts for peace and lifting the embargo,"

O ('ll.\Rl.I€S’l‘(tN. W Va -— The gasoline
protests of southern West Virginia coal
miners spread northward Tuesday
as pickets closed mines throughout
Nicholas (‘ounty. a spokesman for the
West Virginia ('oal .»\ssociation said.

l‘nlil Tuesday. the protest had been
confined to District 29 in southern ’West
Virginia and a portion of District Win the

Bumper(shoot) crop

The recent spring-like weather
caused some trees to bud and many
flowers to bloom but yesterday's
rain brought sprouting umbrellas on
the walk between Pence Hall and the
library. tKernel staff photo by Phil
I iroshong. )

southwest Nicholas (‘ounty is the

southernmost county in District :tt.

The coal association official said 1.000
more miners were affected by the
picketing. bringing the total number of
miners off work to 27.600.

.\N ITEM IN THE News in Brief
column of Tuesday‘s Kernel erroneously
led readers to page three for an important
health-rela ted story The article actually
appeared on page two, Anyone who
missed thestory can obtain a copy in room
114 of the Journalism Building.

...no SHOW

'l'nesday's light snow should not be
returning today. but cold temperatures
will be making an appearance. The high
today should be near 40. with a low tonight
in the mid 30s. The outlook for Thursday is
sunny and warmer


 The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernel Press Inc. Begun as the Cadet in tau and published continuously
as The Kentucky Kernel since Wis. The Kernel Press Inc. tounded 197i Thlrd class
postage paid at Laxlngton, Ky. Business otlicaa are located In the Journalism Butldlng on
the University of Kmtucky campus. Advertising. room 110“ News Dapartmmt room
114. Advertlslng puotlmad herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any talaa or
misleading advarttalng should be raportad to the Edlbra.

Steve Swift, Editor-in-(‘hief

Citizen's role

It is important to the state, and even to the future of
the General Assembly, that voters contribute at least
as much to the legislative process as do elected of-

The state legislature’s function is to propose, pass
and submit to the governor, legislation which is
developed with the interests of Kentuckians in mind.

This is a high purpose and a task that is difficult at
best to achieve. In order for any assembly to realize
its goals, competent representatives must be elected
and watched by a competent electorate. It is easy
enough to slough off all‘lawmaking responsibility on
these representatives, but it isn’t proper.

Instead, representatives should serve as a type of
clearing house, assimilating opinions and outlooks
from the voters and turning this information into the
lawmaking process. Only in this way will the state
find itself protected with comprehensive, in
telligently—assembled laws.

What appears to be the case in Kentucky, however,
is election of anyone wearing a Democratic Party
label. After each election, we, the electorate, allow
our representatives to propose legislation and vote on
issues without the slightest input from constituents.
This is a dangerous practice and allows for easy
passage of slipshod, partisan legislation.

As the legislature begins to wind up for the final two
weeks, voters of Kentucky must keep a sharp eye on
the General Assembly, stayingabreast of the impact
of each piece of legislation making the floor. Only in
this way can Kentuckians be guaranteed of fair and
effective legislation.

Letters policy

Lettersvto the Kernel may concern any topics as
long as they are not libelous. Letters not exceeding
250 words are more easily read than those longer.

Viewpoint articles may be commentaries on any
subject from inside or outside the University. Sub-
missions to either category should include signature,
year classification, address and phone number. Also,
please make sure copy is typewritten and triple



Nicholas Von Hoffman

Chile's tales of cruelty and torture arise

\\.\Slll.\'(i'l‘()f\' — Salvador
Allende has been dead long
enough for the tales of cruelty
and torture to come to us. They
are the afterbirth of revolution,
the detritus from the sinking of
governments and they could be
heard the other day in one of the
larger rooms of the New Senate
tiffice Building. where a group of
not very official people had been
given leave to conduct a day's
worth of hearings on Chile.

The people who had been
brought together for this were
whom you might expect:
university professors; the
relatives of victims; officious.
overly deferential administrative
assistants; various reverends:
and a large body of nondescript
persons whose only competence
may he that of knowing how to
suffer and cry out. They are the
chorus. and as such they retain a
capacity to register anger. woe
and terror in a way the rest of us

who live out our years in this
blood-soaked century no longer

oxr: or THOSE who spoke
was Edmund (7. Horman, an
American citizen whose student
son was killed by the junta that
wrested power from Allende. Mr.
llorman journeyed from New
York to Santiago to try and find
out exactly the circumstances of
his boy's death. He said he
learned that his son, Charles, had
tried to get asylum from the
American embassy but had been
turned away. apparently because
the young man had been an
Allende sympathizer. However it
was. thefather said that the State
Department official he‘d spoken
to in the embassy had explained,
"They never came to see us in
normal times. but in times like
this they camecrawling out of the
woodwork "

There was a time when

editorials represent the opinions of the editors, not the university










/ ’ (541:4 ’








’HER Mines" :5 our or THE coumavmwmcu MAKES use same!!! Intuit Ei’fiiéh“6r”ii§r

Letters to the Kernel

Objects to

I read with interest yuour
editorial entitled "(‘ook Aban~
doned Ship" which appeared in
the Feb, 18 issue of the Kernel
Although recognizing your right
to support or criticize any public
official. 1 am compelled to take
issue with some of the allegations
which the editorial makes. ob-
viously after a paucity of

The editorial obviously stems
from an article appearing in
New Times, which mentions me
as one of four people to watch in
order to determine a trend
toward impeachment of the
President. I would have hoped
that your staff would have made
some effort to substantiate the
statements whicxh appeared
therein, but apparently you fell
into the same rutas the writers of
thatstory did, and accepted them
at face value. I. therefore, will
attempt to set the record

Since the "Washington political
analyst" mentioned in your story
is unidentified. it is difficult to
challenge him head on, but the
history behind the votes on the

Washington would send in the
Marines to save an American
national. regardless of his
politics. Now we hear complaints
of State Department clerks ex-
pelling American citizens out of
the embassy into a firing squad.
{\lr. llorman said he had reason
to think his son was tortured
before he was killed along with
thousands of others in Santiago‘s
National Stadium. Perhaps in the
tuture the State Department
could pursue a middle—of-the-
road policy and warn foreign
governments that while we don‘t
object to our citizens being
executed for their potlical beliefs,
we will order lTT to retaliate if
our people are tortured first.

IN (‘UNTIHST to the courage
and humanitarian mission of the
American foreign service. there
was the craven conduct of Harald
tidelstam. the Swedish Am-
bassador to (‘hile. who is given

‘paucity of

ABM and the nomination of (1.
Harold ('arseweli is well known.
(in botli roll call votes, I cast my
vote in the proper alphabetical
order. obviously near the
beginning of the roll call. At the
time, my votes on these issues
were generally considered to
have beeen indicative of the
outcome of the roll call vote
rather than actually being the
decisive votes cast. Therefore.
it should be clear that I cast my
votes in the proper order rather
than leaving "the Senate floor
only to return in time to cast
votes which settled the
issue."For substantiation, please
refer to the book “Decision" by
Richard Harris which clearly
shows that my vote was cast in

Furthermore, I was not the
least bit embarassed by the
defeat of Clement tlaynsworth's
nomination to the Supreme Court
which I enthusiastically sup-
ported. Mr. Haynesworth‘s
judicial record is impeccable,
and he deserved to be on the
Court. I would cast my votes
identically if they were held
today. For your information,

credit for saving the lives of 900
people. But then during World
War ll Edelstam served in the
Swedish embassies in Rome,
Berlin and 0510 where he prac-
ticed spiriting people away from
the executioner. He did the same
during the upheavals in In-
donesia. Thus he‘s had practice
saving lives.

Anyway, that‘s such a Swedish
thing to do. Swedes save lives,
have socialized medicine and
government ownership. in return
for which they drink a lot,
commit suicide and don't ever
fight. Americans pay for their
own doctors and, if we do drink a
lot. we don‘t commit suicide,
because we'd rather kill others
than ourselves.

Edelstam, who was declared
persona non grata by Allende's
murderers for trying to save
lives, says the postcoup d‘etat
slaughter has been violating
tradition in that it has been going


Sen. John Sherman Cooper voted
in favor of (‘arswell and against
llaynsworth. Does that imply to
you that Sen. Cooper was so
satisfied with the defeat of
llaynsworth that he felt no need
to oppose (‘arswell'.’ Your logic
and the logic of the New Times
article are totally without

Whether you know it or not, I
travelled over 20,000 miles on
behalf of President Nixon‘s re-
election campaign in 1972. The
fact that i would not defend an
Administration‘s errors and
abuses seems hardly a basis for
criticism, and i would hope that
no one who respects an orderly
and lawful government would
feel otherwise. lwrll still defend

'many of President Nixon‘s ac-

complishments and programs.
especially in the areas of foreign
affairs and in domestic initiatives
such as revenue sharing. 1 do not
believe that l was sent to
Washington by the people of
Kentucky to be a puppet for the
Admininstration nor to be a
constant critic. l have always
tried to analyze every issue on its

Continued on Page 3

on for months now. “Military
coups in South America usually
end in a few weeks time, but this
is the fifth month of killing."

execution was a civilized custom.
although it is one which must be
harder to observe now. with
North American military at-
taches whispering what to do. But
perhaps the Brazilians, who are
reputed to know how to turn a
mean thumbscrew themselves.
can settle back. Peter Winn, a
Princeton historian just back
here after living through months
of contemporary Chile. says one
of the colonels who run the
country told him, “You can relax
now. We've ended the phase of
massive slaughter and entered
the phase of selective slaughter.“

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features
















Streaking fad: healthy


All over the country. it seems. young
people are giving up clothing for Lent.
(‘ompared with the fads that have struck
college campuses in past years. streaking
seems remarkably healthy. good—natured
and not unintelligent. Crowding into a
phone booth. or swallowing goldfish. is at
best adolescent. and at worst downright
dangerous But running nude across a
campus is just another way of declaring to
a disinterested world that you are a per-

M the powers that be can retain their
sense of humor (provided always they
have nnet. the fad will. alas. doubtless
burn itself out once spring break is over.
and the armies of blue denims will appear
in their usual array across the campus.

IN THE ME.-\N'l‘l.\ll-2. I suppose there
are some people who are shocked:

Mothers who. when their children
were little. grabbed them up in blushing
horror if the little dears wandered into an
adult dinner party in their birthday suits.

. -» Parents who dreamed up fancy
euphemisms for the natural processes of
the human body:

Fathers who. when the first pimply-
laced teenager looked with shy interest
upon his burgeoning daughter. knew for a
fact that the whelp was out for nogood.

l remember once answering my doorbell
after having taken a shower. wrapped in a
bathrobe that covered me at least to my
calves. It was a 30-ish woman. looking for
a house that had been posted for sale.
When I opened the door. she took one look
at my thoroughly covered frame. and
gasped in embarrassed horror. Which of
course told a great deal about what was
going on in her mind. She would be
shocked by streaking.

What do you suppose is the purpose in
streaking (if indeed it need have any
purpose other than to provide an outlet for
the sap that rises in young people in the

LET‘S Sl’l‘l('l'l..-\'l‘l‘l a moment that
there is a purpose. Let's imagine that
young people are "saying something“ as
they streak naked across the Tower Plaza.
or. heaven forbid. down Main St.

One thing they may be saying is. “It‘s
great to be alive!" The inhibited. the
neurotic. the sexually hung-up aren‘t
likely to doany streaking. But the streaker
is saying. "Hey man.relax. Throwoff your
hangups with your clothes. and let’s
streak! It‘s a great day for being you."

Another thing they can be saying is.
"What’s wrong with skin. man?“

\'t)l' It EALIZE. of course. that if that
young woman who was so shocked at
seeing me in my robe. had seen the same
pudgy me on a beach in an ice-blue bikini,
she wouldn't have been shocked. She
wouldn‘t even have been interested.

Properly exposed skin bothers nobody.
In the 1890‘s. guys used to whistle wolfishly
at the sight of a girl's ankle as she boarded
a trolley. Now mini-skirts cause. at most.
an appreciative grin. See-through blouses
are ho-hum items. That's proper exposure.
It‘s the daring of the improper that causes
cackles of glee or moans of puritan
disgust. The streakers are saying. “Look.
all you wantwit‘s only body. and it‘s all

There used to be a popular song which
went. “All of me. why not take all of me.“
That‘s what the streakers are daring the
onlookers to do 1 if they are really thinking
about the onlookersi. They are saying
what the Bible saysclearly: that the body
is good and useful and beautiful.

INDEED. IN a reading from Ezekiel.
.lahweh says to his people. “I shall give
you a new heart. and put a new spirit in
you. I shall remove the heart of stone from

your bodies. and give you a heart of flesh
instead.“ Here. the word "flesh" clearly
hasa positive and grace-filled meaning. It
means “human“ —~ which is what we are
supposed to be.

The streakers may also be saying to us.
“Come on. you stuffed shirts. laugh at
yourself. Laugh at me. Put a little joy in
your life. Throw off all those dull. drab
cares and let yourself go!"

.lahweh. in the Ezekiel reading. says. “I,

shall pour clean water over you and you
will be cleansed; I shall cleanse you of all
your defilement and all your idols."
’I‘IIE S’l‘ltEAKl-Ilt is saying. “Give up
your idols of prudishness and moralism. of
hypocritical geedy-geodiness. Wash
yourself in the clean river of life—get that
defilement out of your system."

For. as we are told elsewhere in the
Bible. it is not what goes into a man that
defiles him. but what comes out. Looking
upon nudity is not a sin. But looking upon
nudity as though nudity were a sin is a sin.
Much prudishness is simply inverted lust.

It was probably (IS. Lewis. or GK.
(‘hesterton. who in a discussion of the
absurdity of our preoccupation with
human nakedness envisioned a dimly lit
room in which sits a group of people in a
circle. To the smell of incense and
seductive music. two waiters bring in a
large silver salver with a huge domed
silver cover. Then. slowly. teasingly, they
raise the cover inch by inch. to reveal to
the increasingly tittilated audience the
sensuous shape of raw lamb chops.

(‘l.E.\ltl.Y. N0 sensible person is
pruriently aroused by cuts of lamb or beef.
The point of the story is to show how
ridiculous is our preoccupation with the
physical as an item of induced stimulation.
(‘learly men and women are intended to be
stimulated sexually by one another; that‘s
one way of assuring the continuity of the
human race. But we have taken that
stimulus and distorted it. made it absurd
with our Playboys. Vivas. and Playgirls.

Wou‘ll note. incidentally. the “high-
mindedness“ of the editors of such
magazines: they always have a touching
philosophy of liberating America from its
Pollyanna chains. Only incidentallyw—and
almost reluctantly~are they planning to
make money out of that Pollyanna and her
insatiable curiosity.)

Streaking at least takes nudity out of the
slick pages of these calculating magazines
and makes it real and fun—and people‘s
reactions certainly tell more about them
than about the fact of streaking. The
President of Northern Kentucky State had
the best response: “Streaking is
unesthetic. and many who do it shouldn’t
be allowed to."

NOW THERE is a man who is seeing life
clearly and seeing it whole! And a wide-
eyed coed at the University of Louisville
commented. “I‘m taking an anatomy
course. and streaking‘s very helpful." No
doubt she meant to be amusing. but it is
that kind of attitude. and not arrests and
public shock and clicking of tongues. that
puts streaking in its proper perspective
and. sad tosay. will soon kill the fad.

But does this pleasant fad have anything
to say to the Christian? (if course it does.
We (‘hristians tend to swathe ourselves in
our beliefs. in our traditions. and in our
ceremonials. until the real meaning of
(‘hristianity can get nearly lost

It might not be a bad springtime ac-
tivity and certainly it would be a good
Lentendiscipline rif we went streaking t in
a (‘hristian way) among the pagans of this
world and let them see us in our naked~
that is. in our real Christianity.




N.\KI‘LI)NI~ISS IIAS. among other things.
shock value. And the shock of seeing a
(‘hristian expose his deepest Christian
feelings. the way a streaker exposes his
body. might well have a positive effect on
the onlooker.

For some reason. we Episcopalians
especially are reluctant to talk about what
our faith means to us. We don't even. as l
have mentioned many times before. ask
other people to come to church with us to
watch the pretty ceremonial. much less
talk to them about what Christ and his
('hurch mean to us.

No wonder the fundamentalist churches
are growing faster than the Establishment
denominations. Those people are Christian
streakers: they holler their beliefs from
the rooftops; they go out into the highways
and byways and compel them to come in.
We instead remain locked in our beautiful
churches. comforted by the knowledge
that we are right.

“ELL. MAYBE the time has come for
us to talk about that rightness (that‘s one
way of testing just how right we are).
Remember that old slogan. “If you‘re so
smart. how come you aren't rich?” Well.
wemight legitimately be asked. “If you‘re
so saved. how come you don‘t act saved?"

llad Jesus been the kind of Messiah a lot
of his contemporaries were looking for. he
would have been an ego-centered power
figure who mowed down the opposition. set
up a massive organization. won loyal
adherants who would stop at nothing to
keep him in power~and been remembered
as just another mad tyrant.

But he came loving into this world. He
preached salvation—which is health and
wholeness of body and spirit—based on
that love. And he couldn‘t have cared less
for political or socral power. There was
only one power he proclaimed. and that
was the power of God‘s love. And Jesus
could have walked down the street with a

couple of naked girls and boys. talking to
them in a way that would really capture
their attention. without the slightest
embarrassment. and certainly without
judgment on their nakedness. After all.
Adam and Eve were the original
streakers. and it wasn‘t until they
deliberately flaunted the will of God for
them that they “knew they were naked.
and were ashamed.“

IT Il.-\l.l"-tl(‘(‘l‘ltltl‘2l) to me that a
streaker. seeing this sermon's topic an-
nounced outside. might come strolling into

the chapel and present himself at the altar -

rail to receive the Lord‘s body and blood. I
see no reason why he should be turned
away. Our Lord didn‘t say. “Come unto
me. all ye that ha ve clothes on.“ He invited
the weary and heavyladen. Sorrow has
nothing to do with the weight of clothing.
but with the burden of sin and frustration.

Perhaps. if we think about it awhile.
streaking can remind us of how super-
ficially based our value systems are.
religious as well as ethical. Some people
worry more about whether a priest is
wearing a cassock under his alb than
whether that priest is proclaiming the

(iospel. Some people are more satisfied
with the mere appearance of rectitude in
their lives than they are in developing a
sound basis for real rectitude. Some
couples a re satisfied to fake felicity before
their friends. rather than struggle really to
love one another.

.\nd some people are more comfortable
with the devil decently dressed than they
are with a naked saint

, good-nat—u red

S'l‘lt BAKING POINTS sharply to the
hypocrisy under which most of us manage
to get through life. We sneer at the "bare-
faced lie." but we seldom cheer the
baref‘aced truth.

And yet it is the naked truth about Jesus
(‘hrist that we are baptized to proclaim to
the world. In the early church. the
(‘hristianconvert was baptized nude. and I
suspect that there are some denominations
today which may maintain this practice.
Were it not for our carefully nurtured fear
of nudity. with our attendant snickering
attitudes. baptizing nude might make an
important Christian statement. Naked we
came into the world. and naked we will
leave it. There is no mistaking the fact that
naked we‘ve just got ourselves to show to
the world: nofancy make-up. no slimming
girdles. no trim elegant clothing to make
us look better than we are. Naked. we’re
just us. And ultimately. it is that naked us
that we want the world to accept and to
like. and to love.

Maybe. therefore. we should try to do
some Christian streaking. Sidney Jourard.
in The Naked Self. says that every person
must have at least one other person before
whom he can stand stark. staring.
psychologically naked—and know that he
is loved and accepted. If we don‘t have
such a person. Jourard says. we’re sure to
be miserable. Christians. of course. have
Jesus Christ. But we all need a here-on-
earth human being to bear witness to
(‘hrist's love for us and to us. We need to
drop our carefully manufactured masks.
and be just us—~warts and all—before each
other. You‘ll be surprised what that will do
for you.

'l‘lllS SPRING'S streaking certainly
makes Barefoot Sunday seem tame. but it
can remind. us that Christians have their
own streaking ordained for them.

There‘s a pagan world out there. hung up
in its misery and its hunger for something
outside itself.

Christians have something to offer to
that world. But we may have to resort to
some shock tactics to get its attention.

.\N[) THAT'S where Christian streaking
comes in.

Let‘s get rid of these winding sheets of
pretense and pomposity a nd being-at-ease-
in-Zion. Let‘s run naked as the day we
were born (that is. the day we were bap-
tized) and proclaim an unfettered. un-
cluttered Gospel of Love to the world.

And that won‘t just be a passing fad.
That will last.

Rev. William Hubbell is rector
of Canterbury House.

Letters to the Kernel


Continued From Page '2

individual merits and in light of
its ramifications for Kentucky.
This is the record on which I will
base my campaign efforts. and I
am sure the voters of Kentucky
will judge me against whomever
my opponent may be Ill a more
objective fashion than has your

Marlow \\. ('ook
l iiited States Senator



Q—TI‘IE KENTUCKY KEBNEL. Wedneldly. March 13. I.“



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Veteran 's benefits
may be changed

Kernel Staff Writer

(‘hanges in veteran‘s benefits
are pending action in both
Washington and Frankfort.

In Washington. proposal
approved by the House Com-
mittee on Veteran‘s Affairs'
Subcommittee on Education and
Training calls for a 13.6 per cent
increase in benefits and a two-
year extension in the length of
time veterans have to use their
benefits .

"THE PRESENT bill is a
conglomeration of about twenty
other bills which were introduced
derson. director of
affairs at L'K.

The bill. not yet out of a House-
Senate committee. will not be
voted on until May. Anderson
said. She learned this from a copy
of the (‘ongressional Record her
office had received, She added.

The primary rationale behind
the bill. according to Anderson. is
to offset the increasing cost of

“unhappy with the 13 per cent
figure and would like to see it


said Linda Ah»

lowered to around eight per
cent.“ Anderson said.

"Possibly a compromise of
around 10 per cent will be the
eventual outcome.“ she said.
adding such a compromise often
occurs when there is a
disagreement between (‘ongress
and the President.

In Frankfort. a bill introduced
by Rep. W.J. Louden ll)-
(‘arolltom would provide Ken~
tucky veterans with free tuition
at any state supported university,
according to Anderson.

.'\i.s‘(i i.‘\('l.l'i)Eh is a Viet-
nam Air V